Sentence with the word rule of law

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We need, above all, to remain resolute in upholding the rule of law and the principles that underpin the rule of law.

Нам нужно прежде всего сохранять решимость в поддержании правопорядка и соблюдении тех принципов, которые лежат в основе такого правопорядка.

Corruption is rampant and rule of law is weak.

Коррупция, как правило, широко распространена, верховенство права является слабым.

They support the rule of law in Burma.

negative impact on the rule of law and the rule of law;

However, he was concerned that the report should still be talking of achieving the rule of law «progressively», when in fact the rule of law needed to be instituted immediately and then strengthened.

Тем не менее, он обеспокоен, что в докладе по-прежнему говорится о «прогрессивном» установлении законности, в то время как фактически законность должна устанавливаться незамедлительно, а затем укрепляться.

Stabilization today also means, above all, establishing the rule of law, but the rule of law requires, inter alia, an independent, responsible and strong justice system.

Стабилизация сегодня также означает, прежде всего, обеспечение законности, а законность требует, среди прочего, независимой, ответственной и сильной системы правосудия.

As a result of these developments, UNMIK has accelerated its reconfiguration in the rule of law sector and in the areas which supported its rule of law function.

В результате такого развития событий МООНК ускорила процесс изменения своей конфигурации в секторе законности и правопорядка и в сферах, подкреплявших ее деятельность в этом секторе.

The report of the Secretary-General on strengthening the rule of law (A/59/402) noted that the rule of law and respect for human rights were the foundation of sustainable democracy.

В докладе Генерального секретаря об укреплении законности (А/59/402) отмечается, что законность и соблюдение прав человека лежат в основе устойчивой демократии.

The rule of law applies to everybody, even reporters.

Reporters need the rule of law to work effectively.

Problems with governance and the rule of law were undermining all our efforts.

Я понял, что проблемы с государственным управлением и верховенством закона подрывают все наши усилия’.

Legal analysis and monitoring of rule of law institutions continued.

Продолжалась деятельность по обеспечению правового анализа и контроля за работой институтов, обеспечивающих законность.

Despite obstacles, rule of law capacity-building efforts continued with various institutions.

Несмотря на препятствия, продолжались усилия по наращиванию потенциала различных учреждений в области обеспечения верховенства права.

Sweden supports a wide range of transitional justice and rule of law actors.

Швеция поддерживает широкий круг субъектов, осуществляющих деятельность в области правосудия в переходный период и верховенства права.

The attention paid to rule of law was welcomed.

С удовлетворением было отмечено то внимание, которое уделяется верховенству права.

Another rule of law priority area is housing, land and property.

Еще одним из приоритетов в области верховенства права является право на жилье, землю и собственность.

China has a one party system without rule of law.

Today we lack the rule of law.

The rule of law is crucial in combating corruption.

Comprehensive rule of law is a profound revolution in state governance.

Всестороннее обеспечение законности в государственном управлении знаменует собой глубинную революцию в области управления государством.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат rule of law

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Definition of Rule of law

a legal principle that law should be the basis of governing a country and not the decisions of individual government officials

Examples of Rule of law in a sentence

Rule of law was established to take away some of the power of kings and make sure that all people were held accountable for their actions.


Aristotle believe in the rule of law, holding that the law should govern the land and not individual rulers.


Many democracies do not function on rule of law and allow government officials to do as they please with no consequences.


Rule of law means that every citizen is subject to the law, including the those who make the laws.


The town’s citizens insisted that rule of law stand and the mayor pay his taxes just like everyone else.


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Poverty reduction is to an extent depending on well-functioning rule-of-law systems.


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Сокращение масштабов нищеты в определенной степени зависит от надежно функционирующих систем правопорядка.


As with peace-building, rule-of-law issues are characterized by their political and cultural sensitivity.


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Как и вопросы миростроительства, вопросы верховенства закона являются чувствительными в политическом и культурном отношении.


Uvachev, the modern welfare rule-of-law state can be described through the following features.


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Увачева, современное социально- правовое государство может быть описано через следующие дескриптивные признаки.


Providing support to the rule-of-law institutions of Haiti is one of the core responsibilities of the Mission.


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Оказание поддержки правоохранительным учреждениям Гаити является одной из основных обязанностей Миссии.


I believe in the rule-of-law. The state is obliged to protect its citizens.

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Я верю в правовое государство, которое обязано защищать своих граждан.

In particular, the rule-of-law institutions remain largely dysfunctional.


However, we are resolute in our desire to build a rule-of-law state.


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Однако мы решительны в нашем стремлении построить правовое государство.


If Ukraine becomes a rule-of-law state, then it will move towards Europe.


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Если же Украина станет правовым государством, тогда она будет двигаться в сторону Европы.


It is recommended that the rule-of-law project staff assist in developing these policies and procedures.


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Рекомендуется, чтобы сотрудники проекта по верховенству закона содействовали в разработке методологических рекомендаций.


Support to local NGOs promoting rule-of-law and civil society provided.


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Поддержка местных НПО в их усилиях по пропаганде законности и порядка и формированию гражданского общества.


The reform of rule-of-law structures is crucial to the consolidation of the stability of Haiti.


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Реформирование правоприменительных структур имеет решающее значение для укрепления стабильности в Гаити.


The United Nations

should establish a robust capacity-building mechanism for rule-of-law assistance.


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Организация Объединенных Наций должна создать мощный


Also notes the progress made towards the reform of rule-of-law institutions;


Again, the rule-of-law project could provide essential assistance.


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The Conference reiterated the need for effective rule-of-law institutions.


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Участники Конференции вновь


Donors will provide

funding to support institutional capacity-building activities in the rule-of-law sector.


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Доноры выделят средства на осуществление мероприятий


The operational and other needs of civilian police and other rule-of-law components must be met within the framework of a comprehensive,

system-wide approach to establishing the rule of law in mission areas.


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Оперативные и другие потребности гражданской полиции и других правоохранительных компонентов должны удовлетворяться на основе комплексного общесистемного подхода

к вопросу об обеспечении законности в районах действия миссий.


Its main objective is to create the foundation for a new Uzbek nationhood,

build a democratic, rule-of-law State and civil society,

and further strengthen the authority of Uzbekistan in the international arena.


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Главной задачей партии является создание основ новой узбекской государственности,

построение правового демократического государства и гражданского общества,

дальнейшее укрепление авторитета Узбекистана на международной арене.


The European Union considers that rule-of-law elements should be included,

as appropriate, in United Nations peace operations.


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Европейский союз считает, что элементы правопорядка должны быть должным образом включены

в миротворческие операции Организации Объединенных Наций.


Quick-impact projects to strengthen the rule-of-law infrastructure, including the rehabilitation or reconstruction of police stations,

correctional facilities, magistrate courts, immigration offices and border posts.


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Осуществление 30 проектов с быстрой отдачей, призванных укрепить инфраструктуру правопорядка, включая восстановление или реконструкцию полицейских участков,

исправительных учреждений, магистратских судов, объектов иммиграционной службы и пунктов пограничного контроля.


Continue to improve the legal and judicial systems, build a rule-of-law State and strengthen national institutions protecting human rights,

including the possible establishment of a national human rights institution.


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Продолжать совершенствовать правовые и судебные системы, содействовать созданию правового государства и укреплению национальных правозащитных учреждений, включая возможное создание национальной правозащитной организации.


Rule-of-law institutions were established, and the first steps in transforming the Liberation Movement/Army

into a professional force were taken.


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Созданы органы обеспечения законности, и предприняты первые шаги для преобразования Освободительного

движения/ армии в профессиональную силу.


Its ability of powerful management of human trajectories narrows down preserving qualities and

benefits of sovereign rule-of-law communities.


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Сужаются его возможности властного управления человеческими траекториями,

сохраняя качества и блага суверенного правового сообщества.


His work has been focused on conducting an assessment of the rule-of-law institutions in the Abyei Area,

including police stations and traditional courts.


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Его работа заключается главным образом в оценке институтов поддержания правопорядка в районе Абьей, включая полицейские участки и традиционные суды.


While the Border Management Unit is included under the rule-of-law and human rights component, its functions also relate to this component.


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Хотя Группа по вопросам пограничного контроля входит в компонент поддержания правопорядка и прав человека, ее функции также относятся и к данному компоненту.


The two Officers would provide advice to the head of the Office on rule-of-law matters, ensuring coordination of the various components of the Office,

other departments and external partners.


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Два новых сотрудника будут консультировать руководителя Управления по вопросам законности, обеспечивая при этом координацию деятельности среди различных компонентов Управления, с другими

департаментами и внешними партнерами.


The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan stated that the protection of human and civil rights and

freedoms was key to the existence of a democratic and rule-of-law State.


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Правительство Азербайджанской Республики заявило, что защита прав и свобод человека и гражданина рассматривается как

определяющий фактор существования демократического и правового государства.


1. Unintelligible legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of parliamentary democracy.

2. Everyone is subject to the rule of law.

3. We are here to uphold the rule of law.

4. Democracy is predicated upon the rule of law.

5. We hope for a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations.

6. Democracy and the rule of law are yet to be firmly established in the country.

7. This, it is alleged, undermines the rule of law.

8. Democrats must respect the rule of law.

9. We have to follow the rule of law.

10. Violent picketing also threatened the rule of law.

11. The concept of the rule of law is not logically compatible with that of parliamentary sovereignty.

11. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

12. Dicey’s views on the rule of law also merit detailed scrutiny.

13. It has failed to establish the rule of law, allowing gangsters and militants to intimidate at will.

14. I am confident that we can restore peace, stability and respect for the rule of law.

15. In putting this case we should first recollect the third pillar in Dicey’s concept of the rule of law.

16. He is a reformer with an outspoken commitment to civil society, social justice, the rule of law and expanded freedom.

17. However, we are not that much nearer to a world order dominated by a fair application of the rule of law.

18. But it was not with this intervention level in mind that the rule of law and various protective judicial principles were formulated.

19. The reference here to distrust of the judiciary once again accentuates Dicey’s adoption of the ancient conception of the rule of law.

20. This extradition is a victory for all who believe in the rule of law.

21. Such a degree of hypocrisy can not be tolerated; it is morally indefensible,( and in defiance of the rule of law.

22. But this presumptive privilege must be considered in light of our historic commitment to the rule of law.

23. The most disturbing threat to our freedom and security is the growing disrespect for the rule of law.

24. Many reject democracy in terms of party competition, majority rule and the rule of law.

25. At the core of the constitution of liberty, then, lies the concept of the rule of law.

26. He did not create a level economic playing field or introduce the rule of law, as the West understands those terms.

27. They are never forceful enough in condemning bad policing that is a disgrace to the republic and to the rule of law.

28. He centred his attention on the sovereignty of Parliament, the conventions of the constitution, and the rule of law.

29. No one can read the Pentateuch and conclude that justice is just concerned with private property and the rule of law.

30. What anthropologists stressed was that the State brought safety for the individual, peace, and the rule of law.



Автоматический перевод

верховенство закона, верховенство права, законность, власть закона, правопорядок, норма права, правовое государство, правовая норма, господство права, принцип верховенства закона, главенство закона, принцип верховенства права, соблюдение законности, принцип господства права, норма закона, господство закона, главенство права, принцип правового государства, правление закона, торжество закона

Перевод по словам

rule  — правило, правление, власть, норма, править, управлять, господствовать
law  — закон, право, юриспруденция, суд, заповеди, законный, правовой, юридический


We are here to uphold the rule of law.

Мы здесь для того, чтобы отстаивать верховенство закона.

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Anywhere, anytime ordinary people are given the chance to choose, the choice is the same: freedom, not tyranny; democracy, not dictatorship; the rule of law, not the rule of the secret police.

Tony Blair





Rule of law is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


rule of law

Rule of law

The rule of law is the legal principle that law should govern a nation, and not individual government officials. It primarily refers to the influence and authority of law within society, especially as a constraint upon behavior, including behavior of government officials. The phrase can be traced back to the 16th century, and it was popularized in the 19th century by British jurist A. V. Dicey. The concept was familiar to ancient philosophers such as Aristotle, who wrote «Law should govern». Rule of law implies that every citizen is subject to the law, including law makers themselves. It stands in contrast to the idea that the ruler is above the law, for example by divine right. Despite wide use by politicians, judges and academics, the rule of law has been described as «an exceedingly elusive notion» giving rise to a «rampant divergence of understandings… everyone is for it but have contrasting convictions about what it is.» At least two principal conceptions of the rule of law can be identified: a formalist or «thin» definition, and a substantive or «thick» definition.

Definition of rule of law in the English dictionary

The definition of rule of law in the dictionary is the rule of law the principle that no one is above the law and that everyone must follow the law.


Synonyms and antonyms of rule of law in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «rule of law» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of rule of law to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of rule of law from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «rule of law» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

estado de derecho

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

कानून का शासन

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

سيادة القانون

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

верховенство закона

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

estado de direito

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

আইনের ভূমিকা

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

État de droit

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

peraturan perundangan

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

법에 의한 통치

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Aturan hukum

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

quy định của pháp luật

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

சட்டத்தின் ஆட்சி

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

कायद्याचे राज्य

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

hukuk kuralı

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian

верховенство закону

40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

statul de drept

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

του κράτους δικαίου

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

oppergesag van die reg

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of rule of law


The term «rule of law» is quite widely used and occupies the 31.930 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Quite widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «rule of law» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of rule of law

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «rule of law».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «rule of law» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «rule of law» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about rule of law


Famous quotes and sentences with the word rule of law.

We cannot build foundations of a state without rule of law.

Intelligence agencies keep things secret because they often violate the rule of law or of good behavior.

Turkey shares Europe’s fundamental values of democracy and the rule of law.

The rule of law in place of force, always basic to my thinking, now takes on a new relevance in a world where, if war is to go, only law can replace it.

I think that Jews — because they are a distinct, gifted and successful group that differentiates itself from societies in which it lives — are vulnerable wherever the rule of law is not paramount.

Military dictatorship is born from the power of the gun, and so it undermines the concept of the rule of law and gives birth to a culture of might, a culture of weapons, violence and intolerance.

For any young democracy, the most difficult but important step is burying the legacy of tyranny and establishing an economy and a government and institutions that abide by the rule of law. Every country faces challenges to the rule of law, including my own.

Anywhere, anytime ordinary people are given the chance to choose, the choice is the same: freedom, not tyranny; democracy, not dictatorship; the rule of law, not the rule of the secret police.

We stand in the shadow of Jefferson who believed that a society founded upon the rule of law and liberty was dependent upon public education and the diffusion of knowledge.

The vision that the founding fathers had of rule of law and equality before the law and no one above the law, that is a very viable vision, but instead of that, we have quasi mob rule.


Discover the use of rule of law in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to rule of law and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Democracy and the Rule of Law

Addresses why governments sometimes follow the law and other times choose to evade the law.

Adam Przeworski, José María Maravall, 2003


Boilerplate: The Fine Print, Vanishing Rights, and the Rule

To those interested in understanding the values that such practices violate, the potential harms that widespread boilerplate may cause, and legal methods that can be harnessed to protect vanishing consumer rights, this book is a milestone.

Margaret Jane Radin, 2013


Authoritarian Rule of Law: Legislation, Discourse and …

With China seeing lessons to be learned in Singapore, as do any number of regimes looking to replicate Singapore’s pairing of prosperity and social control, this book offers a valuable and original contribution to understanding the …

In this brilliant short book, Britain’s former senior law lord, and one of the world’s most acute legal minds, examines what the idea actually means.


Can Might Make Rights?: Building the Rule of Law after …

This book looks at why it’s so difficult to create ‘the rule of law’ in post-conflict societies such as Iraq and Afghanistan, and offers critical insights into how policy-makers and field-workers can improve future rule of law efforts.

Jane Stromseth, David Wippman, Rosa Brooks, 2006


Getting to the Rule of Law

This title addresses many of the theoretical legal, political, and moral issues raised by questions concerning the rule of law.


China’s Long March Toward Rule of Law

In addition to scholars and students, this book is of interest to business professionals, policy advisors, and governmental and non-governmental agencies.


United Nations Sanctions and the Rule of Law

In this 2007 book, Farrall traces the evolution of the Security Council’s sanctions powers and charts the contours of the UN sanctions system.

Jeremy Matam Farrall, 2007

Where are the gaps? What are the problems? What is meant by ‘the rule of law’? This book brings together the views of an extraordinary range of well-known authors.

Cheryl Saunders, Katherine Le Roy, 2003


The Delicate Balance: Tax, Discretion and the Rule of Law

The chapters in this volume explore that delicate balance.

Chris Evans, Judith Freedman, Richard E. Krever, 2011


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term rule of law is used in the context of the following news items.

China Adopts Sweeping National-Security Law

Together, experts said, the laws underpin a push by President Xi Jinping to consolidate his and Beijing’s power and promote a notion of rule of law that doesn’t … «Wall Street Journal, Jul 15»

Farewell to the Rule of Law: Supreme Court Upholds ObamaCare …

The rule of law was formally put out to pasture by the Supreme Court on Thursday, as we discovered that the plain text of a law matters less than what the party … «Breitbart News, Jun 15»

Rule of law index: India scores a mixed bag

India figures in the top 50 countries in the world for an effective criminal justice system, according to a new study that ranks countries on how the rule of law is … «The Hindu, Jun 15»

Buruji Kashamu, Extradition, and the Rule of Law By Sabella …

My only concern here is precedence and the rule of law. Kashamu Buruji. Whether or not you dislike Chief Buruji Kashamu shouldn’t matter. Whether or not he … «, May 15»

Illinois Supreme Court rules landmark pension law unconstitutional

The ruling also reverberated at City Hall, imperiling a similar law Mayor Rahm Emanuel pushed through to … Crisis is not an excuse to abandon the rule of law. «Chicago Tribune, May 15»

Amendments to Sedition Act an attack on the rule of law, says Bar chief

The Malaysan Bar, which last year called for the repeal of the Sedition Act, said amendments to the law proposed by Putrajaya are a serious encroachment on … «The Malaysian Insider, Apr 15»

China eyes streamlining legislative process to realize rule of law

BEIJING, March 9 (Xinhua) — About 3,000 national legislators on Sunday began the reading of a draft revision to China’s Legislation Law, which aims to clarify … «Xinhua, Mar 15»

King v. Burwell and the Rule of Law

The current Administration, however, has engaged in a sustained assault on the rule of law. In the latest instance, notwithstanding Obamacare’s unmistakably … «, Mar 15»

A Litmus Test for ObamaCare and the Rule of Law

The Supreme Court must strike down the IRS rule and confirm the principle that, like King John at Runnymede, all political leaders are bound by the rule of law. «Wall Street Journal, Feb 15»

Rule of Law 1, Outrageous Police Power 0: Eric Holder limits asset …

I’ve blogged before (here and here, most recently) about the outrageous expansion in law enforcement use of “civil asset forfeiture” to – basically – steal money … «Washington Post, Jan 15»


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