Sentence with the word topic

Table of Contents

  1. What is a sentence with the word topic?
  2. How do you write a topic sentence example?
  3. What it is a topic?
  4. What is the best topic in English?
  5. What to talk when you run out of topics?
  6. How do u start a conversation with someone?
  7. What should I text to my crush?
  8. How do you tease a girl over text?
  9. Is it good if I make her laugh?
  10. How do I make her jealous?
  11. Why do guys try to make a girl jealous?
  12. Is jealousy a sign of love?

We have discussed a lot of different topics in this class. The better your English language skills, the more you are able to talk about difficult topics. A proper summary of an article does not include one’s personal opinion on the topic.

How do you write a topic sentence example?

Here are some examples:

  1. Topic Sentence: There are many reasons why pollution in ABC Town is the worst in the world.
  2. The topic is “pollution in ABC Town is the worst in the world” and the controlling idea is “many reasons.”

What it is a topic?

The topic is the general subject of a paragraph or essay. Topics are simple and are described with just a word or a phrase. Main Idea. The main idea is a complete sentence; it includes the topic and what the author wants to say about it.

What is the best topic in English?

Family life

  • Tell something about your family.
  • Tell something about your free time activities.
  • Speak about your hobbies.
  • Speak about your favourite pop-group/singer.
  • Tell something about your free time activities.
  • Tell something about your favourite TV programmes/radio programmes.
  • What kind of music do you like?

What to talk when you run out of topics?

Here are some effective hacks to keep things fresh when you’ve run out of things to talk about, according to experts.

  • Find New Shared Interests To Partake In Together.
  • Call Your Mom.
  • Get Together With A Group Of Friends.
  • Ask Silly And Random Questions You’ve Always Wanted To Ask.
  • Talk About Your Dreams.

How do u start a conversation with someone?

Comment on the weather.

  1. Ask for information. A great way to start a conversation is to ask for information from the person you want to talk to.
  2. Pay a compliment.
  3. Comment on something pleasant.
  4. Introduce yourself.
  5. Offer help.
  6. Mention a shared experience.
  7. Praise the person.
  8. Ask about them.

What should I text to my crush?

If your goal is to come up with conversation-starting texts to send your crush that’ll grab their attention and get them so excited to chat, you’ve come to the right place….

  • Ask A Leading Question.
  • Jog Their Memory.
  • Say Something Sweet.
  • Bring Up A Shared Interest Or Experience.
  • Send An Emoji.

How do you tease a girl over text?

5 Ways to Inject Sexual Tension Into Your Text Conversations

  1. Tease Her. When most people think of “teasing”, they think of “making fun of” the woman.
  2. Use Innuendos. Innuendos are words or phrases that can have double meanings.
  3. Build Anticipation Before the Date.
  4. Push/Pull.
  5. Blame the Escalation On Her.

Is it good if I make her laugh?

When a woman finds a man funny, she feels closer to him because she senses that they can understand each other in a way not everyone can. On top of this, laughing makes you feel really good; it’s a great aphrodisiac. Laughing makes you feel alive and happy. Making a woman laugh is literally making her happy.

How do I make her jealous?

Without much ado, here are those things you can start doing to make her miss you seriously.

  1. To Make Her Jealous, Be On And Off With Her.
  2. To Make A Girl Jealous, Leave Her Out.
  3. Make Your Girl Jealous By Speaking Well Of Another Girl Before Her.
  4. While You Ignore Her Texts, Become Active On The Social Media.

Why do guys try to make a girl jealous?

A lot of guys will try to make a woman jealous because they themselves feel jealous. For example, he might start using these tactics if he notices her talking to someone else at a party or having really close friendships with other guys.

Is jealousy a sign of love?

Research has shown that jealousy can be a sign of feeling deeply in love with a partner. It may contribute to relationship satisfaction by signaling emotional commitment and investment. It may contribute to relationship stability by prompting partners to further nurture their bond and actively protect their union.

Definition of Topic

the subject or theme of a conversation, book, piece of art, etc

Examples of Topic in a sentence

Recipes are a usual topic of conversation between the friends since they both like to cook.


The blog writer pens articles on many different subjects, but pet care is her favorite topic.


Because the artist couldn’t think of a topic for his newest sculpture, he painted an abstract piece with no theme.


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A topic—From the Greek, «place»—is a particular issue or idea that serves as the subject of a paragraph, essay, report, or speech.

The primary topic of a paragraph may be expressed in a topic sentence. The main topic of an essay, report, or speech may be expressed in a thesis sentence.

An essay topic, say Kirszner and Mandell, «should be narrow enough so that you can write about it within your page limit. If your topic is too broad, you will not be able to treat it in enough detail.»
Concise Wadsworth Handbook, 2014.

«Whether you are choosing from a list provided by your instructor or selecting your own, you should try to work with a topic that interests you and that you care about.»
​—Robert DiYanni and Pat C. Hoy II, The Scribner Handbook for Writers. Allyn and Bacon, 2001

Things to Write About

«What things there are to write if one could only write them! My mind is full of gleaming thoughts; gay moods and mysterious, moth-like meditations hover in my imagination, fanning their painted wings. They would make my fortune if I could catch them; but always the rarest, those freaked with azure and the deepest crimson, flutter away beyond my reach.»
—Logan Pearsall Smith, More Trivia, 1921

Finding a Good Topic

«Any topic you choose to write about should pass the following test:

— Does this topic interest me? If so, why do I care about it?
— Do I know something about it? Do I want to know more?
— Can I get involved with some part of it? Is it relevant to my life in some way?
— Is it specific enough for a short essay?»
—Susan Anker, Real Essays with Readings: Writing Projects for College, Work, and Everyday Life, 3rd ed. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2009

Narrowing Your Topic

«Topics with a limited, or specific, scope are easier to explain carefully and in detail than topics that are vague, amorphous, or very broad. For example, general subjects such as mountains, automobiles, or music sound systems are so broad that it’s hard to know where to begin. However, a specific aspect of sound systems, such as compact discs (CDs) is easier. Within the subject of CDs, of course, there are several topics as well (design, manufacturing process, cost, marketing, sound quality, comparison to tape and vinyl recordings, etc.).»
—Toby Fulwiler and Alan R. Hayakawa, The Blair Handbook. Prentice Hall, 2003

Selecting a Topic for a Research Paper

«You choose a topic for the research paper much as you would for any other essay: You browse the library’s book collection, surf the Net, or talk to experts, friends, and fellow students. The only difference is that now you need a meatier topic, one that you can cover in eight to ten pages and back up with reference sources.»

«The writer Sheridan Baker suggests that every good topic has an argumentative edge that needs to be proved or disproved. For example, the topic ‘contagious diseases of the past,’ admittedly overly broad and bland, can be honed to an argumentative edge by a little rewording: ‘the Black Death: reducer of overpopulation in Europe.’ This is now a topic with an edge that gives you something to prove. Instead of calling for a summary of major contagious diseases, it hints that they served some useful purpose by controlling the population. This is a controversial outlook that will give your paper the energy of an argumentative edge.»
—Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell and Anthony C. Winkler, From Idea to Essay: A Rhetoric, Reader, and Handbook, 12th ed. Wadsworth, 2009

Selecting a Topic for a Speech

«To choose the one topic you will speak about, think about the audience and the occasion. There are two more questions you can ask yourself at this point:

— What does the audience expect? (audience)

— What might the audience expect on the day you speak? (occasion)»

«Knowing who your audience is and why its members are gathered together can help you rule out a number of topics. A speech on the fluctuating gold market could be interesting, but not to a class of seventh-graders at an assembly just before summer vacation.»

«When you have removed the inappropriate subjects from your list, find the most appropriate of the remainder. Empathize with your audience. What topic do you think would be worth your time to hear?»
—Jo Sprague, Douglas Stuart, and David Bodary, The Speaker’s Handbook, 9th ed. Wadsworth, 2010

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

topic sentence

тематическое предложение

Start each new section is the main part of a topic sentence, which we discussed above.

Начинайте каждый новый параграф основной части с topic sentence, речь о которых шла выше.

For this reason, as is the case with the introduction to the whole essay, reading a topic sentence, the verifier must already understand what will be discussed further, and all subsequent proposals must be some kind of support the ideas expressed by your first sentence.

Именно по этой причине, также как и в случае со вступлением к целому эссе, прочитав такой topic sentence, проверяющий должен уже понимать, о чем далее пойдет речь, а все последующие предложения должны являться своего рода опорой идеи, выраженной вашим первым предложением.

Subsequent sentences develop and confirm the thought expressed in the topic sentence.

Последующие предложения развивают и подтверждают мысль, высказанную в Topic Sentence.

Each of the paragraphs in the main part of the essay begins with an introductory sentence (Topic Sentence), this is the «introduction» to the paragraph.

Каждый из абзацев в основной части сочинения начинается с вводного предложения (Topic Sentence), это «введение» к абзацу.

Terry believes in having a clear topic sentence.

The second and third paragraph require a topic sentence.

A topic sentence can be in the form of a rhetorical question.

<Always include the topic sentence in the post itself.

Всегда идёт санкция в самой статье.

In fact, the phrase «topic sentence

The topic sentence introduces the main idea of the body paragraph and links the paragraph back to the thesis.

The topic sentence must be clear and without error.

Жалобу следует составить четко и без ошибок

A topic sentence is the one that includes the main idea of a paragraph.

By linking the text of each body paragraph to the topic sentence, you’ll keep your report well-organized, and it will flow better.

Связав текст каждого основного абзаца с темой предложения, вы сможете логически выстроить структуру доклада, и он получится более интересным.

That statement is Paul’s topic sentence, but its meaning must be spelled out before there can be a response.

Это утверждение — это предложение, в котором формулируется суть проповеди Павла, но его значение должно быть объяснено до того, как будет получен ответ.

For example, the bulk of our reading, an estimated 55 to 85%, is of expository paragraphs, where the main idea is usually expressed in a topic sentence.

Известно, что из всего объема материала, который нам надо изучить, от 55 до 85% приходится на абзацы, содержащие объяснения проблемы, причем основная идея обычно выражена в одном ключевом предложении.

A topic sentence is a sentence, usually the first one in a paragraph, that contains the main idea of the paragraph.

Заглавное предложение — это предложение, обычно первое в абзаце, которое отражает главную мысль абзаца.

Sometimes the topic sentence is delayed until the middle or near the middle of the paragraph.

Иногда слово сокращается до слога, находящегося в середине или в конце.

For example, «wa» indicates topic sentence, «ka» indicates question, «ga» indicates subject and so on.

Например, «ша» указывает на тематическое предложение, «ка» указывает на вопрос, «ga» указывает на объект и так далее.

For this kind of paragraph, called a COORDINATE PARAGRAPH, each sentence that follows the topic sentence — the (1) — cooperates with the others to define and redefine a term or terms.

Для этого вида параграфа, названного КООРДИНАЦИОННЫМ ПАРАГРАФОМ, каждое предложение, которое следует за предложением, в котором формулируется тема сообщения — (1) — сотрудничает с другими, чтобы определить и пересмотреть срок или сроки.

But I’m reminded of Sartre’s famous line, Hell is other people, when I see that Georgia College’s webpage dedicated to collaborative learning, which includes the topic sentence: Together is how we do everything here at Georgia College.

Но я все время вспоминаю известное высказывание Сартра о том, что «ад — это другие», когда вижу сайт колледжа Джорджии, посвященный коллективному обучению, и его главную фразу: «Вместе — так мы делаем в колледже Джорджии всё.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Смотреть что такое «topic sentence» в других словарях:

  • topic sentence — n. the principal sentence, setting forth the main idea and coming usually at the beginning, in a paragraph or section of a discourse, esp. of an expository nature …   English World dictionary

  • Topic sentence — The topic sentence is a primarily prescriptive grammatical term to describe what is usually, but not always, the first sentence in a paragraph. The topic sentence acts as a kind of summary and offers the reader an insightful view of the writer’s… …   Wikipedia

  • topic sentence — noun a sentence that states the topic of its paragraph • Hypernyms: ↑sentence …   Useful english dictionary

  • topic sentence — a sentence that expresses the essential idea of a paragraph or larger section, usually appearing at the beginning. Also, topical sentence. [1915 20] * * * …   Universalium

  • topic sentence — noun Date: 1885 a sentence that states the main thought of a paragraph or of a larger unit of discourse and is usually placed at or near the beginning …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • topic sentence — noun A sentence at the beginning of a paragraph indicating the general matter to be discussed later in that paragraph …   Wiktionary

  • topic sentence — top′ic sen′tence n. a sentence that expresses the essential idea of a paragraph or larger section, usu. at the beginning • Etymology: 1915–20 …   From formal English to slang

  • Topic — can refer to: * An area of interest, also called a subject ** The focus of an article in a publication ** The focus of a discussion or debate; see On topic * Topic (or theme) in linguistics, the part of a proposition that is being talked about… …   Wikipedia

  • Sentence element — Sentence elements are the groups of words that combine together to comprise the ‘building units’ of a well formed sentence. A sentence element approach to grammar assumes a top down methodology. In other words, it starts with the sentence as a… …   Wikipedia

  • Topic (linguistics) — In linguistics, the topic (or theme) is the part of the proposition that is being talked about (predicated). Once stated, the topic is therefore old news , i.e. the things already mentioned and understood. For example, the topic is emphasized in… …   Wikipedia

  • Sentence spacing — Double sentence spaced typewriter text (1946) vs. single sentence spaced typeset text (1979) Sentence spacing is the horizontal space between sentences in typeset text. It is a matter of typographical convention …   Wikipedia

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