Sentence with the word thrilling

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Luckily I had a chance for such a thrilling tour.

У меня, к счастью, был шанс провести такой захватывающий тур.

The aim of any reputable online casino is to provide its players with a realistic and thrilling gaming experience.

Одна из главных целей авторитетных онлайн-казино — предоставить игрокам реалистичный и захватывающий игровой опыт.

This is a thrilling moment for Einstein@Home and our volunteers.

Это волнующий момент для проекта Einstein@Home и наших волонтеров.

Still, the experience of floating alongside his spacecraft was thrilling.

Тем не менее, он считает, что опыт движения возле своего корабля был волнующим.

Excitement and thrilling intensity in combination with real money winnings is what we need.

Волнение и захватывающая интенсивность в сочетании с выигрышем в реальных деньгах — это то, что нам нужно.

The job was demanding but thrilling.

Это безусловно очень сложная, но захватывающая работа.

Action, adventure, thrilling escapes…

Приключения, драки, захватывающие погони. А у тебя там что?

Or rather, four thrilling attractions.

И, достаточно, надо сказать, захватывающих четыре тура.

We can look forward to thrilling duels in a unique atmosphere.

Нам предстоит стать свидетелями захватывающих спортивных дуэлей, проходящих в совершенно уникальной атмосфере».

We all agree that the story should be reasonable yet thrilling.

Мы все согласны с тем, что история должна быть разумно обоснованной, но в то же время захватывающей.

Open individuals crave adrenaline-spiking adventures, always looking for thrilling activities.

Открытые люди жаждут всплесков адреналина, всегда в поисках захватывающих занятий.

New and thrilling ways of traveling and changing the world around you.

Новые, захватывающие способы передвижения и динамично изменяющийся мир вокруг вас.

In the thrilling shoot-outs and close-in fighting the extremists of elite fighters squad will use the latest weapons, equipment and machinery.

В захватывающих дух перестрелках и рукопашныхсхватках с экстремистами бойцы элитного отряда будут использовать новейшее оружие, снаряжение и технику.

But there will not be spectacular, thrilling chases and shoot-outs.

Но здесь не будет зрелищных погонь и захватывающих перестрелок.

If you want to experience those thrilling emotions again while viewing your videos, then it’s better to buy a high-resolution camera.

Если вы хотите, просматривая видео, вновь пережить захватывающие эмоции, то покупайте камеру с высоким разрешением.

You’ll be amazed to know that children and youth like to spend most of their leisure time playing these thrilling games.

Вы даже не представляете, насколько детям и подросткам нравится проводить своё свободное время, играя в современные захватывающие игры.

Deciding to embark on a social media marketing campaign can be equal parts thrilling and daunting.

Принятие решения о проведении маркетинговой кампании в социальных сетях может быть равнозначным и захватывающим.

The history of its construction, which was completed in 1955, can easily become a plot for a thrilling book.

История ее строительства, которое было завершено в 1955 году, может легко стать сюжетом для захватывающей книги.

Some of the things they’ll do will be magical, community-building, economically thrilling.

Некоторые из вещей, которые они сделают, будут волшебными, общинными, экономически захватывающими.

It was a little freaky, but also thrilling to see what was inside.

Это было немного странно, но также захватывающе видеть то, что было внутри.

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thrilling — перевод на русский


I see you’re thrilled by the idea.

Я вижу, Вы в восторге от моего предложения.

I thought you’d be thrilled.

Я думала ты будешь в восторге.

I am thrilled, my dear compatriots… lam glad I could…

Я в восторге, мои милые земляки.. надеюсь, что…

I’m not thrilled with the handshaking either, but one step at a time.

Я также не в восторге и от рукопожатий, но пусть будет один шаг за один раз.

— Kids are gonna be so thrilled.

— Дети будут в восторге.

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Darling, aren’t you thrilled?

Милый, ты не рад?

I’m thrilled to work with you.

Буду рад работать с вами.

She’s busy, but he got a whipping. The principal was thrilled.

Разобрать трудно, но месье, видно, очень рад.

It’s a great thrill to meet you, sir.

Очень рад познакомиться с вами, сэр.

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I am thrilled to have the honour of announcing the culmination of mankind’s history of scientific achievement!

Я взволнован, потому что имею честь объявить о кульминации научных достижений человечества!

I’m thrilled to have the honour of announcing the culmination of mankind’s scientific achievement!

Я взволнован, потому что имею честь объявить о кульминации научных достижений человечества!

Well, I’m thrilled too, Stanley.

Я тоже этим взволнован, Стэнли.

He must be so thrilled and pleased… to have his daughter achieve such recognition.

Он должен был быть так взволнован и доволен… что его дочь достигла такого признания.

You must be thrilled.

Ты должно быть взволнован.

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I sing a small role, but I’m thrilled.

Мне дали крошечную роль, но я очень рада.

How thrilled am I, sire Fulbert, that my son weddeth your sweet and gentle daughter.

Я очень рада, сир Фульбер, что мой сын женится на вашей такой нежной и милой дочери.


— Она очень рада, что ты пришёл.

I’m thrilled to be here.

Я очень рада быть здесь.

I would be thrilled To contribute a ballad from my repertoire.

Я была бы очень рада, предложить балладу из своего репертуара.

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Sounds thrilling!

Звучит захватывающе!

Sounds thrilling.

Звучит захватывающе.

— And wasn’t that thrilling?

— Правда же, захватывающе?

Don’t know if you’ve ever seen a man ride a porpoise, but it can be thrilling.

Не знаю, видели ли вы когда-нибудь человека, оседлавшего дельфина. Это весьма захватывающе.

Isn’t that thrilling.

Как захватывающе.

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I needed the security of a job… more than the thrill of performing.

Надежная работа привлекала меня… больше, чем острые ощущения.

It’s really a thrill, as you know.

Это дествительно острые ощущения, как тебе известно.

Cheap thrills.

Дешевые острые ощущения.

Ferris’ wheel, it’s a thrill.

Колесо обозрения — это острые ощущения.

It’s the thrill of the kill for me, just like the passengers.

Это — острые ощущения от убийства для меня, прямо как с пассажирами.

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For the first time he felt the mother’s womb trapped in the swimsuit… as the vehicle of a dusky and vital thrill.

Впервые от прикосновения к материнскому животу, обтянутому мокрым купальником, он ощутил неясный и живой трепет.

Thrills… spills…

Трепет… Падения…

I wish I could describe to you what a thrill it is to be here.

Мне хотелось бы объяснить Вам, какой трепет я испытываю, находясь здесь.

Anyway, I just want to tell you what a thrill.

В общем, я хотел сказать вам, какой трепет…

I need to be thrilling, I want to be Rainbow High

Сделайте меня Аргентинской розой. Я должна вызывать трепет.

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If only someone like you would take care of me, I’d really be thrilled.

Если кто-то, как вы позаботится обо мне я на самом деле буду счастлива.

She’s thrilled.

Она просто счастлива.

I’m thrilled to have you here.

Я так счастлива принимать вас в нашем доме.

I’m thrilled for John and Kimmie, Richard and Ling.

Я счастлива за Джона и Кимми, Ричарда и Линг.

Yes, you can. I am thrilled, you can join me for the fabulous first night of the St. Louis leg of my world tour.

Я счастлива, что вы присутствуете на первом потрясающем выступлении в Сент-Луисе, которым начинается мое мировое турне.

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Not thrilling, but nice.

Не волнующе…

It’s gonna be so thrilling.

Это будет так волнующе.

How thrilling!

Как волнующе!

How thrilling.

Это так волнующе.

It was thrilling.

Это было волнующе.

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Everytime I touched her, kissed her it gave me such a thrill to think of you watching me and how much it would hurt you. I’ve treated both of you so badly.

Каждый раз прикасаясь к ней, целуя ее, меня охватывало возбуждение, когда я думал, что ты наблюдаешь за нами. и что это доставит тебе боль. Я обращался с вами обоими так плохо.

The thrill of the kill.

Возбуждение от убийства.

That’s because you killed a young man that you didn’t hunt first, and so Brodus couldn’t get a vicarious thrill from your experience.

— Это потому что вы убили юношу, но вы за ним не охотились, … и поэтому Бродус не мог получить компенсаторное возбуждение от вашего опыта.

Thrill of the chase an’ all that.

Возбуждение от погони и все такое.

Yeah, Big Mike’s going to be thrilled seeing as how we sell video games.

Да уж, Большой Майк точно придет в возбуждение, когда увидит, как мы продаем видео-игры.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word thrilling, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use thrilling in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «thrilling».

Thrilling in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word thrilling in a sentence.

  1. Ramsey found the experience a thrilling adventure.

  2. I would not, for the sake of thrilling you with horror, invent so terrible a scene.

  3. In 2014 David Pringle called it «a beautiful story—poetic, thrilling, and profound».

  4. Club graded it a B− and stated that U2’s performance was less thrilling than the 3D effects.

  5. New Zealand beat South Africa in a thrilling first semi-final to qualify for their maiden World Cup final.

  6. The match ended in a thrilling draw as South Australia’s last-wicket pair held on to fend off the visitors.

  7. It became a cliché to say he mellowed as he got older, but his performances remained thrilling right to the end.

  8. To me, indeed, there was something even thrilling and affecting in the aspect of the commonest objects around ..

  9. Turner wrote that the play was thrilling and praised Moore’s acting as Cornelia, but disliked Wills’s «buffoonery» as Lizzie.

  10. The dynamic between Jill and Josh isn’t particularly thrilling, and the one-liners, banter and endearing kitsch are kept to a minimum.».

  11. The Guardian called their performance thrilling and an editor for the British newspaper Metro felt that it was the best part of the evening.

  12. In a 2006 Guardian article, Jon Wiener wrote: «For young people in 1972, it was thrilling to see Lennon’s courage in standing up to [US President] Nixon.

  13. And it is sort of thrilling and creepy, because now the characters have an existence apart from me.» In general, the film received mixed-to-negative reviews.

  14. The writer commented that the song was «a true falsetto fantasy» and that it was «still thrilling to hear the sweet-voiced duo trade harmonies on the chorus».

  15. In the return match against South Africa in Pretoria, the All Blacks trailed for much of the game but produced a thrilling comeback late the second half to win by 32–30.

  16. He found it tiring to play because he had not yet learned how to pace himself, but he thought it «a thrilling engagement because it led to so many great things afterwards».

  17. In a January 2004 interview, lead designer Michael Stemmle provided a rough outline: the game’s story was «really six stories, loosely held together by a thrilling über-plot».

  18. Computer and Video Games’ Andy Robinson wrote that it is a «thinking man’s stealth game» that is the centerpiece of the game, and Edge said that the stealth offering was thrilling.

  19. George Slusser described the series as a «work of high style and imagination», while Amanda Craig said that A Wizard of Earthsea was «the most thrilling, wise, and beautiful children’s novel ever».

  20. Ears Like Golden Bats was described by as «one of the year’s most thrilling surprises, an album that wraps wry gallows humor in glistening guitars and whistling synths.» The review continued:.

  21. The chemistry is that of two old friends who no longer have to second-guess each other’s instincts», concluding that the album reasserts West «as a fun, thrilling rap music-maker that tests the genre’s boundaries».

Synonyms for thrilling

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word thrilling has the following synonyms: electrifying, exciting and stimulating.

General information about «thrilling» example sentences

The example sentences for the word thrilling that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «thrilling» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «thrilling».

About 3231 results found using ‘THRILLING’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • A pedicab ride proved even more thrilling, though it took some doing to arrange.  (open, save, copy)

  • Behind him is a thrilling, anyone-can-win season and a white-knuckle postseason.  (open, save, copy)

  • As thrilling as all that is, I didn’t see how it belonged in a newspaper column.  (open, save, copy)

  • It is thrilling to stand at the center of such a monumental space, and humbling.  (open, save, copy)

  • It is also thrilling for me to hear how different communities react to the show.  (open, save, copy)

  • This year I was given a role in Anything Goes, which was a thrilling experience.  (open, save, copy)

  • Sure, some of the games have been as thrilling as two rhinos playing in the mud.  (open, save, copy)

  • It’s not a thrilling meal, but service is professional and the cuisine is tasty.  (open, save, copy)

  • In a thrilling finish, Monks overhauled tiring leader Nash, with Jones in third.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘thrilling’:

  1. Bang: the swift release of a store of affective force; «they got a great bang out of it»; «what a boot!»; «he got a quick rush from injecting heroin»; «he does it for kicks» [source]
  2. Cause to be thrilled by some perceptual input; «The men were thrilled by a loud whistle blow» [source]
  3. Feel sudden intense sensation or emotion; «he was thrilled by the speed and the roar of the engine» [source]
  4. Frisson: an almost pleasurable sensation of fright; «a frisson of surprise shot through him» [source]
  5. Shudder: tremble convulsively, as from fear or excitement [source]
  6. Something that causes you to experience a sudden intense feeling or sensation; «the thrills of space travel» [source]
  7. Exhilarate: fill with sublime emotion; «The children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies»; «He was inebriated by his phenomenal success» [source]
  8. (thrilled) feeling intense pleasurable excitement [source]
  9. (thrilling) electrifying: causing a surge of emotion or excitement; «she gave an electrifying performance»; «a thrilling performer to watch» [source]

Synonyms for ‘thrilling’:

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Yes, maybe there are superstar teachers in Silicon Valley who never get rattled by computer viruses, inspire their students with thrilling lab simulations and connect their classroom with Nobel Prize-winning researchers.


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wait a minute, that might be accurate, not even Danny Elfman’s score punctuated with slow jamz to get your groove on can save this, worse yet, the committed press core are probably asking «how are we going to tolerate the thrilling 3rd installment due out in 2018?»


Well-acted, stunningly shot, and frankly thrilling, Rogue One will please Star Wars fans and oblivious audiences alike.


Following a thrilling year in SETI Institute’s Artist in Residence Program, Nina Waisman has brought her Laboratory for Embodied Intelligences (LEI) to The 18th Street Arts Center.


Each, in its own different way, is a thrilling take on traditional Asian cuisine.


The V6 engine has been updated to provide 362hp and 369lb-ft of torque, giving the driver and passengers a thrilling ride.


If I could have experienced something remotely as thrilling as real spaceflight, I might have resolved to undergo the requisite grueling training.


Designed to be a journey as epic and thrilling as the Legend itself, The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses presents the music of this celebrated franchise with all-new arrangements directly approved by franchise producer Eiji Aonuma and Nintendo composer and sound director Koji Kondo (Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda).


Gavin, Tommy Milner and Marcel Fässler won last year’s Rolex 24 in GTLM in a thrilling race that saw the two Corvettes separated by just 0.034 seconds at the finish.


Sporting KC won a thrilling 4-3 game against the Chicago Fire a week ago, and their attacking corps of Khiry Shelton, Johnny Russell, Daniel Salloi, and Felipe Gutierrez looked dangerous at times.


December 2017 — As a thrilling close to 2017, Nintendo launched a sequel to the original Xenoblade Chronicles RPG series, Xenoblade Chronicles 2.


Her performance is thrilling, most obvious in the notes she adds to Atwood’s dense, almost musical dialogue — it’s a verbal decathlon so rich it rewards repeat viewings.


There is something thrilling about the concept of fighting giant monsters with only your wits and the biggest weapon that you can lift on your side.


Steven Spielberg directs Daniel Day Lewis in this thrilling look at the final days of our 15th President, Abraham Lincoln.


Outfitting a connected home is a lot less thrilling when you’re renting, but your next place might come with hardware already installed.


Some of the action sequences are thrilling, especially in the climactic game itself, which blends in seamless special effects along with some strategic surprises, even when the structure — in some ways intentionally — resembles that of a certain reality television show.


Summary: Robert Langdon is at it again in this thrilling mystery about a man who’s threating to kill off half of the global population.


When you know what’s coming, the action seems less thrilling, and the monotony of all the blood becomes more apparent.


The enemy going back to their route let’s you return to the long-range action without being impeded, but so long as you’re careful thrilling cat and mouse chases don’t occur as often as one might hope.


If you love detailed paint finishes, decorating that is feminine, and find the hunt for antiques thrilling, you may love this blog.


The stand-alone gasoline powertrain’s 170 horsepower and the hybrid’s 176 hp are adequate, but not thrilling.


Buying an ad campaign can be thrilling.


Developed over 4 years by industry veterans (Metal Gear Solid 4, Halo 4, F.E.A.R., Black & White 2, SOCOM), RÉPUBLIQUE is an intense, thrilling, and topical, stealth-action game that explores the perils of government surveillance in the Internet Age.


Glide through the Belizean rainforest in this thrilling and exhilarating tour.


«Our game will explore all aspects of Bruce’s life, from his tense encounters in public with Gotham City’s most notorious criminals by day, to his thrilling chases across the rooftops at night, players will think twice about their choices and consequences in a city that’s always watching the actions of its most famous billionaire.»


Trust us, you’ll be in for a thrilling Belize adventure.


In a thrilling, closely contested finish, Central Washington defeated defending champion Arizona for the West Coast Collegiate 7s Championship at Sheeran Field on Treasure Island on Sunday, Oct. 22 by a score of 17-15.


Another play and create game coming this year, Screamride looks to be a thrilling take on Rollercoaster Tycoon.


Visit our outstanding museums and historic State Capitol, experience a thrilling movie at IMAX, or take part in First Friday each month.


But it is massive, and brutal, and thrilling, like no other action game in this generation.


From the tame to the thrilling, we’ll bring your ideal getaway and adventure to life with panache.


I think the only thing left that I’d like to do is something extra spontaneous and thrilling.


On the basis of this thrilling one minute eighteen seconds glimpse, all signs point toward «ridiculously promising».


But cycling is so fun and thrilling that you’ll love even the hardest workouts, we guarantee it.


Perhaps this wasn’t my fault: Somehow the crime story written by one of my favorite German authors that I started wasn’t as thrilling as I expected.


Yes, U-571 is thrilling, and does have some enjoyable moments, but for the most part it is rather lackluster.


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Great-looking lines and meticulous handling give the 2006 Pontiac Solstice two of the key ingredients of a thrilling roadster.


Riding motorcycles on the road is something thrilling to bikers.


Team Stone beat Team Hubner in a thrilling overtime game and Teams Kornblatt and…


All-new for 2017, the Land Rover Discovery blends thrilling and extreme capabilities both on and off-road with breathtaking levels of refinement and sophistication.


Today, when Eric looks in the mirror, he says it is «thrilling to see the torque of the pump pushing blood through my body.


Discover the nocturnal open world of urban car culture, driven by Five Ways to Play, in this thrilling reboot of Need…


Even three words as exciting as those, still do not explain the sheer thrilling experience provided by Zipper Interactive’s MAG.


You might even meet The One on a meditation retreat in Cambodia, which would be a thrilling story to tell your future grandkids.


The game is about thrilling PvP combat and holds a large space in many hearts of MMO gamers particularly as most feel PvP in DAoC is yet to be topped.


The laboratory process may be inefficient, but it’s a thrilling first step, Telfer says.


This simple concept was made thrilling through tight controls and visual spectacle as the vibrant enemies flooded the screen.


As we mentioned earlier, Vice President Joe Biden was in attendance for the thrilling USA victory over Ghana on Monday, delivering…


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