Sentence with the word trousers

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word trousers, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use trousers in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «trousers».

Trousers in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word trousers in a sentence.

  1. All men must wear trousers.

  2. His trousers had a damp patch on the right hip.

  3. Both men and women wore trousers called qarliik.

  4. A million Sonic trousers had also been sold by 1996.

  5. When I first came here these trousers were knee-breeches.

  6. Sherwood wore trousers instead of a dress while working on her farm.

  7. The men’s clothes included no furs but were woolen coats and trousers, plus oilskins.

  8. She helped make trousers acceptable for women, and fans began to imitate her clothing.

  9. Women’s qarlikallaak, or short trousers from Greenland, collected by Robert Peary by 1908.

  10. The Emperor went about his daily routine dressed in a simple black tail coat, trousers, and cravat.

  11. She was outspoken, assertive, and athletic, and wore trousers before they were fashionable for women.

  12. Lord Kinnaird, an early star of the game, was noted for always being resplendent in long white trousers.

  13. Montagu spent the next few weeks rubbing all three cards on his trousers to provide a used sheen to them.

  14. Ray attempts to steal the key from Sabrina’s discarded trousers and he sees that Sabrina is a trans woman.

  15. During the winter, men typically wore two pairs of fur trousers to provide warmth on lengthy hunting trips.

  16. Some Rasta women have challenged gender norms by wearing their hair uncovered in public and donning trousers.

  17. Black prisoners were given trousers rather than shorts, games were permitted, and the standard of their food was raised.

  18. Rather than the modern shorts, players wore long knickerbockers or full-length trousers, often with a belt or even braces.

  19. Hepburn’s legacy extends to fashion, where she pioneered wearing trousers at a time when it was a radical move for a woman.

  20. Older children wore outfits with separate parkas and trousers, although boots were generally sewn directly to the trousers.

  21. The whole bay was covered with dead bodies, mangled, wounded and scorched, not a bit of clothes on them except their trousers.».

  22. Statues erected there feature the typical Parthian shirt (qamis), combined with trousers and made with fine, ornamented materials.

  23. Corder’s body was cut down after an hour by the hangman, John Foxton, who claimed his trousers and stockings according to his rights.

  24. The light cavalry was recruited from among the commoner class and acted as horse archers; they wore a simple tunic and trousers into battle.

  25. Busirane, naked from the waist up and with Chinese-style trousers and queue, falls to the floor, his blade still pointing at Amoret’s heart.

  26. During menstruation, women would wear a pair of old trousers supplemented inside with small pieces of hide, so as to not soil their daily outfit.

  27. In East Greenland, women’s trousers, or qartippaat, were quite short, leaving a gap between the thigh-length boots and the bottom of the trousers.

  28. In some areas, women historically wore thigh-length trousers known as qarlikallaak with leggings called qukturautiik rather than full-length pants.

  29. Uniform shirts are now frequently blue, orange, red or green and shorts are frequently replaced by long trousers all year or only under cold weather.

  30. CIS wrote shaders for their clothing; displacement maps in the air shader were linked with the motion capture to animate wrinkles in trousers and jackets.

  31. Gregor described a kelpie adopting the guise of a wizened old man continually muttering to himself while sitting on a bridge stitching a pair of trousers.

  32. This garment had attached feet and often mittens as well, and unlike an adult’s trousers, it opened at the crotch to allow the child to relieve themselves.

  33. Combining the shoes and trousers was difficult, time-consuming, and expensive, as each shoe had to be sewn by hand after being fitted to each principal actor.

  34. Abu Nidal was often in poor health, according to Seale, and tended to dress in zip-up jackets and old trousers, drinking whisky every night in his later years.

  35. Among the garments introduced during this time and still commonly worn are: the shalwars and pyjamas, both styles of trousers, and the tunics kurta and kameez.

  36. Ed Sullivan’s declaration that he perceived a soda bottle in Presley’s trousers was echoed by rumors involving a similarly positioned toilet roll tube or lead bar.

  37. A stickler for proper dress, he is said to have admonished Lord Salisbury for wearing the trousers of an Elder Brother of Trinity House with a Privy Councillor’s coat.

  38. Nichols had always insisted on wearing a skirt; although the standard female uniform used trousers, the costume designer created a skirted version specifically for her.

  39. He developed the persona into a leather-clad egomaniac, describing his outfit as having Lou Reed’s glasses, Elvis Presley’s jacket, and Jim Morrison’s leather trousers.

  40. She was also wearing a straight knee-length skirt, but later Sunday Express articles cropped the photo so tightly that it became difficult to tell she was not wearing trousers.

  41. Regarding his austere, weather-beaten face, greying hair and simple Dopper dress of a short-cut black jacket, baggy trousers and a black top hat, they considered him extremely ugly.

  42. Janet Brown went to the police and identified her friend Mary Paterson’s clothing, while a local baker informed them that Jamie Wilson’s trousers were being worn by Constantine Burke’s son.

  43. The protagonist of the novel is a hermaphrodite named Marion who lives a double life, frequenting literary salons in female dress, then changing from skirt to trousers to attend gay soirées.

  44. The shape and length depended on the material being used, caribou trousers having a bell shape to capture warm air rising from the boot, and seal or polar bear trousers being generally straight-legged.

  45. This verse reads, «I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.» While engaging in these activities, Jenner would normally wear a white shirt, black shoes, and trousers, and sometimes a navy greatcoat.

General information about «trousers» example sentences

The example sentences for the word trousers that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «trousers» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «trousers».

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1 Tuck your shirt into your trousers.

2 The hole in your trousers is not noticeable.

3 I stood up,( brushing crumbs from my trousers.

4 You look very sexy in those tight trousers.

5 He dropped his trousers in a rude gesture.

6 He wore a pair of black trousers.

7 These trousers are a bit tight around my waist.

8 I was still in short trousers at the time.

9 Look at the filth on your trousers!

10 The cat kept clawing at my trousers.

11 Two more pairs of trousers are dirty.

12 He was picking bits of fluff off his trousers.

13 The trousers were bespattered with mud.

14 I need a belt keep up my trousers.

15 His trousers were slightly too short.

16 The dog snapped at my trousers.

17 His new trousers ripped when he bent down.

18 Mother bought me a pair of trousers.

19 Her trousers have patches all over them.

20 He had razor — sharp creases in his trousers.

21 Those trousers make you look very slender.

22 Should I tuck my shirt into my trousers?

23 I need a belt to keep up my trousers.

24 These trousers are a bit tight.

25 Are Tom’s trousers old or new?

26 The man drew on his trousers hurriedly.

27 His waterproof trousers were brand new and stiff.

28 Xiao Li has made a pair of cottonpadded trousers for a retired worker.

29 His grey jersey and trousers were sodden with the rain.

30 I like the contrast of the white trousers with the black jacket.

More similar words: lustrous, dextrous, monstrous, trousseau, disastrous, ambidextrous, berserk, trough, troupe, trouble, trounce, troubled, troubling, in trouble, untroubled, controversy, troublesome, serious, rouse, retroversion, introversion, control group, house rent, arouse, roust, controversial, seriously, carouse, aroused, porous. 

Sentences with the word Trousers?



  • «an accusative forefinger»; «black accusatory looks»; «accusive shoes and telltale trousers«- O.Henry; «his accusing glare»
  • «baggy trousers«; «a loose-fitting blouse is comfortable in hot weather»
  • «belt your trousers«
  • «a fold in the napkin»; «a crease in his trousers«; «a plication on her blouse»; «a flexure of the colon»; «a bend of his elbow»
  • «his bare feet projected from his trousers«; «armored from head to foot»
  • «the current taste for wide trousers«; «a full skirt»
  • «long tapering fingers»; «trousers with tapered legs»
  • «he had a sharp crease in his trousers«

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At least he had trousers on.

Во всяком случае, на ней были брюки.

Socks, shoes, no trousers.

Брайан: носки, обувь, ни брюки.

Another soldier meanwhile starts to open his trousers.

В то же самое время маленький мальчик начинает снимать штаны.

I recommended he wear his brown trousers.

Будем надеяться, что он надел свои коричневые штаны.

He predicted that almost all women would wear trousers.

А еще добавила, что в будущем многие женщины будут носить брюки.

There was a time when only men wore trousers.

Уже давно прошли те времена, когда только мужчины могли носить брюки.

I myself wear trousers because it’s comfortable.

«Я ношу штаны, потому что в них удобно.

Ancient trousers found during excavations have the same shape as modern ones.

Древние штаны, найденные при раскопках, имеют такую же форму, как и современные .

A skirt is more formal than trousers.

Брюки — вещь куда более формальная, чем штаны.

Skirts and dresses are probably better than trousers.

Юбки и платья, вероятно, лучше, чем брюки.

The school uniform guidelines currently allow male pupils to wear trousers.

Принципы школы в отношении формы в настоящее время позволяют ученикам мужского пола носить брюки.

For men only long trousers are required during dinner.

Для мужчин, только длинные брюки, необходимые во время обеда.

Men visiting the mosque should wear long trousers.

При посещении мечети мужчины должны быть одеты в длинные брюки.

Men should wear trousers not shorts.

Мужчине следует надеть брюки, но не шорты.

Wear long-sleeved tops and long trousers (tucked into socks).

Носите топы с длинными рукавами и длинные брюки (заправленные в носки).

Kurash uniform includes wide white trousers and a loose shirt.

Форма для борьбы кураш включает в себя широкие белые брюки и просторную рубашку.

However, if styled well such trousers can look fantastic.

Однако если такие брюки хорошо и стильно сшиты, они могут выглядеть просто фантастично.

You may want to wear long trousers.

Это может быть мудрым, чтобы носить длинные брюки.

At least you’ve got trousers.

По крайней мере, у тебя есть брюки.

He also said that women can wear trousers.

Также Коко напомнила женщинам, что они могут носить брюки.

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Предложения, которые содержат trousers

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

trousers — перевод на русский


You got your first long trousers.

На тебе самые длинные брюки.

These are trousers for my figures.

Это брюки для моих фигурок.

Get me my trousers.

Принеси мне брюки.

— Take off your trousers.

— Снимите брюки.

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— Dark trousers with white pinstripe! — Here.

— Тёмные штаны с белой полоской!

They’ll come from New York to order trousers!

— Заказывают штаны из Нью-Йорка!

‘He’s wearing trousers and shirt, no jacket.

‘На нём штаны и рубашка, он без пиджака.

When we’ve won, you can take your mum to town, — and I’ll take my mum to town and we’ll go to the fancy stores — and get them patent leather shoes, feather boas and silk trousers.

Когда мы победим, можешь отвезти свою мать в город, и я отвезу свою, и мы пойдём по шикарным магазинам, и купим им туфли из лакированной кожи, боа из перьев и шелковые штаны.

I also tried taking off your trousers.

Ещё я пытался снять с тебя штаны.

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Trousers off, birds.

Трусы долой, цыпочки.

Put your trousers back on !

Надень трусы обратно!

Why don’t you drop your trousers and we’ll examine ’em.

почему бы тебе не снять твои трусы и мы исследуем их.

Letting a boy take off your trousers!

Разрешать мальчику снимать с тебя трусы!

Remember, don’t ever let any boy take off your trousers

Запомни, никогда не разрешай мальчикам снимать с тебя трусы!

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# He wears cor-blimey trousers

# Понтовые штанишки,

Retro trousers.

Ретро штанишки

You need a code name, and, my, those are some fancy trousers you’re wearing.

Тебе нужно кодовое имя, и, ух ты, какие у тебя модные штанишки. Я буду звать тебя…

Well, you better check your trousers, son.

Оу, тебе лучше проверить штанишки, сынок.

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I was going to go out to the street and pull up my trousers.

— …и поднять штанины. — Да.

Damp trouser bottoms.

Влажные штанины.

Pull up your trousers.

Подтяни штанины.

Also, there are holes in the floor behind the pedals, and all the air, and the wind, and the rain is going up my trouser legs.

Кроме того, имеются отверстия в полу за педалями, и весь воздух, и ветер, и дождь попадают на мои штанины.

Roll up those trousers legs, you’re not five years old!

Закатай штанины, тебе не пять лет!

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For Tony the trouser tuna.

Для Тони, брючного тунца.

A trouser catalogue.

Брючного каталога.

Can’t I wear me trouser suit?

Папа, а я не могу вместо этого носить мой брючный костюм?

Trouser suits had actually been illegal in France for that time, but obviously not enforced.

Брючный костюм был вне закона во Франции все это время. но ясно,что без принуждения.Нет!

What’s the best way of dealing with a wartime shortage of trousering?

Если говорить о штанах в принципе, как справлялись с дефицитом брючной ткани в военное время?

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Grandpa bought me a Barbie T-shirt with pink trousers and trainers with a bow on the socks and we ate at McDonald’s!

Дедушка купил мне майку с Барби. И еще розовые брючки и тапочки, и носочки с бантиками.

— Put on your trousers.

-А теперь надеваем брючки.

Your little coat, perfect trousers…

Курточка, аккуратные брючки…

children in short trousers, children in petticoats.

детей в коротеньких брючках, детей в юбочках.

Sweetheart, where are you going in your best trousers?

А куда ты собралась в своих лучших брючках?

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Get his trousers.

Снимай штаны.

Take your bastard trousers off, you prick!

Снимай штаны, ублюдок сраный!

Trousers off!

Снимай штаны.

Let go of your trousers.

Снимай штаны.

Go for his trousers!

Штаны снимай!

— Now, trousers off.

Теперь, снимай брюки.

Trousers down, underwear off.

Снимай брюки и трусы.

Trousers off.

Снимай брюки.

The trousers, too?

И брюки снимать?

I saw her taking her trousers down, and I definitely glimpsed some cellulite down there.

Я видела, как она снимает брюки. У нее и целлюлит имеется.

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