Sentence with the word spacecraft

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


You must explore an alien spacecraft and hopefully rebuild humanity with what you find there.

Вы должны исследовать инопланетный космический корабль и, надеюсь, восстановить человечество с помощью того, что вы там найдете.

The bacteria themselves «settled» spacecraft in 2015.

No spacecraft visited anything so primitive.

Ни один космический аппарат до настоящего времени не посещал настолько примитивного объекта.

A bigger risk is leaving dead spacecraft in orbit.

Гораздо большую опасность мертвый космический аппарат может создавать именно на орбите.

Deployable solar arrays supplemented with high-energy nickel-hydrogen batteries provide uninterrupted electrical power to the spacecraft.

Развертываемые панели солнечных батарей в сочетании с никель — водородными батареями с высокой плотностью отдаваемой энергии обеспечивают бесперебойное электропитание спутника.

No spacecraft has ever orbited such a small body.

Еще никогда космический аппарат не выходил на орбиту такого маленького астероида.

Some say they were even navigational markers for landing spacecraft.

По мнению некоторых они даже были навигационными маркерами для посадки космических кораблей.

People are actually studying how to fuel spacecraft with antimatter.

Люди на самом деле изучают, как оснастить космический аппарат топливом на антивеществе.

Time dilation only applies to those on board the spacecraft.

Glenn also reported there were no bumping noises during spacecraft maneuvers.

Гленн также сообщил, что во время маневров космического корабля не было никаких шумов или хлопков.

It was later determined that they were probably small ice crystals venting from onboard spacecraft systems.

Позже было определено, что это были, вероятно, маленькие ледяные кристаллы, отделившиеся от бортовых систем космического корабля.

We can’t simply infer they’re spacecraft.

The spacecraft accomplished all planned objectives.

They certainly know how to build spacecraft.

We were t-taken aboard their spacecraft.

Now it looks like alien spacecraft suffer from the same problems.

«Сейчас это выглядит так, будто инопланетный космический корабль пострадал от тех же проблем.

A Marine Corps helicopter recovered the spacecraft 17 minutes after launch.

Вертолет Корпуса морской пехоты поднял космический корабль из океана через 17 минут после запуска.

An alien spacecraft within two spans.

No other spacecraft has ever visited the Uranian system.

Никакой другой космический корабль никогда не посещал Миранду (и вообще систему Урана).

No spacecraft has gone farther than Voyager 1.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат spacecraft

Результатов: 19616. Точных совпадений: 19616. Затраченное время: 73 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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1. The spacecraft disintegrated as it entered the Earth’s atmosphere.

2. A radio signal was sent to the spacecraft.

3. They scanned the sky for the spacecraft.

4. Spacecraft are vehicles used for flight in outer space.

5. The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars.

6. The spacecraft is now in free fall towards the Earth.

7. The spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific.

8. The spacecraft lost contact with mission control.

9. a linkup of two orbiting spacecraft.

10. The design of the spacecraft is undergoing extensive modification.

11. The costs involved in building a spacecraft are huge.

12. There’re three astronauts in the spacecraft.

13. Scientists are carefully charting the progress of the spacecraft.

14. Mission control ordered the spacecraft to return to earth.

15. Airlocks are commonly found on submarines and manned spacecraft.

16. How many spacecraft have orbited the moon?

17. Spacecraft Columbia touched down yesterday.

18. The two spacecraft will link up in orbit.

19. The spacecraft is nearing the end of its useful life .

20. Spacecraft re-entering the earth’s atmosphere are affected by g forces.

21. The spacecraft will fly round the Earth to gain/gather momentum for its trip to Jupiter.

22. The force of friction slows the spacecraft down as it re-enters the earth’s atmosphere.

23. The spacecraft made a successful reentry into the earth’s atmosphere.

24. These spacecraft may send back data about the outermost reaches of the solar system.

25. Bad weather has frustrated plans to launch the spacecraft today.

26. The spacecraft and its crew were incinerated by the billion-degree temperatures generated by the fireball.

27. Unlike other spacecraft, the shuttle can glide back through the atmosphere, land safely,[] and be reused.

28. The spacecraft burned up as it entered the earth’s atmosphere.

29. If a spacecraft travels faster than 11 km a second, it escapes the earth’s gravitational pull.

30. The force of friction affects the speed at which spacecraft can re-enter the earth’s atmosphere.

More similar words: statecraft, mary wollstonecraft, craft, crafty, aircraft, warcraft, craftily, space, craftsman, witchcraft, craftiness, aerospace, hyperspace, spaceship, outer space, craftsmanship, cyberspace, spaceflight, aircraft carrier, space shuttle, breathing space, ice-cream, raft, graft, draft, redraft, engraft, drafting, racecourse, pace. 

If the temperature inside the shipping container gets too cold and the level of moisture gets too high, condensation might start to form on the spacecraft, like how dew forms on grass in the morning.


During a 25-year career at TRW, Goldin led projects for America’s defense and conceptualized and managed production of advanced communication spacecraft, space technologies and scientific instruments.


It was discovered Saturday, July 7, in images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope as part of a campaign to identify possible hazards to the New Horizons spacecraft, now en route to Pluto for a 2015 flyby.


That is for safety reasons because a minimum of one American and one Russian is needed to operate the U.S. and Russian segments of the ISS respectively and in an emergency they would return to Earth on whatever spacecraft took them to the ISS.


An image captured by the Cassini spacecraft shows the streaks of material that make up the planet’s rings.


Inside the Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, engineers and technicians perform a spin test of the MAVEN spacecraft.


One was instrumental in creating the groundbreaking Dragon spacecraft for private spaceship-maker SpaceX.


In 1995, the Galileo spacecraft began gathering more detailed images and measurements within the system, providing the information needed to piece together Europa’s past, present, and future.


Janssen, M.A., M.D. Hofstadter, S. Gulkis, A.P. Ingersoll, M. Allison, S.J. Bolton, S.M. Levin, and L.A. Kamp, 2005: Microwave remote sensing of Jupiter’s atmosphere from an orbiting spacecraft.


Four student teams will define the scientific objectives of a space mission and will provide a preliminary end-to-end design of spacecraft, scientific instruments as well as mission and science operations that will meet their stated objectives.


The planned Biomass spacecraft would use a 20-meter-wide deployable radar reflector to track tree growth.


Billionaire Internet investor Yuri Milner announced another $ 100 million initiative on Tuesday to better understand the cosmos, this time by deploying thousands of tiny spacecraft to travel to our nearest neighboring star system and send back pictures.


Instead, the space agency intentionally blacked out communication with the public, allowing the astronauts to carry out the top-secret investigation of a Cybertronian spacecraft.


We take a look at the communications involved with spacecraft making their way out of the Solar System


Computers were used to make complicated calculations that guided the spacecraft to near pinpoint landings on the moon, a quarter of a million miles away.5


Scheduled for an April 2018 launch, the spacecraft will prowl for planets around the closest, brightest stars.


Famous for hosting the annual Rose Bowl football game and the Tournament of Roses Parade, Pasadena is the home of many leading scientific and cultural institutions, including the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (the leading robotics and spacecraft design and manufacturing NASA center), Art Center College of Design, the Pasadena Playhouse, California School of Culinary Arts Pasadena and the Norton Simon Museum of Art.


It is triggered by an alert signal for upcoming ionospheric disturbances obtained from the online analysis of the IMF’s observations obtained from ACE spacecraft.


This is MSSS’s first camera for a spinning spacecraft.


During this orbit, in advance of the crossing, Cassini’s cameras have been looking closely at the rings; in addition, the spacecraft has rotated (or «rolled») faster than engineers have ever allowed it to before, in order to calibrate the magnetometer.


The Orion spacecraft at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida has undergone extensive testing to prepare it for its first flight, currently scheduled to -LSB-…]


The New Horizons spacecraft has arrived at Pluto after a decade-long journey, collecting images and data as it flies by the dwarf planet at 28,000 mph (45,000 km/h).


The Psyche spacecraft will carry four instruments to gather as much information about the asteroid as it can: a camera, a gamma-ray spectrometer to record what chemical elements are there, a magnetometer, and a radio gravity experiment.


This game is an endless runner, of sorts, that puts you into a spacecraft with enemies hot on your tail.


The last time NASA had to pony up for astronauts to hitch a ride to the International Space Station (ISS) with the Russians on their venerable Soyuz spacecraft, they paid — on average — nearly $ 82 million per seat, for a total of six seats.


The question of whether or not the Voyager 1 spacecraft has left the solar system continues to inspire debate among scientists.


The MESSENGER spacecraft launched on August 3, 2004, and entered orbit about Mercury on March 17, 2011.


In missions that use conventional propellant, spacecraft use a lot of fuel just to accelerate enough to get into orbit.


The Dawn Mission E/PO is planning to commemorate the arrival of the spacecraft at dwarf planet Ceres with a festival called i C Ceres.


If the spacecraft makes it, it’d be another historic first because we’ve never seen anything in the Kuiper Belt up-close, save Pluto.


All it will take is someone who has access to spacecraft to want to do the experiment.


My own specialty (radiation effects in semiconductors) combines nuclear physics, semiconductor physics, electromagnetism, spacecraft design, radiation transport and details of semiconductor fabrication — and maybe a wee bit o» psychology as well.


Maps of the moon generated from gravity data gathered by the GRAIL spacecraft include three previously undiscovered lunar basins, Bartels-Voskresenskiy, Copernicus-H and Asperitatis.


Recent evidence for this has come from the robot Cassini spacecraft now orbiting Saturn.


The European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft has spotted an amino acid on the comet it orbits — confirming that a ball of ice and dust can hold one of life’s major building blocks.


Human beings, polar bears and other organisms thrive in this spacecraft, upon which life as we know it is utterly dependent.


u «Such events were detected, for example, at the crossing points of the spacecraft with the orbit of the martian moon Phobos.»


If successful it would join other Sun-monitoring missions such as NASA’s STEREO (Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory) spacecraft, which involves two probes on opposite sides of the Sun.


Cassini released the Huygens probe toward Titan when the spacecraft entered the Saturn system.


Chang «e-3, the first spacecraft expected to make a soft landing on the moon since 1976, has a robust science payload that will study the lunar crust underfoot and Earth and stars overhead.


The project was a massive undertaking, using satellite and aerial data from NASA’s ICESat spacecraft and Operation IceBridge field campaign to reconstruct how the height of the Greenland Ice Sheet changed at nearly 100,000 locations from 1993 to 2012.


The HKU» Faculty of Sciences new Infrared Spectroscopy Laboratory is a facility where scientists from around the world can come to measure geological samples in order to compare the measured spectra to data from returned from spacecraft.


The Astronaut Corps includes those men and women who are qualified to fly into space, but excludes astronauts who have transitioned to management positions within NASA and no longer operate spacecraft.


In 1964, NASA sent a 135-foot rigidized balloon satellite into orbit to test the solar thrust effect on spacecraft.


His New Horizons spacecraft has shocked his fellow researchers with magnificent images and data.


The photographs, obtained by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, are expected to help scientists learn more about the landscape of Saturn’s largest moon.


Within four years, he was given the command of the Gemini 8 spacecraft, from which he controlled the first successful docking, or linkup, of two vehicles in space.


Rates of basal melt of Antarctic ice shelves (melting of the shelves from underneath) overlaid on a 2009 mosaic of Antarctica created from data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument aboard NASA’s Terra and Aqua spacecraft.


(On Thursday, 14 January 2016, ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft made an unusually close flyby of the largest Martian moon, passing the surface at just 53 km.)


Although the Marines learn that Clarison has been attaked by a facehugger and needs medical treatment, Cruz orders Winter to travel to a nearby Weyland-Yutani research facility set up near a derelict Xenomorph spacecraft and recover a manifest that identifies an unknown prisoner from the Sulaco.


Use ‘spacecraft’ in a sentence | ‘spacecraft’ example sentences

1- The spacecraft is the same construction used above.

2- Relay taught many lessons in communications spacecraft design.

3- Two basic spacecraft configurations and mission profiles were envisioned.

4- The rocket engine is ignited while the spacecraft is gliding.

5- The spacecraft subsequently entered safe mode and began tumbling.

6- This pair of spacecraft is absolutely unique .

7- All systems onboard the spacecraft are functioning normally .

8- The “Phoenix” spacecraft contains several previously built components.

9- NASA ordered 20 production spacecraft , numbered 1 through 20.

10- The spacecraft weighed about 260 kg at launch.

11- How does one design the necessary spacecraft ?

12- Deep space exploration also presents specific challenges to spacecraft design.

13- Much more advanced computers than on previous manned spacecraft .

14- Many spacecraft have components that require articulation.

15- The ground and the spacecraft transmitted continuously.

16- This spacecraft is expected to begin doing so around 2017.

17- The architectural approach to spacecraft design addresses the total built environment.

18- The total mass of the spacecraft is 383 kg.

19- A spacecraft moving through the solar system is in constant motion.

20- The spacecraft had fully recovered by about seven hours later.

21- No further signals were received from the spacecraft .

22- Hubble data was initially stored on the spacecraft .

23- Further attempts to contact the spacecraft were unsuccessful.

24- The spacecraft had an initial spin rate of 30 rpm.

25- It lasts until the spacecraft enters the atmosphere.

26- Space probes are a form of robotic spacecraft .

27- The spacecraft is scheduled to blast into space fro .

28- Her lab is also researching black box technology for spacecraft .

29- Useful on spacecraft where there are few alternatives.

30- The distance between the spacecraft was reduced to 25 metres.

31- Ground controllers successfully acquired the spacecraft‘s signals.

32- This shows a hypothetical manned spacecraft approaching Mars.

33- Each Apollo spacecraft was assigned a frequency pair.

34- The spacecraft is launched atop a Falcon 9 booster.

35- The Apollo spacecraft was retired after 1974.

36- Viking ’75 spacecraft design and test summary.

37- There were five other manned missions using Mercury spacecraft .

38- In reality, spacecraft have strictly limited power budgets.

39- A: “The spacecraft is very healthy.

40- The “Star Trek” franchise features many spacecraft . The Ranger 8 spacecraft yielded over 7,000 photos of the surface of the moon.

41- The spacecraft hovered above the planet for a few minutes before touching down.

42- NASA’s twin Voyager spacecraft have been taking never-before-seen images of the outer planets.

43- In August of 1989, NASA’s spacecraft Voyager 2 made its closest approach to the planet Neptune.

44- The first manned spacecraft to be launched was the Soviet’s Vostok 1, which left earth in 1961.

45- Both American and Soviet spacecraft have dropped probes into the atmosphere of the planet Venus.

46- The safe landing of a spacecraft on Titan is a major triumph for the European space program.

47- troopThe Mars Pathfinder spacecraft landed on Mars in 1997 and made measurements of the Martian climate.

48- Over the last couple of decades, China has successfully launched and recovered 4 unmanned spacecraft.

49- In March of 1966, a Soviet spacecraft landed on Venus, the first spacecraft to land on another planet.

50- In 1962, two Soviet spacecraft circled Earth in adjacent orbits, and were in visual and radio contact.

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soy – soya – soybean – soybeans – soys – spa – space – spacecraft – spacecrafts – spaced – spaceflight – spaceflights – spaceman – spacemen – spaceport –

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launched a nuclear warhead at this alien spacecraft,

scientists were stunned; the spacecraft was made of an

‘Cupsule’ was a corruption of the words ‘capsule’ and ‘cup’, and was used to refer to the standard drink receptacle used on spacecraft

The first three spacecraft matching the correct configuration appeared on the viewscreen, although only as artificially represented outlines

The enemy spacecraft was spinning down out of control

‘Do you think those other spacecraft suffered the same fate as us?’

Scattered and forlorn, the once proud spacecraft of countless alien empires tumbled and turned like dead leaves floating on a warm autumn breeze

‘How many of these have tried “talking”?’ asked Trevor, waving at the dead spacecraft cluttered around them

spacecraft thirty years later got good pictures of Mars on a fly-by mission

He discussed his ultimate expedition with Vera—his dream to check in to a spacecraft bound for Mars, if that opportunity arose

On the other side I saw a huge army of demons, spirits, and other foul creatures that had somehow created spiritual spacecraft to fight in

Jaden uses a nanoscanner to find MASA’s Galileo spacecraft that should be near a moon

‘Yes, I was in the other spacecraft

I was the one that rescued the spacecraft you were flying on Earth

The North American Aerospace Defense Command and top military strategists are investigating the arrival of the alien spacecraft as we speak

He confirmed reports that an alien spacecraft had entered US airspace undetected

“Minutes before the spacecraft appeared, NORAD received the message that visitors from another galaxy come in peace

After sitting quietly for some time, Gabriel said, “You’re restless, worried about the spacecraft

Houston—(AP)—The Apollo 7 flight crew are ready to launch in the first manned test of the spacecraft that will carry three astronauts to the Moon and return them to Earth

accelerations, observed during fly-bys of spacecraft or-

Estimates of dark matter around Earth can be confirmed by further analysis of spacecraft acceleration

Solar System that would cause anomalies in spacecraft accelerations that wil be measured in the future

blobs have been detected in the form of anomalous accelerations of spacecraft during fly-bys and orbits

accelerations, observed during fly-bys of spacecraft orbiting the Earth, suggest that the

Estimates of dark matter around Earth can be confirmed by further analysis of spacecraft

spacecraft accelerations that will be measured in the future

the form of anomalous accelerations of spacecraft during fly-bys and orbits of Earth

spacecraft in the 1960s revealed strong areas of high gravitational

In 1998, the Lunar Prospector spacecraft team reported finding water

puzzle: the Mars Odyssey spacecraft had detected large quantities of

release of the probe, the Galileo spacecraft began a multi-year orbit of

spacecraft revealed that Saturn’s rings are made mostly of water ice,

NASA’s Galileo spacecraft was the first to observe an asteroid close-

Viking spacecraft ,which landed on Mars in the mid-1970s

spacecraft will drop down to some current in space to assist the

interfere with the course of a spacecraft or an asteroid

Many UFOs are thought to be alien spacecraft

Present-day spacecraft would take about 70,000 years to cover that distance

Their spacecraft would have to travel at a speed of a million miles per hour

Our historic records indicate that everything of Z’va Prime origin had been destroyed down to the last spacecraft and probe wherever they had been in the Galaxy

What we have seen so far is a spacecraft traveling at an incredible speed, on a course that will take it outside of our solar system

“A spacecraft! One of ours?” Walter already knew the answer to his question, directed for the viewers benefit

“Well, it appears that one spacecraft was destroyed, and two others have been damaged

His first thought was that it was a spacecraft from one of the League members, but he had never seen one so enormous, or so unusual in form

Grailem feels the spacecraft come to a soft landing and taxi along the runway, as it slows down the engine noise echoes off surrounding walls and Grailem knows they have entered a large building

Singly controlled robot spacecraft, built in a torpedo shape with metal handles welded onto the casing for the robots to hold onto, fill the cargo hold

We also did not consider aerial bombardment from spacecraft or the use of incendiaries

The airlock he had entered, almost in the centre of the spacecraft, had shown a large concentration of humanoids half a kilometre below

The view from his tiny platform is awe inspiring; the roof of the spacecraft is one giant light that stretches from one end to the other

Several hundred metres and thousands of chambered humanoid’s later Grailem reaches the main control room of the huge spacecraft

The bad news is that the robot seems unaware that the spacecraft is idly drifting in space and that the plant life is out of control

Capable of independent thought it was used mainly as a relay between the technology of the spacecraft and operating robots and the main computer

The third group, unattended by armed spacecraft, included thirty troop transports with two Class Ten cargo ships

Fortunately, as far as Sebastian was concerned, spacecraft that could survive entry into the atmosphere were so hard to maneuver in the air that they were worthless as tactical weapons

All six were certified spacecraft pilots

They could pilot unarmed spacecraft on their current certifications in the tightly regulated central system, but without having been officially inducted into the Federation Space Force could not legally pilot the warships they had carried as cargo into Earth’s defense perimeter

What had previously been a small red circle on the spacecraft traffic displays was now a small one and a large one around it

Of the group, Erika turned out to be the most aggressively effective at intercepting both the missiles and the enemy spacecraft

Finally, the only connection that remained between the shipyard and the ship was the access tube the military personnel had used to enter the spacecraft

Along with the normal types of cargo in the hold and in the traditional shipping containers, they picked up four prototype spacecraft the designers at Saturn Industries new prototyping facility were sending to the engineers at Eretz for further development and testing

“As you know, there are regulations regarding the qualifications necessary to own a spacecraft

Inasmuch as we currently own three spacecraft, our qualifications to own a fourth should not be an issue

They had made it clear that being cooped up in a tiny spacecraft was not their idea of a good time

The convoy included several shipping containers of spacecraft spare parts marked for delivery to Greg Solomon that did not appear on the manifest

armed spacecraft the local system could throw at him

“Well, the interfaces of course, but could you work through the basics, you know, the physics, things like persistence of motion as it relates to spacecraft in combat, that sort of thing

We need immediate attention from spacecraft maintenance,” Greg said

At the end of the day, spacecraft maintenance reported that the drives had not been successfully shut down

spacecraft path back to Earth

unit area near the back of the spacecraft

As the spacecraft got close to the moon, alarms started to echo through the ship

such a site would identify the spacecraft as a non-threat and not activate its missiles

The pods were launched from the Mar»s spacecraft towards earth

The missiles hit to the spacecraft with the equivalent of thousands of tons of dynamite

throughout the interior of each and every one of our spacecraft

There was nothing to do but try to outrun the spacecraft

spacecraft moving in on the kill; to kill me!

The spacecraft was directly

He claimed that there was a spacecraft tailing the comet

The spacecraft appeared to be

as spacecraft and solid surfaces to walk on), travel anywhere in space and time, as well as

cause the Pioneer spacecraft to be closer to Earth

gadgetry that they’d found in the spacecraft in the glen but much of it proved to

actual encounters with two alien spacecraft, the Horizon and the Enterprise,” Counselor Lester said

“Send a manned spacecraft in orbit by no later than 1960? Isn’t that quite optimistic?”

Those were in order of priority to launch a satellite in a stable orbit, to put in service a nuclear-tipped ballistic missile with intercontinental range and, finally, to put a piloted spacecraft in orbit by no later than 1960

By the way, that success paves the way for the third objective she had: sending a piloted spacecraft into orbit

At first it was child’s play, Krystal offered to pilot your spacecraft and you young ones jumped at the chance; Duplex spoiled that plan by waiting for you all in the starship

The goal of that recompression chamber will be to give us the capability to go in orbit with the SPS-10A and rescue one astronaut from a disabled spacecraft if need be

Contrary to common belief, firing retro-rockets did not push back a spacecraft squarely into the atmosphere by itself, unless one used an insane amount of fuel

From the Apollo 918 spacecraft took the three in the

These teams competed for points by using their fleet of twelve spacecraft each

However, the OWG still used spacecraft to maintain its satellites

Stand on the moon, you don’t need no spacecraft

He glared at the remaining spacecraft

The super hero did this for nearly twenty minutes until all of the spacecraft were knocked out of the sky and the earth was completely riddled with craters

We found 558 ‘spacecraft’ sentence examples to help you understand how to use spacecraft in a sentence.

  • Until your spacecraft spontaneously explodes and strands you.
  • The Normandy arrives just as the colony is under attack by an unknown alien spacecraft.
  • TsNIIMash is a rocket and spacecraft scientific center, dealing with all phases of development from conceptual design to flight test.
  • With the rapid development and more and more complicate of the spacecraft avionics system, ita networking mode should be improved to meet the requirement of more advanced avionics system.
  • NASA’s Kepler spacecraft is on its way to the launch pad and will soon begin a journey to search for worlds that could potentially host life.
  • Howard only thought he had troubles before the spacecraft was uncovered.
  • Grissom was uninjured when he exited the spacecraft, as documented by his postflight physical.
  • It also provided the main propulsion system for the Apollo spacecraft.
  • EGP’s orbital altitude is high enough that atmospheric drag has no significant effect on the spacecraft trajectory.
  • Like the DSCS constellation that WGS will replace, spacecraft bus will be commanded by the 3rd Space Operations Squadron of Schriever AFB, Colorado.
  • The files on Apollo 13 tell the story of a 1970 aborted moonshot in which three astronauts turned their spacecraft into a » lifeboat » after an explosion depleted their oxygen supply.
  • Spacecraft re-entering the earth’s atmosphere are affected by g forces.
  • The LLRV was a spacecraft simulator for the Apollo lunar lander.
  • At any point on the ellipse between apogee and perigee a spacecraft will have both a horizontal and a radial velocity.
  • The astronauts were more than 13, 000 miles from the spacecraft when they lifted off early Thursday.
  • Early Mars spacecraft were small, and launched by Molniya rockets.
  • Deployment time was on the order of 2.5 seconds producing 2500 Ft Lbs of torque at the spacecraft interface.
  • The spacecraft uses gyroscopes to control its position in space.
  • On September 30, 2013, propene was detected in the atmosphere of Titan by NASA’s » Cassini » spacecraft, using its composite infrared spectrometer ( CIRS ).
  • The ROSAT spacecraft was a slewing between targets, and for performing scanning observations on great circles perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic.
  • Spacecraft are ‘under weigh’, crewmembers are ‘seamen’, people are caned and hung.
  • Carl Sagan, inspired by a Voyager 1 spacecraft image of the Earth as seen from 3.
  • A single ship, aircraft, spacecraft, or group of them may also maintain radio silence.
  • Decreasing the velocity will mean that the spacecraft moves away from perigee less quickly.
  • As the track reaches its middle 8 a multicoloured neon spacecraft appears.
  • The WMAP mission succeeded the COBE space mission and was the second medium-class ( MIDEX ) spacecraft in the NASA Explorers program.
  • This text provides a systems eye view of robotic spacecraft design with an emphasis on control systems.
  • Where are these spacecraft and aliens from.
  • It will be the first spacecraft to visit that very distant dwarf planet.
  • Engineers were unable to find the source of the problem in the spacecraft’s cooling system.
  • The spacecraft made a successful reentry into the earth’s atmosphere.
  • I notice that the Planck microwave background data shown in isn’t in our article yet ( neither Planck ( spacecraft ) nor Cosmic microwave background radiation ).
  • LOFTI-1 was a spacecraft, which was powered by six groups of solar cells charging a nickel-cadmium battery.
  • The spacecraft reached an altitude of 120 km before reentry.
  • It’s a very, very complex spacecraft .».
  • Both the spacecraft charging and the floating potential rising make the spacecraft damaging interaction with space plasma enhance.
  • The spacecraft needs him to pilot so they ask for a volunteer.
  • Experimental aircraft and winged spacecraft have also made unpowered landings.
  • They travel to Venus on a Martian » ethervolt » spacecraft.
  • Due to the dragging force, trajectories of spacecraft circling planetoid can departure from the standard taper curve orbit which is obtained by the two-body hypothesis.
  • The spacecraft radioed both extensive telemetry and prerecorded voice communications.
  • How do you power a spacecraft in deep space?.
  • The spacecraft remains beyond the Moon’ s orbit for 2-4 months while its perigee radius rises.
  • Spacecraft reentry trajectory optimization is a kind of optimal control problem.
  • The Cosmosphere also restores spacecraft, and visitors can catch a glimpse of that work being conducted in the Hall of Space Museum.
  • A spacecraft from another planet.
  • Calling Kibo a manned spacecraft is a bit of a stretch.
  • A radio signal was sent to the spacecraft.
  • The Roxolani’s method of manipulating gravity is absurdly simple, and they were thus able to begin utilizing aircraft, spacecraft, and even faster than light travel during their Age of Sail.
  • Thinna lands in his spacecraft just then to take Malla home.
  • It enhances the feeling that you’re sitting in the spacecraft with him.
  • The analytic formulations are presented of the epicyclic motion of a spacecraft about the true anomaly and the eccentric anomaly.
  • Only in Baxter’s story, the spacecraft a remodeled space shuttle carries humans.
  • Posi gave the warning — spacecraft approaching — and the screens flashed up the images.
  • An experimental spacecraft with an international crew is sent to retrieve the crystals.
  • This would have provided a significant mass saving and eliminated the need to design a second stage interstage unit that would have had to carry the weight of the Orion spacecraft with it.
  • The three spacecraft sparkled in the sunshine against the blackness of space.
  • Signal strength changes indicated the spacecraft was in a slow roll.
  • After undocking, the spacecraft performs a retrofire and burns up in the atmosphere.
  • Clinton has logged more miles to earn a flight to the moon aboard a spacecraft.
  • Interpretation of the FAST spacecraft data proposed strong double layers in the auroral acceleration region.
  • Three spacecraft _ Pioneer 11 in 1979 and Voyagers 1 and 2 in 1980 and 1981 _ conducted brief reconnaissances of the planet, whetting scientific appetites for a more thorough investigation.
  • NASA scientists still have six months ‘ work to do to put the spacecraft into an almost circular two-hour orbit.
  • Apparently the spacecraft, operating on a preprogrammed time sequence, separated from the rocket’s fourth stage on schedule.
  • The flyby mission was expected to consume almost all of the remaining fuel, signaling the end of the operability of the spacecraft.
  • Soyuz spacecraft carrying U . S ., Russian, Dutch astronauts undocks from international space station, Russian mission control says.
  • This Technodrome is destroyed by Donatello when the Turtles returned in a spacecraft equipped with a pulverizer ray, leaving Shredder and Krang to retreat back to the original Technodrome.
  • It included the processes of building, scheduling and up-linking instrument loads, managing the spacecraft in a fully automated mode, and verifying ground system and operational products.
  • Orbiting spacecraft called Mars Odyssey.
  • It was a bit confusing with all of the weapon and spacecraft names.
  • MIRI is attached to the ISIM by a carbon-fiber and plastic hexapod structure, which attaches it to the spacecraft but also helps thermally isolate it . ( see also Carbon fiber reinforced plastic).
  • It is an actual spacecraft from the Soviet space shuttle program, owned and operated by former cosmonauts and space program employees.
  • It took longer than usual to draw the spacecraft tightly together.
  • The Explorer 3 spacecraft was MHz and a 10 milliwatt transmitter operating on 108.00 MHz.
  • Solar system ephemerides are essential for the navigation of spacecraft and for all kinds of space observations of the planets, their natural satellites, stars, and galaxies.
  • If the spacecraft, after running out of maneuvering fuel, should crash into Europa, it might contaminate that moon with stowaway microbes from Earth and confound future searchers for indigenous life.
  • We can man the spacecraft.
  • The spacecraft was a 26-sided polyhedron in diameter.
  • Did you know that the memory foam was first used in a spacecraft.
  • He allowed the spacecraft to continue to its normal second orbit retrofire position near California.
  • The spacecraft will spend four years studying Saturn’s rings, polar regions and equatorial zones.
  • The Soyuz tanking was completed on 23 March and the spacecraft was returned to site 254, to proceed with further prelaunch operations.
  • You get a better understanding of the spacecraft and related hardware and systems.
  • Pasadena, California _ NASA’s Cassini spacecraft to release its Huygens probe.
  • NASA continues development of the Orion spacecraft for deep space travel.
  • Shape memory deployment hinges offered controlled shockless deployment of solar arrays and other spacecraft appendages.
  • At the drogue parachute stabilized the spacecraft and was followed at by the three main parachutes.
  • They die in a horrible fire inside the spacecraft on the ground.
  • In addition, they calculated, there are tens of millions of much tinier objects such as chips of spacecraft paint, specks of insulation, camera lens caps, screws, nuts and washers.
  • Prepare to discover a universe no money or spacecraft would take you.
  • Fu-Yuen Hsiao has investigated the trajectories of spacecraft relying entirely on a PLT.
  • The occasion was the first manned spacecraft to orbit the moon.
  • He pulled away to take her hand, and they walked hand-in-hand toward the small spacecraft.
  • Ground-based data as well as the latest information from the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft are used in developing both physical descriptions and theoretical understanding.
  • Then, with a single powerful engine burn, the spacecraft can decelerate to a soft landing on the lunar surface.
  • The spacecraft is now in free fall towards the Earth.
  • These include sites where children can enter competitions or have their names sent onboard spacecraft.
  • The mass of the spacecraft at landing was 1, 880 kilograms.
  • The spacecraft results also confirm that ground-based observations can indirectly tell us about fluctuations in the solar constant.
  • Eyewitnesses also remember that the spacecraft came within one thousand feet prior to the abduction.

Other Words: Spatial Distribution, Sparkplug, Space Group, Space Ship, Sparklers, Sparger, Spaceship, Spadones, Spam Folder, Spatiality, Spanish Guitar, Spangles, Spaghetti And Meatballs, Spanker, Spatial Resolution, Sparingness, Spancel, Spatii, Spark Gap, Spatter

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