Sentence with the word themselves

They try to force themselves.
Они пытаются взять силой.

The numbers speak for themselves.
Цифры говорят сами за себя.

They can go screw themselves.
Пусть идут занимаются собой.

Direct-Sold Ads — Ads that publishers sell themselves.
Рекламные места для прямой продажи — реклама, которую издатели продают самостоятельно.

They called themselves The Peacocks.
Они называли себя Павами.

Effects of the weapons themselves.
Последствия от использования самого оружия.

Why do people kill themselves?
Почему люди кончают с собой?

It empowers children to make the decision for themselves.
Это дает детям возможность принять решение самостоятельно.

They showed up for themselves.
Они пришли туда ради себя.

Ukrainians were just embarrassing themselves.
Украинцы сами себя накручивали.

they did it for themselves.
Он делают это для себя.

Gazprom’s partners, however, can finance the deal themselves.
Партнеры «Газпрома» могут самостоятельно финансировать реализацию этого проекта.

They asked themselves a question:
Они задались вопросом:

Help the Poor Help Themselves
Помогите бедным помочь себе самим

Protesters should clean up after themselves.
Протестующие убирают за собой мусор.

Give the jury a chance to find the injustice themselves.
Дай присяжным шанс найти несправедливость самостоятельно.

«They speak for themselves,» Mercado said.
«Они говорят сами за себя», сказала Меркадо.

How do Russians see themselves?
Как сами россияне видят себя?

Are Barrett’s men behaving themselves?
Люди Барретта держат себя в руках?

Those who did not were expected to fend mostly for themselves.
Остальные должны были, в основном, становиться на ноги самостоятельно.


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word themselves, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use themselves in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «themselves». In addition, we also show how different variations of themselves can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are themselves’. If you click on the variation of themselves that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Themselves in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word themselves in a sentence.

  1. Let them cope by themselves.

  2. Referring to themselves as Mr.

  3. The plates themselves are broad.

  4. The eyes themselves are dark brown.

  5. The crew of M-21 killed themselves.

  6. A total of 82% call themselves Christians.

  7. The fal’Cie cannot harm Orphan themselves.

  8. Both of these are themselves close binaries.

  9. In fact, League members themselves re-armed.

  10. The kimberlites themselves are much younger.

  11. Mups can also act as protein pheromones themselves.

  12. Whites may, if they will, arm themselves for suicide.

  13. The new colonies are themselves infected, and thus P.

  14. Scorpions themselves are preyed on by larger animals.

  15. Adult frogs are themselves attacked by many predators.

  16. The two support themselves by singing depressing flower drum songs on the street.

  17. At rest, they may wrap their wings around themselves to trap a layer of warm air.

  18. Others lie on the sea floor or attach themselves to rocks or other hard surfaces.

  19. Some of the impoverished died of disease or starvation; others killed themselves.

  20. The Kandachaliki feudatory call themselves Vashisthiputras of the Hiranyakagotra.

  21. Even originally unaligned tribes were drawn to affiliate themselves with one of the two super-groups.

  22. The oblong seeds themselves are 5.5 to 6 mm long, black and shiny, with a clavate (club-shaped) aril.

  23. A tirtha is a sacred place with a body of water, where pilgrims generally bathe to purify themselves.

  24. Other visitors contented themselves with taking small pebbles and twigs from the garden as souvenirs.

  25. The leaves themselves are 25–45 cm (10–17+1⁄2 in) long, with 8–22 deep lobes on each leaf edge.

  26. Though the gangs largely kept to themselves, shootouts and gang-related killings were not unheard of.

  27. They divided themselves into three squadrons of four barges each and set course to attack Experiment.

  28. In the 1940s, several writers established themselves as a stable of reliable contributors to Amazing.

  29. The comrades eventually decide to act on their own, calling themselves «Freeborn British Communists».

  30. The RPF now found themselves under attack, French shells bombarding them as they advanced southwards.

  31. With all the noise [of a New York pub] going on, I don’t know how they heard themselves, but they did.

  32. Prisoners had to pay rent, feed and clothe themselves and, in the larger prisons, furnish their rooms.

  33. By 29 July, they found themselves 380 kilometres (240 mi) south of the point where they left the ship.

  34. Conversely, those who immersed themselves in city life are depicted to have lost their communal bonds.

  35. In the case of long-lived primates, such as the slow lorises, populations replenish themselves slowly.

  36. After cutting themselves out, the hatchlings may lie in their eggshells for hours before starting to dig out of the nest.

  37. NUFF’s leadership saw themselves as a vanguard organisation who would draw the working class into revolutionary thinking.

  38. When the AI team arrived on 5 November 1939, they found themselves being housed in a disused hangar with no office space.

  39. The first difference is that the quotients and remainders are themselves Gaussian integers, and thus are complex numbers.

  40. However, owing to a historical division between the two ethnic groups, the Achi Maya do not regard themselves as Kʼicheʼ.

  41. After ascending a flight of stairs, passengers find themselves between signs for King’s Cross Platform 9 and Platform 10.

  42. The Japanese initially refused all rescue attempts but a day later allowed themselves to be picked up and taken prisoner.

  43. These rocks are themselves overlaid by a layer of boulder clay deposited during the last ice age, about 10,000 years ago.

  44. The Park Service and the Yosemite Fund have also helped peregrine falcons and great gray owls to re-establish themselves.

  45. Piedras left for Nacogdoches on July 8; three days later, the bulk of the Anahuac troops declared themselves federalists.

  46. Donna Lee Brien stated that just as the filmmakers attempted to distance themselves from Leigh’s murder, the city of Newcastle attempted to distance itself from Blackrock.

  47. When the females are near to giving birth, they tend to isolate themselves from the main herd, and will remain isolated until the calf is large enough to escape predators.

  48. These gatherings both promoted the Whig ticket and were themselves entertainment for the participants, thus attracting even more attendees; as New York Governor William H.

  49. Benjamin made several arguments, the most prominent of which was that the slaveowners had brought the revolt on themselves by packing the slaves in overcrowded conditions.

  50. For example, men often post pictures of objects and not themselves, and rarely change their profile pictures; using the pages more for entertainment and pragmatic reasons.

Themselves’ in a sentence

Themselves’ is a variation of themselves, below you can find example sentences for themselves’.

  1. Dennis hailed them in The Bulletin as in ‘the direct Lawson-Paterson line mainly—unaffected talk about Australians, much as they would naturally talk about themselves’.

General information about «themselves» example sentences

The example sentences for the word themselves that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «themselves» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «themselves».

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They overvalue themselves and undervalue others.

Это наводит на мысль, что они переоценивают себя и недооценивают других.

Therapists use dot-connecting structuralism to impress their themselves.

Терапевты используют структурализм соединения точек, чтобы произвести впечатление на своих клиентов… и себя.

People tend to love something lower than themselves, something smaller than themselves.

Люди имеют тенденцию любить что-то более низкое, чем они, что-то меньшее, чем они.

They cannot control themselves, he added.

Они более не могут терпеть диктата над собой», — подчеркнул он.

Those exercising organic authority never demand obedience to themselves.

В сравнении с этим те, кто проявляет органическую власть, никогда не требуют послушания себе.

They probably consider themselves middle-of-the-road politically.

Он, наверное, в перспективе видит себя в политической деятельности.

No wonder few ever consider themselves healed .

Неудивительно, что все еще очень немногие могут считать себя «исцеленными».

They underestimate themselves and their potential.

Вместе с тем, он очень недооценивают себя и свой потенциал.

Anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves.

Сами-Знаете-Кто победил, …а тот, кто говорит иначе, лишь обманывает себя.

Many Unitarian Universalists consider themselves pantheists.

Среди унитарных универсалистов (англ.) многие считают себя пантеистами.

Psychologists note that most people in this state of solitude accept themselves, focus on themselves, treating themselves objectively.

Психологи отмечают, что большинство людей в этом состоянии уединения принимают себя, сосредотачиваются на себе, относясь к себе объективно.

Someone who talks too much about themselves has not established a clear limit between themselves and their surroundings.

Тот, кто слишком много говорит о себе, не установил четкого предела между собой и своим окружением.

And even without such a bonus, men today are motivated enough to look after themselves and keep themselves in shape.

И даже без такого бонуса мужчины сегодня достаточно мотивированы, чтобы следить за собой и держать себя в форме.

Among the new songs everyone will find a story about themselves and for themselves.

Среди новых песен каждый найдет историю о себе и для себя.

But some scientists do not confine themselves to science as defined by themselves.

Но некоторые ученые не ограничивают себя науке, как это определено в себя.

Rather, they get satisfaction from taking care of themselves and improving themselves.

Скорее, они получают удовлетворение от заботы о себе и улучшения себя.

Such people consider themselves sincere, but in reality they simply do not know how to cope with themselves.

Такие люди считают себя искренними, но на самом деле просто не умеют справляться с собой.

Adolescence is characterized by serious self-criticism, because girls see in themselves only shortcomings, comparing themselves with icons of beauty and models.

Подростковый возраст характеризуется серьезной самокритикой, ведь девушки видят в себе исключительно недостатки, сравнивая себя иконами красоты и моделями.

Pisceans should only listen to themselves — whether these relationships are valuable or have outlived themselves and have become obsolete.

Рыбы должны только прислушиваться к себе — являются ли эти отношения ценными или изжили себя и устарели.

Ideologues who divorce themselves from the facts create a virtual world for themselves.

Те идеологи, что разводят себя с фактами, творят для себя виртуальный мир.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат themselves

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The word (


), is the


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Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. The examination of alchemical theory, and could be considered to be alchemists,


    , except that these two did little in the way of experimentation. The first true
  2. And for waterproofing of various types of pools and baths, with these latter,


    ,proliferating in the 19th century. On the London stock market, there were
  3. Wrote detailed studies of the customs of peoples considered» different» from,


    ,in terms of geography. John of Plano Carping reported of his stay among the
  4. To confer the power of passing navigation laws to Congress, or that the States,


    ,pass retaliatory acts against Great Britain. Congress had already requested and
  5. Know through fragments of text. After 400 CE, Greek alchemical writers occupied,


    ,solely in commenting on the works of these predecessors. By the middle of the
  6. Inuit of the North Slope and of the Northwest Arctic seldom think of,


    ,as one. Aleutian Islands More than 300 small, volcanic islands make up this
  7. And discourse initiated by Feminists in the academy, although they excused,


    ,from commenting specifically on those pioneering critics. Nevertheless, key
  8. The fundamental thoughts which I have to enunciate, though those deductions,


    ,are by no means to be found there. He summarized the influence of the
  9. Different alkanes are, for example, miscible in all proportions among,


    , The density of the alkanes usually increases with increasing number of carbon
  10. Educators from 70 different nations. Like any hobby, most people who think of,


    ,as amateur astronomers may devote a few hours a month to stargazing and reading
  11. Orbit another celestial body. They had survived a mission that even the crew,


    ,had rated as only having a fifty-fifty chance of fully succeeding. The effect
  12. The game. In some rounds, the game resulted in the volunteers winning money for,


    , and in others it resulted in money being donated to a charity of the volunteer
  13. It requires someone to intentionally knock the dominoes over as they cannot fall,


    , Aristotle marked two modes of causation: proper (prior) causation and
  14. And turn taking, and do not have the ability to use simple movements to express,


    , such as the deficiency to point at things. Most autistic children display
  15. Nomads who conquered states in China, India,and the Middle East often found,


    ,adapting to the local, more affluent societies. The Islamic Caliphate took over
  16. For the animals; the pigs impose more control while reserving privileges for,


    , The pigs rewrite history, villainising Snowball and glorifying Napoleon.
  17. Other organisms similar to it, or the asteroids in general. As amoebas,


    ,are polyphyletic and subject to some imprecision in definition, the term »
  18. Aggregate and form a multicellular fruiting body in which some cells sacrifice,


    ,to promote the survival of other cells in the fruiting body. Social behavior
  19. The struggle of the German Romantics, in the words of Leon Polio, to free,


    ,from Judeo-Christian fetters «. In contradistinction to Godwin’s claim that
  20. Or trade unionism). Latest and Monte were in particular disagreement,


    ,on this issue, as the latter thought that syndicalism was revolutionary and
  21. In the film, there are no male actors and the four leading actresses dubbed,


    ,in the Castilian version. Synopsis In order to prepare the role of an important
  22. On a smaller scale, too. People who wear dark clothes in the summer put,


    ,at a greater risk of heatstroke than those who wear lighter-color clothes.
  23. And its ability to create» images in such a way that they mean nothing beyond,


    , » In 1972,Tchaikovsky told film historian Leonid Koziol his ten favorite films.
  24. Assistive Technology may attempt to improve the ergonomics of the devices,


    ,: * Ergonomic keyboards reduce the discomfort and strain of typing. * Corded
  25. Claimed that the world is fundamentally what humans recognize in,


    ,as their will. His analysis of will led him to the conclusion that emotional
  26. Texas followed. Six of these states then adopted a constitution and declared,


    ,to be a sovereign nation, the Confederate States of America. The upper South
  27. And writing; food is plentiful, and the farm runs smoothly. The pigs elevate,


    ,to positions of leadership and set aside special food items, ostensibly for
  28. The needs of their own families, others in their society were freed to devote,


    ,to projects other than food acquisition. Historians and anthropologists have
  29. Be used as a pedagogical trick, to force students to reproduce the deduction by,


    , Some textbooks give the same name to the function and to its Fourier transform
  30. Various factor levels are sampled from a larger population. Because the levels,


    ,are random variables, some assumptions and the method of contrasting the
  31. Which had decided not to get involved with the LPF). They allied,


    ,with the federalist socialist sections of the International, who advocated the
  32. Lived there. In the 19th century they slowly and hesitantly began to establish,


    ,in the interior. Angola as a Portuguese colony was not established before the
  33. For the superabundance of happiness and wealth of certain people who should rid,


    ,of it. This is the ancient morality of the gift, which has become a principle
  34. Techniques to make a series of blackboard drawings appear to move and reshape,


    , ‘Humorous Phases of Funny Faces’ is regularly cited as the first true
  35. To quote Sir Donald Francis Today (1935,p. 195),“ Theorists are apt to vex,


    ,with vain efforts to remove uncertainty just where it has a high aesthetic
  36. No one buried the Niobium until the ninth day after their death, when the gods,


    ,entombed them. Consorts and children Love affairs ascribed to Apollo are a late
  37. Of some Aristotelian principles for the sciences and the arts to free,


    ,for the discovery of modern scientific laws and empirical methods. The medieval
  38. Several tribes. The two main branches were the Both and Barnes tribes, who were,


    ,divided into tribes, and again into subtribes. Each region of the Maghreb
  39. However, as soon as 1887,important figures in the anarchist movement distanced,


    ,from such individual acts. Peter Kropotkin thus wrote that year in Le Revolt
  40. To a judge or appellate court by a lawyer (or parties when representing,


    ,) of the legal reasons why they should prevail *Closing argument, in law, the
  41. The security of their liberties, and their mutual and general welfare, binding,


    , to assist each other, against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them
  42. Shifted away from Lincoln-the-emancipator to an argument that blacks had freed,


    ,from slavery, or at least were responsible for pressuring the government on
  43. S Constitutional Convention would soon follow. Statehood supporters also found,


    ,fighting major battles against political foes, mostly in the U. S. Congress but
  44. British and North American universities),anthropologists have also found,


    ,institutionally linked with scholars of folklore, museum studies, human
  45. Holds a monopoly on the sale of alcohol. However, counties can declare,


    ,» dry «; the state does not sell alcohol in those areas. *List of counties in
  46. The original Egyptian uniliterals were not a system and were never used by,


    ,to encode Egyptian speech. Others suggest the alphabet was developed in central
  47. Bushmen and other groups considerably less technologically advanced than,


    , whom they easily dominated with their superior knowledge of metal-working
  48. Will, then humans and animals are fundamentally the same and can recognize,


    ,in each other. For this reason, he claimed that a good person would have
  49. Adults may seek diagnoses to help them or their friends and family understand,


    , to help their employers make adjustments, or in some locations to claim
  50. Valleys of this island; this is how Jove rewarded the men who had distinguished,


    ,through their virtues, because through virtue they had acquired everlasting

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Use ‘themselves’ in a sentence | ‘themselves’ example sentences

1- Real themselves roof bringing fulfilled hard woman.

2- These forward traffic among themselves using interfaces.

3- The words themselves often offer little help.

4- How should national human rights institutions assess themselves ?

5- Everyone has something “godly” within themselves .

6- Words themselves are neither moral nor immoral.

7- New transatlantic currents were making themselves felt.

8- The shrines themselves are relatively simple affairs.

9- Yet here again political realities asserted themselves .

10- Most state legislatures selected electors directly themselves .

11- Field hospitals themselves are coming under mortar fire.

12- The players must hunt down targets while being hunted themselves .

13- Within many firms trade unions cooperate between themselves .

14- The moving charges themselves move rather slowly.

15- The firms themselves become more specialized components.

16- The traits themselves are basic observed numeric features.

17- The flowers themselves are often called “hops”.

18- Some generators automatically test themselves once per week.

19- My characters greatest battles are fought within themselves .

20- With criminals knowing law abiding citizens cant defend themselves anymore .

21- Star professors themselves sport expensive price tags .

22- A slightly smaller share called themselves political moderates .

23- The big box stores are kidding themselves though .

24- Others were digging themselves deep slit trenches.

25- The third point is newspaper articles themselves .

26- The decision to call themselves “multicultural” was important.

27- They must improve themselves socially and spiritually.

28- He kept the slaves fighting among themselves .

29- Asian countries are purchasing and developing major combat systems themselves .

30- The big clubs will eventually eat themselves .

31- The leaders themselves found allies among the political leaders.

32- Now the dunes themselves are under assault.

33- Helping others help themselves has its special rewards.

34- This is why scientists so often disagree amongst themselves .

35- Your suggestion of “banks policing themselves ” is hardly relevant.

36- Very often art galleries are themselves works of art.

37- Individuals with magnet restraining tram arbitrarily confirm themselves frequently.

38- It also impacts far beyond youth themselves .

39- New believers often immerse themselves in instructional reading.

40- The point is that thoughts themselves are phenomenal. Experienced shooter fans should have little trouble acclimatizing themselves to this game’s traditional controls and mechanics.

41- But explication and abstraction are themselves situated social practices.

42- Our Leaders do not care abut anyone but themselves .

43- Detained patients absent themselves, or abscond , from hospitals.

44- Let them name themselves with their abominable slander.

45- People need to express themselvesThey armed themselves with guns.

46- They did not know it themselves.

47- They dried themselves in the sun.

48- Let them take care of themselves.

49- They armed themselves with rifles.

50- Slaves make a life for themselves.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
on the theme of – variations on the theme – theme restaurant – themed – themes – theming – themself – themselves – then – by then – if then – since then – until then – now then – from then on –

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