Sentence with the word saturated

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Squalane, a saturated analog of squalene, is also a preferred oil.

Сквалан, насыщенный аналог сквалена, также является предпочтительным маслом.

This explains such a saturated and 100% natural color of the product.

Это и объясняет такой насыщенный и 100% натуральный цвет продукта.

Because alkanes are saturated compounds they are relatively unreactive.

В связи с тем, что алканы являются насыщенными соединениями, они относительно слабо вступают в реакции.

Picking darker saturated tones is another good idea.

Выбор более темных насыщенных тонов — еще одна хорошая идея.

Extractable water exists in the saturated zone of the formation.

Вода, которая может быть извлечена, находится в насыщенной зоне формации.

Only waters which arrive at the saturated zone become groundwater.

Грунтовыми водами становятся только те воды, которые поступают в насыщенную зону.

Add sufficient water to form a saturated solution.

Добавляют воду в количестве, достаточном для формирования насыщенного раствора.

The gambling market is over saturated.

Сейчас рынок игрового софта более, чем насыщен.

CH=R13 [R13 represents a saturated nitrogen-containing heterocyclic group.

(З) -CH=R13 [R13 представляет собой насыщенную азотсодержащую гетероциклическую группу.

It may be found that appropriate antifungal agents will better penetrate tissues saturated in ascorbate.

Возможно, что соответствующие противогрибковые агенты лучше проникают в ткани, насыщенные аскорбатом.

Insoluble substances are removed by filtration and the filtrate is distributed between ethyl acetate and a saturated solution of salt.

Нерастворимые вещества удаляют фильтрованием и фильтрат распределяют между этилацетатом и насыщенным раствором соли.

Preferred substituents include saturated and straight chain alkyl groups, hydroxyalkyl groups and mixtures thereof.

Предпочтительные заместители включают насыщенные с прямыми цепями алкильные группы, гидроксиалкильные группы и их смеси.

When transferring information, saturated a large number of diagrams and tables by email it is advisable to make archive files.

При передаче по электронной почте информации, насыщенной большим количеством схем и таблиц, желательно архивировать файлы.

They loved bright and saturated colors, so jewelers often used techniques such as smalt and enamel in their work.

Египтяне любили яркие и насыщенные цвета, поэтому ювелиры частенько применяли в своей работе такие техники, как смальта и эмаль.

Fruits and vegetables of saturated colors are composed of substances bioflavonoids that improve blood circulation in the brain.

Фрукты и овощи насыщенных цветов имеют в своем составе вещества биофлавоноиды, улучшающие кровообращение мозга.

Use a polarizing filter to help get more saturated colors and a darker blue sky.

При использовании поляризационного фильтра в солнечный день можно получить более насыщенные цвета и более глубокое голубое небо.

While the enterprise firewall market is already saturated it is far from stagnant.

Хотя мировой рынок межсетевых экранов насыщен, он далек от стагнации.

Student life should be bright and saturated.

Ведь студенческая жизнь должна быть яркой и насыщенной.

Further, such a group is preferably a saturated group.

Такая группа предпочтительно является насыщенной группой.

All the people who were going to get rich have made their money, and the crypto market is now saturated.

Все люди, которые собирались разбогатеть, сделали свои деньги, и крипто-рынок теперь насыщен.

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saturated — перевод на русский



Это основные элементы здорового питания – соль, насыщенный жир, алкоголь.

in manhattan, over the centuries, saturated soil around the empire state building’s foundation pilings have allowed the building to lean.

На Манхэттене, в течение веков, насыщенный водой грунт, вокруг ростверка Эмпаир-стеит-билдинг, вызвал наклон здания в сторону.

This is a saturated salt solution, and these are natural sponges.

Это насыщенный раствор соли и натуральные губки.

Saturated market.

Насыщенный рынок.

You know, do a high-res video transfer, then auto-pixel each individual frame that he appears in, then saturate with primary…

Ну, перегнать изображение в высоком разрешении, разбить на пиксели каждый кадр, в котором он появляется, затем вернуть первоначальный насыщенный цвет…

Показать ещё примеры для «насыщенный»…

These are loaded with calcium and are absorbed even more than milk and, instead of getting the saturated fat and the cholesterol, potential for growth hormones, antibiotics in the dairy milk, by getting your calcium from plant sources, the kind of baggage you get then

В них много кальция, который усваивается даже лучше, чем из молока, и вместо насыщенных жиров и холестерина, потенциальных гормонов роста и антибиотиков в коровьем молоке, получая кальций из растительных источников, вы получаете клетчатку, фолат, целый набор питательных веществ,

It’s always worth remembering, boss, that our readers subsist almost entirely on a diet of saturated fat and envy.

Не забывай, босс, что наши читатели почти полностью живут на диете из насыщенных жиров и зависти.

What it would actually give you is sugar, starch, saturated fat…

Из печенья ты получишь только сахар, крахмал, насыщенные жиры…

The human body was not designed to combat saturated fat like that.

Организм человека не предназначен для борьбы с насыщенными жирами типа этого.

All the stuff about saturated fat sounded delicious.

Всё это о насыщенной жиром звучало так вкусно.

Отправить комментарий

насыщенный, пропитанный, сатурированный, интенсивный, глубокий


- промокший, пропитанный влагой

saturated terrain — заболоченная местность
the moss saturated with water — мох, пропитанный водой

- интенсивный, насыщенный (о цвете)
- хим. насыщенный, предельный; сатурированный

Мои примеры


water saturated with salt — насыщенный раствор соли  
magnesium-saturated clay — ил, насыщенный магнием  
saturated diode — диод в режиме насыщения; насыщенный диод  
saturated discharge temperature — температура насыщения нагнетаемых паров  
saturated de-ethanized absorbent — насыщенный деэтанизированный абсорбент  
saturated disintegration rate — скорость распада при насыщении  
saturated absorption laser spectroscopy — лазерная спектроскопия насыщенного поглощения  
saturated absorption spectroscopy — спектроскопия насыщенного поглощения  
saturated diver — лёгкий водолаз; аквалангист  
saturated domain — насыщенная область; насыщенный домен  

Примеры с переводом

The room was saturated with smoke.

Вся комната была прокурена.

His shirt was saturated with sweat.

Его рубашка была пропитана потом.

The market was saturated with the fruit.

Рынок изобиловал фруктами.

Our clothes were saturated with the sudden heavy rain.

Вся наша одежда промокла из-за внезапно хлынувшего дождя.

Our culture is saturated with television and advertising.

Наша культура насыщена телевидением и рекламой.

The book is saturated with Hollywood.

Эта книга проникнута духом Голливуда.

Images of the war saturated the news.

Новости были насыщены фотографиями с войны.

Возможные однокоренные слова

saturation  — насыщение, насыщенность, сатурация, поглотительный
undersaturated  — ненасыщенный, недонасыщенный, недостаточно насыщенный
unsaturated  — ненасыщенный, непредельный

Eating five or more fruits and vegetables a day, little saturated fat and avoiding trans fats can improve health, reducing the risk of cancer and other chronic disease.


The Mediterranean diet is characterised by high intake of fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts and cereals; moderately high intake of fish; regular but moderate alcohol consumption; and low intake of saturated fat, red meat, and dairy products.


Be weary Strix, it is extremely high in saturated fat.


It must be very different working in such a saturated market?


Our healthier version skips the heavy cream and butter found in most recipes — saving about 160 calories and 12 grams of saturated fat compared to a traditional version.


Graffiti saturated buildings have been buffed over, abandoned homes are boarded up and repainted.


Moreover, the law mandates that the «Nutrition Facts» section of each label separately list nutrients that can pose significant health risks, such as saturated fats.


Certain regional fast-food restaurants sell sliders by the bagful, making this already unhealthy, saturated fat-laden food an addictive one as well.


Raw foods typically do not have as many trans and saturated fats, as compared to most cooked foods, especially fast food, junk food and any other processed foods.


Although both scientists and lay people alike may frequently identify a single dietary element as the cause of chronic disease (eg, saturated fat causes heart disease and salt causes high blood pressure), evidence gleaned over the past 3 decades now indicates that virtually all so-called diseases of civilization have multifactorial dietary elements that underlie their etiology, along with other environmental agents and genetic susceptibility.


The opposite of what… Keys et al would predict… We found that the people who ate the most cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, ate the most calories, weighed the least and were the most physically active.»


This resulted in a dynamic aesthetic that moved away from the hard-edged, flat forms common to the work of the 1930s in favor of thinner lines and less saturated hues.


Since too much saturated fat is detrimental to your heart health, you’ll need to keep your intake of this harmful fat to less than 10 percent of your total calories.


We reduced saturated fats, but the wrong kinds.


In which case, the zinc and magnesium as well as the reduction drastically in saturated fat should respond very well.


In a saturated global marketplace, it’s hard to get your books noticed.


A lot of people may be petrified of the idea of having to consume saturated fat.


The pocket diapers have a thin microfleece or microsuede lining to protect baby’s bum from the saturated inserts.


You get 40 saturated colors in nice a variety of different styles, including neon, mixed pastel, solid pastel, glitter, and metallic.


Although butter is high in saturated fat and cholesterol, sometimes using a little butter can elevate a recipe’s flavor.


But now, a well respected British cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, has announced that this is not the case, and he cites the fact that the biggest saturated fat consuming nation in Europe — France — has the lowest incidence of cardiovascular disease than any of the world’s other nations!


When you eat a diet with adequate amounts of saturated fat, you only need a small amount of EFAs.


One of these fried goodies packs 460 calories, 56 grams of carb, including 22 grams of sugar (about five and a half teaspoons worth), and 23 grams of fat, including 55 % of the recommended daily limit for saturated fat.


After fatty meals rich in saturated fat, measures of the tendency to clot increased in a study on healthy volunteers.


Videos and pictures looked good but colours appeared to be a little saturated just like the S1 Titanium’s screen.


When the amount of this compound exceeds a threshold level, the urine becomes saturated and can not hold any more of the compound.


As you can see, I was very liberal with the paint and went for a saturated look instead.


However, using high-quality sources of plant-based protein that are low in saturated fat can help you reach your weight loss goals more easily when you also consume enough fiber, healthy carbs, and nutrient-dense fruits and veggies.


The study also found that participants fell asleep faster after eating fixed meals provided by a nutritionist, which were lower in saturated fat and higher in protein than self-selected meals.


Note too that for any given substance (like water) the saturated concentration depends on various additional parameters including the curvature of the the liquid surface and availability of condensation nuclei.»


Wild salmon is lower in saturated fat than farmed salmon, and provides a high quality protein source.


I’m partial to viewing photos with saturated colors that pop out at you, so finding photos to convert to black and white is usually tough for me.


Directed by Sean Baker — who also served as co-cinematographer alongside Radium Cheung — Tangerine is first and foremost a burst of startling, saturated imagery.


What is bad for us is eating too much saturated fat and in the wrong form.


But the Mini Kindle Fire HDX 7 that we test here is also incredibly innovative because it is the first Tablet display to use super high technology Quantum Dots, which produce highly saturated primary colors for LCDs that are similar to those produced by OLED displays.


There does not appear to be a saturated fat count to calculate smart points.


While there are definitely some overall «truths» about eating (like fruit and vegetables are good for you, limiting saturated fats is a good idea, and others) most of the information that are being touted as absolute fact are anything but.


From bright whites, vibrant oranges and saturated reds to soothing blues and greens to dark shades, glass tile enhances the ambiance of your room.


Sunflower seeds are low in saturated or «bad» fats.


If that happens, the column will only cool at the saturated or wet adiabatic rate of only 5 deg C per 1000 meters and at this rate, it will actually be warming with respect to the surrounding air at 1.5 deg C per 1000 meters.


Many years ago, both coconut and palm oils got a very bad rap: people were told that these oils were bad for heart health due to their high content of saturated and trans fats.


We have the blue color and it’s a beautiful bright saturated blue.


The Dusseldorf artists built on the methodical, documentary reticence of the Bechers, but expanded the visual language to include color and sumptuous detail to create large, saturated, highly refined prints that easily compete with the drama of painting.


Roksanda Ilincic marries ultra-feminine silhouettes with rich saturated hues to create modern day to night cocktail dresses and eveningwear.


Over the past couple of years I significantly increased my dietary fat intake, especially saturated fat, while dramatically restricting refined carbohydrate intake.


Cholesterol and saturated fat in food have the ability to raise blood cholesterol levels, which can lead to the development of heart disease.


Vivid saturated colors with deckled edges, framed under plexiglass.


One example is United Biscuits» reformulation programme using oils lower in saturated fat.


The vegetable fat in fake chocolate is an unhealthy saturated fat that can raise bad cholesterol (LDL) above normal ranges.


This data visualization illustrates the changing fat and saturated fat content of school lunches over several decades, based on updated nutrition standards that were informed by our work.



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Use ‘saturated’ in a sentence | ‘saturated’ example sentences

1- Bacon fat is roughly 40% saturated .

2- That ” sinks” were already saturated .

3- Our language is saturated with maritime history.

4- Western diets are very high in saturated fats.

5- Foods containing saturated fats should be avoided.

6- The modern world is saturated with images.

7- Gone are winters color saturated heavy tones of color.

8- While animal protein contain more saturated fats and cholesterol.

9- Even modest servings are loaded with saturated fat.

10- The ancient highlands are completely saturated by impact craters.

11- It left too many spaces saturated with hurt.

12- Screen printing ink is thick and saturated .

13- They told us saturated fat was bad.

14- What is a ” saturated ” log likelihood?

15- Does that mean saturated fat is bad fat?

16- These winds downed several trees in saturated soil.

17- The interiors are densely saturated with elaborate gold leaf ornamentation.

18- See saturated fat and cardiovascular disease controversy.

19- It is given as warm saturated solution.

20- It is high in saturated fatty acids.

21- Pure gold is itself a highly saturated yellow.

22- The solubility value given is the approximate saturated concentration.

23- Fish oils are less saturated than animal fats.

24- Bar ought to contain lower saturated body fat.

25- Skin tones are accurate and colors are nicely saturated .

26- It has a beautiful saturated amber colour.

27- All saturated fat is not created equal .

28- Date rape is often saturated with entitlement .

29- Some markets are overly saturated with powerful incumbents .

30- Only saturated fats and dietary cholesterol raise blood cholesterol.

31- A pale color is little saturated and has great lightness.

32- Lean towards rich, deeply saturated paint colors.

33- It is not saturated fat per se that causes heart disease.

34- As if cholesterol and saturated fat are similar things.

35- The market is saturated with ethanol from corn.

36- Primary colors are warm and saturated and lush.

37- Choose foods lower in saturated fat and cholesterol.

38- Many bakery products are also sources of saturated fats.

39- The market is over saturated with fps.

40- And a serving has 9 g of saturated fat. He saturated himself with sunshine.

41- Soybeans contain no cholesterol, and are low in saturated fat.

42- “Fortunately, it appears that the ground was saturated and broke some of his fall.”

43- Reduce heavy/toxic foods: fried, saturated fats, dairy, sugar, soda, alcohol, grains.

44- A Christmas weekend storm brought up to 8 inches of addition rainfall on saturated soil.

45- The researchers also found people who ate out consumed more sugar, salt and saturated fat.

46- The DGAC encourages dietary patterns that are low in saturated fat, added sugars and sodium.

47- “The U.S. wireless market is saturated,” Lopez Research analyst Maribel Lopez told Bloomberg.

48- However, replacing saturated fat with carbohydrates does not seem to reduce heart disease risk.

49- As in previous years, the report advises limiting saturated fats to 10 percent of total calories.

50- The grounds are saturated and water continues to invade people’s property and seep into their homes.

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satisfyingly – satori – satoris – satrap – satraps – saturate – saturate with – saturated – saturates – saturating – saturation – saturations – saturnine – satyr – satyriasis –

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saturated fats in fast food is astounding

Being saturated with this solution

to be saturated with this environment, and then the transformation will

immersed into His presence, being saturated with the Holy Spirit, being

Draw near to God so that you can be saturated with Him to the bot-

Although factual input from television and newspaper is with us all the time, and we live in a world saturated with information, I found it very difficult to remember anything specific about the other hostages

And remember that animal fats include lard, butter, liver and egg yolk, these so-called saturated fats being high in cholesterol which substance builds up in the arteries and causes untimely ageing

Then the clouds exploded and in seconds I was saturated

His saturated clothes clung to him and he was painfully aware of the bruises that spotted his body like dark tattoos, a constant reminder that he should be dead

sweat and blood that saturated it

they were saturated in the presence of God and connected to the

The scent of honey in particular caught his attention, sparking to life memories of gorging on Grimgy’s specialty, duck saturated in a sweet honey glaze

” Sam could still hear the rain thudding against the roof, but the lad seemed far away as he stroked away the water from Snags saturated coat

A diet that is high in saturated fats, cholesterol and Trans fats have been associated with numerous conditions including:

Excessive fat intake of saturated fats and Trans fats are associated with the greatest

ways to limit the intake of saturated fat is to limit the intake of animal fat in the diet

populations, or who have simply saturated their local area, the potential for

I was saturated with the goodness of God and the miracle that happened to me

in the presidential box, and Clara’s dress, hands, and face were saturated with blood

The easiest way to tell the difference between saturated and

At room temperature, saturated fats are hard and solid

I told him that we’d about saturated the video game market

Blood saturated his ravaged shirt

saturated fat and is the worst of the two types

eating deep fried products or those that are covered with saturated but-

Consuming a lot of fatty foods, especially those that are made from saturated fats, will put your health at risk

ter or gravy can be heavily saturated with fats that you do not need

Again, you should limit the additions to the rice — no foods that are high in saturated fats

This would include foods that are high in saturated fats

A rich hue saturated the fields, the mountains, the stone of the long wall, the trees beyond

Kay turned her head away, hearing the pain saturated in that one word, unwilling to look in the grey-green eyes which reminded her of the rolling ocean waves

hearing that every market is saturated nowadays

The wolf fell to the ground in front of William, the fur at his head and neck saturated with dark red blood

However, as he tried to pick it up, it too broke down like a wet cookie does when it is saturated with milk

saturated all of his life in the current scientific-mathematical worldview?

We waited about half an hour until it cleared and watched as a number of early walkers returned saturated from a typical tropical shower

beneath and around the reactors is so saturated that it has started leaking into the ocean

The more saturated fats you have in your body the high your bad cholesterol,

the nutrients are replaced with the saturated fats and this will increase your bad

cholesterol however if they are combined with a lot of saturated fats then they

stuffing themselves with foods that have large amounts of saturated fats

idea that the print would be saturated in color and very sharp

we could not run a large order and have clear sharp bright saturated print

Saturated with history, culture and tradition, the tourist in Cebu is ready for something more mundane, such as entertainment and the delicious local gastronomy

Then the usually dry riverbeds become saturated with torrents

His heart pumped wildly as hot sweat saturated his clothing

Mark ever so slowly descended toward the focus, coming within two and a half meters of it over the next minute before the sudden sweat on his brow warned him that he was becoming saturated

as the sugar alcohol content in some! Not to mention the saturated

Mark ever so slowly descended toward the focus, coming within eight feet of it over the next minute before the sudden sweat on his brow warned him that he was becoming saturated

and was saturated with water

I eagerly ate every one, generously saturated with molasses, along with a cup of strong coffee

Is it the rain that you’re willing to be saturated in with every drop?

Gobbets of mud flew stories high as claws gouged the saturated soil, spattering everyone within a quarter mile

Some of the bulkheads were burning hot, deeply saturated with fiery red

If you try to market a newsletter to a saturated market, it will not take off

As we looked around we choked on the air saturated by burning rubber in a raging storm filled with flying debris

Limit saturated and trans fats

To reduce your cholesterol, reduce all fats, but especially avoid saturated and trans fats

Saturated fat increases your LDL (or “bad”) cholesterol level more than anything else

 Avoiding saturated and trans fats

 Use two egg whites for one egg to reduce both saturated fat and cholesterol

The soil was saturated

She untied Eva from the chair and gathered her into her arms, ignoring all the blood that had now saturated her clothes

Her light-blue blouse was saturated in

much a beter place to be in the Blue Ocean rather than the saturated Red Ocean

The kids’ scent seemed to be saturated around it and I knew the car was somewhere in this row

But when we saturated their brains completely and restored blood-flow, the dogs would be in a semi-comatose state with very little brain activity, much like you were

“She’s lucky we’re here… and with saturated fat, too

He was also concerned about the health of his child, imagining this high-speed path toward obesity had to result from chocolate, cookies, cake and other saturated fats

His face was saturated with depression, as if in the midst of his martyrdom he had lost his faith

All fried foods High in saturated fats

Focus on a blend of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats throughout your daily fresh balance meal plan

The fats should be primarily unsaturated and low in saturated fat and cholesterol

Avocados help assist consumers in meeting a major dietary goal of reducing saturated fat in the diet, when they are consumed in place of saturated-fat containing foods

Look for hidden sugars, preservatives, and saturated “bad” fats

AtSmart Balance, we believe that there is simply no reason for your lifestyle to be compromised by harmful saturated and hydrogenated fats – it’s just too easy to replace them with smarter, heart-healthy options

Then memory flooded back — and he became aware that he was still in his vehicle, behind the steering wheel and that he had a most vile headache – and the smell of alcohol pervaded the air – his clothes were saturated and so was the seat

She woke Tegan to feed him, he ate an entire bowl of the beef soup and a hunk of saturated bread while she and the Prince finished off the second pot full

» When the captain of the guard heard Jesus say, «I thirst,» he took some of the wine from his bottle and, putting the saturated sponge stopper upon the end of a javelin, raised it to Jesus so that he could moisten his parched lips

Joseph and Nicodemus had brought with them large quantities of myrrh and aloes, and they now wrapped the body with bandages saturated with these solutions

Select foods that have minimal saturated fats

Tired firemen stood on guard, their once yellow uniforms saturated in black

feet were soaked from the water that had completely saturated the

It seemed to be friendly and harmless enough and Siri reached down, grabbed fistfuls of hair and hauled the saturated animal up and over the gunwale

are high in Tran saturated fats, sugars and calories in

Paying attention to the amount of saturated

meats that are high in saturated fat are clogging your

Saturated fat is bad

Saturated fats are commonly found in animal products such as

Streetlamps illuminated sections of the street in dusty orange, leaving other parts saturated in grayed gloom

Aware that when he arrived he had found the -door to the bedroom open, Aureliano went across the porch which was saturated with the morning sighs of oregano and looked into the dining room, where the remnants of the birth still lay: the large pot, the bloody sheets, the jars of ashes, and the twisted umbilical cord of the child on an opened diaper on the table next to the shears and the fishline

Paying attention to the amount of saturated fats in the food you

high in saturated fat are clogging your heart

They are not in the Arrivals Hall because the wind raged, forcing tumultuous seas through barren lowlands to mercilessly drown the gasping unprepared; the anguished turmoil of racing rivers did not obliterate intruding infrastructure; land long poisoned and saturated from decades of denuding did not lasciviously swallow enslaved creatures, nor did it cruelly crush the explosively emboldened who had mined its underpinnings for glitter

and hardly any saturated fat

Not all saturated fats are bad! The fats in palm

protesting the encroachment of “highly saturated

high levels of saturated fat

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