Sentence with the word shocking

Synonym: disgraceful, lurid, scandalous, shameful. Similar words: shock, shocked, after shock, electric shock, fucking, checking, alive and kicking, hockey. Meaning: [‘ʃɑkɪŋ /’ʃɒk-]  adj. 1. glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism 2. giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation. 

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1. She took pleasure in shocking her parents.

2. The anger in his face was shocking.

3. His attitude was shocking to her.

4. Shocking crimes are now on the upswing.

5. He gave a very vivid and often shocking account/description of his time in prison.

6. Shocking revelations about their private life appeared in the papers.

7. My memory is shocking.

8. It is shocking that they involved children in the crime.

9. I was greeted by a shocking sight.

10. He seems to enjoy shocking people.

11. The house was left in a shocking state.

12. What a shocking state of affairs!

13. She enjoys shocking people by saying outrageous things.

14. I’ve got a shocking cold.

15. We felt curious how she received the shocking news.

16. He takes an impish delight in shocking the press.

17. The media coverage was shocking.

18. His remarks were quite shocking unrepeatable, in fact.

19. The shocking revelations caused quite a storm.

20. Her racy stories can be rather shocking.

21. The news came as a shocking blow.

22. It is shocking that nothing was said.

23. It’s shocking how students can’t spell these days.

24. The house is in a shocking state of repair.

25. The food here is shocking.

26. The path was in a shocking state .

27. The motive for this shocking attack seems to be racial hatred.

28. What she did was so shocking that I can hardly describe it.

29. In the exhibition,(sentence dictionary) abstract paintings are juxtaposed with shocking photographs.

30. It was an act of violence that she found alien and shocking.

More similar words: shock, shocked, after shock, electric shock, fucking, checking, alive and kicking, hockey, check in, king, liking, parking, kingdom, ranking, banking, Lurking, shaking, milking, striking, franking, breaking, working out, shrieking, shooting, parking lot, cooking oil, smoking gun, working hour, slingshot, hardworking. 

отвратительный, очень, копнение


- отвратительный, гадкий; скандальный

shocking behaviour [familiarity] — отвратительное поведение [-ая фамильярность]
shocking to the laws — неприемлемый с точки зрения закона

- потрясающий; ужасающий

shocking cruelty — возмутительная жестокость
the shocking news of his death — страшная /ужасная/ весть о его смерти

- разг. плохой, дрянной, ужасный

shocking dinner [voice, weather] — ужасный обед [голос, -ая погода]
the shocking way they spell — их потрясающая безграмотность

- эмоц.-усил. очень сильный, ужасный

a shocking cold [coward] — ужасный холод [трус]


- эмоц.-усил. очень

a shocking bad play — очень плохая пьеса
a shocking bad taste — потрясающая безвкусица
she carried on something shocking — она устроила дикую сцену


- копнение, укладка снопов в копны

Мои примеры


the most shocking book of its time — самая шокирующая книга своего времени  
dreadful / horrible / shocking accident — ужасная авария, страшная катастрофа  
shocking / startling news — ошеломляющие известия  
shocking weather — отвратительная погода  
a shocking bad cold — ужасный холод  
shocking dose — ударная [разрешающая] доза  
shocking pasteurizer — крактковременная пастеризация  
shocking behaviour — отвратительное поведение  
shocking dinner — ужасный обед  
shocking tale — скандальная история  
a shocking coward — ужасный трус  

Примеры с переводом

The path was in a shocking state.

Дорога была в ужасающем состоянии.

He seems to enjoy shocking people.

Кажется, ему нравится шокировать людей.

The anger in his face was shocking.

В гневе его лицо было страшным.

I’ve got a shocking cold.

Я жутко простыл.

It is shocking to read of such crimes.

Как ужасно читать о таких преступлениях.

Shocking news can cause a person to fall into a faint.

Шокирующая новость может заставить человека упасть в обморок.

The building is in a shocking state.

Здание находится в ужасающем состоянии.

ещё 8 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

This show zaps the viewers with some shocking scenes

It’s shocking that hospitals can deny help to older people.

Reporters made the shocking discovery that the governor had been unfaithful to his wife.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

shock  — ударный, шоковый, шокировать, потрясать, шок, удар, потрясение, толчок
shocker  — бульварный роман, дешевый бульварный роман, амортизатор
shockingly  — потрясающе
shocked  — потрясенный

Shocking is an Australian bred Thoroughbred racehorse, trained by Mark Kavanagh, who won the 149th Melbourne Cup on 3 November 2009 by three-quarters of a length. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

gets under your skin and stays there thanks to the go-for-broke performances from the cast (Lawrence is on fire here), a screenplay that careens wildly between being totally unknowable and thuddingly obvious, and one of the most shocking acts of violence I’ve ever seen in a major studio movie.


This hardly transforms the GTE, though: it accelerates in a purposeful rather than shocking manner, just as it does in its more efficient default mode.


As someone who works in STEM and whose SO has patents, it’s also shocking to me how little author’s value their own IP.


A descent into depravity far more shocking than funny that’s morally-objectionable in part for all.


OxygenOS has four different colors to choose from (including the default blue accent), but the color selection is a bit unorthodox, with pastel hues and a shocking lack of primary colors like red, an accent color the community has been requesting for months.


Australian director Ben Young’s directorial debut is a shocking kidnapping thriller for the ages, one that finds Vicki (Ashleigh Cummings) trapped in the bedroom of a serial killers couple in a neighboring town (Emma Booth and Stephen Curry).


He drapes the film in waves of thick, palpable tension, then punctures them with shocking bursts of gore and brutality.


Her latest video is raising awareness about the shocking number of women sexually assaulted on college campuses.


This accidental, shocking death was a truly shattering experience for the mother, not only because of the circumstances of that day but also because of the circumstances of her past.


We found that last statistic to be particularly shocking.


Moffat’s penchant for slightly over-the-top melodrama is tempered by a healthy dose of dry wit and the performances of Sherlock «s excellent cast, and despite some of the shocking events that take place the episode still feels nicely grounded.»


As with similar bills that were proposed in various states throughout 2011, and failed, the motivation is clearly to prevent abuses of farm animals and workers from being documented by undercover investigations — as happened in shocking detail a number of times in the past 12 months, and has been the case for many years.


This is now the shocking landscape for ordinary working people and their families after four years of this government.»


This would be a heartbreaking and shocking way to end the film, but it would set up an obscene level of anticipation for Avengers 4.


This month we received post about negative campaigning from the Lib Dems and shocking election results on the Isle of Wight


One player that put in a shocking performance was # 30m signing Moussa Sissoko.


Those are some shocking numbers, but perhaps even scarier is this: on Halloween night, some people will consume 640-1280 calories from candy during a four-hour trick-or-treating time period.


It’s just shocking when it’s someone you have met and become even a little fond of.


«Various conservative Christian leaders have united with the Cornwall Alliance for the release of a shocking new 12-part DVD series, «Resisting The Green Dragon,» that attempts to debase and discredit the environmental movement by portraying it as «one of the greatest deceptions of our day» that is «seducing your children» and «striving to put America and the world under its destructive control.


Making a toilet sculpture was shocking to me.


The discrepancy was shocking, but the story would get stranger still.


The comments criticizing this young man are shocking and appalling.


I’ve never heard anybody completely shocking themselves to the point of anything super.


Deb Stellas, President of Zoi’s Rescue of Claremore and clinic manager of SPAY OK has noted that animal relinquishments by families in crisis have reached shocking numbers, and that these animals become at-risk of abuse, abandonment and starvation when desperate owners have no place to turn.


It’s provoking, it may be shocking, sometimes even ridiculed.


It’s not too shocking because most people in these countries are addicted to fast food and living high-stress lifestyles with little sleep.


Probably the most shocking thing about Lionel Messi’s proposed transfer from Barcelona, rather than the actual idea of him leaving Catalonia, was the sheer cost of the deal needed to prise him away.


This week, The New York Times published a shocking report, saying the they obtained documents that confirmed that The Pentagon has spent millions investigating UFOs.


«But going into those houses — it was shocking.


The popular Japanese sleeper hinged on the conflict between a national character of reticence and the individual expression of one man’s yearning, so shocking even to himself that he keeps the innocent excitement of learning to dance — and the stimulation of new society — a guilty secret from his wife.


Parker Gallant: I recently reviewed the cost of wind and solar generation relative to its contribution to Ontario’s demand for electricity and its impact on our electricity costs is shocking.


The wide variety of weapons and combat styles is expanded by the possibility of combine items to create even more powerful and shocking weapons, like a sword fish launcher or an electric axe.


Mixing art historical references with images taken from the internet, their subject matter knows no limits: from icons of popular culture such as Roy Orbison to much admired paintings of the past such as Georges Seurat’s Bathers at Asnières (1884); from the lonesome cowboys in a Steven Spielberg film to the shocking photographs of Mexican photographer, Enrique Metinides.


But it really is not that shocking to anyone who has followed the life and beliefs of Joseph Ratzinger.


In the wake of Trump’s shocking primary victory, Heaney is also running as «a businessman and political outsider not beholden to special interests.»


«To call it horriffic or shocking those are just too common to describe the total filth in this house,» Polk Sheriff Grady Judd said Thursday night.


When Firth’s character bit the dust in 2015, I sat up in my chair for an action film that had the guts to make such a bold and shocking move.


Although it’s not shocking based on what we’ve [seen], but it’s the big takeaway.


Since the lib always gets 99 % of the gumba soprano mobster/union city contract manipulating breaking knee caps dumping bodies & wan na be gangster vote in New York, this is quite shocking.


Giroud will be relieved to have found the net after a couple of shocking misses, also from Ozil crosses, in Arsenal’s 1-1 draw with North London rivals Tottenham Hotspur prior to the international break.


In this article, the major credit bureaus make a shocking admission: Your credit monitoring service will not alert you if an identity thief uses your Social Security Number with someone else’s name.


Taylor Tomasi Hill is the redheaded street style star behind the massive eTailer Moda Operandi, so it isn’t shocking that we would look to her for some sartorial inspiration.


Broken but undeterred, he comes upon a shocking discovery: within the coded pages of a mysterious crimson book, annotated in Newton’s own handwriting, is an explosive revelation.


But when I got to the grocery store I spotted a sale on chicken drumsticks for a shocking $ 0.59 / lb.


He is the type of manager who can make the most shocking decisions ever.


And the result is enjoyably creepy, keeping the audience off-balance with a plot that’s impossible to predict and plenty of shocking mayhem along the way.


You wrote, in reply to Brian, in part: «It’s shocking how many Realtors today think that the deposit is the consideration — don’t deliver it?


The most shocking part of Kim’s childhood for me was when they left the final house they lived in before their parents moved into a hotel and found out that a man had been living in their attic.


Museums are seen as fairly boring places, so having a shocking or highly controversial work of art in an exhibition may help to draw crowds.


«If you don’t know what to expect, or especially if you are expecting that sort of «Hollywood» version of the doll-perfect newborn, seeing and examining your baby for the first time can be quite shocking to some parents — and even cause some serious anxiety attacks,» says Tia Hubbard, MD, nursery pediatrician at the University of California at San Diego Medical Center.


You would be surprised how shocking that can be

Sammy sat behind a cheap desk wearing a shocking pin-stripe suit

After that the rest of the damage didn’t take too long and nothing was quite as shocking as seeing the Bechstein shattered down the middle by a tattooed gorilla with a baseball bat

rather than absolute shocking blue revelation

Her head was awash with the thrill of shocking the good citizens of

1963, you’ll recall how shocking and sad it was

took hold of the fence, it was a shocking experience

think that’s shocking ask yourself how another maiden aunt of this

Melodies are betrayed by shocking timing

All that matters now is that he is there, in the storm with her, shielding her as best he can from the driving winds and rain of shocking fortune

Not shocking though, he could

impression that this was not shocking news to Alistair either

In order to bring the point to a speedy decision, they have always recourse to the loudest clamour, and sometimes to the most shocking violence and outrage

This may sound shocking to you, but the

«Something shocking that’s yet to be discovered, basically the wind sways the stem too and fro and this builds up a charge in the flower

Of inspiration was depressing; almost shocking: Maybe she could masturbate in front

Amityville Horror this tale isn’t, but it was shocking enough that it lived on in our collective family memory where it remained firmly lodged as a mystery

The rest of the journal, was even more shocking than the realization that I had an angel for a parent

Xonia was murdered this morning,” Zarko replied, not knowing how else to convey the shocking message

He thereby really ticked off the predominant Church authorities of the time in Europe and in general scared the willies out of many of the common folk who got wind of the shocking news

He wasn’t sure if it was the knowing grin the stranger wore or those shocking eyes of his or the feeling that he truly did know who he was and what he was after – and not just the mere location of the two Bretons at present

Zarko paled at the shocking news and he couldn’t believe what he had just heard

She needed to prepare her family gradually for the shocking news

It induced a state of shocking retrieval of her past – memories she’d wished she had buried for good: those selfish, inconsiderate acts

After thousands of years, the shocking beauty of Cupid’s wings never faded

The outburst at this statement would have gone to astronomical proportions had Mars not chosen that moment to begin laughing out loud, shocking the hall to silence

Rogan followed Sebastian’s gaze, his face turning a shocking gray color before he looked at the floor, horrified by the situation and the audience that was there to witness it

Yet – despite the foreboding – what happened next was no less shocking: the child’s face changed colour, to a lifeless grey, metallic grey

Only, what happened seemed all the more shocking

It was not so shocking when Monique had seen her mother, because she’d hardly seen her since her parent’s divorce shortly after her nineteenth birthday

With his looks, anything less than a gargantuan ego would have been shocking

But one voice broke through the commotion loud and clear, shocking them all: it was Nutylla Parfinn screaming “Soapy!” as she vaulted off Dorro’s wagon

The battle scene itself was shocking

Such a topsy-turvy state of society was shocking

McKee squinted his eyes at the sudden glare, looking down at a shocking red splash that covered the front of his white corded jumper

“It is certainly shocking that he roughed up an innocent child,” agreed Em

death, or came to the shocking realization that they were part of the myth, and set

Clippings from the national newspaper were shocking for their obvious lack of objectivity and racist slant, leaving would-be tourists with the conviction that only in Limon was there danger, black muggers lurking in alleys waiting to slice their throats

Mike Henderson and recently made the shocking discovery that he was none other than the son of Gordon’s new lady friend – and that complicated matters considerably

General Tyrpledge rolled his eyes in an almost shocking expression of unadulterated lack of esteem

It was shocking to see the Great White Owl

Even during the so-called swinging sixties, it was considered rather shocking for an unmarried couple to live together

AJ tapped my shoulder with a wide mouthed smile and said, “Yo Phil, they ought to call him Shock Socks, cuz he’s shocking the hell out of me with his sewer socks

It’s very shocking to me to observe how the same description has, or has not, sense depending on the knowledge applied to their interpretation and how today with the information available and the ease of finding it, anyone could make a more accurate comparison than any done in previous centuries

And, as crazy as it sounds, I was about to allow them to re-enter our lives again, both emotionally and financially, and watch, powerless to change anything really, as the shocking consequences of Adam and Susan‘s insane behaviors dramatically impacted the lives of their children

several shocking story headlines on the homeless situation in Ameri-

The chronological record was so shocking in its point by point portrayal of my nieces and nephews‘ lives that I wanted to throw it away

‖ That I would be considered a stranger was shocking to me, but what concerned me much more was that his speech was so bad I had a hard time understanding him

It was until after the shocking mess my sister, Michele, got into trying to help the boy that I knew Keith was beyond anything I could do for him, and that his best chance had to be left in the hands of the professionals

One of the most shocking bits of Leftist destruction, I can recall, was the killing of JFK in Dallas

What a change! It’s shocking to see how the state of the mind reflects so dramatically on one’s looks and attractiveness

To hear those words from his mouth was shocking

Orphenn paled, and became almost numb with his shocking thought, a

If you are stunned it is not because this is new and shocking information, it is because you will never hear these words from the puppet behind the pulpit

shocking was that feathers had sprouted all about his skin, golden like his wings

I can assure you that I am not shooting from the hip here, like Rambo… You only need the bible to prove this shocking statement!

If you though we have exhausted the shocking events with regards our remains, then I apologise, because like the advertisement on TV says: But wait, there’s more…

Now I had to test my shocking little speech to see if it worked

The shocking news whipped the press into a serious frenzy

is the shocking proclamation of the nineteenth century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche

Views such as Singer and others of his persuasion profess may be shocking to many Americans, as well as to many of their fellow scientists, but not to the administrative hierarchy of Princeton University

Though none was more shocking than Brandon asking me to move to New York to be with him

It was as shocking as it was painful

The most shocking revelation was the second statement “now a former paramedic

” He said shocking me “What do you mean?” I asked,

According to the news item, «Although a handful of survivors fled the Coptic city, the majority died … Heavily armed State’s Spawn murdered countless Copts … The SS marauders also ignited numerous fires, which killed hundreds of thousands of Copts … It was a shocking massacre—much worse than the recent inferno that razed an inner-city slum to the ground

And given the recent shocking allegations of sexual

For Roger, this shocking revelation came at a very significant moment

To the shocking surprise of the many people present who were not aware of Roger’s and Josie’s situation, Josie turned to Agatha in tears for consolation

shocking and disgusting things could I have experienced? What’s

And it felt shocking – even though he had been doing

without having to do something shocking and that

“After we sent the warning to the leaders of the world last night, with the haste you suggested, astounding events ensued with shocking and sudden rapidity

equally shocking is the fact that we are all helping to pay for it

Lucy decided it was probably pretty shocking

David was the first to recover from the shocking news, “Hey man, why didn’t you tell us that you were engaged?” He said punching Ryan’s arm

“There it is!” he shouted, shocking Youssaf out of his reverie of disgust

What is shocking however, is the number of productive citizens who have chosen to accept King Renem’s offer of relocation to Venak, though few of them expected to find themselves conscripted upon arrival, and their possessions seized

“Two hundred and seventy-six years ago I made a shocking discovery

His close appearance was shocking, as it came only twenty-one seconds after Holanam had triggered their last Translocation

It was shocking to see how few the number of the righteous churches

She stood next to Johan and gripped his shoulder, trying to ease the sudden and shocking outpouring of black grief from his mind

Shocking too he could name any as his friends, remembering as she did so keenly what he had done to them

“There it is!” he shouted, shocking Youssaf out of his reverie

No, more than that, it is shocking

Money, money, money…It’s shocking how you can’t turn around in a church these days without knocking into a stack of money

Perhaps a warning that this is imminent can be seen with the reception given the shocking claims of Philip Schneider

the face with their shocking cold

She could remember so little yet in her dreams a sudden and shocking image of herself would often appear

Shocking the powdered form of one gram

This can be a little unnerving, even shocking and painful

It is Uncle Ted who comes to school that day to tell her the shocking news

It was very shocking to have this sudden sensation of

As you can see, by this shocking footage, the diner’s owner Marvin “The Spatula” Salvatore, as he is known on the street, displayed quite the violent temper earlier today when we visited his run down establishment

headlines such as shocking ones, something that your customers can relate

Use ‘shocking’ in a sentence | ‘shocking’ example sentences

1- This book was shocking yet thought provoking.

2- First hand experience of real poverty is shocking .

3- I learned something you may find absolutely shocking .

4- Its contents are shocking in many ways.

5- No compromise was possible with such shocking public immorality.

6- The results are shocking and totally unexpected.

7- This decision was generally regarded as shocking .

8- The most shocking export figures concern butter.

9- Those numbers may end up shocking families.

10- The medical stories are all pretty shocking .

11- The whole attitude of drivers nowadays is shocking .

12- There are enough shocking moments and violent acts .

13- The black hole of research funding is shocking .

14- The results are nothing less than shocking .

15- I guarantee a shocking twist next week!

16- The book is entertaining and sometimes shocking .

17- One ” shocking ” detail is true, however.

18- This alleged professional’s behavior is shocking .

19- Never said anything more shocking , never said anything more offensive.

20- Online glitch gives Delta shoppers shocking discount fares .

21- These made good shocking machines if nothing else.

22- What came out was a shocking revelation.

23- IMO human sacrifice is used for shocking the audience.

24- Who was capable of this shocking act?

25- Muslim silence over the destruction is shocking .

26- This is a shocking and disturbing catastrophe.

27- The speed of the venom taking effect was shocking .

28- A mere couple of decades might bring a shocking surprise.

29- A truly shocking story but a must read.

30- The scale of the crisis is shocking .

31- This is a very dark and shocking truth.

32- These well known but rarely discussed historical facts are shocking .

33- The sight in the house was shocking .

34- The most shocking murder occurs shortly after.

35- These events are usually shocking and with photographic quality.

36- The picture of the giant animal is shocking .

37- It is shocking how quickly time flies.

38- It was shocking – and a pleasure!

39- It was such an interesting idea – a genuinely shocking twist. His nonsensical behavior is shocking.

40- His rudeness during the party was quite shocking to the other guests.

41- The electric eel’s shocking power is so great that it can overtake its victims while 15 feet away.

42- The news of the minister’s arrest for drunken driving was quite shocking to the members of his church.

43- The electric eel’s shocking power is so strong that it can overtake its victims from up to 15 feet away.

44- In many countries around the world, isolating children at bedtime is considered inappropriate and even shocking.

45- In the past, eating in public was a shocking breach of manners in Japan, though of course it is very common nowadays.

46- Clinton slammed Trump’s remarks saying they were “shocking rhetoric.”

47- We gave away penalties and our discipline was shocking, said Robshaw.

48- “Because it’s shocking and it’s real, that’s the scary part about it.

49- Given this history, Tyson Fury’s provocations might seem less shocking.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 –
Related Words:
shoals – shoat – shoats – shock – shocked – shocker – shockers – shocking – shockingly – shockproof – shocks – shod – shodden) – shoddier – shoddies –

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Learn and study English with lots of free online and interactive exercises, games, tests, quiz and activities. All these English teaching activities are designed according to the needs of ELT Esl learning and teaching.

We found 2000 ‘shocking’ sentence examples to help you understand how to use shocking in a sentence.

  • With striking parallels to Job, the shocking, and ultimate scandalous question remains.
  • But what’s more shocking is the apparent change in him.
  • Brenner writes about it as though he uncovered the greatest and most shocking secret in history.
  • It seems as if every day, some shocking news item is being reported relating to the U.
  • This may occur shocking to you but that is what exactly what makes it all the more special.
  • This was totally shocking when I read this part.
  • Follow Mina around twists and turns, ups and downs, all the way to the shocking resolution.
  • It’s shocking to say the least and I would highly recommend it.
  • The most shocking part to me was the fish.
  • But the most shocking of all, is Almanzo Wilder’s sudden interest in young Laura.
  • I find your offer shocking and here is real data to prove why.
  • It didn’t have an very shocking ending, but I was pleased with the way things turned out.
  • Angels and Demons is shocking.
  • The tale is so shocking and unbelievable, it’s amazing it was non fiction.
  • Yep, park food that tastes good, shocking.
  • She’s has a wild spirit and enjoys shocking the students as well as fellow teachers.
  • Never as exciting as the first two, even though something shocking always happens in them.
  • If you love suspense, you will love this story which has shocking ending.
  • Also Carrie finds out some shocking information about Camille.
  • I really recomend it because it keeps the pages turing until the very ending with a shocking ending.
  • The ending was so shocking, I had to re read it a few times to truly understand what was happening.
  • Twists, dead ends, and shocking reveals are the name of the game.
  • The shocking thing is the price of the normal drinks.
  • Shocking what men could inflict upon their wives and slaves.
  • A week later there is no bruising whatsoever shocking.
  • The evils unearthed within their command center are sobering and shocking.
  • The food is great but the service is shocking.
  • She finds shocking letters from a Queen Bee that vividly leaves nothing to the imagination.
  • The family is Jewish and Meyers carved out a spectacular story that was shocking and informative.
  • Caitlyn is brash and shocking at times.
  • The story dribbles out a vagely disturbing event here and there, but offers nothing truly shocking.
  • Shocking, I know, but so much better than the movie.
  • The slaugh COOL the crowing VERY COOL the denial A LITTLE shocking.
  • It’s shocking to read some of the outrageous things than men will do in order to get off.
  • Shocking to get this quality of meal for such a reasonable price.
  • Not for the faint of heart, some chapters are quite shocking.
  • Because no matter how shocking and horrible, Bobo survived and thrived in Central Africa.
  • This is Vegas so this shouldnt be shocking.
  • She is met by her sponsor Rosa years later and finds the most shocking news of her entire life.
  • It wasn’t a shocking revelation like I think the author was going for, but it didn’t matter.
  • A classic, at once shocking and endearing.
  • The ending is very shocking.
  • Usually the literary imagination can take a shocking incident and craft an even better story of it.
  • The potential value of your home can be shocking.
  • The number one thing about this place that was shocking is the quality of ingredients they use.
  • I really was expecting something shocking to happen.
  • A shocking fact in how much prices have increased in 20 years because of inflation.
  • Another shocking fact is how the life span of fortune 500 companies is only like 45 years.
  • It’s different and shocking and brave.
  • Even more shocking was that I bought a small part I was going to add myself when I got home.
  • That’s what makes June’s suicide just a week before her graduation so shocking.
  • Shocking with Lots of gore, excitement, and suspense.
  • They have gluten free options, which is shocking for a pizza place but really commendable.
  • It is by turns fascinating, astounding, shocking, hilarious, and revolting.
  • So to Addison, coming to the club is nothing shocking, just a way out.
  • The most shocking personality is snoopy.
  • Theending was shocking.
  • The events that caused the apocalypse are shocking when they are revealed.
  • Nah, it’s just a memoir and there really isn’t anything too shocking or scandalous here.
  • I understand that human trafficking occurs at shocking rates in this world, as does murder.
  • Was the content that shocking.
  • You felt for her as secrets came out and her shocking past was revealed.
  • After a shocking incident many years ago, I insist on ‘solid’ taps if I have to use a splitter.
  • The stories of this royal princess regarding women’s lives in Saudi are shocking.
  • Amy Tam gives shocking insight into Chinese culture in the 20th century.
  • The dessert menu was also shocking bread pudding, chocolate cake, icecream.
  • Wow, a shocking revelation there.
  • What is shocking is how much food you get for such a low price.
  • Shocking how beyond horrible the customer service was.
  • A shocking last minute revelation.
  • It took about forty minutes to get our pizza, which was shocking since they were not busy at all.
  • It wasn’t such a shocking to see.
  • Full of twists, shocking revelations, unexpected information and constant surprises.
  • It had more than a few shocking moments, with the ending being the worst of them all.
  • I rarely give reviews on Yelp, but I feel I must after the shocking incident this evening.
  • All of the shocking revelations had my head spinning.
  • This was shocking compared to the other dishes because there was lots of flavor.
  • There are deaths in the book, shocking ones, sad ones, right from the beginning of the book.
  • This is solid homemade stuff and a shocking find for any fans of good Mexican cooking.
  • However, as a sexual fantasy, it is a fun read and only shocking to the sexually naive.
  • Headache statistics in United States are shocking.
  • So incredibly interesting and shocking.
  • His is the art of the perfect sentence, the perfect, surprising, shocking word.
  • The shocking price tag on this continental breakfast was $16 incredible.
  • Isabel Gillies tells an honest story about the shocking demise of her marriage.
  • His character is embossed by a lot of shocking experiences.
  • The portrait they paint is uniformly negative, almost to the point of being shocking.
  • Sad, shocking, scary, love as always, loning.
  • So Prime Intellect does exactly that and the implications are both shocking and interesting.
  • Making him the puppet master of a hologram President isn’t much of a shocking plot twist.
  • There are many shocking surprises before the storyline reaches its powerful conclusion.
  • His attack is shocking and his examples based on pure vendetta.
  • It was shocking how great the windows looked.
  • It’s short, sharp and shocking, and will frighten even the most sceptical realist.
  • They also have an absolutely shocking wine cellar.
  • Gone are the days when seeing someone in their nickers is shocking.
  • The contrast between Molly Allgood as a young actress and Molly as an aging alcoholic is shocking.
  • Ho hum, not your usual shocking King novel but satisfying nonetheless.
  • Adding to his stress is a shocking revelation from Derrick about Lukas.
  • I’m going to make him nastier and more shocking than any other you’ve read about.

Other Words: Shocked, Shop Assistant, Shoulder Pole, Shoved, Shopping Carts, Short End Of The Stick, Shortwaves, Short Snouted, Showed, Shoed, Shoppings, Showed Up, Shopping Trolleys, Shoer, Shoor, Should Be, Short Novel, Shoveller, Show Itself, Shopping Mall

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