Sentence with the word seven

Synonym: 7, VII, heptad, septenary, septet, sevener, vii. Similar words: seventy, seventh, sever, severe, several, severely, persevere, severance. Meaning: [‘sevn]  n. the cardinal number that is the sum of six and one. adj. being one more than six. 

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1. One year’s seeding makes seven years weeding. 

2. One lie needs seven lies to wait upon it. 

3. Turn your tongue seven times before speaking. 

4. Rain before seven; fine before eleven. 

5. A fool can ask more questions than seven wise men can answer. 

6. Keep thing seven years and you will find a use for it. 

7. Wake me up at seven tomorrow.

8. She learned to ride when she was seven.

8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

9. Is seven okay for you?

10. The children average seven years of age.

11. They consolidated seven provinces to form four new ones.

12. I wake at seven every morning.

13. The sun rose at seven o’clock.

14. A wake-up call at seven tomorrow morning[], please.

15. One in seven accidents is caused by sleepy drivers.

16. Two from seven leaves five.

17. The lift-off was delayed about seven minutes.

18. It’s most unlikely that she’ll arrive before seven.

19. The party had been governing for seven months.

20. It was nineteen minutes past seven.

21. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

22. The women visited cities in seven states.

23. High tide is at seven in the morning.

24. Yesterday, I had breakfast at a quarter past seven.

25. What are the seven wonders of the world?

26. The aircraft has/carries a crew of seven.

27. Four and three make seven.

28. I haven’t got to leave till seven.

29. Carter was remanded in custody for seven days.

30. A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years. 

More similar words: seventy, seventh, sever, severe, several, severely, persevere, severance, perseverance, even, event, events, even if, eleven, even now, uneven, even so, evening, prevent, revenue, even when, eventual, eventually, in any event, preventive, even though, prevention, in the event of, eleventh hour, good evening. 

Sentences with the word Seven?



  • «the summation of four and three gives seven«; «four plus three equals seven«
  • «it has an ambulatory and seven chapels»
  • «we dropped her astern on the end of a seven-inch manilla, and she laid comfortably on the ebb tide»
  • «are they astir yet?»; «up by seven each morning»
  • «the board has seven members»
  • «so many head of cattle»; «wait till the cows come home»; «seven thin and ill-favored kine»- Bible; «a team of oxen»
  • «We breakfast at seven«
  • «there are seven continents»; «pioneers had to cross the continent on foot»
  • «the seven deadly sins»
  • «Can you divide 49 by seven
  • «the first seven councils through 787 are considered to be ecumenical councils by both the Roman Catholic church and the Eastern Orthodox church but the next fourteen councils are considered ecumenical only by the Roman Catholic church»
  • «7 is a logogram that is pronounced `seven‘ in English and `nanatsu’ in Japanese»
  • «theologians list seven mortal sins»
  • «He put out the same for seven managers»
  • «The prisoner’s resistance weakened after seven days»

Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 6. 1 It’s seven…… . 2 … i can not …… what. 3 They look……… ……. .4 She thinks it’s…….., but it is …….. .5 I ……… wear jeans and …….. . I can not wear them…… .6 Thanks! Wonderful………!

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Just as in Russian, English numerals are divided into quantitative (those with which we count objects and designate their quantity) and ordinal (those with which we determine the place of an object in a certain queue).

However, English numerals have a number of distinctive features. For example, in Russian writing, we separate every three digits in the number with a dot (234.986.564), and in fractions, integers and parts — with a comma (1,5). How are numbers written in English, you ask? We will answer, Everything is exactly the opposite !!!

In addition, for some reason, English language students write a currency sign (in our case, it is a dollar or a pound) after the amount. Probably, the law of analogy is at work here, because the reduction of rubles / r. We bet after the amount for sure! Again, English numerals behave exactly differently, that is the $ and £ signs are written up to the amount.

For example: $ 2.0 billion or $ 1,981,364

It’s the same story with interest. Russian percentages are usually denoted as%. At least two other methods will be selected for English.

In any case, the following quick reference will help you deal with another difficulty of the English language — ordinal and cardinal numbers.

Cardinal numbers

  1. Numbers ending in –teen are stressed on both the first and second syllables. If such numbers are before a noun, then they are stressed on the first syllable.
  2. Numbers denoting tens (ending in -ty) are stressed on the first syllable.
  3. Between tens and the following units is placed hyphen: twenty-one, forty-seven.
  4. Numerals hundred, thousand, million can take the ending -s in combination with -of when they denote an indefinite number of hundreds, thousands, etc .: hundreds of students. Million can take the ending -s when it is preceded by one, two, three, and there is no other number after it. In this case, after million is used of: two millions of books.
  5. 1,225,375 — one million two hundred and twenty-five thousand three hundred and seventy-five.
  6. Every three digits in cardinal numbers are separated comma: 1,225,375
  7. Compound numbers ending in one (one) have a plural noun after them: twenty-one days.
  8. Zero can also cause some confusion.

    There are several ways to pronounce or read this number.

    Table 1.

    Pronunciation Using
    zero Used when you read «zero» in fractions, percentages, phone numbers, or some fixed expression.
    o (the letter name) Used to read the names of years, addresses, times and temperatures. Used to read years, addresses, times and temperatures
    Vittorio Citro Boutique Official Site | Clothing and Footwear Buy the new collection online on Express Shipping and Free Return.Vittorio Citro Boutique Official Store | Fashion items for men and women Used to indicate athletic performance
    nought Used everywhere except the USA

    As examples, we will give some sentences that contain the number «zero».

    Table 2.

    How do you spell How to read
    3.04 + = 2.02 5.06 Three point zero four plus two point zero two makes five point zero six.
    There is a 0% chance of rain. There is a zero percent chance of rain.
    The temperature is -20 ° C. The temperature is twenty degrees below zero.
    You can reach me at 0171 390 1062. You can reach me at zero one seven one, three nine zero, one zero six two
    I live at 4604 Smith Street. I live at forty-six o four Smith Street
    He became king in 1409. He became king in fourteen or nine.
    I waited until 4:05. I waited until four or five.
    The score was 4-0. The score was four nil.


  1. Nouns used with ordinal numbers are used with the article the. The is also used in the absence of a noun.

    Table 3.

    English Russian
    the first first
    second second
    the third third
    the fourth fourth
    the fifth fifth
    the sixth sixth
    the seventh seventh
    the eighth eighth
    the ninth ninth
    tenth tenth
    the eleventh eleventh
    the twelfth twelfth
    the third thirteenth
    the fourteenth fourteenth
    the fifteenth fifteenth
    the sixteenth sixteenth
    the seventeenth seventeenth
    the eighteenth eighteenth
    the nineteenth nineteenth
    the twentieth twentieth
    the third thirtieth
    the fortune fortieth
    the fiftieth fiftieth
    the sixtieth sixtieth
    the seventies seventieth
    the eightieth eightieth
    the ninetieth ninetieth
    the one hundredth hundredth
    the two hundredth two hundredth
    the three hundredth three hundredth
    the four hundredth four hundredth
    the five hundredth five hundredth
    the six hundredth six hundredth
    the seven hundredth seven hundredth
    the eight hundredth eight hundredth
    the nine hundredth nine hundredth
    the thousandth thousandth
  2. An ordinal number can be preceded by article a, then the numeral takes on the meaning “another, one more”.
  3. When forming compound ordinal numbers, only the last digit becomes ordinal: the fifty-first.
  4. When designating pages, chapters, paragraphs, several options are possible:
    • the first part = part one
    • the fifth chapter = chapter five
    • the ninth paragraph = paragraph nine


5 rules for using hyphens in English

how to read numbers in english

In modern English, two words that make up one compound word, as a rule, can be written separately, together (as one word) and connected with a hyphen. So, the following compound words are given in the same form by three different English dictionaries:

  • hair-raiser
  • hair splitter
  • hair stylist

Another modern dictionary lists the word hairstylist as fused, not hair stylist. All this suggests that the process of forming complex words is in constant motion and changes. Moreover, the organizations responsible for the development of the language do not always agree with certain options for the formation of complex words.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the generally accepted and approved rules for the use of hyphens in English grammar.

Formation of an adjective before a noun

A hyphen is used to combine two or more words into one complex, which serves as an adjective for the following noun. For example:

  • a two-way avenue
  • cream-covered cake
  • well-paid job

However, if the components of a compound word follow the noun, then they are not combined with a hyphen:

  • The cake was cream covered.
  • This job is well paid.

The hyphen is always used in words that speak about the age and size of a person or object:

  • The eight-year-old boy was perfectly playing the piano.
  • They dared to compete the team of fifteen-year-olds.

Compound Numerals

The hyphen should be used in compound numbers. For example:

  • seventy-three
  • twenty five
  • eighty-six
  • ninety nine

Similar pronunciation and awkward letter combinations

The hyphen should be used to avoid confusion with similar words:

  • re-sign a treaty (resign from a job)

The hyphen will also help you in situations with awkward letter combinations:

  • semi-indirect lighting (but semifinal)

Hyphen with prefixes and suffixes

Be sure to use a hyphen with ex- (meaning ex), all-, self-, between the prefix and the capital letter. Examples:

  • ex-wife
  • self-made
  • all inclusive
  • mid-December
  • anti-Arabic
  • pro-Canadian

A hyphen should be placed before the suffix -elect, as well as between letters and numbers in English:

Wrapping words to a new line

When you wrap words on another line, you will need a hyphen again. You can cut off words, as a rule, only by syllables:

If the word already contains a hyphen, then it can be wrapped to a new line only at the location of the hyphen:

When hyphenating a word with the ending -ing, the last root consonant in which is doubled before the suffix, these doubled consonants should be separated. If the consonant does not double, then the whole suffix -ing must be transferred. For example:

  • plan-ning
  • get-ting
  • smile-ing
  • tell-ing

However, you cannot wrap to a new line or leave the first / last letter of a word on the old line. Also, you cannot wrap one suffix consisting of two letters to a new line. Examples:

  • lonely (cannot wrap the -ly suffix)
  • educate yourself

In English, names and abbreviations cannot be transferred. Names consisting of two or more words are also not recommended to be wrapped on a new line. Examples:

  • Paris, Copenhagen
  • The Pacific Ocean, North America

Knowing the rules for using hyphens in English will be useful to you as a good spice in cooking — it will improve structure, make your text more legible and legible.

Have you used a hyphen in written English? Was it successful (or were there some difficulties)? Let us know in the comments!


how to read numbers in english
Numbers in English with transcription in the table from 1 to 10:

Digit / Number Word with transcription
1 one [wʌn]
2 two [tuː]
3 three [θriː]
4 four [fɔː]
5 five [faɪv]
6 six [seks]
7 seven [‘sev (ə) n]
8 eight [eɪt]
9 nine [naɪn]
10 ten[ten]

If you do not know English transcription and you need Russian transcription, listen to how numbers and numbers are read in English:
/audio/english-vocabulary-numbers.mp3 Download mp3

The number 0 is written like this: nought [nɔːt], zero [‘zɪərəu]

Numbers 11 to Million

More numbers in English from 11 to 20 and from 21 to 100:

11 eleven [ɪ’lev (ə) n]
12 twelve [twelv]
13 thirteen [θɜː’tiːn]
14 fourteen [ˌfɔː’tiːn]
15 fifteen [ˌfɪf’tiːn] (note: “f”, not “v”)
16 sixteen [ˌsɪk’stiːn]
17 seventeen [ˌsev (ə) n’tiːn]
18 eighteen [ˌeɪ’tiːn] (only one «t»)
19 nineteen [ˌnaɪn’tiːn]
20 twenty [‘twentɪ]
21 twenty-one [ˌtwentɪ’wʌn] (numbers from 21 to 99 are hyphenated in words)
30 thirty [‘θɜːtɪ]
40 forty [‘fɔːtɪ] (no letter “u”)
50 fifty [‘fɪftɪ] (note: “f”, not “v”)
60 sixty [‘sɪkstɪ]
70 seventy [‘sev (ə) ntɪ]
80 eighty [‘eɪtɪ] (only one «t»)
90 ninety [‘naɪntɪ] (there is a letter “e”)
100 one hundred [wʌn] [‘hʌndrəd], [-rɪd]
101 one hundred and one
200 two hundred (the word hundred remains in the singular, regardless of the number in front of it)
1000 one thousand [wʌn] [‘θauz (ə) nd] (also true for thousands: two thousand)
1,000,000 one million [wʌn] [‘mɪljən] (also true for a million: two million)

Cardinal and ordinal numbers

There are two types of numerals:

  • quantitative (cardinal)
  • ordinal (ordinal)

Everything is clear with the first group. Quantitative (cardinal) numerals are our one, two, three one hundred (one, two, three hundred).

But ordinal (ordinal) numerals are a bit tricky. Pointing to the order of the position or course of action (first, second, third hundredth), they are formed according to a certain rule, which was not without exceptions. Let’s consider the rule.

To form an ordinal number, it is necessary to add the ending -TH to the cardinal number.

If “four” is oven, then the «fourth» will be the fourth. «Six — sixth» — «six — thesixth ”.

Pay attention! Ordinal numbers are used with the article “The“.

And what about the exceptions? They are words «First, second, third, fifth»that need to be learned by heart:

1 — the first
2 second
3 third
5 fifth

Ordinal numbers will be useful to us in order to name the date of your birth. (birthday).

Mu birthday is on the second (tenth, seventeenth) of May (January, June).

Use “on» to indicate the day and «Of» before the month name. By the way, historically, the names of calendar months are written with a capital letter. Remember this!

Ordinal numbers in English

Number Word
1st the first [ðiː] [fɜːst]
2nd the second [ðiː] [‘sek (ə) nd]
3rd the third [ðiː] [θɜːd]
4th the fourth [ðiː] [fɔːθ]
5th the fifth [ðiː] [fɪfθ]
6th the sixth [ðiː] [sɪksθ]
7th the seventh [ðiː] [‘sev (ə) nθ]
8th the eighth
9th the ninth
10th tenth
11th the eleventh
12th the twelfth
13th the third
14th the fourteenth
15th the fifteenth
16th the sixteenth
17th the seventeenth
18th the eighteenth
19th the nineteenth
20th the twentieth
21st the twenty-first
30th the third
40th the fortune
50th the fiftieth
60th the sixtieth
70th the seventies
80th the eightieth
90th the ninetieth
100th the hundredth
101st the hundred and first
1000th the thousandth


Years in English: Pronunciation, Reading, Writing

In any stories, articles, educational texts, years are usually written in numbers. Therefore, for their correct understanding, there is no difference in what language the text is written. But as soon as it comes to pronunciation and listening comprehension, as well as, if necessary, to write them correctly in words, almost everyone has difficulties. How to pronounce years in English if they have zeros or are they represented by integers?

Even if you know English numerals well, years in English are read differently than in Russian. It is important to name the dates correctly when reading and in conversation. Therefore, the peculiarities of the pronunciation of the numerals denoting the year are worth a detailed study.

Thousands of years ago

Let’s start from afar. Until 1000, the name of the year was single-digit, two-digit, three-digit numerals: 6th year, 23rd year, 998th year. Please note: in the Russian version these are ordinal numbers, in English — quantitative ones.

These years are the easiest to read — they read like regular numbers:

That noble knight lived in year 6 (six). “That noble knight lived in the sixth year.

In year 23 (twenty-three) the volcano woke up and wiped out his kingdom. — In 23, the volcano woke up and wiped out his kingdom from the face of the Earth.

Ibn Abi Hasina was born in 998 (nine hundred and ninety-eight). — Ibn Abi Hasina was born in 998.

Reading four-digit years

Beginning in the year 1000, the names of the years are indicated by four-digit numerals. It would seem that if you know the word thousand (thousand), hundred (hundred) and you know how to make two-digit numbers, there will be no questions. But the bottom line is that there are three ways to read such symbols in English.

Consider the pronunciation of years in English using the example of 1956. We use all the options in order of increasing frequency of use:

  • The rarest way is a full four-digit numeral: 1956 — one thousand nine hundred (and) fifty-six — one thousand nine hundred fifty-six
  • The «hundreds» way of reading is a little more common than thousands: 1956 — nineteen hundred (and) fifty-six — nineteen hundred fifty-six
  • The generally accepted (most common) way of double numbers: 1956 — nineteen (and) fifty-six — nineteen fifty-six

All these rules apply for the years of the 21st century, starting from 2010.

2010 — two thousand (and) ten / twenty hundred (and) ten / twenty (and) ten

The conjunction and between numerals is usually used in British English and omitted in American English.

Zero years and round numbers

How to read years in English if there is a zero in the number? Zero in English is zero. Since we use numerals to designate years, theoretically this word should also have been used. But in fact, when reading years with zeros in a composition, the following rules apply:

1) Zero instead of zero reads Oh (like the English vowel O). This is usually needed if the penultimate character in the year name is zero (before the year 2000).

1706 — seventeen oh six

2) After 2000 (2001-2009), when reading years, the word thousand is used, and zero is not indicated by a separate word.

For example, 2006 in English:

2006 — two thousand and six

3) «Round thousandths» 1000 and 2000 years should be read like this:

1000 — one thousand

2000 — two thousand

4) In years with two zeros at the end, we use the word «hundred»

1800 — eighteen hundred

1200 — twelve hundred

Grammatical nuances of the designation of years in English

  • The preposition In is placed in front of the year number in English. They took a loan in 1996. — They took out a loan in 1996.
  • The word year (year) in English is either completely omitted, or comes before the numeral (as opposed to the Russian version). They paid off the loan in year 2006. — They paid off the loan in 2006.
  • The words thousand (thousand) and hundred (hundred) in the designation of years in English are always used in the singular. He’s going to enroll in this program in two thousand twenty one. — He is going to enroll in this program in 2021.

So now you know how to read years in English. Writing and pronouncing any date in English that includes a year is not difficult. We offer to consolidate your knowledge. Complete the exercise with the correct sentences. The dates in these proposals will be written in different ways.

Online exercise for writing years

Translate sentences into English using the suggested English words.

Complete the full course

  • He
  • was
  • a
  • lawyer
  • in
  • nineteen
  • oh
  • seven
  • They
  • rebuilt
  • Their
  • house
  • in
  • Two
  • thousands
  • and
  • nine
  • Their
  • family
  • is
  • coming
  • back
  • in
  • Twenty
  • hundredweight
  • twenty-two
  • That
  • story
  • began
  • in
  • Two
  • thousands
  • His
  • grandfather
  • was
  • born
  • in
  • nineteen
  • hundredweight


Numbers in English

It is difficult to meet a person who cannot count to 10 in English, but English numbers greater than ten raise many questions, and many do not fully know how to call them correctly, so they avoid calling large numbers or working with fractions. In this article, I will tell you in great detail (and I will remind someone) what numbers are in English, and how to call numbers in English.

In English, as in Russian, there are two types of numerals: quantitative and ordinal.

Cardinal numbers

Quantitative answers to the question «How much?» and, as their name implies, indicate the quantity:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
one Two three four five six seven eight nine th

This row is familiar to everyone, but I still ask you to pay attention to the pronunciation of the words: three [θriː], so that you have an English sound [θ], not Russian C, but in the words five and seven, try not to deafen the sound [v ]: [faɪv], [ˈsev.ən].

To form numbers second ten (11-19), the suffix -teen is added to simple numbers, but not to all, as there are exceptions (11,12):

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen

Please also note that in some numbers, when a suffix is ​​added, the spelling changes (thirteen, fifteen, eighteen).

It is important to remember about stress. At transfer or invoice, the stress falls on the first syllable, because all numbers in a row with the same suffix:

thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,

If you use in speech one numeral, not in a number row, but, for example, with a noun, then the stress falls on the second syllable:

She is thirteen years old. — She is 13 years old.
There are fourteen books. — There are 14 books.

For the formation of numerals denoting dozens of, the suffix -ty is used:

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety

Note the changes in the numbers 20, 40, 50.

Since -teen and -ty have similar pronunciations, it is important pronounce the endings clearly numerals to avoid misunderstanding and distortion of information.

Two-digit numbers are usually hyphenated:

22 — twenty-two
48 — forty eight

For naming hundreds we use the word hundred, and thousand — thousand, and these words are in the singularwhen we know exact amount hundreds and thousands:

100 — one hundred 1000 — one thousand 500 — five hundred

5000 — five thousand

Using the words hundreds and thousands is only possible if we do not know the exact quantities:

Hundreds of books — hundreds of books
Thousands of people — thousands of people

A million in English is million, and a billion is billion. These words are also used in singular with exact number… Hundreds, thousands, millions, and billions can separated by commas for a better perception of the whole number:

1,259,126 — one million two hundred and fifty-nine thousand one hundred twenty-six 6,241,491,960 — six billion two hundred and forty one million, four hundred and ninety-one thousand, nine hundred and sixty millions of people — millions of people

billions of dollars — billions of dollars


These numbers answer the questions “Which one? What is the order?«, Indicate the place of a certain subject in the quantitative series. Ordinal numbers are formed using the -th suffix, which is added in most cardinal numbers, with the exception of three:

1 — one 1st — (the) first
2 — two 2nd — (the) second
3 — three 3rd — (the) third

The ordinal number is preceded by the definite article the if there is no other determinant. Adding -th to numbers is usually straightforward, but there are a few «problematic» numbers that have some spelling changes when -th is added:

5 — five 5th — (the) fifth
8 — eight 8th — (the) eighth
9 — nine 9th — (the) ninth
12 — twelve 12th — (the) twelfth

In addition, in the numbers denoting dozens of, final letter y changes to ie before adding -th:

twenty — twentieth fifty — fiftieth

ninety — ninetieth

Ordinal numbers of two-digit, three-digit, etc. numbers are formed by adding -th to the last numeral:

35th — the thirty-fifth 78th — the seventy-eighth

257th — the two hundred and fifty-seventh

Using the AND conjunction in numerals

Should I or should I not say and? We come across different options and so on to the end and cannot understand when we need the union and in numbers. And it turns out that you say and, then you skip. To clear your mind, consider when and is used in numbers.

And is not used in two-digit numbers less than a hundred:

75 — seventy-five 24 — twenty-four

98 — ninety-eight

And is used after the word hundred, if it is followed by dozens of:

132 — one hundred and thirty two 718 — seven hundred and eighteen

304 — three hundred and four

And is used after the word thousand, if it is followed by dozens of, without hundreds:

1086 — One thousand and eighty six 6007 — Six thousand and seven

4020 — four thousand and twenty

If after the word thousand followed by hundreds (a number greater than one hundred or equal to one hundred), then and not used:

2589 — two thousand five hundred eighty nine 5100 — five thousand one hundred

9634 — nine thousand six hundred thirty four

In American English (AmE) and is often overlooked, so you can see numbers with hundred, thousand without and.

The word and in numerals is always unstressed, and its pronunciation is reduced to [ən], [nd], [n].

And is used when reading common fractions (common fractions or simple fractions):

1 1/2 — one and a half
3 2/3 — three and two thirds

You will learn how to correctly name simple and decimal fractions in the next article.


English numerals: how numerals are formed, spelling and pronunciation of English numerals

Numerals are a part of speech that no language can do without. The division into categories in English is the same as in Russian. There are two types of numerals in english: ordinal and quantitative. In the article, we will consider in detail the characteristics and features of use in the proposal. The only difference from the Russian language is that the numerals in English are not inclined, which greatly simplifies the pronunciation of these words.

Cardinal numbers in English

English counting is based on numbers from 1 to 12. If you know how to count within these limits, it will not be difficult to continue. You just need to add it to the word «teen». If we talk about the score from 13 to 19, then we get the following form:

  • thin;
  • fourteen;
  • fifteen;
  • sixteen;
  • seventeen;
  • eighteen;
  • nineteen.

A different rule applies when the score is from 20 to 90. If the digit is a multiple of ten, add the ending “ty” in the same way. Here’s an example, transforming the numbers from 2 to 9 to 20-90:

  • twenty;
  • thirty;
  • forty;
  • fifty;
  • sixty;
  • seventy;
  • eighty;
  • ninety.

Just like in Russian, numerals answer the question “how much”. Designation categories: number of persons, objects.


  • One hundred people came to the event;
  • on the table lay fifty textbooks;
  • Only one person dealt with the task;
  • I want to ask you three questions.

Ordinal numbers in English

To learn how to correctly count ordinal numbers, you need to learn how to add the ending. It’s about the “th” suffix. This rule applies both to numbers before 10 and after. Here are some examples:

  • fourth;
  • fifth;
  • sixth;
  • seventh;
  • eighth;
  • nineth;
  • tenth;
  • eleventh;
  • twelfth;
  • third;
  • twentieth;
  • thinth;
  • fortune.

The rule does not apply to first, second, third.

It is easy to navigate the ordinal numbers in English according to the table

When using ordinal numbers in a sentence, there are 3 important rules to be aware of:

1. If you want to use a compound numeral in a sentence, the suffix “th” characteristic of ordinal numerals is added to the last word in the construction:

The XNUMXth train arrived at the first station. One hundred and forty-eighth train came to the first station.

2. Using ordinal multiples of ten, the ending “y” is changed to “ie”:


Numbers in English | English grammar | EF

Cardinal numbers (one, two, three, etc.) are adjectives denoting quantity. Ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.) indicate the order by count.

Quantitative Ordinal Number

1 one first
2 Two second
3 three third
4 four fourth
5 five fifth
6 six sixth
7 seven seventh
8 eight eighth
9 nine nineth
10 th tenth
11 eleven eleventh
12 twelve Twelfth
13 thirteen third
14 fourteen fourteenth
15 fifteen fifteenth
16 sixteen sixteenth
17 seventeen seventeenth
18 eighteen eighteenth
19 nineteen nineteen
20 Twenty twentieth
21 twenty one twenty first
22 twenty-two twenty second
23 twenty three twenty third
24 twenty-four twenty-fourth
25 twenty five twenty-fifth
26 twenty six twenty-sixth
27 twenty seven twenty-seventh
28 twenty-eight twenty-eighth
29 twenty nine twenty-ninth
30 thirty thirtytieth
31 thirty one thirty-first
40 forty fortune
50 fifty fifteenth
60 sixty sixtieth
70 seventy seventieth
80 eighty eightieth
90 ninety ninetieth
100 one hundred hundredth
500 five hundred five hundredth
1,000 one thousand thousandth
1,500 one thousand five hundred or fifteen hundred one thousand five hundredth
100,000 one hundred thousand hundred thousandth
1,000,000 one million millionth

Reading decimal places

When we read decimal places aloud in English, we pronounce the decimal point as “point,” then pronounce the next digit separately. Money is not counted in this way.

Writing Pronunciation

0.5 point five
0.25 point two five
0.73 point seven three
0.05 point zero five
0.6529 point six five two nine
2.95 two point nine five

Reading beats

In English, fractions are read using a cardinal number to indicate the numerator and an ordinal number to indicate the denominator. Moreover, if the numerator is greater than 1, then we put the ordinal (denominator) in the plural. This applies to all numbers except 2, which is pronounced «half» when it is the denominator, and «halves» when there are more than one.

Writing Pronunciation

1/3 one third
3/4 three fourths
5/6 five sixths
1/2 one half
3/2 three halves

Percentage pronunciation

Reading percentages out loud in English is pretty easy. Just say the number and add the word «percent».

Writing Pronunciation

5% five percent
25% twenty-five percent
36.25% thirty-six point two five percent
100% one hundred percent
400% four hundred percent

Reading sums of money

To read monetary amounts, first read the whole number, then add the name of the currency. If it is a decimal point, read it as an integer, and if coins have their own name in a particular currency, add it at the end. Note that normal decimal places are not read this way. These rules apply only to reading currencies.

Writing Pronunciation

$25 twenty-five dollars
€52 fifty-two euros
140 ₤ one hundred and forty pounds
$ 43.25 forty-three dollars and twenty-five cents (shortened to «forty-three twenty-five» in everyday speech)
12.66€ twelve euros sixty-six
₤ 10.50 ten pounds fifty

Measurement pronunciation

Just say the number followed by the measure, often written as an abbreviation.

Writing Pronunciation

60m six meters
25km/h twenty-five kilometers per hour
11ft eleven feet
2L two litres
3tbsp three tablespoons
1tsp one teaspoon

Pronunciation of times

Reading tenses in English is relatively difficult. Usually, when the year has four digits, the first two are read as one number, and then the other two as another integer. There are several exceptions to this rule.

Years up to the first 100 years of the millennium can be read as whole numbers, even if they have four digits, or they can be read as two-digit numbers. Millenniums are always read as whole numbers, as it would be too difficult to read them otherwise. New ages are read as integers in the hundreds.

We do not use the word «thousand», at least not when we read dates for the last 1000 years.

Years with only 3 digits can be pronounced as a three-digit number, or as a single-digit number followed by two-digit years. Years in which there are only two digits are read as one number. Before you say the number of the year, you can add “the year” at the beginning to make it easier to understand, and you can also use two-digit and three-digit years in the same way. Years before 0 are always written with the acronym BC (BC), and it is pronounced like two letters of the alphabet.

Curiously, using the same rules we read street names and addresses.

Writing Pronunciation

2014 twenty fourteen or two thousand fourteen
2008 two thousand eight
2000 two thousand
1944 nineteen forty-four
1908 nineteen o eight
1900 Nineteen hundred
1600 sixteen hundred
1256 twelve fifty-six
1006 ten o six
866 eight hundred sixty-six or eight sixty-six
25 twenty five
3000 BC three thousand BC
3250 BC thirty-two fifty BC

How to pronounce 0

There are several ways to pronounce the number 0, depending on the context. Unfortunately, the use of these options differs in different English-speaking countries. These pronunciation rules apply to American English.

Pronunciation Use

zero The number itself: in fractions, percentages and phone numbers, and in other expressions.
o (the letter name) Reading dates, addresses, times and temperatures
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nought Not used in the USA


Numbers in English: quantitative and ordinal

Numeral (numeral) — a part of speech, indicating the number or order of items to be counted. As in Russian, in English, numerals are distinguished quantitative (cardinal) and ordinal (ordinal).

To memorize numerals, you do not need to invent any special methods, basic methods of learning foreign words will do.

Designation of pages, chapters, buildings

Unlike Russian, in English, when naming pages, as well as chapters, numbers of something, parts of books, buildings, etc. cardinal numbers are often used. However, it should be remembered that the noun being defined is placed in preposition (i.e.

in the phrase, the numeral is in second place) and does not require a definite or indefinite article: part four (part four), lesson six (lesson six), building fifty (building number fifty).

Years designation

Cardinal numbers are used to indicate years in English. The pronunciation rule of numerals denoting the year is also specific: the date is divided in half, and each part is read as a separate number: 1958 (nineteen fifty-eight) 1644 (sixteen forty-four). The word «year» (year) after mentioning the ordinal number of the year is most often omitted.

For example, this year — 1806 — eighteen oh («oh» instead of zero) six will be read somewhat differently. Sometimes I can cause difficulties such dates — 1800, 1600, 1900 — they are read simply — eighteen hundred, sixteen hundred, nineteen hundred. Dates from 2000 to 2009 are read in full — two thousand, two thousand and one, two thousand ant two two thousand and nine.

Time designation

In addition, there is a peculiarity of the use of prepositions at (in), to


Cardinal numbers in English

Hello dear friends!

Today I will cover a topic for you that you just need to know. After all, arriving in another country, one way or another you will come across it everywhere: in a store, public transport, museums, cafes and restaurants. What am I talking about? I’ll tell you about cardinal numbers in English.

Let’s start with the simplest

First, let’s define what it is. Cardinal numbers are those that answer the question «How much?» That is, they represent the number of items. The most common situation in which they can meet you is when answering the question «how much does it cost?», In addition, when talking about distances, time, and in many other situations. By the way, remember the lesson about ordinal numbers?

Surely, many of you can easily count from one to ten, but I still remind you with a table with transcription in Russian:

Number In English Transcription
1 One One
2 Two Tu
3 Three Free (it is difficult to convey the pronunciation of this sound in Russian letters, since when pronouncing the th sound, you need to put your tongue between your teeth. It turns out something in between «f» and «s»).
4 Oven Fo
5 Five Five
6 Six Syks
7 Seven Seven
8 Eight Eith
9 Nine Nine
10 Ten Teng
14 Fourteen Photin
15 Fifteen Fiftin
16 Sixteen Sykstin
17 Seventeen Seventin
18 Eighteen Eitin
19 nineteen Ninthin

It is even easier further. You need to remember the name of dozens:

20 — twenty (tuenti),

30 — thirty (feti),

40 — forty (foti),

50 — fifty (fifty),

60 — sixty (syksti),

70 — seventy (seventi),

80 — eighty (to go),

90 — ninety.

We want to get something more complicated. For example, 41 or 35, we simply add the corresponding digit to the ten: forty-one, thirty-five. By the way, such numbers are called compound numbers in English. Please note that when writing them in letters, a hyphen is always put.

How to read large numbers

Let’s deal with a hundred first. In English it is called hundred (handred). If there is only one, then we put the indefinite article a. When reading between hundred and compound pronoun is put and. For example, 156 is a hundred and fifty six.

When is a used and when the?

A thousand is called thousand, and a million is called million. When written in numbers, the digits are separated by commas. Do not confuse with the Russian language. Here they are separated by periods, and where the commas are, they are already fractions. In English, the opposite is true. Read 1,457 as one thousand four hundred and fifty seven.

One more rule should be remembered here: hundred, thousand, million have no plural. That is, that there are five, seven or one, the –s suffix is ​​not added. Compare: five thousand and seventy nine, five thousands and seventy nine.

Do not forget to subscribe so as not to miss anything and receive a phrasebook in English, German and French as a gift. It has Russian transcription, therefore, even without knowing the language, you can easily master colloquial phrases.

Round numbers

Zero is a very interesting number. It reads differently depending on the context. For example, in phone numbers or zip codes, you would pronounce it as oh: 5930 (five nine three oh). What about nouns?

When it comes to temperature, then zero. -6 ° C — It’s six degrees below zero. As a number in mathematics, it sounds like nought. For example, 6 — 8 = 8 (eight minus eight leaves nought) You will find nil in the sports results. The match ended 0 — 3 (nil).

But tennis as an exception, love is used here. 40 — 0 (love).

Other uses of cardinal numbers

As you might have already guessed, phone numbers and indexes are read here for each digit separately: 7923623394 (seven nine two three six two three three nine four).

Over the years, there are also a number of rules. If it ends in two zeros, then the pattern is 1900 — nineteen hundred, that is, nineteen hundred. But 2000 can be said as two thousand.

If one zero is in the middle, then two options: 1907 — nineteen oh seven or nineteen hundred and seven. In other cases, we divide the year in half: 2010 — twenty ten, 1946 — nineteen forty six.

Remember when to use the to particle?

Let’s remember the information

To better assimilate the material just read, let’s do the exercise.

Write down the numbers presented in letters:

  • 43 For example, forty three
  • 38
  • 57
  • 1,789,456
  • 154
  • 901
  • 1,893

Now read the following sentences (note the context):


Ordinal and cardinal numbers in English

Numerals in English are those parts of speech whose main purpose is to demonstrate either the amount of an object or phenomenon, or its ordinal number.

Accordingly, it is customary to distinguish two main categories of numerals: ordinal and cardinal numbers.

In order to understand the difference between these two types, it is necessary to describe what grammatical features these variants of numerals have, and consider whether ordinal and cardinal numbers in English have any exceptions.

The main features of the two categories

Cardinal and ordinal numerals (in English they are called cardinal and ordinal numerals) have individual characteristics.

Place in the sentence

Any number, whether quantitative or ordinal, usually identifies a noun or pronoun and is rarely used at the end of a sentence. Exceptions can be situations where nouns can be omitted, which is often done to avoid repetitions:


Cardinal numbers in English

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There are numbers and numbers in any language, so this topic is not considered difficult to understand. The numerals of each language have their own characteristics, which may not be in the native language. Therefore, while studying this part of speech, it is necessary to remember the names of numbers and numbers, as well as the cases of their correct use.

Numbers in English

In English, there are 10 figures: from 0 to 9. Various combinations of these “numbers” form “numbers”. These ten numbers in English with transcription are as follows:

  • 0 — zero / ‘ziərəu /;
  • 1 — one / wʌn /;
  • 2 — two / tu: /;
  • 3 — three / θri: /;
  • 4 — four / fɔ: /;
  • 5 — five / faiv /;
  • 6 — six / siks /;
  • 7 — seven / ‘sev (ə) n /;
  • 8 — eight / eit /;
  • 9 — nine / nain /.

Now let’s see what numbers we can form using numbers.

Cardinal numbers from 1 to 100

As in Russian, in English there are numerals with which we count something. They are called «quantitative» (cardinal numbers), answer the question «how much?»: One — one, two — two. And there are also numbers that are responsible for the order of something when counting. These numbers are called «ordinal numbers» and answer the question «which one?»: First — the first, second — the second.

  • We advise you to study the article on ordinal numbers in our blog separately.

These are the numbers you can find in English.

1 — one 13 — thirteen 30 — thirty
2 — two 14 — fourteen 40 — forty
3 — three 15 — fifteen 50 — fifty
4 — four 16 — sixteen 60 — sixty
5 — five 17 — seventeen 70 — seventy
6 — six 18 — eighteen 80 — eighty
7 — seven 19 — nineteen 90 — ninety
8 — eight 20 — twenty 100 — one hundred
9 — nine 21 — twenty-one
10 — ten 22 — twenty-two
11 — eleven 23 — twenty-three
12 — twelve 24 — twenty-four

See how native speaker Ronnie pronounces these numbers in English. Try to repeat after her to get used to the correct pronunciation and stress in these words.

Cardinal numbers in English are:

  1. Simple: one (1), three (3), hundred (100), thousand (1000).
  2. Derivatives, that is, those that have the suffixes -teen and -ty: seventeen (17), fifty (50).
  3. Compounds that include two or more words: eight hundred (800), five hundred and forty-three (543), six thousand, three hundred and ninety-nine (6399).

Cardinal numbers from 100 to

And this is how cardinal numbers over a hundred are formed.

101 — one hundred and one
102 — one hundred and two
200 — two hundred
300 — three hundred
1000 — one thousand
1001 — one thousand and one
1346 — one thousand, three hundred and forty-six
3000 — three thousand
10 — ten thousand
100 000 — one hundred thousand
1 — one million
1 — one milliard (more common in England) and one billion (more common in the USA)

Let’s try to do the impossible and write down such a number in words 1 623 457?

1,623,457 = One million, six hundred and twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-seven.

According to the classical rules of English, when we write numbers in words, then after each «three» digits we must put a comma (1,346 — one thousand, three hundred and forty-six), but in modern English writing may not separate every thousandth place with a comma.

When we write down compound quantitative numbers in digits, then every three digits are separated by a comma: 6,485 or 15,394. But in decimal fractions we use a point — 2.5 or 4.46.

And in the Russian language, everything is quite the opposite: we use the comma with fractions, and the period — in the digits.

Features of the use of cardinal numbers in English

Let’s talk about some of the features of the use of cardinal numbers.

  1. Look at the numbers 13 through 19. See the pattern? Yes, these numbers are formed with the suffix -teen from the first ten. Watch out for small spelling changes in 13 (thirteen) and 15 (fifteen). Pronounce these numbers correctly: the stress will be on this suffix -teen.
  2. Numbers expressing tens are also formed. We work with the first ten numbers and the -ty suffix. And notice, there is a hyphen between tens and subsequent ones (fifty-five, sixty-three, ninety-one).
  3. If you were careful, you must have noticed that the numerals hundred, thousand and million do not have a plural when they are preceded by another numeral: seven hundred, five thousand, nine million. However, if we are talking about some indefinite number and a noun follows the numeral, then the ending -s is possible.

    millions of people


How to write numbers and numerals | Articles in English on

When we write a text in English, in which numbers are found, we often ask ourselves the question: In which case should we use numbers, and in which case — words? For example, should you write «6» or «six»? In general, native English speakers adhere to 10 rules that are good to know.

1.Number or numeral

First you need to clearly understand what a number is and what a numeral is. A number is an abstract, abstract concept, and a numeral is a symbol that denotes it. «Five», «5» и «V» — symbols used to represent a number. In other words, it is like a person and his name.

2. Write small numbers in words

Small numbers like integers less than 10 should be written in words — «Three», «nine»… Writing them with numbers will match the style of instant messaging, which is likely to contradict the style of your text — semi-formal or official.

3 general rule

As for the other rules, then the opinions of experts differ. But most still believe that numbers consisting of one word should be written in words, and those consisting of two words — in numbers. For example, «Twelve», «twenty» but «24».

4.Numbers and punctuation marks

In English, a comma is always placed before the thousands place. For example, it is customary to write — The size of Alaska is 571,951 square miles, not «571951 square miles».

The decimal point is used — «8.3»… On the European continent, there is an opposite system — the thousandth place is separated by a dot, and a comma is put in decimal fractions.

According to the International System of Measures, it is necessary to observe the interval after three consecutive digits. For example, $ 137 200… The same procedure exists for the registration of telephone numbers — 900 421 706.

5. Don’t start a sentence with a number.

For example, the following option is considered correct — Four score and seven years ago. The following spelling will be incorrect — 4 score and 7 years ago. In some cases, you will have to change the sentence and write «Fans bought 400,000 copies the first day.» instead «400,000 copies were sold the first day.»

6. Writing centuries and years

Write centuries and decades in words. For example, The eighties or The nineteenth century.

7. Interest and recipes

If we are talking about everyday records, then it is permissible to use numbers — «4% of the children»


Cardinal and ordinal numbers in English

You might think that it makes no sense to study numerals in English. Indeed, it is easier to write the necessary numbers on a piece of paper and just show them to an English-speaking friend (and to any other friend who passed the numbers at school).

But what to do if a situation arises when there is no piece of paper at hand or there is no way at all to draw something on the sand / napkin / other surfaces. For example, when you speak to a business partner on the phone or call the automated call center at London Airport.

And in general, knowledge of numbers in English will not be superfluous.

You didn’t think, when you learned the English alphabet, about its need, but you took it for granted. Moreover, this process is simple and interesting.

Numbers in English (quantitative numerators)

• What is easiest to memorize? Rhymed poetry. The British seem to have specially invented numbers that are easy to rhyme. Meaning quantitative numerals. That is, those with which you can count objects. We take numbers from 1 to 12 and memorize simple rhymes:

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
Eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.

We repeat this mantra 10 times and consider that the first stage has been passed.

• The second step is to learn the cardinal numbers from 13 to 19. If we were talking about a person’s age, then many would call people from 13 to 19 years old teenagers. And it is no coincidence. It’s just that at the end of each of these numbers there is the same ending. teen… And here is the confirmation:


• Let’s go further? We take dozens. They are very similar to the numbers 13 through 19, but they have an important difference. Instead of a teenage ending, we add –Ty.


• Do you think it will be more difficult further? Don’t even hope. How do we speak Russian 21? The same in English:

twenty one

Fine, fine. Have noticed. Yes, a hyphen is placed between ten and one. But otherwise, everything is the same. Take a look:

Thirty-four, fifty-seven, eighty-two.

• Let’s not waste time on trifles. And let’s move on to more impressive numbers.

Hundred — 100
Thousand — 1000
Million — 1000000

If this is not enough for us, then we can make 200 (two hundred) or 3000 (three thousand), or even immediately 5000000 (five million).

It is surprising that the British did not complicate anything here. Note that a hundred, a thousand, a million are not plural. Everything is in one.

• Still, let’s try something more complicated. Let’s look at composite numbers. For example, 387. We place bets, gentlemen, who will pronounce this number how? And now the correct answer is:

three hundred AND eighty-seven.

The only difference from the Russian is the appearance of the union “and” between hundreds and tens.

What about 5234? We place our bets again. Correct answer:

Five thousand two hundred and thirty-four.

Ordinal numerators

• Cardinal numbers did a good job as a warm-up. It’s time to move on to ordinal in English. That is, to those numerals that denote the order of objects: first, second, third twenty-fourth, the calculation is over!

And here one little surprise awaits us. All ordinal numbers are obtained in the same way: the article is simply added to them the front and th at the end of a word. And all the cases.

the fourth
the fifth
the sixth
the seventh
the eighth
the ninth
the forty-seventh

But English wouldn’t be so interesting if it weren’t for the exceptions to the rule. And, of course, these exceptions are the most commonly used numerals.

the first
the third

Who has not guessed yet, this is the very first, second and third.

• For dessert. A little more theory for the most curious. This is no longer as necessary as knowledge of cardinal and ordinal numbers, but it will help you show yourself to be very educated in the environment of English-speaking interlocutors.

Phone number. How do you say in Russian 155-28-43? Yeah: one hundred fifty five, twenty eight, forty three. And in English you will call each number in turn. And a little nuance: when there are 2 identical digits in a row, you need to say double and name the number. In this example: one double five two eight four three.

Year. For example, 1843. In Russian: one thousand eight hundred and forty-third. That is, as a number, and even ordinal. And the British are not bastard. Their years are pronounced in dozens at once: eighteen forty-three. That is, also numbers, but quantitative, without any –Th.



«One, two, three, four, five» or numbers in English

What a new English learner cannot do without? What should your child learn for school? Without which you can’t even tell what time it is now? Of course, no numbers. It is quite easy to learn numbers in English. You can memorize them with the help of interesting color pictures, you can sing like a song, you can memorize them like a tongue twister — space for imagination and creativity!

How to name numbers in English

Let’s list the main numbers in English:

  • 0 — zero — zero;
  • 1 — one — one;
  • 2 — two — two;
  • 3 — three — three;
  • 4 — four — four;
  • 5 — five — five;
  • 6 — six — six;
  • 7 — seven — seven;
  • 8 — eight — eight;
  • 9 — nine — nine.

The following numbers do not lend themselves to the general rules of education:

  • 10 — ten — ten;
  • 11 — eleven — eleven;
  • 12 — twelve — twelve;
  • 100 — hundred — one hundred;
  • 1000 — thousand — thousand.

How to pronounce them correctly in English?

You can correctly pronounce the numbers, and all other words of the English language, only if you know the transcription. Transcription is a special recording of a word the way it is pronounced (for example, the Russian word «draw» can be transcribed as [risavatsa]). And learning English numbers with transcription is much easier than without it.

This is how English numbers are read:

  • 0 — zero — [‘ziərəu];
  • 1 — one — [wʌn];
  • 2 — two — [tu:];
  • 3 — three — [θri:];
  • 4 — four — [fɔ:];
  • 5 — five — [faiv];
  • 6 — six. — [siks];
  • 7 — seven — [‘sev (ə) n];
  • 8 — eight — [eit];
  • 9 — nine — [nain];
  • 10 — ten — [ten];
  • 11 — eleven — [i’lev (ə) n];
  • 12 — twelve — [twelv];
  • 100 — hundred — [hʌndred];
  • 1000 — thousand — [θʌuzend].

But what if you don’t know how the transcription is read? For those who are just going to learn English from scratch, numbers with Russian transcription are very useful:

  • 0 — zero — [zirou];
  • 1 — one — [yuan];
  • 2 — two — [that];
  • 3 — three — [sri];
  • 4 — four — [pho];
  • 5 — five — [five];
  • 6 — six — [sixx];
  • 7 — seven — [seven];
  • 8 — eight — [yut];
  • 9 — nine — [nine];
  • 10 — ten — [ten];
  • 11 — eleven — [ileven];
  • 12 — twelve — [twelve];
  • 100 — hundred — [handred];
  • 1000 — thousand — [southend].

All possible numbers, the largest imaginable, are just combinations of nine numbers, from zero to nine. The numbers are formed according to special rules.

Rules for the formation of numbers in English

In general, numbers in English can be divided into: • simple; • derivatives;

• composite.



context icon

ПРЕДСЕДАТЕЛЬ предлагает сохранить только последнее предложение, изъяв слово<< поэтому.



Paragraph 166, fourth line:


context icon

Пункт 166, четвертая строка:

после слова» provisions» добавить точку и начать новое предложение со слова» Above» к русскому тексту не относится.


Mr. Lallah suggested replacing


words»as to» in


third sentence with the word«affirming» rather than»stressing» or»suggesting.


context icon

Г-н Лаллах предлагает заменить в третьем предложении выражение<< что касается>> словом<< подтверждая>> вместо слов<< подчеркивая>> или<< предполагая.


And now I don’t want to see my name even in


same sentence with the word«Eurovision», but one can’t get away from




context icon

И сейчас я вообще не хочу, чтобы мое имя было даже в одном предложении с этим словом« Евровидение», но от прошлого не убежишь.



United Nations Appeals Tribunal, by its decision of 10 October 2011, decided to adopt an amendment to article 5, paragraph 1,


context icon

В своем решении от 10 октября 2011 года Апелляционный трибунал Организации Объединенных Наций постановил принять поправку к пункту 1 статьи 5, заменив во втором предложении слово<< две>> словом<< три.


context icon

against alleged cases of torture?”?


context icon

Г-н АНДО предлагает заменить первую фразу словами» Какие меры принимает правительство по предполагаемым

случаям применения пыток?


Noting that






paragraph was very long,


context icon

Поскольку первое


слишком длинное,

он предлагает разделить его на два и второе новое предложение начать со слов» по этой причине.


He asked whether Mr. Shahi would be prepared to defer to what appeared to be



context icon

Он спрашивает, готов ли г-н Шахи согласиться с тем, что представляется мнением большинства,

и закончить эту фразу словами∀ Закон об общественном порядке∀.


It was suggested that paragraph 28 of


Notes be clarified,

and that it might better commence by replacing the first sentence with the words,»Unless and to




matter is handled by



and then proceed


drafting modifications as appropriate,

with the




context icon

Было предложено уточнить формулировку пункта 28 Комментариев и

заменить первое предложение словами» В том случае и в той мере, в какой данный вопрос не урегулирован арбитражным учреждением», которые было предложено добавить

в начало второго


внеся в него необходимые редакционные изменения.


Mr. RECHETOV, supported by Mr. WOLFRUM, said he did not share that view but was prepared not to speak of“rights”, as long as


notion of protection was retained,


context icon

Г-н РЕШЕТОВ, поддерживаемый г-ном ВОЛЬФРУМОМ, не придерживается этого мнения, однако выражает готовность не говорить о» правах» при том условии, что будет сохранено понятие защиты,

а также готовность заменить конец этой фразы словами» especially in the area of employment and housing.


Punctuation: punctuation in


simple complicated sentence,

a complex

sentence with the

Federal bessoûznoj and communication, in sentences with the words and designs, an unrelated to members listings.


context icon

Пунктуация: знаки препинания в простом осложненном предложении,

в сложном


с союзной и бессоюзной связью, в предложениях со словами и конструкциями, грамматически не связанными с членами




context icon

Закон 31 от

1995 года дополнил Уголовный кодекс, заменив слова» смертный приговор» словами» пожизненное тюремное заключение.


It was also agreed that in draft article 37, paragraph 2 the sentence starting with the word«provided» should be deleted and that paragraph 3 should be merged


paragraph 2.


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Кроме того,

было решено исключить в пункте 2 проекта статьи 37 предложение, начинающееся со слов» при условии», и объединить пункт 3 с пунктом 2.


but gave


institutions an alternative.


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Хотя следующее предложение начинается со слова» однако», оно не противоречит предыдущему


а дает учреждениям альтернативу.












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Пункт 12. 1: В последнем предложении заменить слово» передаче» словом» распространении»;


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