Sentence with the word shrunken

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We’re looking through the glass caseat these shrunken heads.

Сейчас мы смотрим через витрины на эти сморщенные головы.

We’re looking through the glass case at these shrunken heads.

Сейчас мы смотрим через витрины на эти сморщенные головы.

Some people have shrunken lower legs due to injury or disease.

У некоторых людей есть сморщенная нижняя нога из-за травмы или болезни.

There are few other places in the country, after all, to view preserved fetuses and shrunken heads.

В стране есть еще несколько мест, где можно взглянуть на консервированные плоды и сморщенные головы.

Imagine your whole music studio shrunken down and made portable so you can stay close to the music at all times.

Представьте себе, вся ваша сморщенная музыкальная студия и сделали портативный, так что Вы можете остаться близко к музыке во все времена.

The museum in New York showcases over 500 unbelievable objects, such as a rare albino giraffe, shrunken heads and much more.

В музее представлено более 500 неординарных экспонатов, например редкий жираф альбинос, сморщенные головы и многое другое.

When Dracula takes Johnny up to the hotel room with Glen’s trapdoor, there’s no shrunken head on the door.

Когда Дракула отводит Джонни в гостиничный номер с люком Глена, на двери нет сморщенной головы.

I used to work at a museum called the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford, which was famous for its display of shrunken heads from South America.

Франсез Ларсон: Я работала в музее Питта Риверса в Оксфорде, который славился выставлением на показ сморщенных голов из Южной Америки.

He believed that a shrunken Austria had the means to recover.

It is one of the two shrunken heads prepared among us at the pathology department before the time of my activity.

Это одна из двух усохших голов, приготовленных у нас в отделении патологии до начала моей деятельности.

To view others this way is to burden ourselves with a closed, shrunken, miserable heart.

Для того, чтобы смотреть на других, этот способ состоит в том, чтобы обременять себя замкнутым, усохшим, жалким сердцем.

In a world shrunken by globalization, every trouble spot has the potential to affect us all.

В мире, границы которого сужаются в результате глобализации, каждый очаг нестабильности несет в себе потенциал воздействия на всех нас.

Also, the abdominal area of the body was very shrunken because of organ removal.

Область живота также сильно впалая из-за изъятия органов .

The 2007 financial crisis quickly spawned enormous unemployment levels, shrunken economies, and stagnation in the investment market.

Финансовый кризис 2007 года быстро породил огромный уровень безработицы, сокращение экономики и стагнацию на инвестиционном рынке.

By this time, the body had desiccated, shrunken, and the skin was leathery, severely wrinkled and folded.

К этому времени тело высохло, сморщилось, а кожа стала жёсткой, сильно морщинистой и складчатой.

There’s nothing shrunken about you, dearest.

Нет, дорогой, с этим у тебя все в порядке.

His face was lined and shrunken.

Mostly the wheels and my shrunken legs.

В основном из-за кресла и моих усохших ног.

If not shrunken they will not shrink during the cycle.

Если не сжатый они не сожмут во время цикла.

No results found for this meaning.

Results: 308. Exact: 308. Elapsed time: 76 ms.


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сморщенный, съежившийся, дряблый


- сморщенный, съёжившийся

shrunken cheeks — морщинистые щёки
shrunken grain — с.-х. захваченное /запалённое/ зерно

- p. p. от shrink

Мои примеры


the dollar’s shrunken buying power — уменьшившаяся покупательная способность доллара  
shrunken leaf — сморщившийся лист  
shrunken kernel — щуплое зерно  
shrunken plant — захваченное запалённое растение; захваченное жарой растение  

Примеры с переводом

Hot water shrank the sweater.

Свитер сел после стирки в горячей воде.

Meat shrinks as it cooks.

Мясо уменьшается (в объеме) во время готовки.

The sweater shrank when it was washed.

Свитер сел во время стирки.

He is seeing a shrink.

Он ходит к психиатру.

He shrank in horror when he saw the dead cat.

Увидев мёртвого кота, он съёжился от ужаса.

The treatment should shrink the tumor.

Данная терапия должна уменьшить эту опухоль.

The town’s population shrank during the war.

За время войны население города сократилось.

Similar words: drunken, sunken, shrug, shrub, shrug off, trunk, hunker down, hunkered down. Meaning: [ʃrʌŋkən]  adj. 1. lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness 2. reduced in efficacy or vitality or intensity 3. reduced in size by being drawn together. 

1. She now looked small, shrunken and pathetic.

2. His cheeks looked shrunken, like withered apples.

3. The company faces shrunken profits for the third year in succession.

4. Her head was shrunken under a tight-fitting felt hat.

4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

5. She looked frail and shrunken.

6. It was bright yellow and shrunken, like a mummy.

7. The car was driven by a man so shrunken his head hardly protruded above the steering-wheel.

8. His shrunken skin becomes filled out and loses its coldness and pallor.

9. It was a shrunken Frank, whose body seemed to have contracted out of sympathy with his shrivelled spirit.

10. Shrunken Styrofoam heads are a special favorite, the heads taking on alien features as air squeezes out of the foam.

11. For the consumer, the shrunken harvest means shorter supplies and higher prices at the supermarket.

12. Values have shrunken to fantastic levels.

13. What does the shrunken head do?

14. A shrunken monster deals one half , one third , or one quarter its normal damage while shrunk.

15. Furniture lights machinery:automatic car-teeth, tooth rolling machine, a shrunken pipe, tube machine, machine Tubes Drawn Without Mandrel, straighten machines, pipe cutting machines.

16. The moonlight made deep black shadows in the shrunken cheeks.

17. Even the shrunken heads of their enemies often adorned the armour of the Night Lords.

18. His shrunken thighs were barely strong enough to support the weight of his body.

19. Many nuclei have become pyknotic (shrunken and dark) and have then undergone karorrhexis (fragmentation) and karyolysis (dissolution). The cytoplasm and cell borders are not recognizable.

20. The physical manifestation of his manhood, as always in repose, appeared a shrunken, insignificant part of him.

21. She felt now a dulled sense of degradation: she felt depraved and diminished and shrunken and old.

22. I have one little complaint with the younger generation. They always look at the present as very shrunken and defective. It’s no good. The older generation may live in its past, in nostalgia. The streets were small, then. The homes were small. Life itself was small. Society was small. Nothing was open like it is today. Today is much bigger. Gulzar 

23. In Northamptonshire, Christopher Taylor has mapped large numbers of shrunken settlements with extensive areas of earthworks.

24. In the early 1960s and 1970s and in the mid 1990s shrunken tight clothing often exposed the belly button.

25. His/her long muscular tongue lashed and probed the air like a sense organ as if to supplement his/her tiny shrunken eyes.

26. Still there is various reason to of excessively bite resultant force, will also make tooth excrescent to move, but make the gum shrunken back.

27. It’s a clunky thing, the size of a thick paperback book, with a waist strap and two ports on the front that look like miniature speakers, lending it the air of a shrunken mid-’80s boom box.

28. Recent clinical imaging studies have confirmed that the hippocampus is shrunken in chronically depressed patients.

29. Melanie lay in the bed, her figure under the counterpane shrunken and flat like a little girl’s.

30. The postprandial proximal gastric area of FD group instantly was shrunken and that at other time was increscent compared with that of HS group, but that after treatment was shrunken.

About 476 results found using ‘SHRUNKEN’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • They would have still held the homefield edge, shrunken now to two games to one.  (open, save, copy)

  • It retired ignobly in May 1977, aged 94, a shrunken outcast of the hurry-up age.  (open, save, copy)

  • At Gucci, shrunken jackets and tapered pants gave the suit a rock-concert vibe.  (open, save, copy)

  • It’s home to 700 peculiar exhibits, featuring shrunken heads and dinosaur eggs.  (open, save, copy)

  • There was a scene in it where a massive chocolate bar comes in and gets shrunken.  (open, save, copy)

  • They’re not mini-features any more than a fine short story is a shrunken novel.  (open, save, copy)

  • As I passed a mirror, supported in her arms, I saw the shrunken person I was now.  (open, save, copy)

  • Can they justifiably push that now, with their shrunken parliamentary presence?  (open, save, copy)

  • Shrunken access among credit have-nots is triggering more than personal plight.  (open, save, copy)

Define ‘shrunken’:

  • shrunken is past participle form of shrink

    shrunk (past participle) — shrinking (present participle) — shrunken (past participle) — shrinks (3rd person singular present) — shrank (past tense)

    1. Become or make smaller in size or amount; contract or cause to contract
    2. (of clothes or material) Become smaller as a result of being immersed in water
    3. (esp. of a person’s face or other part of the body) Withered, wrinkled, or shriveled through old age or illness
    4. Become withdrawn
    5. Slip a metal tire or other fitting on to (something) while it is expanded with heat and allow it to tighten in place
    6. Move back or away, esp. because of fear or disgust
    7. Be averse to or unwilling to do (something difficult or unappealing)

Web Definitions for ‘shrunken’:

  1. Psychiatrist: a physician who specializes in psychiatry [source]
  2. Shrivel: wither, as with a loss of moisture; «The fruit dried and shriveled» [source]
  3. Flinch: draw back, as with fear or pain; «she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf» [source]
  4. Reduce in size; reduce physically; «Hot water will shrink the sweater»; «Can you shrink this image?» [source]
  5. Become smaller or draw together; «The fabric shrank»; «The balloon shrank» [source]
  6. Decrease in size, range, or extent; «His earnings shrank»; «My courage shrivelled when I saw the task before me» [source]
  7. Shrink is the fourth album by German indie rock/electronica group The Notwist. The album is notable for its movement away from the group’s punk origins and including elements of electronica, ambient, and jazz. [source]
  8. Shrink is a 2009 American independent film about a psychologist who treats members of the entertainment industry in Los Angeles. It stars an ensemble cast headed by Kevin Spacey as Dr. Henry Carter. … [source]
  9. This is a list of experiments from the Disney animated Lilo & Stitch franchise, most of them making their first appearances in ». These experiments are genetically engineered creatures created by Dr. Jumba Jookiba in his lab at «Galaxy Defense Industries», with the assistance of Dr. … [source]

Translate ‘shrunken’ in :

Native speakers pronounce  ‘shrunken’:

I thought it was weird one time when I was walking through a museum and there were a bunch of shrunken heads.


Here are five tips from Manta for small-business owners anxious to get the most bang for their buck out of a dreaded shrunken holiday shopping season.


One fun way to play with apples is to create «shrunken heads.»


We’d wear it with skin-toned shoes, pearls, and perhaps a shrunken blazer.


It was stiff and shrunken and blackened — an object, not a person.


The bite-sized pace of the shrunken battlefields» brawls robs DW’s gameplay of the urgency and hardcore struggle that characterized its console predecessors.


My Way: To dress it up, I converted the dress into a nautical top and layered it with a midi-length pleated skirt and a chic shrunken blazer.


When rainfall improves in the Sahel and the shrunken lakes re-expand, humans move into the newly grassy areas.


But Yun thinks the pool of buyers, while shrunken, will be larger than some analysts believe because buyers will have other financing avenues such as federally backed loans.


Bake 10 to 15 minutes, until cheese is melted and bubbly, and the enchiladas look slightly shrunken and sunken.


Histologic evaluation of the testes revealed that in responder cats, the interstitial cells that were present were pale and shrunken compared to the plump, polyhedral eosinophilic cells in sham-treated cats.


In cats with chronic kidney problems, the kidneys often appear shrunken and irregular.


Her smock-front denim onesie may be farmer-inspired, but as soon as Diane Kruger turned around to reveal she’s wearing a shrunken tee, we realized this outfit is all about fashion, not fieldwork.


It was shrunken to miniature size by Brainiac and preserved by Superman through the pumping of artificial atmosphere.


their elders are still schizophrenic — recognizing the facts of a shrunken world, but rejecting the implications, which upset outworn creeds.»


Oversized, floral or shrunken 90’s style there are many options available to choose from.


She sat very still, operated the remote control of the «Fart Machine» we had attached to the shrunken head on a stick, and if the kids made it that far she would reach out for them as they approached or right after they got their candy.


They seem to be on point right now, but do you think this is a trend that’s going to stick around or does this style just look like a shrunken mistake?


Industrial job losses, capability gaps, funding black holes and shrunken forces would all be the defining features of an SNP Scottish defence force.»


Mills named this curious new type of shrunken hydrogen the hydrino, and he has been at work ever since to develop a commercial device to harness its power and make it available to the world.


Consequently, Creation feels slack and inert, its stakes shrunken and collapsed to the point of near-pointlessness.


Hope this makes it to e-readers in a somewhat shrunken and faster form (even if it’ll still be 2 years until then).


The walls are lined with concept art for the movie, including a gag with a bulldog chomping on Luis» shrunken van, a more metallic Hope van Dyne-era Wasp suit and rejiggered suits for Ant-Man and Giant-Man (Paul Rudd at various sizes).


Much like my patience, the Stacked Latitudes Pullover ($ 78) is shrunken.


Children between one to three years of age have roughly fallen into a routine, they tend to sleep more thoroughly at night and have shrunken napping routines.


Microsoft’s shrunken Xbox One S console will launch alongside the Windows 10 Anniversary Update on August 2.


The overall design of the Aspire looks like a shrunken Fiesta.


Overall, the C-Class Cabriolet resembles a shrunken version of the S-Class Cabriolet, while choosing this AMG Line model adds a sharp bodykit, 18-inch five-spoke alloy wheels and a diamond-finish grille.


A generation later the Muslim nations will suffer the consequences of their present demographic implosion, as the bulge generation now in its working years ages and the drastically shrunken generation that follows proves too feeble to support the burden of elderly dependents.


The result is a vast increase in wealth for the shrunken: the middle class instantly transformed into the idle rich.


When a smarmy reporter from the Daily Screamer starts writing sensational articles about the shrunken head and the children, the four decide to unravel the mystery behind the curse.


Rumors about Microsoft’s Pink phones are back, along with talk of a shrunken Surface… tablet.


On x-rays or tummy palpation, your vet might describe the livers of a severely affected pet as smaller than it should be (= hypoplastic, shriveled / atrophied, shrunken, underdeveloped liver or liver atresia).


The «shrunken finger illusion» provides strong evidence for a counterintuitive idea about how our brain works.


Switch up to the Nova Plus and you’re dealing with a larger 5.5-inch screen, still at 1080p, and a chassis that looks more like a shrunken Huawei Mate 8 than anything.


Some of the other effects of anabolic steroids seen in men are: infertility, gynecomastia, erectile dysfunction, reduced sperm count, stomach ache, severe acne, baldness, shrunken testicles and increased vulnerability to prostate cancer.


No matter how pleasant the people and progressive the theology, the experience continues to feel like wearing a shrunken wool sweater in July… uneasy.


Claustrophobic and shrunken, it is inscribed with the words of Russian poet Anna Akhmatova, «no generation had a fate like that in history».


You can not even imagine what a shrunken and anemic entity the R party is here.


That home run put the Rangers up 30-3, an American League record, a score that was topped only by a Colts/Colonels game from 1897, when baseballs were made out of leather swatches wrapped around shrunken raccoon skulls.


So Nintendo is basically going to appeal to its shrunken fan base, an issue it has had in the home console sector since the N64 with the exception of the Wii, of course.


The most pressing problem right now in my area is that we are trying to build at a «boom» rate using a labor force still shrunken by the long bust… in other words anybody any good is super busy.


A key to Levine’s retelling is what happens when readers discover compassion in the shrunken monster and coldness in the respected doctor.


The bomber jacker has emerged as the unexpected return on the street-style scene recently, whether worn super-oversized with arms rolled up or shrunken»90s — style, these guys work just as well with a slinky dress as they do with a pair of shredded jeans — and they’re also really, really comfortable which is always a win.


At the conclusion of their book, For the Common Good, Herman Daly and John B. Cobb Jr. find hope in thinking that «on a hotter planet, with lost deltas and shrunken coastlines, under a more dangerous sun, with less arable land, more people, fewer species of living things, a legacy of poisonous wastes, and much beauty irrevocably lost, there will still be the possibility that our children’s children will learn at last to live as a community among communities.»


Is it a shrunken crossover, or a city car in platform shoes?


With the web we’ve shrunken millions of books and videos down to the size of a single iPhone, at least as far as consumers are concerned.


In humans, Zika virus infection during pregnancy has been linked to a suite of birth defects including a condition known as microcephaly, which leaves babies with shrunken heads and brains (SN: 4/2/16, p. 26).


And then (their subconscious might add) you’ll spend your life like us, criticising and envying and hungering for still more of what can not fill even the shrunken heart we are bequeathing to you…


The slim arms and shrunken fit are ideal for petite women.


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Shrivelled and shrunken: kernels which are extremely wrinkled, desiccated, shrunken or hard.


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Ссохшееся или сморщенное: ядра, в значительной степени изборожденные,



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В основном из-за кресла и моих усохших ног.

Not sufficiently developed, shrunken and shrivelled.


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Недостаточно развитых, усохших и сморщенных.


Not sufficiently developed, shrunken or shrivelled kernels.


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Недостаточно развившиеся, усохшие или сморщенные ядра.


Shrunken, shrivelled, or underdeveloped.


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Усохшие, сморщенные, недостаточно развившиеся.


Not fully developed, including shrunken and shrivelled, stained kernels.


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Недостаточно развившиеся, включая усохшие и сморщенные, с пятнами.


Not sufficiently developed including shrunken and shrivelled, stained and yellowish kernels.


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Недостаточно развившиеся, включая усохшие и сморщенные ядра, ядра с пятнами и ядра желтоватого цвета.


Not sufficiently developed, shrunken and shriveled.


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Недостаточно развившиеся, усохшие и сморщенные.


Not sufficiently developed, shrunken and shriveled.


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Недостаточно развитые, усохшие и сморщенные.


Not sufficiently developed including shrunken and shrivelled kernels.


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Недостаточно развившиеся, включая усохшие и сморщенные ядра.


Not sufficiently developed including shrunken and shrivelled kernels.


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Недостаточно развившиеся, включая усохшие и сморщенные.


Not sufficiently developed, shrunken and shrivelled.


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Недостаточно развившиеся, усохшие и сморщенные.


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This rectangle can be moved right and left, enlarged or shrunken.


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Этот прямоугольник можно перемещать справа и слева, расширен или сморщенным.


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The legs were shrunken, grown together, and flattened into a horizontal rudder.

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Ноги были дряблыми, сросшимися и сплюснутыми в горизонтальный руль.

If not shrunken they will not shrink during the cycle.

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Если не сжатый они не сожмут во время цикла.

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Shrivelling, shrunken more than one dark spot,

not well dried, flesh discolouration or poorly developed kernel.


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Сморщенные, усохшие, с более чем одним темным пятном,

плохо высушенные, с обесцвеченной мякотью, плохо развившиеся.


For shrunken or shriveled and not sufficiently developed

kernels and empty nuts in Extra Class and Class I.


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Для усохших или сморщенных, недостаточно развившихся ядер

и пустотелов орехов высшего сорта и первого сорта.


It was also decided to amend the description of shrunken and shrivelled kernels, replacing the term»desiccated» by»dehydrated.


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Кроме того, было решено внести поправку в описание усохших и сморщенных ядер, заменив слово» обезвоживанию» словом» дегидратации.


A fast paced ninja

killing game where you need to aim your shrunken at the running bad guys and take them all out.


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Быстрый темп убийства

игра ниндзя, где вы должны стремиться ваш усохшие на бегущих плохих парней и взять их все.


Waste(overseeding, shrunken and broken grains,

large impurities) isolated sieve cleaning, and light impurities from settling chamber screw is put aside and puts in lots of forage waste.


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Отходы( подсев, щуплое и битое зерно,

крупные примеси), выделенные решетной очисткой, и легкие примеси из отстойной камеры шнек отводит в сторону и складывает в ворох фуражных отходов.


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