Sentence with the word tragedy

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The word ‘tragedy’ tumbled through his mind.

Термин «трагик» вдохновлен им.

The word ‘tragedy’ is not an overstatement.

It was, they said, a’ personal tragedy’.

In ‘tragedy’ the individual fails to conquer evil and is excluded from the social unit.

В «трагедии» индивид терпит поражение при попытке преодолеть зло и изгоняется из своего общества — из своей социальной единицы.

The fires, which started on Saturday, have been described as ‘an unprecedented environmental tragedy’ by authorities.

Пожары, которые начались в субботу, власти охарактеризовали как «беспрецедентную экологическую трагедию».

‘We will never recover from this awful tragedy’

«Мы так и не извлекли урока из этой ужасной трагедии»

He said: ‘For me, this is a human tragedy’.

Он заявил: «Для меня это личная трагедия».

And in how many hours after the ‘tragedy’?

Через сколько часов после «трагедии»?

It is an honest, touching and often humorous story of life, love, loss of innocence, acceptance of responsibility, unfulfilled desires and unexpected tragedy’.

Это честная и трогательная история жизни, любви, потери невинности, принятия ответственности, невыполненных желаний и неожиданной трагедии.

Brazil’s government said it ‘looks forward to receiving the necessary explanation from the British authorities on the circumstances which led to this tragedy’.

В специальном заявлении указывается, что власти страны «ждут необходимых объяснений от британской стороны по поводу обстоятельств, приведших к этой трагедии».

‘Urgent action required to avert another tragedy’

Главная» Какой закон надо принять, чтобы предотвратить новые трагедии

Known as ‘the father of tragedy’, the playwright wrote up to 90 plays, winning with half of them at the great Athenian festivals of Greek drama.

Известный как «отец трагедии», драматург написал до 90 пьес, выиграв половину из них на великих афинских фестивалях греческой драмы.

Azerbaijan continues to distort the facts surrounding the bloody events near the city of Aghdam, which they call the ‘Khojaly tragedy’.

«Азербайджан продолжает искажать факты, сопутствующие кровавым событиям близ города Агдам, которые они называют «ходжалинской трагедией».

Brazil’s government said it ‘looks forward to receiving the necessary explanation from the British authorities on the circumstances which led to this tragedy’.

Бразильское правительство также отреагировало на инцидент и сообщило, что «ожидает от британских властей получения необходимых разъяснений по поводу обстоятельств, приведших к трагедии».

He is perhaps best known for his tragedy ‘Dr Faustus’.

Его самым известным произведением считается трагедия «Доктор Фауст».

Shakespeare immortalized this castle as ‘Elsinore’ in his greatest tragedy ‘Hamlet’.

Шекспир описал это замок, известный так же как Эльсинор, в своей величайшей трагедии «Гамлет».

For example, the Chinese word for ‘tragedy’ conveys not just a sense of disaster, but also the idea of opportunity.

Как известно, слово «кризис» с китайского языка переводится не только как тяжелое положение, но еще и как шанс, возможность.

‘Sherlock’ creator hints at ‘tragedy’ to come in season four

Создатели «Шерлока» намекнули на «трагедию» в четвертом сезоне

Predictably, the official propaganda news agency of the UK threw in colorful words like ‘genocide’ and ‘tragedy’, and selected quotes from several medics who blamed the situation on the Zimbabwean government.

Официальная пропаганда британских новостных агентств не жалеет красок, используя такие слова, как «геноцид», «трагедия» и вырывает из контекста фразы отдельных врачей с тем, чтобы обвинить во всем, естественно, правительство Зимбабве.

North Korea threatens US with ‘appalling tragedy’

Северной Корее грозит «ужасная трагедия»

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат tragedy’

Результатов: 67. Точных совпадений: 67. Затраченное время: 112 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Antonym: comedy. Similar words: outraged, discouraged, outrage, outrageous, ragged, engaged, managed, damaged. Meaning: [‘trædʒɪdɪ]  n. 1. an event resulting in great loss and misfortune 2. drama in which the protagonist is overcome by some superior force or circumstance; excites terror or pity. 

1, Every tragedy makes heroes of common people. 

2, The tragedy of the world is that those who are imaginative have but slight experience, and those who are experienced have feeble imaginations. 

3, The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but what they miss. 

4, The worst tragedy for a poet is to be admired through being misunderstood. 

5, The loss was a tragedy for all concerned .

6, The traffic accident is really a tragedy.

7, Macbeth is a famous tragedy by Shakespeare.

8, The whole affair ended in tragedy.

9, The play suddenly changes from farce to tragedy.

10, The court ordered a fresh inquest into the tragedy.

11, The tragedy resounded around the world.

12, I prefer farce to tragedy.

13, Do you prefer comedy or tragedy?

14, The skipper notified the coastguard of the tragedy.

15, It’s a tragedy that she died so young.

16, I prefer comedy to tragedy.

17, They have suffered an enormous personal tragedy.

18, Their lives have been virtually destroyed by this tragedy.

19, They were rehearsing «Hamlet»,[]a tragedy by Shakespeare.

20, A tragedy was narrowly averted when a lorry crashed into a crowded restaurant.

21, It’s a tragedy that these young people were struck down in their prime.

22, If I met you was a tragedy, I think my life’s.

23, There is always a first brave person who breaks step with the stam-peding masses fleeing in panic, who pauses to help another to his feet,creating his own eye in the storm, The stuff of heroes is made, forged in the midst of tragedy, in the blink of an eye. 

24, The world is comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel. 

25, Life is a comedy to him who thinks and a tragedy to him who feels. 

26, Investigators are searching the wreckage of the plane to try to find the cause of the tragedy.

27, It’s difficult to grasp the sheer enormity of the tragedy.

28, The boys’ games started as harmless fun but ended in tragedy.

29, She was too exhausted and distressed to talk about the tragedy.

30, Investigators are searching the wreckage of the plane to try and find the cause of the tragedy.

трагедия, трагизм, трагичность, трагическое событие, трагическая ситуация


- трагедия

Greek tragedy — греческая трагедия
tragedy and comedy — трагедия и комедия
tragedy king — актёр, исполняющий в трагедии роль короля; главный трагик труппы
tragedy queen — трагическая актриса
to stage a Shakespeare tragedy — ставить на сцене трагедию Шекспира

- трагическая ситуация

he didn’t realize the whole tragedy of the situation — он не понимал всей трагичности положения
the tragedy is that … — трагедия в том, что …
the tragedy of his life — трагедия его жизни

- трагическое событие

his father’s death was a real tragedy for him — смерть отца была для него настоящей трагедией
to make a tragedy out of smth., to treat smth. as a tragedy — делать из чего-л. трагедию

Мои примеры


a poignant story of a love affair that ends in tragedy — пронзительная история о любви, которая заканчивается трагедией  
the stupefying impact of the tragedy — ошеломляющее воздействие этой трагедии  
classic Greek tragedy — классическая греческая трагедия  
classical tragedy — классическая трагедия  
follow a tragedy with a light comedy — показать после трагедии лёгкую комедию  
tragedy actor — трагик  
historical tragedy — историческая трагедия  
a hotchpot of tragedy and pathos — смесь трагического и смешного  
a hotchpotch of tragedy and pathos — смесь трагического и смешного  
the turning-point in a tragedy — кульминация трагедии  
the turning-point of a tragedy — кульминация трагедии  
turning-point in a tragedy — кульминация трагедии  

Примеры с переводом

This is an unspeakable tragedy.

Это ужасная трагедия.

Who will bear the blame for this tragedy?

Кто понесёт ответственность за эту трагедию?

The novel weds tragedy and comedy.

Роман сочетает в себе трагедию и комедию.

The tragedy was charged to her inexperience.

Трагедию отнесли на счёт её неопытности.

Her son’s death was a terrible tragedy.

Смерть её сына была страшной трагедией.

She said the tragedy had been exploited by the media.

Она сказала, что СМИ воспользовались этой трагедией для достижения своих целей.

She’ll need great inner strength to get over the tragedy.

Ей понадобится большая внутренняя сила, чтобы пережить эту трагедию.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Richard seemed unmoved by the tragedy.

The students are studying Greek tragedy.

She was the sole survivor of the tragedy.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

tragedian  — трагик, автор трагедий, трагический актер
tragedize  — трагически относиться, превращать в трагедию

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): tragedy
мн. ч.(plural): tragedies

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word tragedy, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use tragedy in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «tragedy».

Tragedy in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word tragedy in a sentence.

  1. Nagel considers the novel a tragedy.

  2. Armero was never rebuilt after the tragedy.

  3. Ezeulu is consumed by the resulting tragedy.

  4. The 1930s were a period of tragedy for Herriman.

  5. The subject of marine tragedy was undertaken by J.

  6. The tragedy and the spice would be recalled later:.

  7. He thought it a tragedy the bomb was ever exploded.

  8. Media related to Armero tragedy at Wikimedia Commons.

  9. Upon his return to Lugano, another tragedy befell him.

  10. Many survivors of the tragedy refused to blame anyone.

  11. She particularly praised it for «…its masterful balancing of comedy and tragedy.

  12. Unlike most films about mind-numbing tragedy, this one manages to be full of hope.

  13. Time Life called the mass migration «a tragedy of almost nightmarish proportions ..

  14. However, the project was abandoned in 1999 in the wake of the Aggie Bonfire tragedy.

  15. The death of a child, any child, under any circumstances, is a terrible human tragedy.

  16. In protest at Iran’s slow response to the tragedy, some 300 people blocked the main road through Avaj.

  17. The world was informed of the tragedy when Terra Nova reached Oamaru, New Zealand, on 10 February 1913.

  18. This legislation assures that the tragedy of Rosewood will never be forgotten by the generations to come.

  19. The meaning lay not in the tragedy of the present, but in the hope for a future where no one walks alone.

  20. Studies cite intertwining messages of tragedy, war, fascism, and nostalgia as the film’s thematic center.

  21. Anupama Chopra opined, «Vidya Balan’s smoldering looks scorch the screen even as her eyes hint at tragedy.

  22. The tragedy took the lives of 72 people, including the sitting Governor of Virginia, George William Smith.

  23. Footage and photographs of Omayra Sánchez, a young victim of the tragedy, were published around the world.

  24. In the dozen years following the tragedy, more than 30 monuments and memorials were set up in Britain alone.

  25. Koechlin also worked in Rajat Kapoor’s What’s Done, Is Done, an adaptation of Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth.

  26. Out of respect to the solemnity of the tragedy, Kalākaua attended no public or private functions in the city.

  27. For a time following the tragedy the town and Kehoe’s burned-out farm continued to attract curiosity seekers.

  28. The marriage turned to tragedy when Delbos lost her memory after an operation towards the end of World War II.

  29. Mary’s courage at her execution helped establish her popular image as the heroic victim in a dramatic tragedy.

  30. In the city of Corguinho, in the Mato Grosso do Sul, a colony was built for survivors of the expected tragedy.

  31. It is nevertheless a tragedy that I must bear for the rest of my life, and one for which I also must bear responsibility.

  32. The event was marred by tragedy and controversy when eleven Israeli team members were murdered by Palestinian terrorists.

  33. He would later recall «this prolonged tragedy of the night» in the war tale «Marines Signaling Under Fire at Guantanamo».

  34. According to writer Arie Kaplan, some Holocaust survivors objected to Spiegelman making a comic book out of their tragedy.

  35. A year after the tragedy, survivors and their fellow employees constructed several memorials at the scene of the incident.

  36. But to re-enact the tragedy of Calvary for generations yet unborn, that is the last consummate sacrifice of the Militant».

  37. They leave the «mortal world» as Ireena says, «Through these many centuries we have played out the tragedy of our lives.».

  38. The aftermath of this scene is witnessed by Don Benjamin, a puppet-master, whose «puppets took the tragedy as their theme».

  39. However, this ended in tragedy when his collaborator Dora Lush accidentally injected herself and then died of the infection.

  40. Blake comments that Disraeli «produced an epic poem, unbelievably bad, and a five-act blank verse tragedy, if possible worse.

  41. It is not at all hip and cool to be pro-Palestine in Britain,” he said, saying at the interview’s conclusion: “The tragedy is that Jews learned nothing from the Holocaust.

  42. Overall the painting is dark and relies largely on the use of sombre, mostly brown pigments, a palette that Géricault believed was effective in suggesting tragedy and pain.

  43. Even as his professional life improved, however, Arthur and his wife experienced a personal tragedy as their only child, William, died suddenly that year at the age of two.

  44. Jake Coyle of the Associated Press stated that it was «the epitome of a Hoffman film: a mix of comedy and tragedy told with subtlety, bone-dry humor, and flashes of grace».

  45. In the early 21st century, writers have suggested more reasoned explanations for the Scott tragedy than his incompetence, and his reputation has to some extent been rescued.

Synonyms for tragedy

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word tragedy has the following synonyms: calamity, catastrophe, disaster and cataclys.

General information about «tragedy» example sentences

The example sentences for the word tragedy that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «tragedy» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «tragedy».

tragedy — перевод на русский


Tragedy will strike tonight.

Трагедия произойдет сегодня ночью.

Of course, Randy, it is a ghastly and terrible tragedy, particularly to have happened to Drake.

Конечно, Рэнди, то, что случилось, это ужасная трагедия.

a tragedy with no relief in sight.

Трагедия, от которой нет спасения.

There was a terrible tragedy.

Была ужасная трагедия.

I’m too happy. That’s why you said… the tragedy was something I could never understand.

Я счастлива, и не могу понять, что такое трагедия.

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What a tragedy.

— Какое несчастье.

I can’t understand why you want me around after what’s happened. When tragedy strikes a house, the lives of everyone in it become tangled up.

Когда в дом приходит несчастье, то все живущие в нем теряют способность рассуждать здраво.

You see that I have never loved, that never loving anyone is my tragedy.

Вы видите, что я никогда не любил, и что в этом заключается мое несчастье.

What a tragedy.

Какое несчастье!

You cut the net, and tragedy is going to happen.

Фирмино, ты порезал сеть и случится несчастье.

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Simply tragedy.

Это трагично.

It’s really a tragedy how many kids out there don’t have parents.

Так трагично, что множество детей в этом мире не имеют родителей.

It is a tragedy.


A wasted life is a tragedy.

Жизнь, прожитая зря — это трагично.

— This is a tragedy.

Это трагично.

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The pilot switched to automatic and then tragedy.

Пилот переключился на автомат и затем произошла трагедия.

Tragedy hits the school and everyone thinks of me.

В школе произошла трагедия, и все сразу вспомнили обо мне.

There was also tragedy in rock this week.

Сегодня произошла трагедия в мире рок музыки.

There was a tragedy, a crime a murder.

Здесь произошла трагедия. Преступление. Убийство.

it’s a tragedy is what it is.

Произошла трагедия, вот и все

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It’s a tragedy.

Настоящая трагедия.

This has been a terrible tragedy, Mr. Ambassador.

Это настоящая трагедия, господин посол.

It is a tragedy, Jer.

Настоящая трагедия, Джер!

Such a tragedy.

Настоящая трагедия.

They listen if the chocolate goes crick or crock and if it doesn’t, it’s a tragedy !

Они нюхают шоколад, и если он не удовлетворяет… все пять чувств, это настоящая трагедия!

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In that case, it’s a tragedy.

Если это правда, то тогда это беда.

That’s what people do when tragedy strikes.

Именно так поступают друзья, когда приходит беда.

There’s darkness around these numbers… great tragedy.

Тьма вокруг них витает большая беда

It will bring tragedy.

Беда ж будет…

Unfortunately, tragedy strikes as it pleases.

К сожалению, беда делает все по своему усмотрению.

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‘Vikram’s life is a tragedy film.’

«Жизнь Викрама — это трагический фильм.»

You want that to all end in tragedy?

Неужели вы за трагический финал?

Glad someone can be happy on the day of a tragedy.

Рад, что хоть кто-то счастлив в этот трагический день.

I’ve conveyed our deepest regrets to the Lysians over the tragedy of their lost ship and crew.

Я принес лизианцам наши глубочайшие сожаления относительно трагической потери ими корабля и его экипажа.

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Butters hasn’t danced since the tragedy.

Баттерс не танцевал с тех пор как случилась трагедия.

Technically, she had a pretty good ride… until tragedy struck.

Технически, она неплохо держалась… пока не случилась трагедия.

— Oh! It’s a tragedy, miss.

Случилась трагедия, мисс.

And then tragedy struck.

А потом случилась трагедия.

They married young, and were contented and settled, but then tragedy struck.

Они поженились молодыми, были довольны и устроены, но потом случилась трагедия.

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It’s a tragedy but we had nothing to do with it.

То, что произошло, ужасно, но мы не имеем к этому никакого отношения.

Amber Jones lost her life, and that’s a tragedy

Эмбер Джонс рассталась с жизнью, и это ужасно.

— Ellen and Jo dying was a tragedy. — I’m not gonna wallow in it. — Dean, you always do this.

Да, ужасно, что Элен и Джо погибли, но я сходить с ума от горя не стану.

It’s a tragedy that these won’t be seen at Fashion Week.

Ужасно, что эти никто не увидит. — На неделе моды.

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Tragedy, doctor… — Jim.

Ужасная трагедия, доктор…

Fucking tragedy, huh?

Ужасная трагедия, да?

Would’ve been a great tragedy.

Это была бы ужасная трагедия.

And what happened was a tragedy.

И то, что произошло — ужасная трагедия.

It was a tragedy the royal family wanted to forget.

Это была ужасная трагедия, королевская семья жаждала забыть о своем горе.

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