Sentence with the word statement

Sentences with the word Statement?



  • «an equivocal statement«; «the polling had a complex and equivocal (or ambiguous) message for potential female candidates»; «the officer’s equivocal behavior increased the victim’s uneasiness»; «popularity is an equivocal crown»; «an equivocal response to an embarrassing question»
  • «Her vague, amorphous statement of her predicament was part of what made it so hard for her to solve it»
  • «She put too much emphasis on her the last statement«; «He put all his efforts into this job»; «The teacher put an interesting twist to the interpretation of the story»
  • «the reconciliation of his checkbook and the bank statement«
  • «I wish my bank statement arrived earlier in the month»
  • «This statement misrepresents my intentions»
  • «covered the matter in a brief statement«
  • «sent confusing signals to Iraq»; «perplexing to someone who knew nothing about it»; «a puzzling statement«
  • «the statement `he is brave and he is not brave’ is a contradiction»
  • «a statement that sums up the nation’s mood»; «the news was announced to the nation»; «the whole country worshipped him»
  • «I want a definite answer»; «a definite statement of the terms of the will»; «a definite amount»; «definite restrictions on the sale of alcohol»; «the wedding date is now definite»; «a definite drop in attendance»
  • «it was as good as gold»; «a wish that was equivalent to a command»; «his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt»
  • «his answers were brief, constrained and evasive»; «an evasive statement«
  • «artifacts suggestive of an ancient society»; «an implicative statement«
  • «this statement is interesting per se»
  • «a mendacious statement«
  • «a prose statement of fact is unidimensional, its value being measured wholly in terms of its truth»- Mary Sheehan; «a novel with one-dimensional characters»
  • «the original inhabitants of the Americas»; «the book still has its original binding»; «restored the house to its original condition»; «the original performance of the opera»; «the original cast»; «retracted his original statement«
  • «a prepared statement«; «be prepared for emergencies»
  • «a privileged statement«
  • «according to his statement he was in London on that day»
  • «the initial statement of the sonata»
  • «a Cadillac makes a statement about who you are»; «his tantrums are a statement of his need for attention»
  • «the statement `he is brave or he is not brave’ is a tautology»
  • «the story is true»; «it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true»- B. Russell; «the true meaning of the statement«
  • «a true statement«; «gave truthful testimony»; «a truthful person»
  • «I wouldn’t have told you this if it weren’t so»; «a truthful statement«
  • «unequivocal evidence»; «took an unequivocal position»; «an unequivocal success»; «an unequivocal promise»; «an unequivocal (or univocal) statement«
  • «unfortunately the statement was simply untrue»
  • «the statement given under oath was untruthful»; «an untruthful person»

statement — перевод на русский


Then make a statement through your embassy!

Так сделайте заявление через свое посольство!

I’ll give you all a statement as soon as I know what I’m talking about.

Я сделаю заявление позже. Я знаю, о чём говорю.

Any final statement, Nick?

— Какое-нибудь последнее заявление, Ник?

Any statement to make to the press, Corbett?

Не хочешь сделать заявление для прессы, Корбетт?

Now I want you to make a statement.

Я хочу, чтобы ты сделал заявление.

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Andrews, repeat the statement Miss Phinlay made before you yesterday afternoon.

Эндрюс, повторите вчерашние показания мисс.

Get a new statement from her. Have her sign it.

Запишите её показания.

Let’s go over your statement.

Что ж, запишем ваши показания.

The dates, this telegram, the doctor’s statement, the testimonies we’ve got — everything concurs.

Даты, эта телеграмма, заключение врача, показания, которые у нас есть — всё совпадает.

Your Honor, I would like to present to the court at this time… a sworn statement by the night watchman in the Washington Hotel.

Ваша честь, на этот раз, я хотел бы предоставить суду… показания, данные под присягой ночным охранником из вашингтонского отеля.

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After all the years we’ve known each other… do you mind if I make a rather blunt statement?

Мы же знакомы много лет. Можно высказать смелое утверждение?

That’s the most ridiculous statement I ever…

Это самое нелепое утверждение. Я ещё никогда…

An unguarded statement here and there, a few lucky guesses about the future.

Неосторожное утверждение тут и там, несколько удачных предположений о будущем.

— Ok positive statement.

Хорошо. Правильное утверждение.

A dangerous statement.

Опасное утверждение.

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Peterson says he wants a financial statement before he can give me my loan.

Питерсон говорит, что ему нужен финансовый отчёт, перед тем, как он сможет выдать мне ссуду.

I’d like a full statement from you, everything you know about this business.

Я хочу получить от вас полный отчет, все, что вы знаете об этом деле.

Statements to be taken.

Отчёт по принятым мерам.

Enclosed please find the current semi-annual statement.

Полугодовой отчёт прилагается.

Bank statement, Cayman Islands.

Отчет из банка, Каймановые осторова.

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Then I remembered that after you were arrested we searched this flat. And I saw a copy of his bank statement in that desk.

Я вспомнил, что после вашего ареста, мы обыскали квартиру, и я видел на столе копию выписки с его счёта.

And then this morning, when your husband was out I came back here to look at his statement.

Сегодня утром, пока вашего мужа не было дома, я пришел взглянуть на банковские выписки.

The file with the statements, and cheque butts?

Выписки из счетов, цифры, платежки и поступления?

Do you send bank statements?

Нам присылают выписки?

Uh, no, he brought your bank statement in.

Нет, он принёс в школу ваши выписки из банка.

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We’ll have to give a statement…

Нам, конечно, придётся дать показания.

I can give you a statement.

Могу дать показания.

I can give you a statement.

Я могу дать показания.

You will have to make a statement.

Вы должны дать показания.

It’s for a statement!

— Он хочет дать показания.

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Any statement I made to you wouldn’t be fit to print.

Тебе хочу сделать заявление, но оно будет непечатным.

Your Honor, this morning I asked if I could read a statement.

Ваша честь, утром я просил разрешения сделать заявление.

We have to issue a statement. — That the president’s plane has crashed in Eastern Europe.

Нужно сделать заявление для прессы.

If you want a statement,talk to him.

Хочешь сделать заявление — поговори с ним.

I understand that you have a statement regarding your student, Charlyne Phuc, who was recently arrested-

Как я понимаю, вы хотите сделать заявление по поводу вашей ученицы, Шарлин Плять, которая недавно была арестована…

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You go in the jungle, make a statement.

Ты в джунглях, чтобы заявить о себе.

I need to make a clear statement, one I can’t go back on or chicken out on, one that everyone can see.

Я должна заявить о себе, причем так, чтобы нельзя было пойти на попятный, и чтобы все видели.

I know but we gotta hit right back, make a statement.

Я знаю, нам нужно нанести ответный удар, заявить о себе.

This is why we need to make a statement, you know?

Именно поэтому нужно заявить о себе. Понимаешь?

He’s another terrorist trying to make a statement.

Которые пытаются преодолеть комплексы и заявить о себе.

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And he’s very reassured by your statement.

И его очень успокоили ваши слова.

Come and verify my statement and then I can have my fan back.

Сходи, подтверди мои слова, и я получу обратно мой веер!

The statement Lucifer made when he fell into the pit:

Слова, которые сказал Люцифер, когда был низвергнут:

So, basically, you ignored her statement.

Короче, слова Дарлин вы пропустили мимо ушей.

-I retract my previous statement.

— Беру свои слова обратно.

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On the Daniels matter, I wanna thank you for the supplementary witness statements you collected.

По делу Дэниелса, благодарю за те свидетельские показания, что вы дали.

Witness’ statements, telephone numbers, addresses…

Свидетельские показания,телефоны, адреса…

Get her statement.

Снимите с нее свидетельские показания.

Let’s get a statement written.

Давай запишем свидетельские показания.

I’ll tell you what went a bit OTT, Micky — the witness statements.

Я скажу тебе, что и как совсем немного, Микки— давай свидетельские показания.

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Synonym: account, announcement, declaration, notice, proclamation, report. Similar words: excitement, implementation, commencement, state, estate, element, basement, movement. Meaning: [‘steɪtmənt]  n. 1. a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc 2. a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true 3. (music) the presentation of a musical theme 4. a nonverbal message 5. the act of affirming or asserting or stating something 6. (computer science) a line of code written as part of a computer program 7. a document showing credits and debits. 

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(1) There is a degree of ambiguity in this statement.

(2) The man made a statement to the police.

(3) Her lawyer made a statement outside the court.

(4) The play makes a strong political statement.

(5) Her statement contained one or two inaccuracies.

(6) Her statement was deliberately misleading.

(7) The spokesperson disowned a published statement.

(8) The prisonermade a voluntary statement.

(9) Can you show me any evidence for your statement?

(10) He made a voluntary statement to the police.

(11) Study the implications of the president’s statement.

(12) The logic behind this statement is faulty.

(13) The spokesman adverted to a statement.

(14) He made a scathing attack on the statement.

(15) There’s not a whit of truth in the statement.

(16) He did not expand greatly on his statement.

(17) I doubt the accuracy of his statement.

(18) The government issued a statement condemning the killings.

(19) Is that a statement or a question?

(20) I doubt the accuracy of your statement.

(21) I acknowledge the truth of his statement.

(22) The timing of our statement is very opportune.

(23) What proofs have you that the statement is correct?

(24) He refused to give a statement to the police.

(25) The two ministers have issued a joint statement .

(26) He had the brass to make a statement.

(27) The statement, in a manner(, strengthened his position.

(28) The language in the Minister’s statement is highly ambiguous.

(29) The statement was sourced to the Secretary of State.

(30) Clearness of statement is very important for you.

More similar words: excitement, implementation, commencement, state, estate, element, basement, movement, placement, implement, management, elementary, engagement, settlement, enforcement, retirement, replacement, measurement, chastisement, involvement, arrangement, requirement, announcement, finite element, advertisement, establishment, establishment of, amendment, entertainment, sentiment. 

Re-word the statement in a positive way and you’ll begin to create a new habit of being optimistic

when Jesus made a bold statement when He said He will

‘What!’ he exclaimed almost against his will, his calm front shattered by my statement

Inspector Ditton, who is in charge of the enquiry, has issued a statement that the police are now exploring other avenues in their search for the murderer

’ I said, making a statement rather than asking a question

We possess a great deal of knowledge, mental power, and capacities, which have never been drawn forth from the realm of the subconscious into objective usefulness; anyone who has watched the effect of Meditation upon the beginner will substantiate this statement

When I was young, the criteria for getting a job tended to be linked to how good you looked in a mini skirt … okay, that is a sweeping statement, but I clearly remember one job where it was definitely the reason I got the job

I have made my statement and backed it with the ultimate

But such a bald statement, though true,

As Cat pondered on that last statement, the noise of twenty-four hour bustle

She watches John as he and Russ finish giving their statement to a POLICE

I dump the statement on the work surface and debate whether I shall have a nightcap or not

’ I said, gratified by the startled indrawing of breath at the other end of the phone which this statement causes

She looked beyond Ava to the surf while she thought of how little sense that statement made

’ I answered firmly, but she looks across at me as though assessing how true my statement might be

When the statement “by His stripes we are healed” gets

be too much of a creative statement

statement: “My friends! I do not know if I will be here for the next lec-

Anyway, I took her down to the police station in my car and sat with her while she made her statement

’ Jeremy said, making a statement rather than asking a question

A financial statement each month is important so the members may see where

» I believe we see the truth of this statement in our everyday life

selected by the elders in carrying out any obligation of the church, that obligation growing out of that for which there is approved example, necessary inference or a direct statement

» His statement echoes the thought I’ve had since that day it happened

Bahkmar wondered why he dared make that statement, but compared to what he’d already revealed, this was small

statement to Titus, “For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the Ch

The girl’s last statement was enough of a clue to make the final connection in the boy’s mind

That one simple, blithely delivered statement rocked me back on my heels

In this statement, we find that the darkness is being compared to the Spirit, and the depths are being compared to the waters

Is the description being given to draw us to understanding the first statement by antonyms? This can’t be

The second statement doesn’t bring that kind of detail

This statement is made by Paul, who suffered lashes at the hands of the Jews 5 times, 3 times he was beaten with rods, once pelted with stones, shipwrecked 3 times, spent a day and a night in the open sea, had been constantly on the move, had been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from his fellow Jews, in danger from Gentiles, in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger in the sea, in danger from false believers, had gone without sleep, had known hunger and thirst – often going without food, and has been cold and naked

The story of Abram offering his son shows a profound statement of God

The statement being made was that God is for the Jews, and the Gentiles have no part in it

In the statement that is being made by setting up shop on the Court of the Gentiles, they are essentially also rejecting Jesus Himself

The problem is that when we create the if-then statement about God and the altar, then we are once again going against the very statement God has been making all along

Now, I would like to make the statement that spiritual authority was never intended to be one man or a team of pastors

I believe that this rejection of having a multitude of elders that have been distinguished and anointed by the Holy Spirit to lead and to edify is in fact a statement of our condition

Just as it was a statement of the hardness of Israel’s hearts, so too it is a statement of our own rejection of God

” If that God, and that King, can reign over that stiff-necked people, a people whose last national statement towards God was, «We have no king but Caesar» (John 19:15), then what do you think will be the disposition of other nations? If God can possess Israel, a people who, in all their unbelief and opposition to Him, have blasphemed His name in the nations, then He will have all the nations

Is that a statement of human depravity, or does he really mean that this whole world is infected? I know the obvious context is speaking of mankind

In Ephesians 1:10, Paul makes the statement that it is not simply that humanity is to be brought under the one Head, Jesus Christ, but that the whole of creation is to be brought under that one Head

Though this statement is true that He does seek to save mankind, His goal was to restore all things

Paul makes the statement that in Christ’s death upon the cross, He became curse

There is another statement made in Jesus taking up the curse

This is the statement of how He was crowned: with a crown of thorns

But what kind of humility did Moses exude that would allow him to make that statement, and yet at the same time he is telling the truth? When we have come to a place where we can make that kind of a statement about ourselves, and not have a hint of pride in the statement, then we have reached ultimate humility

This verse, even though it is controversial, is a true statement

What do you mean Jake? What enhancement? I was curious about this statement

Jesus saying that the Kingdom is within you (or in our midst) is making the statement to the Pharisees that He is the Messiah, and the Kingdom of God is established when He sits upon the throne of David in Zion

We can continue through Peter’s statement about how David had prophesied about the coming Messiah

We continue to find the statement about how Jesus now sits on the right hand of the Father

This is the same statement that Stephen made while he was being tried

When those who opposed him heard that statement, they stopped their ears and ran upon him

“That’s a hell of a statement

“I will use it in my statement at their trial” said Pottypears

“Oh, yeah, sorry Pottypears, I retract that last statement

What was your life like there?» Luray was a little sensitive to the implications of that statement

There is a collective gasp at the statement that the Elements have been retrieved from Earth, followed by a susurration of whispers as those present chew over the news, not to mention a certain amount of nudging and nodding in my direction as people identify me

Keeping my eyes down, I mull over the statement … the last Element? What is he talking about? I haven’t retrieved the last one yet … He goes on to describe how we were pursued by Antis, escaping through Joris’ skill, though stopping short of mentioning that Joris actually killed two men and completely skirting over the actual cause of Joris’ death

I take the comment as it is obviously meant – as a statement not a question

This was my statement for the world: it was a vocal prayer to guarantee my survival on my journey home

She was, anyway, helping a very pleasant young policewoman with her enquiries and Miss Jones was on fine form as the policewoman took her statement

He knew these things had a lexalyzer that would eventually work its way thru that statement

«Isn’t it a beautifully constructed thing», said the two public relations wiz kids, and they explained every nuance, every intimation and every statement, overt or implied

Berndt catches the end of her statement as he comes into the room

” There was definite pride in that last statement

Instead she pointed to the petition, “Better read it over, I’m handing it to the bishop unless you can convince me some statement needs to be changed

«Now I believe that this makes a statement right here, with this raw data alone

Simon … he wants to marry me (darling daft man that he is!) and I want to be his wife … in fact I have said I will marry him … a statement of fact, incontrovertible and inarguable

I reflected on my own statement a little

’ I said, suddenly realising the possible pitfalls of that statement

within you and word the statement so that it is in present tense

Not sure where to start? Try an open-ended statement like one of these:

Essentially, you can think of the statement

Now try making a statement that you know to be

that this statement is incongruent

after making your statement

statement, but then immediately begin thinking about

The main thing is to stay focused on whatever statement

statement, “I have a trapped emotion

Maybe he never meant it to be profound, but that was his deepest statement yet

made the following statement when he was awarded

“I’m really sorry, I have no idea what you’re asking,” she said in English, then repeated the same statement in Kassidorian

statement, and then I’m going to press down on

If the statement they just made is true, you should

If the statement is false, you should feel their

statement that is obviously false by using a name that

the statement just made is incongruent with truth, and

statement that is untrue or negative, you will be weak,

congruent statement, you are there

negative or incongruent statement, and remain linked

statement, and the result will be the same as if they

statement that has just been made, and keep other

Once they have made this congruent or true statement,

Have the person being tested make this statement: “I

This was the statement: “I have a trapped emo-

It’s best to frame things in the form of a statement or

destined for me and I can’t help but wonder exactly what he meant by that statement

Definition of Statement

something written or said formally

Examples of Statement in a sentence

The police officer asked the eyewitness to give a statement about what she saw happen at the crime scene.


Last week, the president released a written statement announcing new money will be given to help needy families.


When leaving his job as a teacher, the professor signed a formal statement saying he wouldn’t be returning.


Other words in the Neutral category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Cuomo released a 1,000 word statement on the issue late in the day yesterday, saying the city law due to take effect today was «deeply flawed» even if the intent to clean up the environment was a good one.


Nintendo announced the passing in a one word statement released today.


Usually (1) would be answered quite generally, «moves this Court to change the venue of this proceeding pursuant to Rule 98», while (3) would have an exact word for word statement of what you want an order of the court to say, such as «requests the following relief: (1) that this court immediately transfer venue in…


He released the following 1,564 word statement explaining his thinking:


If this were true I’m sure many of us would disown the word statement and opt for something a little less obvious.


The missionary enterprise was one of «systemic imperialism,» the 3,000 word statement declares.


In other words the statement «God is Absolute» may be taken as a way of saying, «There is no condition of the world which is not subject to improvement», or «The world as it is imperfect but limitlessly perfectible».


To include a ballot statement in the California Voter Guide, it costs candidates $ 25 per word, or $ 6,250 for a full 250 word statement.


5.00 pm Deadline for candidates to provide 250 word statement and picture for inclusion in candidate booklet.


  • Dictionary
  • S
  • Statement
  • Sentences
  • Andrew now disowns that statement, saying he was depressed when he made it.
  • The statement by the military denied any involvement in last night’s attack.
  • The 350-page report was based on statements from witnesses to the events.
  • The following recipe is a statement of another kind–food is fun!
  • Nearly a year later, it was agreed that Tom would be statemented. [be VERB-ed]
  • Strong colours can create a real statement in a room
  • A statement dress
  • A bank statement
  • At the end of each billing cycle you will receive a statement.Transactions and interest payments are recorded in a monthly statement or in a small book held by the owner of the account.A statement is a printed document containing a summary of bills or invoices and displaying the total amount due.
  • I agree with everything you said except for your last statement.
  • The furniture in the room makes a statement about the occupant’s love of color. Walking out of the meeting will be a statement of our refusal to submit.
  • A statement necklace, a statement bowl for your entryway table.

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