Sentence with the word traveller

traveller — перевод на русский


More likely dropped by a passing traveller.

Скорее всего это уронил обыкновенный путешественник. Ох, нет.

No, I’m just a traveller.

я просто путешественник.

I’m just a traveller… of a sort.

Я просто путешественник.

He said he was a traveller.

Он сказал, что он путешественник.

A passing traveller, on his way.

Мимолетный путешественник, идущий мимо.

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— Inbound traveller.

Входящий странник!

Repeat, inbound traveller.

Повторяю! Входящий странник!

Inbound traveller!

Входящий странник! Входящий странник!

Greetings, traveller.

Приветствую тебя, странник.

Greetings, strange traveller.

Приветствую, таинственный странник.

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Now spurs the lated traveller apace to gain the timely inn;

Теперь коня пришпоривает путник, Чтоб загодя доехать.

Oh, traveller from an arcane land.

О путник из неведомых земель.

The hilly bourne from whence no traveller returns.

«В неведомой стране, откуда ни единый не возвращался путник» (вольная цитата из «Гамлета»)

I met a traveller from an antique land

«Поведал путник мне из древней стороны:

In this immense, ever-shifting landscape, it’s easy to see how a lost traveller could succumb to what’s been called the Sahara’s only endemic disease —

Посреди этого огромного постоянно меняющегося ландшафта легко понять, как потерявшийся путник поддаётся тому, что называют единственной болезнью, свойственной Сахаре —

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And this thing you search for is a time traveller too?

То, что вы ищете, тоже путешествует во времени?

Sir, I think she’s a time traveller.

— Сэр, я думаю, что она путешествует во времени

OK, or we’ll have to tell Dad that our nanny’s a time traveller!

Хорошо, тогда нам придётся сказать папе, что наша няня путешествует во времени!

Old traveller, though. I’ll make you comfortable.

Но я умею путешествовать.

The road’s a lonely place. And the wife isn’t much of a traveller.

В дороге всегда одиноко, а жена не любит путешествовать.

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Polly, another of our travellers, has returned.

Полли, ещё одна путешественница вернулась.

I’m a traveller.

Я путешественница.

Peri is a friend, another traveller.

Пери — моя подруга, еще одна путешественница.

«‘that’s the famous lady traveller and her faithful companion.»

«Здесь была великая путешественница и ее верный проводник.»

No, but I like the sexy time traveller.

Нет, но мне нравится сексуальная путешественница во времени.

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Pay attention, dear travellers, we’re increasing speed!

Внимание, дорогие пассажиры, добавляем скорости!

Incoming travellers from Chulak.

Прибывают пассажиры с Чулака.

They get collection, from the travellers, the vendors and we will take care of it.

Соберем. Пассажиры дадут, продавцы. Мы все о нем позаботимся.

Later, we must return to Paris, I expect other travellers with other documents.

Нужно вернуться в Париж, я жду пассажиров с документами, я тебе объясню.

Yes, two travellers.

Да, двое пассажиров.

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But that’s just the traveller way I don’t know why.

Так уже поступают кочевники. Не держат свои обещания.

The travellers may not be your sort of people, Jeremiah, but they’re always welcome at St Mary’s.

Кочевники могут быть вам не по вкусу, Джеремая, но им всегда рады в Сент-Мэри.

We’re not travellers.

Мы не кочевники.

I must say, again, how surprised I was to see you at the traveller’s camp, this morning.

Снова должен сказать, что я был удивлён, увидев вас сегодня утром в лагере кочевников.

My guess is that Jeremiah stole it himself in an attempt to frame the travellers.

Я думаю, Джеремая сам украл его, чтобы оклеветать кочевников.

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He was like a commercial traveller in uniform.

Он был похож на коммивояжера в униформе.

The young lady was enchanted by his commercial traveller’s manners.

Молодая особа была очарована его манерами коммивояжёра.

A traveller has to have tricks up his sleeve…

У коммивояжера всегда должны быть штучки в рукаве…

So you think he was a commercial traveller of some kind?

Думаешь, он был кем-то вроде коммивояжера?

Julien Ledentu, traveller

Жюльен Ледантю, коммивояжер.

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Do y’all take traveller’s cheques?

Вы принимаете дорожные чеки?

Traveller’s cheques — a million.

Дорожные чеки на миллион.

Phrase books, traveller’s cheques, insect stuff…

Разговорники, дорожные чеки, средства от насекомых…

We have traveller’s cheques, insurance, Bernard’s getting his passport.

У нас есть дорожные чеки, страховка, Бернард достаёт свой паспорт.

You should get travellers checks.

Тебе нужно подумать о дорожных чеках.

Travellers don’t want to travel all the time, Mr Jones.

Даже бродяги не всегда в дороге, мистер Джонс.

If someone gets battered, travellers are the first call.

Если кого-то избили, всегда виноваты бродяги. Это никогда не изменится.

Ah! Traveller’s law, is it?

А, закон бродяг.

The honour of the traveller? (SPITS)

Честь бродяг.

One of the travellers started a ruck.

Потом один бродяга затеял кучу-малу.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word traveller, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use traveller in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «traveller». In addition, we also show how different variations of traveller can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are traveller’s, travellers, travellers’ and travellers’. If you click on the variation of traveller that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Traveller in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word traveller in a sentence.

  1. Saint-Saëns was a keen traveller.

  2. The Chinese traveller Xuanzang had visited the court of Pulakeshin II.

  3. Writing during the inter-war period, the American traveller Harriet-Louise H.

  4. Michael Armstrong was born into an Irish traveller family in Longford, Ireland.

  5. Another English traveller, John Marshall, described the bird as follows in 1668:.

  6. According to the Roman writer Avienius, the ancient Greek traveller Euctemon recorded that.

  7. Many of these he acquired from the traveller, botanist, and collector John Tradescant the Younger.

  8. After his retirement from the RGS presidency, Markham led an active life as a writer and traveller.

  9. This image of a fourth traveller was echoed in the accounts of Worsley and Crean and later influenced T.

  10. He described how a traveller could pass through the Great Hall, and be entertained and sometimes refreshed.

  11. He was named after Marcus Clarke, the Australian author, and Laurence Oliphant, the British traveller and mystic.

  12. It became widely known in 1400 when the English traveller Sir John Mandeville wrote his description of «cockodrills»:.

  13. The 2nd-century AD traveller Pausanias, pausing at Delphi to enumerate four sibyls, mentions the «Hebrew Sibyl» who was.

  14. Guidebooks and handbooks were published for this new traveller, who was unfamiliar with the tradition of the Grand Tour.

  15. The English traveller Sir Thomas Herbert mentioned «dodos» on Rodrigues again in 1634, and they were also mentioned in 1700.

  16. The text was organised so that it would be easy for a traveller to learn what animals could be found in a particular location.

  17. All his life Markham was a constant traveller and a prolific writer, his works including histories, travel accounts and biographies.

  18. Hiuen-Tsiang, a Chinese traveller visited the court of Pulakeshin II at this time and Persian emperor Khosrau II exchanged ambassadors.

  19. The first such account is that of the French traveller Sieur Dubois, who was on Réunion from 1669 to 1672, which was published in 1674.

  20. Her reviews praised detailed and engaging descriptions of people and places, musings on history, and an insatiable curiosity in the traveller.

  21. The Chinese traveller Hiuen-Tsiang wrote that the Chalukyan army had hundreds of elephants which were intoxicated with liquor prior to battle.

  22. Newton also identified a reference to the bird in the 1726 account of the French traveller Julien Tafforet, which had recently been rediscovered.

  23. According to the 13th-century Chinese traveller Zhou Daguan, some believed that the temple was constructed in a single night by a divine architect.

  24. The Ascension crake disappeared some time before 1700 but was briefly mentioned and described by traveller and hobby naturalist Peter Mundy in 1656.

  25. The Mascarene parrot was first mentioned by the French traveller Sieur Dubois in his 1674 travelogue and only described a few times from life afterwards.

  26. Ernest Joyce, by far the most experienced Antarctic traveller in the party, favoured a cautious approach and wanted to delay the start by at least a week.

  27. A contemporary traveller, the Comte de Borch, noted the French influence, describing the villa as «décorée à la française, avec trumeaux, boiseries légères, etc.».

  28. The 16th-century French priest and traveller André Thevet also wrote a description of a mysterious bird in 1558 that has been likened by Kinzelbach to this species.

  29. The Mascarene parrot may have once inhabited Mauritius as well based on a 17th-century account by the English traveller Peter Mundy which mentioned «russet parrots».

  30. According to a Phocaean Greek traveller who visited in the sixth century BC, there were temples and altars to Hercules on the Rock where passing travellers made sacrifices.

  31. The best contemporary description of the Mauritius Sheldgoose, and the only one that indicates what it looked like, is that of the English traveller John Marshall from 1668:.

  32. Khan returned to the romantic genre with the role of a tourist guide who falls in love with a traveller (played by Anushka Sharma) in Imtiaz Ali’s Jab Harry Met Sejal (2017).

  33. In the 1720s, French traveller Sieur Dubois stated that the grey parrots on Réunion were especially sought after during their fat season, and also claimed they were crop-pests:.

  34. His great-grandson Algernon Bertram Mitford, born in 1837 and known as «Bertie», was a diplomat and traveller who held minor office in Disraeli’s second ministry, from 1874 to 1880.

  35. Because the geography of the country was so little known, it was decided that an experienced traveller with map-making skills should accompany the force, hence Markham’s appointment.

  36. He also printed his novella «Behold the Man» in the September 1966 issue; the story, about a time traveller who returns to the time of Christ, won him a Nebula Award the following year.

  37. When the French traveller François Leguat, who had become familiar with the Rodrigues rail in the preceding years, arrived on Mauritius in 1693, he remarked that the red rail had become rare.

  38. While a direct route by sea has not been available since the sinking of the Joola, the traveller from Dakar may use various other means of transportation in order to arrive in Basse Casamance.

  39. In the episode, Donna and the alien time traveller the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) meet while separately investigating Adipose Industries, a company that has created a revolutionary diet pill.

  40. The hoopoe starling was first noted on the Mascarene island of Réunion (then called «Bourbon») by Père Vachet in 1669, and first described in detail by French traveller Sieur Dubois’s in 1674:.

  41. In 1848, the English zoologist Hugh Edwin Strickland called attention to a bird mentioned in the French traveller François Leguat’s 1708 memoir about his stay on the Mascarene island of Rodrigues.

  42. Contemporaneous Italian traveller Pietro della Valle referred to Teresa as an «Ambassadress of the King of Persia», which Nocentelli interprets as putting Teresa on an «equal footing with her husband».

  43. The bird depicted probably lived in the menagerie of the Mughal Emperor Jahangir, located in Surat, where the English traveller Peter Mundy also claimed to have seen two dodos sometime between 1628 and 1633.

  44. The depressed state of the economy caused smuggling to become a mainstay of Gibraltar’s trade; the mid-19th-century Irish traveller Martin Haverty described Gibraltar as «the grand smuggling depot for Spain».

  45. Obtained by the naturalist Sir Joseph Banks, it later entered the collection of the traveller William Bullock and was purchased by Lord Stanley; Stanley’s son donated it to Liverpool’s public museums in 1850.

  46. The traveller Wallace cites is Linschott (Wallace’s spelling for Jan Huyghen van Linschoten), whose name appears repeatedly in Internet searches on durian, with such citations themselves tracing back to Wallace.

  47. Their son Glyn worked in international development for non-governmental organisations, co-founded Tools for Self Reliance, and authored Questioning Development in 1974; a writer and traveller himself, he died in 2016.

Traveller’s in a sentence

Traveller’s is a variation of traveller, below you can find example sentences for traveller’s.

  1. Sonnerat described, among others, the emblematic traveller’s tree.

  2. The traveller’s tree has various uses in the east of Madagascar, chiefly as building material.

  3. Typical species of wet habitats include several endemic Cyperus sedges, ferns, pandans (Pandanus), and the traveller’s tree.

  4. Police reports said that Martin was in Cancún the day Shackel cashed traveller’s cheques worth £4,000, after which he disappeared.

  5. He disagreed with Lang’s broad inclusion, in his Fairy Book collections, of traveller’s tales, beast fables, and other types of stories.

  6. The endemic traveller’s tree (Ravenala madagascariensis), a national emblem and widely planted, is the sole Madagascan species in the family Strelitziaceae.

  7. Two examples of plant species that rely on lemurs for pollination include traveller’s palm (Ravenala madagascariensis) and a species of legume-like liana, Strongylodon cravieniae.

  8. Its flora includes various tree families, lianas, and epiphytic orchids and ferns; in the marsh forests, pandans (Pandanus) and the traveller’s tree (Ravenala madagascariensis) are common.

  9. A number of plants native to Madagascar have become invasive in other regions, such as the traveller’s tree in Réunion and the flamboyant tree (Delonix regia) in various tropical countries.

  10. These endemics include five plant families, 85% of the over 900 orchid species, around 200 species of palms, and such emblematic species as the traveller’s tree, six species of baobab and the Madagascar periwinkle.

Travellers in a sentence

Travellers is a variation of traveller, below you can find example sentences for travellers.

  1. It allows travellers on the Trans-Canada Highway to bypass the city.

  2. His parable is of two travellers, a theist and an atheist, together on a road.

  3. The church has been flood-lit since the 1960s and is a landmark for travellers on the A12.

  4. The area became known for its travellers and inns, including Geoffrey Chaucer’s Tabard Inn.

  5. The European travellers von Poser and Thévenot found both names in use in the 17th century.

  6. Milne-Edwards suggested that early travellers may have confused young dodos with red rails.

  7. After an arduous six-month journey the travellers were well received by the current Kan Ekʼ.

  8. The priory also had an obligation from its foundation to house travellers fording the Mersey.

  9. Contemporary records and notes of foreign travellers describe huge tanks constructed by labourers.

  10. They also speculate that William may have sought to profit from the tolls paid by these travellers.

  11. The priest is seen drinking a kava-based intoxicating beverage and shares some with the travellers.

  12. It is one of two Jarlabanke Runestones that mention travellers abroad, the other being U140, below.

  13. Radiation belts present a significant hazard for spacecraft and potentially to human space travellers.

  14. Travelogues of contemporary foreign travellers have provided useful information about the Chalukyan empire.

  15. Roadblocks often serve little other purpose than to allow police and gendarmes to collect bribes from travellers.

  16. Some travellers began using the Rusomo Falls border crossing to reach Kampala via Tanzania, a much longer journey.

  17. Mackenzie spent the next day robbing a mail coach and kidnapping passing travellers to question them about the revolt.

  18. The monks were best known to their neighbours for the generous hospitality they offered to travellers on land and sea.

  19. He also used his contacts to acquire the egg and skin collections of wealthy collectors and travellers for his museum.

  20. Several flights were diverted or delayed, stranding about 1,000 travellers, many of whom spent Christmas in the airport.

Travellers’ in a sentence

Travellers’ is a variation of traveller, below you can find example sentences for travellers’.

  1. Sloane’s paper was based on travellers’ descriptions and a few scattered bones collected in Siberia and Britain.

  2. The system used simple technology and was slow, relying largely on vast card indexes recording travellers’ details.

  3. Realising that variety was important to maintain travellers’ interest, he commissioned designs from artists working in many different styles.

  4. Dozens of new crossings were opened by February 1990, and the guards no longer carried weapons nor made much effort to check travellers’ passports.

Travellers’ in a sentence

Travellers’ is a variation of traveller, below you can find example sentences for travellers’.

  1. Lives of people interested Mary Shelley and she recorded them, but she also recorded a great deal of the travellers’ own feelings, suggesting to the reader the appropriate reaction.

Synonyms for traveller

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word traveller has the following synonyms: traveler.

General information about «traveller» example sentences

The example sentences for the word traveller that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «traveller» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «traveller».

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1. The traveller set forward last Monday.

2. Her father was a commercial traveller who sold kitchenware.

3. She is a frequent traveller to Belgium.

4. The traveller thrilled us with his stories.

5. I directed the traveller to the hotel.

6. Is there any room to squash my traveller?

7. A prudent traveller never disparages his own country.

8. The traveller bargained his watch for food.

9. The traveller mistook the house for a hotel.

10. A glass of wine revived the tired traveller.

11. I bedded the traveller for a night.

12. Stations can be dangerous places for the unwary traveller.

13. The modern traveller can go where he likes.

14. The traveller took the wrong train and finished up at a country village after many hours.

15. The traveller was wellequipped.

16. Out in the desert the traveller is a welcome guest.

17. Mark’s is the uniform of the young male traveller — green Army trousers[], T-shirt and shirt.

18. Pocket deLuxe Traveller battery shaver, £14.95.

18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

19. Now he was a traveller with a destination.

20. The traveller can always stop or turn aside.

21. The traveller had dried the dishes.

22. Blake looked at the traveller with surprise.

23. For the independent traveller, car rentals are special bargains.

24. The traveller was forced to make an enormous detour.

25. As a traveller I am a seasoned whinger.

26. She’s a traveller at heart. You’ll never get her to settle down.

27. The traveller on the other hand is a free spirit.

28. Her great-grandfather had clearly been a dedicated and stoical traveller.

29. The county was overrun with underwood that made it impervious to the traveller.

30. In 1866 he married Lucy Ellen, daughter of Edward Jones, commercial traveller.

More similar words: travelled, traveler, travel, traveled, travel agency, gravel, unravel, gravely, bravely, seller, teller, dweller, sellers, propeller, jewellery, traverse, travesty, shrivelled, contravene, machiavellian, contravention, untrammelled, rave, grave, brave, crave, raven, craved, graver, craven. 

«Traveller» is a song written and recorded by American singer-songwriter Chris Stapleton. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

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Secondly the metro mayor should expand where travellers can use the Walrus card and integrate it fully with the different transport options and ticket types (for example the Solo, Trio and Railpass).


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Only for the ladies, these rooms offer bunk-style beds for 6, 16 or 20 travellers.


Openingin late 2014 following a major refurbishment project, we offer stylish, clean and secure accommodation for single travellers, couples and groups.As well as bright, contemporary décor with a fun feel, we have a spacious bar-lounge and large reception area for you to relax, meet up with friends and make new ones!


Guests can enjoy a short walk to the beach, and the area hosts a variety of activities for travellers to experience, such as kite surfing, fishing and horse riding, as well as a short drive away the town has an array of shops, restaurants and pubs to explore.


It’s all about productivity With the decline in business travel, and less frequent but shorter and more intensive meetings taking place, the business traveller is under increased pressure to perform.


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The Adina Apartment Hotel Melbourne, Northbank is an excellent destination for both holiday makers or corporate travellers, its convenient central location provides easy access to shopping centres, popular bars and restaurants, nightclubs, arts and cultural venues and sports stadiums.


As an aspiring traveller, I was immediately intrigued by the American Express ® AeroplanPlus ® Gold Card (a travel rewards card with a reasonable annual fee?).


Our luxury apartments are the ideal choice of accommodation for corporate guests, group or independent travellers and couples or families on holiday.


Guests enjoy an unparalled experience at Azur, where travellers can relax in the luxurious accomodations of private villas, while immersed in the open and spectacular landscape of New Zealand.


MORE than three months after vanishing from a hospital in Canada with no money or identification, missing Australian Owen Rooney was reportedly spotted selling dream catchers on Vancouver Island… of the traveller dating back to…


Catering to any type of traveller, read on for our list of Hangzhou’s most popular hotels.


The Fitness room is equipped with a selection of Technogym ® equipment that caters to diverse gym regimes of the discerning traveller.


I’ve not been to Thailand, though I’ve read and heard that it is a good destination for budget travellers and for expats too.


Las Tres Palmas C. Venus Ote 88 entre C. Satelite Sur y C. Centauro Sur, TulumThought as a comfortable and private place, our hotel is the ideal goal for a family vacation and for a travellers


Here’s a graph (roughly) illustrating the decline in the use of traveller‘s cheques (aka «travelers checks» and several other spellings).


We did not go to Cenote Tamcach-ha but I am sure doing some cave jumping could sound very exciting for some travellers!


An experienced traveller‘s personal Malaysia travel guide to walking trails, mountains, parks, heritage, hotels, nightlife and more.


Joining you in your pursuit of the crown are a host of travellers just wondering around Iron Throne’s ambitious open world.


The Travel Massive is a global movement to connect people in the travel industry; bringing together travel bloggers, influencers, brands, startups, and socially engaged travellers.


A thousand people will be able to attend Stephen Hawking’s memorial service, and time travellers aren’t excluded


He could be a frequent traveller or in an open relationship.


Great for Families, independant travellers and perfect for large gorups wanting to book the whole lodge for a group gathering.


Then there’s this recent listing, where a missing word or two has narrowed the buyers» market to disabled time travellers: «This home is wheelchair friendly, in 2008.»


You are hardly ever alone when travelling alone anyway, there’s loads of other solo travellers all over the world!


Make bookings faster and smarter using stored traveller profiles and payment details, Frequent Flyer info, and your ABN automatically added.


There is little worse than being stranded in a foreign country with no money, and such policies will ensure that should the traveller be the victim of crime they won’t be left out of pocket.


-LSB-…] It seems everywhere I turn there are both individual and collaborative blogs by reporters, lawyers, moms, travellers and authors to name a -LSB-…]


This is a great for trip for solo travellers looking to socialise a bit more and meet friends Especially if you haven’t really done the whole travelling thing before.


The journey, which used to take travellers the best part of a full day, now clocks in at just eight hours with this modern marvel.


The interiors are tastefully designed for the discerning traveller starting from a ceremonial entrance, intense abstract spaces to high end 5 star amenities; The Park Vizag has it all.


Upstairs at Bon Volks, she’s working on her first book, Departures, a travel memoir about her adventures as a solo female traveller, to be published in January 2018 by Little Brown.


Tucked between soaring high Himalayas, Manali is that one destination that offers something to every type of traveller.


Situated near North Sydney, the hotel forms part of the Lower North Shore business district and is popular with budget concscioius corporate travellers.


Most importantly, the hotel is halal-certified, and attracts a regular flow of budget domestic travellers accordingly.


The city is much loved for its European flair and Latin passion and travellers will no doubt be happy with the lead in price of # 279.90 (316.65 Euro) one-way.


If you are a single traveller we can help find the best deal for you.


Turtle Cove is a cool haven for travellers to enjoy the laid back Latino-Afro rhythm of life in Tofo and offers comfortable accommodation ranging from chalets to grass huts, dorms, and camping.


Throughout Maui, you can experience an array of wonderful activities for the discerning traveller, including hiking, surfing, paddle boarding, snorkeling, diving, ziplining and touring.


The majority of travellers head there when they arrive in Bangkok as it has the cheapest accommodation and lots of services and help for tourists.


There are shower facilities in this lounge should travellers wish to freshen-prior to take-off.


Travel with Dingos in a group of young, adventurous travellers through magical Fraser Island in self-driven 4×4’s, stopping off a stunning Lake McKenzie, Eli Creek, the Champagne Pools and so much more


Built for the extended stay traveller who appreciates value in a relaxed and productive environment.


The Google Maps app is often a saviour to the modern traveller; as long as you have data (and currently, there are no roaming charges for UK devices within Europe), you can find a way out of any accidental wrong-turn.


Belongil Beach is a great choice for travellers interested in sandy beaches, beach walks and surfing.


As well as the superb musical experience of the Puccini Festival, which celebrates the operatic masterpieces of world-renowned opera composer Giacomo Puccini, there are the classic attractions of Tuscany that keep calling back fond travellers.


Adina Apartment Hotel Melbourne provides luxury accommodation with a range of facilities that will appeal to the business traveller and conference delegate.


Use ‘traveller’ in a sentence | ‘traveller’ example sentences

1- Some of those travellers are here today.

2- Safari jackets are still favourites with more mature male travellers .

3- Food poisoning is another common threat for travellers .

4- Women travellers are very safe when travelling alone.

5- The woman traveller featured in many travel magazines.

6- The three travellers went inside the huge building.

7- The sun shone brightly down upon the epic travellers .

8- The programme benefits transit and business travellers .

9- traveller children often grow up outside educational systems.

10- Germanic tribes charged tolls to travellers across mountain passes.

11- The scenery attracts travellers for ” art adventure” tours.

12- These are worrying times for rail travellers .

13- From our information both inquiries involve travellers .

14- A familiar sound for frequent rail travellers .

15- The remaining facilities for city bus travellers are virtually nil.

16- Our women travellers’ needs are finally being recognized.

17- Staff were very friendly – mostly young overseas travellers .

18- Rome presents three major challenges to the cultural traveller .

19- For travellers such places provided a multitude of hazards.

20- All early air travellers and airlines had a pioneering spirit.

21- It indicates the route of travellers centuries earlier.

22- Several boarding houses also catered for travellers .

23- Vaccine is recommended for travellers visiting regions with measles outbreaks.

24- That independent candidate campaigned on planning and traveller issues.

25- The travellers enjoyed lunch on the boat.

26- Such incidents occupy the traveller for several days.

27- Free transportation is granted to travellers with low revenues.

28- There are different checkpoints for road and rail travellers respectively.

29- The traveller then takes the invaluable items.

30- Many of the early travellers were pilgrims.

31- It has been a magnet for travellers since medieval times.

32- Its duties included providing accommodation and care for poor travellers .

33- The traveller can always stop or turn aside.

34- Work with travellers exposes tensions between these developments.

35- Many travellers are subjected to acute discrimination and harassment.

36- Chinese travellers reported in 1998 that cannibalism had occurred.

37- Athens has been a destination for travellers since antiquity.

38- This road trip is perfect for the independent traveller .

39- The risk for most travellers is low.

40- The skull figures grabbed hold of the travellers . The travel agent suggested that we take some traveller‘s cheques with us.

41- The photos were contributed by a few of Ingrid’s fellow traveller guides.

42- ‘Are you Roma?’ traveller is asked One recent example is from mid-September.

43- Dirie was one of dozens arrested in the Project traveller raids in 2013, police confirmed.

44- More from Business traveller Business traveller And the world’s most punctual airline is..

45- On Friday, police say they found 1,250 immature marijuana plants in a farm field in traveller‘s Rest.

46- traveller was translated into Japanese in 1984, quickly followed by Dungeons & Dragons in 1985.

47- Adams was an avid traveller, and almost each year he and his wife would spend a lengthy vacation abroad.

48- Larkin, a world traveller who specialized in finding foodstuffs for import, was best known for founding the Salada Tea Company in 1892.

49- The House of Our Father Jacob The House of Jacob Our Father is first mentioned by Aquilante Rocchetta, the Italian traveller who visited the region in 1599.

50- Then you meet a bridge with a eccentric wizard Yamisal awaiting for traveller that finished completely in the island (requires level 8 and all quest has been done).

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Related Words:
travel by car – travel by air – traveled – traveler – travelers – traveling – travelings – traveller – travellers – travelog – travelogs – travelogue – travelogues – travels – traversal –

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