Sentence with the word shellfish

моллюск, ракообразное


- моллюск (Mollusca)
- ракообразное
- разг. съедобные моллюски и ракообразные; омары, устрицы, креветки и т. п.

Мои примеры


shellfish breeding — разведение моллюсков  
shellfish farming — разведение моллюсков  
shellfish hatchery — инкубаторий моллюсков  
molluscan shellfish — моллюск  
shellfish bed monitoring — контроль за устричными садками  
shellfish bed — моллюсковая банка  
shellfish industry — промышленность по добыче и переработке моллюсков и ракообразных  
shellfish plant — завод по переработке моллюсков или ракообразных  
shellfish raising — разведение моллюсков  
shellfish reserve — заповедник для разведения моллюсков и ракообразных  

Примеры с переводом

I break out in a rash if I eat shellfish.

Я покрываюсь сыпью, когда ем молюсков.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): shellfish
мн. ч.(plural): shellfish

Shellfish is a food source and fisheries term for exoskeleton-bearing aquatic invertebrates used as food, including various species of molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Lets begin shopping, above all else If you like eating non-vegetarian lover nourishments purchase poultry, fish, meats, eggs and most shellfish as they contains for all intents and purposes no carbs.


HONG KONG (Reuters)- Melting of the Arctic sea ice due to global warming is diluting surface waters and this is endangering some species of shellfish which need minerals in the water to form their shells and skeletons, scientists have found.


Both fish burger and shellfish sandwich servings declined, 13.1 % and 3.2 % respectively, however servings of fish sandwiches increased 16.5 %.


Feeding your dog raw shellfish makes him or her susceptible to harmful pathogens that are easily avoided if you simply cook the shrimp before feeding them to your dog.


The Belize Barrier Reef is home to hundreds of species of fish, octopus, lobster, sea turtles, shellfish and a myriad of other forms of marine life.


WINERY NOTES: «Considered the finest examples of a White «Super Tuscan» this blend of mostly Vernaccia with a small amount of Chardonnay will be a perfect companion to Spring Food including, hor’s d’oeuvres, all types of seafood and shellfish, roast veal with zucchini and pasta with pesto sauce.»


She said her position at URI is «a perfect match» because of the University’s reputation for marine science and the presence of other faculty who also study coral reefs and shellfish.


• Feel free to vary the fish and shellfish, but try to keep the proportions similar to the recipe’s.


Included in this edition is a detailed section on the most common food allergies and intolerances: dairy, egg, peanut, seafood, shellfish, soy, tree nut, and wheat (including celiac).


Consult with your veterinarian before using this product in animals: with clotting disorders; being treated with anticoagulant medications; diabetes, or any metabolic disorder causing hyperglycemia; history of urinary tract stones; known allergies to shellfish.


My husband on the other hand becomes violently ill from eating pork and shellfish.


Add more seaweed and the lobsters, sausage and shellfish.


For example, the traditional Scottish diet, described in a recent article, was rich in fish liver oils, organ meats, shellfish and fats, thus corroborating the discoveries of Dr. Weston A. Price, who found that emphasis on foods rich in vitamins A and D was universal among primitive populations.


Do bear in mind that some foods that are often included in an LCHF diet present a listeria risk, such as cured meats, shellfish, and some cheeses.


Feel free to use just fish or just shellfish, or a mix of both — whatever you can find locally.


If the shrimp smells funny (this has happened to me,) or the price is prohibitive on the mussels, choose a different combination of fish and shellfish.


A fan favorite is his mouthwatering Oysters Rockefeller with Brie, using shellfish.


All fish and shellfish contain some level of mercury, but you only need to worry about fish with high levels.


The scallop was the shellfish, or the researchers used Canadian scallop, aka Placopecten magellanicus.


The common foods causing allergic reactions among adults are peanuts, tree nuts (e.g., almonds, pecans, and Brazil nuts), fish, and shellfish.


Wheat and gluten, soy, dairy, fish, shellfish, eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts are the most common food allergens.


Along with bracing margaritas, highlights include Sammy’s tequila shrimp, the shellfish flash-cooked with garlic and chiles and then splashed with lime and tequila.


From the ocean acidification that threatens shellfish, a food source Oregonians love, to the coastal erosion that leads to infrastructure damage and may cause coastal residents to move inland.


This marinade recipe works with any other quick-cooking shellfish or seafood — try scallops or squid.


Bite-sized versions of Enjoy Life’s beloved boomCHOCOboom ™ chocolate bars, Halloween Chocolate Minis are free-from milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat and soy.


«People think that shellfish are easy to capture, that it’s a no-brainer,» Marean says.


The only thing we have never given her are shellfish as we don’t really eat that ourselves.


The original meaning of «shucking» is to remove the shuck, or outer protective layer, from food like corn and shellfish with the ultimate goal of getting to the delicious stuff inside.


Mussels are not only fun to eat, but they are the most beneficial of all shellfish.


He posted the question on Facebook and the immediate response was «certainly not, brachiopods are shellfish


Much of the produce comes from a 4 mile radius — including locally caught white fish and shellfish, Anglesey reared lamb and beef, and game from local estates.


«We would offer chowders, smoked fish, fried shellfish and other items within our concept,» he says.


While many fish, shellfish, and mushrooms can be rich sources of selenium, persons who avoid these foods may sometimes have difficulty getting an adequate amount of this important antioxidant mineral from food.


Zinc, which helps to form sperm, is particularly important for men and is found in meat, shellfish and dairy food.Men with a low sperm count often lack essential fatty acids in their diet, so eat more oily fish, seeds and nuts.


* Thoroughly cooking foods of animal origin such as beef, eggs, fish, lamb, milk, poultry or shellfish reduces the risk of food borne illness.


Remember that it is possible that a cross-contaminated product does not have a precautionary statement so you should contact the manufacturing company to make sure a food product does contain shellfish.


He called this nutrient Factor X and it is found in fish eggs, shellfish and butter from cows grazing on rapidly growing green grass in spring and fall.


And if not cooked properly, it can cause shellfish toxicity.


Psudeo-nitzschia «Pseudo-nitzschia is a marine planktonic diatom genus containing some species capable of producing the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA), which is responsible for the neurological disorder known as amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP).»


That’s why it’s recommended to not eat ocean shellfish in the months that end in r.


Washington’s shellfish industry generates nearly $ 300 million in annual revenues and supports some 3200 jobs, the report says.


New techniques for shellfish farming are leading to innovative partnerships.


Researchers analyzed the chemical makeup of shells from 29 clamlike shellfish species on the continent’s Seymour Island.


At Babease, our recipes are always free from gluten, nuts, peanuts, peanut products, seeds, eggs, shellfish, liver, cow’s milk and unpasteurised cheese.


This was the first recorded incidence of paralytic shellfish poisoning on the west coast of North America.


The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and several major food producers have agreed to fund a further two years» study into using MRI to examine beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, fish and shellfish.


Eyebrows raise every time you go near alcohol, coffee, Diet Coke, soft cheese, shellfish.


We can use that fact to our cooking advantage and use ingredients like beets, celery, carrots, meat, and shellfish (that are naturally higher in sodium) to infuse favorite typically salty dishes with natural salty tastes.


These include low-fat milk and yogurt, skinless chicken and turkey breast, lean beef, lean pork, lean lamb, low-fat cheese, tofu and other soy products, egg whites, and fish and shellfish.


That’s what I do every day, and I figured out how to do it without using dairy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, fish and shellfish, otherwise known as the top 8 food allergens.


Similar words: selfish, unselfish, jellyfish, fish, fishery, hell, shell, fishing. Meaning: n. 1. meat of edible aquatic invertebrate with a shell (especially a mollusk or crustacean) 2. invertebrate having a soft unsegmented body usually enclosed in a shell. 

1. The idea of eating raw shellfish nauseates me.

2. They are studying reproduction in shellfish.

3. Tests showed increased levels of toxin in shellfish.

4. Lobsters, crabs, prawns and oysters are all shellfish.

5. Fish and shellfish are the specialities.

6. Badly cooked shellfish can make you seriously ill.

7. Some people have an allergic reaction to shellfish.

8. They dug for shellfish at low tide.

9. Shellfish are good to eat.

10. Many cooks are squeamish about putting live shellfish into boiling water.

11. Specialities are fresh fish and shellfish.

12. Store the shellfish in a covered container and refrigerate them promptly.

13. Shellfish shippers are certified and each package of shellfish should bear the certificate number of the shipper.

14. Chopped shellfish and shrimp are recommended for feeding when beef is consistently refused.

15. They’ve been collecting shellfish: as they play, heir father stalks game among the hazel, oak and alder.

16. I part and sample their famous shellfish, strange in flavour, perfect in appearance.

17. He studies phytoplankton toxins that are eaten by shellfish, which then become potent vectors of these toxins paralytic to humans.

18. Tests on 16 fossilised shellfish showed that acid dating is as accurate as carbon dating.

19. Fish and shellfish or dairy foods could show up daily, but would be optional.

20. Pollution largely ended the shellfish industry although there have been recent attempts to revive it.

21. The outbreak of food poisoning was traced to some contaminated shellfish.

22. Tightly wrap or store in covered containers all cooked meat, poultry, and fish and shellfish and refrigerate them promptly.

22. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

23. The health department has linked several cases of food poisoning with contaminated shellfish.

24. This definition would exclude a gull or crow that drops a shellfish from a height on to a hard surface.

25. The most expensive item consisted of several kinds of shellfish in a sauce and sounded as if it was better avoided.

26. Further along the shore a few beachcombers were bunkered down, husking washed-up coconuts for copra; others collected shellfish.

27. The highest proportion of cholesterol is found in egg yolk, offal, shellfish, red meat, butter and cream.

28. The full impact on the economically important fishing industry, in particular the mussel and shellfish beds, has yet to be determined.

29. Laboratory mice died within minutes of being fed the shellfish.

30. He not only kills her, he crushes her skull and splits her body like a shellfish.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Another result of the increased silt are red tides, causing paralytic shellfish poisonings.

Другим следствием увеличения количества ила являются так называемые красные приливы, вызванные в данном случае паралитическим отравлением моллюсков.

No. I think that was the shellfish.

Нет, я думаю, это все было из-за моллюсков.

Probably some allergic reaction to shellfish, nuts.

Это может быть аллергической реакцией на… морепродукты, орехи…

I just remembered I am so allergic to shellfish.

Я вспомнила, что у меня страшная аллергия на морепродукты.

Lobsters and other shellfish are also caught and sold to passing ships.

Кроме того, ведется лов и продажа проходящим судам омаров и прочих ракообразных.

Cholesterol derived from wool, shellfish or other sources may also be used when organic cholesterol is not available.

Также можно использовать холестерин, полученный из шерсти, ракообразных или других источников, если отсутствует экологический холестерин.

Raw fish, especially shellfish, can cause several infections.

Сырая рыба и морепродукты, особенно моллюски, могут вызвать несколько инфекций.

Additionally, individuals may develop allergic reactions from collagen made using fish or shellfish.

Кроме того, у индивидуумов могут развиться аллергические реакции от продукта, произведенного с использованием рыбы или моллюсков.

Sharks that eat shellfish have flatter teeth for breaking shells.

У акул, которые едят моллюсков, зубы плоские — для разгрызания раковин.

People who are allergic to shellfish should not take these supplements.

Люди, которые имеют аллергию на моллюсков, не должны принимать эти добавки.

Studies indicate that some shellfish used in aquaculture may be vulnerable to ocean acidification.

Исследования показывают, что некоторые моллюски и ракообразные, используемые в аквакультуре, могут быть уязвимы к подкислению океана.

But originally it prepares from pickled fish, shellfish and spices.

Только первоначально он приготовлялся из маринованных рыб, моллюсков и специй.

Glucosamine, especially glucosamine sulfate, is extracted from the shells of shellfish to make dietary supplements.

Глюкозамин, особенно глюкозамин сульфат, экстрагируют из раковин моллюсков для производства пищевых добавок.

Glucosamine supplements are made from natural sources — such as shellfish shells or fungi — or manufactured artificially in a lab.

Добавки глюкозамина производятся из природных источников, таких как раковины моллюсков или грибы, или изготовляются искусственно в лаборатории.

Due to their impressive nutrient content, shellfish may be good for your waistline, brain, heart, and immune system.

Благодаря впечатляющему содержанию питательных веществ, моллюски могут быть полезны для вашей талии, мозга, сердца и иммунной системы.

They survive by spear and net fishing and spend most of their time diving for shellfish.

Выживают за счет рыбалки с копьями и сетями, а большую часть времени проводят под водой в поисках моллюсков.

It’s important to avoid all types of shellfish if you’ve had a previous reaction.

Важно, чтобы вы избегали всех видов моллюсков, если у вас была предыдущая реакция.

However, it may be beneficial to eat high-quality shellfish from known sources.

Тем не менее, может быть полезно стараться есть высококачественные моллюски от известных источников.

Being so close to the sea, shellfish and the catch of the day have a strong influence on the cuisine.

Будучи так близко к морю, моллюски и улов дня оказывают сильное влияние на кухню.

The fishermen hurriedly sold all the shellfish that were still alive, but according to the local press the losses amount to about $6m.

Рыбаки поспешно продали всех оставшихся в живых моллюсков, но согласно местной прессе потери составили около 6 миллионов долларов.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат shellfish

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Предложения со словом «shellfish»

I mean who here likes shellfish ?

Здесь есть любители устриц?

She sold shellfish in the streets of Dublin, her father and mother did the same thing before her.

Она продавала моллюс­ков на улицах Дублина, ее отец и мать делали то же самое до нее.

He selected a pair of lovely sea bass and an assortment of shellfish .

В конце концов выбор Ланге пал на двух морских окуней и нескольких моллюсков .

The guidebook says it’s a bad idea to eat shellfish here.

В путеводителе сказано, что моллюсков здесь лучше не есть.

In the European Community, directives are in force to protect the quality of waters, including bathing water and shellfish waters.

В рамках Европейского сообщества действуют директивы, касающиеся сохранения надлежащего качества вод, включая морские участки пляжей и участки обитания моллюсков .

Examples of mercury concentrations in fish and/or shellfish in various regions of the world, as submitted by Governments, were provided in a table.

Приведенные правительствами примеры уровней содержания ртути в рыбе и/или моллюсках в различных регионах мира были представлены в виде таблицы.

Probably some allergic reaction to shellfish , nuts.

Это может быть аллергической реакцией на… морепродукты, орехи…

Now, you see, the trick with paella is to use just enough saffron — to complement the shellfish .

Итак, понимаешь, главное. чтобы в паэлье было достаточно шафрана, чтобы дополнить вкус моллюска .

So we would have under this system a shellfish aquaculture where we’re growing mussels or scallops.

Под этой системой будут расти моллюски , мидии и гребешки.

And kids, when I told your mother that shellfish joke, she did laugh.

Детки, когда я рассказал вашей маме шутку про эгоустрИчно — она рассмеялась.

I wouldn’t want either of you to get shellfish poisoning as a result of the sewage outfall.

Не хотел бы, чтобы кто — то из вас отравился моллюсками из — за спуска сточных вод в море.

In the future, I’ll try to cater more to your shellfish demands.

В будущем я постараюсь обратить большее внимание на ваши моллюскоистичные запросы.

Others, by contrast, say it comes of greed, the men having gorged themselves on unripe fruit and shellfish when they first arrived.

Иные, напротив, считают, …что дело в ненасытности тех, …кто объелся неспелых фруктов и моллюсков сразу по прибытии.

Sammy is allergic to shellfish and dander.

У Сэмми аллергия на моллюсков и на перхоть.

In the shallows there were several kinds of shellfish , polyps and prawns, all of which had once served as food for primitive man.

На отмелях — раковины, мелкие ракушки, полипы, креветки — все, что некогда служило пищей первобытному человеку.

The shellfish platter on this one is like 10 Euro cheaper.

Морпепродукты здесь на 10 евро дешевле.

He loved shellfish , clams, oysters.

Обожал моллюсков . Креветок, устриц.

Did you know they served shellfish and eel at the very first Thanksgiving?

Ты знаешь, что они подавали моллюсков и угря на самый первый День благодарения?

So shellfish and… — Well, we didn’t hear any shellfish , did we?

Так значит моллюски и… — Ну, звука моллюска среди ваших сигналов не было ведь?

And shrimp are shellfish , right?

А креветки – это же моллюски , правда?


Все согласны на моллюсков ?

This dinner tonight, Caesar asks no shellfish .

Насчет сегодняшнего приема. Цезарь просил обойтись без моллюсков .

I’m not really a shellfish kind of guy.

Я не особый любитель моллюсков .

Oh, uh, does she eat shellfish ?

Ах да, она ест моллюсков ?

It makes the shellfish taste delicious.

От него моллюски просто объедение.

waiter… hi,uh,my wife has a severe shellfish allergy.

Официант! У моей жены аллергия на морепродукты.

What if she’s allergic to shellfish ?

А может у неё аллергия на морепродукты?

I just remembered I am so allergic to shellfish .

Я вспомнила, что у меня страшная аллергия на морепродукты.

Cheap shellfish . Always the way to go.

Я всегда за дешевые морепродукты.

Red wine and shellfish don’t mix.

Красное вино и морепродукты не смешивают.

Probably some allergic reaction to… shellfish , nuts.

Это может быть аллергической реакцией на …морепродукты, орехи…

And then the food-do you like shellfish ?

Ты любишь устрицы?

Apparently the restaurant serves the best moules marinieres in England, and I’ve just remembered you don’t like shellfish .

Кажется в этом ресторане подают лучшие в Англии мидии в вине, и я только что вспомнил, что ты не любишь устрицы.

If I’d known you were allergic to shellfish of course I never would’ve had you try that soup.

Знай я, что у тебя аллергия на устриц, никогда бы не заказал тот суп.

It’s a pity I’m allergic to shellfish .

Жаль, у меня аллергия на ракообразных.

Suddenly you’re a shellfish connoisseur?

Внезапно стал экспертом по ракообразным?

How do I not know that you’re allergic to shellfish ?

Как получилось, что я не знаю о твоей аллергии на ракообразных?

Danny’s allergic to shellfish .

У Дэнни аллергия на них.

Well, shellfish contaminated with toxic algae blooms,

Из молюсков, зараженных из — за цветения токсичных водорослей,

I don’t know if it was the wine, or the shellfish

Я не знаю вино ли это, или мидии

Maybe Garin and Zoe are to this day still gathering shellfish on that islet.

Должно быть, и по нынешний день Гарин и Зоя собирают моллюсков и устриц на этом островке.

Did you know I’m allergic to shellfish ?

Знаешь, у меня аллергия на морские раковины.

Garin collected shellfish or caught fish with his shirt in the fresh-water lake.

Г арин собирал раковины или рубашкой ловил рыбу в пресном озерце.

I’m meeting a shellfish dealer.

У меня встреча с одним рыбаком.

I’m not that comfortable around them. Because I don’t really hate much shellfish .

Я в этом не спец, потому что сама ракообразных почти не ем…

You’ll find your shellfish lady.

Ты найдёшь свою эгоустрИчноую девушку.

The next victim was Daphne… who started puffing up thanks to her shellfish allergy.

Следующей жертвой была Дафни, начавшая опухать из — за ее аллергии на моллюсков .

Better to eat shellfish from some dirty New York kitchen than right here by the sea where it’s caught in front of your eyes.

Конечно, лучше есть моллюсков с какой — нибудь грязной нью — йоркской кухни, чем здесь, на берегу моря, где их ловят прямо у тебя на глазах.

Leviticus also goes on to say eating shellfish is an abomination.

Левит далее также говорит, что есть моллюсков — это мерзость.

Pepe sells him worthless shellfish , anything of no value.

Пепе продаёт ему бесполезных моллюсков , и всякую другую дребедень.

And from eating shellfish , from wearing clothes with mixed fabrics.

Поедать моллюсков , носить одежду со смешанным составом.

Are you allergic to shellfish ?

У вас аллергия на морепродукты?

Minamata disease is a disease of the central nervous system, a poisoning caused by long-term consumption, in large amounts, of fish and shellfish from Minamata Bay.

Болезнь Минамата — это заболевание центральной нервной системы, отравление, вызванное длительным употреблением в больших количествах рыбы и моллюсков из залива Минамата.

Flamingos filter-feed on shellfish and algae.

Фламинго фильтруют — питаются моллюсками и водорослями.

A number of South African sites have shown an early reliance on aquatic resources from fish to shellfish .

Ряд южноафриканских объектов показал раннюю зависимость от водных ресурсов — от рыбы до моллюсков .

Establishing a reliance on predictable shellfish deposits, for example, could reduce mobility and facilitate complex social systems and symbolic behavior.

Например, установление зависимости от предсказуемых отложений моллюсков может снизить мобильность и облегчить сложные социальные системы и символическое поведение.

Flamingos filter-feed on shellfish and algae.

Фламинго фильтруют — питаются моллюсками и водорослями.

It has been suggested that Qatar is the earliest known site of shellfish dye production, owing to a Kassite purple dye industry which existed on the coast.

Было высказано предположение, что Катар является самым ранним известным местом производства красителей для моллюсков , поскольку на побережье существовала Касситная пурпурная красильная промышленность.

For more than two centuries, copper paint has been used on boat hulls to control the growth of plants and shellfish .

На протяжении более чем двух столетий медная краска использовалась на корпусах лодок для контроля роста растений и моллюсков .

Flamingos filter-feed on shellfish and algae.

Фламинго фильтруют — питаются моллюсками и водорослями.

We found 622 ‘shellfish’ sentence examples to help you understand how to use shellfish in a sentence.

  • Alternative, non-shellfish-derived forms of glucosamine are available.
  • The kima, a great mussel weighing (without shell) 20 to 30 Ib, and other shellfish, are eaten, as are also dogs, flying foxes, lizards, beetles and all kinds of insects.
  • Big fan of New England shellfish.
  • Taylor shellfish is good, but prices are high and selection is limited.
  • And what wine is an ideal match with shellfish and crustaceans.
  • Shellfish shippers are certified and each package of shellfish should bear the certificate number of the shipper.
  • Both compounds are often derived from shellfish and animal byproducts.
  • The shellfish platter was a disappointment though.
  • And both shellfish were filled with meat.
  • It was a hug from mom in a bowl full of veggies, grains, and shellfish.
  • If he did, he’d see lots of recipes for meat, fish, shellfish, and wild game.
  • It was soft, flaky and sat in this dashi broth accompanied with a shellfish dumpling.
  • The recipes are straightforward, with an emphasis on seafood and shellfish.
  • Smoky, flavorful sauce and delicious shellfish.
  • There was a vast quantity of shellfish, and not very much fish fish.
  • I didn’t need them since I’m pro when it comes to eating shellfish or like to think.
  • He studies phytoplankton toxins that are eaten by shellfish, which then become potent vectors of these toxins paralytic to humans.
  • Not a shellfish fan but the two others I was with were in heaven.
  • I had totally forgotten about his shellfish allergy until we actually got there.
  • Loggerheads have powerful jaws that allow them to crush shellfish.
  • Inside, a myriad of seafood and shellfish rest over a bed of saffron rice.
  • The staff was great with accommodating my shellfish allergy.
  • Tell the chef that u do not serve a closed shellfish.
  • They always have a solid lineup of both lake and ocean fish, and an amazing shellfish selection.
  • They eat pike, carp, herring, chum salmon, keta, and most other fish or shellfish that can fit into their mouths.
  • He doesn’t eat shellfish, so we had to call to see if it was real crab or not.
  • It’s unfit to eat as you can’t enjoy the delicate sweetness of the shellfish.
  • These are mussels the cockroaches of shellfish that cut up your feet at low tide.
  • Archaeologists have speculated that the group was searching the mudflats for seafood such as lugworms, shellfish, crabs, and seaweed.
  • It also stands out for its shellfish, corals and anemones.
  • Finfish species must be feed regularly, but shellfish do not, which can reduce costs.
  • I am allergic to shellfish and there was shrimp in my chicken sandwich.
  • Do not re-water shellfish, which you have bought.
  • Now, shellfish is my favorite food.
  • The research progresses on bioactive peptides existed in the marine organisms such as sponges, ascidian, varec, fishes, shellfish, etc. and their antitumor effects were reviewed.
  • After carefully opening the bottle, serve sparkling wines as an aperitif, with appetizers, and with seafood, shellfish, white meat poultry, cream soups or bisques, and pasta with cream sauce.
  • Shrimp and any shellfish is imitated as the actual animal is not considered kosher.
  • If you’re looking to make shellfish like clams or mussels, this is the place in town to get them.
  • Half the items I couldn’t eat due to shellfish being so prevalent.
  • Planking shellfish on a Baking Plank25.
  • Shellfish are high in cholesterol, but pretty low in calories and saturated fat, too.
  • I was apprehensive, mainly due to the fact that I am allergic to shellfish and some seafood.
  • He lived rough, eating off shellfish on the shore.
  • Dry, with a characteristic lemony tartness that makes it a great accompaniment to shellfish . 13 points.
  • Obviously, no pork or shellfish.
  • Aside from shellfish, fish and eggs, allergy to peanuts is the most common.
  • He says that shellfish should be avoided because they are high in cadmium.
  • Fruits complement the flavors of meats and shellfish.
  • After the meats they presented oil soaked cauliflower then Asian food, and finally shellfish.
  • If consumed, this toxin can cause paralytic shellfish poisoning ( PSP ).
  • Main items include shellfish and conger eel, sardines, anchovy, mackerel, hake, mollusks, crustaceans, and algae.
  • Also really good shellfish.
  • Nut allergies and shellfish, however, seem to be the most documented triggers for anaphylaxis.
  • I go nuts when people overcook shellfish but all the clams were still very soft and delightful.
  • My only reason not to give 5 stars is that they don’t have many non shellfish or pork options.
  • The broth is most impressive and unique, made from clam, shellfish, chicken and pork.
  • Busty’s brother, Joe Charley, got a job with a shellfish company.
  • There were edible flower pieces and small chunks of shellfish.
  • Shellfish of all sorts are part of the diet, and shellfish of the coastal regions include clambake.
  • Make sure your life insurance is up to date if you eat their raw shellfish.
  • Chicken gumbo without shellfish is available for those with preferences or shellfish allergies.
  • The food is staple Korean food, but elevated with no MSG and shellfish free kimchi.
  • Several of the shellfish were not prepped well.
  • Food is good and they serve generous amount of shellfish.
  • Hubby don’t eat shellfish.
  • I don’t typically eat shellfish, so that is most likely the reason.
  • A » plateau de fruits de mer » generally consists entirely of shellfish and is served with condiments such as mignonette sauce, cocktail sauce, and lemon.
  • G 3 kinds of shellfish and cheesesticks.
  • Culinary suggestions:Excellent as an aperitif. Grilled fish, shellfish and goat cheese.
  • And while the ale’s stronger, fruitier flavors masked the shellfish, the malt liquor provided only a slightly metallic afternote, letting through more of the essence of the mussels.
  • Integral Fish and shellfish Sauces11.
  • Toxins in shellfish in the area.
  • DH doesn’t like fish and is semi allergic to shellfish.
  • Great place for shellfish and bbq, love the corn and potatoes.
  • Use this hand to handle the shellfish while your dominant hand is available to use chopsticks.
  • As an app we shared the chilled shellfish platter which is a must.
  • If u could eat shellfish, i would recommend this one.
  • Outrageously overpriced for subpar quality chilled shellfish.
  • Folle blanche is used in the Loire Valley area and in Brittany around Nantes to produce Gros Plant du Pays Nantais, a very dry and often tartly acidic wine that pairs well with shellfish.
  • It’s heavy on the shellfish and luxury ingredients, but it also takes risks.
  • Experts also warn against eating shellfish tainted by red tide.
  • The paralytic shellfish toxin is not normally found in puffer fish.
  • The outbreak of food poisoning was traced to some contaminated shellfish.
  • Penn Cove shellfish in Coupeville, Wash ., takes a more grass-roots approach.
  • Shellfish are especially valuable sources of copper, iodine and zinc.
  • Their shellfish comes in a plastic bag with the sauce you pick.
  • 10 Tips and Techniques for Great Planked Fish and shellfish, Every Time.
  • Wild salmon get these carotenoids from eating krill and other tiny shellfish.
  • They have non shellfish dishes.
  • I informed her of that I’m allergic to shellfish.
  • Coined the » Lobster Capital of the World «, Rosarito cuisine focuses largely on sea food and shellfish.
  • For me, the highlight was the shellfish.
  • I’m not much of a shellfish person so naturally j went to the land menu.
  • It’s got a nice kick to it and after eating a couple pounds of shellfish.
  • His recipes also cover Fish, soup , eggs, shellfish, beef , pasta and much more.
  • Only saltwater fish and shellfish are used in sushi.
  • And for fish and shellfish , more than two — thirds come from overseas.
  • These waters are full of salmon, halibut, shellfish, Pollock, and other species.
  • Mussels were sublime, very tender but not mushy, in a sauce that complimented the shellfish well.
  • Best of all they do not fry fish or shellfish so I can eat here and not get sick.

Other Words: Shendi, Shenandoah, Shetland Islands, She Goat, Shellfire, Sherman, Shemozzle, Sheet Piling, Shetland, Shebangs, Shepherd S Purse, Sherborn, Shetland Ponies, Shelleyan, Sheldrakes, Sheynkin, Shelty, She Apostle, Shell Fish, Shed Light On

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Shellfish | Shellfish Sentence

  • The thought of the raw shellfish sickened him.
  • Then he ceased pulling at the shellfish and listened.
  • All shellfish must be actively alive before cooking.
  • The people gathered all the shellfish they could find at low tide.
  • The two of us could make shift to live on fish and shellfish and mutton.
  • Here you may see all the different kind o’ shellfish that the sea produces.

How To Use Shellfish In A Sentence?

  • Here and there, where crevices permitted, a few rank shellfish and sea urchins were gleaned.
  • The precious dye is secreted by a snail-like shellfish of the eastern coast of the Mediterranean.
  • Harry and Bunny again started to dig for the shellfish and Sue held the basket for them.
  • These dyes were obtained from two kinds of shellfish together with an alkali prepared from seaweed.
  • He subsisted on shellfish which he picked up on the seashore, or upon hips and haws which he gathered in the woods.
  • It was a lovely morning, and he could distinguish the shellfish creeping on the bottom, though the water was ten fathoms deep.
  • Nothing grew on the Rock, and its sides, covered with shellfish at sea level where the surf thundered in, were too precipitous for access.

Definition of Shellfish

An aquatic invertebrate having a shell, such as a mollusc or crustacean, especially when edible.

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Shellfish in a sentence

Shellfish sentence

sentence with Shellfish

Shellfish used in a sentence

Shellfish make sentence

make sentence with Shellfish

make sentence of Shellfish

Shellfish sentence in english

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