Sentence with the word tough

tough — перевод на русский


Tough guy, huh?

Крутой парень, да?

Tough enough, rookie!

— Достаточно крутой, салага!

I’m not a tough guy.

Я не крутой парень.

Are you still tough?

Всё еще крутой?

He thinks I’m a tough man because I boxed pro for awhile.

Считает, что я крутой, раз был боксером.

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Was it tough out there ?

Трудно было там?

You’ll have a tough time getting a man to fall in love with you.

Вам будет трудно завоевать любовь мужчин. Я — старая дева?

— Pretty tough, eh?

Очень трудно, да?

Do you realize how tough it is today to have a song published?

Ты понимаешь, насколько трудно в наши дни издать песню?

You’re tough.

Трудно с тобой.

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You know, it ain’t so tough when you got friends.

Знаете, всё не так тяжело, когда есть друзья.

It’s tough on all of us.

Нам всем тяжело.

«and whereas it’s impossible to foresee who will turn yellow when the going gets tough…

» И конечно невозможно предвидеть, кто струсит, когда станет тяжело…

— Maybe we have, Walter, only… it’s so tough without you.

Может быть, Уолтер, только мне так тяжело без тебя,..

It will be tough.

Будет тяжело.

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Tough racket.

Жесткий рэкет.

You’re stubborn and impulsive and you think you’re tough.

Вы упрямый и импульсивный, и вы думаете, что вы жесткий.

You’re not so tough, Brad.

Ты не такой жесткий, Брэд.

And… how can I say he had a tough gaze.

И потом, у него был, что называется, жёсткий взгляд.

That’s it… a tough gaze.

Вот именно, жёсткий взгляд.

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It’s kind of tough, isn’t it?


That did make it tough for you.

И тебе стало сложно сказать.

— It was tough

— Было сложно…

It’s gonna be tough to keep you in your job now.

Тебе теперь сложно будет удержаться на работе.

Well yes, there are new views every day, but that could be pretty tough sometimes.

Да, каждый день что-то новое, но иногда бывает довольно сложно.

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Okay, Marlowe, I said to myself, you’re a tough guy.

Ладно, сказал я себе, Марлоу, ты крепкий парень.

He’s a tough nut to crack.

ќн крепкий орешек, чтобы так его расколоть.

Well, he’s a tough cookie.

Ну, он крепкий орешек.

That boy’s the toughest nut in the woods.

Крепкий орешек.

You do a tough guy!

Вы же крепкий парень!

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Talk Carl into a game of checkers, I might let him off dishes. Well, he’s a pretty tough guy to beat, but okay. I’m sorry, Carl, but I’m kind of tired.

Напомни Карлу о шашках, мы можем дать ему шанс да, он сильный игрок, но ладно я согласен извини Карл, я устал я много играл сегодня, и хочу лечь в постель, да мама?

You need at least one as tough as this guy.

Если найдётся кто-нибудь такой же сильный, как он…

Your daddy’s tough.

Твой папа сильный.

He must have been a pretty tough youngster.

Должно быть, он очень сильный юноша.

Tough, ruthless, as you might expect, being Han’s bodyguard.

Сильный, безжалостный, как и подобает телохранителю.

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This boy is tough!

Этот парень жесток!

Innes is tough.

Иннес жесток.

You’re really tough, but listen to this.

Ты жесток, но послушай это.

It’s a tough world, isn’t it?

Мир жесток, не так ли?

Tough world, isn’t it, Mr. Chaney?

Как жесток мир, мистер Чейни.

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Jail is tough.

В тюрьме нелегко.

This will be tough.

Будет нелегко.

It’s going to be tough on you and the Enterprise, but that’s the job you’ve drawn.

«Энтерпрайзу» придется нелегко, но такая у вас работа.

Believe me, sir, it was tough.

Уж поверьте, нам пришлось нелегко.

You’re sensitive, so it’ll be tough But you must obey your instincts

Ты очень чуткий, и тебе будет нелегко, но ты всё время должен делать то, что подсказывает сердце.

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He’s gonna be tough to stop, too.

Его непросто остановить.

It’s tough!

Это непросто.

We have to tough it out… fight back.

Будет непросто…

The girls here spend so much time with a guy that most of them live alone. But it’s tough living alone in a city like this.

Наши девочки проводят так много времени с пацанами, что предпочитают жить одни, но это непросто — жить одним в таком городе.

It was tough.

Это было непросто.

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Tough sanctions on employers who violate immigration laws

а) жесткие санкции в отношении работодателей, применяющих труд мигрантов с нарушением действующего законодательства

Tough new Basel rules may have made banks safer, but these anachronistic lenders are no longer the core of the global system.

Новые жесткие правила Базеля, возможно, и сделали банки более безопасными, но эти анахроничные кредиторы больше не являются ядром глобальной финансовой системы.

Tough decisions have had to be made in relation to cost cutting but in all areas we have tried to ensure stability is maintained.

Необходимо было принять тяжелые решения в отношении сокращения расходов, но во всех областях мы пытались обеспечить поддержание стабильности.

Tough times of soviet repression are recalled as the most bloody and unfair periods in the history of Uzbekistan.

Тяжелые времена Советской репрессии вспоминаются как самые кровавые и несправедливые периоды в истории Узбекистана.

Tough match, because Tommy was playing well.

Был трудный матч, потому что Томми играет хорошо.

Coca-Cola Learns a Tough Lesson on Corporate Sustainability.

«Компания Coca-Cola усваивает трудный урок по обеспечению стабильного развития бизнеса».

Tough with high vitality, prefers to use two-handed swords.

Воин в тяжелой броне, который предпочитает использовать двуручные и одноручные мечи.

Tough in this economy, I know.

В этой атмосфере это является трудным, Я знаю.

Tough to wear right, but still possible.

Найти правильный наряд, хотя и трудно, но возможно.

Tough on Crime policy instituted last month…

«Жесткое подавление преступности» политикой, утвержденной в прошлом месяце…

Tough if not impossible to argue with that.

Трудно, невозможно с этим спорить.

Tough censorship in the network is exercised only by totalitarian and authoritarian countries.

Жесткую цензуру в сети воплощают только тоталитарные и авторитарные страны.

Tough talk is supplemented by aggressive military reflexes.

Жесткие разговоры дополняются агрессивными военными рефлексами.

Tough competition faced by the pioneers in this field.

Жесткая конкуренция, с которой сталкиваются первопроходцы в этой области.

Tough words can be tears of tears, and the critical comment is horrible.

Жесткие слова могут быть слезами, а критический комментарий ужасен.

Tough rules and serious discipline are the main difficulties of the local prison, which the heroine is to meet on the first day.

Жесткие правила и серьезная дисциплина — главные сложности местной тюрьмы, с которыми предстоит встретиться героине в первый день.

Tough confrontation between the brothers is likely to bring the tragic end for one of them.

Жёсткое противостояние между братьями, скорее всего, закончится для одного из них трагично.

Tough, courageous and free journalism turns deadly today.

Жесткая, смелая, свободная журналистика становится сегодня смертельно опасной.

Tough debate revolved around the future of media that have undergone drastic changes since the adoption of the law on mass media.

Жесткая полемика развернулась вокруг будущего медиа, которые претерпели кардинальные изменения со времени принятия закона о СМИ.

If so, then have a look at Tough Forgiveness which includes a separate and distinct reconciliation process.

Если это так, то посмотрите на Жёсткое прощение, которое включает в себя отдельный и самостоятельный процесс примирения.

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Sentences with the word Tough?



  • «my throat feels bad»; «she felt bad all over»; «he was feeling tough after a restless night»
  • «they considered themselves a tough outfit and weren’t bashful about letting anybody know it»; (`blate’ is a Scottish term for bashful)
  • «The horse was tough to break»; «I broke in the new intern»
  • «he had coarse manners but a first-rate mind»; «behavior that branded him as common»; «an untutored and uncouth human being»; «an uncouth soldier—a real tough guy»; «appealing to the vulgar taste for violence»; «the vulgar display of the newly rich»
  • «Feed the starving children in India»; «don’t give the child this tough meat»
  • «persuading him was easy going»; «the proposal faces tough sledding»
  • «had hard luck»; «a tough break»
  • «strawberries are hardy and easy to grow»; «camels are tough and hardy creatures»
  • «the more ruffianly element»; «tough street gangs»
  • «a rugged competitive examination»; «the rugged conditions of frontier life»; «the competition was tough«; «it’s a tough life»; «it was a tough job»
  • «Bob Dylan occupied the top slot for several weeks»; «she beat some tough competition for the number one slot»
  • «sturdy steel shelves»; «sturdy canvas»; «a tough all-weather fabric»; «some plastics are as tough as metal»
  • «a tough character»
  • «the tough bottoms of his feet»

How to use in-sentence of “tough”:

– Drupes have a fleshy mesocarp, but a tough endocarp, and of course, a “stone” or “pit” at its center.

– The deep lower jaw likely had powerful muscles and the teeth along the front and sides of its jaws could crop bite-sized pieces from tough plants.

– We expect a very tough race, and there are dozens of good riders in this category.

– He was also the first runner-up during the fourth season of WWE’s Tough Enough.

– In these cases, Stalkers who were tough and resourceful enough to make it to or past the Brain Scorcher would be captured, brainwashed, and sent back into the outer areas of the zone on one of the “Death Trucks.” These agents were marked with the tattoo “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.” This is where Strelok, the main character, enters the story.

– It is ideal for tough meat like mutton and beef cuts which have marbling and connective tissue.

– Is it usually very hard to farm in subarctic climates, because the soil is “infertile” and because of the many swamps and lakes that ice sheets make, and only very tough crops can survive the short growing seasons.

– Eventually, the tough customers tell Binky to punch Arthur in the arm the next time he sees him.

Use the word tough

Use the word tough

Example sentences of “tough”:

- The Germans did not inhabit a "Golden Age" of ease, but were tough and inured to hardship, qualities which Tacitus saw as preferable to the "softness" of civilized life.

- However, all of sports players had more or less tough seasons for about one or two times.
- Therefore, the Arabian horse became very tough and able to live in a harsh world.

– The Germans did not inhabit a “Golden Age” of ease, but were tough and inured to hardship, qualities which Tacitus saw as preferable to the “softness” of civilized life.

– However, all of sports players had more or less tough seasons for about one or two times.

– Therefore, the Arabian horse became very tough and able to live in a harsh world.

– The latex from the green fruits, the leaves and the stem are rich in papain, an enzyme that breaks down tough meat fibers.

– Beetles are tough animals for their size.

– They are made of tough plastic instead of glass.

– Sakurai often played in Yoji Yamada’s “It’s Tough Being a Man.” He also active as a supporting actor on stage.

– The organisms are tough due to their cell wall.

– Crustaceans are a subphylum in the phylum Arthropoda, so they have a tough exoskeleton, a series of jointed appendages, and a segmented body.

– It was a tough choice of choosing which tempo to play, because sometimes it sounded too rushed, and sometimes it sounded as if it was dragging…” The band tried to get the tempo correct, according to Nelson, “because a beat either side of the tempo we picked didn’t have the same groove”.

– She was known for her tough manner and loud voice with a heavy New York CityNew York accent.

– Bracket fungi are usually tough and sturdy.

– With his big body and deep voice, Akins usually played the clever tough guy, on the side of good or bad, in movies and television.

– Despite their tough living conditions, naked mole rats are quite widespread and numerous in the drier regions of East Africa.

– These spores are inactive cells protected by tough cell walls.

– Matthews competed on WWE Tough Enough in 2001.

– They have a kind of tough shield on their back.

– Legionaries went through very tough training.

More in-sentence examples of “tough”:

– It is about tough low-income working class teenagers.

– This worked better with the tough soil of the Midwestern United States.

– Renovation of affordable housing units helped provide housing during tough economic times.

– The Rock Pikmin can destroy tough barriers, while the Flying Pink “Winged” Pikmin can attack airborne enemies and carry items in the air.

– This is because the nuclear forces inside the nucleus nucleus of the atom have a tough time holding together all the particles with so many protons and neutrons inside.

– Herbivorous turtles have serrated-edged ridges that help them cut through tough plants.

– It hides in the reef, then catches prey with its arms, bites it with its tough beak, and kills it by delivering a poison in the saliva.

– One of the tough concerns of today’s era is the Acid rain which can have a devastating effect over all organisms living on the Earth.

– Levine noted that “looking for Jess was a really tough hunt.

– Kiel also played the role of the tough and steel titanium-toothed Bond villain Jaws as well as in the James Bond video game “Everything or Nothing”.

– Keratins are tough and insoluble.

– In 1976 he decided to refer a series of tough state security Bills to the Supreme Court to test their constitutionality.

– This is because they may have more tough skin tissue, certain diseases or conditions, or they take certain kinds of medication.

– There are tough questions in sorting out homeless people even when trying to create programs and services to help them.

– Well-known Aussie actor, Gary Sweet plays tough Queensland cop Detective Campbell, as the lead Australian investigator.

– He was a tough superior to Kevin Bacon’s detective in the thriller “Wild Things”.

– Many public health experts are alarmed by the spread of tough strains of MRSA.

– Perry’s campaigns for lieutenant governor and governor focused on a tough stance on crime.

– It is tough finding good food for many homeless people so they tend to suffer from medical conditions.

– The old tough leaves were used to make baskets, floor rugs and waterproof thatched roofs for buildings.

– Popeye’s favorite food is spinach, and he always tries to encourage others to eat this healthy vegetable as it is a great source of “strength and vitality.” He loves his sweetheart Olive Oyl dearly despite their rough start and will go to any lengths to keep her safe and make her happy, showing that he is a very chivalrous and romantic man, despite his rough, tough and gruff nature.

– It is a very tough race, although some years the race has been tougher than others, depending on the weather conditions.

– He is best-known for playing tough guys and villains.

– The races are also physically tough on the drivers.

- It is about tough low-income working class teenagers.

- This worked better with the tough soil of the Midwestern United States.
- Renovation of affordable housing units helped provide housing during tough economic times.

– Sauropod dinosaurs appear to have used stones to grind tough plant matter.

– The stems are covered with tough skin, and the skin is covered with wax.

– The skin is also tough enough to resist several machete blows.

– One commentator described his ministerial career as “spectacularly unsuccessful”, but others praised his willingness to take tough decisions.

– It may sound a bit tough to propose this early, but I think it’s needed before things escalate.

– The slim body, blunt snout, and tough skin helps the whitetip reef shark hunt successfully in these small spaces.

– Insects are very tough animals that have adapted to a great variety of settings.

– She will also be a trainer on the 2011 revival of Tough Enough.

– The Golani brigade has earned a reputation for its tough soldiers.

– There were a lot of young actors trying to act tough and be rebellious.

– Cuomo has promoted several policies such as legalizing same-sex marriage, tough laws against guns, allowing businesses not to pay taxes for some time in some parts of the state, continuing the moratorium petroleum and natural gas, he started the United States Climate Alliance, a group of states intending to stop climate change by following the terms of the Paris AgreementParis Climate Accords and pro-immigration policies.

– This stomach is an adaptation to help digest tough grasses.

– This is because of the tough grasses which they eat.

– As a result, he suffered a tough life when he was young.

– Despite his love of crapshooting, Popeye would be forced to sell his beloved dice for the lead in them after his guardian Whaler Joe fell on tough times.

– Like several other burrowing mammals with similar habits, they have short legs with powerful digging claws, very dense fur that repels dirt and moisture, and tough skin, particularly on the head.

– The island’s other major draw is “It’s Tough to be a Bug!”, a 4-D film starring Flik and Hopper from Disney·Pixar’s “A Bug’s Life”.

– The function of cork cambium is to produce the cork, a tough protective material.

– Kucinich was about to enter a tough re-election campaign.

– Toph is a 12-year-old blind, member of the rich family of Bei Fong, tough Earthbender who first appears in the second season of the show.She first appears in 6th episode of second season – “Blind Bandit” Not long after meeting Aang and his friends, she leaves her wealthy family and comfortable home to join Aang on his quest and a plan to teach him Earthbending.

– Stone Cold hosted of the fifth season of Tough Enough.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word tough, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use tough in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «tough».

Tough in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word tough in a sentence.

  1. They’re just sort of tough.

  2. He looked gruff and tough ..

  3. It’s really tough out there..

  4. It’s a tough thing to go through.

  5. Don’t vote for him because he’s tough.

  6. It’s a tough, challenging short track.».

  7. Well it wasn’t that the job was tough ..

  8. In a tough battle, Veeru and Jai are cornered.

  9. But she was very smart indeed—and very tough.

  10. The flesh is white to pinkish to brownish and tough.

  11. Borman faced tough and sometimes hostile questioning.

  12. He was considered a good teacher, and a tough grader.

  13. Although tough, an elephant’s skin is very sensitive.

  14. In August 1997, he wrote: «This has been a tough year.

  15. He’s a tough act to follow—at all times,» said Colbert.

  16. Credit to Palace, they’ve had a tough end to the season».

  17. Emcee Katt Williams joked, «They don’t look so tough, do they?

  18. It is tough, hollow, and either straight or with some curving.

  19. Mycologist David Arora recommends discarding the tough stipes.

  20. It was a tough job done in four months, and we did a good job.».

  21. What was seen as tough talk boosted Roosevelt’s election chances.

  22. He was one tough son of a gun and as durable as they make them.».

  23. He grew into a short but tough man who spoke with clipped diction.

  24. Each offense would face tough defense in the air and on the ground.

  25. It’s a very tough and elegant piece of work, from the factory of E.

  26. She was considered a rigorous teacher who was tough with her grades.

  27. It’s tough for people who need approval to see somebody who doesn’t.

  28. The flesh is thin and tough, and dark yellow-brown to cream-colored.

  29. There were two hours of tough training, with diverse crawl movements.

  30. Wharton argued that the tough alloy would be difficult to counterfeit.

  31. President’s tough talk and actions in the early days of his administration.

  32. A guy who has just blown a tough one shouldn’t be allowed behind the wheel.

  33. The meat is tough and of low quality, so it is casseroled or made into pâté.

  34. A clocker for the Daily Racing Form stated, «He’s going to be tough to beat.

  35. If you talk of tough political debates, well, he was absolutely unbeatable ..

  36. It represents that we can keep our heads up in the face of really tough odds.».

  37. One was made into a pie, which turned out to be so tough that it was uneatable.

  38. The tough woody stems are 1–2 cm (0.4–0.8 in) wide, thickening towards the base.

  39. In October 1884, facing tough competition, the Lenos gave up the lease on the theatre.

  40. The salt-packed cotton armour was tough enough that even arrows could not penetrate it.

  41. Aubrey’s tough decision-making earned him the nickname «Smiling Cobra» during his tenure.

  42. In the bottom of the fourth inning, the Cardinals cracked through Pennock’s tough pitching.

  43. The result was a muscular, powerful, and tough breed with long legs that facilitated movement.

  44. This process reveals the endoperidium, a tough, non-gelatinous layer that does not break apart.

  45. Mawson and Mertz found most of the meat tough, but enjoyed the liver; it, at least, was tender.

  46. We’ve had tough times before and we can take the tougher ones that we will have to go through now.

  47. Times were tough during the Great Depression, and it may have meant one less child for her to feed.

  48. The gleba is a drab brown to blackish-brown color, and it becomes tough and brittle as it dries out.

  49. These tough characters tended to be humbled in some form and revealed to have a hidden vulnerability.

  50. An elephant’s skin is generally very tough, at 2.5 cm (1 in) thick on the back and parts of the head.

Synonyms for tough

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word tough has the following synonyms: bad, uncomfortable, baffling, knotty, problematic, problematical, difficult, hard, cartilaginous, gristly, rubbery, chewy, coriaceous, leathered, leatherlike, leathery, fibrous, sinewy, stringy, unchewable, hempen, tough-skinned, inedible, uneatable, hard-bitten, hard-boiled, pugnacious, tough-minded, unsentimental, insensitive, ruffianly, violent, rugged, sturdy, toughened, calloused, callous, thickened, enured, inured, hardened, weather-beaten, experienced, experient, strong, bully, hooligan, ruffian, roughneck, rowdy, yob, yobo, yobbo, hood, hoodlum, goon, punk, thug, toughie, strong-armer and street fighter.

General information about «tough» example sentences

The example sentences for the word tough that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «tough» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «tough».

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