Sentence with the word stimulating

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


What we currently have is just stimulating trade mainly imports.

Однако то, что мы имеем сейчас, только стимулирование торговли, в основном импорт.

Children and stimulating childbirth is just one angle.

Дети и стимулирование к рождению детей — это лишь одно направление.

The oceans were phosphorus, stimulating photosynthesis and oxygen production.

При этом в океаны попадал фосфор, стимулируя фотосинтез и производство кислорода.

Studies show that relationships help learning by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system.

Например, исследования показывают, что отношения с другими помогают обучению, стимулируя парасимпатическую нервную систему.

The researchers suggest sensory feedback might be stimulating neurogenesis that in turn facilitates brain growth.

Исследователи предполагают, что сенсорная обратная связь может стимулировать нейрогенез, что, в свою очередь, способствует росту мозга.

But oxytocin is capable of stimulating aggression as a protection mechanism.

Но в то же время окситоцин может стимулировать агрессию в качестве защитного механизма.

Rather than stimulating research and applications, intellectual property claims can have negative effects and significantly increase costs.

Вместо стимулирования научных исследований и применения их результатов требования в отношении приобретения прав на интеллектуальную собственность могут оказать отрицательное влияние и привести к значительному повышению расходов.

They all have great potential, including for stimulating the economic growth of our countries.

Все они содержат в себе очень серьезный потенциал, в том числе для стимулирования экономического роста наших стран».

We welcome the new focus on supporting institutions and stimulating local participation.

Мы приветствуем новую тенденцию делать упор на поддержку институтов и стимулирование участия на местном уровне.

Fiscal tool for stimulating economic development.

Возможность задействования фискальных инструментов для стимулирования экономического развития.

They consist of different chemical compounds, stimulating or inhibiting hormones which regulate the urine production.

Они представляют собой различные химические соединения, эффект которых выражается в стимулировании или ингибировании различных гормонов, которые регулируют выделение мочи.

Visa facilitation is central to stimulating economic growth and job creation through tourism.

Упрощение визового режима имеет важнейшее значение для стимулирования экономического роста и создания рабочих мест с помощью туризма.

Imports were hampered, exports increased, thereby stimulating the countrys economy.

Импорт бы стал затруднен, экспорт бы увеличился, тем самым стимулируя экономику страны.

Vaccines help prevent infection by stimulating the body’s natural defense mechanisms.

Вакцины — это материалы, которые помогают предотвратить инфекцию, стимулируя естественные защитные механизмы организма.

Keep babies awake during feedings by stimulating them.

Держите детей в сознании во время кормления, стимулируя их.

Such treatment is aimed at stimulating osteogenesis.

Такое лечение направлено на то, чтобы стимулировать остеогенез.

On stimulating innovation, a bi-directional relationship between innovation and regulation was highlighted.

Что касается стимулирования инноваций, подчеркивалось, что связь между инновационной деятельностью и регулированием носит двухсторонний характер.

Strengthened and improved mechanisms for stimulating demand for education.

Были приняты меры для расширения и совершенствования механизмов стимулирования спроса на образование.

The IACC advances the anti-corruption agenda by raising awareness and stimulating debate.

IACC продвигает антикоррупционную повестку дня, повышая осведомленность о коррупции и стимулируя решение проблем, связанных с коррупцией.

Last year, researchers showed that stimulating SIRT1 can help yeast cells live longer.

В прошлом году ученым удалось доказать, что стимулирование SIRT1 помогает продлить жизнь, например, клеткам дрожжей.

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stimulating — перевод на русский


Stimulated, schmimulated.

Стимулировать Смимулировать.

But I’m getting a very high reading, as though, even in their unconscious state, they’re being violently stimulated.

А у меня показания зашкаливают, как если бы их продолжали яростно стимулировать.

We began using various devices to stimulate each other.

Мы стали использовать разные приспособления, чтобы стимулировать удовольствие друг друга.

Signora Vaccari will tell us another story to stimulate us for another skirmish

Синьора Ваккари раскажет нам другой сюжет … чтобы стимулировать нас для следующей схватки

Mr. Gardiner, do you agree with Ben, or do you think we can stimulate growth through temporary incentives?

Г-н Садовник, вы согласны с Беном или считаете что… мы сможем стимулировать рост посредством… временных вливаний?

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You assure me the English reader will find this arousing…stimulating?

Вы полагаете, что английские читатели… найдут это возбуждающим, стимулирующим?

I find this Arturo to be a very stimulating character.

Я нахожу этого Артуро весьма стимулирующим персонажем.

But the way he describes what a Jewish girl felt when a German soldier lay on top of her, abused her sexually, you turn this encounter as any pornography internalizes violence, you make it stimulating.

Но то, как он описывал, что чувствовала еврейская девушка, когда немецкий солдат лежал на ней, сексуально унижал ее, вас это заводит, так как любая порнография усваивает насилие, вы делаете это стимулирующим.

* Stimulating, titillating *

Стимулирующим, захватывающим

A black and white chevron pattern would be much more stimulating to his burgeoning neurons.

Рисунок из черно-белых зигзагов был бы более стимулирующим для его развивающихся нервных клеток.

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The devices that enwrap you serve to nourish and stimulate your senses.

Устройства, которые вас поглотили, служат для поддержания и стимуляции ваших чувств.

Why don’t we try massaging the breast to stimulate the flow?

Почему бы нам не попробовать массаж груди для стимуляции потока?

Just thank the fates that you did not administer more rosemary to stimulate the circulation.

Просто благодарите судьбу, что не ввели ещё больше розмарина для стимуляции кровообращения.

Right, but that still has nothing to do with stimulating Agent Dunham’s memory.

Здорово, но это ничего не дает для стимуляции памяти агента Данэм.

We’re going to stimulate our way out of trouble.

Мы спасемся с помощью стимуляции.

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It’s very stimulating.

Очень возбуждает.

— Em yes, but it just doesn’t seem to stimulate me.

ммм … ƒа, но похоже, что это не возбуждает мен€.

I think it’s fun. Rather stimulating, in fact.

Меня это развлекает, даже возбуждает.

Extremely stimulating.

Чрезвычайно возбуждает.


Воз… возбуждает?

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For those here, I think you’ll find the presentation interesting… as well as very, very stimulating.

Тем же, кто находится здесь, я хочу сказать, что надеюсь, что вы найдете наши слайды не только интересными, но и захватывающими, и возбуждающими воображение.

This is where truth resided. Gaudy color films simply contributed to the creation of vulgar and nonsensical worlds with stimulating, spectacular, and glamorous landscapes.

Броские цветные фильмы создали лишь вульгарные, бессмысленные миры с возбуждающими, эффектными и чарующими пейзажами.

I bought these star wars sheets, But they turned out to be much too stimulating To be compatible with a good night’s sleep.

Я купил эти простыни со Звездными Войнами но они оказались чересчур возбуждающими для хорошего ночного сна.

With words, poetry, stimulating conversation.

Словами, поэзией, возбуждающими разговорами.

But I have given a good many years to selling postal orders, now I have a fancy for something a little more stimulating.

Но я так много лет отдала почтовым переводам, что теперь мечтаю о чем-нибудь немного более возбуждающем.

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Or it may be that they exist to stimulate research.

А возможно, что они существуют ради стимулирования науки.

They will not be stimulated, the grey cells die to the hunger.

Без постоянного стимулирования серое вещество голодает, отмирает.

It’s for stimulating your pussy

Для стимулирования твоей киски.

The research and knowledge, speculation about the pineal body and DMT is in fact the hand of God, that is interacting with our natural evolution to stimulate and accelerate the process of redemption of individual and of collective global enlightment.

Изучение, познание, различные спекуляции на тему шишковидного тела и ДМТ, фактически, есть Божественная рука, направляющая эволюционный процесс в сторону стимулирования и ускорения процесся обретения индивидуального и глобального, коллективного просветления.

Did you discuss with your partners Ways to stimulate the business?

Вы обсуждали с вашими партнерами пути стимулирования бизнеса?

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I also took the liberty of stimulating your hair follicles-— a vicarious experience for me, as you might imagine.

Я также взял на себя смелость простимулировать ваши волосяные фолликулы — с большим удовольствием, как вы догадываетесь.

Might stimulate locally and personally.

Это должно простимулировать и персонально и в регионах.

See if I can stimulate memories from your subconscious.

Я попробую простимулировать подсознательную память.

Then I’m going to stimulate the analogous area in the brain of a rhesus monkey and see if he cries.

И потом я попробую простимулировать аналогичную зону в мозгу обезьяны и посмотрю заплакала ли она.

All that’s required is to identify and then stimulate the corresponding neurons.

Нужно лишь выявить, а затем простимулировать соответствующие нейроны.

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He’s a very stimulating type of man.

Он очень интересный человек.

I had a most stimulating conversation with her.

У меня был самый интересный разговор с ней. Это было содержательно.

You Earth people are most unusual, most stimulating.

Вы, земляне, самые необычные, интересные.

It’s just dinner conversation at arts camp was a bit more stimulating.

Просто беседа за ужином в лагере искусств была более интересная.

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You will also see that this point on the penis, which is one of the most sensitive points, is similarly stimulated.

Кроме того, вы видите, что эта часть пениса, …наиболее чувствительная, стимулируется точно так же.

Well, it’s because it’s being stimulated.

Ну, это потому, что она стимулируется.

Because the clitoris is stimulated in both cases.

Потому что клитор стимулируется в обоих случаях.

The graphene is stimulated by the heat from the skin tissue.

Графен стимулируется теплом от кожи.

The mind plays tricks when less stimulated.

Разум обманывает нас, когда меньше всего стимулируется.

For centuries midwifes have used it to stimulate the uterus …

¬еками он использовалс€ во врем€ родов дл€ стимул€ции маточных сокращений.

People like us need to stimulate it, shake it up, and excite it for it to move forward.

Мы необходимы, чтобы давать стимул, трясти и двигать его вперед.

The tracer indicates that this image is not erotically stimulating to the Brutal.

Индикатор показывает, что этот образ не является стимулом для животного.

And nothing will stimulate me more than come see you.

Нет лучшего стимула для меня, чем желание увидеть тебя снова.

If she had not had to look up so high, what might have been the stimulating effect upon her liver?

Если ей не приходилось поднимать взгляд столь высоко, что могло быть стимулом для её жизни?

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word stimulating, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use stimulating in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «stimulating».

Stimulating in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word stimulating in a sentence.

  1. Isis was thought to merely assist by stimulating this power.

  2. Second, NSP3 inactivates eIF2 by stimulating its phosphorylation.

  3. Although he had little luck, he found the Broadway theatre stimulating.

  4. Some antidepressants may also cause insomnia due to their stimulating effect.

  5. The Bridgewater Canal reached the town in 1765, stimulating Sale’s urbanisation.

  6. Hand’s three years at Harvard Law School were intellectually and socially stimulating.

  7. The 19S regulatory particle is responsible for stimulating the 20S to degrade proteins.

  8. He also instituted regular nonfiction pieces, with the goal of stimulating story ideas.

  9. Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries reviewed Fuck and called it a stimulating book.

  10. However, she found Anne a dull conversationalist and Sarah did not find her company stimulating.

  11. He also began running regular scientific fact articles, with the goal of stimulating story ideas.

  12. Pramuka Garuda was created in 1980 with purpose of stimulating interest in youth to join Gerakan Pramuka.

  13. The most important route was northwest into the Middlesex countryside, stimulating the development of new suburbs.

  14. Looking at the entire field of cookery books, Jane Grigson regarded this as «the best and most stimulating of them all».

  15. Fox was able to meet some of the New England Friends when they came to London, stimulating his interest in the colonies.

  16. With a depression still ongoing, silver began to be seen as a means of inflating the currency and stimulating the economy.

  17. After 1910, they rented summer homes in Cornish, New Hampshire, a writers’ and artists’ colony with a stimulating social scene.

  18. Mary Shelley enjoyed the stimulating society of William Godwin’s circle, but poverty prevented her from socialising as she wished.

  19. HMB produces these effects in part by stimulating the production of proteins and inhibiting the breakdown of proteins in muscle tissue.

  20. The Sitwells looked after their protégé both materially and culturally, giving him not only a home but a stimulating cultural education.

  21. Writers particularly Dissenters sought him out, and his home started to become the centre of a radical and stimulating intellectual milieu.

  22. Through the influence of a rise in follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) during the first days of the cycle, a few ovarian follicles are stimulated.

  23. The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit often summoned him to sit with that court to hear appeals, a task he found stimulating.

  24. Only those photons that happen to be released traveling down the long axis of the medium have a reasonable chance of stimulating another release.

  25. Shayne Lee wrote that her music over the following decade «brand[ed] her as one of the most sexually stimulating vocalists of the 1990s.» Lilly J.

  26. They named the chemical messenger secretin, because it is secreted by the intestinal lining into the bloodstream, stimulating the pancreas on circulation.

  27. Although the conversation was stimulating, Johnson apparently only served his guests simple meals, such as boiled cod, veal, vegetables, and rice pudding.

  28. The perestroika and glasnost policies of the Soviet Union’s new leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, were therefore a crucial factor in stimulating reform in Poland.

  29. On January 21, 1935, the organizing committee published a folder stating that «for the purpose of fighting off invasion of the wilderness and of stimulating ..

  30. The trip had been a stimulating experience for Chaplin, including meetings with several prominent thinkers, and he became increasingly interested in world affairs.

  31. He also ordered a special kind of pemmican which included vegetables and oatmeal: «a more stimulating, nourishing and appetising food it would be impossible to find».

  32. Record reported, «The sound is stimulating, the musicianship superb, and the result is tight and rollickingly rhythmic.» Billboard judged it «a highly commercial set».

  33. The kings of the Middle Kingdom restored the country’s stability and prosperity, thereby stimulating a resurgence of art, literature, and monumental building projects.

  34. This surge of FSH and LH usually occurs one to two days before ovulation and is responsible for stimulating the rupture of the antral follicle and release of the oocyte.

  35. Acute amphetamine administration can also increase adrenocorticotropic hormone and corticosteroid levels in blood plasma by stimulating the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis.

  36. Naturally occurring hormones drive the cycles; the cyclical rise and fall of the follicle stimulating hormone prompts the production and growth of oocytes (immature egg cells).

  37. Here he encountered Harold («Kim») Philby and also Jim Lees, a former miner studying under a trade union scholarship, whose working-class perspective Burgess found stimulating.

  38. Under his direction, the UERL’s Underground network and associated bus services expanded considerably, reaching out into new areas and stimulating the growth of London’s suburbs.

  39. The government’s withdrawal from its role in managing the economy had the unintended effect of stimulating trade, as more markets with fewer bureaucratic restrictions were opened up.

  40. Palmer described the creative collaboration with Pop and Bowie as «vampiric» because he never saw the artists during the daytime and the collaboration was stimulating but disquieting.

  41. His complete disregard for personal safety, above and beyond the call of duty, has proved highly stimulating to the morale of all Air Force personnel with whom he has come in contact.

  42. The MCA is available to fund specific programs targeted at reducing poverty and stimulating economic growth for eligible countries that meet independent and transparent policy indicators.

  43. Further socioeconomic development came with the extension of the Bridgewater Canal to Altrincham in 1765 and the arrival of the railway in 1849, stimulating industrial activity in the town.

  44. During the 1901–02 academic year, Ames was one of Ezra Pound’s instructors at Pennsylvania; Pound scholar David Ten Eyck credits him with stimulating the poet’s interest in American history.

  45. He was feted by publications such as The Jewish Chronicle, and his status as a recipient of the VC was utilised by the British government for the purposes of stimulating further recruitment.

  46. Owing to its body structure, Nothomyrmecia is regarded to be the most plesiomorphic ant alive and a ‘living fossil’, stimulating studies on its morphology, behaviour, ecology, and chromosomes.

  47. In 1936, the museum’s founders envisioned a safe and stimulating sanctuary where children and families could learn about the natural world, the agricultural sciences, astronomy, art, and history.

  48. The intellectually stimulating atmosphere of Warrington, often called the «Athens of the North» (of England) during the 18th century, encouraged Priestley’s growing interest in natural philosophy.

  49. A very important projection comes from the medial septal nucleus, which sends cholinergic, and gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) stimulating fibers (GABAergic fibers) to all parts of the hippocampus.

  50. As a result of this stimulating intellectual environment, he published several important scientific papers, including «Experiments relating to Phlogiston, and the seeming Conversion of Water into Air» (1783).

Synonyms for stimulating

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word stimulating has the following synonyms: challenging, thought-provoking, exciting, piquant, salty, rousing, stirring, thrilling, interesting, invigorating, moving, stimulative, exhilarating and stimulant.

General information about «stimulating» example sentences

The example sentences for the word stimulating that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «stimulating» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «stimulating».

This recipe is inspired by Jenny Ross, and is a savory taste sensation that is extremely healthy for you with immune stimulating mushrooms and detoxifying…


Vitamin B12 is also needed to produce thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which signals your thyroid to produce more hormones.


Spirulina possesses immune and antibacterial stimulating properties, which can help with treating the ailment.


Tiny Love Kangy Kangaroo changing time toy is a stimulating and engaging toy that transforms baby changing into a fun and stimulating experience.


Therefore, our Houston County defensive driving course is mixed with both stimulating and easy material.


To help support such interventions, Buzsáki has been working on a new tool for recording and stimulating signals from the cortex.


When you are ready to get pregnant, your doctor can prescribe medications to stimulate ovulation which include Clomid, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).


The insulin stimulating effect of whey may also be seen when taken with foods.


The impact and role of the internet and social media is the great game danger today, and David Patrikarakos in War in 140 Characters How Social Media is Reshaping Conflict in the Twenty-First Century (Basic Books) isn’t Karl von Clausewitz but jolly stimulating.


Some babies respond well to music and it will help them to fall asleep, for others it can be over stimulating.


«The potential possibilities of any child are the most intriguing and stimulating in all creation»


We believe that you will find this event stimulating, fun educating.


Hello Will, how many times per week should I use the stimulating hair growth shampoo?


Not just any job, however; you want your résumé to help you achieve your objective of gaining employment with a company that aligns with your values, provides a stimulating and supportive work environment, has good pay and benefits, and challenges you with growth and promotional opportunities.


We hope that you will find this conference stimulating, enjoying a great learning experience.


Reproductive Organs Sensing the excess testosterone, the pituitary gland and hypothalamus stop producing two key hormones — follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone — that govern testicular and ovarian function.


This list needs a stimulating, cleansing exfoliant (of course, we love to exfoliate here) and this one is fun!


This is consistent with higher carbon dioxide concentrations reducing the nutritional quality of the plant material and stimulating increased feeding.


Study real-world business issues in a stimulating, interactive academic setting.


The pituitary gland, under command of the hypothalamus (one hormone called gonadotropin releasing hormone, GnRH) causes the secretion of two gonadotropins (luteinizing hormone & follicular stimulating hormone, LH & FSH) which in turn controls ovulation and production of estrogen/progesterone/testosterone.


Woven around the 6 Steps to Building Confidence, this stimulating and humorous speech is guaranteed to motivate and inspire audiences.


I am looking forward to receiving it, based on the comments here, it should prove to be a stimulating and thought-provoking read.


Ideally, a contest pitting the efforts of Japanese, European, and U.S. gamers would have made for some stimulating matchups.


Our goal is to provide innovative and stimulating tools to new games, and not turning them into academic lectures.


A Spiremaths set of resources that include videos, interactives, revision sources, historical information, and an active lesson plan related to making this aspect of curriculum stimulating, interesting and relevant.


He decided to test my thyroid with a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) test and sent me on my way.


Magnesium promotes relaxation by decreasing the activity of glutamate, the primary excitatory (stimulating) neurotransmitter in the brain.


When healthy individuals without any previous thyroid disease were fed 30 grams of pickled soybeans per day for one month, Ishizuki, et al. reported goiter and elevated individual thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels (although still within the normal range) in thirty-seven healthy, iodine-sufficient adults.


I love meeting men that know how to hold a stimulating conversation.


The reality is rather less stimulating, but — for reasons I’ll return to — this is not entirely the fault of the artists themselves.


The menu features a mixture of taste-bud stimulating dishes from European, Indonesian and Vegetarian cuisine.


The base and the frame support bar are sturdy and strong enough to provide security for your baby and thus bring a stimulating experience while using the swing.


If you are lucky enough to have a satisfying career you feel passionate about, going back to the office may feel exciting, comforting, and stimulating.


Overall, we really love how this mobile adds a stimulating, fun and relaxing feature to our daughter’s crib.


This allowed me to recruit more workers, in particular my first graduate student Jacky Hayles, who went on to contribute immeasurably to many subsequent projects in my laboratory and still is a stimulating and imaginative colleague with me today.


Your hypothalamus (which is in charge of maintaining your hormone levels) sends out a message to your pituitary gland which then sends out the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).


New Jersey About Blog The goal of this website is to improve the practice of dermatology, while being stimulating, practical, thought-provoking, and enlightening.


Attendees will participate in a full day of stimulating, interactive discussion and exhibits.


We trust that you will find this conference stimulating, fun absorbing.


About 85 percent of dogs with Cushing’s acquire the pituitary dependent form, in which the pituitary gland — the «master gland» in the brain — sends too much stimulating hormone to the adrenals.


The movie itself seemed quite interesting and stimulating, as the combination of a strong script and fine acting made Marty a winning package.


Professional Summary I want to succeed in a stimulating and challenging environment, building the…


Renowned for its stimulating properties, ginger is also totally delicious.


Taking a much needed break from the madness of Armory Week unfolding several blocks north, I made a visit to a very interesting show at Parsons-New School for Design and received a breath of fresh and sensory stimulating air.


The adrenaline leaves your system pretty quickly, but it’s the cortisol which hangs around for longer stimulating insulin, which in turn can result in an increase in appetite.


There are three blood tests that everyone should have assessed to even start thinking about thyroid dysfunction: TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), free T3, and free T4.


Turn your brokerage into a stimulating work environment for your agents and employees by giving them what they need.


In an attempt to unravel the mystery, Karen Bruhns has written a stimulating and wide-ranging account of the origins and nature of ancient South American civilisation.


For many career transition is exciting and stimulating, however, for many others it can be very daunting.


IFRRO and a panel of industry thought leaders present a stimulating session on why anti-copyright champions have come to dominate the discussion on intellectual property in many creative industries and among consumers.


Deca Durabolin has a pronounced anabolic impact, stimulating protein synthesis.

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Дека имеет заметное анаболический эффект, способствуя синтезу белка.

Stimulating repeating sales and maintain contact with regular customers.


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Стимуляция повторных продаж и поддержание контакта с постоянными клиентами.


A stimulating environment for your professional sprint.


Stimulating these will improve the condition of all body organs and system,

and it activates your immunity.

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Стимуляция которых улучшает состояние всех органов и систем и активирует иммунитет.

It provides support and health enhancement, stimulating the growth of beautiful and healthy hair.


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Поддерживает и оздоравливает, способствует росту красивых и здоровых волос.


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Стимуляция неспецифических и специфических факторов иммунитета.

It specifically competes with beta-adrenergic receptor stimulating agents for available receptor sites.

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Он специфически состязается с агентами бета- адренэргического приемного устройства возбуждающими для доступных мест приемного устройства.

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The authors show how to create and use a stimulating competition, organize crowd funding, build communities.


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Авторы показывают, как создавать и использовать стимулирующую конкуренцию, организовывать краудфандинг, основывать сообщества.


Salinated oxygen molecules stimulating the epidermal neural receptors.

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Соленые молекулы кислорода стимулируют нервные рецепторы кожи.

A refreshing and stimulating bath, which improves concentration and alleviates flux and swellings.


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Освежающая и возбуждающая ванна, помогает сосредоточению и хорошему залечиванию опухолей и вывихов.


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I will never forget that intellectually stimulating talk that you gave to our club.

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Я никогда не забуду ту интеллектуально стимулирующую лекцию, что вы прочли в клубе.

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Meanwhile, the regulator continues the stimulating policy of negative rates and large-scale buying up of assets.

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Пока же регулятор продолжает стимулирующую политику отрицательных ставок и крупномасштабной скупки активов.

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The fiscal, regulatory and stimulating functions of taxes in the activities of the economic entities were considered.

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Рассмотрены фискальная, регулирующая и стимулирующая функции налогов в деятельности субъектов хозяйствования.

Possesses cohesive, stimulating and vitaminizing properties.


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EVS experience allows to acquire knowledge and skills stimulating personal development.


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Опыт участия в ЕВС позволяет приобрести знания и навыки, которые стимулируют личный рост.


Governmental organizations by 2023 will be engaged in stimulating the development of intellectual cities.


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Правительственные организации к 2023 году займутся стимулированием развития интеллектуальных городов.


This requires a special motivational basis, stimulating the development ofagribusiness in the country.


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Для этого нужна особая мотивационная основа, стимулирующая развитие агропредпринимательства внутри страны.


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First of all, it is a question of stimulating taxation.


Social engineering- false information containing in posts or invitations stimulating users for particular actions.

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Социальный инжиниринг- ложная информация, содержащаяся в постах или приглашения, стимулирующая пользователей к определенным действиям.

Use: can inhibit, thyroid stimulating hormone, the secretion of insulin, glucagon’s.

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Польза: может заблокировать, инкреть тиреоида возбуждающая, секретирование инсулина, глюкагона.

Regulatory requirements for pension funds, stimulating the growth of demand for government debt.


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Регуляторные требования к пенсионным фондам, способствующие росту спроса на государственный долг.


This session was marked by a hectic pace, stimulating exchanges among the participants and representatives.


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Она была отмечена бурной активностью, что стимулировало обмен мнениями между участниками и представителями.


My will power in firm control, I had debated whether a long bath or a stimulating shower would be the best course of action so, my priority being to use up time, I opted for the former; taking a book with me, I had spent an hour in the bath up to my ears in hot water and soap bubbles

It gives the maximum of bending capacity to the body and at the same time imparts a stimulating pressure on the viscera

The benefits of this exercise, apart from cleansing the lungs and bronchial passages, are the toning up of the whole lung action with highly stimulating effects on the entire body

You may feel you are too sleepy to do them then but you will find that some of the asanas are very bracing owing to their stimulating effect on the nervous system and soon give you a wide-awake feeling

‘No, the daybreak prayers are more stimulating – intended to give energy for the day

He set his hormones to only thirty percent, enough so he could tell which personifications were more biologically stimulating

that others often find stimulating

«All the good things he’s doing, stimulating the world’s economies, funding

“Rubbing crotches like this is not so stimulating for two women, but as it mimics the heterosexual act we hope the master is considering, it is appropriate for this purpose

It has been many things but primarily a stimulating sojourn filled with new experiences, some exciting, some difficult to understand and some very funny

She had forgotten how bracing and stimulating he could be

stimulating your clitoris while having intercourse with a vibrator or

stimulating them in the great colonnade

economy by stimulating not only economic

‘But it was very stimulating and arousing

stimulating a man’s prostate

Third, and most reliable, is a method of stimulating your

That is a city beautiful in its appearance, relaxing in its movement and stimulating in its ensemble

Upon reading those comforting and stimulating words, Roger thought about something that Ángel Arienza had written in

those negative thoughts while stimulating growth hormones, enabling you to enjoy a bigger and more

For instance, electrically stimulating the precentral gyrus will initiate muscle movements that an awake person can recognize as being other-produced

possible that a controller might simultaneously stimulate a person to believe that she planned the involuntary movement; that is, unless involuntarily stimulating a belief or expectation produces a feeling of for-

eignness in the same way that involuntarily stimulating muscle contrac-

I couldn’t find a game as stimulating as this

By stimulating conversations

When you were working with Roy, it was high intensity (and) it was stimulating

23 The morning cock had just crowed and Hermon having harnessed the brutes was stimulating them in the great colonnade

We have studied ways of stimulating the

Like a cool drink of well water, it was so stimulating that my spirits soared

How many lives had he taken over the years? He replayed the battle in his mind as the crystal continued to fizz in the wound, stimulating the healing process

Yes, she was attractive and stimulating, but more importantly she was someone hovering over his shoulder

Also known as Champix in europe, it works by stimulating the same receptors

was also successful in stimulating the growth rate of plants utilizing water

Isn’t it stimulating to know that there is always something we can learn every day? Every day I

It’s stimulating when you can

stimulating than those expert hands of his

stature and beauty worthy of stimulating feelings he thought were

But a score of lustful ‘girls’ within touching distance but forbidden to touch was stimulating and it took only seconds to prime the pump, and a little light-fingered tugging to make the fountain play, as they say in France

I’d been spending evenings at home where Alwyn was always a stimulating and amusing font of disillusion, giving vent to philosophies that echoed my own

So relaxing yet stimulating was this all-male environment I determined to join a monastery – if I could find one for homosexual atheists

Two things contributed to our success, the shock of seeing us virtually naked shook them out of their preconceptions and made them rethink everything, followed by the calming, yet stimulating effect of a natural forest, stream, and interesting activity

The real punishment is in the boredom, the lack of stimulating input, the lack of challenge, the lack of the ability to put dreams into action

It was hot, noisy and strangely stimulating

which “revs up” the healing process by stimulating the nerves

Whatever the changes are you have reached the end of a cycle and the change will be good and stimulating

After a very pleasant meal with good wine and stimulating conversation, Ruth had calmed down a lot

Matthew found his conversations very stimulating and he generated great interest in him in contemplating a teaching career himself

It works by the acupuncturist restoring the normal flow of the Qi by stimulating certain points on the body

Jane Martindale was more forthright about Gary David than usual, having the benefit of the stimulating effects of three glasses of Viognier

mouth was both exhilarating and stimulating

I could never, it could get ugly, but the thought of it would be stimulating

been said that the stimulating effects of coffee are worn off about two hours after

They are a fast-fading race, drowned in lotus dreams, stimulating their waking hours by means of the golden wine which heals wounds, prolongs life, and invigorates the most sated debauchee

11 The parable also possesses the advantage of stimulating the memory of the truth taught when the same familiar scenes are subsequently encountered

By definition, we are able to traffic messages being sent to the cortex with simple codes that are transported via stimulating waves to the portion of the brain that will accept the aforementioned code

Monopoly remains a much-beloved board game ever since its creation in 1933, and success involves considerable (and stimulating!) strategy, fundamental math skills, and other elements of intelligence

If you have diarrhea then massage from its base up to the tip: (Note:You are stimulating the meridans by using your fingers

The food was filling and added to Sam‘s recuperative effort, stimulating clearer thought

It only made for a very stimulating

wasn’t the most graphically stimulating game, but the complexity of it made it much more interesting

 Don’t do stimulating things before bed such as

stimulating the fat storing machinery in the body

They were stirring and stimulating

Lezura fired a burst of honoi on the surface of the limb, stimulating a vine lying there into a writhing frenzy

From there she thought her fellow covenant members by stimulating their honoi with hers

world and helping the coachee by creating a stimulating

The human boy threw his hands in the air, stimulating harder cheers from the crowd

Staff kept subjects healthy through stimulating each muscle group through small electrical currents

It does this by stimulating the body’s thermogenesis process, which turns fat into energy

for stimulating and directing the child’s interest

I have been stimulating his hidden memories and those of my other apprentice agents for weeks now, while my stepdaughter, Ingrid Weiss, accessed her own memories of past incarnations at the same time as me, in 1941 ‘B’

As she was still only half conscious, a horrible scream from nearby made her jerk, stimulating her back to consciousness

learning and memory, as wel as stimulating the growth of new brain cel s

Even news can be at least somewhat stimulating, although not very much

Maybe the “job” created by our purchaser lags a week or two behind the first purchases, in terms of stimulating an equivalent boost in wage purchases

and relaxing the body while being a stimulating

“What you have shared with me is very valuable and stimulating, so I will look into this matter further on those grounds

In her eyes, he envisioned a loving mother who could retain the husband of her dreams; finding the simple play of her innocent children as stimulating as anything she had ever imagined

As she was sliding in the front, the woman in black gave Joe a smile and asked, «are you certain you want her in the back? I mean, I may provide a more stimulating choice as we ride along, but she can probably see the road ahead better

Even though she was so much older, he found her company extremely stimulating and very exciting

found sexy and stimulating

and he felt refreshed at the prospect of an intellectually stimulating

task of frustrating that leader, by first stimulating his inbred

good to see his daughter stimulating her intellect

tug-of-war, however stimulating to the mind and however challenging

stimulating, it was far different from that of the hot, humid air he’d so

The four were in high spirits, the sudden change of location from a tropical island and life on a super yacht to the prospect of stunning mountain scenery, was so stimulating for James and Amy it was infectious

Carla kissed him with renewed passion while stimulating herself, using Tom as before and letting his penis enter deeper and deeper

” Wolf was a mite concerned by the lack of stimulating conversation at the table and commented on such

Alice from last night was supposed to by my inspiration for an erection, but after these calls, I’m not sure that would be stimulating

Electrical messengers stimulating chemical waves through the channels of myelination

Here was another piece of data pointing to that hypothesis: they had this nice dank cave, and they spent the day outside, where it was bright and fresh-smelling and altogether too stimulating

reason to quit: cigarettes are stimulating to the central nervous system and can make it hard to fal asleep

Get involved in something mentally stimulating and interesting and fast

Stimulating competition between siblings is not encouragement-it only reinforces the status quo; it emphasises the hopelessness of the situation to the discouraged child, and fear in the successful child that it is important they maintain their position of superiority

Louis didn’t have to be told twice and made love with her passionately for more than an hour, with Nancy helping the uncommon libido of the young king by caressing and stimulating him while he recuperated between orgasms

Instead of stimulating the ecosystem, the formula accelerated its deterioration

Forskolin is also believed to have thyroid stimulating properties

immature egg cells in the ovaries in menopause results in an over-secretion of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)

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