Sentence with the word shadow

Antonym: sunshine. Similar words: shade, ado, shake, sharp, a share, shark, shared, shaggy. Meaning: [‘ʃædəʊ]  n. 1. shade within clear boundaries 2. an unilluminated area 3. something existing in perception only 4. a premonition of something adverse 5. an indication that something has been present 6. refuge from danger or observation 7. a dominating and pervasive presence 8. a spy employed to follow someone and report their movements 9. an inseparable companion. v. 1. follow, usually without the person’s knowledge 2. cast a shadow over 3. make appear small by comparison. 

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1) Glory is the shadow of virtue. 

2) Grasp the shadow and let go the substance. 

3) No sunshine but bath some shadow

4) The face of light, shadow just behind us.

5) The shadow moves with the sun.

6) The chair casts a shadow on the wall.

7) Last time I married a swaying shadow.

8) The ship’s sail cast a shadow on the water.

9) His shadow fell across the room.

10) Pale moonlight,[] I declare lonely and shadow.

11) The house lay in dark shadow.

12) Sometimes she sits alone in the shadow.

13) You’re more than a shadow, I’ve just to believe.

14) He employed a detective to shadow his wife.

15) Shadow, with her veil drawn, follows Light in secret meekness, with her silent steps of love.

16) Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off, you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last.

17) An oak tree cast its shadow over a tiny round pool.

18) They live in a charming house in the shadow of the cathedral.

19) This street so empty your shadow was in every corner.

20) Trust no one because even your shadow will leave you in darkness.

21) She knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was lying to her.

22) The recollection cannot diverge, looks like the shadow to remain.

23) The dog that has been beaten with a stick is afraid of its shadow

24) Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.

25) In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed. he becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It hasoften been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.

26) What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.

27) When a man speaks or acts with good intention. Then happiness follows him like his shadow that never leaves him.

28) You don’t need someone to love in secret. We just stand by the river and feel sad when seeing the shadow in the water and thought that we r falling love with someone.

29) There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires.

30) I like a lonely puppet, lost and I follow like a shadow another puppet, never show will not move, was abandoned in the corner of dusty, alone in despair, in a desperate sad, then continue to missing you.

More similar words: shade, ado, shake, sharp, a share, shark, shared, shaggy, shallow, adopt, shake up, shake off, sharply, head on, ahead of, paradox, a load of, shattered, shareholder, adoption, adorable, spread out, polka dot, instead of, head office, in the shape of, adolescent, ambassador, incommunicado, ahead of time. 

Sentences with the word Shadow?



  • «it was immediately and indubitably apparent that I had interrupted a scene of lovers»; «his guilt was established beyond a shadow of a doubt»
  • «thick night»; «thick darkness»; «a face in deep shadow«; «deep night»
  • «a shadow over his happiness»
  • «he felt secure in his father’s shadow«
  • «he received little recognition working in the shadow of his father»
  • «the poor child was his mother’s shadow«
  • «some trick of the moonlight; some weird effect of shadow«- Bram Stoker

Use Shadow in a sentence. How to use the word Shadow in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Shadow. Sentence for Shadow.

Use Shadow in a Sentence - How to use "Shadow" in a sentence


Examples of shadow in a sentence

  1. For the shadow was there.
  2. Members of the shadow cabinet John Prescott and David Blunkett abstained.
  3. During the shadow boxing, all the exercises we had done earlier came together.
  4. There was nothing there—nothing except the pleasant flicker of light and shadow on the old Persian rug.
  5. He had not proceeded far before he saw a female figure lurking in the shadow of an altar near which he had to pass.
  6. If the fault wasn’t his and wasn’t hers, then who was responsible for the shadow that hung over the house?
  7. Those who would lead their children by this route must avoid the very shadow of religion as they would that of the upas.
  8. While I questioned him the drowsy horses trotted slowly through the sun and shadow on the dun-coloured road.
  9. Never once, not even during her illness, had she failed to share a single one of my enthusiasms; never once, in all the years of our marriage, had there been so much as a shadow between us.
  10. Luckily, the intl library provides the Collator class (and shadow functions with names starting with collator_), which you can use to compare and sort strings with respect to your selected locale.
  11. We spent a charming fortnight together at Dare’s Gift—Mildred happy as a child in her garden, and I satisfied to lie in the shadow of the box wall and watch her bloom back to health.
  12. “You saved his life!” I started to cry; but before I could utter the words she vanished into the shadow of the mulberry tree, and left the boy standing alone in the road.
  13. As I stood there, entranced by the colour of the morning, it seemed to me that this circle of sunlight and shadow became alive with the quiver of innumerable gauzy wings, the bright ghosts of all the birds that had ever sung in this place.

Post Views: 142

тень, призрак, мрак, полумрак, намек, покров, затенять, омрачать, осенять, предвещать


- тень (от предметов)

the shadow of the house [of the tree] — тень от дома [от дерева]
to cast /to throw, to project/ a shadow — а) отбрасывать тень; the trees cast long shadows
the earth’s shadow sometimes falls on the moon — иногда тень от Земли падает на Луну

- полумрак

her face was in deep shadow — её лица не было видно в глубокой тени
she was hard to see in the web of light and shadow — её было трудно различить в этом сплетении теней и света

- неизвестность

to live in the shadow — оставаться в тени; жить в безвестности
he was content to live in the shadow — его устраивало оставаться в тени /на заднем плане/

- обыкн. pl
- сумерки (тж. the shadows of evening)

the shadows lengthen — сумерки сгущаются
the rural street, now deep in shadow, was still — на деревенской улице, уже погрузившейся в темноту, было тихо

ещё 12 вариантов


- затенять; защищать, заслонять (от солнца, света)

great trees shadowed this spot — большие деревья затеняли этот уголок
long curling lashes shadowed her eyes — длинные загнутые ресницы скрывали её глаза

- поэт. осенять
- омрачать

his childhood was shadowed by this affliction — его детство было омрачено этим несчастьем

- мрачнеть

her blue eyes shadowed with rage — её голубые глаза потемнели от гнева

- намечать; туманно излагать; изображать символически, аллегорически (обыкн. shadow forth, shadow out)

the particulars of the story are artfully shadowed in the very beginning — основные моменты этой истории искусно намечены в самом начале
in this figure the author shadowed forth the idea of love — в этом образе автор воплотил своё представление о любви

- предсказывать, предрекать, предвещать (тж. shadow forth, shadow out)

this event seemed to shadow forth a new kind of trouble — это событие, казалось, предвещало новые неприятности
to shadow forth /out/ future events — предвосхищать грядущие события

- следовать по пятам, тайно следить

I knew that I was being shadowed — я знал, что за мной кто-то следит /установлена слежка/


- (обыкн. Shadow) полит. теневой; не стоящий у власти; оппозиционный

Shadow cabinet — теневой кабинет (состав кабинета министров, намечаемый лидерами оппозиции)
Shadow minister — член «теневого кабинета» министров

- текст. с теневыми оттенками (о ткани в полоску или клетку)

shadow plaid — разнооттеночная шотландка
shadow roll — валик из овечьей шкуры (надеваемый на голову скаковой лошади, чтобы лошадь не пугалась собственной тени)

Мои примеры


a mixture of light and shadow — сочетание света и тени  
some trick of the moonlight; some weird effect of shadow — какой-нибудь хитрый фокус лунного света или причудливая игра теней  
to cast a shadow on smth. — отбрасывать тень на что-л.  
to cast shadow — отбрасывать тень  
beyond / without a shadow of a doubt — без тени сомнения  
to cast a shadow on smb.’s reputation — бросать тень на чью-л. репутацию  
a shadow of power — видимость власти  
five o’clock shadow — щетина, небритость  
shadow file — ложный файл  
shadow method — теневой метод  
cast a long shadow — давать длинную тень  
shadow detail — деталь в тенях  

Примеры с переводом

The room was half in shadow.

В комнате стоял полумрак.

The police are shadowing her.

Полиция следит за ней.

Most of the lake was in shadow.

Большая часть озера была в тени.

The ladies shadowed.

Дамы приуныли.

A bear shadowed the man.

За человеком неотступно следовал медведь.

A shadow crossed her face.

На её лице отразилась грусть.

A large hat shadowed her eyes.

Её глаза защищала от солнца огромная шляпа.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

You can see your own shadow on a sunny day.

She rubbed off her lipstick and eye shadow.

Police shadowed the suspect for several days.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

overshadow  — затмевать, омрачать, затенять, затемнять, бросать тень
shadowy  — темный, тенистый, призрачный, смутный, неясный
shadowing  — слежка
shadower  — преследователь
shadowed  — находящийся в тени, защищенный от света, затененный
shadowless  — без тени, открытый, бестеневой

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: shadow
he/she/it: shadows
ing ф. (present participle): shadowing
2-я ф. (past tense): shadowed
3-я ф. (past participle): shadowed

ед. ч.(singular): shadow
мн. ч.(plural): shadows

Definition of Shadow

to follow someone

Examples of Shadow in a sentence

Since I want to become an attorney like my uncle, I sometimes shadow him at his firm.


Creeping out of the dark alley, the sleuth began to shadow the suspect and followed his every move.


I wasn’t able to tail the getaway van or shadow the quick moving robber.


The quickest way for the new-hire to learn his responsibilities was to shadow a seasoned worker.


Since the foreign exchange student could not speak English, her teacher assigned her another student to shadow from class to class.


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Use the word shadow in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use shadow in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for shadow.

  • In its shadow was a swan. (10)
  • The shadow of a clue for me. (10)
  • Avoid the shadow of hypocrisy. (10)
  • Her husband was a shadow there. (10)
  • There is not a shadow of wavering. (4)
  • In the shadow of it sat the fair singer. (10)
  • But she writhes under any shadow of a blot. (10)
  • A polite gendarme threw his shadow on the path. (2)
  • Her amazement was without a shadow of reserve. (10)
  • The idea reflected a shadow on his intelligence. (10)
  • Afterwards he got worse, and became quite my shadow. (4)
  • He stood still once more in the shadow of the lilacs. (8)
  • The shadow of the cypress was lessening on the lake. (10)
  • For the sake of a passing shadow, to give up substance? (8)
  • There in the shadow of a doorway the policeman was standing. (8)
  • The cab stopped; George stepped out of the shadow and got in. (8)
  • If for only that, she would have hung to him like his shadow. (10)
  • We would think so, and still the shadow is round our thoughts. (10)
  • Is there such a thing as the yearning of the shadow for its body? (12)
  • Suddenly, across the wan grass the shadow of the pine-trunk moved. (8)
  • The light was tender to her complexion where she sat in partial shadow. (10)
  • The shadow of the house stretched velvet and blunt over the rock-garden. (8)
  • The small glow of candle-light made her dark rich colouring orange in shadow. (10)
  • He found a comforting reassurance in asserting his command over his own shadow. (1)
  • Politically also we know that strength is the one reality: the rest is shadow. (10)
  • A cluster of sunshades on the bridge glowed for a moment and was lost in shadow. (8)
  • Compared with men, they have as much heart in them as the shadow beside the body. (10)
  • The open space was quite luminous in the middle of those three deep walls of shadow. (10)
  • Lady Judith is serene above it, but it frets at Richard when he is out of her shadow. (10)
  • He did not answer, as though in very truth he had been the shadow of a man lying there. (8)
  • Had he done ill or well for himself and for her when he named the shadow on her parents? (10)
  • She saw that it was he, and, calling out his name, ran back into the shadow of the trees. (8)
  • We stand upon isles, who stand: A Shadow before us, and back, A phantom the habited land. (10)
  • Dudley was optically affected by a round spot of the world swinging its shadow over Nesta. (10)
  • He was in the shadow of the house, so that it was impossible to discern much of his figure. (10)
  • And, as if she had been his shadow lengthened out to that far distance, she moved behind him. (8)
  • Doomed Benson following his burly shadow hove in sight on the white road while Adrian spoke. (10)
  • Had she kept her back to him, he might have rounded her like the shadow of a dial, undetected. (10)
  • What a light that was half shadow, and what shadows that were all light were over everything!… (14)
  • The streets were full of icy shadow, although the chimneys were smoking overhead in golden sunshine. (2)
  • His conscience suffered few, if any, twinges for letting this man rest under the shadow of the murder. (8)
  • Evan was looking at a figure, whose shadow was thrown towards the house from the margin of the stream. (10)
  • Before him in the sunlight a little shadow fled; behind him the reek of petrol seemed to darken the road. (8)
  • Or there is a lake in mid-forest, that curls part in shadow under the foot of morning: there we have her. (10)
  • The sail seemed to have had a prescience of the wind before it passed over the smooth water like a shadow. (9)
  • Gyp could never be self-confident for long; over her most victorious moments brooded the shadow of distrust. (8)
  • Lilies, swimming on the mere, In the castle shadow, Under draw their heads, and Fear Walks the misty meadow. (10)
  • The shadow about her secretes mystery, just as the forest breeds romance: and mystery is a measureless realm. (10)
  • What philosopher could have set down that face of sun and breeze and nymph in shadow as a point in a problem? (10)
  • It was as if his khaki had fallen off, and he had stepped out of his own shadow, a live and quivering creature. (8)
  • Like a shadow she passed across the grass, out of the garden gate, down the road under the black dripping trees. (8)
  • A shadow of his missed Idea on London Bridge seemed to cross him from the close flapping of a wing within reach. (10)
  • When once he had given his liking, he could not bear that any shadow of change should seem to have come upon him. (9)
  • Surely, I hurried to the tents and took no sleep, watching zealously by the tent of Ravaloke, crouched in its shadow. (10)
  • And he could find no sleep, for her shadow appeared to him constantly and yet did not find the courage to address him. (12)
  • So for hours rode Farina in a silver-fleeting glory; while the Monk as a shadow, galloped stern and silent beside him. (10)
  • Or will you forever pursue that shadow of liberty which still escapes from your hands, even when in the act of grasping it? (18)
  • But now the shadow of a great calamity fell on me, for my dear Heriot announced his intention of leaving the school next half. (10)
  • Sir Purcell moved from the shadow of the tree as noiselessly as he could, so that this enamoured couple might not be disturbed. (10)
  • In the shadow of the towering rock of Cape Diamond, the first thing to be done was to clear a site and erect cabins for shelter. (19)
  • Fore-sail and aft were at their gentle strain; her shadow rippled fragmentarily along to the silver rivulet and boat of her wake. (10)
  • Nothing but that would suffer itself to be suggested, though conjectures lying in shadow underneath pressed ominously on my mind. (10)
  • The windows stood wide open in the heat; the garden lay in thick, soft shadow, where the pitchy shapes of trees could be discerned. (8)
  • Placidly fading, and sinking and shading At last to that shadow, the latest desert; Wasting and waning, but still, still remaining. (10)
  • A shadow was over the house, and the inhabitants moved about their domestic occupations silent as things that feel the thunder-cloud. (10)
  • They were still too much in shadow, however, to reveal their nature and origin to an indolent attention, and again he resumed his reading. (1)
  • Victor thought, and he garrotted the unruly mind of a man really feeling devoutness in the presence of the shadow thrown by the dread Shade. (10)
  • As Vittoria came under the fretted shadow of the cathedral, she perceived her mother standing with Zotti at the house-door, though the night was far advanced. (10)
  • The folds of light and shadow everywhere were satin-rich; shadows perforce of blackness had light in them, and the light a sword-like sharpness over their edges. (10)

Also see sentences for: darken, darkness, dimness, gloom, obscure, obscurity, shade.

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