Sentence with the word shift

Synonym: alter, change, substitute, vary. Similar words: lift, drift, fifty, fifth, gifted, fifteen, gift shop, shit. Meaning: [ʃɪft]  n. 1. an event in which something is displaced without rotation 2. a qualitative change 3. the time period during which you are at work 4. the act of changing one thing or position for another 5. the act of moving from one place to another 6. (geology) a crack in the earth’s crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other 7. a crew of workers who work for a specific period of time 8. the key on the typewriter keyboard that shifts from lower-case letters to upper-case letters 9. a woman’s sleeveless undergarment 10. a loose-fitting dress hanging straight from the shoulders without a waist. v. 1. make a shift in or exchange of 2. change place or direction 3. move around 4. move very slightly 5. move from one setting or context to another 6. change in quality 7. move and exchange for another 8. move sideways or in an unsteady way 9. move abruptly 10. use a shift key on a keyboard 11. change phonetically as part of a systematic historical change 12. change gears 13. lay aside, abandon, or leave for another. 

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1, Could you help me shift some furniture?

2, She’s on the night shift this week.

3, The result reflects a modest rightward shift in opinion.

4, When do you check on for your night shift?

5, These proposals represent a dramatic shift in policy.

6, We arrived and clocked on for the night shift.

7, Their success does not necessarily reflect a leftward shift in politics.

8, Don’t try to shift!

9, She was asked to work the weekend shift but she tried to beg off.

10, Lend me a hand to shift this box, will you ?

11, There has been a shift from smokestack industries into high-tech ones.

12, The timbers groan and creak and the floorboards shift.

13, Learn to shift gear at the right moment.

14, He was assigned to straw-boss the night shift.

15, The wind is expected to shift tomorrow.

16, That car can really shift!

17, The day shift arrives at eight o’clock.

18, If the stain still doesn’t shift, try this.

19, I’m on the early shift tomorrow.

20, As the night shift leave/leaves,( the day shift arrive/arrives.

21, They cut prices drastically to try and shift stock.

22, To run the spellchecker, press SHIFT and F7.

23, Modern detergents will shift most stains.

24, A shift system has been introduced.

25, He refused to shift his ground .

26, Shall I shift the chairs?

27, The night shift come / comes off at dawn.

28, We need to shift the focus of this debate.

29, Shift up when you reach 30 mph.

30, The oversight is not imputable to the person on the night shift.

More similar words: lift, drift, fifty, fifth, gifted, fifteen, gift shop, shit, T-shirt, cash in, fishing, fashion, cash in on, ownership, membership, leadership, old-fashioned, citizenship, scholarship, partnership, championship, relationship. 

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


This time shift also is that shift which I mean under effect of observation selection with reference to natural catastrophes.

Этот временной сдвиг и есть тот сдвиг, который я имею в виду под эффектом наблюдательной селекции применительно к природным катастрофам.

A shift in expectations is a signal that a shift in speculation will start, gaining more momentum as the interest rate change nears.

Сдвиг в ожиданиях является сигналом того, что сдвиг в спекуляции начнется, набирая больший импульс по мере приближения изменения процентной ставки.

After each shift, guards were allowed to return to their homes until their next shift.

После каждой смены «охранникам» разрешалось возвращаться в свои дома до следующей смены.

Last time I checked, one shift meant one shift.

Когда я уточнял в последний раз, под одной сменой подразумевалась одна смена.

Sometimes your healing may just come in the form of an energy shift or an emotional shift.

Иногда ваше исцеление может просто проявиться в виде энергетического сдвига или эмоционального сдвига.

Major climate shift possibly due to shift in solar activity.

Основной сдвиг климата возможно, из-за сдвига в солнечной активности.

Every shift is defined by a mean shift vector.

Любой сдвиг определяется вектором сдвига среднего значения.

Our shift to corporate totalitarianism, like the shift to all forms of totalitarianism, is incremental.

Наш сдвиг к корпоративному тоталитаризму, как переход к любой форме тоталитаризма, происходит постепенно.

This shift system works well, but each shift is somewhat shorter than a full day in the courtroom.

Эта система смен работает хорошо, но каждая смена несколько короче, чем полноценный день в зале суда.

Alongside the natural shift towards naturalism, there was a shift in expression of the sculptures as well.

Наряду с естественным сдвигом в сторону натурализма произошел также сдвиг в выражении и эмоциональном воплощении скульптур.

That shift was closely followed by another somewhat more distinctive shift called artificial intelligence assisted voice search.

За этим сдвигом последовал еще один более отличительный сдвиг — голосовой поиск с помощью искусственного интеллекта.

Calls can vary from shift to shift.

We need a cultural shift to accompany the technological shift.

Сейчас необходим культурный сдвиг, который позволит произойти технологическому сдвигу.

The shift from traditional to secular-rational values is linked to the shift from agrarian to industrial societies.

Сдвиг от традиционных к секулярно-рациональным ценностям связан с переходом от аграрного общества к индустриальному.

The situation at each site of the facility may vary from shift to shift.

Ситуация на каждом участке строительства объекта может меняться от смены к смене.

Interestingly, the geopolitical shift is aligning with an economic shift.

Интересно, что геополитический сдвиг сочетается со сдвигом экономическим.

A critical factor in this shift is that it is also a consciousness shift.

Одним из важных факторов этого сдвига является то, что это также сдвиг сознания.

It can vary from shift to shift.

This shift in business psychology could be mirrored by a broader shift in social mood.

Такой сдвиг в психологии бизнеса может отразиться и в более обширном сдвиге социальных настроений.

Line for briquetting 16 tons per shift (shift — 8 working hours).

Линия для брикетирования 16 тонны в смену (смена 8 рабочих часов).

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат shift

Результатов: 46284. Точных совпадений: 46284. Затраченное время: 115 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Sentences with the word Shift?



  • «We take turns on the night shift«
  • «I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift«
  • «shift one’s position»
  • «he had to shift down into second to make the hill»
  • «shift the emphasis»; «shift one’s attention»
  • «shift the date for our class reunion»
  • «She could not shift so all her letters are written in lower case»
  • «you have to shift when you go down a steep hill»
  • «this shift occurs spontaneously»

He had to fiddle with the edges and shift the settings around slightly to detect body heat

So, while you should continue to shift your portfolio towards bonds you should still keep a part of investment in the stock market, which have in recent decades generated real returns

How could this have happened? «Did those monsters on third shift do this to you?! Who was it? Was it Harry? I told him not to change the settings! They’re perfect the way they are!»

But then the shift bell rang and Frank knew it was time to clock out

· Men have to appreciate that girls have to shift their loyalty from a woman to a man, from mother to husband

‘How difficult would it be for you to shift your stuff, Mrs Wynell?’

The idea is that I’ll move out tomorrow evening and then shift the furniture as soon as I can after that

She was afraid of the cultural shift she could feel coming

before supervisor McManus finally noticed that old Ted hadn’t entertained the other guards with his impression of a bugle call to signal the end of another long night shift

He rose with the pain of stiffened limbs and giddy with the shift of

After all, he didn’t want to be late for the guard he was going to relieve from last night’s shift

Time and routine – we measure lives by the watch-hand and the regularity of our shift between states of activity

I tried to unravel time in some vain hope of stopping the days from ticking over into the new shift pattern, but the inevitable morning dawned with the usual sounds of boots on concrete, sliding locks and the dull metallic alarm of my breakfast tray being laid on the floor by my mattress

Over the next few weeks, as the procedures and the rituals bedded down, as Robbie and Mick and the other guards who rotated on shift, mixed bonhomie with casual insults and violence, I started to listen and to watch

with that person and shift your attention towards another direction

The map itself could be purchased in town for half a shift of unskilled labor or half of a small steel ball-bearing

Ship’s foreman Nlara was with them, she usually took charge of the sleep shift, but the journey was so leisurely that there was often a half-hour between trim changes

«I’m glad this happened on your shift,» Vyinga said, as she began to climb back up to her nest

It took their whole shift to hack their way out of this

Just the shift change before, Desa had learned the story of Luray and Knume

If we yearn to create a major shift in the world because it truly

«He would drive the motorcar to the log picker or the lon barge and then he would drive that for a shift

They were much busier than average at the winch thru that whole shift

He rose with the pain of stiffened limbs and giddy with the shift of blood in his veins

To practice my religion, linger with Luray the next time you wake her for shift change

«Looks like you had a good shift

«Should be another easy shift

and they shift the tangled sheets from around

She mentioned about working late shift

In a faint but warmly remembered shift of air

and the deeps, the shift and shelter

Think Paradigm Shift; doing things the way you always did them is a paradigm

could, possibly, shift the foundations of a country

«We’re all on wake shift,» Desa said, «There’s a new list written up and posted on the note board and signed by both of them

waiting for the shift in the cloud race

They went on with this thru the second half of her shift when it wasn’t busy

It was late in the shift when Byia tacked to a different subject

I’m glad to have another volunteer for sleep shift, the shift has been thin since I transferred Yarin to wake shift, so I don’t mind the change at all, but is there something more coming?»

During Afternoonday of Imnotyn the wind had died down and they had to anchor by the time day shift was underway

It seemed like Nuran had decided to share her shift in their space permanently with Tindairn, without really discussing it with Alan or Desa

They were keeping up those of the sleep shift that wanted to sleep

«Next Morningday shift he will help bring us in

By arranging the suits, shirts, blouses and skirts by label, size and colour she managed to shift most of the better items to middle class bargain hunters and a good deal of the less fashionable items to the local student population

We need a strong crew that shift

«You’re shift has started,» Desa told her, «They’re clearing up the table now, you missed breakfast

«No I don’t, we’ll be standing the last shift, that takes concentration, then we’ll be unloading

«But I’m not your mother!» Desa yelled, «and I shouldn’t have to change your diapers! Now get your sorry little slut ass up and stand your shift like the adult you pretend you are!» Desa yanked the covers off her

«He said Nuran came to his cabin puking her guts out and whining that you were so mean you were going to make her stand her shift anyway

Even so I don’t see why I should have to stand her shift for her

Shift change was now complete, all masts were covered and the captains were on the outdoor bridge for the final approach

«A nice picture to start our last shift with

Lucy had never bought into the concept that art or music could change lives or move mountains, but with every hook and drum beat, with every lilting nuance of the boy’s soft voice, she sensed a shift in the world and she knew instinctively that she had to download the song immediately

statements with the intention to shift your focus from fear to love,

It was rare that he came down into the bowels of Heymon’s duty section during duty shift, but for the last three weeks he wanted to see what his de-facto science officer was doing about the bogie

Here is a simple script to help you shift into an attitude of gratitude:

To shift to an imaginative state

Believe it or not, but one of the best ways to shift anything at al in life is

As a result of this negative energy shift within my body’s vibrations, I

voice, she sensed a shift in the world and she knew instinctively

He often conversed with the sleep shift crew and they agreed this wasn’t really sailing

What would she do when they arrived at the Yakhan? Would she put ashore before then? Had she already? He hadn’t actually seen her since last shift

He had dropped about a shift in his waking hours, but hadn’t entertained a new social agenda this week

We have an arrangement with a certain gentleman, a mutual acquaintance if I remember correctly, who will supply us with as much of this shit as we can shift

She is supposed to use free time like this for library study, but on a Fridays she usually goes home and tries to grab an hour or two in bed before the night shift begins

At the regular morning briefing Sergeant Miller runs through the usual range of operations for the oncoming day shift

Most of the regular clubbers hit the queues outside around eleven and the punters on the early shift are still thin on the ground and coalesce into random groups

Everyone has to pay their rent, but only Shaun gets the early shift, which is when the kids are still flush

He has two hours to shift his gear and be on the road

shift slightly when they moved

-Only interested in one year and only on sleep shift

It can easily be observed how a person’s emotional construction may evolve, his belief systems shift, that is to say the meanings of his knowledge can change

But it seems that during Enjteen’s shift at watching that room, the airlock had been left open and it is possible that spores of the infection could have drifted out

“My habit was to turn in all the shift logs on my way home every single shift I stood

Tom’s shift came to an end in the early afternoon, which came as

When he was a shift foreman like he was in those days, signing something out of stores or letting an influential person make use of a body was not as great a disaster as it would be in his present position

He thought Ava should be back early this Nightday and was hoping she would show up before the shift was over

He can imagine Davina clocking off at the end of another twelve hour weekend shift and climbing into something electrically purple with lowered suspension and bright blue diodes fixed to fake air scoops on the bonnet

“The Gnomes will have that info, the ‘on site’ sheet for that shift,” he stood up

He noticed that the one for the shift before had also been entered a week late

He noticed that shift supervisor tended to hand his in every three or four weeks while Kulai was always that week

“Some vagrant that works as a janitor during the night shift at the high

It was not quite the end of the Nightday business shift yet, he should still be in his office

“My habit was to turn in the boat sheet, along with all the other shift logs, on my way home every single shift I stand

“The shift supervisor in medical that they turned the girl over too

Midnight was break time for the other janitors on Roman’s shift, but it was

The traffic on the roads is light at seven, made up of early shift starts and the twenty-four hour grind of the haulage industry

It was a shift of scenery only, as the conversations, the pauses and the laughter carried forward as they had at the Chelsea

Billy knows that he is there, knows that he should be able to see him, but it is as if Alex is able to shape shift

So he still knew no motive for this summons and had to plug away at any angle it might be for the remainder of the shift

Only this time the sound of the exploding exhaust seems to shift, seems to echo off the walls

As he approaches the end of the barn he becomes aware of a subtle shift in the outline of the building

his make shift window, Roman couldn’t sleep

You’ll need to shift the small bookcase a little further along the wall for it to look right — a still-sleepy Katie comes into the room

He’s deck marshal of wake shift

The first routine report of off shift Glenelle was on and told him he should be even more careful about when he called in because he might be approaching more populated areas

“I don’t know, what’s that?” He really should refuse, he’d been out of contact too long already, even if it was going into sleep shift up there

The fact that it was night shift made it a little less scary, but they knew he was still awake

The girls followed suit and once their rhythms were fairly compatible, he called for a shift

They continued at the same tempo, he called shift again, though balls fell to the floor at this attempt

Then as if on cue, Harry called shift at every toss and the trio were juggling nine balls between them as if practicing for a circus act

She shifted to one foot, then the other, as if she had to go the bathroom

Vinnie pushed the glasses back firmly onto his nose and shifted his center of gravity back a bit

The young man’s foot shifted

and guards in attendance, but this time the dream shifted slightly

He shifted it against the rough

He shifted his weight slightly, feeling a burr of stone

» Timms’ eyes shifted and when Tig followed them he saw the black exosuit near the deck on the far side of the consoles

In the seat next to her Ernst shifted

Horcheese’s eyes shifted to Tig just long enough for him to feel the accusation in them

As with Smiler and his off-hand brutality, the basic pattern of my existence shifted and I accepted the relative kindness of The Kid over the next couple of days

When you are alone, to have even the slightest familiarity of walls and doors and floors shifted constantly, breaks you down and leaves you impotent and resigned

I shifted along the mattress to be just that little bit closer to this alien sound

Menachem shifted on his bed-roll, kneeling up as if in prayer

The world shifted in that moment, spinning just that little bit faster on its leaning axis

Ernesto shifted uncomfortably in his chair

When Alan and Desa had their masts shifted, the sails were now taking the ends of the ship in opposite directions

on what can be shifted, not on what is

He shifted it against the rough bark of the oak tree, scratching a persistently annoying itch

He shifted in his seat, tensing,

My other neighbour, the old man, shifted and looked past us through the window

Pandora shifted in her seat and turned her back

He slashed thru that with an eraser, shifted the equator and had the eye revolve with the bundle on the axis

All the blue dragons suddenly shifted and lowered their heads

Mama took a large sip and shifted his gaze to Omi and Ish As far as he was

mosquitoes hovering over her head had shifted over to mine as well

I used a condom,’ I said as I shifted my cushion for comfort

I shifted my shoulders, picked the package and returned to her treadmill

‘I’ll have to give notice, but there’s nothing to stop me getting my stuff sorted out and shifted over here, Dave

Now, he shifted in his seat, keeping

Roman shifted the van into drive and pushed the pedal to the floorboard,

The landscape shifted from agrarian to rural to urban before their very eyes, and in no time at all they were passing neighborhoods and parks, schools and shops, businesses, boulevards and brownstones

Slipping through the muddy torrents coursing from the Main Street down the Lakeside Road, we reached the shelter of the porch and I went with father around to shutter the store windows, just in case the winds shifted suddenly and threatened from the north

specific disagreement with the man?’ Tours shifted

There, you’ve blitzed the weeds and shifted all the dead plants

‘ Jean shifted his feet uneasily

As his weight shifted on the wooden chair Roman

And then his gaze shifted northwards, and he came across what must have been the strangest sight so far that Jack had seen that day

Her smile shifted to an expression of

«So what does the story have to do with a stone, and what does it have to do with this valley?» It wasn’t going to be that easy, she’d shifted gears, but they were stuck

pyramid and the pyramid shifted

’ Jean shifted his position and watched a small rat

” He shifted his sleeping daughter to his other arm careful not to disturb her

» She shifted her eyes back to Jesse

Quickly Todd shifted gears, returning to the problem at hand explaining that she’d broken two ribs and bruised three more

Desa shifted position and leaned against Alan once he was gone, taking the arm that wasn’t around Kaha and wrapping it around herself

shifted his position so as to avoid a rock which was

«My life shifted

In the distance, the figure shifted, his robe thrashing about as he was ignited in blue flames

He went over backwards in a welter of blood, his nose shattered and shifted to the right hand side of his face

Many quickly burst into flame as his axe fell, and many others disintegrated as his armor shifted — the bare blades hanging from his body jumping to life with the motion

The veins in Coba’s face bulged, his flesh shifted in hue from crimson to blue

The saucepan burped and shifted its lid in fright, but that night it cooked two lovely fresh eggs, a cup of milk for the cocoa afterwards, then boiled water for the washing up

He shifted his massive girth toward the Rift, swinging the glowing block of crystal downward as he did so

The topic shifted to likings and all

As a decisive shift in the tenor of our voices, As control is shifted from us

realize that the battle scene had shifted to the open

I reached out to brush my fingers down the back of the panther’s head and he shifted to lay his head in my lap

I guess…” Savannah crinkled her eyes and shifted from one foot to the other

any situation! I shifted the weigh on my left foot and did a neat

Thank you, I acknowledged inwardly and then shifted

I shifted as quickly as possible and took the blade in my hands

The aroma called to the young woman’s hollow stomach and she shifted her stance to muffle its low grumblings

Now as the wind shifted, Nerissa smelled something

Mercer had now shifted his own sight to the hovering creature as it belched forth flame here and there among DRAFTChapter 8 141

Murmuring soon shifted to inebriated yammering and before long, it turned to that of local petty grievances

Releasing the pendant from his grasp he shifted that hand to his blade, holding fast to the hilt

The Breton shifted on the log

Nerissa shifted weight to her right leg

Mercer shifted his suspicious glances around the cavern, looking at Penelope, then above her, past her and then at the ground

Finally, his eyes shifted

The Guild Master just shifted his weight as he stood, sneering as was his wont

And so he shifted his thoughts again, noticing the rustic structures dotting the countryside some distance from the camp

Shaking his head in muted protest or mockery, he shifted his gaze again to the smoky silhouette of Solitude

And so he quickly shifted his glance to meet that of the officer

Though he remained silent, Quintus’ eyes shifted and flashed with the young recruit’s revelation

He looked on as the other man shifted to leave the tent and the camp behind him

And with the telltale glow and tricky haze of an issued spell, the bears’ behavior altogether shifted

In the Grotto of the Nymphs and also in the upstairs room at the inn, he’d shifted every minute or two

The Breton shifted in DRAFTChapter 16 353

When they reached the main corridor once more and passed another group heading further up into the ship, the Elf shifted and attached herself to the new little group

The winds had shifted in Markarth, blowing chilly from the north

The metal fastenings of his coat caught the sunlight, twisting and twinkling as he shifted his weight

For the winds had shifted in Markarth, and he refused to be caught without shelter should the rain begin to pour and the lightning begin to strike

Having met his glance, which had shifted quickly from perplexity to amusement, she gestured with her eyes toward Carius who was still advancing

For the red-haired man shifted on the stone and after holding the flute in the air next to him, he gestured to it with his other hand

After all, we did send her to rout a flock of bandits by herself, from which she came back looking no worse for wear…” Tullius shifted steady eyes to his officer

It was a thick substance that constantly shifted erratically

Yes, I know…” Roscius sighed and shifted his glance back to the now choppier sea

As he shifted from the left tit to the right one, she sighed, and he felt something that was maddening going down over his cock, going down all the way to the hair, and suddenly he knew for certain what it was

One of the soldiers the agency had secretly placed outside the van shifted out of the sudden trance he had entered against his will

At the time of writing this book, the collective consciousness of the world has moved beyond the point of neutrality and has shifted into the upper zone of higher resonance where more and more people intuitively realize the importance of “Oneness”

Clive shifted uncomfortably and glanced over his shoulder at everyone watching

The collective consciousness of humankind has shifted pass the neutrality point and Gaia is merely responding by way of its physical changes which help increase the light quotient of the planet

the conversation shifted to our host

Sebastian shifted to look at the bag on the floor as he held the needle in his arm

He was so caught up in observing the ship he hadn’t noticed what was happening to the constellations, until his suit told their position had shifted

She shifted until she was sitting by his side, the top half of her body lying across his chest

Ronnie shifted in his seat

like it, including the position of the table, which shifted around the kitchen with the seasons like some ancient sundial, so it always picked up the morning sun

«It looks like they’ve shifted things around

He was hunched over his desk, shifting through piles of paperwork and tossing it around with abandon, creating a bigger mess than he had before

“You must have dropped it while the gravity was shifting back to normal,” Johnny commented, putting the Chip back in his pocket

edges of the thick cell walls and dissolved the shifting shapes of the man that he had

I cried again for the umpteenth time since my capture and incarceration below the wider world’s ever- shifting horizons

shifting their position, a killing ground,

I floated in the comfort of this smooth, luminous primeval liquid, looking at the patterns and the shifting net of sunlight underneath, and the sand way down below, ecstatic in the thrill of being aware of simple existence in a universe without change

‘If you could, Graham, Sarah’s got a load of books and they’ll take some shifting

‘Yes … I thought you were shifting the books this afternoon

fidgeting and shifting awkwardly in his seat

“Tell me,” Samuel began, shifting the subject, “what do you suppose

While Billy sits quiet and still amid the heavy metal sounds of the custody suite, his companions reach out and take his hands in theirs and the three of them begin to mime and mug like savant idiots, and with the sound turned down, with the picture fading to a single white dot, they start to belt out Billy’s favourite song without shifting a single molecule of air:

“That’s what I thought,” Bobby said, shifting his glance from me to

Again some shifting of wardrobe and jewelry was made between Samuel and himself

shifting on the cushions beneath him uneasily

The deafening screech of new caterpillar treads and the smell of diesel tainted eucalyptus smoke in the rising heat mixed with red dust and shifting sand, gave the site a post apocalyptic appearance

They left the airbase with tyre tracks as the only evidence of their activities, evidence soon to be erased by the shifting sands

the broken body armor as well as he could with his cuffed hands, shifting his

«Yes,» Brice replied, his eyes shifting to the floor

before shifting the topic of the conversation

Walking closer to the gateway, the trio noted several slits in the stones above, behind which shadows could be seen shifting about

«At this time it would not help you to know, but rest assured that your days of hiding are over,» the elf said, shifting his white gaze to the Death Guards

soldiers shifting

No sooner had Alec noticed the shifting forest than an arrow arced into the sky

Mage-fire detonated in the sky as the Graelic struck home, its reddened tip catching the demon directly on the ever shifting appendage that most closely resembled a head

The Red Mage spent his life clinging to the illusion, always shifting shadows

“What’s out there, Anon?” Adros asked, shifting his gaze to the Rift

“What do I call you, sir?” she asked as the weedy man groped her body with his shifting

The genie itself may be nothing more than a play of Such veils, and hence might we simply make do with Inanimate bottles and slow shifting star constellations?

shifting in this modern society and it sent in old hats like me a

I briefly wondered where Griffin had learned about shifting

the pieces and they keep shifting around

She crossed her arms, shifting her glance thoughtfully

It is partly owing to the easy transportation of gold and silver, from the places where they abound to those where they are wanted, that the price of those metals does not fluctuate continually, like that of the greater part of other commodities, which are hindered by their bulk from shifting their situation, when the market happens to be either over or under-stocked with them

But she determined that that was all it would be, a temporary shifting of the journey

By shifting your attention to happiness and letting go of self-centered desires, you change what you care about, and thereby change your world

Perhaps by shifting attention, we shut off that part of the brain and mind that is in charge of making us worry

The ground was ever shifting underneath their once poised and planted feet

But the shifting winds nevertheless had carried with them an evolving reality

‘Energy is wonderful,’ stated the bird shifting slightly on her golden claws

The continents were constantly shifting

shifting of the winds and rolling waves, the next hour would find him with his arms hanging listlessly at his sides, fists clenching with the intermittent surges of emotion

It had constantly shifting gold continents surrounded by a misty swirling ocean of blue

The Planetary Ascension has also seen the shifting of the magnetic fields in our environment

—Food will be served in the school cafeteria, with the meals sort-of shifting from brunch-type food to

But now her colleague’s image was shifting about in a distorted way as if from some kind of interference, and his voice similarly until she could no longer understand a word

As he sat on the lean-back chair he still didn’t look entirely comfortable, shifting about and distracted by his surroundings

This did not seem to encourage the witness at all: he kept shifting from one foot to the other, looking uneasily at the Queen, and in his confusion he bit a large piece out of his teacup instead of the bread-and-butter

The younger stars even showed signs of shifting their output spectrum to the bluer end

Its humanoid form appeared out of focus, shifting, unable to resolve into a fixed shape

Russell cleared his throat and had Aspen jumping and blushing before guilty shifting back

A dull pillar, shifting in the red light of the fire below

«Sit down,» she said, shifting on the stool

In the meantime, Jon was getting accustomed to the constant roll and shifting movement of the ship as it sailed on the sea

‘ He looked at Doc shifting from foot to foot, restless to be gone

He shuddered as he remembered Khan’s body falling to the ground at his feet, the crowd’s callous shifting of allegiance, Millicent’s piercing scream

The shifting color of hyperspace seemed to coalesce, coming together as a darkness

one to trust theories; besides, he couldn’t help thinking of the proscriptions against shifting

Jhordel reached for it, barely shifting from her

glanced at him, sober-faced, the granite of her features shifting slightly to reveal a hint emotion

“Go on,” he muttered, shifting his seat so that he could look at both of us at the same time

” The people around the table looked at one another, some raising eyebrows, others shifting on their chairs, all of them surprised at the steel in the Prime Minister’s voice

Although Conservatives may be found among the ranks of both major political parties, shifting political and social alliances in recent years suggest a preference for the Republican Party; in whatever many of the rank and file have been oftentimes marginalized by Republican Party leaders

Broshee waited patiently in the slowly shifting mist, her thoughts turning once again to her father

Darkburst’s world had condensed into a swirling kaleidoscope of shifting tree trunks

He was now shifting his head left to right as if he were watching mice playing tennis at his feet

The crowd murmured softly, shifting about, straining for a better view as Sergeant Shooter manoeuvred his upper body through the window of the police car, while Grunt sat inside, holding onto Shooter’s legs

Shifting about uncomfortably in his seat, Uncle Hobart picked at a loose thread on his jumper, then clicked his dentures, sighing

Because so was I,” he said, shifting with his usual swiftness back to seriousness again

They were all on edge, I saw, shifting slightly in response to his movements

“What, exactly, is this introduction?” I asked, shifting the purse on my shoulder

He spent his days drinking Flor de Caña rum in a rented room in Bluefields which, with the shifting wind, smelled alternately of fish or hot tar from a nearby asphalt plant

Than align the Custom Boards, Surfing Lessons, and the Surfboard Repairs pages straight under the Board Rentals, page, without shifting them to the right

Beyond the cluster of cays, they entered the wide bay, greeted to a vista of unmatched beauty: the water had a mirror smooth surface, colored in shifting hues of aquamarine and deep blue by sunlight reflected from a bottom of coral and white sand

And then, the Shifting

Wide end at the bottom, narrow end at the top, extending from ground into the sky, sometimes shifting and changing and moving along the horizon

“Nothing? I saw on the news that the guy was killed by machine gunning,” Truman said, shifting gears

The basic things are there a little bit more and its shifting to things like youth advocacy and realizing more that you can be more

The city crowd on the streets was shifting towards its nocturnal aspect, the people that rarely venture outside if the suns still abound and rarely crawl back to their domiciles before dawn is about to break

Hilderich nodded slightly in reticent agreement, before shifting the subject to the main question:

It seemed to Molo that soon they would be entering the real no man’s land, where nothing ever grew, and the only change was the shifting of the dunes, slaved forever to the whims of the wind

Light flickering off it with intensity, Hilderich’s figure grotesquely reflected in a constantly shifting mirror surface

With that, they both returned to a silence that seemed to be so natural in the desert, the only sound the continued murmur of grains of sand shifting and turning, swirling in the air; an eternal dance to the whims of the wind

Shifting it around, he did it again

With his heart shooting up around his ears, he instinctively shrugged off the pack, shifting the bow and then, re-slung his black-stained, heavily-beaded quiver

Archmagio was there, a gray shifting form, meandering aimlessly between ten thousand forms of men

Without thinking, I gently guided her towards a better show, shifting our bodies so that our breasts and asses showed better, so that our tongues and passion, fake as it was, seemed enticing to the passing men

She spared a frowned a look lazily before replying and shifting gear:

shifting the conception to end

Then he flicked my necklace with might; I could feel the belt buckle nameplate shifting from side to side from one pectoral to the other like a pendulum

Shifting them away might be suspicious

I fear his shifting moods

The trailer contained an image of an airline hostess, a young girl dancing in a marketplace, and a tight-skirted vixen sitting next a well-dressed man, shifting herself provocatively

“What’s your name again?” She searched her brain for any conversations she’d had with her mother about any shifting families moving in from Canada and their son who she apparently needed to begin to babysit like a lost kitty

The thing that bothered her the most was that Carter wanted to take the form of a big animal, meaning he had put on a couple of pounds of muscle to make the shifting process easier

Amar, my initiation instructor, taught us that our fear landscapes were always in flux, shifting with our moods and changing with the little whispers of our nightmares

I remember his eyes shifting to the ceiling, to the corner

He was studying the shifting of lighter and darker patches of green as a very small breeze moved among the leaves

She’s tapping her foot, her body shifting with the movement

His fierce mouth lay still, his shifting eyes covered by dark eye-lids

It wasn’t much of a graphical enhancer because Ackers looked almost exactly the same as he did on the screen except for a few subtle shifts here and there on his face there wasn’t much that was different

It was half a week later, she was in the cabin again on a late Afternoonday, their shifts had stretched thru the light

Baggy worked tirelessly all three shifts without a break in hopes that the higher-ups would recognize its hard work

BOOM! The airplane hits a sharp bumb and some of the cargo shifts

Ricci shifts nervously in his seat as he listens to Ahmed’s hysterics

primordial soup was brewed, how tectonic shifts came to be and how the rocks and

He said he mapped in the specific point he picked for us to breach space based on tidal shifts in local stellar gravity

It was on one of Smiler’s shifts, when his indifferent fist slammed into my kidneys again, that I decided darkness was the only answer

Although the towel was thicker and more tightly woven than the hessian sack in my last prison, I could still make out shades and shifts of light

His attention shifts, I turn to see what he has seen behind me as he goes on smoothly

He shifts, grunts and breathes quietly

and is carried on great, continental shifts,

that her skin shifts in transparent waves,

She’d shared love with Yarin three times since the day of the first rotate, not as many as Desa, and Nuran was as much as moved in and sleeping shifts with Desa

«They’ve turned the glass,» she said about the big sandglass on the bridge that measured the shifts

«I think we’ll be in within the week, four more good shifts at sail should do it

‘ Nuran had chopped hers off flat just above her shoulders the week before changing shifts

As the barge moves out and the deck under her hooves shifts, Sefir’s ears go back but the proximity of Adamant and the scent of the hay soon calm her again

focus shifts to the kar sevaks as vandals

They were just coming to duty and this was one of those shifts he wouldn’t stand if he didn’t have to

But if she didn’t plan on sleeping, she could do it in two sleep shifts and have the other sleep to party

In the first ambulance the paramedic is working as quickly as he can given the constant subtle shifts of weight and force induced by the vehicle’s furious pace as it crosses the narrow stretch of land between the Taw and Torridge estuaries

You have to understand shifts tend to be very routine down there

The door shifts and then swings open

Here are two others filed from other shifts that K’shitn, so I was working that week

None of the names on that run showed up on any other runs within three shifts, but that other one could have been altered

The doctor shifts, crooking one leg up onto the table so that he can face her

He shifts so that he is squatting down by Ted’s side

South along the back of the far barn, walking slowly, looking into angles of shadow and watching for sudden shifts in light, one of the uniformed constables makes his way toward the field at the bottom of the farm complex

She was only awoken at the end of their shifts; when their usefulness expired, or when they went mad

For years after I was hypersensitive to energy shifts and felt like I’d lost an energy cocoon of protection

Patrice smiles up at her then shifts her attention back to her mail sorting

In spite of her best efforts, she could not decipher the meanings to the nervous shifts of glances and ominous pauses that she had witnessed since even before leaving Cyrodiil

He wondered to himself what the infantrymen were saying now, what private knowledge they were letting slip in between draughts and patrol shifts

As if by an invisible signal the double doors to the kitchen opened and seven barefoot slave girls, dressed in knee-length white, sleeveless shifts, poured into the dining hall

Please come in for any scheduled shifts next week

On a grander scale even the planet’s level of energy shifts in accordance with the collective human consciousness

In normal flight the hugely powerful main processor would be shut down and pairs of cores would work three month shifts to handle the vessel’s hugely precise navigation and monitor the various systems

The others could handle the press and watch shifts while she did

I was working two shifts a day driving forty miles one way

Attention moves, shifts and

On twelve-hour shifts, the official line is that the shift begins at seven am

Due to mutual consent, just like the shift workers in Chemical Alley, the Lennox Police actually changed shifts at six o’clock

all two shifts could do to keep up with the day’s heavy catch

check the weigh-in for both shifts

Near the end of the season, the cannery ran two full shifts,

When the balance of earthly power shifts

He was there to legalize her entry into the country, and Truman was outside parking the car Carlos had lent him in Bluefields and which they had driven through the night in shifts

He had been noticing some rapid little mood shifts lately

All that we can conclude, as the scene abruptly shifts, is that Cain must have carried a grudge away from that confrontation

She says that if the balance shifts too far to either side, the land will be plunged into total darkness and ciaos

He actually had scheduled shifts and organized breaks for all of his drug spots

A cloud passes over the moon, and the light shifts across my hands

The hand shifts awkwardly over my hair, and I remember my father stroking my hair when he kissed me goodnight, my mother touching my hair when she trimmed it with the scissors

She shakes her head as she shifts her eyes to Tobias

I watch until a shadow shifts over the sunlit wall and count until the next shadow appears

He shifts back on the bed to leave space for me

I start toward him, and he shifts back, into the hallway

Lynn shifts her weight from one foot to the other, her eyes flicking around the room

Marcus shifts the truck into drive, and it groans

She shifts her focus to me without question, but I can tell by the wary look in her eyes that she would rather talk to Marcus

Working unpredictable shifts at the FBI station, she was home when she could be

shifts its focus to deeper levels of existence and action

You need to be up on trends & industry shifts that

This is your waking state — your consciousness shifts from sen-

shifts and then went home for a few hours

We ran these Flexos 24 hours with 3 shifts

shifts makes it impossible

who spent a number of shifts in the trailer

The robed figure shifts his head and exposes his face: the man is I—but older and bearded and sickly

” Mother chuckles as she shifts in her seat a little

David shifts his gaze between Sean and me

She shifts the gears with extra care this time, and I smile at her, admiring the little daisies pinned to her hair

Stretching the kiss, he shifts me up above his chest

“Now, where do I begin?” John shifts, sitting up in a more comfortable position

” He shifts and pulls me into his arms, resting his chin on top of my head

I breathe in as he shifts into a relaxed position, his back resting on the long seat

Back then EB still had second and third shifts

When accountability for promises made becomes who you are, your relationship to the world shifts

We’re on just four–hour shifts ‘cause the noise of the engines makes you deaf for more’n that

Companies of all sizes looking to improve their business in 2014 should consider these demographic shifts and adapt accordingly

Shifts in the population and the relations between the races had a longer time horizon than the daily news cycle,”18 Two of his editors (Frankel and Lelyveld), like him, were advocates of “interpretive journalism

still took him to bed and soldiered on with the night shifts so I could work

eleven afternoon shifts, again very compatible with her

where she worked scheduled shifts all around the clock,

shifts so that one of them was always with the baby

Manual shifts mostly came in high-priced sports cars, and it took some time for Bill to point out that all American cars at that time came off the assembly line with automatic transmissions

She began to be late for her shifts at the store because

shifts, but began to stare thoughtfully at Lucy for very

The room shifts as Leora walks into the mid-realm

Anyone good enough to be a journeyman in the wizard’s guild is working twelve-hour shifts over there

“When threatened, it shifts immense power to the point of the threat, and quickly, but it is very integral compared to the black wall

Nuke and I were watching one that had been silent but suddenly began to made sounds identical to a hot rod automobile accelerating away, including the gear shifts

Some of the guards had taken shifts to watch from the fort and make patrols, and both the slaves and the guards had sometimes left their tents to piss or shit on the rocks, but nobody had noticed the four almost-motionless men inching closer and closer all night

It carries with it a planet that will pass through your solar system and cause major shifts in the orbits of the planets, just as it has done in the past

others who channeled through Cyndie LePori, a gifted psychic in her own right, that because of the universal shifts decreed by the ALL, the cataclysmic changes that were predicted to occur on Earth due to the conjunction of the Danas solar system and our own will not occur

N8: There are a multitude of realities, and with the shifts that are occurring in this present time, it will not have the effects that were predicted, no

“You don’t understand,” persisted the doctor, “if that bone shifts even the slightest bit, you could be paralyzed for life!”

сдвиг, смена, переключение, изменение, перемещаться, перемещать, сдвигать


- перемещение, перестановка, перенос

population shift — а) миграция населения, переселение; б) (принудительное) перемещение населения; the plant wants a shift

- перемена; смена

shift of foot — смена ноги (на марше)
shift of wind — перемена ветра
shift of crops — севооборот
shifts and changes of life — превратности жизни
shift of clothes — переодевание, смена одежды
shift of scenes — перемена мест

- изменение; сдвиг

shift of fashion — прихоти /капризы/ моды

- лингв. сдвиг, передвижение, перебой

the (Great) vowel shift — (великий) сдвиг гласных
consonant shift — передвижение согласных, перебой согласных
shift of stress /of accent/ — перемещение /перенос, сдвиг/ ударения
shift of meaning — изменение /сдвиг/ значения

- уловка, нечестный приём

it would be endless to recount his shifts — перечень его уловок был бы бесконечным
nothing but shift and excuses — ничего кроме увёрток и отговорок

ещё 14 вариантов


- перемещать; передвигать; перекладывать

- перемещаться; передвигаться

to shift quickly [gradually, easily, from place to place] — перемещаться быстро [постепенно, легко, с места на место]
to shift from one foot to another — переступать с ноги на ногу
to shift in one’s chair — ёрзать на стуле
the scene shifts to a cave — действие переносится в пещеру

- переезжать

the family had to shift — семья должна была переехать

- менять, изменять

to shift one’s position [one’s place, one’s lodging] — менять положение [место, квартиру]
to shift one’s ground — изменить точку зрения; занять новую позицию

- меняться, изменяться

to shift from shape to shape — принимать всё новые и новые очертания /формы/
to shift constantly /continuously/ — постоянно менять место, направление, положение и т. п.
the wind shifted — ветер переменился
the meaning shifts — значение меняется

ещё 13 вариантов

Мои примеры


day shift — дневная смена  
gear / shift lever — рычаг переключения передач  
output per shift — сменная производительность  
red shift of spectral lines — красное смещение спектральных линий  
to move / shift scenery — двигать декорации  
seismic shift — сейсмический сдвиг  
a seismic shift in women’s fashion — революция в женской моде  
to shift to another flat — переехать на новую квартиру  
to bring about / produce a shift — производить, вносить изменения  
vowel shift — сдвиг гласных  

Примеры с переводом

Give me a hand to shift these chairs.

Помогите мне переставить эти стулья.

She works the night shift.

Она работает в ночную смену.

I work shifts.

Я работаю посменно.

You can shift for yourself.

Ты можешь справиться сам.

Don’t try to shift the blame onto anyone else; it’s your fault.

Не пытайся переложить ответственность на кого-нибудь другого, это твоя вина.

Let`s shift the date for our class reunion

Давайте перенесём дату вечера встречи с выпускниками.

She had only her night shift on.

На ней была только ночная рубашка.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Grimm showed how the consonants shifted

The restaurant needed only one shift for lunch.

I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

shift off — снимать с себя, избавляться

Возможные однокоренные слова

shifting  — переключение, перевод, меняющийся, движущийся, переключающий
shiftless  — беспомощный, ленивый, неумелый, бесхитростный
shifty  — изворотливый, хитрый, ловкий, переменчивый, нечестный, ненадежный, изобретательный
shiftiness  — изобретательность, ненадежность, нечестность
shifter  — рабочий сцены, тот, кто изворачивается, прибегает к уловкам, ловкач, переводной…
unshift  — перевести на нижний регистр, перевод на буквы

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: shift
he/she/it: shifts
ing ф. (present participle): shifting
2-я ф. (past tense): shifted
3-я ф. (past participle): shifted

ед. ч.(singular): shift
мн. ч.(plural): shifts

English Collocation

Listen to all    |    All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«There has been a major shift in the economy.«
(major, massive, huge, important, significant, gradual)

«We noticed a slight shift in the opinion polls.«
(slight, small)

«The military made a sudden shift in position.«
(sudden, abrupt)

«She works a double shift every weekend.«
(double, long)

«He hardly sees his children because he works the early shift.«
(early, late, graveyard, night)

«I prefer to work the evening shift.«
(evening, morning, weekend, afternoon, day)

Used with verbs:

«The protest represents a dramatic shift in attitude toward the war.«
(represents, marks, indicates, reflects, signals)

«The new president can bring about an economic shift.«
(bring about, drive, lead, produce)

«The climate shift occurred gradually.«
(occurred, happened, took place)

«She starts her shift early in the morning.«
(starts, begins, ends)

«He works the night shift.«
(works, does)

Used with nouns:

«She made arrangements with the shift supervisor.«
(supervisor, manager)

«He asked for a shift change.«

Used with prepositions:

«There was a shift in direction.«

«I noticed a gradual shift toward hiring part-time employees.«
(toward, towards)

Listen to all    |    All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«The two boys tried to shift the blame onto someone else.«
(tried to, attempted to)

«Music tends to shift with a new generation.«
(tends to)

«The students’ attitudes began to shift after tuition prices increased.«
(began to, started to)

Used with adverbs:

«Julie shifted uncomfortably in her seat.«
(uncomfortably, restlessly, nervously, impatiently)

«He gradually shifted the responsibility onto other people.«
(gradually, slowly, quickly, suddenly)

Used with prepositions:

«The public attitude has shifted away from raising taxes.«

«They shifted the blame onto someone else.«

«My attention shifted to the next table.«
(to, toward, towards)

«The car shifted into second gear.«
(into, to)

Used with nouns:

«I shifted my attention to the other table.«
(attention, eyes, focus)

«He tried to shift his responsibility onto others.«
(responsibility, blame)

«She started to shift her balance between her feet.«
(balance, weight)

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