Sentence with the word ropes

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


No ropes or chains can keep me from my freedom.

Никакие веревки или цепи не могут удержать меня от моей свободы».

Egyptian ‘engineers’ had no more than ropes in their toolkits.

У египетских «инженеров» было не более, чем веревки в своих инструментальных средствах.

You can also use ropes, flags, anchors, bow figureheads, crows nests, or other details.

Они также могут иметь канаты, флаги, якоря, носовой фигурой, вороньих гнездах, или другие детали.

The tracks do not have lifts, but tow ropes instead.

На дорожках нет лифтов, а вместо них — буксирные канаты.

When it comes to ropes and cables applications, flexibility is everything.

Когда дело касается канатов и кабелей, во главе угла оказывается гибкость и эффективность их применения.

Winches and capstans are machines designed to pull ropes.

Лебедки и кабестаны — это машины, предназначенные для натяжения канатов.

Such ropes normally use a kernmantle construction, as described below.

Такие веревки, как правило, используют конструкцию из стержня, как описано ниже.

The ancient Egyptians were the first to develop special tools to make ropes.

Древние египтяне были, вероятно, первой цивилизацией, которая разработала специальные инструменты для изготовления веревки.

Typically it’s spun into ropes or cloth sheets that can be used as such or as an ingredient in composite materials elements.

Как правило, она вращается в ткань и канатов, которые могут быть использованы в качестве ингредиента в композитном компоненте.

The yard and sail are managed by means of four ropes, which are, however, somewhat conventionally depicted.

Рея и парус управляются с помощью четырех канатов, которые, правда, изображены достаточно условно.

With the help of ropes rescuers pulled the animal to shore.

При помощи веревки спасатели достали животное на поверхность.

Holds the ropes until the end of the first minute.

Держит веревки до конца первой минуты.

Only when the sculpture attains a textile form of attraction and becomes self-contained, I literally let go of the ropes.

Только когда скульптура приобретает текстильный форма притяжения и становится самодостаточным, я буквально отпустить веревки.

The ropes with which they have been hanged are very often bought by collectors at a guinea per foot.

Веревки, на которых они были повешены, часто приобретаются коллекционерами по гинее за фут.

The ropes that will connect the bridge, had a pre-stretch.

«Канаты, которые будут связывать мост, имели предварительную натяжку.

Let that be your inspiration for this next alternative, which involves two ropes being tied together during the ceremony.

Пусть это будет вашим вдохновением для следующей альтернативы, которая включает в себя две веревки, соединенные вместе во время церемонии.

Here are a few tips that will show you the ropes and bring home this whole optimization concept.

Вот несколько советов, которые покажут вам веревки и принесут домой всю эту концепцию оптимизации.

Frequent activities contain culinary school, ropes courses, or exercises and a field day of team games.

Общие мероприятия включают в себя курсы веревки, кулинарную школу или полевой день командных игр и упражнений.

Flying foxes, Suction cups, knotted ropes can take up a lot of storage space.

Полет лисиц, присоски, завязанный веревки может занять много места для хранения.

As Jesse Jackson put it in 1993: They no longer use bullets and ropes.

Джесси Джексон сказал в 1993 году: «Они больше не используют пули и веревки.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат ropes

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200



- канат; веревка; трос
- аркан, лассо; веревка для привязывания лошади
- (ropes) канаты, которыми огорожена какая-л. арена; ограждающие ринг или арену
- (the rope) петля, веревка (на виселице)
- (the rope) смертная казнь; казнь через повешение


- тянуть на веревке, канате
- амер.; австрал. ловить арканом
- заманивать, втягивать, вовлекать (тж. rope in)
- густеть, становиться клейким (о жидкости)
- привязывать канатом; связывать веревкой


- веревочный

Мои примеры


to show smb. the ropes — ввести кого-л. в курс дела  
to give the ropes — бросать на канаты (бокс)  
to pull strings / ropes / wires — нажимать тайные пружины  
fasten with ropes — связывать веревками  
fly-jib fixed ropes — оттяжки гуська; тяги гуська  
know the ropes — быть мастером на все руки; знать все входы и выходы; знать досконально  
knows the ropes — знать все ходы и выходы  
learn the ropes — знать все входы и выходы; хорошо ориентироваться; узнать что к чему  
clear all the ropes — разобрать снасти  
running ropes — бегучий такелаж  

Примеры с переводом

The ropes were now hanging free.

Теперь верёвки свободно свисали.

The climbers were linked together by ropes.

Альпинисты были связаны друг с другом тросами.

I spent the first month just learning the ropes.

Весь первый месяц я просто вникал, что к чему.

It will take a few weeks for new employees to learn the ropes.

Новым сотрудникам понадобится несколько недель, чтобы освоиться.

Miss McGinley will show you the ropes and answer any questions.

Мисс МакГинли покажет вам, что тут к чему, и ответит на любые вопросы.

Cast off all ropes!

Отдать концы!

She managed to wriggle free of her ropes.

Она сумела как-то освободиться от верёвок.

ещё 6 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We’ll use ropes to stabilize the platform.

The veteran cop showed the rookie the ropes.

Hooks were fixed to the wall for the attachment of the ropes.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

rope in — окружать канатом, вовлекать, втягивать, заманивать, отгородить канатом
rope off — отгородить канатом, окружать канатом

Возможные однокоренные слова

rope  — веревка, канат, трос, лассо, канатный, веревочный, связывать веревкой

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Hoisting ropes are weakened by deterioration and breakage of the wires, due to corrosion and repeated bending.

A ratio of 48 to is the minimum allowable; better 60 to 75 to 1, and for highly tempered steel ropes ratios of 150 to i or more are desirable.

When closed by the load the width is sufficient to allow it to enter a funnel-shaped guide on a cross-bar of the frame some distance above the bank level, but on reaching the narrower portion of the guide at the top the plates are forced apart which releases the ropes and brings the lugs into contact with the top of the cross-bar which secures the cage from falling.

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With a grating rush, the three lines flew round the loggerheads with such a force as to gouge deep grooves in them; while so fearful were the harpooneers that this rapid sounding would soon exhaust the lines, that using all their dexterous might, they caught repeated smoking turns with the rope to hold on; till at last—owing to the perpendicular strain from the lead-lined chocks of the boats, whence the three ropes went straight down into the blue—the gunwales of the bows were almost even with the water, while the three sterns tilted high in the air.

We all heard a faint creaking, as of ropes and yards hitherto muffled by the storm.

The wagons escorted by the hussars drew up to the picket ropes and a crowd of hussars surrounded them.

The arrangements for this purpose vary, of course, with the amount of work to be done with one fixing of the machinery; where it is likely to be used for a considerable time, the drum and brake are solidly constructed, and the ropes of steel or iron wire carefully guided over friction rollers, placed at intervals between the rails to prevent them from chafing and wearing out on the ground.

Carrying the grooved sheaves over ‘which the hoisting ropes pass, is known as the head-gear (fig.

From the widespreading roots string and ropes are manufactured in Lapland and Bothnia: the longer ones which run near the surface are selected, split through, and then boiled for some hours in a ley of wood-ashes and salt, which, dissolving out the resin, loosens the fibres and renders them easily separable, and ready for twisting into cordage.

Say he were pinioned even; knotted all over with ropes and hawsers; chained down to ring-bolts on this cabin floor; he would be more hideous than a caged tiger, then.

Sentences with the word Rope?



  • «The rope snapped»; «tear the paper»
  • «a coil of rope«
  • «a coiled snake ready to strike»; «the rope lay coiled on the deck»
  • «Cut the rope«
  • «douse a rope«
  • «This skill will enable you to find a job on Wall Street»; «The rope enables you to secure yourself when you climb the mountain»
  • «intertwine the ribbons»; «Twine the threads into a rope«; «intertwined hearts»
  • «held fast to the rope«; «her foot was stuck fast»; «held tight»
  • «a fat rope«
  • «a firm grasp»; «gave a strong pull on the rope«
  • «Your muscles will firm when you exercise regularly»; «the rope tautened»
  • «tauten a rope«
  • «frap a rope«
  • «loop a rope«
  • «rope cows»
  • «a lax rope«
  • «rope the bag securely»
  • «Let go of the door handle, please!»; «relinquish your grip on the rope—you won’t fall»
  • «the old man’s skin hung loose and grey»; «slack and wrinkled skin»; «slack sails»; «a slack rope«; «a slack grip»
  • «loosen the tension on a rope«
  • «The noose loosened»; «the rope relaxed»
  • «bought some made goods at the local store; rope and nails»
  • «notch the rope«
  • «parcel rope«
  • «Pull the rope«; «Pull the handle towards you»; «pull the string gently»; «pull the trigger of the gun»; «pull your knees towards your chin»
  • «reeve a rope«
  • «relax the tension on the rope«
  • «a sawed-off shotgun»; «a sawed-off broomstick»; «the shortened rope was easier to use»
  • «shorten the skirt»; «shorten the rope by a few inches»
  • «he hadn’t counted on the slackness of the rope«
  • «slack the rope«
  • «the rope slackened»
  • «the tenuity of a hair»; «the thinness of a rope«
  • «the bodybuilder’s neck muscles tensed»; «the rope strained when the weight was attached»
  • «he struggled to get free from the rope«
  • «taut sails»; «a tight drumhead»; «a tight rope«
  • «alternately relax and tense your calf muscle»; «tense the rope manually before tensing the spring»
  • «The rope tightened»
  • «twine a rope«

Предложения с «the ropes»

Waylander drew his hunting knife and cut the ropes binding her wrists.

Он достал охотничий нож и разрезал веревку , стянувшую ей запястья.

Tying the ropes to the frame for her wrists and ankles.

Он привязывает веревки к раме для ее запястий и лодыжек.

I showed you the ropes , nurtured you, gave you a good job.

Я показал тебе все тонкости, воспитал тебя, дал тебе хорошую работу.

The trees to which the other ends of the ropes around Grawp’s wrists and ankles were attached creaked ominously.

Деревья, к которым были привязаны канаты, обмотанные вокруг запястий и лодыжек Гурпа, угрожающе затрещали.

It’s an all-out war along the ropes as round two comes to a close amid a giant tumult in the ring!

Закипела отчаянная битва у канатов а меж тем второй раунд подходит к концу!

The smell of my hair tonic mingled with a musty odor from the ropes of ivy that crowded all over the walls of that old, brick place.

Запах тоника от моих волос смешивался с густым запахом плюща, обвивавшего стены старого кирпичного здания.

To run as an outsider who knows the ropes , who’s handled big issues in a big state.

Для запуска аутсайдера кто знает рычаги которые решают большие проблемы в большом государстве.

Now and again there would be a moment’s giddy respite from the pain as one or the other of the birds failed to keep the ropes taut.

Снова и снова наступала мгновенная передышка, когда одна из птиц ослабляла натяжение пут.

Then he stood up and clutched the ropes of the car convulsively.

Затем поднялся на ноги и судорожно ухватился за стропы.

Ingrey’s eye was more concerned for the security of the ropes that bound the box in place.

Ингри больше следил за тем, чтобы ящик привязали к телеге крепкими веревками .

My ankles were still fastened to the bird, and I quickly untied the ropes .

Мои лодыжки были все еще привязаны к птице, и я быстро разорвал ремни.

You just have to loosen the ropes .

Но ты должен освободить меня.

He wants you to show him the ropes .

Он хочет, чтобы вы ввели его в курс дела.

We put too much air inside and a gust blew, so we all pulled on the ropes .

Мы надули в него слишком много воздуха, так что пришлось держать его верёвками, чтобы не улетел.

With Russia economically and militarily on the ropes , the Yeltsin government understood that a turn towards the West was in order.

Страна в это время находилась на грани экономического и военного краха, поэтому ельцинское правительство считало необходимым сближение с Западом.

The street feels that it now has the momentum and has Yanukovych on the ropes .

Улица почувствовала, что перевес на ее стороне, а Янукович загнан в угол.

But sliding down the ropes like baleful comets, the two Canallers rushed into the uproar, and sought to drag their man out of it towards the forecastle.

Но тут вниз по вантам соскользнули, с быстротой зловещих комет, двое канальцев и ринулись в самую гущу, чтобы помочь своему товарищу выбраться на бак.

Moon is up against the ropes . He’s being pummelled left and right.

Мун висит на канатах, на него слева и справа сыпятся удары.

Oh, well, as a member of the NYPD volunteer squad, I would be happy to show you the ropes .

Ну что ж, как действующий доброволец Нью — Йоркского отделения полиции буду рад ввести тебя в курс дела.

Her compensation for a sixteen-hour workday was learning the ropes in the trenches with a seasoned politician.

Компенсацией за шестнадцатичасовой рабочий день служил приобретаемый опыт: рядом с бывалым политиком можно многое узнать и многому научиться.

You know I would love to learn the ropes from a grizzled veteran such as yourself.

Я бы с радостью поучилась различным приемам от седющего ветерана, как вы.

One of the ropes writhed uneasily, and suddenly Lenina saw that they were snakes.

Одна веревка косо дернулась, извилась, и Ленайна вдруг увидела, что это змеи.

All you have to do when the plane is in flight is cut the ropes , open the pallet with the diamonds,

Вам останется, когда самолет поднимется, перерезать веревки , открыть стеллаж с бриллиантами,

Forgive me, the ropes were starting to chafe.

Прости, веревки стали натирать.

A boy climbs down the rough trunk, fastens a board to the ropes and sits on it to see whether the new swing-for swing it is-is strong enough.

Вслед за ними по шершавому стволу соскользнул мальчик. Он кладет доску, садится и пробует, прочны ли они, эти новые качели.

He knew the ropes where French country autobuses were concerned.

Хоуарду не впервой было ездить во Франции дальними автобусами.

A splay off the ropes , then super-kick… and ram-jam and we go and have a beer.

Оттягиваешь канаты, пробиваешь супер — кик потом Рэм — Джэм, и идем пить пиво.

Tracy took the knife and slashed at the ropes of the container.

Трейси вынула нож и разрезала веревку контейнера.

He leaned back against the ropes of the enclosure and watched the horses circle the corral, stood watching them a minute more, as they stood still, then leaned down and came out through the ropes .

Прислонившись к дереву, он внимательно смотрел, как лошади кружат по загону, еще раз оглядел их, когда они остановились, потом нагнулся и вылез.

I bounce off the ropes to get momentum, and I spear him with my body.

Я отскакиваю от веревки , чтобы получить импульс, и пронзаю его своим телом.

And as the ropes were tightened around their throats, they began to keen.

И так как веревки были затянуты вокруг их шей, они начали причитать.

Which would explain the ropes and the climbing gear. So what’s below the Maitlands’ apartment?

Это объясняет веревки и альпинистское снаряжение так что же находится под квартирой Метлендов?

Just as they’re bloodied and against the ropes , I go in for the kill with Twain, Wilde, Twain, Twain, Mencken!

Вот они истекают кровью на канатах, и я их добиваю Марк Твен, Оскар Уайльд, Твен, Твен, Генри Менкен!

At last a thud was heard; the ropes creaked as they were drawn up.

Наконец послышался стук. Веревки со скрипом выскользнули наверх.

Bounces off the ropes and drop kicks.

Оттолкнись от веревок и удар на снижение.

I’ve only got two hands, friend. Jeff waited ten seconds, then moved inside the ropes and walked up to the pedestal.

— У меня только две руки, приятель! — Джефф подождал десять секунд, затем полез под канат и обошел пьедестал.

And he wobbles into the ropes and goes down!

Прижимается с канатам и падает!

She’s a disagreeable, ill-natured girl, and she can’t draw herself at all, but she knows the ropes , and she can be useful to a newcomer if she cares to take the trouble.

Она очень неприятная, желчная девица и совсем не умеет рисовать, но знает здешние порядки и может помочь новичку, если на нее найдет такой стих.

want to show me the ropes and perhaps misinterpret my friendliness?

Не желаешь мне показать что тут к чему и может мы станем близкими друзьями?

Um, so, if I did like a jump off the ropes type thing, I could sort of land in like a somersault-y, um… type thing.

Значит, если я отскочу от канатов, я могу приземлиться с кувырком, так сказать

Well, but I did recover some fiber, which leads me to believe that the killer removed the ropes after he asphyxiated her.

Вообще — то, мне удалось выявить кое — какие волокна, и могу полагать, что убийца забрал веревки после того, как задушил ее.

Oh, you know, just going over the books, learning the ropes .

Ну, знаешь, просто просматриваю бухгалтерию, учусь помаленьку.

There’s always a bottleneck waiting to use the ropes .

Всегда есть трудный участок, где приходится использовать канат.

Conlan fires a hard body punch, hits him hard with a right cross and backs Creed into the ropes .

Конлан проводит удар по корпусу, сильный правый боковой и загоняет Крида на канаты.

Of course these foreigners don’t quite know the ropes . Will shake hands at breakfast.

Понятно, эти иностранцы не всегда в ладах с хорошими манерами.

Will you show Mo the ropes , OK?

Ты научишь Морин всему, OK?

A right kick, forcing him towards the ropes of the ring following up with alternate left and right punches

Удар правой ногой откинул его на канатные кольца, затем следуют удары левой и правой рукой.

Listen, tomorrow, when the tri-tones come up for their session, why don’t you come into the booth, and I’ll show you the ropes .

Слушай, давай завтра, когда Tri — Tones придут на запись, заходи ко мне в будку, и я тебе покажу приёмы работы.

The more he struggled, the tighter the ropes dug in.

Чем больше он боролся, тем больше затягивала его веревка .

I see them through the ropes , sitting in the front row with their suits and cigars and rolls of cash.

Я видел их через канаты, Сидящих в первых рядах, в этих своих костюмах, с сигарами и пачками наличности.

Ali leans back on the ropes , foreman tires himself out.

Али висит на канатах, соперник устает.

Lupin was struggling against his bonds. Black bent down quickly and untied him. Lupin straightened up, rubbing his arms where the ropes had cut into them.

Люпин пытался выпутаться из верёвок. Блэк стремительно нагнулся и развязал его. Люпин встал, потирая руки в тех местах, куда врезались верёвки.

But to fail because, you know, a couple of morons holding up the ropes on a Hillary Step would be hard to take I think.

Но потерпеть поражение из — за того, что пара идиотов заняла веревки на Ступени Хиллари… трудно вообразить.

Don’t let him push you in the ropes .

Не давай прижимать себя к канатам.

Who said the logs would rub against each other, and then the ropes would tear apart?

Те парни сказали, что бревна будут тереться друг о друга, пока веревки не порвутся.

Our raid on his pill factory put him on the ropes .

Наш рейд на фабрику таблеток накинул на него аркан.

If you’re gonna keep this guy on the ropes , you gotta work on your left hook.

Хочешь удержать этого парня — работай над хуком слева.

My first year on the job, I had this field training officer, Graham Tracey, he taught me the ropes .

Мой первый год на работе, у меня был офицер — инструктор, Грэм Трейси, учил меня обвязке.

Broke his arm in gym this morning. He fell off the ropes and missed the mat.

Утром он сломал руку в спортзале, грохнулся с каната мимо мата.

You take her in the back, set her up with a locker, show her the ropes .

Берёшь её на себя, установишь шкафчик, введешь её в курс дела.

  • Use the word Ropes in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The stars, like lamps, hung from the sky on ropes.

The collar was tightened with the help of four taut ropes.

There will soon be posses out with ropes on theirs addles.

From the wet wool they make weave ropes and connect villagers with bridges.

I’m new in this town and not on to the ropes.

You should┬┤ve built one right here, if you were smart and knew the ropes

I know the ropes well enough.

You’ll get to know the ropes

We’re going to swing across on ropes.

You know the ropes around here, huh?

You’ve got me up against the ropes here.

We ought to be ashamed letting a stranger show us the ropes.

Would you ask them to stop? We find it necessary in the theater… to have men fooling around with ropes and things.

They’re testing the ropes.

Amuse him, get him pissed, you know the ropes.

You won’t deny that I know the ropes about men.

Order your men to gather ropes!

The winch, chains, ropes

I’m just beginning to get on the ropes.

Get ropes, brace the dredges, everything. Yes, sir.

I wanna see you hanging on the ropes with your eyes popping out of your head.

I want you to show Mr. Chipping the ropes.

Get a couple of ropes there.


Mr Fenwick’s showing me the ropes.

Watch when he backs into the ropes.

Don’t let him get you up against the ropes. Come on, get away from them ropes!

Then she ought to know the ropes.

You’re not going to ask us to hang about on ropes, I hope.

Why say that we’re on the ropes

He puts that sticky stuff on the ropes.

Murdock is crowding Gilbert into the ropes.

You’ll attend our school… learn the ropes, and after that, go in and keep your eyes open.

Brown bounces off the ropes stings Callahan with a short…

And I’ve been saying I’d take you around and show you the ropes!

The ropes come off. I tie sash weights to her ankles with soft catgut.

He’s groggy, he’s hanging on the ropes.

We just walk in, and they’re waiting for us with shotguns and ropes.

Malone, you and Pots know the ropes.

How many ropes mooring blanchard’s balloon?

Four thick ropes, baron — shoot through two of them

they’ve cut the last ropes

Waco, get some cans and some ropes from the tank.

Synonym: Mexican valium, R-2, circle, forget me drug, lasso, leash, roach, roofy, rophy. Similar words: rope in, properly, improper, property, European, propensity, eastern europe, private property. Meaning: [rəʊp]  n. 1. a strong line 2. street names for flunitrazepan. v. 1. catch with a lasso 2. fasten with a rope. 

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1) Give a thief rope enough and he will hang himself. 

2) Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself. 

3) Give a fool rope enough and he will hang himself. 

4) Give a fool enough rope [rope enough] and he will hang himself. 

5) They reeved the rope through the pulley.

6) The falling man clutched the rope.

7) Her wrists chafed where the rope had been.

8) The anchor was attached to a length of rope.

9) She gave the rope a yank.

10) He slashed through the rope.

11) A coil of rope lay on the beach.

12) The climber girded himself with a rope.

13) Hang off the rope,[] let’s start our boat.

14) When I shout, give a haul on the rope.

15) She yanked the rope and it broke.

16) Hold the rope loosely between your finger and thumb.

17) He used a rope to mark off the circle.

18) We all heaved on the rope.

19) He let go of the rope.

20) He tightened up the rope a little.

21) They bound my arms and legs with rope.

22) Keep a tight grip on the rope.

23) We tugged so hard that the rope broke.

24) Coils of rope lay on the quayside.

25) I heard the rope swish through the air.

26) Several sailors were straining at the rope.

27) We tied his feet together with rope.

28) The rope holding the boat loosened.

29) Sam and John are pulling the rope.

30) He that has [hath] been bitten by a serpent, is afraid of a rope

More similar words: rope in, properly, improper, property, European, propensity, eastern europe, private property, hope against hope, cope, open, opera, hope, pope, scope, slope, openly, operate, open air, operator, hopeful, opening, hopeless, in the open, soap opera, cope with, operating, operation, cooperate, developer. 

Sentences starting with ropes

  • Ropes are cast off, the keel-boat pushes her blunt nose through the cold, muddy water, the oars churn up dirty, yellow foam, and cheers shake the sodden air. [9]
  • Ropes were let down, and the lad was drawn up insensible. [11]
  • Ropes are the correct thing—we must preserve the unities, as we say on the boards. [5]
  • Ropes were brought and the nearly impossible feat of rescuing the man was accomplished. [5]

Sentences ending with ropes

  • The seats for the priests were of ivory, and garlands of lilies and roses hung round the vessel, from its masts and ropes. [10]
  • Everything goes off smoothly, except there is a momentary panic over a fractious bull, who plunges into the crowd; but the six white jackets are about him in an instant, and entangle him with their ropes. [4]
  • I’ll pack in ropes and ropes. [13]
  • The lower jaw of an old Frenchman with a thick mustache trembled as he untied the ropes. [2]
  • Dr. Hooker informs me that an elephant, which he was riding in India, became so deeply bogged that he remained stuck fast until the next day, when he was extricated by men with ropes. [1]
  • I have the impression that the only people who do not have to scramble are the veterans—the disciples who have been here before and know the ropes. [5]
  • And Dolly went about exclaiming, and asking an hundred questions, and merrily catechising me upon the run of the ropes. [9]

Sentences containing ropes two or more times

  • He was a stately man, he was ideally costumed, and fairly festooned with ropes of gems; some of the ropes were of pearls, some were of uncut great emeralds—emeralds renowned in Bombay for their quality and value. [5]
  • He also presently discovered that all these trees were bound together, near their tops, by fourteen great ropes, one above another, which ropes were continuous, from tree to tree, as far as his vision could reach. [5]

More example sentences with the word ropes in them

  • There were not yet any ropes or zigzag streaks darting down through the gathering darkness. [13]
  • I was fired with the idea, and immediately made up my mind to procure the necessary guides, ropes, etc., and undertake it. [5]
  • Behind the guns were their limbers and still farther back picket ropes and artillerymen’s bonfires. [2]
  • You’d set to weaving ropes for the necks of every one of us—blood of my soul! [11]
  • But while he was feeling the ropes on the prisoner’s arms, the glare of the burning torch, which lighted him, fell on the fugitive’s rude, deserted couch. [10]
  • I stretched ropes upon either side to serve as railings, and then my bridge was complete. [5]
  • Then it began to sprinkle rain, and we could hear the professor fussing at his ropes and things and abusing the weather. [5]
  • You could get to it by a hard climb up a precipitous pathway, or by a ladder of ropes which swung from his cottage door down the cliff-side to the sands. [11]
  • I hurried back to give Farrar a hand with the ropes, and it was O’Meara who caught the one I flung ashore and wound it around a pile. [9]
  • And I can tie better than those that did this; if I had tied him the ropes had not cut his flesh. [5]
  • The first is thinking too much of himself and his emotions,—the other makes a study of her and her friends, and learns what ropes to pull. [6]
  • There was a thick coating of ice over men, yawl, ropes and everything else, and we looked like rock-candy statuary. [5]
  • The trimmers rigged the splinter nettings, got out spare spars and blocks and ropes against those that were sure to be shot away, and rolled up casks of water to put out the fires. [9]
  • Suddenly one of the ropes broke, and the board which supported her feet turned over out of her reach. [10]
  • The legs of the heavy animal were tied together with ropes, and Marx was obliged to take the ends of the knot between his teeth like a bridle, and drag the carcass to the castle. [10]
  • While some of the guards dragged the prisoners together, counted them, and tied them with ropes, their commander, with the others and his dogs, set off on the track of the fugitive. [10]
  • When he saw the first hussar with the unbuttoned uniform of his regiment, when he recognized red-haired Dementyev and saw the picket ropes of the roan horses, when Lavrushka gleefully shouted to his master, «The count has come! [2]
  • A minute later the engine was quietly churning away below; two minutes later the ropes were drawn in; half a minute later still the nose of the Amenhotep moved in the water. [11]
  • She tied to the end of it three loose ropes she had brought from the Post. [11]
  • The bedstead was small, the frame was of hickory, with no footboard, ropes making the support for the husk tick. [11]
  • He went on singing, wilder and wilder, and the thunder begun to mutter, and the wind to wheeze and moan among the ropes, and altogether it was awful. [5]
  • At last his right hand fairly dropped the ropes, and his left, in which he held the lamp, began to tremble. [10]
  • When I had read thus far, Harris broke into the room in a noble excitement and said the ropes and the guides were secured, and asked if I was ready. [5]
  • How palsy creeps over us, with gossamer first, and ropes afterwards! [6]
  • He was stretched out on his back, and his hands were tied together with ropes, and also his ankles. [5]
  • The cedar-wood pillars of the tent were covered with gold, and the ropes, which secured the light erection to the tent-pegs, were twisted of silk, and thin threads of silver. [10]
  • You’ll get hold of the ropes directly. [4]
  • Han = kind of grass for the making of ropes, baskets, etc. [11]
  • Among these I noticed some stout fellows with short ropes, with which they intended to assist us up the steeps. [4]
  • We can buy more hitch ropes, if necessary. [9]
  • We came to Monsieur Gratiot’s, bade our farewells to Madame, picked up our saddle-bags, the two gentlemen escorting us down to the river bank where the keel boat was tugging at the ropes that held her, impatient to be off. [9]
  • Then darkness veiled Miriam’s eyes and she felt as if in a dream Ephraim sever the ropes around her wrists. [10]
  • Two ropes were made fast to his leather belt and he bore the end of a third one in his hand to tie to the victim in case he found him. [5]
  • Men cut these little steps, made these arrow-heads and mealing-stones, plaited the ropes we found, and left their bones to crumble in our fingers. [13]
  • At the same instant the screech of shot sounded overhead, we heard the sharp crack-crack of wood rending and splitting,—as with a great broadaxe,—and a medley of blocks and ropes rattled to the deck with the ‘thud of the falling bodies. [9]
  • There were trunks in the rooms, and hay, wrapping paper, and ropes were scattered about. [2]
  • It means that if we fight the government ships, we must either die in battle, or die with the ropes round our necks. [11]
  • The Captain lost his temper, his troopers, perspiring over Gordian knots in the ropes, uttered strange soldier oaths, while the mad wind which blew that day played a hundred pranks. [9]
  • The boat should have been launched in a minute, but still it hung between its davits; its course downward was interrupted; something was wrong with the ropes, «A false start, by — ! [11]
  • The chief streets had been decked with ropes of flowers strung from mast to mast and from house to house, and by the harbor, close to the river shore, statues of Hadrian and his wife had been erected. [10]
  • There were everywhere great coils of ropes and bales of twine, and the dark rooms had a tarry smell. [4]
  • Six of these gossamer ropes were taken up, and again six. [9]
  • He put his fingers to his lips, then hastily cut them loose from the ropes of bamboo, and helped them to their feet. [11]
  • You’ll see the fellow; you’ll like him; he’s no fool, I can tell you; and he’s going to be our publisher, nominally at first and actually when I’ve taught him the ropes a little. [8]
  • These ropes were cut from time to time, and were left behind. [5]
  • As no ladders could reach the great heights, the men swung themselves down from balustrades and the capitals of pilasters by ropes, to do this work. [5]
  • The wagons escorted by the hussars drew up to the picket ropes and a crowd of hussars surrounded them. [2]
  • Then the storm burst with a succession of ropes and streaks and shafts of lightning, playing continuously, filling the valley with a broken radiance; and the cracking shots followed each other swiftly till the echoes blended in one fearful, deafening crash. [13]
  • Monkeys seize thin branches or ropes, with the thumb on one side and the fingers and palm on the other, in the same manner as we do. [1]
  • I stepped inside, and Gabord ordered the ropes off my person somewhat roughly, watched the soldiers till they were well away, and then leaned against the wall, waiting for me to speak. [11]
  • Then came confusion and dismay: the flapping of the wet, half-lowered sails, and the whipping of the slack ropes, making all effort useless. [11]
  • He called softly, and directly after his nephew whispered: «I’ll loose your ropes, if you will hold up your hands to me. [10]
  • I lay in a clean bunk in a fair-sized and sun-washed cabin, and I heard the scraping of ropes and the tramp of feet on the deck above my head. [9]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word ropes in a sentence? How do you use ropes in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word ropes?
It contains example sentences with the word ropes, a sentence example for ropes, and ropes in sample sentence.

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