Sentence with the word trustworthy

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


You have at least one trustworthy friend.

У вас есть, по меньшей мере, один надежный друг.

Instead, use a trustworthy password manager such as KeePass.

Вот где в игру вступает надежный менеджер паролей, такой как KeePass.

People reported it was difficult to tell if information presented online was trustworthy.

В ведомстве рассказали, что на данный момент доподлинно очень сложно сказать, являлась ли информация, обнародованная в интернете, достоверной.

But not all among them are trustworthy.

Но, к сожалению далеко не все из них являются достоверными.

Rest assured your animal is in trustworthy professional hands.

Будьте уверены, что ваша жизнь находится в руках надежных профессионалов.

It simply means blood relatives are more trustworthy and loyal than friends.

Оно просто означает, что кровные родственники являются более надёжными и верными, чем друзья.

We all know poker players are actually quite trustworthy.

Все мы знаем, что игроки в покер на деле очень надежны.

Both suppliers and consumers need trustworthy trade partners.

Как поставщикам, так и потребителям необходимы надежные торговые партнеры.

While authority deals with how trustworthy the source might be.

В то время как власть имеет дело с тем, насколько достоверным может быть источник.

Top minds in their field and very trustworthy.

Лучшие люди в своей области и гм… очень надежные.

He has been a loyal and trustworthy aide since the election.

Должна признать, он был верным и надежным помощником с самого моего избрания.

People who are good-looking generally seem more trustworthy, particularly politicians.

Люди, которые хорошо выглядят, обычно кажутся более надёжными, в особенности политики.

Think about the most trustworthy people in your life.

Подумайте о людях, которых вы считаете наиболее надежными в своей жизни.

A company with trustworthy, leading brands for our consumers.

Наша цель — быть компанией с надежными, ведущими брендами для наших потребителей.

That would prove the interpretation to be trustworthy.

Таким образом, будет больше уверенности, что толкование является достоверным.

Besides, it means trustworthy partnerships in urban development.

Кроме того, это означает и надежное сотрудничество в городском строительстве.

They are calm, steadfast and trustworthy.

Они являются нетребовательными в уходе, прочными и надежными.

Just make sure you choose a trustworthy and reliable provider.

Тем не менее, убедитесь, что вы выбираете надежного и заслуживающего доверия поставщика.

Websites that end are usually pretty trustworthy.

Веб-сайты, заканчивающиеся на.edu, .gov и.org, как правило, считаются более надежными.

I hope Russia understands France is a credible and trustworthy European partner.

Мне хотелось бы, чтобы Россия поняла, что Франция является ее заслуживающим доверия, открытым и надежным европейским партнером.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат trustworthy

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

trustworthy — перевод на русский


Don’t worry, last night a very trustworthy friend kept his eyes open.

Не волнуйтесь, к счастью вчера о них позаботился… один мой очень надежный друг.

Only, I thought I was the most trustworthy of the three.

Но я решил, что из нас я самый надежный.

I said the most trustworthy.

Я сказал — надежный.

That’s why I think I’m the most trustworthy.

Вот почему я здесь самый надежный.

«A good, trustworthy, devoted

«Хороший, надежный, преданный

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The witness is not trustworthy.

И свидетель не заслуживает доверия.

What do you say you and me go find out how trustworthy he really is?

Что вы скажете если мы с вами выясним насколько он действительно заслуживает доверия?

Neither one of them is exactly trustworthy.

И ни одна из них не заслуживает доверия.

— Well, she’s not trustworthy, is she?

— Ну, она не заслуживает доверия, не так ли?

And your dad is like a thief and a murderer who eats people… so he’s not really trustworthy.

А ещё твой отец вор и убийца, который ест людей так что он не заслуживает доверия.

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He seems okay and trustworthy.

Уверена, ему можно доверять.

No, I mean is he trustworthy?

Нет, я имею в виду, ему можно доверять? Его слово… Минуточку.

-Only to trustworthy people.

-Но только с людьми, которым можно доверять.

-Are they trustworthy?

— Им можно доверять?

Are you trustworthy?

А вам можно доверять?

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Dinza isn’t remotely trustworthy.

Динзе не очень-то можно доверять.

We’re soul mates. Leni, he’s not trustworthy.

Лени, ему нельзя доверять.

I always told you she wasn’t trustworthy.

Я всегда говорил тебе, что ей нельзя доверять.

Blair, you and I both know You’ll never be completely trustworthy…

Блэр, мы оба знаем, тебе никогда нельзя полностью доверять…

Easier said than done. If we’re looking for someone trustworthy.

Легче сказать, чем сделать, в случае, если мы ищем кого-то, кому можем доверять.

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I am telling you — A doctor with no hat is not trustworthy.

Напоминаю тебе, что врач без шляпы не вызывает доверия. Это я тебе говорю.

Besides, I have a funny feeling, believe me, it’s rare in my profession that you’re completely trustworthy.

У меня такое чувство, довольно редкое при моей профессии, что вы стоите доверия.

The Klingons have never been trustworthy.

Клинганы никогда не заслуживали доверия.

— Handsome. — Do I look honest and trustworthy?

— Честный, заслуживающий доверия?

You got that trustworthy look.

У тебя заслуживающая доверия внешность.

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A real man is—is honest… and forthright and trustworthy.

Настоящий мужчина-— честный,.. …откровенный и заслуживающий доверия.

but all those things you said about me being loyal and trustworthy and willing to take on the luthors of the world… i might have been that man once, but i have to step aside when i see somebody who still embodies all those qualities.

Но все, что ты сказал мне тогда — такой честный, верный, заслуживающий доверия Желающий свергнуть всех Луторов в мире… Тогда я должен был быть таким

«Mr. Kuniaki Kudo…» «seems a sincere and trustworthy gentleman.»

Кудо Куниаки-сан искренний и заслуживающий доверия человек.

I need someone trustworthy.

Мне нужен кто-то, заслуживающий доверия.

Very trustworthy chap.

Определенно заслуживающий доверия малый.

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Hmm. Well, I’m usually trustworthy.

И обычно мне можно верить.

You seem trustworthy.

Мне кажется тебе можно верить.

He’s trustworthy.

Ему можно верить.

You assured me he was trustworthy.

Вы убедили меня, что ему можно верить.

And what about the husband? He trustworthy?

А муж — ему можно верить?

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I suppose that I’m not that trustworthy.

Думаю что я не очень достоин доверия.

The dilemma is that I have a feeling he’s not trustworthy.

Проблема состоит в том, что у меня есть чувство, что он не достоин доверия.

‘Cause you’re trustworthy.

Потому что ты достоин доверия.

Clay has been the most trustworthy person you’ve ever known.

Клэй был достоин доверия больше, чем кто бы то ни было.

Apparently, marketing thinks my face is the most trustworthy.

По-видимому, рекламная компания считает мое лицо наиболее достойным доверия.

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He is known to be serious, trustworthy, and most self-composed.

Он известен как человек серьёзный, честный и очень сдержанный.

Joe might not be the most trustworthy person in the world, but what Cameron did to him is the most…

Возможно, Джо не самый честный парень на свете, но то, что сделала Кэмерон, это просто…

Clearly this guy isn’t as trustworthy as he looks.

Очевидно, этот парень не такой честный, каким хочет казаться.

Must be because he has such a trustworthy face.

Возможно потому, что у него такое честное лицо.

Just look at that trustworthy face and those big, strong, sexy… Hello, ladies.

Просто посмотрите на это честное лицо и эти большие, сильные, сексуальные…

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Отправить комментарий

1. Brooks may be considered as a trustworthy man.

2. He is a trustworthy and level-headed leader.

3. A trustworthy person is sb. that you can trust.

3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

4. I saw him as trustworthy.

5. I query if he is trustworthy.

6. Can you engage that all his statements are trustworthy?

7. It is generally admitted that he is a trustworthy person.

8. In an ironic twist ,[] the most trustworthy character in the film turned out to be the thief.

9. Leave a spare key with a trustworthy neighbour.

10. Mary’s always been a trustworthy and faithful friend.

11. Most of our employees are pretty trustworthy, I think.

12. We got the information from a trustworthy source.

13. Those who advocate total manipulation urge that a trustworthy mode of communication is always open to cheating.

14. He is, however, not a trustworthy sprite, and delights in practical jokes of a bizarre and sometimes gruesome nature.

15. Are you a hard worker; are you loyal, trustworthy or faithful?

16. Blufton seemed trustworthy enough and had no direct relationship with Nicola.

17. OEM production in Shanghai and trustworthy and exclusive sales.

18. The jewels were insured with Hill Company, who had always proved very trustworthy.

19. Science is the final arbiter and a self-correcting process in the development of trustworthy knowledge.

20. The last thing you want to worry about when you invest your hard-earned cash is whether your adviser is trustworthy.

21. Just because people are religious believers, it does not mean they must be ethical, moral and trustworthy. Dr T.P.Chia 

22. From then on life is marked by the search for an answer which will meet the need and prove trustworthy.

23. Do the best you can to draw up a complete and trustworthy plan.

24. It would have to be an evil-beneath-the-surface person who seems to be trustworthy.

25. Consequently, his statements about the patronage of Piero’s works are generally more probing and trustworthy.

26. But then no one should ever expect a criminal organization to be trustworthy.

27. Pleasant and courteous people are not necessarily honest and trustworthy. Dr T.P.Chia 

28. Newly powerful pollsters and image makers vie to present their candidate as trustworthy and the opposition as a threat.

29. If you want your mom to trust you, you have to be a trustworthy person.

30. Here dear Anderson had built a retreat for her bantams — there was no man kinder or more trustworthy.

надежный, заслуживающий доверия, благонадежный


- заслуживающий доверия, надёжный

trustworthy guarantee [memory] — надёжная гарантия [память]
trustworthy wife — верная жена
trustworthy firm — солидная фирма

- точный, соответствующий действительности (о заявлении и т. п.)

trustworthy report — точное /достоверное/ сообщение
trustworthy source — надёжный источник (информации)

Мои примеры


reputable / trustworthy source — достоверный источник  
trustworthy network — безопасная (защищенная) сеть  
trustworthy confession — признание, заслуживающее доверия  
trustworthy evidence — надежные доказательства  
trustworthy guide — надежный проводник  
trustworthy system — безопасная (защищенная) система  
trustworthy guarantee — надежная гарантия  
trustworthy person — надежный человек  
trustworthy informant — источник информации, заслуживающий доверия  
trustworthy memory — надёжная память  

Примеры с переводом

He was given every opportunity to prove that he was trustworthy.

Ему были даны все шансы доказать, что он заслуживает доверия.

His worst mistake lay in thinking that all his workers were trustworthy.

Его самая грубая ошибка заключалась в том, что он доверял всем своим работникам.

In an ironic twist, the most trustworthy character in the film turned out to be the thief.

По прихоти сюжета, самый симпатичный герой фильма, в конце концов, оказался вором.

…a trustworthy bodyguard who would never blab to the tabloids…

…преданный/надежный телохранитель, который никогда не станет сливать информацию желтой прессе…

Возможные однокоренные слова

court official kept a key with Omi’s dad, a trustworthy man in the area

have proven to you that they are trustworthy

wondering whether he was trustworthy, and – more

And during my working years, Mr Snickerty, sir, if I did not earn myself a fortune, at least I earned myself a reputation as a trustworthy and dependable fellow

He’s never been trustworthy, as his past actions have shown

‘Oh, thank you,’ he said, partly in advance to whoever was making this bold endeavour but also to his suit, which had become such a trustworthy companion

“Don’t worry about him,” she smiled, “Kevin is totally trustworthy

He would require a trustworthy man to be his messenger and another one who could play both sides

Were they just to walk up to the gates and ask for the Amber Globe to be handed over? How would they gain access? How many guards were there? What monsters and demons would they face? How big was the globe? What size was the serpent that held the globe? Was it just a serpent’s head? Was it a full size statue perhaps tens of cubits high? Was there a plinth on which it stood? Was the storyteller in Baram trustworthy and accurate? What did the writing inscribed on the strange sword mean? Was it the same as on Anduin’s sword? Was Anduin telling them the whole truth and all that he knew? Why did the Illeander guard slay his wife? How did he get that far? If Cruzel attacked Illeander so soon, what if they were there when it happened? Halon’s mind swam with uncertainty so much it hurt

The problem for the SAP was that the SAP neglected its military capabilities after the Second World War since the red oath men were English orientated and thus seen as not trustworthy by the Afrikaners

“You are the most honest, the most trustworthy woman I have ever met

away, and he became more trustworthy and friendly

Taxation was ‘farmed’ out to private contractors, none of whom were honest or trustworthy

Kwonowski was of the opinion that the man’s information was reasonably trustworthy, explaining that the guard was a native of eastern Poland who had been drafted into the Red Army in 1944 during the Soviet advance

They are very easy to deal with business-wise and are trustworthy

They tend to be more trustworthy for other customers than the

Stefan had been with his organization for almost ten years, it didn’t make him trustworthy, but he was in better standing than his secretary

The guys that are the most trustworthy are the well behaved ones

“Once he satisfies himself that you are trustworthy, he will trust you as much as he trusts anyone

We only have the words of our parents and we all know just how trustworthy our father and mother were

People and organizations that had seemed trustworthy are seen to have misrepresented the truth, and even to have advanced known falsehoods, to serve political and ideological purposes

You want me to prove to you that I am trustworthy! How

been reviewed by a CPA and are deemed trustworthy

In time the king came to know Nehemiah as a trustworthy and reliable person, someone who was always positive and willing and even though Judah, could be, and had been a troublesome province, the king knew Nehemiah and had faith in him and that was all Nehemiah needed to complete his expensive undertaking

You are too closely associated with the humans, many of whom are not trustworthy, and what you learn, they eventually learn from you

“I suppose the seer could have let Somonik tell you about selling the sword, but that was before Osbald started having everyone swear to justice, and your people still had no diplomatic relations with Xervia then, so they didn’t yet know who was trustworthy

I mean, it’s such a hugely profound thing that suddenly everyone knows who’s trustworthy and who’s not, and almost everyone is! I tell you, it’s great! Suddenly everyone’s smiling and friendly and open! Especially pretty girls!”

“Inform the High council of Xervia and all the local authorities that they have new citizens, sworn and trustworthy, with all the rights we enjoy

We chose WRITERSWORLD as they offer a trustworthy service and give the

He gave a knowing wink and said that as this had been his best week for years and I was obviously an A1 chap and thoroughly trustworthy, I could bring my ‘date’ home if I had nowhere else to go – as long as Mrs

He was a trustworthy apprentice

I told them everything was fine with Jon and me and we were making good progress, but I needed the services of a trustworthy and adventurous JP

Jane was very nervous that some of the men on the plane were not as trustworthy as her father-in-law might like to think

While Jesus gave qualified approval of some of the Greek teachings which had to do with the theory that the material things of the world are shadowy reflections of invisible but more substantial spiritual realities, he sought to lay a more trustworthy foundation for the lad’s thinking; so he began a long dissertation concerning the nature of reality in the universe

He had been working for them for a year and a half and had proven to the directors that he was reliable and trustworthy, when the Managing Director invited him to attend a special Directors meeting in the Board Room after working hours

They are dependable, trustworthy and enjoy a challenge

And thus, if you can build up such trustworthy and effective small units of human association, when these are assembled in the aggregate, the world will behold a great and glorified social structure, the civilization of mortal maturity

5 After the eight apostles had finally gone to their tents, and while Peter, James, and John were standing by to receive the Master’s orders, Jesus called to David Zebedee, «Send to me your most fleet and trustworthy messenger

We are caring and trustworthy people who have seen the influx of immigrants into so many countries and then we have watched as these same immigrants have brought their hosts to their knees by claiming every single benefit and hand out on offer

Women see nice guys as someone who has a stable background, desirable, presentable, trustworthy, helpful, discreet, and friendly

the bullion and other items into the hold, then he selected sixty very fit and trustworthy officers and men and installed them aboard, along with some twenty horses

«As trustworthy as money will permit,» said Zinoviev hesitantly

«How trustworthy is this Mainwaring? How trustworthy is the Canadian Government?» Travis now found himself saddled with an immense responsibility

Wendy had independently come to the same conclusion and was upset at the idea that their long time friend might not be trustworthy

proven to be trustworthy

But from what I»d heard about them, they»re trustworthy

It is important to know that there is much still concerning the day of 9/11 that will be exposed but it should be noted that the absence of information is what is crucial and will drive others away from the government and the trustworthy persona that has been held by many since the early days of the controlling persona

A trustworthy and beloved friend to the victim can

Angel Gabriel, he was widely known as the trustworthy one

To hire trustworthy professional movers, follow the corresponding link below:

There was one trustworthy dog in the building; a Doberman

As young men, both Drew and Proctor encountered fundamentalists who believed and taught that the Bible is the authoritative and trustworthy Word of God

Drew balanced meeting social needs through community development with confirming Christ’s true Gospel and with teaching the Bible as trustworthy and authoritative

They fail to believe that God gave the Bible without error and preserved it to remain completely trustworthy

underneath all of her clothing? Is she trustworthy? Is she one

named Martha is one of his most trustworthy spies

Fulton, is he trustworthy?” John explained that he had

believed it, if I’d heard this story from a trustworthy cat

he would be more trustworthy than most

But the functioning process will be known by a lot of trustworthy civil servants within the departments at lower levels

Possessing such data was dangerous to the holder, especially if those in Whitehall who sought to keep such facts privy only to the most discreet, most trustworthy subjects discovered the breach of security

It was this dedication that had made them so successful in their previous investigations and that made him ever appreciative to have such a dedicated and trustworthy individual who would always go that extra mile for the cause

It was, however, helpful to have this trustworthy and burly assistance, given that a cornered animal was the most dangerous of all and that they knew not what Underwood was capable of doing after having killed once

Loraine stared at him as if she were searching his soul in order to determine if he were trustworthy

He is her teddy bear who helped set her free She is grateful for the one who is remarkable and trustworthy They bring out the best in each other

We would also appreciate a lot if you could recommend to us someone trustworthy that could follow us around China as a translator

All of his employees hate him to the core and I’ve had a couple of people tell me he isn’t the most trustworthy guy

“The left,” Hubert assured him, gesturing towards it in what he hoped to be a trustworthy

was only telling her because she had a trustworthy face and he knew she wouldn’t go and blab to

«Captain Stephens was the most reliable and trustworthy Officer I ever met

Were there any trustworthy enough? Was he, even? Weaver obviously thought he was, so he supposed he ought to be flattered by that

And what about the Irish — the Dail and the Taoiseach? And what about NATO? And Europe? Good God, the work involved if ever this goes ahead! But nobody must know, of course — only the most trustworthy

But the second point, which is absolutely crucial, is that your consultations be confined to the very minimum number of people necessary, and that they are absolutely, one hundred per cent, trustworthy

The planning of all that will have to be carried out by the minimum number of the most highly trustworthy officials while we deal with the terrorists, so that the political solution can be put in place immediately there is seen, by all the parties concerned, to be a chance of lasting peace


What had the Prime Minister said? “Only people who were totally trustworthy must be told

Surely he was absolutely trustworthy

The supply of godly, faithful, trustworthy men, for posts like those I have named, is far below the demand

“She’s a valuable and trustworthy resource that can help you,” Chuck whispered

that I have to bite my tongue in order for my words to be trustworthy

Besides, while Rinard and Krane are trustworthy, they’re also victims of my legacy

A quality of human being has trustworthy in significant amount

As regard the proper time at which spirit becomes ready for reaching this state of viewing and enjoying that blessed Night, it is the month of Ramadan, and exactly during the last ten days of it as told by the truthful and trustworthy Prophet (cpth)

The one person that was supposed to be trustworthy, supposed to be there to serve his community, and all the while possibly the assistant to Jason

nothing about this man yet, by appearances alone, the man looked trustworthy and friendly

Some Heroes are more trustworthy than others

I still remember your honourable conduct therefore I find no-one to be more trustworthy than you, sir

The proper time for the spirit to become ready to attain a state where viewing and enjoying this blessed night is possible is the month of Ramadan: specifically during the last ten days of this month, as we have been told by the truthful and trustworthy Prophet (cpth)

But that bloody Italian is not stable or trustworthy

Confidence in or dependence on a person, statement, or thing as trustworthy; trust

Its seal was in his trustworthy hand

Mohammad Amin be executed, but the Almighty God saved him and his assistant through His Complete Words, and he turned into a very trustworthy man for them despite their error of judgment

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