Sentence with the word shrunk

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

Employment shrunk by 0.5 percent quarterly to 3.81 million persons.

Занятость сократилась на 0,5 % в квартальном исчислении до 3,81 миллиона человек.

Second, equally importantly, the asymmetry in global power distribution has shrunk.

Во-вторых, что не менее важно, асимметрия в глобальном распределении власти сократилась.

The Russian market has shrunk by 36% last year.

Напомним, что весь российский рынок в прошлом году сократился на 36%.

Hopefully it has stayed the same or even shrunk a bit.

Вероятно, остался таким же или чуть сократился.

Superman discovered that the villain had shrunk the Kryptonian city of Kandor.

Супермен узнал, что злодей уменьшил и украл с Криптона город под названием Кандор.

Over the past 3 years, it has closed several hundred branded agencies, and its retail network has shrunk to 550 offices.

За последние З года он закрыл несколько сотен фирменных агентств, а его розничная сеть сократилась до 550 офисов.

The literary festival, which once drew a wide range of superstar authors, had shrunk considerably in recent years due to political difficulties.

Литературный фестиваль, который когда-то привлек широкий круг авторов суперзвезд, в последние годы значительно сократился из-за политических трудностей.

By this time, the glacier had shrunk down to less than seven percent of its original 5.8 square miles.

К этому времени ледник сократился до менее чем семи процентов от своих первоначальных 5,8 квадратных миль.

But now this time scale has shrunk to about 50 years or less.

Но теперь эта шкала времени сократилась примерно до 50 лет или меньше.

In 2007, 91 percent of all cameras sold worldwide were digital, the conventional photography on films shrunk to niche ranges.

В 2007 году 91 процент всех камер, продаваемых по всему миру, были цифровыми, обычная фотография на пленках сократилась до нишевых диапазонов.

I was right, the cancer had shrunk by more than half.

Я оказалось права — рак сократился больше чем наполовину.

As treatments have improved in recent years, this difference has shrunk.

Поскольку лечение улучшилось в последние годы, эта разница сократилась.

This glacier has shrunk rapidly over the past century and today, only 18% of it remains intact.

Этот ледник быстро сократился за прошедшее столетие, и сегодня только 18% его осталось нетронутым.

The state foreign debt has shrunk to 3 percent of GDP — one of the lowest ratios in the world.

Государственный внешний долг сократился до З процентов ВВП, что является одним из самых низких показателей в мире.

Trade in the US has actually shrunk over the last four or five years.

На самом деле, торговля в США фактически сократилась за последние четыре или пять лет.

This is what Europe calls a success: an economy that has shrunk so much it looks war-torn.

И именно это Европа сегодня называет успехом — экономику, которая сократилась настолько, что кажется уничтоженной войной.

The ozone hole above the Antarctic has shrunk.

Озоновая дыра, располагающаяся в небе над Антарктидой, сократилась.

In recent years, the storm has shrunk to the width of a single Earth.

В последние годы буря сократилась до ширины одной Земли.

Today, their influence has waned, and the Armenian community here has shrunk considerably, making this the most peaceful corner of the Old City.

Сегодня их влияние ослабело, и армянская община здесь значительно сократилась, сделав ее самым мирным уголком Старого города.

Uranium One’s U.S. business has shrunk so quickly that it now represents a tiny part of U.S. production.

Бизнес Uranium One в США так быстро сократился, что сейчас он представляет собой крошечную часть от американского производства.

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сжатый, сжавшийся

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- past и p. p. от shrink

Мои примеры


shrunk image — сжатое изображение  
shrunk dolomite — уплотнённый доломит; обожжённый доломит  
rigmel plate shrunk machine — пластинчатая машина «ригмель» для противоусадочной отделки  
rigmel roller shrunk machine — роликовая машина «ригмель» для противоусадочной отделки  
rigmel shrunk machine — машина «ригмель» для противоусадочной отделки  
sanforized shrunk fabric — ткань безусадочной отделки  
sanforized shrunk finish — противоусадочная отделка; санфоризация  
shrunk finish — отделка до определённого предела усадки  
shrunk grain — невыполненное зерно; щуплое зерно  
shrunk-on — надетый в горячем виде  

Примеры с переводом

The firm’s staff had shrunk to only four people.

Персонал фирмы сократился до всего лишь четырёх человек.

As his political power has shrunk, he has grown correspondingly more dependent on the army.

В соответствии с тем, как уменьшалось его политическое могущество, он всё больше и больше полагался на армию.

The country’s manufacturing base (=all the factories, companies etc that produce goods in a country) has shrunk by 20%.

Производственная база страны (т.е. всех фабрики и заводы, фирмы и др., которые производят товары в данной стране) сократилась на двадцать процентов.

Возможные однокоренные слова

shrunken  — сморщенный, съежившийся, дряблый

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1. The suit has shrunk out of shape.

2. The sweater had shrunk after repeated washing.

3. The number of students of this school has shrunk.

4. Television in a sense has shrunk the world.

5. All my jumpers have shrunk.

6. There was a movie called ‘Honey I shrunk the kids!’.

7. The workforce has shrunk to less than a thousand and much of the plant is in disuse.

8. The tumour had shrunk to the size of a pea.

9. The peasantry has shrunk from 74.6 millions to 65.5.

10. The vast forests of West Africa have shrunk.

11. The country’s manufacturing base has shrunk by 20%.

12. The productivity improvements have shrunk our costs by 25%.

13. The firm’s staff had shrunk to only four people.

14. Their share of the market has shrunk from 14% to 5%.

15. As his political stature has shrunk, he has grown correspondingly more dependent on the army.

16. The company’s profits have shrunk from £5.5 million to £1.25 million.

17. I confess it with shame — shrunk icily into myself, like a snail.

18. As his political power has shrunk, he has grown correspondingly more dependent on the army.

19. These trousers must have shrunk — I can’t do the zip up.

20. He shrunk with cold.

21. Oh no! My skirt has shrunk!

22. Her body seemed to have shrunk since Anthony’s death, giving her the appearance of an old woman.

23. He predicts that blue-collar jobs will have shrunk to less than 2 percent of total employment.

24. She instinctively shrunk back against the wall, her hands clasped tightly against her chest.

25. Everything about her seemed to have shrunk except her eyes, which were huge, inky pools that dwarfed her small features.

26. When the stockings were completed they were both wide and long and shrunk to size on wooden boards.

27. When Cardiff had come back from the dead, he had shrunk away back down the hessian-screen corridor towards Rohmer.

27. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

28. But these days, the time between orders and shipments has shrunk to a matter of weeks.

29. The bank’s accounts have just revealed that its intangible assets have shrunk alarmingly.

30. After the wide open spaces of Somerset, everything in London seemed to have shrunk.

More similar words: shrunken, preshrunk, shrug, shrub, shrug off, shrubbery, trunk, drunk, trunks, drunken, drunkard, blind drunk, drunkenness, thrush, thrust, hearthrug, jawaharlal nehru, punk, junk, dunk, funk, nikita khrushchev, flunk, skunk, plunk, funky, spunk, unknown, chunk, slunk. 

The past tense of “shrink” comes with two verb forms. We need to understand both of those forms before we stand a chance of being correct in our writing. This article will help you understand everything you need to about “shrink” and its forms.

Shrank or Shrunk: Which Is Correct?

“Shrank” and “shrunk” are both correct verb forms of the present tense “to shrink.” We can use both, but “shrank” is the simple past tense, and “shrunk” is the past participle. Each form changes the sentence’s overall meaning, with the past participle being much more difficult.

Shrank or Shrunk: Which Is Correct?

You can refer to these examples to help you understand:

  • I shrank all of your clothes, and I’m really sorry!
  • You have shrunk all the things that mattered to me.

The following forms will be covered more throughout this article:

Verb Shrink
Past Shrank
Past Participle Shrunk

When Is “Shrank” Correct?

“Shrank” is only used in the simple past tense. Luckily, the word “simple” actually means that it is “simple” to understand.

“Shrank” works when talking about “shrinking” in the past. We use the past tense of “shrink” in this manner to talk about a past event that has already happened, and there is no way we can change it in the present.

We must always keep the form of “shrank” the same, no matter what pronoun we use it with. We only mention this because the present tense verb form does not work in the same way (i.e., “I shrink” but “she shrinks”).

  • You shrank
  • She shrank
  • We shrank
  • It shrank

Example Sentences Using “Shrank”

Now, let’s go over some examples of “shrank:”

  1. I shrank my entire wardrobe in the wash!
  2. You shrank all of my clothes!
  3. I shrank down to the size of an ant in my dream.
  4. We shrank this down for our experiment.
  5. This shrank down for absolutely no reason!
  6. I was so careful, and I still shrank his clothes.

“Shrank” works to show that someone “shrank” something in the past. There is nothing more they can do to impact the action because it’s already occurred. It’s often used to think back to that past event.

When Is “Shrunk” Correct?

“Shrunk” is the past participle, so it’s a little more complicated than everything we mentioned above.

“Shrunk” is not correct on its own. Instead, it requires an auxiliary (or helping) verb to turn it into one of three perfect tenses. We can use the past, present, or future tense based on the form of the auxiliary verb we choose. Each tense changes the meaning of the sentence.

These forms are important to understand before moving on:

  • Past perfect: Had shrunk
  • Present perfect: Have shrunk
  • Future perfect: Will have shrunk

We should never change the form of “shrunk.” It always stays the same because it’s a past tense form, and there’s never a reason to change its form.

Instead, you might have noticed that “have” changes form. The same rules apply no matter what auxiliary verb we choose to use.

In the past perfect tense, “have” becomes “had.” This is the past tense of the verb “to have,” which is why we use it in this way.

The present perfect tense stays the same since we already use “have” as the present tense form.

The future perfect tense includes “will” with “have” to show that something is likely to happen at some point in the future.

Example sentences using “Shrunk”

“Shrunk” is the past participle of the verb “to shrink.” Therefore, it comes with some extra rules that change its tense based on how we use it. We thought it was only fair to split this part into sections to help you understand it better.

Past Perfect

  1. I had shrunk my clothes once before, and I wasn’t going to let it happen again.
  2. You had shrunk it all in the wash before anyone even noticed!

“Had shrunk” works when talking about the order things took place in the past. Usually, the action of “shrinking” happened before something else, and we use the past perfect tense to show how that order was affected.

Present Perfect

  1. I have shrunk them both down to be slightly more suitable for you to wear.
  2. We have shrunk them together so that they look better when we try to sell them.

“Have shrunk” works when talking about “shrinking” something in the past. Usually, that action continues in the present, or it might have just finished a few seconds ago. This is how we can use the present perfect tense.

Future Perfect

  1. We will have shrunk all of our clothes again if we’re not careful with how we load this wash.
  2. You will have shrunk them down again if you keep up with this ridiculous experiment.

“Will have shrunk” works when showing that something is likely to “shrink” in the future. While it isn’t definite yet, there is almost a guarantee that this “shrinking” will take place based on our actions in the present.

“Have Shrank” Vs. “Have Shrunk”

“Have shrunk” is the present perfect tense. We’ve already made it quite clear that it’s correct, and it’s a suitable verb form to use whenever you talk about someone “shrinking” something in the past and continuing the action in the present.

We might also be curious as to whether “shrank” works in the same respect. Can we use the simple past tense with an auxiliary verb to talk about how something continues to “shrink?”

“Have shrank” is grammatically incorrect. We cannot use the simple past tense with an auxiliary verb in the same way we can use a past participle. It holds no meaning, and the two verb forms cannot be put together.

We’ll reiterate that point by putting these two examples forward to help you:

  • Correct: I have shrunk my clothes in the wash again!
  • Incorrect: You have shrank down to a size that is invisible to the human eye!

Final Thoughts

“Shrunk” is the past participle, while “shrank” is the simple past tense. There are no cases where the two forms can be switched. We must always remember to use an auxiliary verb with “shrunk” and stick to “shrank” as the simple past tense (with no extra rules).

You may also like: Shown vs. Showed: Difference Explained (Helpful Examples)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

You know, I used to be taller?

— Really, she shrunk you?

— I used to have more hair, too.

Знаете, раньше я был выше.

— Неужели? Она вас уменьшила?

— И у меня было больше волос.

— I hate math.

So for your $3 million that we shrunk for you you get 2 million in clean money back.

Less our percentage: $300,000.

— Ненавижу считать.

Поэтому из трех миллионов мелкими, которые мы поменяли на крупные, вы получаете назад 2 миллиона чистыми.

Минус наша комиссия 300 тысяч.

I can’t wait any longer I’ll have to put them on

Oh, it’s shrunk.

What do I do now?

Но я не могу больше ждать. Придётся их надеть.

Они сели!

Что же я буду делать теперь!

My delays exasperate Antoine but give him only weak excuses to get angry.

Every minute late is for him like an intrusion of dead hours in his already shrunk existence.

He became taciturn and remained so until the day he decided to become jealous.

Мои опоздания раздражают Антуана, но дают лишь слабый повод злиться.

Каждая минута опоздания для него как вторжение «мертвых» часов в его уже и без того сокращенное существование.

Он стал молчаливым и оставался таким пока не стал ревновать.

Billy developed a rare disease — Berlioz Syndrome.

The early symptoms resembled mild flu, but soon his brain shrunk to the size of an orange and pus and

Before long, cracks appeared in his skull.

У него было редкое заболевание — Синдром Берлиоза.

Ранние её симптомы напоминают легкую простуду, но вскоре его мозг сжался до размеров апельсина а из ушей его начали сочиться гной и слизь.

Вскоре, на его черепе появились трещины.

-I’ve never seen such an ungrateful generation.

-Ooh, has you phalanx shrunk?

Or has it always been that small?

— Я ещё не видал такого неблагодарного поколения.

— О, твой талант с годами уменьшился?

Или он всегда был таким маленьким?


The treatments shrunk the tumor 20 percent.

Is his eyesight better today?


Лечение уменьшило опухоль на 20 процентов.

— У него улучшилось зрение? — Нет.

— Think about it.

. — Being shrunk!

— You may learn to like it.

Только представьте.

В том-то и беда, я представляю, как меня уменьшат.

Может, вам понравится.

I have an unorthodox solution— a fantastic voyage, if you will.

Three scientists— one a beautiful woman— will be shrunk to microscopic size.

They will then rendezvous in Mr. Simpson’s lower colon. Ew!

у меня есть нестандартное решение. «Фантастическое путешествие».

Мы сожмем до микроскопических размеров трех ученых. Одним их них обязательно будет красивая женщина.

А потом мы введем их в задний проход мистера Симпсона.

This toad here is getting empty.

He’s lost weight His cheeks have shrunk.

What a loss.

Эта жаба такая пустая…

Она потеряла так много веса… даже её щеки впали!

Эх! Какая потеря!

You shrunk it.

You know you shrunk it.

Just tell me you shrunk it.

Вы ее уменьшили.

Вы знаете что уменьшили ее.

Просто скажите мне что уменьшили ее.

Just tell me you shrunk it.

I shrunk it.

I think the only reason we go to the dry cleaner is so I can say to the dry cleaner:

Просто скажите мне что уменьшили ее.

Я ее уменьшил.

Я думаю единственная причина, по которой мы ходим в химчистки чтобы сказать оператору:

— 30 years ago, but you remember.

Shrunk and belittled.

Just this small.

— 30 лет прошло, но ты помнишь.

— Урезанная и умаленная.

Вот такая маленькая.

Thou shalt be borne to that same ancient vault… ..where all the kindred of the Capulets lie.

And in this borrowed likeness of shrunk death… ..thou shalt continue four and twenty hours… ..and

And hither shall he come that very night to bear thee both hence to Mantua.

Как наш велит обычай в наряде брачном и, в гробу открытом перенесут в старинный склеп фамильный.

И вот в таком подобье страшной смерти, ты ровно сорок два часа пробудешь, чтобы потом проснуться, как от сна.

До того как ты проснешься, я обо всем дам знать письмом Ромео. Он явится.

Je pourrais vous dire que c’est parce qu’il a rétréci sous lavage.

I could say it is because it has shrunk in the wash.

Mais ha vérité…

(фр) Я мог бы сказать, что он сел после стирки.

Я мог бы сказать, что он сел после стирки.

(фр) Но правда в том, что…

— You look like dog shit.

— No, he looks a little shrunk is all.

And not just in the head.

Ты жутко выглядишь.

— Это всё психотерапия.

— С физиотерапией в придачу.

I haven’t worn this uniform in 15 years!

— Cleaners must have shrunk it.

— You should take it to Chin.

Я 15 лет не надевал эту форму!

-После чистки она села.

-Надо было отдать ее китайцам.

Thou shalt be borne to that same ancient vault… ..where all the kindred of the Capulets lie.

And in this borrowed likeness of shrunk death… ..thou shalt continue four and twenty hours… ..and

In the meantime, against thou shalt awake,… ..shall Romeo by my letters know our drift.

Не говори об этом, коль не в силах придумать, как нам этого избегнуть!

Что делать нам — ума не приложу! Не медли же, скорее мне ответь!

Коль средства нет, я жажду умереть. — И этим я себе помогу! — О дочь, остановись!

Three young and healthy women with no man for who knows how long.

The very idea kind of shrunk me like a spider on a hot stove.

Why, it’s Little Big Man.

Три молодые и здоровые женщины, которые были без мужчины, Бог знает сколько.

От одной только мысли об этом, я сжимался, как паук на сковородке.

Да, это же Маленький Большой Человек!

Nothing wrong with that, is there?

Well, it’s shrunk or something.

That’s what’s wrong with it.

А что с этой?

Она мне тесна.

СЕла, наверное.

If you could work like the others, then no problem.

This company’s shrunk to the size of a platoon.

But we still have to eat!

≈сли ты можешь работать, как и другие, то нет проблем.

Ќаша рота сжимаетс€ до размеров взвода.

Ќо нам всЄ равно нужно есть!

And every time he put the bottle to his mouth, he don’t suck out of it.

It sucks out of him until he’d shrunk so… wrinkled and yellow, even the dogs don’t know him.

Killed him, huh?

Подносил бутылку ко рту, но не пил из нее.

Это она выпила из него все соки. Он сморщился, весь пожелтел.

Его убили?

No warmth, no breath, shall testify thou livest.

And in this borrowed likeness of shrunk death… thou shalt continue two and forty hours, and then awake

What ho! Apothecary!

Дыханье… и тепло погаснут в теле,

Румянец губ и щек поблекнет пеплом, И смертный сон закроет окна глаз… И так, бела и холодна как смерть, На сорок два часа оцепенеешь, Чтобы затем воспрянуть ото сна».

«Эгей, аптекарь!»…

What do you think, Miss Lemon?

This jacket seem to have shrunk a little, non? — Here and here.

— I don’t think so.


Как Вы думаете, мисс Лемон, пиджак слишком жмет здесь и здесь?

Не думаю.

I think it’s charming.

Perhaps it shrunk in the damp.

No, it’s just as I remembered.

Мне кажется, она прелестна.

Может быть она сжалась из-за сырости.

Нет, она такая, как я ее запомнила.

— Your Lisa.

The beast inside her body would get ejected, and she’d get shrunk, dried out.

Your pretty girl…mummified.

— Да для твоей Лизы!

Бестия, завладевшая её телом, возьмёт и катапультируется!

И превратится твоя красотка в мумию!

The whole village was at a wedding and so much the better.

I’d have been ashamed of people for Grandpa has shrunk so much.

Auntie, is that you?

Все село было на свадьбе. Так оно и лучше.

Перед людьми стыдно, что дед стал такой маленький.

Тетя, это ты?

A collapsed star that’s held up by electron forces is called a white dwarf.

It’s a sun shrunk to the size of the Earth.

A collapsed star supported by nuclear forces is called a neutron star.

Сжавшаяся звезда, которую удерживают электронные силы, называется белый карлик.

Это солнце, сжатое до размеров Земли.

Звезда, которую поддерживают ядерные силы, это нейтронная звезда.

A collapsed star supported by nuclear forces is called a neutron star.

It’s a sun shrunk to the size of a city.

And a star so massive that in its final collapse it disappears altogether is called a black hole.

Звезда, которую поддерживают ядерные силы, это нейтронная звезда.

Это солнце, сжатое до размеров города.

А звезда, настолько массивная, что при финальном коллапсе она исчезает полностью, называется черной дырой.

Now, no more kim kelly!

You know, maybe she needs her head shrunk.


Забудь о Ким Келли!

Знаешь, может, ей следует поговорить с психологом.


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How to use shrunk in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «shrunk» and check conjugation/comparative form for «shrunk«. Mastering all the usages of «shrunk» from sentence examples published by news publications.

«Over time, you start to see a pattern emerging — it shrunk and shrunk,» a former technology exec said.
Deadline is reporting that Rick Moranis has signed on for Disney’s upcoming Honey, I Shrunk the Kids reboot, Shrunk.
«It’s bad for us on the deposit side, but our risk costs have shrunk tremendously and partially they have shrunk due to the low interest rates,» Treichl said.
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids also set up two sequels: Honey, I Blew Up the Kid in 1992 and a direct-to-video sequel Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves in 1997.
The vast majority of glaciers around the world have shrunk.
The firm’s assets have since shrunk to around $9 billion.
It has shrunk from over 80 basis points in November.
Hands up, whose dick has physically shrunk after taking drugs?
Waiting lists shrunk in 6900 states but grew in 2628.
Waiting lists shrunk in 10 states but grew in 23.
«In the past four months, life has shrunk,» he says.
Fortunately, the necessary electronics have shrunk in size and cost.
Germany, which has always shrunk from such proposals, could not.
Foreign reserves have shrunk by 55% since 2013 (see chart).
Its cash pile also shrunk by $1.5 billion in Q1.
That has shrunk to just 48km at its longest point.
But as the night wore on, Mr Moore’s lead shrunk.
Alaska is the only state whose economy shrunk last year.
By 2016, those ratios had shrunk to 30% and 14%.
Seed activity as a % of deals shrunk to 25% 4.
As Labour has shrunk, new vaguely centrist parties have emerged.
He said Kalna’s population had shrunk from 2000,21990 to 22000,242.
This is the tenth straight quarter the market has shrunk.
But that’s shrunk way down to fit on this page.
Since then, the group has only shrunk to 16 percent.
Industrial output is forecast to have shrunk, as is manufacturing.
As gaming revenue declined, the city’s tax base shrunk precipitously.
Large geographic distances can be shrunk down through the internet.
But despite my efforts, over time, the list shrunk considerably.
The frontier may have shrunk, but rhetorically it is spreading.
Its opportunities for bombast have shrunk along with its population.
Deal sizes have shrunk along with the number of deals.
Japan said its GDP shrunk 25% in the third quarter.
By 2007, it had shrunk to 14.1 and 353 percent.
As a result, the snow season shrunk by 34 days.
That has shrunk to just 1.4 million units last year.
The Amazon shrunk by 519 square miles (1,345 square kilometers).
The Democratic field shrunk after Monday, when former Maryland Gov.
By 220006, that number had shrunk to just 2202 percent.
It’s adviser count has shrunk by roughly 1,000 since 2016.
The Saturday edition has now shrunk to around 200 pages.
But in actual voting, his lead shrunk to 3 points.
The police force, meanwhile, has shrunk with declining tax revenue.
Over the years, the cut of the shirt has shrunk.
The borrowing costs of southern European countries shrunk on Thursday.
And Twitter said its monthly active user base had shrunk.
The borrowing costs of southern European countries shrunk on Thursday.
Indeed, Clayton’s financing may have shrunk if not for Ares.
Put another way, the wage premium for experience has shrunk.
By 2017, that share had shrunk to about 40 percent.
Pay differences have also shrunk in Venezuela’s army and banks.
He has not shrunk from views that might be controversial.
Polls indicate that his big lead there has shrunk significantly.
The problem: The margins have shrunk in the Trump era.
In other words, he’s shrunk his deficit by 9 points.
But in this case, the Rules of Golf actually shrunk.
The schedule of future shows has shrunk by a third.
It’s basically a human mime shrunk into a short Pokémon.
I was perpetually a girl, made of shrunk legs and limbs and organs that remained shrunk from chemicals and let me age at my desire, slowly and fitfully so no one paid me mind.
Trees have died, crops have withered, animals have shrunk to skeletons.
While Copperfield become the first billionaire magician, Tian’s audiences have shrunk.
Still, its market value has shrunk over 64 percent this year.
Over the past year the world feels like it has shrunk.
Here are some of the cleverest: Honey I Shrunk the Majority.
Its tour groups to South Korea have shrunk by 20 percent.
In 2016 the difference has shrunk to less than 1.5 times.
Ross having shrunk over the course of the twentieth century as
There are examples of successful adaptation: elsewhere, mammals shrunk in size.
As unions have shrunk, they have also shed low-skilled workers.
The gender pay gap shrunk only for the golden skirts themselves.
The export earnings of PDVSA, the state oil monopoly, have shrunk.
But even if the rules don’t Apple Capital should be shrunk.
That movement, three months old, has radicalised as it has shrunk.
Illinois’s population has shrunk for each of the past five years.
Its pre-war population of 280m has shrunk to under 2000m.
The share of banks’ bonds has shrunk from 10% to 2.5%.
The standard family plot has shrunk to less than a hectare.
«Her cushion hasn’t disappeared altogether, but it has shrunk,» Putnam said.
I’ve literally just shrunk and come into place and I’m excited.
The global book market shrunk 7.4 percent between 2011 and 2012.
His victory has shrunk our bandwidth for cultural appreciation even further.
He might as well have been a shrunk-down Diaz brother.
It has shrunk by just three percentage points in ten years.
Matt Damon plays an Omaha therapist who volunteers to be shrunk.
However, its 2018 adjusted EBITDA losses shrunk 15% to $1.8 billion.
Deposits shrunk slightly in the first five months of the year.
As U.S. production grows, the need to import oil has shrunk.
A week later, her lead had shrunk to 2.9 per cent.
It has shrunk in 2019, while prices have remained relatively stable.
Even the glaciers that do remain in the park have shrunk.
The park’s Grinnell Glacier shrunk by 72% from 1850 to 2015.
Net interest margins have shrunk to 2.5 percent from 3.5 percent.
How the world’s inventory of nuclear weapons grew — then shrunk again.
As time passed and its uses shrunk, the monument likely rotted.
As of mid-September, it had shrunk to just over 274,000.
While average wedding costs have ballooned, however, guest lists have shrunk.
Subway’s store count has shrunk by more than 2,000 since 2015.
The massive video camera has shrunk to fit in our pockets.
As a result, many local news organizations have shrunk or disappeared.
But different outlets disagree on just how much it has shrunk.
The business had shrunk by 40 percent from 2000 to 2006.
Hospitals’ investment returns have shrunk, and their labor costs have soared.
The lead never shrunk to fewer than 10 points after that.
By November, rebel-held Aleppo had shrunk to about 50,000 people.
Indeed, the energy sector has shrunk as a percentage of the .
By the beginning of 2003, that number shrunk to 47 percent.
That shrunk to 53% in 2016 because of rising production costs.
But May’s poll lead has shrunk over the past three weeks.
Nationally, homelessness has shrunk 21 percent over the last seven years.
Presidents have shrunk monuments in the past, but never rescinded one.
But state coffers have shrunk, causing Kansas to miss revenue targets.
The game has a very Honey, I Shrunk the Kids vibe.
Now, she thinks that number has shrunk to 100 or fewer.
Over the past few decades, the US middle class has shrunk.
The realistic list of fixes for the law has shrunk dramatically.
Since January 2017, when the president was sworn in, Democratic registration has shrunk by 3,071 voters, Republican registration has shrunk by 15,554 voters, and 9,529 new voters have climbed onto the rolls with no party registration.
Since January 2017, when the president was sworn in, Democratic registration has shrunk by 3,071 voters, Republican registration has shrunk by 343,554 voters, and 9,529 new voters have climbed onto the rolls with no party registration.
His herd of more than 100 sheep has shrunk to a dozen.
President Donald Trump’s Twitter following also shrunk, by 400,000, USA Today reported.
The bezels have been shrunk down considerably as well, at 6.7 millimeters.
From then on, every time I passed the toy, it had shrunk.
An unfriendly Congress kept Guantanamo alive even as Obama shrunk its population.
For some funds, July’s gains shrunk losses but many are still off.
Or four people (two of which have been shrunk) … Or two people.
By 2013 that 29 percentage-point gap had shrunk to 16 points.
The slogan for this campaign should be: Honey, I shrunk the Party.
The jail population has shrunk by half since Sheriff Dart came in.
But while Clinton’s lead shrunk over those nine days, it never collapsed.
That has shrunk their power to bargain for higher wages and benefits.
Apple’s enormous cash pile shrunk for the first time in seven quarters.
India’s telecoms industry has shrunk to four big companies (see chart 1).
The economy may not have shrunk as much as the dimming suggests.
U.S. retail FX trading volume has shrunk since Dodd-Frank, data showed.
My tumors have thankfully shrunk, but I still have stage-four cancer.
But just Citibank has been shrunk about $1.5 trillion since the crisis.
They’re also mercerized and pre-shrunk to ensure longevity throughout repeated washes.
The budget deficit has shrunk to a little above 2000% of GDP.
That means the city would have shrunk without the migration of newcomers.
Their Metropolitan Division lead shrunk to one point over the Pittsburgh Penguins.
The list had initially included 17 countries and recently shrunk to six.
You must have shrunk it in the wash; don’t look at me!
By his reasoning, this more sensible approach should have shrunk the deficit.
As history and experience have shown, the bureaucracy needs to be shrunk.
PC sales have shrunk for five years, too, changing Intel’s business plans.
The event also shrunk the NUM’s influence in politics, according to PBS.
The number of its customers shrunk 6 percent in the third quarter.
Its generic drug approval timeline has shrunk from 85033 to 20 months.
Mershin and Zhang have also progressively shrunk the Nano-Nose’s circuit boards.
Large banks actually shrunk multifamily and nonfarm nonresidential loan balances last quarter.
The terrain it has held since 2014 has shrunk under this pressure.
You can see on the left the hippocampus is shrunk way down.
I Shrunk the Kids and get a little crunchier in cereal form.
Like my pupils, everything had shrunk into a permanent state of unconsciousness.
PONIEWOZIK TV hits, like the Targaryens’ dragons, have shrunk over the decades.
As the revenue stream from casinos shrunk, so did the town’s budget.
«The space for civil society has shrunk,» says Alice Mogwe, a lawyer.
That margin shrunk to less than 5 points in the 2018 midterms.
Microsoft has now shrunk Kinect into a $399 cloud-powered PC peripheral.
So I worked at the Honey, I Shrunk the Kids playground first.
It would likely have shrunk last year without the trade aid package.
His net worth has shrunk an estimated 40 percent since his arrest.
The president has never shrunk from the theatrical aspects of his job.
I don’t know how that happened but it shrunk to my size.
The range of things I am able to do has radically shrunk.
Seats are smaller than they used to be, and legroom has shrunk.
Macy’s (M), another chain, also has shrunk the size of some stores.
In the Pacific Ocean, multiple islands have already shrunk or disappeared entirely.
The economy has so far shrunk by 2.5% in 2019, Indec said.
That number has shrunk to 94 square miles, The Associated Press reported.
The Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: Movie Set Adventure closed in 2016.
«Our nest egg has actually grown instead of shrunk,» Edd Staton said.
After that my circle of friends shrunk, and classmates started avoiding me.
Scott’s tiny lead has shrunk in the Senate race against incumbent Democratic Sen.
Inaction by Congress has shrunk the buying power of the lowest-paid workers.
Islamic State’s territory in Iraq and Syria has shrunk significantly from its peak.
Since 216, this dark storm has shrunk from 25,143 miles across to 214,214.
Since 2015, this dark storm has shrunk from 3,143 miles across to 2,300.
Six months later, he was shocked to learn that the tumor had shrunk.
U.S. government staff in Russia has shrunk after tit-for-tat diplomatic expulsions.
Some firms have shrunk their losses but many are still in the red.
Bitcoin trading volumes have shrunk since China’s regulators clamped down on the market.
Trade within Mercosur has shrunk in relative terms, to 13% of the total.
Government troops have further shrunk the enclave, taking parts of the Old City.
«I’m surprised that Disney hasn’t done Honey, I Shrunk the Grandkids,» he joked.
The report also includes a few technologies that shrunk over the same period.
At Chipotle, average unit volumes have shrunk from roughly $2.5 million pre-E.
The number of MPs with working-class origins has shrunk to about 30.
After Dodd-Frank, that number has shrunk to three — GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc.
This is the first time in 51 quarters that Apple’s revenues have shrunk.
In the past, presidents have shrunk or altered the size of national monuments.
These days, iPhones have a lot of cheaper competition and sales have shrunk.
The wage gap for pharmacists has shrunk significantly because the profession has changed.
Losses shrunk from $104.7 million to $10.5 million in that same time frame.
From 2011’s holiday cycle to 2012’s opening three months, Facebook shrunk.
Her net favorability of negative 21 points has shrunk to negative 8 points.
The spacesuit is the world shrunk skin-tight, the world three times removed.
Since the program began, the middle ground in Syria has shrunk still further.
As the number of fliers have increased, its staff of screeners has shrunk.
OEC’s construction backlog has shrunk some 50 percent since the end of 2014.
The foreign workforce has shrunk by about a million people since early 2017.
Mr Loeb was right: Berkshire’s tax payments have shrunk relative to its profits.
By 21982, the federal prison population had shrunk by a stunning 21980 percent.
By the end of last year, though, that had shrunk to $6.6 billion.
What small arena of freedoms journalists had been tolerated within had just shrunk.
Holt also shrunk his expenses, subsisting on fish sticks and rice every night.
The tumors in her liver and lungs have shrunk by about 70 percent.
Its reserves have shrunk more in early 2016, albeit at a slower pace.
Macy’s this month reported same-store sales shrunk for the 11th straight quarter.
It’s lost 60% of its mass and shrunk by 820 feet since 1982.
But he would have shrunk the court’s political footprint, whereas Kennedy enlarged it.
The Final Four won’t actually be played Honey, I Shrunk the Kids-style.
Netflix’s US catalog has shrunk by almost 32% in the last two years.
The LTC market has already shrunk because of the financial strain facing insurers.
But spreads shrunk dramatically in 2016, making U.S. exports suddenly unappealing to Asia.
Over the past week or so, the Democratic presidential race has shrunk. Drastically.
«It was like the reverse of ‘Honey, I Shrunk the Kids,'» she said.
The Democratic primary shrunk to a one-on-one contest Thursday, when Rep.
His margin has shrunk as mail-in votes have continued to be counted.
But you guys have shrunk faster than the rest of the cable business.
The Mexican wage gap with the United States has grown instead of shrunk.
Analysts polled by Reuters had expected the index to have shrunk by 0.9%.
In January, the same poll showed that gap had shrunk to two points.
The UK economy shrunk in the second quarter, and growth flatlined in Italy.
McClatchy reported last quarter that the company has shrunk for 26 consecutive quarters.
But as the paper’s circulation and staff have shrunk, so has its influence.
But with Western settlement, their populations shrunk with excessive hunting and human encroachment.
But, by 2013 the number of service stations had shrunk by 25 percent.
The Democratic margin on the generic ballot has shrunk to about 6900 percent.
But the bloc shrunk in November after the disqualification of the two activists.
The Republican Party has shrunk a lot, by weeding out the Trump-ambivalents.
«Profit this year in general shrunk from a year ago,» the manager said.
» Except today we moan, «Honey, I Shrunk the Field of 2900 Democratic Candidates.
But for most of these scenes, the VFX team digitally shrunk Evans down.
It hasn’t pilled (yet) over a few washes, and hasn’t shrunk a bit.
As a result, deal sizes have swelled and deal count has shrunk simultaneously.
A 29.5-point edge shrunk to 213.1-22007 before Childress drained a 3.
People are efficiently and almost painlessly shrunk to around four or five inches.
Mine haven’t shrunk, faded, or pilled in the four years I’ve had them.
The number of fieldworkers in California has shrunk nearly 40 percent since 2002.
Since the 2008 financial crisis, however, those transfers have stabilized, even shrunk slightly.
As its territory shrunk, thousands of fighters, followers and civilians retreated to Baghouz.
The Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: Movie Set Adventure was a larger-than-life playground designed to make you feel about the size of a bug, in homage to the 1989 Disney movie «Honey, I Shrunk the Kids» starring Rick Moranis.
As the party’s membership has shrunk, it has become more extreme in its views.
As the role of dealers has shrunk, the thirst for instant liquidity has increased.
And for years, the Greeks borrowed money, ran deficits, and their economy has shrunk.
But it doesn’t mean that Subaru has deviously shrunk all of its 2015 Outbacks.
Not only that, but the space for LGBTQ activism has shrunk in recent years.
Again, it was successful: the tumors have shrunk considerably and continue to get smaller.
Noble’s market value has shrunk to $277 million, from $218 billion in February 2015.
The proportion of sales that Western firms make outside their home region has shrunk.
It’s amazing how it’s all shrunk, and you can now work from anywhere. Exactly!
The glacier, one of Greenland’s fastest-retreating, has shrunk about six miles since 2005.
But the bank has shrunk so far that it struggles to cover its costs.
Obviously, that means Apple has shrunk down the bezels on this bad boy considerably.
The capacity of supply chains that ship half-finished goods across borders has shrunk.
Meanwhile, the ranks of the underserved, at least in developed markets, have barely shrunk.
Last quarter, Apple’s enormous cash holdings shrunk for the first time in seven quarters.
Mr Corbyn has shrunk: he often seems just to be going through the motions.
The country’s herd has shrunk by 20%, or roughly 100m, over the past year.
But by 1945, the swathe of ice had shrunk to just 5 square kilometres.
The latest Honey-I-Shrunk-The-Kids beauty item that’s triggering our cute aggression?
In the last three years, the number of $1 billion-plus buybacks has shrunk.
If the potential upsides of a strike have shrunk, the risks have grown hugely.
Steady hiring has shrunk unemployment to 3.8 percent — the lowest since the 1960&aposs.
She also shrunk the pot of cash that speakers could spread around to members.
As GIFs horizons have grown, the platforms for consuming and creating them have shrunk.
Since the process began the bond portfolio has shrunk by more than $400 billion.
The salty potato chip has apparently done gone and shrunk on us without warning.
Sources said Nidera teams have been shrunk or removed in Europe and North America.
Since the process began, the bond portfolio has shrunk by more than $400 billion.
«The market has definitely shrunk,» said Wendy Cromwell, an art adviser in New York.
In Swedish crowns, they have shrunk once before, in the first quarter of 2011.
As the bond portfolio has shrunk, bank reserves have fallen to only $1.2 trillion.
The drone isn’t the only thing that DJI shrunk down for this latest offering.
Michael Kors has shrunk the number of purses and accessories it ships to stores.
Total assets have shrunk 52 percent, to $265 billion from $549 billion in 2012.
Gotham’s total mutual fund assets have shrunk by more than half to $21 billion.
And as daytime audiences shrunk, talk grew, while higher-priced soap operas were cancelled.
Withdrawals and losses have shrunk Pershing Square’s assets to $10 billion as of Sept.
After a couple of washes, the tee hasn’t shrunk nor has the color faded.
By 2016, that number had shrunk to just four: Virginia, Florida, Kentucky and Iowa.
Daryanani said the number of memory makers shrunk to three from 15 in 1995.
The entire area held by government forces in Helmand has shrunk in recent months.
«The world has shrunk,» he told the entrepreneurs, adding that they embodied this trend.
The glacier’s «tongue» has already shrunk by 3,300 feet in the last two decades.
After I washed my first pair of coveralls, the pants shrunk quite a bit.
The company as a whole has shrunk by nearly a quarter since its peak.
The firm’s share of the stock market has shrunk from 70 to 13 percent.
After Dodd-Frank, that number has shrunk to three — GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. GCAP.
Volumes have shrunk, prices are being cut and some auction lots are going unsold.
Mark Ruffalo’s creative output has shrunk significantly since he became the Hulk, Spotlight excluded.
When I looked back, the soldiers had shrunk to the size of their names.
No word on whether the 6.1-inch iPhone will also get shrunk or enlarged.
But in December last year, the difference between the two numbers had shrunk markedly.
Information technology or kind of the information sector was the one area that shrunk.
The list of tasks in which humans outperform artificial intelligence has shrunk by one.
This year alone, it has shrunk its stockpile of bonds by roughly $370 billion.
Newsrooms at The Mercury News and The Orange County Register have also shrunk significantly.
«I have shrunk but in those days, I was tall and skinny,» she said.
In the early 1980s, his district was shrunk to a narrow area around Albuquerque.
Mr. Scannell’s tumors have either stopped growing or shrunk for the last six years.
Since taking office though, Five Star’s popularity has shrunk while the League’s has expanded.
In the second quarter, it shrunk for the first time in nearly seven years.
The British economy shrunk in the second quarter, and growth flat lined in Italy.
By the same time the following year, it had shrunk to 125,000 per month.
The sector shrunk for the first time since September 2009, according to IHS Markit.
As satellites have shrunk, new launch providers have popped up to accommodate these vehicles.
Still, expenses grew and profits shrunk faster than Wall Street seems to have expected.
First, the Republican incumbency advantage has shrunk because so many GOP representatives have retired.
Those muscles also had shrunk in size, dropping about 3 percent of their mass.
Since it was sworn in last month, Mr Salvini has plainly shrunk in stature.
Even there, however, assets under management have shrunk to $3.6 billion as of Sept.
The number of US bank branches has shrunk by more than 3,000 since 2010.
Labor union membership has shrunk from about 25% of private jobs to about 6%.
Its population has shrunk from 400 inhabitants to about a dozen families, officials said.
Regulating cannabis has already shrunk the criminal market, made cannabis safer and created jobs.
It would mark the fifth consecutive decade in which the Illinois delegation has shrunk.
His paychecks had already shrunk by two-thirds because he was working fewer hours.
Soto had shrunk his world to a grunt’s regimen and assumed a fatalistic view.
By last September, that share had shrunk to 20.5 percent, their lowest since 1933.
As state budgets have shrunk in recent years, prisons have launched new work programs.
The industrial design is essentially the same as the standard S3, albeit somewhat shrunk down.
In the same period average seat width has shrunk from 18.5 inches to 17 inches.
The company’s profit shrunk in the first quarter, and its automotive division posted a loss.
BMW’s (BMWYY) profit shrunk in the first quarter, and it’s looking for a new CEO.
Since the 1960s Lake Chad, on which farmers and fisherfolk depend, has shrunk by half.
Due to his weeks-long hunger strikes, Gregory shrunk down to a skinny 210 lbs.
New Delhi (CNN)The world’s tallest mountain may have shrunk following the 2015 Nepal earthquake.
Since the 1970s, airline seat widths have shrunk from 18 inches to 16.5, Cohen says.
The party’s ideological diversity has shrunk nearly as much as its demographic diversity has grown.
Google and Facebook continued to dominate, while the rest of the industry may have shrunk.
By Wednesday, this had shrunk to 116 basis points, as gilts outperformed their German counterparts.
The unemployment rate is just 4.1% and the workforce has shrunk as the population ages.
Similarly, the cryptocurrency market cap had shrunk from $7.5 billion to $6 billion from Jan.
The campaign has cut supply lines and financing for the group and shrunk its territory.
Here’s how the deficits have grown, shrunk, and grown again over the last 58 years.
Low interest rates have also crushed margins, which have shrunk by a third since 2000.
Their data shows that adult reindeer have shrunk by about 12 percent over the years.
Moranis starred as Wayne Szalinski as he accidentally shrunk his young kids and their neighbors.
The share of company loans has shrunk to 10%, from 80%-odd in the 1980s.
A CNNMoney analysis shows GE’s domestic footprint has shrunk dramatically over the past two decades.
Plus, according to a 2018 study, middle class incomes have shrunk in almost every state.
The herd has shrunk by almost a third, pushing live hog prices to record highs.
At first glance, the Q2100 looks just like the E-tron, only slightly shrunk down.
Noble’s market value has shrunk to $354 million currently from $6 billion in February 2015.
It has now shrunk its management structure by 20% in its «goal to reduce bureaucracy».
But in late January, after heavy rains, the shorelines shrunk, and the islands became submerged.
That’s in contrast to global and India-based players, whose numbers shrunk year-on-year.
In the first quarter of 2017, GDP had shrunk a revised 0.8 percent on year.
To do so they shrunk «nodes», the width of the channel etched into silicon chips.
The golf course significantly shrunk the area of native vegetation, so how could biodiversity increase?
That shrunk to less than 4 percent a few years after the mandate took effect.
Their legacy has persisted, just as their overt presence in the rock world has shrunk.
The block grant has shrunk from 11.2% of GDP in 2000 to 3.3% in 2017.
As of Friday’s close the premium had shrunk to just $9873 per tonne.
Their home ranges have shrunk to within the relative safety and security of northern Botswana.
Really, the device most obviously resembles an iPhone, shrunk down to a 102288-inch display.
They are working in that the trade deficit with China has shrunk a little bit.
In other words, good companies versus all companies is kind of shrunk as a proportion.
Reserves have now shrunk by $663 billion since peaking at $4 trillion in June 2014.
IN 93 Ukrainian GDP fell by 29%; in 22011 it shrunk by an astonishing 212%.
Euromonitor says the U.K. market for chocolate shrunk by $2 million between 2013 and 2015.
But the income of people in low-digitized jobs actually shrunk by 0.2% a year.
By July, the stock build had shrunk to just 22015 billion cubic feet (22016 percent).
The population of younger whites has shrunk every year since at least 2000, Frey said.
However, reviews were sour, and ticket sales during the film’s second weekend shrunk 70 percent.
He said the glut has effectively shrunk by nine-tenths since the start of 2017.
That’s why I can’t credit [traditional] medicine, because I didn’t take it when it shrunk.
But as climate change has taken its toll, the lake has shrunk by 90 percent.
Heng Despite Moscow’s push to strengthen ties with Beijing, Russia-China trade has shrunk sharply.
In most countries the percentage of the population that smokes cigarettes has shrunk since 29.
Historically, low unemployment and GDP growth meant more people paid more taxes and deficits shrunk.
The U.K. budget deficit has shrunk to its smallest level in more than 10 years.
«The premium paid for tying up money for a longer period has shrunk,» said Rosenberg.
Since 1950, manufacturing’s share has shrunk to 8.5 percent of nonfarm jobs, from 24 percent.
Because of plunging prices, the value of Saudi oil sales has shrunk in recent years.
The performance shrunk the gap between him and fifth place from 12 seconds to 3.
U.K. government borrowing shrunk to its lowest level in more than 10 years in April.
The value of «underinsured» assets has shrunk by only 3 percent since 2012, it noted.
His skin was pale, he had no pulse, and his pupils had shrunk to pinpoints.
The insurer then shrunk its presence for 2018, but is now looking to grow again.
By 700,000 years ago, a recent study found, their ancestors had shrunk to hobbit size.
SHRINKING U.S. MARKET U.S. retail FX trading volume has shrunk since Dodd-Frank, data showed.
While Trump’s support has remained solid among Republicans, the number of GOP identifiers has shrunk.
As of Friday’s close the premium CMZN0-3 had shrunk to just $9873 per tonne.
But climate change has shrunk the glaciers in the Himalayas significantly over the past decades.
The Obama administration had shrunk the program, reducing the number of county partnerships below 40.
The content funnel has shrunk so much that grabbing attention with longer content is harder.
But the animals’ habitat has shrunk and their food sources have diminished as development encroached.
Over the last century or so, the population has shrunk by more than two-thirds.
On an $800,000 house, Redfin’s rebate has shrunk from $8,600 in 2014 to $4,800 today.
Their catalog is believed to have shrunk by anywhere from 40 percent to 60 percent.
Given the drain of talent to the I.L., the Yankees’ margin for error has shrunk.
Similar teams now exist at other media organizations, although many have shrunk with budget cuts.
Over recent years, the mission has shrunk, but rescued migrants were usually brought to Italy.
Household incomes in the middle of the distribution have shrunk 14 percent, adjusted for inflation.
«Our whole life has shrunk to our living room and bedroom space,» Ms. Pathak said.
There is some evidence that Mr. Trump’s base of support may have shrunk slightly, though.
Biden’s lead shrunk there, compared to a Fox News national poll conducted in early December.
A number of the parcels bordered national monuments, including Hovenweep and newly shrunk Bears Ears.
The scenery may have shrunk, but that face — oh, that face — looms larger than ever.
But many of the company’s largest partners have shrunk or disappeared, forcing Levi’s to adjust.
In related BofA news: How much has BofA’s mortgage business shrunk over the past decade?
It’s a vintage ‘ … And Justice for All’ T-shirt that mysteriously shrunk in the wash.
In 2019, the Arctic sea ice shrunk to one of the lowest levels on record.
Since 2010, the number of veterans living on the street has shrunk by 47 percent.
The village’s population has shrunk to 39 and Ravil Izhmukhametov is the school’s only pupil.
The stock of credit has shrunk every year since 2010, starving productive projects of capital.
Still, its foothold has shrunk by more than half from its peak in summer 2015.
«I haven’t shrunk, and she hasn’t grown any since our first concert,» Mr. Alperowicz joked.
Perfumania’s sales shrunk by nearly 12 percent to $125 million in the quarter ended Oct.
Either he is a slow learner, or his «world-class» memory has shrunk with age.
But the presidency’s star power has shrunk as the entertainment options around him have grown.
Likewise, union membership has drastically shrunk in the private sector over the last four decades.
But Clinton’s lead appears to have shrunk to just a couple of points, on average.
To see the black hole breakthrough instantly inscribed into the stupidity of the social web — shrunk and grafted into cat GIFs and gross-out gags — was to realize how much our capacities for wonder, surprise and gratitude have shrunk since «Blue Marble» was published.
Its numbers have shrunk to about 50,000 globally, due largely to habitat loss, according to WWF.
If the Court had ruled to uphold the restrictions, that number would have shrunk to nine.
Meanwhile, outstanding margin loans — money investors borrow to buy stocks — have shrunk for five consecutive sessions.
Three of Europe’s top six insurers have recently frozen or shrunk their main technology-investment arms.
A total of 3,000 were selected and will be shrunk and engraved on two metal plaques.
It has since shrunk store footprint to a little over 400 through multiple rounds of closures.
His right hand isn’t working again so he’s going backward and the tumor has actually shrunk.
The big picture: The market for ACA coverage has shrunk, but that shrunken version is stable.
Over the past 20 years the number of workers under 30 has shrunk by a quarter.
The market size for alcoholic drinks in Western Europe has shrunk over the past five years.
The number of women leading some of America’s largest companies, already tiny, shrunk even more Monday.
That would be the first quarter in 51 in which Apple’s revenues would have actually shrunk.
Gross domestic product shrunk by 8.9% in Q4 2008, its worst quarterly mark in 50 years.
As is clear in the chart above, their share of the total has shrunk as well.
The system began with 16 operators but dropouts and mergers have shrunk the number to seven.
In the past 40 years, the island has shrunk 200 feet, The New York Times reports.
Six of them could be shrunk in size, although the report doesn’t say by how much.
Balance sheets have since shrunk as banks shed risky assets, the GFMA said in a statement.
Quick perspective: Teradata also reported revenue recently, and its business shrunk by about 4 percent YOY.
We shrunk the viewer down, inserted the 3D vagina model, programmed the journey and then… voila.
Venezuela’s economy has shrunk by half since 2014—a feat few others have achieved in peacetime.
Twitter claims pro-terrorism account reports have shrunk by a fifth in the past six months.
By week 15, his average engagements have shrunk down to a little under 71,000 per tweet.
Since then it has shrunk by 3% even as JPMorgan Chase’s assets have grown by 8%.
Over the past 20 years the number of workers below 30 has shrunk by a quarter.
This has shrunk the lake of the same name, which is the capital’s main water source.
Apple’s business has shrunk for the second consecutive quarter, driven by declines in its iPhone business.
The anemones were still living and had not yet shrunk, but their algal companions were gone.
And by doing so, Colbert has alienated half the country and shrunk his audience potential accordingly.
Since the tax cuts were enacted, state coffers have shrunk, causing Kansas to miss revenue targets.
Baseball has lowered the mound, tightened the strike zone and shrunk the field to increase runs.
But that number has shrunk significantly, hitting 133,720 doctors performing at least one abortion in 2011.
Earlier on Tuesday, the central bank said the economy may have shrunk in the first quarter.
There comes a time in every boy band’s life when they get shrunk down into dolls.
Not all are unmarried by choice: America’s high incarceration rate has shrunk their pool of men.
The number of training days between missions has shrunk far below the NATO norm of 90.
But an awful lot of the film just consists of Honey, I Shrunk The Kids antics.
OPEC’s output caps have also shrunk the amount of oil sitting in storage around the world.
The number of places where you could morally defend spending your tourist dollars had already shrunk.
Yet that gap has shrunk over the decades: In 2007, Democrats held a 67/33 advantage.
Just as cell phones have shrunk, similar technological advancements have made satellites smaller and more capable.
The spaceship shrunk about 16 feet (5 meters) and the booster grew by about as much.
The entire smartphone market has shrunk in each of the past four quarters, according to IDC.
Letter From America PHILADELPHIA — On issues and ideology, the center of American politics has shrunk drastically.
Officials in three states have shrunk early voting time lines, and one eliminated same-day registration.
African and South Asians have not grown very much and, in some countries, have shrunk slightly.
The agency’s employment has shrunk to its lowest levels since the Reagan administration, the Post noted.
Even if the company can continue to operate the Arizona lab, the business there has shrunk.
Since the days of Huey Long, Louisiana has shrunk by more than two thousand square miles.
Since 1999, low-wage employment has actually shrunk by an average of one hour per week.
Shrunk down to smartphone size, however, the black and white render him a mere design element.
Its fleet of retail stores has shrunk to 640 from 720 in the last six years.
Over time, as crew sizes have shrunk, incidents attributable to human error have also been reduced.
According to Artsy, the art market has shrunk over the past decade when adjusting for inflation.
And she has grown and shrunk right before our eyes with a courage that astounds me.
«I think that the basket shrunk a little bit for us,» Kansas Coach Bill Self said.
Essentially hardware quality is very high across the board now, even as software differences have shrunk.
But the labor-intensive bottling business shrunk Coke’s margins, so executives moved to divest once again.
Noble’s market value has shrunk to just over $300 million from $6 billion in February 2015.
» Dave Wasserman of The Cook Political Report writes: «His coalition has shrunk since 2016, not grown.
The collapse in oil and other commodities prices has shrunk some of Brazil’s most lucrative industries.
You probably know this better than me, but in terms of humans, it shrunk in December.
Since 2010, funding for the I.R.S. has shrunk by a fifth, after taking inflation into account.
But the space for pro-democratic activism and freedom of expression has shrunk in recent years.
Yet enforcement and auditing capabilities have perhaps suffered the most as the agency’s budget has shrunk.
Today, that chasm has shrunk to about six points, the smallest it has been since 2000.
Illegal logging in Mexico has shrunk the Oyamel fir forests where monarchs reside in the winter.
Argentina’s economy, for example, is forecast to contract by 2.5%, having shrunk by 3.3% in 2019.
The number of undocumented Ecuadoreans in the United States shrunk by 36 percent, leaving 173,000 people.
In January 42.063, the United Nations said Iran’s gross domestic product shrunk by 42.053% in 42.043.
His advantage has shrunk, though it still stands at about 10 points in the average poll.
In April, nearly four months later, his tumor has shrunk and his weight has gone up.
Trade between the European Union and Britain has also shrunk since the country voted to leave.
But one thing is for sure: over the past year, the BJP’s political footprint has shrunk.
At home, it has undermined press freedom and shrunk the public space for airing contentious issues.
In recent weeks, as the economy has deteriorated, his congregation has shrunk from 400 to 120.
Although the advantage has shrunk over time, it’s still in the area of 5 percentage points.
In recent years, other venture firms have risen and garnered more buzz, while Kleiner has shrunk.
The soliloquies, for the record, remain in English, though they have been shrunk in many cases.
From January to November, Brazilian industry has shrunk 1.1% compared with the same period of 2018.
Since 1999, median incomes have dropped nationwide; in Indiana, they’ve shrunk by more than 9 percent.
As cash assistance has shrunk, other forms of social support have grown and become more generous.
Bitcoin’s piece of the this market cap has slowly shrunk and is now only one third.
Teacher wages have shrunk over the decade, CNN reports, and the losses are disproportionately affecting women.
In July, the Amazon shrunk by 519 square miles — a new monthly record for deforestation there.
However, they also find that his lead over Labour has shrunk significantly over the last fortnight.
Eight states lost population over the past year, led by Illinois, which shrunk by 33,85033 residents.
Since the land reforms of 2000, the value of farm production has shrunk by 45 percent.
New York’s mass transit system stopped expanding in 1940, and it has even shrunk since then.
The economy has shrunk by half in five years, and inflation in 2018 reached 1,000,000 percent.
Poverty and inequality, which have both shrunk slightly over the past 15 years, will rise again.
Now they’ve shrunk to 39 percent, while membership from small and large companies has grown significantly.
For instance, while median hourly pay in the U.K. has shrunk 0003 percent for all employees between 2009 and 2015, pay for those aged 22-29 has shrunk 12 percent, more than any other age group, according to figures from the U.K.’s office of National Statistics.
Telstra has sought resolve in new areas such as cloud computing but even revenue there has shrunk.
The EMEA added that car demand for November had shrunk in all of Europe’s five biggest markets.
Fund manager Mark Kingdon also shrunk his year-to-date loss with a strong gain in May.
The Japanese auto market has shrunk not only in terms of vehicle size, but in sales volume.
Her once comfortable double-digit lead in the few polls has shrunk despite having some structural advantages.
External counters, like comScore, say the video service’s reach has shrunk; internal sources say the same thing.
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s lead over the field shrunk to a narrow 5 points, and Sens.
The ice has shrunk in recent decades in a trend scientists link to man-made climate change.
In March, the agency shrunk its capacity at one of its three family residential facilities in Texas.
Annual sales shrunk to $1.5 billion last year, down nearly 40 percent from $2.4 billion in 213.
On the contrary, recent borrowing props up low-productivity firms and sectors that ought to have shrunk.
» He added: «The personal tax rates could easily be lowered, and probably the brackets could be shrunk.
The vast lake has shrunk from 25,000 square km to half that area today (see satellite picture).
Trading volumes have shrunk and volatility eased after sterling’s massive plunge at the beginning of this week.
Annual ad revenues have shrunk by 63%, or $30bn, just in the past ten years (see chart).
Its economy shrunk by 0.6 percent in the second quarter on the first quarter, official data showed.
The timing of Tuesday’s announcement came as the political criticism grew louder and the labor market shrunk.
Hyperinflation and depression—the economy has shrunk by half since Mr Maduro took over—make matters worse.
Since 1980, cost-cutting has shrunk congressional staffs and government information agencies like the Congressional Research Service.
There are lots of reasons why Mr McDonnell has grown in stature but Mr Corbyn has shrunk.
Amazon also shrunk its losses internationally and doubled operating profits in North America, per the earnings release.
Konami has announced the latest in the slew of shrunk-down retro consoles, the TurboGrafx-16 Mini.
The tumors had shrunk by half, and after ten more days of treatment the hospital discharged him.
Then in the first nine months of 0003, that territory shrunk again by a further 16 percent.
The stock market has shrunk by trillions of dollars since the last bear market low in 2009.
Another warning sign is that the gap between short-term and long-term interest rates has shrunk.
By the late 1990s and early 2000s, that sliver of persuadable voters shrunk to about 10 percent.
«In 30 years, the area has shrunk approximately by half,» said a scientist who examined the onslaught.
It has also shrunk its China branch network and is looking to grow via its digital platform.
The divestment shrunk Conoco’s reserves by nearly 2 billion barrels of oil equivalent, denting future growth potential.
No president has ever shrunk or rescinded a monument previously established under the 85033-year-old law.
One of the sources said that Ansaldo Energia now has other priorities as its market has shrunk.
Clinton’s lead among these voters has shrunk since early August, when she was ahead by 6900 points.
Miyamae also showed «3D Steam Stretch» tops, jackets, skirts and dresses, made of cloth shrunk with steam.
Programming costs grew 8.6 percent for the quarter, and total residential video revenue shrunk over the year.
LME inventory has shrunk by two thirds since 2015, but storage capacity has contracted by just 23%.
Over six years of crisis, Greece’s economy has shrunk by a quarter and government revenues have slumped.
Earlier this year, Hamilton revealed to PEOPLE exclusively that his third brain tumor had shrunk without treatment.
Even as the group’s territory has shrunk, and its all-consuming bureaucracy has collapsed, its ideology endures.
And the pool of people in New York City eager to come to his defense has shrunk.
The hardware construction is certainly solid for what largely amounts to shrunk down version of the iPhone.
They met around the central door, where the alien flowers shrunk, brightened, became marigolds, poppies, and roses.
Noble’s market share shrunk from about $6 billion in February 2015 to $800 million, according to Reuters.
You might think its porn counterpart would be Honey, I Shrunk My Dick, but you’d be wrong!
The researchers kept track of the seaweed bloom month after month, as it grew and shrunk seasonally.
At a time when the news cycle has shrunk to mere minutes, that’s not easy to do.
So airlines have merrily shrunk seat pitches and withdrawn perks and still managed to fill their flights.
The economy has shrunk by a quarter in six years and the jobless rate is 23.5 percent.
It’s not just that our personal loyalties have shrunk to a universe the size of a teacup.
Microsoft has shrunk its Surface Pro form factor into something portable yet comfortable to type on. 10.
To some extent that has already happened: the population has shrunk by 7% since 2010 (see chart).
These cuts are required to trim back what the government does so that it can be shrunk.
Treasurys have shrunk 2.1 percent to $2.41 trillion, while MBS are down 0.7 percent to $1.75 trillion.
The merge-or-die mentality eventually shrunk the number of big U.S. airlines from seven to four.
But since they’re underperforming, the sector has shrunk relative to the rest of the market, Paulsen said.
Reserves have shrunk by $762 billion since mid-2014, more than the gross domestic product of Switzerland.
And as the press appearances have shrunk, the importance of each opportunity to ask questions has increased.
But for the past two years, the couple’s revenue has shrunk to $400 to $500 a month.
The size of the deal has also shrunk to about $20 billion from an original $37.7 billion.
Our active duty armed forces have shrunk from 2 million in 1991 to about 1.3 million today.
Even before newspaper editorials shrunk into vestigial artifacts of a bygone era, their impact was self-limiting.
Over the past few decades, the number of vendors has shrunk, from some 60 wholesalers to 32.
But most people agree that the market for larger, more valuable pieces has shrunk under international pressure.
In recent months Dubai’s stock market has been underperforming its regional peers and trading volumes have shrunk.
The details: The main form has shrunk from two full pages to a double-sided half page.
No president has ever shrunk or rescinded a monument previously established under the 2202-year-old law.
In the past six years, the number of lawyers has shrunk from around 370 to 260 today.
The project also found that the African elephant population shrunk nearly 30 percent from 2007 to 2014.
And in Germany a purchasing-managers’ index suggested that manufacturing had shrunk for an eighth consecutive month.
In recent years, that number has shrunk to about 3,000 tons a year, according to government figures.
The share of women working has leveled off, and the gender pay gap has not shrunk significantly.
In early August, Democrats’ double-digit lead in the generic ballot had shrunk to only 4 points.
Algeria’s foreign exchanges have shrunk considerably, dropping to $96 billion in 2019 from $194 billion in 2013.
The researchers think it may have shrunk way down to fill a particular role in an ecosystem.
But voucher funding has stagnated, and the stock of public housing has shrunk as units have deteriorated.
Slovenia has yet to recover from a downturn in 2009; its economy has shrunk by 8 percent.
It’s a little like Google’s Tilt Brush AR / VR app, but it’s shrunk down on a phone.
As the group’s territory has shrunk, the number of foreign recruits into Iraq and Syria has dwindled.
And, while the number of ride-hail vehicles has soared, the number of green cabs has shrunk.
As a result, it had shrunk, and the chamber above it — the left atrium — had become massive.
A promised $215 billion investment has shrunk to what his opponents say is at most $227 million.
Because the city’s population has shrunk since the previous high, the rate of homicides per person rose.
The «Honey, I Shrunk the Kids» Movie Set Adventure made park guests feel as small as insects.
The more red a tract is, the more that population’s shrunk, relative to the tract’s total population.
The shrunk-down optical sensor is the same type used by smart watches to measure heart rate.
As the atmosphere warms, however, that ice has shrunk to historically low levels, according to satellite data.
The price of the Beoplay E8s hasn’t shrunk in quite the same way as their form-factor.
France’s largest glacier, the Mer de Glace, has shrunk by 800 meters in the last 30 years.
We&aposve landed men on the Moon, eradicated diseases with vaccines, and shrunk computers into handheld devices.
But as the state party has shrunk, it has shifted to the right and embraced Mr. Trump.
That Gulf Coast crude trades at a premium to WTI, but that premium has also shrunk recently.
The number of US bank branches has shrunk by more than 3,000 since 2010, according to Deloitte.
But good-government reforms have dramatically shrunk the number of jobs that any political boss can fill.
The divestments shrunk Conoco’s reserves by nearly 2 billion barrels of oil equivalent, denting future growth potential.
I also recommend sizing up because after one wash it’s usually a done deal and it’s shrunk.
Unemployment is above 25 percent, and the economy has shrunk by a fifth since the financial crisis.
Seat pitch has shrunk from 35 to about 31 inches, according to Flyers’ Rights, an advocacy group.
Heavy industry, the traditional base for trade unions, has shrunk, making it hard to resuscitate organised labour.
Notably, the number of Emmy wins for cable TV shows have shrunk in the last few years.
But Mr. Trump’s inner circle has shrunk, and he has fewer advisers around him whom he trusts.
They’ve shrunk dramatically relative to the population and economy, while others like SNAP/food stamps have grown.
As it turns out, there’s a hell of a lot of battery; everything else has shrunk significantly.
In early August, Democrats’ early double-digit lead in the generic ballot shrunk to only 4 points.
By late summer, Noranda’s staff had shrunk to nine people, making a fraction of their previous salaries.
I think the design, I would not be surprised if they shrunk in size a little bit.
The airline’s operations have shrunk dramatically since April, when lessors won definitive rulings allowing them to repossess planes.
GDP has shrunk by over one quarter since 2008, and the recovery has been dismal by historical standards.
In the rich world capital-intensive industries such as manufacturing and mining, the base of unionisation, have shrunk.
«Their agenda is minimal, their ambitions have shrunk to the same level,» said Behzad Nourfard, a former activist.
It’s as though my body has shrunk, like Alice in Wonderland, and normal furniture no longer suits me.
People also complained about the kind of insurance available in marketplaces, especially as the number of insurers shrunk.
Another was an experiment in how much a design could be shrunk until it was no longer usable.
This performance chase shrunk the alpha earned by this group in the 2003-2007 period to -0.7 percent.
But however tall it was, Everest might have shrunk two years ago when a major earthquake struck Nepal.
Hit by oversupply, cobalt prices have shrunk from above $60,000 per tonne in late 153 to around $25,000.
But after the records were compared using Social Security numbers, that figure shrunk to merely eight potential cases.
Besides the headline drop in share values, China’s currency has fallen sharply and share transaction volumes have shrunk.
As MarketWatch noted, it’s the first time earnings at the company have shrunk year-over-year since 2017.
On the eve of the election, the Tories’ edge over Labour has shrunk to a mere six points.
Chief Executive Dave Lewis has boosted margins at Britain’s biggest supermarket, shrunk the pension deficit and cut debt.
An ultra-modern network of bullet trains has, in a few short years, shrunk a continent-sized country.
For obvious reasons, Samsung shrunk the battery capacity in the Note 28 compared to last year’s Note 28.
Over the past month, Mrs Clinton’s lead over Mr Trump has shrunk from seven percentage points to three.
That margin has shrunk drastically since 2004, as cheaper computers and broadband access became attainable for most Americans.
The airline’s operations had already shrunk to 40 flights on five aircraft by Tuesday, according to local media.
Rivers that had shrunk to a trickle now fill the valleys they once carved out of the Earth.
British patient O’Flynn, whose tumors shrunk dramatically, is just glad she has a chance to try something new.
Worse, the number of monthly users actually shrunk in the US, falling from 69 million to 68 million.
Biden’s lead has shrunk in several polls since last week’s first Democratic presidential debates, during which California Sen.
Higher incomes, more jobs and an ageing population in Mexico have all shrunk its pool of potential migrants.
The ice has shrunk in recent decades in a trend scientists have linked to man-made climate change.
The economy shrunk 0.2% compared with the October-December period, according to data from national statistics agency INEGI.
The hardware is solid, and you can’t really argue with product design that’s essentially a shrunk-down iPhone.
Venezuela’s economy, which has shrunk by 50% since Mr Maduro succeeded Chávez in 2013, will now shrink faster.
As the glacier has shrunk, by more than half since the war, its time capsule is being opened.
AIG has dramatically shrunk since the New York-based insurer’s near-death experience during the 2008 financial crisis.
By the time Point72 officially opened, SAC’s headcount, once more than 1,200, had shrunk to less than 900.
While the benefit from deferred income tax provisions shrunk to $22018 million from $2260 million a year earlier.
The form factor is essentially that of the Surface Pro, shrunk down to 10 inches, with rounded corners.
GDP is estimated to have shrunk by 3.7 percent in 2015, Economy Minister Alexei Ulyukayev said last month.
The time from troll-has-an-idea to troll-mobilizes-brutal-assault has shrunk from weeks to minutes.
Trump had previously suggested he may have shrunk his tax bill — perhaps erased it — through various tax strategies.
From 2015, fewer offshore projects were approved and the scope of projects shrunk, leading to lower equipment sales.
U.S. commercial paper outstanding shrunk in recent weeks in the wake of this conversion among prime money funds.
Noble’s market value has shrunk to a low of about $576 million from $6 billion in February 2000.
Last month, the Mexican government said the caravan had shrunk from more than 7,000 migrants to about 3,600.
Similarly, Democrats hold an advantage in the so-called generic ballot but it, too, has shrunk of late.
Falih said the global economy had strengthened while the supply cuts had shrunk oil inventories around the world.
But the biggest problem for Snap is Instagram, which has continued its explosive growth while Snap has shrunk.
Bluiett later converted a three-point play and the lead shrunk to 61-193 with 14:52 remaining.
What makes things worse is that aircraft range has shrunk just as missile ranges have grown (see chart).
In all, the bank’s holdings have shrunk by $700 billion — an amount roughly equivalent to Switzerland’s economic output.
His poll-averaged lead had shrunk to two-and-a-half points, down from six a month earlier.
O’Rourke’s lead among independents also shrunk from 51 percent in April to 43 percent in the latest poll.
Profits and margins among Delta and its competitors have shrunk, even as planes are more packed than ever.
Even among reliably conservative white evangelicals, the «Merry Christmas» bloc has shrunk from 72% to 61% of respondents.
Forbes estimated that real estate billionaire’s wealth had shrunk by 68.2 billion yuan during the 12-month period.
Forbes estimated that real estate billionaire’s wealth had shrunk by 68.2 billion yuan during the 12-month period.
For analytic purposes, black women were oversampled and then shrunk back to their proper proportion of the population.
The number of workers overseas has shrunk, but many countries have industries that rely on North Korean labor.
According to data from LinkedIn, Nanigans’ staff has shrunk 30% to 102 employees over the past two years.
Schur has in essence taken his otherworldly show and shrunk it back down to a banal workplace comedy.
Kirov Region had gradually shrunk its deficit to 6% in 2016 from a peak of 14.3% in 7503.
But since July 15th, the game’s group of paying players has shrunk by 13613423 percent, the report claims.
This is their new Nano-Nose, revised and dramatically shrunk down from the metal-clad, Darpa-tested box.
And after its user count shrunk in March, Snap has to find a way to keep from disappearing
Then she does an exam and has even better news: The two larger tumors have already shrunk considerably.
Since then, his world has shrunk to a single apartment inside the small diplomatic compound in central London.
The Village Voice no longer publishes in print, and The Wall Street Journal has shrunk its city coverage.
The population has shrunk as people fled the war, with roughly 1.6 million people displaced by the conflict.
The country’s hog herd has shrunk by almost a third since a year ago, according to official data.
Such thinking has tried to make villains of India’s roughly 200 million Muslims and shrunk space for dissent.
The public advocate’s duties are murky, the strength of the office is questionable and its funding has shrunk.
I don’t know why this startled me so much, but each time he said it I shrunk inside.
Contact between the two vehicles tightened the handling of DiBenedetto’s No. 95 Toyota, whose lead had shrunk to .
The trouble has been concentrated in Germany’s export-oriented manufacturing sector, which has shrunk for four consecutive quarters.
Mukasa and Mugisha both say that in the past five years, the space for LGBTQ Ugandans has shrunk.
Even without that, the performance gap in the midrange has definitely shrunk, thanks to AMD’s new cards, though.
But in the nearly 10 years since I moved out of my parents’ house, Rolling Stone has shrunk.
But as my window to make the ceremony in time shrunk, my vision grew dark in the corners.
Mercker’s doctors said her tumor shrunk, and her immune system went to work to kill the cancer cells.
Sea ice coverage of the Arctic Ocean has shrunk and the ice has become thinner over recent decades.
The poll forecast exports to have shrunk 3.03% on-year in the month, moderated from November’s 6.09% drop.
Local resources to resettle refugees also might have shrunk had Texas decided not to accept them in 2020.
Without government payments, which are expected to be up 64% in 2019, farm income would have actually shrunk.
Some companies in the supply chain, partly because of cost-cutting pressure by Boeing, have shrunk or merged.
Between 2010 and 2016, the island’s population has shrunk by 8.4 percent, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
At the same time, jobs for those with one year of college or less have shrunk by 125,000.
After slumping nearly 20193% in 2019, the company has shrunk to its smallest market cap in a decade.
Toshiba’s stock market value has shrunk by half since its warning about the loss from Westinghouse in December.
Industry insiders say that in recent years, operators have focused on high rollers as their customer base shrunk.
Since being pulled back from the brink in the 21973 financial crisis, American International Group has shrunk significantly.
Over the past six years alone, the number of boulangeries in France has shrunk by 18%, to 30,000.
However, it does further consolidate an industry that has shrunk at a rapid pace in the past decade.
And while the usable racecourse was once 13 miles long, it has now shrunk to about 1.53 miles.
How job prospects were dim when they graduated college, how their parents’ retirement accounts shrunk in the downturn.
In Spain, that figure has shrunk from eighty to forty-seven per cent in the past nine years.
The waiting lists have now shrunk or disappeared, and more villas in the compounds are vacant, residents say.
But the company’s car sales have shrunk, and an effort to establish a foothold in China has stalled.
With a little imagination, parkgoers can pretend they have been shrunk down to the size of Remy himself.
The service has also shrunk the distance between the anonymous and the famous, the frivolous and the serious.
Once packed with 2,500 people, that location also recently closed because it had shrunk to fewer than 200.
Also on Friday, we learned that the price tag for extending CHIP for five years has shrunk dramatically.
The strain is already showing — Trump’s workday, reportedly, has shrunk to a gentle 11 am to 6 pm.
The program’s rolls had shrunk from 337,000 and kept falling to less than 200,000 at their lowest point.
Never mind that the economy has improved, unemployment has plunged, household wealth has soared and the deficit has shrunk.
Although the town’s population has shrunk by 5,000 (to 85,000) since 2012, its jobless rate is still around 35%.
In an initiative called Moon 2024, the agency accelerated its plans and shrunk timelines to meet the president’s deadline.
The population of the rusty patched bumblebee has shrunk by 87% since the late 1990s, the wildlife service said.
Its sales in the country shrunk almost threefold to 27267,27201 vehicles last year from a 21 peak of 731,000.
It has shrunk the size of some stores and rented out the extra space to companies such as Aldi.
This data excludes military personnel, as well as employees of the intelligence community, but that number has also shrunk.
Since the airline industry was deregulated in 1978, both seat width and pitch (the distance between seats) has shrunk.
The display has jumped from a 24Hz panel to a 2144Hz panel, and the bezels have shrunk as well.
The business doubled in size from the time of acquisition, but has since shrunk back to where it was.
That share has now shrunk to single digits, yet it accounted for about 12% of China’s exports last year.
That image has been shrunk down to match the zoom of the other three panels, leaving the black shape.
And while Cruz wasn’t her favorite early in the race, she’s warmed to him as the field has shrunk.
Remember, when «Honey, I Shrunk the Kids» was first released in 1989, its special FX were considered cutting-edge.
A string of weak data suggested the economy may have shrunk in the first quarter and is still struggling.
While employers pay 57 percent of the total health costs, that percentage has shrunk from 61 percent in 2001.
When my main tumor had shrunk enough, I had a 7-hour surgery to remove it from my spine.
In IDC’s latest report, the firm says that the overall market has shrunk by 1.8 percent in Q2 2018.
But the build has shrunk steadily from a record 229 trillion cubic feet (69 percent) in March (
It was a defining moment for many millennials who were coming of age as uncertainty mushroomed and opportunity shrunk.
Apple announced yesterday that its profits had shrunk for the fourth consecutive quarter — the longest such streak since 53.
Revenue tripled, losses shrunk and, by 2010, Canadian airline Jazz bought into Pluna at a valuation of $60 million.
Vaan had shrunk to a tenth of its original size, to less than 2 hectares (5 acres), Malleshappa said.
They hadn’t shrunk like a 60-year-old’s ovaries would have, which might explain how she got pregnant naturally.
Africa’s most industrialised economy shrunk by an annualised 3.2% in the first quarter, its largest decline in a decade.
In the first half of this year, the IHS Conflict Monitor found that ISIS’s territory had shrunk by 12%.
Seven-and-a-half months later, the patient’s tumor had shrunk to virtually nothing, and he went into remission.
Its global market share shrunk considerably, and its VP of Global Efforts Hugo Barra left the company in January.
Its economy has shrunk by 6%, and its currency has lost 60% of its value over the past year.
It’s basically the clamshell design of the Game Boy Advance SP shrunk down to an ultra-portable keychain size.
The number of Pioneer ACOs has shrunk from 32 over the past several years as groups have dropped out.
As a result of all this, the number of EPA employees has shrunk to the lowest level in decades.
However, Facebook’s developer tool offering has shrunk since it shut down its Parse mobile app platform early this year.
The cost of electricity has duly risen, demand has now shrunk and some people have gone off grid altogether.
In the 2018-19 fiscal year Iran’s GDP shrunk by 4.9% compared with the year before, says the government.
Though Mississippi State’s lead shrunk to seven minutes later, Vanderbilt failed to string together any type of offensive momentum.
And since 2010, the first full year of the recovery, the number of middle-aged workers has shrunk considerably.
The result comes as Lenovo navigates a PC market that has shrunk markedly since the advent of tablet computers.
ISIS has shrunk down to a few hundred acres, whereas they were a terrifying force a couple years ago.
He said loans had also shrunk in the five months period to the end of May by almost 5%.
Exports, which add to US economic growth, shrunk at a 5.2% annual pace, as compared to the previous quarter.
Today, chip manufacturers have shrunk the size of each silicon transistor to the equivalent of three strands of DNA.
Youth unemployment has shrunk to 15 percent from 25 percent in 2006, as the economy’s informal sector has expanded.
The big picture: The Republican majority just shrunk by one vote, as the Senate now stands at 51-49.
Over this time, the number of NIH-funded grants has shrunk from one in three to one in six.
Sterling’s devaluation since the 2016 referendum has shrunk the deficit but it still stands at 3.9 percent of GDP.
Sales of the brand in Japan have shrunk to roughly one-tenth of what they were a decade ago.
The data collection windows has also been proposed to be shrunk from five years to up to 18 months.
The mergers have shrunk the number of banks in Spain to 12 from more than 55 five years ago.
Compared to the same quarter last year, revenue grew by 90 percent, while net losses shrunk by 83 percent.
Read one way, this graph is encouraging: It shows that the pay gap has shrunk significantly in recent decades.
In Pennsylvania, Clinton’s lead, which had shrunk to 3 points before the debate, has expanded to 6 points presently.
She claims that when she wakes up the next day, her cystic pimples have either shrunk or disappeared completely.
The scene was much more expansive, and the gap between different tiers of the competitive hierarchies had significantly shrunk.
Meanwhile, wages have mostly remained stagnant: From 1999 to 2014, middle-class incomes shrunk in nearly every U.S. state.
Although the 11 banks that most perturb the FSB have not really shrunk, they have at least stopped growing.
Dividends from the company, which accounted for about 12 percent of Malaysian government’s revenue in 2015, have also shrunk.
As Android has matured, differences between versions have shrunk, and having the very latest one has grown less important.
Since 2010, the department has shrunk by a third and continues to hemorrhage approximately one cop every three days.
And Renault’s once-massive lead over ABT Schaeffler Audi Sport — di Grassi’s team — has shrunk to just 203 points.
Despite these existing resources, the talent gap hasn’t shrunk and threats to our cybersecurity and privacy continue to expand.
The two drastically shrunk their inventory, but that paid off because fewer clothes led to higher prices, Siegel said.
«Asian demand has shrunk since the beginning of the year even though absolute yields are higher,» said a banker.
Egypt’s foreign reserves have shrunk from about $36 billion before the 2011 uprising to about $17.5 billion in June.
I remember when that glove went on, and thinking, This is the stupidest thing, of course that glove shrunk.
The primary feedback is to create the impression of presence of the surgeon as if they’d been shrunk down.
He described how his neighborhood shrunk from being two-thirds black-owned to now only four black homeowners. Four!
It is the year 2465, and America has shrunk to a mere 435 people barricaded inside a Massachusetts town.
Monthly revenues have shrunk by half in the last two years and hit lows unseen in over five years.
Since last year, his income has shrunk by 20-30% as orders from new home buyers fell, he said.
His tumor had shrunk by a third, not half, at the time of his first scanning in March 2015.
He found that her brain had shrunk significantly, and there were unusual deposits in and around the nerve cells.
One in four Americans were involved in the industry then, but that has now shrunk to one in fifty.
While net shorts have shrunk slightly from more than two-year highs in September, they remain near historical highs.
The number of companies buying the farm’s milk has shrunk to a handful, he said, and none are local.
When Jobs rejoined Apple in 1998, he shrunk the company’s product line from 350 products to 10 outstanding ones.
U.S. IPOs have still outperformed the S&P 500 in 2019, although the gap has shrunk significantly this month.
Biden had consistently led in other national and statewide primary polling, though his advantage has shrunk in recent months.
As a result, the size of the middle class has shrunk significantly to 260 percent from nearly 60 percent.
ISIS’ violence further shrunk that number as Christians were killed or fled, but it is unknown by how much.
Though the Democratic field once boasted more than two dozen candidates, it has shrunk in recent months to 17.
But Trump’s reliance on the congressional GOP looks riskier now that his Senate margin has shrunk to 51-49.
Its definition of sexual harassment had expanded dramatically over the years while due process for those accused had shrunk.
Since then the country’s whaling industry has shrunk to just a handful of small companies employing barely 300 people.
Itau’s push to draw clients comes as loans to large companies have shrunk amid the country’s sluggish economic recovery.
But did I feel drastically different, like a new woman, now that I’d finally shrunk my insane inbox number?
It’s hard to know who will notice—the sport has shrunk in the United States, and is shrinking still.
The announcement comes as the Democratic primary field has dramatically shrunk following the South Carolina and Super Tuesday primaries.
But their edge has shrunk considerably over the last few months, and even more over the last few years.
By the time Mr. Trump took office in January 2017, their holdings had shrunk to about 23,000 square miles.
The weakness raises the possibility that the Chinese economy may have shrunk in the first quarter of this year.
Mr. Mao said that it was too soon to estimate whether the economy had shrunk in the first quarter.
One hotel went bankrupt, others have changed owners and tax revenue has shrunk to a third of its peak.
But since 1995, it has shrunk almost a meter a year, with few exceptions, the newspaper Dagens Nyheter reported.
The sports coverage has become critical at a time when the audience appetite for dramas and sitcoms has shrunk.
A G.E. spokesman said, however, that the sale was made solely for financial reasons as military budgets had shrunk.
By the time the patty leaves the grill, it has shrunk to fit the size of the toasted bun.
Taken together, the policies have effectively shrunk the American asylum system to a fraction of what it once was.
The number of pearl boats in the Gulf shrunk from 3,000 down to just 530 within a couple decades.
That’s because the Democratic field has shrunk considerably since more than two dozen candidates announced their candidacies in 2019.
The list of candidates to take over the top job at Goldman Sachs has shrunk notably in recent weeks.
Vivo is in third place after growing to 15.2 percent, while Xiaomi’s leading share shrunk slightly to 27.1 percent.
Through an in-depth knowledge of plant physiology, Iimura’s family had gradually shrunk the tree to its miniature form.
Iran’s exports have shrunk from a peak of 2000m barrels a day last year to less than 1m now.
Spending on road maintenance has shrunk more than one-fourth, while support for libraries has fallen nearly a third.
But without government payments, which are expected to be up 64% in 2019, farm income would have actually shrunk.
Missions in Ivory Coast and Liberia, which have shrunk significantly in recent years, are already scheduled to close gradually.
Under Trump, access has shrunk to the point that several entire states now lack a single safe abortion provider.
Revenues shrunk to $77.2 billion in 2018 and returned to growth at $79.6 billion in 2019, the company said.
Its economy, once Latin America’s richest, is estimated to have shrunk by 21.7 percent in 22014, more than Syria’s.
As Chobani and others have earned billions, General Mills’s share of the yogurt market has shrunk by a third.
» He also said that Mercer wants the U.S. government to be «shrunk down to the size of a pinhead.
As voting results were updated this week, Mr. Trump’s lead in Pennsylvania had shrunk by about 20,000 votes. Mrs.
Over the past 20173 years, the number of black McDonald&aposs franchisees has shrunk by more than a third.
As McDonald&aposs overall franchisee count has shrunk, the number of black franchisees at the company has declined significantly.
But Biden’s advantage among those who want a candidate who can defeat the President has shrunk some since August.
While short dollar bets have shrunk somewhat, they are still holding near a record $23 billion in late-April.
Fifty years ago, around half of Japanese smoked, a figure that has shrunk to less than a fifth now.
Top foreign holders of Treasuries, like China and Japan, have shrunk their portfolios of U.S. government bonds this year.
Inadvertently, I think I may have «shrunk» the fat cells around my eyes, leaving me looking even more gaunt.
«The ability to hold the president accountable has shrunk substantially,» said Barbara McQuade, a law professor at Michigan University.
Now that the rules have shrunk the stretch option, this inherited liability is far more than a mere annoyance.
The party membership has shrunk steadily since the early 1950s, dropping from around three million to roughly 100,000 now.
The gap between the black and white unemployment rates in the US shrunk to a record low in June.
China’s trade surplus with the U.S. shrunk to $31.3 billion in August, down $27 billion from a year prior.
U.S. IPOs have still outperformed the S&P 500 in 2019, although the gap has shrunk significantly this month.
In Pennsylvania, Clinton’s lead also seems to have shrunk in recent polls from Muhlenberg/Morning Call and CNN/ORC.
One senior trader said forex revenues at his London-based bank have shrunk 5% a year for several years.
Yet he is politically unusually vulnerable as his right-wing coalition’s majority has shrunk to a precarious single seat.
JW: When I was first able to go to the Olympics, so … That market had shrunk down for you?
They think they don&apost want them to be behind them but the economy has shrunk, their population is shrinking.
The legroom for three economy rows will be shrunk to 29 inches, just one inch more than the industry minimum.
Recall how Trump outlasted 16 GOP rivals by having a committed core of supporters that grew as the field shrunk.
Iran’s oil exports have shrunk by about a third as crude importers wind down their purchases ahead of Washington’s Nov.
And since 1999, incomes for middle class families, specifically, have actually shrunk in all but two states, another study found.
If the internet has indeed shrunk the world, then Tasha the Amazon is the one whose arms span the globe.
The total market cap of all cryptocurrencies has shrunk to $6 billion, down from $24 billion just a day ago.
Trading volume shrunk to $8.5 billion as of midday, down from a normal half-day volume of about $15 billion.
And Twitter’s revenue, which shrunk in the first quarter in 22017, was up 2280% in the first quarter in 22016.
Europe’s economic powerhouse contracted in the second quarter and many economists expect it to have shrunk in the third quarter.
The underlying problem is that the PSOE’s electoral base has shrunk to a core, mainly of the rural working class.
Now, it appears that the group’s canvas has shrunk and it is returning to its roots as a regional insurgency.
Collectors who don’t need to sell are holding on to their works, and the Hirst auction market has shrunk considerably.
Or something that might be a little bit more mainstream, in terms of shrunk-wrapped software, that kind of thing.
As Windows Phone market share has shrunk below 1 percent, Microsoft has been busy gutting its phone business and restructuring.
It remains the only major rebel bastion near Damascus, though it has shrunk by almost half over the past year.
It’s not just animation, either: Cool Runnings, The Mighty Ducks, and Honey I Shrunk the Kids are Disney properties, too.
The spread between July and August Brent has shrunk to just 23 cents contango, from 84 cents in early February.
And, despite a growing caseload from Iraq and Afghanistan, the staff at the Army Review Boards Agency has steadily shrunk.
Alex Trebek is revealing some incredible news … he’s nearing remission and his tumors have shrunk by more than 50 percent!!!
Today, the GOP’s share has fallen to about 30 percent, meaning its direct financial role has shrunk almost by half.
While the telecom sector has shrunk overall in 2017, some analysts see a future for both T-Mobile and Sprint.
While the 21-inch display looks similar to last year’s model, the bezels have been shrunk in all directions slightly.
The big Control and Alt buttons, meanwhile, have been shrunk down, so a new button could be sandwiched between them.
SMOOTH EARTH: If shrunk to a few inches across, Earth would feel as smooth as a billiard-hall cue ball.
Since peaking in 1979, American manufacturing employment has shrunk by a third — a loss of more than 7 million jobs.
NYSE’s share of equity trading has shrunk from 72% to 24% in a decade; off-exchange venues account for 36%.
The number of seats the BJP is projected to win in the Lok Sabha has shrunk by around a third.
Ellen DeGeneres: Some of my ED by Ellen adult clothing got put in the dryer for too long and shrunk.
The result is that a once yawning gap between death rates for blacks and whites has shrunk by two-thirds.
A tumbling birth rate and the emigration of 903m Poles to other European Union countries has shrunk the labour supply.
BURST BUBBLE Hit by oversupply, cobalt prices have shrunk from above $153,000 per tonne in late 2018 to around $25,000.
Romania has shrunk its budget and current account deficits under a series of IMF-led aid deals during 2009-2015.
ISIS-held territory in Iraq has shrunk from more than 40 percent of the country to less than 10 percent.
The new watch isn’t «edge to edge» as some early leaks put it, but the bezel size has shrunk considerably.
Brazil’s primary budget deficit target for this year is 139 billion reais, but a weaker economic recovery has shrunk revenue.
President Obama became president when GDP growth in America shrunk to alarmingly similar levels to that of the Great Depression.
And there continue to be other troubling trends: Arctic sea ice this year shrunk to its second lowest level ever.
In the past 30 years, the population has shrunk 63 percent because of increased predation by coyotes and black bears.
In the same time span, the percentage households that only have a Costco membership have shrunk from 14.9% to 9.8%.
Apple’s ambition in the space, according to reports, shrunk, and the company narrowed its focus to developing self-driving software.
Its budget has shrunk to around $1 billion from $2.4 billion spent in 2015, a fall of nearly 60 percent.
Deposits fell earlier this year as the government, its revenues shrunk by cheap oil, placed less money with domestic banks.
After that formation, its interior cooled and shrunk, causing seismic activity that researchers say might continue today, according to NASA.
You’re shrunk down to their size and hear their heavily altered voice when you speak to help you get immersed.
Bad news: I accidentally washed a nice wool shirt that I really loved and it shrunk a LOTGood news: pic.twitter.
Companies are also struggling with debt burdens that have ballooned since the financial crisis, even as bottom lines have shrunk.
The long-term GMMA degree of compression has shrunk to 39 index points compared with 69 index points last week.
Clinton’s lead has shrunk compared to the same poll from earlier this month that had her up by 10 points.
The geographical spread of the two «global» banks, HSBC and Citi, has shrunk markedly as they have left many countries.
But the fact that annual revenue in those businesses actually shrunk year-on-year in 2018 does not bode well.
However, current-quarter earnings growth estimates have shrunk to 228 percent, from 22.4 percent at the start of the year.
Since the Soviet Union’s demise the average surface escort of an American carrier has shrunk from six vessels to four.
Sinema has been ahead for most of the year, but McSally has shrunk the Democrat’s lead to just 0.2 points.
The gap isn’t completely gone, but it has certainly shrunk, and maybe the Surface Book 2 will eradicate it altogether.
But fans haven’t shrunk away from expressing their anger at what they viewed as deliberate queerbaiting within The Cursed Child.
This has fostered distrust, allowing anti-immigrant populists to flourish, and shrunk the political space for sensible and compassionate policies.
While the securities industry has shrunk since the 2008 financial crisis, it still remains critical to New York City’s economy.
The too-long eye measured from front to back cannot be «shrunk,» so refractive correction is then a lifelong necessity.
Assets under management shrunk by 16% from their peak in 2015 to $146 billion at the end of last year.
At various times, he has argued that: The footprint of Fannie and Freddie in the mortgage market should be shrunk.
Despite lower energy use, surplus capacity to keep the lights on at times of high demand has shrunk, until recently.
Itaú’s loan book in Argentina shrunk 10.1% in the 12 months ended in September, totaling 8.8 billion reais ($2.19 billion).
The backlog for Odebrecht Engenharia & Construção SA has shrunk to $14 billion, down 50 percent since the end of 2014.
Other auto manufacturers have faced similar slumps in Europe, especially as sales for heavy carbon-emitting diesel cars have shrunk.
» Online reviews are «mostly random and trivial and shrunk to fit the ­hither-and-yon notice of cafeteria-style readers.
The result: The enforcement staff has shrunk by 23 percent, leading to a similar reduction in the number of audits.
A deal among OPEC, Russia and other producers to cut output and drain a crude glut has shrunk oil stockpiles.
Since its peak in 2000, GE’s $410 billion market capitalization has shrunk to $156 billion, down $254 billion (183 percent).
Data for Germany also due on Wednesday is however expected to show that the bloc’s largest economy has shrunk 0.1%.
Jeff Colyer in the GOP primary race for governor shrunk on Thursday after officials discovered a mistake in voting totals.
In 2014, Okjökull lost its status as a glacier because of how much it had shrunk due to climate change.
London time on Thursday, that discount had slightly shrunk down to around 7.3 percent with shares jumping up to £9.97.
Pollsters found that Trump’s lead over Cruz among white evangelicals has shrunk 11 points, standing now at just 9 points.
«I recently went in for my scans and was really happy to learn that the tumor has shrunk,» he says.
Mr. Dumbai, whose demeanor was quiet and reserved even before he had Ebola, has almost shrunk into himself, friends say.
More problematic, some analysts fear that many have simply stopped looking for work as the state’s labor force has shrunk.
Now that the US has withdrawn most of its soldiers from Afghanistan, the DEA’s operational presence has shrunk even more.
Vanderbilt’s roster shrunk to nine this week, when a pair of seldom-used players announced they were quitting the team.
As her star rose and her dresses shrunk, boys, including very famous ones like John Lennon, went wild for her.
But the U.S. and Russia have shrunk their respective arsenals by a combined 55,000 nuclear warheads since the late 1980s.
According to our calculations, outstanding debt shrunk to $550 billion through August, from $720 billion at the end of 2014.
Meanwhile, Amazon’s market share shrunk from 80% to 28% over the same period, while Google’s grew from 19% to 36%.
Hopefully the next time the CDC releases its report, the disparities observed in this report will have shrunk to insignificance.
Between 2014 and July of this year, Putin’s favorables rose 14 points among Republicans, while unfavorables shrunk by 25 points.
Mexico’s response to the spring caravan shrunk the group heading to the US from more than 1,000 to about 300.
Meanwhile, as the special counsel investigation enters critical phases, the president’s personal legal team has shrunk to essentially one person.
The killings shrunk the Herero and Nama from among the biggest groups in the country to two of the smallest.
But Abbas Torkan, a former adviser to Mr. Rouhani, said recently that the middle class had shrunk by 50 percent.
The weakness raises the possibility that the entire Chinese economy may have shrunk in the first quarter of this year.
However, current-quarter earnings growth estimates have shrunk to 343 percent from 5.3 percent at the start of the year.
The lead has shrunk, from four million tons in the late 1990s to three million tons today, in rough numbers.
High fees, a glut of race options and competition from other fitness activities have shrunk the fields at many races.
But our routine has shrunk, and anxiety for the people we love and the world and the vulnerable is huge.
Worldwide poverty has decreased; many diseases have been eradicated; the frequency of war has lessened, and its scale has shrunk.
And the cast has been shrunk to a select 10, who occasionally amuse themselves by flirting with the front row.
I checked with Uber and confirmed that the policy had changed — the UberPOOL cancellation window has shrunk to two minutes.
Britain&aposs armed forced have shrunk every year for the last nine years, amid a struggle to recruit new troops.
Analysts polled by Reuters had expected the index to have shrunk by 26.5%, the second straight month of outright declines.
Its order backlog shrunk $7.4 billion at the end of last year from $9.6 billion at the end of 2018.
At the same time, the space occupied by liberalism itself has shrunk to the point where it’s difficult to locate.
Shrunk down from the big tent of the Reagan era to little more than Democratic castoffs from fifty years ago.
Instead, many of the existing bone-marrow lesions had shrunk, as had some of the damage in the runners’ cartilage.
But since the 20173s the lake’s water supply has shrunk by over 90%, according to the United Nations Environment Programme.
The American deficit has shrunk, oil exporters’ surpluses have dwindled and central banks everywhere have dramatically expanded their balance-sheets.
But that cushion has shrunk considerably in recent months because of a flurry of outages in Venezuela, Libya and Canada.
Yet for half of all Americans, their share of the total economic pie has shrunk significantly, new research has found.
Before Mr. Trump, social media had shrunk the universe of news to a handful of preferred stories picked by peers.
Analysts polled by Reuters had expected the index to have shrunk by 22019%, the second straight month of outright declines.
While presidents have shrunk monuments created by their predecessors, no court has decided whether that is allowed under the law.
A senior scientist showed me how much a glacier near the research station had shrunk during his 20 years there.
ETSU’s nine-point halftime lead shrunk to seven twice early in the second half before it went on a run.
It turned out to be a statue of the Shanghai-born basketball star Yao Ming, shrunk to about five feet.
Those plans are likely to see the bank’s U.S. equities business shrunk to a skeleton operation, Reuters reported this month.
As recently as 2013, traders could pocket millions of dollars on a single trade but that has shrunk to about $750,000.
This «structural adjustment» was painful: employment shrivelled and, by the end of the decade, income per person had shrunk by 19853%.
Two polls in August and September showed Clinton with just a 12-point lead, which has shrunk in the months since.
ZTE shrunk the Axon 7 just a tad, making it shorter and a bit thinner when compared to last year’s model.
But rather than wait for the developing world’s network infrastructure to increase bandwidth, Facebook shrunk its app into a Lite version.
It was eroding heavily—shrunk to 280 acres, half its size—and they were wondering whether to replenish it with sand.
Technology has shrunk our world in remarkable ways, but if speed and connectivity displace substance and meaning, we lose civic value.
The field shrunk considerably throughout the day, from 490 down to 50 finalists who are competing for the $50,000 cash jackpot.
The new measurements indicate that the storm has shrunk by a third in width and an eighth in height since 1979.
In fact, today’s jobs report shows that manufacturing jobs shrunk to just 8.483 percent of all U.S. jobs, a new low.
In fact, today’s jobs report shows that manufacturing jobs shrunk to just 8.48 percent of all U.S. jobs, a new low.
The IRS blames budget cuts as money for the agency shrunk from $217 billion in 20.49 to $20103 billion last year.
The population of cheetahs has shrunk to an estimated 9,000-12,000 worldwide compared with about 100,000 in 1900, zoo officials said.
The second set of scans (group B), taken January 21, show that many of the white patches either shrunk or disappeared. 

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Emanuel Kuhn

Score: 4.6/5
(70 votes)

1. The suit has shrunk out of shape. 2. The sweater had shrunk after repeated washing.

What does it mean to be shrunk?

shrank, often, shrunk; shrunk shrunk•en; shrink•ing; v.i. 1. to contract or lessen in size: cloth that shrinks if washed. 2. to become reduced in extent, compass, or value. 3. to draw back; recoil: to shrink from danger. 4. to cause to shrink or contract; reduce.

Is has shrunk correct?

For the irregular verbs shrink and sink, the simple past tense is «He shrank the material and sank the boat.» The past participle is the form of the verb used in the present perfect tense, which shows action completed at the time of speaking: «He has shrunk and has sunk.» Thus, the natural progression is shrink-shrank- …

Is it has shrunk or has shrunken?

These were the recommended American forms: “shrink” as the present tense; “shrank” or “shrunk” as the past tense; “shrunk” or “shrunken” as the past participle (the form used in perfect tenses, requiring an auxiliary like “have” or “had”). … They accept “shrunk” solely as a past participle.

Is shrunk an adjective?

SHRUNKEN (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

40 related questions found

Is shrunken a participle?

a past participle of shrink.

How do you use shrunk?

Generally, shrank is the simple past tense form of «shrink» like in «I shrank the shirt in the wash.» Shrunk is the past participle being paired with «have» as in «I have shrunk the jeans.» There are rarer examples of shrinked and shrunken in literature but not enough to support those usages as standard.

How do you use shrank in a sentence?

He began slumping over again, and his iron ball shrank back to a hand.

  1. The dog shrank into the corner in fear.
  2. Their profits shrank by 4% last year.
  3. The dress shrank when I washed it.
  4. The trousers shrank when I washed them, but they weren’t really big enough in the first place.

What type of word is shrunk?

a past participle and simple past tense of shrink.

Is it sunk or sank?

Sank is the past tense of the word sink. … Sunk is the past participle for of the word sink. The submarine has sunk before.

Is shrink regular or irregular verb?

Irregular verb: To Shrink.

How do you use shrink in a sentence?

Shrink sentence example

  1. She wanted to shrink away and hide. …
  2. He’s much better now and it’s not just the shrink he’s seeing. …
  3. The look on his face made her shrink back from him. …
  4. He saw men shrink from him on all sides. …
  5. Deidre resisted the urge to shrink back as she turned.

How do you use shrink back in a sentence?

pull away from a source of disgust or fear.

  1. Meredith was scared of him and shrank back.
  2. He shrank back against the wall.
  3. The children shrank back from him in revulsion.
  4. I shrank back into the shadows.
  5. She shrank back in terror.
  6. Julie shrank back against the wall and held her breath.

What is sentence of shrink?

1. Your sweater will shrink if you wash it at too high a temperature. 2. Washing wool in hot water will shrink it.

What are examples of past participles?

Past participle

Past participles formed from irregular verbs may have endings like -en, -t, -d, and -n. Examples include swollen, burnt, hoped, and broken. Some past participles remain the same as the base forms of irregular verbs, like set and cut. Past participles can also function as adjectives that modify nouns.

What is German shrunk?

A German shrunk….. refers to a highly decorative piece of furniture that combines aspects of a curio, clothing wardrobe and a cabinet. They are made from light coloured oak wood and they come in various shapes and sizes.

What is the nearest meaning of shrink?

Some common synonyms of shrink are compress, condense, constrict, contract, and deflate. While all these words mean «to decrease in bulk or volume,» shrink implies a contracting or a loss of material and stresses a falling short of original dimensions. the sweater will shrink when washed.

Does recess mean shrink?

As verbs the difference between recess and shrink

is that recess is to inset into something, or to recede while shrink is to cause to become smaller.

What does shink mean?

shinkverb. to pour or serve wine or beer, to skink. Etymology: From schenken, schenchen, from scencan. Related to skink.

Which is the closest antonym for the word shrink?

antonyms for shrink

  • develop.
  • enlarge.
  • expand.
  • extend.
  • grow.
  • increase.
  • lengthen.
  • raise.

Is it dreamed or have Dreamt?

Dreamed and dreamt are both acceptable past tense forms of dream. Dreamed follows the pattern of regular verbs, ending with «-ed» while dreamt is irregular. Often the irregular, or «strong,» form of a word gives way and is replaced by the normalized form, but both dreamt and dreamed are still in use.

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