Sentence with the word useless

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


She knew that lying would be useless.

Она поняла, что лгать бесполезно — это ни к чему не приведет.

Try not to imagine, it is useless.

В общем, даже не пытайтесь осмыслить, это бесполезно.

I mean, I feel useless.

В смысле — я сам себя чувствую ненужным.

E-books are useless in this case.

В этом смысле электронные книги, конечно, бесполезны.

Right now they are useless to the potus.

В настоящее время он, по-видимому, бесполезен для флоксов.

I know it’s often useless.

Lonely people often feel that they are useless.

Поэтому у человека нередко складывается впечатление, что они бесполезны.

Without your support, I feel useless and unproductive.

Если я не работаю, я чувствую себя бесполезной и непродуктивной.

I never produced useless phenomena but only works that would improve people’s lives.

Я никогда не производил бесполезных феноменов, но делал только те дела, которые работали на улучшение жизни людей.

All that they acquired through corruption is now useless to them.

Все, что они приобрели в результате коррупции — теперь бесполезно для них.

They couldn’t predict that people like me would find alarms totally useless.

Они не могли предсказать, что такие люди, как я, находят тревогу абсолютно бесполезным.

Statistics show that people can delete your app after 6-10 useless messages.

Статистика показывает, что люди могут удалить ваше приложение, если оно попадет к ним вместе с другими 6-10 бесполезными сообщениями.

So it’s basically useless — unless something magical happens.

Так что это в принципе бесполезно — если не произойдет что-то волшебное.

Backlinks from such low authority websites are absolutely useless.

Обратные ссылки с таких сайтов с низким уровнем авторитета абсолютно бесполезны.

Negative articles abound, claiming middle managers are useless and unnecessary.

Негативные статьи изобилуют, утверждая, что менеджеры среднего звена бесполезны и не нужны.

Often these visions indicate unproductive work and useless relationships that have no perspective.

Зачастую эти видения говорят о непродуктивной работе и бесполезных отношениях, которые не имеют никакой перспективы.

But what they learn is usually useless.

Но то, что они изучают, обычно бесполезно.

Brokers played mostly large-scale or were useless.

То есть брокеры играли в основном по-крупному или были бесполезны.

Terrorism is useless anyway and we condemn it categorically.

Терроризм в любом случае бесполезен, и мы осуждаем его категорически.

For space travel, they were useless.

Так что, для космических путешествий они оказались бесполезными.

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useless — перевод на русский


It is useless.


It’s useless to read it so many times, he’ll come today.

Бесполезно читать это много раз, он придет сегодня.

It is useless and hopeless to talk to such people.

Бесполезно и безнадежно разговаривать с такими людьми.

But it is totally useless.

Но это совершенно бесполезно.

[Clicks] It’s quite useless against me.

Против меня это бесполезно.

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When evil is already done it is useless to get mad

Когда всё уже случилось, что толку злиться.

— Lf it’s not boiling, it’s useless!

— Так ведь толку не будет, если не кипяток. Подождите.

Like that it’s good for you, otherwise is useless!

Только так поможет, иначе без толку!

Come on, guys, it is useless to insist, it was us.

Ребята, что толку препираться, мы нашли или нет?

The man is useless!

От него никакого толку!

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You hear me, you useless fool?

Слышишь, никчёмный дурак?

We took a perfectly useless psychopath, like Valentine, and turned him into a successful executive.

Никчемный псих Валэнтайн с нашей помощью стал успешным управленцем.

I’m a useless, pitiful fool who has betrayed you.

Я никчемный, жалкий дурак, предавший вас.

Just a sad, pathetic, useless, illiterate piece of inbred shit.

Который однажды проснулся и понял, что он — ничто, всего лишь никчемный, безграмотный кусок дерьма.

Because I’m just useless.

Потому что я никчёмный.

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It’s all useless.

Все бессмысленно.

And now that I can ask all my questions, it seems… so useless.

И сейчас, когда я, наконец могу задать тебе все вопросы, я чувствую, что это бессмысленно.

— Arguing is useless.

Мы исправно платили ренту. — Сейчас бессмысленно спорить.

The mathematical precision of it all you can try and calculate all you want but it’s useless.

Точность, математическое доказательство, все, что хочешь, но думаю, что это бессмысленно.

This communication is useless.

Это общение бессмысленно.

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There are no useless threads in the fabric of the ecosystem.

В ткани экосистемы нет ненужных нитей.

I can hear. You hear millions of useless sounds.

Ты слышишь миллионы ненужных звуков.

You get valuable sources killed, and cause havoc in useless places.

Ты уничтожила достоверные источники и посеяла панику в ненужных местах.

Just a bunch of useless skills.

Куча ненужных навыков.

If Zebra Time is introduced throughout the world, the weak, the useless, the nuisances will be swept away, and the world will know peace.

.. ненужных людей. И в мире настанет порядок.

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But I think it becomes useless.

Ќо € полагаю, что он больше не нужен.

Look on the bright side, Spencer, you keep up this losing streak, you’ll become completely useless to the department.

ѕосмотри на светлую сторону, —пенсер. ≈сли продолжитс€ полоса невезени€, ты станешь совсем не нужен отделу полиции.

He’s useless to me.

Мне он не нужен.

English is useless for you

Он тебе не нужен!

Once Qin was defeated. He would be useless and eliminated by them.

После победы над циньскими войсками он стал бы им не нужен и его могли устранить.

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Didn’t I tell you it’s useless in a tournament?

— Разве я не говорил, что это не поможет на турнире, а? — Да… Но…

— Guns are useless.

-Оружие не поможет.

It’s useless.

Оно мне не поможет!

— Your sarcasm is useless.

— Брань ничему не поможет.

Well, 40% means a 60% chance it won’t work, that it’ll be useless.

Это означает.. Что с вероятностью 60% это не поможет.

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My useless nephew, where did you put the replacement bolts?

Куда же мой бестолковый племянничек сунул запасные стрелы?

You’d let them go barefoot before you got off your arse, useless feck that you are.

Допустишь, чтобы они ходили босыми, пока ты не соизволишь поднять свой бестолковый зад?

Useless feck, is it?

Значит, я бестолковый?

But it’s useless…

Но бестолковый…

Everyone said: » The guy’s useless!»

Все говорили: «Этот парень бестолковый!»

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— I’m useless like this!

— Я беспомощен!

In a genre thought of as minor, the historical film, he’s useless.

В жанре исторического фильма он беспомощен.

I’m weak and useless. But I’ll stay by your side.

Я слаб… и беспомощен… но я остаюсь на твоей стороне…

Maybe he is actually useless.

Может он и правда беспомощен.

He is useless at tailing people.

Он беспомощен в слежке.

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— You’re fucking useless. Yeah.

Оттебя никакой пользы.

About as useless as a pecker on a pope.

От него пользы — как Папе Римскому от члена.

Our insurance is useless, nothing’s stolen.

От страховки никакой пользы: ничего не украли.

This thing is useless.

От этой штуки никакой пользы.

This child is useless.

От ребенка нет пользы.

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1. No man is useless in this world who lightens the burden of someone else. 

2. The shelves were covered with ornaments and useless knick-knacks.

3. It’s useless worrying about it.

4. They weeded out useless books from library.

5. It is useless to muse upon past errors.

6. A car is useless without petrol.

7. He knew it was useless to protest.

8. A well devoid of water is useless.

9. The doctor concluded that further treatment would be useless.

10. He is a useless fellow.

11. She tried to work, but it was useless .

12. A car is useless without gasolene.

13. The collision reduced the car to a useless wreck.

14. Her efforts to avoid him proved useless.

15. I am pretty useless at everything except music.

16. The quality ranged from acceptable to worse than useless.

17. Learning without thought is useless; thought without learning is dangerous.

18. Don’t expend all your time on such a useless job.

19. The most stringent laws in the world are useless unless there is the will to enforce them.

20. He’s a useless fellow.

21. This pen is useless.

22. He realised that their money was useless in this country.

23. He carts all sorts of useless stuff about.

24. Most pre-prepared weight loss products are next to useless.

25. The land is useless for growing crops.

26. Our car was useless for want of petrol.

27. Their opponents had the whip hand and it was useless to resist.

28. The general consensus in the office is that he’s useless at his job.

29. There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong,(Sentence dictionary) or useless pain. The sort of pain that’s only suffering.

30. Astronauts will make a final attempt today to rescue a communications satellite from its useless orbit.

More similar words: senseless, careless, nonetheless, homeless, hopeless, tasteless, guileless, changeless, nevertheless, tactlessness, select, selected, selection, vessel, less, telescope, celestial, bless, unless, lesson, endless, witless, odorless, pitiless, much less, less than, flawless, tactless, harmless, reckless. 

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Useless | Useless Sentence

  • It was useless to do that.
  • It were useless to make plans.
  • It was useless to think of sleeping.
  • It was useless to try and hurry her.
  • A fine wreck of a man this useless cumberer of the earth.
  • It was, however, an absolutely useless one.
  • You’ve no idea how useless a chimney really is.
  • Dave knew it was useless to resist the rough treatment he received.
  • He felt it useless to quibble or to try to extenuate the facts.
  • Then age will be passed in useless longing and vain regrets.
  • It’s quite useless to think of attacking the place.
  • She beckoned and gesticulated, continuing her useless entreaties the while.
  • For one useless life a thousand lives saved from decay and death.
  • He has fever now, poor fellow, and is even more useless than usual.
  • It was useless for Blackman, J. P., to rap and call for order.
  • It is useless to choose one’s words in writing of German diplomacy.

How To Use Useless In A Sentence?

  • Protestations were useless and efforts to dissuade him from his purpose of leaving.
  • It was quite true as has been told that she was utterly useless in the ordinary way.
  • So enough was collected to brief an exceedingly junior counsel, who did his useless best.
  • Notwithstanding his brave appearance he was as useless in a crisis like this as Canby.
  • It is useless to argue with a person who refuses to accept this teaching of Scripture.
  • Old useless furnitures, yet stand ye here, Because my sire ye served, now dead and gone.
  • He emptied the second revolver into the mass of his foes and hurled the now useless weapon in their faces.
  • Until now he had supposed it had been thrown away as a useless rag, and he had had little hope of finding it.
  • It is not now the question, how that great force came to be rendered useless and totally dissipated.
  • It had probably been useless for any man to undertake to stop the prisoner at the bar, thus adjured.
  • There were eight nine-pounders mounted on a bastion looking seaward, but useless against a land-attack.
  • Captain Jack hurled his useless weapons in the very faces of his foes and again produced his watch.
  • Such filters to be effective must be kept clean, since it is evident that the charcoal is useless after its pores are filled.
  • Now there are several very good reasons why this method, adapted from sailing vessels, is useless when it comes to a balloon.
  • Errors in doctrine are like tares in a wheat-field: they are useless in themselves, and they hinder the growth of good plants.
  • He had almost made up his mind that further attempt was useless and that he might as well turn back, when he thought he heard a faint sound ahead.
  • She, therefore, soon abandoned the useless campaign, and for a time held him in mingled awe and disdain.
  • Imprudent actions, useless and falsely-conceived sacrifices, damage in this moment not only the individual, but also our cause.
  • In the stupid way people have I stood and meditated on the sight, before it occurred to me that this was the most useless thing to do.
  • But the other sorrow is of the devil and without promise; it is sheer worry over useless and impossible things which concern God.
  • And to escape from useless consideration, to release his overwrought brain, he hastened his steps, extending his walk through the farthest woods.
  • A useless life is but an early death; This woman’s destiny hath still been mine.
  • She was a nice little thing, he decided; not a bit unpleasant like other girls of that age he knew, who were thoughtless, useless creatures.
  • Before he realized how useless it was to battle against these invisible forces, he was in Milan, booking for Como.

Definition of Useless

Without use or possibility to be used. | Unhelpful, not useful; pointless (of an action). | (derogatory, of a person) good-for-nothing; not dependable.

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Useless sentence in english

бесполезный, никуда не годный, плохо себя чувствующий, в плохом настроении


- бесполезный, тщетный

fruitless / useless / vain regrets — напрасные сожаления
useless attempts — тщетные попытки
protest is useless — протест бесполезен
useless regrets — напрасные сожаления
useless as a third tit — совершенно бесполезный

- непригодный, никуда негодный

useless gadget — негодные приспособления
a useless gadget — негодные приспособления
a useless person — никчёмный человек
useless material — непригодный материал

- разг. нездоровый, ни на что не способный

I am feeling useless. — Я чувствую себя отвратительно.

Мои примеры

Примеры с переводом

It was useless to complain.

Жаловаться было бесполезно.

It’s useless to try to convince her.

Бесполезно пытаться её убедить.

He always wasted his money on useless gadgets.

Он вечно растрачивал свои деньги на бесполезные безделушки.

The search for the great is useless.

Поиски возвышенного бессмысленны.

The splendid yet useless imagery.

Прекрасная, но вместе с тем ненужная образность.

The tent is useless in wet conditions.

Эта палатка бесполезна в условиях сырости.

Forty days wasted in useless chicanery.

Сорок дней были потеряны из-за бесполезной бюрократической возни.

ещё 13 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I felt it was useless to struggle against fortune.

Water had got into the radio, and now it was completely useless.

…some Web sites for family vacation resorts are very informative and some are practically useless…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

use  — использование, применение, пользование, использовать, пользоваться, применять
useful  — полезный, пригодный, успешный, способный, весьма похвальный
uselessness  — бесполезность, ненужность, ненадобность
uselessly  — тщетно

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