Sentence with the word support

Synonym: aid, bolster, defend, encourage, foster, help, sustain. Antonym: abandon, discourage. Similar words: supporter, supportive, in support of, opportunity, suppose, supposing, supposedly, port. Meaning: [sə’pɔrt /-‘pɔːt]  n. 1. the activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities 2. aiding the cause or policy or interests of 3. something providing immaterial assistance to a person or cause or interest 4. a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission 5. documentary validation 6. the financial means whereby one lives 7. supporting structure that holds up or provides a foundation 8. the act of bearing the weight of or strengthening 9. a subordinate musical part; provides background for more important parts 10. any device that bears the weight of another thing 11. financial resources provided to make some project possible. v. 1. give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to 2. support materially or financially 3. be behind; approve of 4. be the physical support of; carry the weight of 5. establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts 6. adopt as a belief 7. support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm 8. argue or speak in defense of 9. play a subordinate role to (another performer) 10. be a regular customer or client of 11. put up with something or somebody unpleasant. 

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(1) One father can support ten children, ten children cannot support one father. 

(2) A solid bloc of union members support the decision.

(3) She prostituted herself in order to support her children.

(4) We assured him of our support.

(5) We were greatly encouraged by the support we received.

(6) We assured him of our loyal support.

(7) Substantial numbers of people support the reforms.

(8) Support for environmental issues cuts across traditional party lines.

(9) Mexico had the support of the big western governments.

(10) Without the chairman’s support, the committee is impotent.

(11) Their efforts are worthy of your support.

(12) There is widespread support for the new proposals.

(13) His support is vital for our project.

(14) Most local people support the idea of traffic-free streets.

(15) I appeal to all like-minded people to support me.

(16) We cheered to show support for our team.

(17) The pillars couldn’t support the weight of the roof.

(18) He used his good arm to support his weight.

(19) I could give it only partial support.

(20) There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.

(21) Lean against my arm. I will support you.

(22) He swore an oath to support the king.

(23) The bill drew support from across the political spectrum.

(24) Is this bridge strong enough to support heavy lorries?

(25) All the evidence appears to support this supposition.

(26) The system can support an unlimited number of users.

(27) With close friends in their lives,people develop courage and positive attitudes.Teenagers have the moral support to assert their individuality;the elderly approach their advanced years with optimism and an interest in life. 

(28) Throughout life, we rely on small groups of people for love, admira-tion, respect, moral support, and help. 

(29) Learning is wealth to the poor, an honour to the rich, an aid to the young, and a support and comfort to the aged. 

(30) It is not enough to help the feeble up, but to support him after. 

More similar words: supporter, supportive, in support of, opportunity, suppose, supposing, supposedly, port, report, export, import, portion, portray, airport, portrait, report on, reporter, reporting, transport, important, portfolio, proportion, reportedly, importantly, of importance, transportation, in proportion to, active transport, upper, supply. 

поддержка, помощь, опора, суппорт, поддерживать, содействовать


- моральная поддержка; помощь

- (перен.) опора; оплот

The elder son is the support of the family. — Старший сын является опорой семьи.
to be smb.’s support in old age — быть чьей-л. опорой в старости

- кормилец

He was the support of the family. — Он был кормильцем семьи.

- средства к существованию

without means of support — без средств к существованию
It is insufficient for the support of life. — Это меньше прожиточного минимума.

- финансовое обеспечение; содержание

With your support, we can help these youngsters. — Благодаря вашему финансированию мы сможем помочь этим молодым людям.
The school draws its support from public subscriptions. — Школа существует на средства, собранные общественностью.
state support of education — расходы государства на (народное) образование
His wife sued for support. — Его жена подала в суд на алименты.
The divorced wife claimed support for her children from her husband. — Разведённая жена потребовала от своего бывшего мужа алименты на содержание детей.

ещё 16 вариантов


- поддерживать; подпирать

The middle part of the bridge is supported by two huge towers. — Средняя часть моста опирается на два огромных пилона.
I got to my feet, supporting myself on the side of the table. — Я поднялся на ноги, оперевшись о край стола.
to support an arch — поддерживать арку
The lifebelt supported him on the surface. — Спасательный пояс удерживал его на поверхности.
Is this bridge strong enough to support heavy lorries? — Хватит ли у этого моста прочности для проезда тяжёлых грузовиков?

- помогать; поддерживать материально; содержать (семью и т. п.); финансировать

- обеспечивать; обслуживать

I don’t think they support that version of the program anymore. — Вряд ли эта версия программы ещё поддерживается.
to support logistically — обеспечивать в материально-техническом отношении

- оказывать (моральную) поддержку; придавать силы

to support the spirits — поддерживать дух
Your approval supported him. — Ваше одобрение поддержало его /придало ему силы/.
A glass of wine supported his strength. — Рюмка вина подкрепила его.

- спорт. быть поклонником

Which team do you support? — За какую команду вы болеете?
to support a team — болеть за какую-л. команду

ещё 9 вариантов


- опорный; поддерживающий

support hosiery — поддерживающие чулки
support polygon — опорный многоугольник
support pillar — опорный целик

- вспомогательный

support processor — вспомогательный процессор
support library — вспомогательная библиотека
support equipment — вспомогательное оборудование

Мои примеры


the company’s friendly support staff — дружелюбная служба поддержки этой компании  
the building’s steel support beams — стальные балки, поддерживающие здание  
a surge of support for the candidate — неожиданный всплеск поддержки этого кандидата  
a belated attempt to increase support — запоздалая попытка увеличить поддержку  
engage aid, help, services, or support — привлечь помощь, услуги, или поддержку  
to support a bill — поддержать законопроект  
to support as a cantilever — закреплять консольно  
to support the chair — поддерживать председателя  
current with compact support — поток с компактным носителем  
distribution with a point support — распределение с точечным носителем  
hinge at the support — опорный шарнир  
support a habit — раздобыть деньги на поддержание дурной привычки (об азартных играх или наркотиках)  

Примеры с переводом

My wife supported me enormously.

Моя жена оказала мне огромную поддержку.

I am going to call tech support.

Я собираюсь позвонить в службу технической поддержки.

We need to support our teachers.

Мы должны поддержать наших учителей.

I don’t have the means to support a family.

У меня нет средств, чтобы содержать семью.

We look to you for support.

Мы обращаемся к вам за поддержкой.

Economic Support Fund

Фонд экономической поддержки

He has support from the Left.

Он пользуется поддержкой со стороны «левых».

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He left the house…for the support of twelve superannuated wool carders

The carpenter attached a crosspiece to each side of the frame to give extra support to the roof.

…confirmed habitués of the theater, they support serious dramas as well as comedies and musicals…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

insupportable  — невыносимый, нестерпимый, неоправданный, необоснованный
supporter  — сторонник, приверженец, опора, подтяжка, жертвователь, подвязка
supporting  — поддерживающий, несущий, вспомогательный, помогающий
supportable  — терпимый, приемлемый
supportive  — поддерживающий, оказывающий поддержку, вспомогательный, второстепенный
supported  — поддержанный
unsupportable  — 

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: support
he/she/it: supports
ing ф. (present participle): supporting
2-я ф. (past tense): supported
3-я ф. (past participle): supported

ед. ч.(singular): support
мн. ч.(plural): supports

Sentences with the word Support?



  • «The artist’s work influenced the young painter»; «She worked on her friends to support the political candidate»
  • «an Afrikaans couple»; «Afrikaner support«
  • «gave applicable examples to support her argument»
  • «ardent revolutionaries»; «warm support«
  • «the foundation provided support for the experiment»
  • «Working backstage to gain political support for his proposal»; «many private deals were made backstage at the convention»
  • «you can count on me to help you any time»; «Look to your friends for support«; «You can bet on that!»; «Depend on your family in times of crisis»
  • «drum up support«
  • «each child was expected to pay for their keep»; «he applied to the state for support«; «he could no longer earn his own livelihood»
  • «they struck in support of their claim for a shorter work day»
  • «conditional acceptance of the terms»; «lent conditional support«; «the conditional sale will not be complete until the full purchase price is paid»
  • «needs continued support by constituents to be re-elected»
  • «a counter may be used to stiffen the material around the heel and to give support to the foot»
  • «the difference in her is amazing»; «his support made a real difference»
  • «the support from our sponsoring agency will discontinue after March 31″
  • «his documentation of the results was excellent»; «the strongest support for this view is the work of Jones»
  • «the huge desert voids»; «the emptiness of outer space»; «without their support he’ll be ruling in a vacuum»
  • «engage aid, help, services, or support«
  • «a halfhearted effort»; «gave only lukewarm support to the candidate»
  • «hearty support«
  • «the astronauts relied on their life-support systems»
  • «the patient is on life support«
  • «the union’s support had been in lockstep for years»
  • «his support made a material difference»; «evidence material to the issue at hand»; «facts likely to influence the judgment are called material facts»; «a material witness»
  • «a moral victory»; «moral support«
  • «more land»; «more support«; «more rain fell»; «more than a gallon»
  • «He left the house…for the support of twelve superannuated wool carders»- Anthony Trollope
  • «give psychological support«; «psychological warfare»
  • «they called for artillery support«
  • «we support the armed services in the name of national security»
  • «He sold his house in January»; «She sells her body to survive and support her drug habit»
  • «his support kept the family together»; «they gave him emotional support during difficult times»
  • «the president no longer has the support of his own party»; «they developed a scheme of mutual support«
  • «the policy found little public support«; «his faith was all the support he needed»; «the team enjoyed the support of their fans»
  • «the statue stood on a marble support«
  • «he leaned against the wall for support«
  • «he does not support his natural children»; «The scholarship supported me when I was in college»
  • «an unyielding head support«
  • «a warm greeting»; «a warm personality»; «warm support«
  • «The columns were wired to the beams for support«

Those people who are closest to you that are supposed to love you and support

Elevating the legs at the end of a long day helps to prevent problems with the blood vessels in the legs, as does wearing support stockings

They had built up the skeleton of the building enough so that it could support the several hundred tons of materials and furnishing

When you’re trying to grasp something for support, you have to be able to see it

Recognising the void that suddenly lands on the senior citizen in terms of emotional support hitherto provided by joint families, Government, NGOs and Associations of senior citizens can institute this highly effective “treatment” programme

A study found that females of many species, including humans, respond to stressful situations by protecting and nurturing their young and by seeking social contact and support from others, particularly females

Senior Citizens forming their own support groups are more likely to talk as senior persons than as senior citizens

The senior citizens can extend a hand of support, words of solace and the healing touch to the restless souls around them

Avoid storing your fire wood or wood scraps next to the house as this could support termites and allow them entrance into the house

· Wear shoes that give good support and have thin non-slip soles

It is important that at least the near relatives and friends understand as to how they can provide better support to elders

John pulls into a parking space in front of one of the three-story buildings, gets out of his car, then suddenly staggers backwards, holding onto his car to support himself

Always in the past when he’s had a problem, I have been there to support him and, if necessary, advise or help

a bridge support and the car

Being without any support he continued to set his hopes

There had to be life support in the cabin and people pushing buttons to make things happen aboard

«The control panels in the Lula require that life support signal green and the buttons be pushed

The life support is the only fail safe, and it had proven effective against all rogue silicon takeover efforts to date when Lula was launched

«Will I have ground support

They talked her thru to the life support controls, those were the first any space-suited humans would make in re-activating the ship from this state

It was a long process, repairing everything that had to be repaired to get life support working so the hard-wired interlocks would let the main controls be operated

There were a lot in life support that she could ignore, as long as she had enough to fool the interlocks, the others could be ignored

None of its support panels responded

All that was on in that shuttlecraft was instrumentation and life support

With luck like hers, she needs all the support she can get!

In the meantime, she still works as a chamber maid in the Hotel “Blue Rose” in Vouliagmeni, while my parents have undertaken the bringing up and support of her two sons – which means at least half of my father’s pension is spent on the needs of Alice and her children

He knew that on this world, the seabeds are where the atmosphere is thick enough to support life

While he was off duty, as opposed to live when he has to be there for active support of an important gathering, he can look at schematics

«Everyone present in a society is part of that society and by their presence and participation without open revolt, implicitly support the rulers of that society

Chryssa doesn’t work anymore, as her husband earns enough to support her and their child

You’ve got a lot of support here … Look, my love, I’ve got to go away and think about this

After all, you expect us to take the affection and support you offer us, allow us to return the favour

He never complained about my blatant usury, although he would, when the atmosphere became too dense to support life, make his inevitable and irrefutable point about my behaviour

Herndon would not support trying to prevent it

«Oh we could produce a few hundred,» Victoria said, «without hurting our life support

This will usher in even more support and energy to focus on

he leaned against the horse for support because his strength was almost

watch over the family for any leads or support

herself with all of u around to support

‘I heard him say something along those lines, Lintze – it will take a while to muster some support for you for the next one anyway

She wanted to be in there to support her friends

seem to believe that they can support the Jodechians in the dock”

ERICK: Thanks for your support, Coach

the life support tubes swaying with the rhythm

corner so that you have the support of the two walls

You will be in a kind of Headstand at once by this method but why I do not favour it as much as the other one is that in this position your spine is uncomfortably arched instead of being held naturally and because it shows quick results students tend to rely on this method and become so used to the support of the wall that they have difficulty, afterwards, in doing the Headstand without it

I shall do all in my power to encourage, support and protect you through the coming years

Nevertheless, and in the privacy of her own salon, she was quite vocal in her support of the poor oppressed victims of foreign dictators and of those unfortunates in far off lands whose lives were devastated by fire, famine and flood

It is also because of lack of support that people are forced out of the potential to live a regular life and into a void of obscurity

This only happens with ignorance, lack of education and support

As long as you have a veron store large enough to support a consciousness vector, you can run as many souls as you have data for

service that gives you a certain amount of background information verification support on the

I needed his support because I wasn’t sure I could handle this on my own

I did not feel much like invading the island of Faria without the support of Odysseus

They made sure that he could cross-reference the relevant sections with his own briefing notes and that he could quote verbatim from all of the sections and paragraphs that would support the arguments he was to make in his speech

With an effort, I manage to throw one arm round her neck, swallowing a fair amount of water in the process, but once there, it means she can support me as she swims strongly towards land

In between prayers, they sang as they walked and, because I didn’t know the words, but now as a member of the band, I thought no one would notice if I mimed and that way at least show some support

Web user controls :- Web User Control is Easier to create and another thing is that its support is limited

another thing is that it has full tool support for user and a single copy of control is required because it is

One of the learning support assistants has brought in some muffins as a treat and they’re disappearing fast

“So we are in agreement then?” she studied Tarak’s face for a moment and then continued; “I can count on you for support if the time should come to call his honor into question

Was that all there was to it? Was this what the Bible was trying to say but the language of the time couldn’t support it?

Next thing is, we need support

«Can you support it?» she asked

He will support our candidate Hasmukh-ji for the election next year

Maria, you have our support

While Aristethes and his family had lived on the mountain for generations and we’d need their support if we were to reclaim as much as possible from the robbers

Daphne would be taking things with a little more recreational support

It is important to enlist community support for your charter school idea and to get to know members of the sponsoring (charter granting) agency

This review stage can strengthen community support, which may prove instrumental once your charter is ready for formal submission

Be prepared to show how your school will meet specific needs in the district: bring letters of support with you, and have supporters present at the meeting

‘Did you see him play? He can wait, run and support others

There were over a hundred mortals already alive in the Alpha Centauri system in the various space colonies, including eight in the huge life support area on Abraham’s Lamp

A fat lot of support that is … he reappears clutching one of those very shiny magazines full of photos of hair styles, folded back at a certain page — he hands it to me

‘Until then I will support you,’ I said

support in her stellar career, she has to pretend to be happily

of things instantly changed to support his intention

If you think you can’t, the universe will support

will support that belief, and you will be empowered

She’s got them staying with her in her tiny two bedroom place at the moment which is cramped to say the least … the idea is that the girl will move into her own place in the village where she’ll have the benefit of her mother’s support – they’re a pretty close-knit family, Jo

All the workers are with him to support him

on their opposite shoulder to support them

Nice girl – early twenties, I think; she went off with a bloke but it all went wrong leaving her with a baby, no means of support and a grotty flat somewhere in Portsmouth

He noted his men standing down and nodded in approval of their support

asking more questions than offering support

salon, she was quite vocal in her support of the poor oppressed

without any, and all that are in support of something they don’t want (unless

‘Don’t know, the firm does have a mechanism for support staff to swop over to the fee earner side; I’ll have to explore that

sections and paragraphs that would support the arguments he was

” That foundation is its support

That support may sometimes be

A spokesman for the Danvers House Foundation said how much they appreciate Mr Blake’s continuing support

support Separation of Cult and State

State changes so rapid that an atom is far too big a structure to support the bandwidth if the wave must move across that atom at the speed of light

By doing so, you support the lack of love you hold towards yourself

I can also support this with acknowledging that my life

As she goes on to explain precisely how the patrons support the society, I gaze at them … Sheila and Don Mackenzie

Al the support you ever need to be more loving to others and

There are many ways to support the love within you

When you do things that support self-‐love you are being of service

He supported rights of individual ownership and fair interaction with people of other ethnic groups

He was not down there with them filing onto the cold stone benches of Susa on a blustery evening, forced to bear silent witness to pronouncements they hardly supported

«I’ve always supported the Haadij, Vincef was a good man

She had to work her way down into the heavy framework that held the containment and supported all the life-support compartments above

Those that were the most identified with Germany, and supported Germany, were still counted as Jews

standing upon the shoulders of others, supported,

are supported and maintained in proper relation to one another by means of fibrous and

Next to me stood another American lady wearing a large pair of glasses with unusually thick funky lenses all supported by an unfortunate growth on the side of her nose

Of course, it had to be the right sort of politics, the sort that was supported by bazaars, whist drives and charity lunches attended by her sitting member of parliament

had supported the government’s taming of the wilder elements of

it had to be the right sort of politics, the sort that was supported by

Her parents supported her through uni whereas the rest of us (in common with the vast majority of the student population!) had to get part time jobs in order to keep body and soul together and, more annoyingly, she doesn’t see why she should get a job now

A line of pillars stood along the wall and supported the wooden balconies above

whole, supported and complete

It was a pretty lavish cot, one that supported him in whatever arrangement he contorted into

Suzanne was rooted to the floor, and she supported herself by leaning on the counter

supported on either side by massive buttresses that seemed to pin the

He had always acted like he fully supported the Kassikan, and since the landing it wasn’t just an act

supported by some renegade Imperialists, with the intent of holding it

supported his wife, but he just couldn’t deal with crying

Knowing the best thing she could hope for was neighbor’s that supported the growth and development

around the square poles that supported the roof

one who supported her

This bridge was supported in the center way up on the farthest upstream of the great chimneys that dominate the lower Hyadrain valley

It is in Scotland supported by the evidence of the public fiars, annual valuations made upon oath, according to the actual state of the markets, of all the different sorts of grain in every different county of Scotland

It is supported by many

Alas, the bank’s method will surely be supported by their highly paid lawyers invoking court procedures

to live and was supported by her husband’s brother

He’d paid for half her yandrille, he’d supported all her plans, including the audio equipment history exhibit she’d helped him build for the department lobby

More than that, you have supported me in everything I set out to do

Grandpa Wellbelove had erected the marquee with Sky’s help and many there felt that at last this might be the end of Knockwit’s devious wins, or run of luck, depending on whom you supported

These blocks easily supported a roof of heavy tiles

not wishing to oppose it, supported – even encouraged –

A big hearth was in the middle of the north side, centered in the row of seven thick stone columns that supported the roof

In the public deliberations, therefore, his voice is little heard, and less regarded; except upon particular occasions, when his clamour is animated, set on, and supported by his employers, not for his, but their own particular purposes

parliament supported one or the other according with

Shouts of acclamation supported him

1843, a revolt of the army, supported

It likewise discounts merchants’ bills, and has, upon several different occasions, supported the credit of the principal houses, not only of England, but of Hamburgh and Holland

An unsuccessful war, for example, in which the enemy got possession of the capital, and consequently of that treasure which supported the credit of the paper money, would occasion a much greater confusion in a country where the whole circulation was carried on by paper, than in one where the greater part of it was carried on by gold and silver

feels supported, they’ll produce their best work for you

In those towns which are principally supported by the constant or occasional residence of a court, and in which the inferior ranks of people are chiefly maintained by the spending of revenue, they are in general idle, dissolute, and poor; as at Rome, Versailles, Compeigne, and Fontainbleau

people – a boy with a bandaged foot, supported by his two loyal

supported by his friends

To my parents who have believed in me always, encouraged me often, and supported every risk with a smile

Which supported her guess that he was a devotee

No accumulation could have supported so great an annual profusion

There is no annual produce, even of gold and silver, which could have supported it

And it was only as Penelope looked down herself that she noticed what partially supported their bridge: a set of thick golden piping, running the length of the ground over the water

Helez was on her knees crying uncontrollably, being supported by an older woman – possibly the aunt she had mentioned

No accusation could have affected more deeply the reputation and fortune of the disgraced party ; and if such an accusation could have been supported, we may be assured that it would have been brought

Zarko and Helez supported Mother on both sides as they slowly made their way to the chamber at the back of the building

Children who feel valued and supported, and have good cognitive functioning, are more likely to bounce back from adverse experiences – divorce, car accidents, death of a loved one, or other unanticipated events

Develop positive, strong family ties where everyone feels supported and honored, knowing that they are invaluable contributors to your family team

The law which put an end to all prosecutions against witchcraft, which put it out of any man’s power to gratify his own malice by accusing his neighbour of that imaginary crime, seems effectually to have put an end to those fears and suspicions, by taking away the great cause which encouraged and supported them

Just as suddenly, the room returned to its former merely well-lit self with a table, a cake, and nine women staring at their Captain holding her hand out seemingly supported by Mim and Yula

That understanding, and the underlying knowledge that supported it, made it’s way back to Lascor, but the Matriarch reigning at the time only allowed the Great Knowledge to be shared amongst the royal household for their own benefit

The civil establishments of Nova Scotia and Georgia are partly supported by an annual grant of parliament; but Nova Scotia pays, besides, about £7000 a-year towards the public expenses of the colony, and Georgia about £2500 a-year

A modern day example is an American child by the name of James Leininger, who recalled details of his past life, which was subsequently supported by records and accounts of people who are still alive

That the condition of a slave is better under an arbitrary than under a free government, is, I believe, supported by the history of all ages and nations

This explanation is also supported by the testimonials of people who had undergone inter-life hypnotic regressions and insights of established mediums who had received knowledge from higher beings in the spiritual realm

The trade of the colonies, of which England, even for some time after the act of navigation, enjoyed but a part (for the act of navigation was not very strictly executed till several years after it was enacted), could not at that time be the cause of the great trade of England, nor of the great naval power which was supported by that trade

The trade which at that time supported that great naval power was the trade of Europe, and of the countries which lie round the Mediterranean sea

On account of the frequency of the returns, a part, and probably but a small part, perhaps not above a third or a fourth of the capital which at present carries on this great round-about trade, might have been sufficient to carry on all those small direct ones; might have kept inconstant employment an equal quantity of British industry ; and have equally supported the annual produce of the land and labour of Great Britain

” This statement was also supported by a clairvoyant who gave me a reading sometime ago

This view is supported by the hypnotic regression cases found in Dr

How obstinately the city of Paris, upon that occasion, defended itself, what a dreadful famine it supported, rather than submit to the best, and afterwards the most beloved of all the French kings, is well known

The backdoor was the two-piece “Dutch door” I had removed from the entrance of the ship’s galley, and the front porch roof was supported by vertical beams that 163

Where the security of the magistrate, though supported by the principal people of the country, is endangered by every popular discontent; where a small tumult is capable of bringing about in a few hours a great revolution, the whole authority of government must be employed to suppress and punish every murmur and complaint against it

To a sovereign, on the contrary, who feels himself supported, not only by the natural aristocracy of the country, but by a well regulated standing army, the rudest, the most groundless, and the most licentious remonstrances, can give little disturbance

He supported its weight was it swung open, lying it gently against the ceiling

The qualifications of the body, unless supported by those of the mind, can give little authority in any period of society

She did not say anything to the others, but instead walked up beside her and pulled Melissa’s good hand across her shoulders and supported her a little

are in this manner made and supported by the commerce which is carried on by means of them, they can be made only where that commerce requires them, and, consequently, where it is proper to make them

Regulated companies, it was observed by Sir Josiah Child, though they had frequently supported public ministers, had never maintained any forts or garrisons in the countries to which they traded; whereas joint-stock companies frequently had

But the arguments by which they supported those different systems, far from being always demonstrations, were frequently at best but very slender probabilities, and sometimes mere sophisms, which had no other foundation but the inaccuracy and ambiguity of common language

But those schools were not supported by the public

The ceiling was supported by large aluminium-frame girders, from which hung the lights which illuminated the room

“We will be following the attacking along ‘Fir Tree Spur’ and other units will attack along ‘Gully Spur’ and we will be supported by the French and hopefully this time we will succeed

The teachers of each sect, seeing themselves surrounded on all sides with more adversaries than friends, would be obliged to learn that candour and moderation which are so seldom to be found among the teachers of those great sects, whose tenets, being supported by the civil magistrate, are held in veneration by almost all the inhabitants of extensive kingdoms and empires, and who, therefore, see nothing round them but followers, disciples, and humble admirers

They believe it to be biologically untenable as it is not supported by the fossil record; they also generally reject the concept of universal descent from a common ancestor

Some adherents hold that this view is supported by existing evidence in the natural world

The clergy of each particular country might be considered as a particular detachment of that army, of which the operations could easily be supported and seconded by all the other detachments quartered in the different countries round about

In this state of things, if the sovereign frequently found it difficult to resist the confederacy of a few of the great nobility, we cannot wonder that he should find it still more so to resist the united force of the clergy of his own dominions, supported by that of the clergy of all the neighbouring dominions

In that constitution, the grossest delusions of superstition were supported in such a manner by the private interests of so great a number of people, as put them out of all danger from any assault of human reason; because, though human reason might, perhaps, have been able to unveil, even to the eyes of the common people, some of the delusions of superstition, it could never have dissolved the ties of private interest

The power of the church was, by that time, very nearly reduced, through the greater part of Europe, to what arose from their spiritual authority ; and even that spiritual authority was much weakened, when it ceased to he supported by the charity and hospitality of the clergy

This entire phenomenon is similar to what is found within the DNA molecule where the basic building blocks, or base pairs, are supported by a double-helix structure, the base pairs form genes and the genes form chromosomes

As through the greater part of Europe, the church, so in many different countries of Asia, the state, is principally supported by a land tax, proportioned not to the rent, but to the produce of the land

foris-familiated ; that is, who have received their portion, have got families of their own, and are supported by funds separate and independent of those of their father

They would remove both their residence and their capital to some other country, and the industry and commerce of Holland would soon follow the capitals which supported them

supported by law ; and in which the authority of the state is not supposed to be regularly employed in enforcing the payment of debts from all those who are able to pay

He was supported by a motor flotilla under

The industry of the country will necessarily fall with the removal of the capital which supported it, and the ruin of trade and manufactures will follow the declension of agriculture

The capital, therefore, which supported all those different branches of industry, must have been equal to what it had ever been before

Since our Humane Society was supported only by donations, we had recently voted to limit expenditures on any animal to $100

The Court Chamber was fifty paces by fifty, polished blue marble columns supported a vaulted ceiling worked with gilt, and the floor was white and black marble squares

He had that much influence over the South; if he gave the word, he would have been supported and the

The kitty’s visits with their mama supported my belief that sometimes it takes more than medicine to heal the body and soul

One, Israel conquered and survived, and two, the Palestinians were dispersed throughout the region, with absolutely no support from the defeated Arab governments that had supposedly supported them

The guards supported him, one arm under each of his, as he painfully ascended two flights of stairs, trying to ignore the searing burn in his leg

«Labor is free here Ava, any one of us could have been supporting her all along, even one of the wives with a single stainless kitchen knife

Actually they were the supporting documentation for her royalty application

Theoretically he was not attending the meeting he was supporting because he was on duty

Ahmed kept him busy the next few days supporting many other meetings as different groups of important souls from the expedition argued this way and that regarding the world of Satan

The monument is a 24-meter high triumphal column, supporting a pair of clasped hands and a dove of peace

the strong supporting the weak) it is my most sincere hope that the maiden voyage not the survivalist attitude (e

Drens lowers a rope to his struggling crewman who is now supporting the limp body of our friend

Your best way to master Variation 4 is to practice the other three until perfect and then, while supporting yourself with a conveniently placed chair or low table you can gently pull yourself on to your knee-caps, and then let go of the chair or table

legs off the floor and rise into a Shoulderstand, supporting

Man and wife tended their plants, made sure that their supporting canes were securely tied, weeded and hoed beds, watered and pricked out, and through their horticultural therapy they began the process of contemplation, of imagining their lives lived forever in the shadow of the hole

Without Yellelle supporting him he immediately dropped to the floor behind the couch with his pants down

wife tended their plants, made sure that their supporting canes were

You are supporting al life with love and

“For that you chose extermination? You prefer genocide and suicide to supporting the Life Principles? This is wrong! I was not included in the vote

Never thought of it like that, always looked on the Foundation as a way of supporting women

Out of breath, Bex and the boys lean against one of the pillars supporting the mezzanine floor above the main room

He can only play a supporting role in the drama that seems to go on, act after act, in the lives of Carol and Billy

” Once Enjteen had a steady job, Kulai didn’t feel responsible for supporting him and his mother, just because they were his mother’s friends

reinforcements rushed to assist the teams supporting the heavy pipes

’ The constable said gently, supporting the now weeping woman out of the room and down the hall

Tom suspected Marjorie’s job was probably a supporting role for the

The supporting materials are very well presented

afraid of the consequences of supporting a view that

Originally built in the 35th century as a barn, it had thick cut stone walls and an earthen roof now supporting an orchard of sweet leshin, congfruit and nives

Next, she had him do it on his back, gently supporting his legs and shoulders, then letting him swim for a second on his own, then nudging him up as he started to drift lower

A certain quantity of materials, and the labour of a certain number of workmen, which had before been employed in supporting a more complex and expensive machinery, can afterwards be applied

The expense of repairs may frequently be necessary for supporting the produce of the estate, and consequently both the gross and the neat rent of the landlord

A certain quantity of very valuable materials, gold and silver, and of very curious labour, instead of augmenting the stock reserved for immediate consumption, the subsistence, conveniencies, and amusements of individuals, is employed in supporting that great but expensive instrument of commerce, by means of which every individual in the society has his subsistence, conveniencies, and amusements, regularly distributed to him in their proper proportions

which compose the fixed capital, bear this further resemblance to that part of the circulating capital which consists in money; that as every saving in the expense of erecting and supporting those machines, which does not diminish the introductive powers of labour, is an improvement of the neat revenue of the society ; so every saving in the expense of collecting and supporting that part of the circulating capital which consists in money is an improvement of exactly the same kind

It is sufficiently obvious, and it has partly, too, been explained already, in what manner every saving in the expense of supporting the fixed capital is an improvement of the neat revenue of the society

So far as it is employed in the first way, it promotes prodigality, increases expense and consumption, without increasing production, or establishing any permanent fund for supporting that expense, and is in every respect hurtful to the society

So far as it is employed in the second way, it promotes industry ; and though it increases the consumption of the society, it provides a permanent fund for supporting that consumption; the people who consume reproducing, with a profit, the whole value of their annual consumption

The gross revenue of the society, the annual produce of their land and labour, is increased by the whole value which the labour of those workmen adds to the materials upon which they are employed, and their neat revenue by what remains of this value, after deducting what is necessary for supporting the tools and instruments of their trade

One of the most supporting and inspirational tools to achieve success is to have

supporting the struggle for the liberation of

When both are the produce of domestic industry, it necessarily replaces, by every such operation, two distinct capitals, which had both been employed in Supporting productive labour, and thereby enables them to continue that support

So far, therefore, as the productive labour of the country is concerned, the foreign trade of consumption, which is carried on by means of gold and silver, has all the advantages and all the inconveniencies of any other equally round-about foreign trade of consumption; and will replace, just as fast, or just as slow, the capital which is immediately employed in supporting that productive labour

That part of the capital of any country which is employed in the carrying trade, is altogether withdrawn from supporting the productive labour of that particular country, to support that of some foreign countries

The capital of the Dutch merchant, which carries the corn of Poland to Portugal, and brings back the fruits and wines of Portugal to Poland, replaces by every such operation two capitals, neither of which had been employed in supporting the productive labour of Holland; but one of them in supporting that of Poland, and the other that of Portugal

When the capital stock of any country is increased to such a degree that it cannot be all employed in supplying the consumption, and supporting the productive labour of that particular country, the surplus part of it naturally disgorges itself into the carrying trade, and is employed in performing the same offices to other countries

The king was looking on, his hand supporting his chin and a slight smile on his lips, seemingly very interested in this young woman of exceptional beauty

You are supporting someone in an emotional or financial way

Not because they were inquiries into the unknown or unknowable, but because the supporting knowledge required to convey the understanding was absent in her

Had the king of Portugal submitted to those ignominious terms which his brother-in-law the king of Spain proposed to him, Britain would have been freed from a much greater inconveniency than the loss of the Portugal trade, the burden of supporting a very weak ally, so unprovided of every thing for his own defence, that the whole power of England, had it been directed to that single purpose, could scarce, perhaps, have defended him for another campaign

It was a long time before even the parliament of England, though placed immediately under the eye of the sovereign, could be brought under such a system of management, or could be rendered sufficiently liberal in their grants for supporting the civil and military establishments even of their own country

Before the walls were wooden pillars supporting the second story, and before them were long tables on each side

“Only two ways I can see,” replied Chris, “First is we attach two ropes to her and, supporting her from both sides, we haul her across

But the small extent of ancient Egypt, which was never equal to England, must at all times, have rendered the home market of that country too narrow for supporting any great variety of manufactures

That system, by encouraging manufactures and foreign trade more than agriculture, turns a certain portion of the capital of the society, from supporting a more advantageous, to support a less advantageous species of industry

Rather than just supporting her, they were carrying her, leaving her feet to drag on the ground

Carefully supporting Aspen, Sebastian and Russell moved her to the car

The whole of the Division is attacking and we also have the French supporting us we are going to advance up the peninsula and our main task is to take Krithia from the Turks

” As he hit one of the supporting small tree trunks which had held up a roof, it swayed

These adherents believe that the scientific evidence supporting Evolution, Geological Uniformitarianism, or other theories which are contradictory to a literal interpretation of this creation myth, is misinterpreted

Of the Expense of supporting the Dignity of the Sovereign

The expense of defending the society, and that of supporting the dignity of the chief magistrate, are both laid out for the general benefit of the whole society

What are the chances of these relationships being perfect and this happening by chance? The relationships between the Earth, the Moon and the Sun, the rotation speed of the Earth, the tilt of the Earth’s rotational axis, the exposure time of the different hemispheres to light and darkness (and many other critical factors that are related to the movements of the Earth, Moon and Sun to provide a life supporting environment) are far too perfect to have happened by chance

But it is impossible that they should continue to do so for any considerable time; and if they did, the tax would soon ruin them so completely, as to render them altogether incapable of supporting the state

She flopped into his chest and supporting arms

How can it be supposed that he should be the only rich man in his dominions who is insensible to pleasures of this kind ? If he does not, what he is very likely to do, spend upon those pleasures so great a part of his revenue as to debilitate very much the defensive power of the state, it cannot well be expected that he should not spend upon them all that part of it which is over and above what is necessary for supporting that defensive power

Great Britain seems to support with ease, a burden which, half a century ago, nobody believed her capable of supporting, Let us not, however, upon this account, rashly conclude that she is capable of supporting any burden; nor even be too confident that she could support

The PGA tournament is played yearly and a different golf course is chosen for the honor of supporting this extraordinary event each year

Local golf tournaments are listed in the “events” portion of the local newspaper and are great fun for the entire family to participate in supporting

For the sake of even numbers, therefore, let us suppose that the revenue necessary for supporting the civil government of Ireland and the plantations may amount to a million

If any of the provinces of the British empire cannot be made to contribute towards the support of the whole empire, it is surely time that Great Britain should free herself from the expense of defending those provinces in time of war, and of supporting any part of their civil or military establishment in time of peace; and endeavour to accommodate her future views and designs to the real mediocrity of her circumstances

“I am a mate lad and that’s why your coming along do you really think that I’m going to crawl towards the German wire with no one supporting me there’s not a chance

Raven knew he should be supporting Carter, knew he should respect that strength and courage, but no matter how hard he tried, he found himself rooting for Millicent

The security guard offered to carry her, but Gerrid managed to help her along, supporting her weight until enough of her strength returned

Khan saw a chance as Raven teetered on one leg and swung his foot around to connect with Raven’s supporting leg

It has become nothing more than a liberal rag looked to for guidance by the leftist „intelligentsia,» being but one of a plethora of liberal propaganda tools that play supporting roles in the continuing assault on our Constitution

His anger was exacerbated by the crowd, who cheered and clapped at the images, proud of themselves for supporting a genuine guy who did his duty for his country

This involves supporting the bodies immunity; breaking down and clearing infected material; introducing natural antibiotics; normalizing mucous membranes; strengthening the coughing reflex; and providing natural sources of Vitamin C and Iron

Unilateral movements also stimulate better muscle iber recruitment, not just from the muscle that’s doing the work, but from supporting muscles as well

When you don’t have the opposite muscle to help with a movement, the supporting muscles nearby are called into play to a greater degree than with bilateral moves

This means improvement in those supporting muscles while you’re doing extremely efective moves with the target muscle

To the side of him, the woman lay in the confined space clad in similar white outerwear to his self, supporting her head and with long blond hair flowing down onto a styro-mattress

She has an army in her corner, supporting her with every step

The hovercraft smashed into the supporting girders of the roller coaster and the creaking, tearing groans of a main stanchion collapsing was followed by a tremendous bang as a large section of the ride toppled to one side, raining metal and wood onto the people below

(The) news, apart from informing the Public, is a medium (oftentimes) lacking underlying or supporting proofs or creditable evidence

Together they pulled Dawn’s dad to his feet and set off, each with an arm draped over their shoulder, supporting his back

“Over there, by that rock outcrop,” Alex said as they helped him across the beach, supporting him between them

Kay wavered, and Reese’s sturdy arm was behind her, supporting her

Leisure capital, however vital in supporting ―quality‖ standards of living, is not (the) primary factor that develops moral character, although it certainly helps not having to worry about where your next meal is coming from

It was Grey’s last panicky scramble that proved his undoing as, accompanied by a loud crack, one of the supporting branches snapped, allowing the whole fabrication to slew sideways and slip down into the rapids

An MVP candidate should be properly considered in relation to his or her supporting cast or (incremental) value whose overall value marginally exceeds all other values considered separately and whose (own) remarkable value (or contribution) is otherwise conspicuous by its presence or absence

Em came to her side immediately, supporting her, and it was several moments before Kay could catch her breath to speak

It was comforting to have Spencer as my boyfriend, he was by my side, supporting me throughout this difficult time

Reese was supporting her in a moment, guiding her back to the couch

Evelyn just stood there by Spencer’s side, tears streaming down her cheeks, one hand gripping his and the other supporting her baby

I indicated to Minister Lyle that I was leaving, and Vera helped me stand up, supporting me as I had to force my reluctant body to move

As a special treat, as a warm thank-you for buying this book and supporting the cause of battered women, here’s a sneak peek at the first chapter of Creating Memories

There exists an ―inner‖ wisdom or ―consciousness of knowing‖ that is not immediately apparent; exceeding the sum of everything that is (either) known or has the potential of being known that is (otherwise) unknown unless an individual is properly inclined to pursue or know (it); that oftentimes seeks the supporting testimony of other individuals engaged in similar trials of their own

Moral Relativism lacks a supporting structure; that is to say, lacks a universal standard by which to (correctly) assess the proposed merits of some moral or ethical proposition whereas Moral Absolutism, drawn to its own (unconditional) point(s) of reference or final conclusions, oftentimes assumes too heavy a burden that must otherwise be lessened by degrees or fall under its own weight

Comfrey swore loudly as the strange badger they were supporting collapsed into an untidy heap between them

) His sole role in California was in supporting its immediate admission as a state to make certain Congress would have no say over its status as slave or free

He thought he’d be too busy supporting Sarah to give sway to his own emotions

The Shah of Iran had the most to gain from supporting Kurdish attacks

Many times your name may be linked to someone you met without knowing he is under surveillance or supporting his cause

Notwithstanding our human shortcomings, however, how far should any society be expected to tolerate, for ―unity‘s sake‖, irreconcilable moral and ethical misconduct that is quickly gaining momentum within political circles? Who remains accountable for the unseemly actions of our public officials who seem unwilling or unable to reform themselves, if not the Conscience of the American People? In what manner does that society continue supporting notions of unity in view of prevailing (double) standards that falsely qualify appearances as uncharacteristic or unimportant? In what manner does that society achieve consistency between public and private matters where

British Prime Minister John Major was the strongest ally of GW Bush in the war, supporting the war over the opposition of much of his own Labor Party and the British public

Who made this web? Who supports this family? Certainly not him, and he doesn’t show a lot of gratitude for it

Valerian and passionflower aid relaxation and sleep, oats have a calming effect, ginseng supports the adrenals (but shouldn’t be used during pregnancy or if you have high blood pressure) and Echinacea boosts immune function

Naturally, I don’t question Louise’s good intentions; on the contrary, she is the only friend of mine who supports me in deed

Selenium also supports immunity read as far as nuts are concerned

stickers, ribbons or anything that supports the theme of the page

missing supports of emotional and loving connection will quickly be felt

And hey, it supports a good and bad cause!

had long since removed, but the metal fence supports were still

Port Hedland – named after its founder, Peter Hedland in 1863, now it supports a population of 14,000 and is the highest tonnage port in Australia

He started to cut and weld the supports back to specifications

do not be arrogant toward the branches; but if you are arrogant, remember that it is not you who supports the root, but the root supports you

supports the church and church supports the monarchy

“In these times of war, the king supports harsh measures

It is in a great measure indifferent to him from what place he carries on his trade ; and a very trifling disgust will make him remove his capital, and, together with it, all the industry which it supports, from one country to another

The member of parliament who supports every proposal for strengthening this monopoly, is sure to acquire not only the reputation of understanding trade, but great popularity and influence with an order of men whose numbers and wealth render them of great importance

Children also develop values and moral character by being part of a larger group – the group supports us, and we also become a support to others, strengthening ourselves as well as our community

We know that children and adults who have at least one significant person who supports them – whether family or friend – are much more resilient in successfully overcoming problems; and programs such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters are highly effective

The main entrance was another piece of art with its massive solid wooden door hanging outwards, held in position with polished brass supports to prevent it from closing in the breeze

It would support the trade of the farmer, in the same manner as the trade of the wholesale dealer supports that of the manufacturer

The only other cushiony thing in the store was a bundle of neck supports for traveling

The edges of the circular fabric were firmly weighted down with rocks and the centre was raised with the pipes making effective supports

No government that supports space exploration, mining and colonisation is going to win elections anymore

He supports the girls and I and

Supports and protects the liver

Pouring in heavy volleys from their carbines, the cavalry then surged forward, the enemy’s right flank falling back in good order before the Rough Riders, who were now enfiladed by Rubin’s mountain artillery, and the infantry supports entrenched along the ridge

Anyway, Hamp was hired and he knew what he was doing for he graded the pad off perfect then took his backhoe and dug out the footings for each of the several supports for the trusses

Amaranthe clambered up the cement block, but hesitated when she looked up at the steel supports

This equally supports the argument that Infinity is a mathematical certainty extending in two opposite directions

He enthusiastically supports all of my new projects

On the contrary, since you become one with your wife (Ephesians 5:31) you should be stronger and better able to fulfill your role as a father because you have a good wife who supports you

A US public with a large segment that supports torture made it easier to be carried out and more difficult for war criminals to be tried

They were also in awe while beholding the exquisite and elaborate art of the cathedral and the pulleys system that supports and operates the famous “botafumeiro” (hanging incense holder), proclaimed to be the biggest incensory in the world

That boosts their confidence and supports your role and authority

He supports San José legislators who labor on a bill that, if enacted, will require equitable distribution of tax revenues among all the provinces

There’s a lot of truth to that, Gordy, he has a large family and pretty well supports them all

It is achieved through the commitment to understand the nature of negative thought patterns and the resultant stress (negative emotional patterns) and finally, the habits and behaviours that stress supports and the willingness to make adjustments in life-style to dissolve stress and support new health-promoting habits and behaviours

The way to change behaviours and habits is to understand how they originate and the matrix of negative emotions and feelings (stress) that supports them

indicated that he supports the construction of nuclear power plants and the federal Nuclear Regulatory

In the past when I was first introduced to the phrase, I thought, ‘Finally a presentation of what we know that supports the proposition of “Intelligence” accompanying the beginning and progress of all things

Neurology also studies the way the brain answers the “calling” of this body, and how it also supports a theory of the “consciousness” of self and others as part of this mental process

It’s so dark I can barely see them, but when I stare at the huge, rusted supports holding the wheel in place, I see the rungs of a ladder

Today Leftist brain supports the gay and lesbian community to destroy the tradition and create a whole new concept

If his popularity is 43 % then only 10% of the middle or other side also supports him

We all have one or more Spirit Guide that tutors and supports certain periods of our lives

I start to climb backward, toward the metal structure that supports the bridge, toward the staircase that will lead me to Wacker Drive

There is no way to know who among the Erudite supports Jeanine and who does not

I STAND ON the edge of the truck bed, holding the structure that supports the cloth cover

Mexico supports policies that encourage illegal immigration to the United States, yet Mexico has severe laws that punish those who come into Mexico illegally

Making a list of pros and cons, and then choosing the option that the evidence best supports

The law of karma supports the vision of an elegant spirit[88] – a person who has awakened to realization that he or she is a creator and, therefore, acts to honor that power through living with love, wisdom, and compassion

supports all the browsers to know how it appears on different browsers

have to shore it up with some supports

and supports what it says in one place in other places, although

the pubic area to the anus and supports the surrounding inner organs

In verse 3, Paul supports his assertions, given above, with a quotation, using the scientific

Verses 19 and 20 both express the same thought in different ways, in both Paul supports his

Paul then supports this with Isaiah 40: 13 and 14; Jeremiah 23: 18; and Job 41: 11

Verse 4, Paul supports the fundamentalist’s teaching regarding the Old Testament

Supports in distributed working team models to manage the configurations

Supports You Texas, an organization that

metabolism of hormones and supports the function of Acnezine as well

supports the Men’s Health Center, and local

Much of the “science” that supports climate change/global warming is reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) at the United Nations, and widely accepted as proving the change to be manmade

State Bank supports and serves the Panhandle

The supports required reaching the bottom of the Pacific! The concrete and steel it would take! It will nearly exhaust several natural resources

The Harvard study supports J

Still, this negative proof neither supports nor detracts from the

component that supports truth

builds the foundation that supports the kingdom

The Christian society supports the evil federal government and its lies

All the while he supports his actions with his idea that he is doing the right thing

spot-welded the lumbar supports

possibility of installing adjustable lumbar supports in his seats

«That fact alone supports my assertion that police cover for each other in these types

We see this endeavour as a valuable addition to Accordingly FAN strongly supports the RBJ Trust initiative, publishing the promote the aims and objectives of the Filmmakers Association of Namibia and hence Accordingly FAN strongly supports the RBJ Trust initiative, publishing the welcPom

500mm of rain and supports

In 2006, the Spanish government ended — by emergency decree — its subsidies and price supports for big wind

• Are you perceived as someone that supports the party line?

Even though he verbally supports nuclear power the government‘s recent action has stopped the most promising proposal

If there is so much information that supports this, then

He had slithered around the cable supports and now was almost at the center

Many Christians feel the state is unfair and use religion as an excuse to avoid paying their dues, with statements such as ‘the government supports abortion and gay marriages, therefore I will not pay taxes or, at least, not all of them’, but as always it is better to hear what Jesus said on the subject before we make any rash decisions that could get us into trouble

me believe that he supports me without having to believe the things

, she supports them insofar as they weaken the U

— Foreign animal protection organizations supports (part) with funds the sterilizations

“We all distinctly heard you named our leaders by Tithian, and you accepted and declared yourselves Those-Who-Lead-By-Suggestion! You acknowledged the title of Keys to The Just Alliance! We all agreed to it! From what Tithian said, it was almost pre-ordained by prophecy! The dreaming dragon’s assessment of you fully supports our choice! And though your wife was included in that naming, it’s obvious that she also looks to you for leadership! Unless you suddenly start sounding much less wise than you have, we would all follow you into hell and holocaust without reservation!

IOM also supports several shelters for victims of

«There is an anti-war wave in the States that’s gaining momentum and journal�ists like your brother—» Court held up a hand, «your half-brother,» Correlli corrected, «who are with anti-war journals send in whatever text supports the movement

Let me assure you, my precious friend, that when I saw the copy of Ecclesiastical History you sent me, I gave voluble thanks to God for having such a friend in my journeys in these distant parts; one who helps me so generously with material things, and supports me spiritually with her prayers and the divine consolation of her gentle affection

» «Listen» he said: «the name of the Son of God is great and cannot be contained and supports the whole world

If then the whole creation is supported by the Son of God what think you of those who are called by Him and bear the name of the Son of God and walk in His commandments? do you see what kind of persons He supports? Those who bear His name with their whole heart

He Himself accordingly became a foundation to them and supports them with joy because they are not ashamed to bear His name

Their EMBA experience supports students as they:

An active Coast Guard Auxiliary teaches boating safety courses in the Northland, and supports other Coast Guard missions as needed

Outside of class, a program portal supports continued group discussions

pulled the glider off of its supports

It also supports central control of the means of production by big government

Definition of Support

to hold up the weight of something

Examples of Support in a sentence

Steel beams are often used to support the crushing weight of massive skyscrapers, though several of them are needed and they must often be designed in a lattice to do so.


The reason people find it more difficult to walk as they grow in age is because their legs have been the primary support for their body weight for their entire lives.


Many students have faced the struggle of trying to support a marshmallow with nothing but uncooked noodles in their math class.


A house of cards is unique in the sense that the entire structure is just a support for the next level of the tower.


My friend fell off the ladder he was using to hang Christmas lights, but thankfully I was strong enough to support his weight when I caught him.


Other words in the Support category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«You have my total support.«
(total, complete, full)

«She received overwhelming support after the accident.«
(overwhelming, great, tremendous)

«The new candidate is enjoying the growing support from the voters.«
(growing, increasing)

«Thank you for your continuing support.«
(continuing, ongoing)

«She lacks parental support.«

«She came with her friend for moral support.«
(moral, emotional)

«She is on life support.«

«We need extra support from the community.«
(extra, additional)

«Tech support was unable to fix her computer problem.«
(tech, customer)

Used with verbs:

«I have the support of my family.«

«We receive great support from our community.«
(receive, get)

«We give support to our local small businesses.«
(give, lend, offer, provide)

«He is losing the support of his voters every day.«
(be + losing, be + gaining)

«The community withdrew their support for a new town center.«
(withdrew, cut off)

«She needs a lot of support after the loss of her parents.«
(needs, requires)

«Can I rely on your support?«
(rely on, count on, depend on)

«She deserves the support of her friends.«

«Please show support for the new youth center.«
(show, demonstrate)

«I appreciate your continuous support.«

«Support for the president is slowly weakening.«
(be + weakening, be + declining, be + fading)

«Support for the mayoral candidate is increasing.«
(be + increasing, be + growing, be + rising)

«He is paying spousal support every month.«
(be + paying)

«She is claiming child support for two children.«
(be + claiming)

Used with nouns:

«She attends a weekly support group.«
(group, meeting)

«She has a great support system of friends.«

«Please report any technical problems to the support staff.«
(staff, team)

Used with prepositions:

«I cannot do this without your support.«

«I can only do this with your support.«

«We offer support for our local businesses.«
(for, to)

«The president of the board does not have support from his members.«

«Do we have enough support between the two of them?«

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