Sentence with the word riddle

Synonym: conundrum, enigma, puzzle. Similar words: middle, fiddle, middle-class, middle class, in the middle of, middle ground, ridden, addle. Meaning: [‘rɪdl]  n. 1. a difficult problem 2. a coarse sieve (as for gravel). v. 1. pierce with many holes 2. set a difficult problem or riddle 3. separate with a riddle, as grain from chaff 4. spread or diffuse through 5. speak in riddles 6. explain a riddle. 

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1 See if you can solve this riddle .

2 Scientists may have solved the riddle of Saturn’s rings.

3 He found out the riddle at last.

4 His daily work is to riddle coal cinders to get out the larger pieces.

5 Scientists claimed yesterday to have solved the riddle of the birth of the Universe.

6 She’s a complete riddle, even to her parents.

7 I’ll riddle you with bullets!

8 The riddle couldn’t be solved by the child.

9 Her disappearance is a complete riddle.

10 The riddle was at last unriddled.

11 Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.

12 The police have been unable to solve the riddle of her disappearance.

13 He got the answer to the riddle as quick as a flash.

14 Solve the riddle of this verse, Or suffer Ariaca’s curse!

15 As investigators probed the brain further,( the riddle of the mind revealed itself to be deeply specific.

16 Unsettled by the riddle, Mungo finally decided that Jos had probably shut him up just to get some peace.

17 How do we solve the riddle of the disappearing marriage?

18 If that had happened to Riddle, when Franks performed the autopsy he would find it.

19 It was possible that Riddle had committed suicide in such a way as to make it appear that he had been murdered.

20 Must know his job else Riddle wouldn’t have kept him, nephew or no nephew.

21 I’m just a little bit caught in the middle. Life is a maze and love is a riddle, I don’t know where to go, can’t do it alone.

22 Countless people have had a stab at solving the riddle.

23 But how many have ever stopped to consider this particular riddle?

24 That meant within an hour or so of the time at which Mary Penrose claimed that Riddle had left her.

25 Long chains of tiny craters on Phobos suggest the drainage of regolith into deep cracks that riddle its interior.

26 I looked into the mirror, searching once again into the riddle of my face.

27 The package includes a pack of cards and a booklet which has a riddle running through its pages.

28 While conducting interviews for this book, I sometimes posed the chameleon riddle to my interviewees.

29 On his wanderings Oedipus came to Thebes, solved the riddle of the Sphinx, and thus delivered the city.

30 According to Greek legend, it was Oedipus who solved the riddle of the Sphinx.

More similar words: middle, fiddle, middle-class, middle class, in the middle of, middle ground, ridden, addle, meddle, cuddle, coddle, saddle, peddle, huddle, paddle, puddle, huddled, meddler, befuddle, befuddled, huddle together, meddlesome, hidden, midday, cuddly, rid, arid, ride, lurid, rider. 

riddle — перевод на русский


And the little woman, whom we call hysterical, alone and unhappy, isn’t she still a riddle for us?

А та бедняжка, что зовётся истеричкой, — жалкая и неприкаянная — разве больше не загадка для нас?

It id a riddle.

Это загадка.

That’d the riddle.

Это загадка.

I think the riddle will be solved tonight.

Думаю, загадка решиться сегодня ночью.

And what people live on is to me a riddle. They marry on an income of a two thousand crowns, when they need four thousand crowns. They borrow, of course, everyone borrows.

А на какие средства живут — для меня загадка! хотя им требуется 4000… берут и берут в долг!

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— Bess Riddle lived on coq au vin.

Бесс Риддл жила на петухах в вине.

But I could have bet the whole bar here that Nelson Riddle done the arrangements on this record.

Но я готов поспорить со всем баром, что для этой записи аранжировку делал Нельсон Риддл.

Oh, it was Riddle.

Да, это был Риддл!

Chief Riddle’s got some news.

Шеф Риддл принёс новости.

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It’s a riddle.

Это головоломка.

This riddle in Oxley’s letter doesn’t make any sense.

Головоломка из письма Оксли — полная бессмыслица.

«A riddle wrapped in a mystery wrapped in an enigma.»

Головоломка, завернутая в тайну завернутую в загадку.

This case is turning out to be like one of those Russian dolls, a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, shrouded in a mystery.

Это дело похоже на одну из этих русских матрёшек, головоломка, обёрнутая загадкой и покрытая мраком.

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— It’s Sinatra singing «Moonlight in Vermont» live with the Nelson Riddle Orchestra, 1966.

Это концертная запись Синатры и оркестра Нельсона Риддла «Лунный свет в Вермонте» 1966 года.

Tom Riddle’s diary in the Chamber of Secrets.

Дневник Тома Риддла в тайной комнате.

The Nelson Riddle Orchestra!

Оркестр Нельсона Риддла!

I have convinced Riddle to reassess your rank further down the road, provided you complete some management training.

Я уговорил Риддла пересмотреть своё решение о твоём звании в дальнейшем, если ты пройдешь курс повышения квалификации.

Should I invite Chief Riddle?

Может быть мне пригласить Шефа Риддла?

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The interior of the structure is riddled with a network of corridors and interlocking chambers.

Внутренняя часть постройки пронизана сетью коридоров и взаимосвязанных залов.

Tap water is riddled with Giardia in all of Bucharest.

Водопроводная вода так и пронизана инфекцией Джарда по всему Бухаресту.

Riddled with inoperable tumors.

Пронизана неоперабельной опухолью.

A faith riddled with human sacrifice.

Вера пронизана человеческими жертвоприношениями.

She was riddled with it.

Она была пронизана им.

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Riddle me that.

Как тебе такой ребус?

— This is a riddle.

— Это ребус.

We’re looking for riddles.

Мы ищем ребус.

Riddle or trap?

Ребус или ловушка?

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And it is said that the riddle will be unraveled when this and the one about your neck are placed before a great eminence who dwells in a temple of many faces.

Здесь сказано, что тайна начнет раскрываться, когда соединятся 2 амулета. Этот и тот, что у тебя. Перед лицом властителя, что обитает в храме многих обличий.

There really is a riddle.

Это действительно тайна.

Well I like to feel that the last few days we’ve solved the riddle, and unravelled the mystery, and we’re left with the enigma, which, I believe is the…

Таким образом, осталась лишь тайна, которая… Последний вечер. Я думал, что я вам не нравлюсь.

It is a riddle cloaked in a mystery wrapped in layers of hot, hot manliness.

Это тайна покрытая мраком завернутая в слоя сексуальной, очень сексуальной мужественности.

What a captivating riddle it is.

— Какая увлекательная тайна.

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Body was riddled with bullets.

Тело изрешечено пулями.

Yeah, but they’re riddled with bullets, so use that, uh, there magic light of yours so…

Да, но тут всё изрешечено пулями, так что используй свой… волшебный фонарик…

…the dust of rubbles to the birds Orléans must look like a skimmer the town is riddled with The two towers of the cathedral are torn…

…разрушенные стены, строительный мусор. Наверное, птицам Орлеан кажется ситом. Город изрешечен воронками от снарядов.

They’re telling me I’m riddled with cancer, and I’m completely alone.

Они говорят мне, что я изрешечен раком, и я совершенно один.

I get hazy where the cleaning woman shows up the following morning and finds your wife in bed with her lover riddled with .38-caliber bullets.

А для меня все туманно там, где на следующее утро появляется уборщица… и находит вашу жену в постели с любовником… изрешеченными пулями.38 калибра.

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Riddle me this, Caesar. We haven»t seen a NEB soldier in six months.

Отгадай загадку, Цезарь Мы давно не видели ни одного НЭБовца.

Riddle me this, Riddler.

Отгадай загадку, Риддлер.

Okay, then just riddle me this… am I a thin guy or am I a fat guy?

Ладно, тогда отгадай загадку… я худой или толстый?

— Now, answer the riddle, Levi.

— А сейчас, отгадай загадку, Леви.

Oh, hey, Evelyn, I got a riddle for you:

Эвелин! Отгадай загадку.

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It is riddled with live insect larvae.

Он полон живых личинок насекомых.

So far, I’m riddled with disappointment at the service.

Пока я полон разочарования со службой.

NipAlert was poorly conceived and riddled with bugs, wasn’t it?

— «Сос-Сигнал» был плохо продуман и полон ошибок, не так ли?

Edwin said his work was riddled with errors.

Эдвин сказал, что его работа была полна ошибок.

Its supporters claim there are things evolution can’t explain, that the theory is riddled with gaps.

Его сторонники утверждают, что есть вещи, которые эволюция не может объяснить, что теория полна пробелов.

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загадка f

головоломка f

ребус m










Most retarded riddle I’ve ever heard.

Самая тупая загадка, из всех, что я слышал.

Just what I needed — another riddle.

Как раз то, что мне было нужно — очередная загадка.

Leave it to Ox to write a riddle in a dead language.

Только Окс способен создать ребус на мёртвом языке.

This riddle in Oxley’s letter doesn’t make any sense.

Этот ребус из письма Оксли не имеет никакого смысла.

A good riddle reveals the asker.

Хорошая загадка раскрывает, того, кто её задаёт.

You have 10 seconds to solve this riddle.

У вас есть 10 секунд, чтобы решить эту загадку.

The whole is a riddle, an aenigma, an inexplicable mystery.

В целом это загадка, энигма, необъяснимая тайна.

This riddle has both a pragmatic and symbolic (alchemical) answer.

Эта загадка имеет как прагматический, так и символический (алхимический) ответ.

This third law is really interesting because it attempts to resolve the great riddle of infinity.

Этот третий закон действительно интересен, потому что он пытается разрешить великую загадку бесконечности.

In his grandfather’s dying words told him what he thought to be a riddle, but was actually straightforward instructions.

В предсмертных словах его дедушки рассказывали ему то, что он считал загадкой, но на самом деле это были простые инструкции.

However, scientists have proved and explained that there was no natural riddle does not exist.

Однако, ученые доказали и объяснили что никакой природной загадки не существует.

This man is still an insoluble riddle for mankind, legends about him are alive as never before.

Этот человек до сих пор является неразрешимой загадкой для человечества, легенды о нём живы как никогда.

They both scientists and poets, so the riddle of life always attract them.

Они и ученые, и поэты, поэтому загадки жизни всегда притягивают их.

It’s important to solve this riddle, because you’ll soon make some key decisions that depend on the answer.

Важно решить эту загадку, потому что вскоре вы примете некоторые ключевые решения, которые зависят от ответа.

The introduction of two types of institutions almost automatically solves the riddle of the wealth of nations.

Введение в рассмотрение двух типов институтов почти автоматически решает загадку богатства народов.

The discovery may help to answer the riddle of why a minority of left-handers persist in human populations.

Это открытие может помочь разгадать загадку, почему леворукое меньшинство, несмотря ни на что, сохраняется в человеческих популяциях.

Haunted by mysterious beings who stop time and alter reality, he seeks to unravel the riddle of his identity.

Часто посещаемый таинственными существами, которые останавливают время и изменяют действительность, он стремится распутать загадку его идентичности.

When the discovery was made, disbelief gave way to excitement when scientists realized that the pink powder solved a vexing riddle.

Когда было сделано это открытие, недоверие сменилось волнением — ученые поняли, что розовый порошок решил загадку.

Her innocent view of life unlocked the riddle that had puzzled me for so many years.

Ее невинный взгляд на жизнь раскрыл загадку, которая тревожила меня столько лет.

Nowadays psoriasis still remains a riddle both to experienced dermatologists and to the psoriasis sufferers.

На сегодняшний день псориаз остается загадкой, как для опытных врачей-дерматологов, так и для тех, кто страдает этим заболеванием.

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How to use riddle in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «riddle» and check conjugation/comparative form for «riddle«. Mastering all the usages of «riddle» from sentence examples published by news publications.

The riddle of Amanda Knox was never really a riddle.
The book is, blessedly, not about offering a diagnosis or unknotting the riddle of how Kate understands time; rather it is about illuminating the riddle itself.
But the «Machida Riddle» hasn’t been much of a riddle for the last few years—the cream of the crop have found the flaws in his game.
«After the 2016 election, my colleagues kept saying the same thing over and over,» says Mark Riddle, CEO of Future Majority, a PAC Riddle founded to support centrist Democratic politics.
NOTES: The Marlins placed 1B Justin Bour (right oblique strain) and SS JT Riddle (left biceps tendinitis) on the 10-day disabled list, with the Riddle move retroactive to July 22.
In an apparent misunderstanding, and a final indignity to Mr. Riddle, the police reported that the drone had flown up 40 stories before falling, a height Mr. Riddle had only dreamed of reaching.
The riddle of a Mennonite megachurch became my intellectual obsession.
«I’m like, ‘Dude,'» Mr. Riddle said, «‘I’m the drone guy.'»
CNN’s Casey Riddle and Kyung Lah contributed to this report.
CNN’s Michael Conte and Casey Riddle contributed to this report.
Riddle me this: What has four arms, but also none?
SS JT Riddle is trying to avoid the disabled list.
Even so, these questions won’t riddle the mind for long.
CNN’s Casey Riddle and Eli Watkins contributed to this report.
In the meantime, we may have solved Jackson’s little riddle.
However, solving the riddle of Macrauchenia has given them hope.
«Einstein’s Riddle» asks a simple question: Who owns the fish?
The hope is that our genes might solve the riddle.
Will Trump conquer Asia by solving the North Korea riddle?
CNN’s David Siegel and Casey Riddle contributed to this report.
It’s a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.
Bread is a riddle that doesn’t need to be solved.
«I just wanted to see a ball up,» Riddle said.
But Riddle argues that the new policy addressed very little.
Here’s a riddle for our era: What is «unwelcome harassment»?
Remember Varys’s riddle: Power resides where people believe it resides.
Life is a riddle whose only imperfect solution is love.
«They made us film a promotional video,» Ms. Riddle said.
The title is a trick or a kind of riddle.
The title of the book comes from a Zen riddle.
The house reappears like a clue in a mysterious riddle.
His physique is sometimes regarded as a riddle of nature.
That’s the riddle confronting investors in Pershing Square Holdings Ltd.
CNN’s Laura Dolan and Casey Riddle contributed to this report.
«It’s the riddle of the Spinks,» he jokes to Marina.
He has not addressed how he will solve that riddle.
According to Riddle, the mandatory counselor implied she would be sexually assaulted again if she didn’t take simple precautions, in addition to suggesting a meditation app when Riddle complained of panic attacks and nightmares.
At his apartment in Jersey City last week, Mr. Riddle explained.
Here&aposs a question that sounds more like a Zen riddle.
Riddle injured his left shoulder diving for a ball on Wednesday.
I figured it would be a joke, this John Leal riddle.
«I haven’t voted in about 40-some years,» Riddle said recently.
The prosperity gospel tries to solve the riddle of human suffering.
«Except for one pitch, he probably has a shutout,» Riddle said.
Two batters later, Riddle lined his single just over Murphy’s head.
Riddle me this For better or worse, Twitter runs the world.
«They tried so long to have a baby,» Riddle told ABC8.
«‘Ransom Notes’ is a riddle,» explains Other Families vocalist Zach Buck.
CNN’s Casey Riddle and Catherine E. Shoichet contributed to this report.
The answer to the riddle was: If you travel in circles.
On April 217, 21, Tamsyn Riddle was late for a party.
Could the riddle behind synchronized bird flight really be this simple?
J.T. Riddle added a sacrifice fly for the game’s final run.
Sly engineering makes the poem something more than a child’s riddle.
A close friend, Cynthia Riddle, said the cause was kidney failure.
«It’s just botanical oils,» Ms. Riddle said she told the officer.
Narrator: Anthony is an Associate Professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Solving the riddle of parallel parking will take a bit longer.
He graduated from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Fla.
Sean Riddle, 27, of Jersey City, was arrested shortly before 8 p.m.
Mr. Riddle then entered the building to ask security guards for help.
«Exemptions, deductions and credits for individuals riddle the tax code,» it reads.
Or maybe they’re passed down in the form of a schoolyard riddle.
Another riddle for theorists is that attacks straddle the civilian-military divide.
Riddle was arrested on August 1 and is now out on bail.
The Astros&apos first order of business is solving the Rangers riddle.
Several of Ou’s followers quickly figured out the solution to his riddle.
Paradise resident Ed Riddle was focusing on one task at a time.
Donald Trump is an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in cash.
She’s an associate professor of aeronautical science at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Advertisers hire Riddle & Bloom for access to its database of student applicants.
Instead, it’s a riddle wrapped in an enigma and cloaked in crazy.
Ms. Riddle, first up, was asked if pageants are degrading to women.
For the Mariners, just making the playoffs has been an unsolvable riddle.
Fortunately, this chicken-and-egg riddle is irrelevant to this particular dish.
CNN’s Casey Riddle, Clare Foran and Jonah Eatman contributed to this report.
He idolized not stars, but arrangers, like George Gershwin and Nelson Riddle.
He idolized not stars, but arrangers, like George Gershwin and Nelson Riddle.
And it posed the same riddle: Who or what had planted it?
CNN’s Lauen Fox, Ted Barrett and Casey Riddle contributed to this report.
The Y in BANYAN gives me MEMORY at 30D (nice riddle clue!).
Neither Gannett, Cross nor Riddle responded to CNN Business’ request for comment.
CNN’s Casey Riddle, Nicky Robertson and Ellie Kaufman contributed to this report.
Riddle me this: What do all of these movies have in common?
There’s an old riddle: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
However, Doolittle closed out his 17th save by striking out JT Riddle.
Julia Nardi Riddle, the daughter of Clarine Nardi Riddle of Alexandria, Va., and Dr. Mark A. Riddle of Columbia, Md., was married May 14 to Michael James Clark, the son of Charlotte E. Clark and James T. Clark of Parkville, Md. The groom’s father, who became a minister through American Marriage Ministries, officiated at Brittland Manor in Chestertown, Md. The bride, 32, graduated from Georgetown.
Also pack an OTC antidiarrheal (such as Imodium A-D), Dr. Riddle says.
What’s the deal with this week’s episode title, «Riddle of the Sphinx,» anyway?
The global financial system has become a dangerous paradox wrapped in a riddle.
«Retailers are taking advantage of the term,» Riddle told the New York Times.
«I am the beginning of everything, the end of everywhere,» reads the riddle.
He’s (been) a bit of a riddle, mystery about him in a shootout.
This riddle is part of a viral IQ test that stumped the internet.
But as last night’s episode, «The Riddle of the Sphinx,» revealed, Delos, Inc.
WEDNESDAY PUZZLE — Riddle me this: When is an O not really an O?
JT Riddle led Miami’s offense with a homer, a double and three RBIs.
I can’t think of a more talented group to help solve the riddle.
Anna Anderson would spend the rest of her life a staunch, unanswered riddle.
At least three ask Riddle to autograph glossies portraying him in the Octagon.
Again the bridge troll poses his riddle; as always, it is completely inscrutable.
Marlins 7, Cardinals 6 (11 innings) JT Riddle, who entered the game hitting .
Up in the air, New Year’s Eve turns into an elegant, existential riddle.
But the natural riddle-smith is nodding towards something much deeper and darker.
For the Germans, however, the Trump White House remains something of a riddle.
Jubilee is an enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in a Rorschach test.
«It’s kind of a riddle — but also a joke,» its publisher told me.
Let’s look at this logically and solve the riddle of Super Bowl LII.
The network of artists and collectors who were pulled into John Riddle’s orbit is the focus of The RIDDLE Effect, an exhibition at the Craft Contemporary that brings together works by Riddle alongside those of his close peers and former students.
CNN’s Casey Riddle, Barbara Starr, Ryan Browne and Kate Sullivan contributed to this report.
In doing so, analysts say, DeSantis instantly disqualified some 1.4 million voters—including Riddle.
Watch for the program, «Riddle: The Search for James R. Hoffa,» later this year.
But with the 5 percent goal line crossed, the jobs market remains a riddle.
Family spokesperson Sam Riddle confirmed that Conyers is seeking treatment at a local hospital.
The song is not a riddle, it’s not like, ‘Oh you got it right!
Adam SpencerThe Number Games, wrote this riddle, which was then shared by Reader’s Digest.
The White Album box set presents the answer to this riddle with Take 18.
The answer to this riddle might at least partly lie in the photograph above.
«He’s too racist for me,» Mr. Riddle said, citing Mr. Trump’s attacks on Mexicans.
Trump’s tax cuts will play into the debate but they won’t solve the riddle.
«I think maybe it helped me see more balls in the zone,» Riddle said.
«Even then I knew he was a weird guy, kind of off,» said Riddle.
Now, Riddle is passing time before a Sunday doubleheader in the town of Melrose.
Indie wrestling is an always-on job, one for which Riddle is uniquely suited.
All we want to know is, why wasn’t the title Tom Riddle: Misunderstood Genius?
Bonus: The author, Liz Moore, is celebrating the paperback release with a riddle game.
Ms. Riddle is platinum blond, with a warm smile and a honeyed southern accent.
All of them stand to become very wealthy, if they can solve his riddle.
A riddle to this day is whether the Khan network had a fourth customer.
And then she released three albums of songbook standards with the Nelson Riddle orchestra.
In all this, the riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma is Russia.
But on the next batter, Reed gave up the game-winning blast to Riddle.
Though his prop lanyard identified him as Chris Riddle, he introduced himself as Dave.
CNN’s Lauren Fox, Greg Krieg, Casey Riddle and Kristin Wilson contributed to this report.
Per Biography, Hoffa was born in 1913 in Brazil, Indiana as James Riddle Hoffa.
This isn’t a fun riddle, we’re just talking about our beloved sous vide devices.
He worked around a two-out single to JT Riddle and a wild pitch.
Done correctly, the diagonal of that square spelled the answer to the riddle: TEETH.
«Every person covering sports is trying to figure out the riddle,» Van Pelt said.
We knew we didn’t have much time until our captor would return, ready to rip the flesh from our bones in cannibalistic glee, so we hurriedly unlocked the cage and tore the room apart, solving riddle after riddle in our quest to escape.
On others, I’ve been sweetly captivated by the riddle of preserved eggs with green peppers.
There were a couple of male-centric potions and lube-like substances, Riddle points out.
Is this Groundhog Day but with two much more delightful individuals and a new riddle?
Riddle me this Porcelain bowls have tumbled off a shelf and against a glass door.
CNN’s Casey Riddle, Daniel Allman, Kiara Brantley-Jones and Marianne Garvey contributed to this report.
And then there’s the most frustratingly unknowable riddle of all: do cats listen to music?
«She was just gonna come up here for Christmas,» Riddle tells PEOPLE, fighting back tears.
Leonard Cohen’s «Hallelujah» was a complex, nearly indecipherable musical riddle that flummoxed even its composer.
Instead, she retorts with a riddle and asks if he’s been showing symptoms or glitching.
Riddle said he would like to rebuild, but wasn’t sure what that would look like.
Amplify our decision across the economy and the economic growth riddle doesn’t look so complicated.
But I am sure that relistening in pursuit of this riddle has been no burden.
But riddle us this: Do «good friends» use one another’s faces as their iPhone wallpaper?
The Sphinx demanded that the citizens solve a complex riddle in return for their freedom.
He has had to solve the riddle of the elastic Djokovic to win them all.
But Dr. Cronin acknowledged that they had not completely solved a riddle of the universe.
It’s a complicated process, but it’s a riddle that’s Bethesda designed for players to solve.
Last week, someone finally answered a riddle that’s vexed hardcore Tibia players and curious outsiders.
«A cardboard cutout would have been 100 times better than what I experienced,» Riddle said.
Riddle was not allowed to see the resolutions, but the provost offered to summarize them.
The following year, after a split-decision win over Che Mills, Riddle pissed hot again.
Watching Riddle, the physical languages of MMA fighting and pro wrestling collapse into one vocabulary.
Riddle hit the first pitch from reliever Jose Alvarez over the wall in right field.
The answer to this riddle is this: you just have a stupid vegetable again. Duh.
He’s also a Hogwarts alum, though he was a lonely boy named Tom Riddle then.
He starts «The Riddle of the Sphinx» as the Creator, experimenting in a synthetic immortality.
NEW YORK (Reuters) — A Zen «koan» is a Buddhist riddle designed to get you thinking.
But the overall lack of wage inflation is perhaps the biggest riddle in economics today.
Marlins shortstop J. T. Riddle made a slick defensive play to get two key outs.
New York City’s tourism officials have solved the riddle of how to attract the Chinese.
One night in 1946, Rajesh came home from college with a riddle, a mathematical puzzle.
«There’s a riddle in play here,» said Blank, chief equity strategist at Zacks Investment Research.
Inside the sleeve, the record’s accompanying insert serves as both a punchline and a riddle.
Miami had just six hits in the game, with three by Riddle and two by Castro.
Then, Nick finds a riddle that can awaken him, and lead him back to the truth.
The money turns out to be gelt, and Chivo reveals himself to be a riddle master.
Arlie also mentions a «lost chapter» that holds a key to this riddle they’re living in.
This is why computer scientists worldwide are racing to solve the riddle that is quantum computing.
For the riddle to work, the speck must be travelling at 70km a second, or thereabouts.
«They tried so long to have a baby,» Riddle told ABC8 of his daughter’s growing family.
Riddle is so hot that Glover walked him intentionally in the 23th to get to Galloway.
Riddle me this: Why didn’t this movie win the Oscar for best frickin’ movie ever made?
He also regularly uses a Zhuyin (aka Bopomofo) keyboard, which is a key to this riddle.
The turnout riddle could give early pointers as to how things will go on Monday night.
Riddle me this: did Mariah not predict what Eminem would look like in 2018, with «Obsessed»?
She’s inspired our Sesali Bowen to ask that we stop treating Beyoncé’s pregnancy like a riddle.
«The Riddle of the Sphinx» offers the best and worst of Westworld in one convenient package.
Velasquez barehanded a swinging bunt by JT Riddle but threw wildly past first baseman Tommy Joseph.
No puzzles either, merely the greatest riddle of all: maintaining reasonable teenage dialogue at 3 am.
I understand what they value, about their histories, and how to answer their riddle-like questions.
Oedipus, who by that time had become a man of prodigious intellect, easily solved the riddle.
You can read a full explanation of how to solve the riddle from Reader’s Digest here.
But it did not solve the riddle of what’s missing from the «standard model» of physics.
The RIDDLE Effect continues at the Craft Contemporary (5814 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles) through September 8.
Political consultant Sam Riddle said Conyers was hospitalized due to stress, according to CNN affiliate WDIV.
Since 1992, the «I Spy» riddle-book series has captured the imagination of millions of readers.
There are other artworks by teachers and artists who ran in the same circles as Riddle.
Here’s a pop culture riddle for you: What do the Kardashians and aliens have in common?
Riddle has a torn labrum in his left shoulder and will undergo surgery on Aug. 11.
Jeff Riddle is a guy you might know if you’re familiar with the Philadelphia punk scene.
In total, according to Riddle, she was in his room for no more than 22014 minutes.
Riddle had requested expulsion, or, if that was not possible, the most serious penalty after expulsion.
Whatever happens, Riddle is happier taking bumps in the squared circle than bleeding for Dana White.
I remember watching [Heart of Glass] around the time I was writing [2006’s] Body Riddle.
«In a minute, I’m gonna tell you guys a six-minute riddle about taxes,» Bryant says.
» 7A: One of those clues that sounds like a riddle: «It’s not damaged by being broken.
So did you solve a riddle or did Chris Cox turn a dial and something changed?
This, however, is merely an afterthought; the riddle as originally invented, had no answer at all.
Mr. Riddle is an equipment company manager based in Charleston, W.Va., who identifies as a Republican.
A bass line as tangible as a body, reminding us of the riddle of physical matter.
Barkley was a great and wildly entertaining talent, but a dribbling enigma wrapped in a riddle.
Leadoff hitter JT Riddle singled and scored when Miguel Rojas doubled to the left-center gap.
Fey graduated magna cum laude with a BS in engineering physics from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Mr. Riddle spent several hours in the holding cell before he was arraigned and released, he said.
Here is a riddle: How is tennis pro Maria Sharapova like a Cold War Soviet super-soldier?
Some curveball questions will have a correct answer, like Elon Musk’s riddle, one based on scientific principles.
Even if Nadia and Alan wanted to solve the riddle, they weren’t necessarily in hives over it.
Nick is desperate to solve the riddle, and get to a place he can only vaguely recall.
Riddle said she’s asked a state archaeologist to see what he could find out about the wreck.
In 2013, he was sued by Mission Mountain Wood Band bassist Steve Riddle for breach of contract.
Heyward’s defense is one of the most dependable assets in baseball, but his bat is a riddle.
So if you can figure that riddle out, that’s what it’s like to play for Doc Rivers.
Rookie JT Riddle doubled off the wall in right, and Dee Gordon drew a two-out walk.
According to Playbuzz, 97% of people get the answer to this riddle wrong on the first try.
John T. Riddle, Jr. was born in 1933 to a family with deep roots in Los Angeles.
This is as big a challenge as the scientific riddle researchers have grappled with for so long.
Even though the future is murky and still a riddle, know that you will always need money.
Riddle drilled the next pitch over the fence in right to give Miami a 4-2 lead.
Miami cashed in with pinch hitter Tyler Moore’s sacrifice fly and an an RBI double by Riddle.
Even though her true identity remains a riddle, however, the enigmatic queen lives on in our imaginations.
Without saying a word, Madame Unknown became Anastasia: the 20th century’s greatest royal riddle, never quite solved.
«After she had heard my story, she realized he was continuing or escalating his behavior,» explained Riddle.
» Thus lays the groundwork for the sequence that’s repeated three times in the «Riddle of the Sphinx.
Cleveland starter Mike Clevinger (9-7) continued to be a riddle that the Baltimore offense couldn’t solve.
The AHS team has already delivered its first riddle in the form of a just-released logo.
In 2000, Quist was sued by Mission Mountain Wood Band bassist Steve Riddle for breach of contract.
Snow showers will riddle the Rockies as cold air keeps a firm grip on the interior West.
Brooke was also a pilot and had gone to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University on a full scholarship.
The only private institutions to make the list are Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and Loyola University Chicago.
Philip Munger, a prominent Democratic donor, and Mark Riddle, a political strategist, were among those who participated.
Philip Munger, a prominent Democratic donor, and Mark Riddle, a political strategist, were among those who participated.
From that moment, our own true self becomes the great Sphinx, whose riddle we try to solve.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the Australian turn of phrase is a gorgeous linguistic riddle.
J.T. Riddle gave the Marlins the lead for good with a two-run homer in the second.
Several minutes later the prominent Detroit political activist Sam Riddle led the church in a raucous chant.
And this riddle about the days of the week can confuse even the most organized calendar keepers.
Mr. Riddle went on Amazon and bought an Ionic 6-Axis Quadcopter Drone with a camera for $69.99.
In HP, Riddle is talking about something he read in the restricted section of the library about horcruxes.
«The congressman is resting comfortably in an area hospital,» Riddle also told reporters, per New York’s Daily News.
Garber approaches each piece of her art as though she’s forming a kind of visual riddle or invocation.
SS JT Riddle (left biceps tendinitis) was placed on the 235-day disabled list, retroactive to July 230.
If there was an answer to the Keano riddle, it would be found on 86th Street in Brooklyn.
But no one has definitively solved the riddle of what seems like a rabid case of canine contempt.
Headley and Dr. Brent Bowen from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University are the authors of the Airline Quality Rating.
The Kilauea man has been released but his boat, the 25-foot Riddle, is being held as evidence.
Or, you could say, it was a silver body: silver fur, silver motion, silver pride, a silver riddle.
The Marlins got a sacrifice fly from JT Riddle, Ortega’s two-run double and Realmuto’s two-run single.
There are plenty of obscure interview questions out there — from Facebook’s time test to Elon Musk’s geography riddle.
As I wrote in my review of episode nine, Westworld is less a riddle than a jigsaw puzzle.
SS JT Riddle will be sidelined for the rest of the season, the Miami Marlins announced on Tuesday.
Riddle had been in his room before, and the night was young, so she went upstairs with him.
Riddle continued to push for stronger sanctions and pressed for a hearing that could, potentially, result in expulsion.
Abby pilots the rented Chevy Suburban through metro Boston while Riddle FaceTimes with his wife, a competitive weightlifter.
Riddle poses and preens between suplexes, but Stone puts his forearm on Riddle’s jaw to kill the momentum.
A bases-loaded walk by J.T. Realmuto and an RBI single by JT Riddle were among the highlights.
CNN’s James Griffiths, Nicole Gaouette, Jennifer Hansler, Jamie Crawford, Michael Conte and Casey Riddle contribute to this report.
The clue to what happened was a creepy riddle signed «Truly, Devious,» but the mystery was never solved.
Another plaintiff, Betty Riddle, who works as a communications assistant at the public defender’s office in Sarasota, Fla.
JT Riddle then hit a ground single to right to drive home Brinson with the Marlins’ only run.
«Even once it’s cracked, it’s gonna be a riddle, something that’s still controversial and hard to figure out.»
Marlins INF J.T. Riddle (finger) was scratched from the lineup on Wednesday and is day-to-day. 2.
Prior to «Proxy,» our only hint to the episode’s riddle comes from Elliot’s therapist Krista Gordon (Gloria Reuben).
Highlights include a riddle-posing robot and chances to play against scientists in games that involve their specialties.
The riddle of the most complex disease known to mankind will not be solved in fiscal year 2016.
If there is a solution to the riddle, it may be for parliament’s back-benchers to find it.
This is Mr. Bones, and he wants them to solve his riddle to gain access to the park.
Today’s puzzle, by a brand new constructor, Benjamin Kramer, poses a punny riddle and a hidden word challenge.
He remains, I like to say, a riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a Perry Ellis suit.
But later that day, the same little boy found himself puzzling over another riddle of movement and speed.
Kingery’s shot eluded center fielder Riddle and rolled to the warning track, scoring Cesar Hernandez and Maikel Franco.
Crime Scene Sean Riddle said the other inmates in the Manhattan holding cell that night were laughing — at him.
«He seems to be getting better,» manager Don Mattingly said, pointing out that Riddle took batting practice on Saturday.
» Then, «The Riddle of the Sphinx» warns us that «If you’re looking forward, you’re looking in the wrong direction.
The only way to track him—and his cache—would be to solve the riddle he would leave behind.
Sierra singled, and pinch hitter JT Riddle pulled a two-run homer to right, his eighth of the year.
But that’s also the secret to solving the larger riddle of what to call these various experiences in general.
The judge said Randy Riddle, 49, has been harassing restaurants and is henceforth prohibited from calling for pizza delivery.
Back in June, Riddle began making calls to several local pizza places, including TJ’s Pizza, Danny’s Pizza, and others.
The Sacramento Kings are a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma shrouded in Vlade Divac cigarette smoke.
She was also a pilot who earned a degree in aeronautical sciences from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 2011.
What’s more, replacing Mrs May would do little to solve the riddle of how to put together a deal.
In the first two games of this series, Riddle has five hits, pulling all five of them to right.
Whereas last year’s riddle was a math-heavy logic puzzle, this year’s setup is more of an escape room.
«Our primary school students can see that there is a riddle to be solved,» the Austrian leader told reporters.
Riddle said he got great advice from Marlins second baseman Dee Gordon just before he got to the plate.
How much cider does it take to get a wasp drunk is not, as it turns out, a riddle.
The key: When the riddle-loving children encountered a problem they didn’t understand, they didn’t think they were failing.
The Orioles, Rays and Cardinals are reportedly interested in Hechavarria, who has been replaced by rookie SS J.T. Riddle.
In 2012, after choking out Chris Clements, Riddle tested positive for marijuana, turning his win to a no contest.
Oliver Hirschbiegel: I was fascinated by this character, because he was always a bit of a riddle to me.
Amid increasingly bizarre scenarios, appearances give way to hidden, otherworldly layers, presenting murky clues to a perhaps nonexistent riddle.
In 1994, he received a master’s degree in aeronautical science from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Fla.
This simple question forms the heart of a multitrillion-dollar riddle at the core of our culture of consumption.
JT Riddle increased the Marlins’ lead to 5-2 with his sixth homer of the season in the seventh.
If Medicare-for-all is ever to become more than a campaign slogan, its proponents must solve that riddle.
In a new paper released in Biogeosciences, Robert Howarth of Cornell University has proposed a solution to the riddle.
Apart from the stars, and the other giants that riddle the night sky, she could never see the moon.
Riddle beat out a dribbler to the first baseman for a two-out R.B.I. hit that put Miami ahead.
«There’s no mirror,» says Les Westbrooks, a professor of aeronautical science and airline operations at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
The mystery of protons&apos spinResearchers are also hoping the machine can help them solve a decades-long riddle.
Each theme clue is like a riddle in itself, a speed bump to slow you down, as it were.
But it became fun to stop at each of the 11 theme clues and try to solve the riddle.
That riddle has bedeviled American history, from debates over Southern secession to calls to abolish the Electoral College today.
Riddle then hit a ground ball down the first-base line that Lucas Duda deflected but could not field.
A young man wearing an Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University sweatshirt and a welding mask was making an engine casing.
If Google were to try to distinguish between the two, Turner believes it would riddle its policy with loopholes.
As she journeys through Cyrilia, Ana opens her eyes to systems of oppression and injustice that riddle her kingdom.
Nick Markakis reached on an error by shortstop JT Riddle, and Johan Camargo was intentionally walked to load the bases.
Their bullet-riddle bodies were discovered Sunday afternoon with stab wounds to the neck, indicating he tried to decapitate them.
Mr. Riddle needed to film the descent from the man’s point of view, with the ground rushing toward the camera.
Granderson got on base when a throw by Marlins shortstop JT Riddle pulled first baseman Justin Bour off the bag.
When he was 11, Fiennes Tiffin appeared in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince as a young Tom Riddle.
Issues continue to riddle this year’s Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, before the games even get their official start.
So in 21970, when Florida voters overwhelmingly approved a referendum that allowed convicted felons to vote, Riddle, 26077, was thrilled.
Kim Kardashian West’s latest #SponCon post is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma Photoshopped into an iPhone.
From Wired’s review:It’s nice to see that after so many failed attempts, Facebook has finally cracked the mobile software riddle.
Part of his education included informal apprenticeships under the likes of Duke Ellington and Nelson Riddle, his father’s longtime arranger.
«The observed outflows may also help to solve another riddle: the origin of gas in early-type galaxies,» Sarzi notes.
But two recommendations, in particular, point to promising middle ground that could really help solve the long-term care riddle.
«I don’t think I remember from home to third,» said Riddle of the blur that was his post-homer excitement.
On the next pitch, catcher Cameron Rupp failed to backhand a low throw, and Riddle scored on the passed ball.
In the middle of the riddle of the mystery, the only clue of what to do is in the history.
Riddle had two hits and two RBIs for the Marlins, who fell to 3-2 on their nine-game trip.
Bong emporiums, stripper shoe retailers and Americanized «cantinas» peddling plates of congealed nachos now riddle the legendary Walk of Fame.
She Skypes Dr. Stephen Hawking (after a failed attempt to contact Paul Rudd) to decipher the riddle of Schrodinger’s ransom.
Ms. Lane, who like most of the cast has no previous professional acting experience, is a fierce, self-contained riddle.
Here’s a riddle: Would you rather pay $10 dollars, one time, or $11, repeatedly, for the rest of your life?
Under a more economically egalitarian, explicitly socialist system, these democratic dilemmas will not disappear; the riddle would not be solved.
The skeletons of first-person shooters, driving games, and platformers riddle the random samplings picked from the cloud of Dreams.
He is also the author of The Monk and the Riddle and serves as host of the Ventured podcast series.
But let’s consider this riddle: What does one overly aggressive, vengeful, towering Wildling man love more than fighting an enemy?
I learned to riddle out problems, to dig through old books for good answers, to accept nothing at face value.
Riddle had two hits and three RBIs for the Marlins, who improved to 2-3 on their 10-game homestand.
The other two men on the podium four years ago, Canada’s Mike Riddle and France’s Kevin Rolland, also qualified comfortably.
«What this study does show is that the cost associated with these small changes is very high,» Dr. Riddle said.
But like the rest of the Brexit riddle, the Labour leader’s next moves are impossible to predict, Mr. Fielding said.
Instead, there’s so much else going on that solving the riddle of her disappearance sometimes shrinks into a minor matter.
Meanwhile, Haley has apparently cracked the impossible riddle of how to criticize Trump while at the same time praising him.
«The district stands on allowing students to use their voices,» assistant superintendent of schools Chaketa Riddle told the Post-Dispatch.
The index’s long period of placidity amid constant upheaval in Washington has posed a persistent riddle for Wall Street prognosticators.
Even the air aches with mystery in Richard Maxwell’s «Samara,» a sense of life as a teasing and unresolvable riddle.
Mr. Riddle was involved in filing paperwork for a pro-Biden super PAC, named For the People, earlier this year.
Mr. Riddle was involved in filing paperwork for a pro-Biden super PAC, named For the People, earlier this year.
For De Keersmaeker, casting the right dancers was the solution to the temporal riddle she and van Hove had devised.
But their exchange went on for several minutes, exploring a sort of Zen riddle of whether trying to defeat Mrs.
The White House has proposed doing that by closing almost all of the roughly 200 loopholes that riddle the system.
Bernie Sanders will have delighted his solid supporters but did not seem to solve the riddle of broadening his base.
CreditCreditPhoto Illustration by Tracy Ma/The New York Times; Getty Images It’s the financial riddle of the 30-something years.
Starlin Castro and JT Riddle hit consecutive doubles that keyed a six-run seventh and put Miami ahead for good.
Piotr Anderszewski is an uncommonly poetic pianist, one with so awkward a stage presence that he can seem like a riddle.
The AOA DISAGREE alert could have aided if it was reported after the penultimate flight, professor Balog from Embry-Riddle said.
All of the «yay» votes were from Republican senators, three of whom are women: Jeanie Riddle, Cindy O’Laughlin and Sandy Crawford.
You have to solve the mechanical riddle that comprises each of its five pages before you can flip to the next.
Marlins pinch hitter JT Riddle, a left-handed batter, led off the bottom of the sixth with a solo home run.
Riddle us this: Aren’t designers supposed to debut trends first, with street style stars following close by with their own takes?
The bodies of Shanna Riddle Vandewege, 36, and her 3-month-old son, Diederick, were found in their Fort Worth home.
Braves end eight-game slide behind Markakis BOSTON — Nick Markakis finally solved his Clay Buchholz riddle at Fenway Park on Thursday.
HELSINKI (Reuters) — For all his brilliance and world record scores, there is one annoying riddle that Yuzuru Hanyu has yet crack.
Unlocking that riddle, frankly, is a task even Poirot, with his grand powers of perception, would be hard-pressed to intuit.
«Here’s a black person who I respected saying that what I did wasn’t worth anything,» Riddle said in a 1992 interview.
«I call it the safety net,» said John Lanicci, professor of meteorology at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Fla.
Writer and journalist Peter Kurth published Anastasia: The Riddle of Anna Anderson in 20073, the seminal work on the Anderson case.
Your conundrum about the men in your life might only be answered once you more fully solve the riddle of yourself.
Students can go to the Riddle & Bloom website and apply for one of the 2,000 «internships,» which last for a semester.
This totem, like a sphinx posing a riddle, forces viewers to confront what they see reflected in its inscrutable Black depths.
Sports of The Times PYEONGCHANG, South Korea — Behold the riddle of how many Russian athletes will compete at the Winter Olympics.
Forced to flee Ethiopia for England, she must once again confront the riddle of who she is and where she belongs.
That’s the central riddle for the majority leader — how does he thread the needle when his conference’s demands seem diametrically opposed?
CreditCreditValerio Mezzanotti for The New York Times MILAN — Riddle me this: How is the theater of fashion like an operating theater?
Even former UFC welterweight Matt Riddle—never an MMA superstar by any stretch—is now chasing a career in pro wrestling.
«Even among the executives, there is some diversity in hiring, and that makes the process way less translation heavy,» Riddle said.
And yet we know that God has only embarked upon this path because of a riddle posed to him by Satan.
«The only way to solve the riddle is through density,» said Dave Lemnah, co-owner of Lokal Homes, a Denver builder.
But this week’s episode, titled «The Riddle of the Sphinx,» revealed just how far the company’s vision for its technology extends.
Riley Shipe, 23, graduated from Embry-Riddle in 2016 and built up his required hours by working as a flight instructor.
When the farmer was asked a riddle about the swiftest thing in the world, the drag queen turned to her audience.
The Pirates’ trade of center fielder Starling Marte to the Arizona Diamondbacks could open outfield options for Riddle, who batted just .
Rhea Jarrell (Holly Hunter) is the only one who knows the elusive riddle to the sphinx that is the Pierce family.
Once Riddle, a rookie, returns, he will probably play shortstop, moving Dee Gordon back to his customary position at second base.
Speaking in half-riddle to Interfax News Agency on Saturday, the spokesperson seemed to deny the very existence of gay Chechens.
Over time, he’s watched the park and hosts evolve, but he himself hasn’t, ultimately fixating on the riddle of the maze.
Marlins shortstop J.T. Riddle went 0-for-4, and Braves pinch hitter Johan Camargo struck out but reached on a wild pitch.
Another shortstop, rookie J.T. Riddle, injured his right index finger during pregame warmups and is expected to miss at least three days.
The OA is one big riddle that few of us are likely to solve, but that doesn’t mean we won’t keep trying.
Pericles: There’s incest and a riddle and a lot of people thinking that other people are dead when they actually aren’t. 22016.
«OK, riddle me this, why is it that men get so mad over girls being egirls,» she says in a recent video.
Betty Riddle was 28 when she was first convicted of a felony, for clubbing another woman in the face during a fight.
«There’s nobody who is missing two copies of the gene,» said Dr. Riddle of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Think of it as being like a riddle: it’s hard to guess the answer, but once we’re told, the answer seems obvious.
He introduces Rebecca Patterson’s 1951 book, The Riddle of Emily Dickinson, which proposed that Dickinson had a romance with one Kate Scott.
Headley, and his co-author, Brent Bowen of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, have been tracking the performance of airlines for 27 years.
Yet «The Riddle of the Sphinx» is so good in its other sequences that I almost don’t care about its weak points.
«The first [student] is over at Embry-Riddle right now and she is studying astrophysics with a minor in propulsion,» he says.
He singled, advanced to second on a JT Riddle single and eventually scored when Ozuna’s chopper ate up Franco at third base.
This time he’s assumed the form of Tom Riddle (Christian Coulson), a memory of Voldy’s teenage self magically preserved in his diary.
Harry finally gets Professor Slughorn (Jim Broadbent) to hand over his memory of Tom Riddle (Frank Dillane) asking WTF a Horcrux is.
This is the first riddle posed by Bran’s explosive journey into ancient Westeros, where we dig up an extraordinary amount of prehistory.
But Israel hasn’t found a good way to fight nonviolence, so this nonviolence really presents a big riddle to the Israeli authorities.
When the riddle-loving children encountered a problem they didn’t understand, they didn’t think they were failing — they thought they were learning.
First seen in 2015 at the National Theater, «The Hard Problem» takes its title from a decisive neuroscience riddle: What is consciousness?
The loan is for his bachelor’s degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, which he earned online while working full-time in Taiwan.
And so with turnout the biggest riddle, both Mr. Jones and Mr. Moore scrambled Monday to shore up support where they could.
Artistic choices like this are almost expected of Mr. Castellucci, whose riddle-ridden theater has left audiences baffled and awed for decades.
I looked around the room to see if I could riddle out the voting records of our fellow dancers; I could not.
Even if Trump’s motives behind removing Alexander Vindman were in question, riddle me this: why go after Vindman’s twin brother as well?
One of them might have been James Riddle Hoffa, better known as Jimmy, the former president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.
Riddle grounded a single to center and scored on a triple to right-center by Brinson, giving Miami a 2-0 lead.
But for transplants like Riddle without a tie to an existing franchise or university, true sports love can be hard to find.
«The wind is one of the most important issues,» said Bijan Vasigh, professor of economics and finance at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Episode 4, «Riddle of the Sphinx,» has been called the best of the series (when it aired) for stripping down its storyline.
The police said that Mr. Riddle was flying his drone in Midtown Manhattan on Thursday when it crashed into the building’s 40th floor.
«I don’t see any possibility for one of them to go under,» said Bijan Vasigh, an economics professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Irresistibly absorbing and baffling in their complexity, the works taunt and tease, daring us to try to solve the riddle of their construction.
The artifact thus held the key to solving the riddle of hieroglyphics, a written language that had been ‘dead’ for nearly 2,603 years.
In Sunday night’s Westworld episode, «Riddle of the Sphinx,» viewers got closer to understanding the true purpose of Westworld and the Delos corporation.
Spending rules do, however, pose a philosophical riddle: they require policymakers to settle the age-old question of the proper size of government.
It’s a quintessential inflight riddle — a perennial that comes on mid-red-eye and is forgotten by the time the wheels touch down.
But, to actually care about solving such a big riddle, viewers have to remember what the heck happened in Jessica Jones season 1.
Since publishing his treasure riddle in 2010, Forrest Fenn has doled out about a dozen additional hints in interviews, books, and TV appearances.
Riddle or not, Sek’s video has already been removed from Youtube, a reminder that the line between art and porn can be slim.
«In cars, the ranking is cost, volume, weight,» says Richard Anderson, director of the Eagle Flight Research Center at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
JT Riddle hit a leadoff single, advanced on a groundout, took third on Lewis Brinson’s single and scored on Bryan Holaday’s RBI grounder.
So, the riddle of John Doe’s identity and motivation will keep the politically curious guessing for a few more weeks, at the least.
This riddle might look like you have to crunch numbers in order to solve it, but it doesn’t involve any math at all.
But Indian food, with its intricate spicing; rich, integrated sauces, and occasional chile heat, has often posed a difficult riddle to wine lovers.
He brought the riddle to John McCutcheon, a professor of biology at the University of Montana, who uses genetic sequencing to study symbiosis.
In this three-game series, Riddle had multiple hits each day, going 210-for-12 with two doubles, two homers and seven RBIs.
They are terse and acrobatic, scriptural and bawdy, vividly descriptive and enduringly ambiguous, never far from either a riddle or a punch line.
JT Riddle had three hits and Bryan Holaday had two for the Marlins (32-50), the first National League team with 50 losses.
Over the last year, Riddle told us, she went from selling 1,500 cookbooks each month to almost 6,000 monthly, an increase of 300%.
Apparently if you smear mud all over your face it’s harder for mosquitos to smell you out and riddle your body with malaria.
Perhaps it is because this tale emerged from within the riddle, wrapped in a mystery, wrapped inside an enigma called the Soviet Union.
According to Riddle’s notes, they were a continuation of the interim sanctions, that he would live off campus and avoid contact with Riddle.
Riddle makes small talk with fans and hawks t-shirts—$20 each, 20 or 30 of them on a good day, he says.
SS Miguel Rojas Jr. stayed busy during his rehab assignment, allowing him to be ready to effectively step in when Riddle was injured.
The oddity of my situation — the emotional riddle — is the distance between the manageability of my current circumstances and what tomorrow could bring.
Instagram was how Ms. Valcin found Leslie Riddle, who at «50-plus and holding» was one of the older women in the pageant.
Last summer, when rehearsals were first coming together in backyards, most of the women viewed the pageant as a lark, Ms. Riddle said.
Then there was that unique parenting riddle: At what age do you tell your precocious child that her father slept with her aunt?
Sinatra signed her to his label, Reprise Records, and they recorded the duet «So in Love» in 1963, also arranged by Mr. Riddle.
Sam Riddle, a Conyers family spokesperson, told a local CBS affiliate that the 88-year-old representative was seeking treatment in the area.
Still, «Riddle of the Trilobites,» geared toward a younger audience than «PackRat,» manages to be something unusual: a cheerful, peppy musical about extinction.
«It’s going to be an evolving battle,» says Patti Clark, a former airport manager who now teaches at Embry-Riddle College of Aeronautics.
Or raw grains of rice turned gold in a hot pan, then crushed to powder, giving almost every dish a riddle of crunch.
Detective Harry Ambrose (Bill Pullman) must solve the riddle, when a woman, Vera Walker (Carrie Coon), comes forward claiming to be Julian’s mother.
Letter From the Editor Working at a magazine is «e pluribus unum» at its finest, creative people attempting to solve a riddle together.
This leaves the Costume Institute’s conservation team, then, to solve the riddle of how to preserve objects that were never built to last.
In addition to the two leading ladies, the musical will star Jelani Alladin as Kristoff, John Riddle as Hans, Greg Hildreth as Olaf, and Robert Creighton as the Duke of Weselton, according to EW. I’m sure John Riddle will be great, but I was hoping Santino Fontano would reprise his role, since he’s no longer bound to Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
While this might seem to portend a major cultural shift in which Black artists finally get the recognition they deserve, The RIDDLE Effect makes the case that the intergenerational efforts of educators and mentors like John Riddle are what is needed to help the next generation of Black artists build their own communities and institutions as well as thrive on their own terms.
When he helped plan a Big Blue Christmas event at a bar on West 33rd Street last year, Mr. Riddle wanted blue Santa hats.
But even if astronomers come up with an explanation for the ring formation, there’s another riddle to solve: what is keeping the ring there?
The trigger was a Zen koan, a kind of riddle: «How is it when the tree withers and the leaves fall?» the student asks.
According to the Oscar winner, he was up for the role of one of the most loathed characters in Hogwarts history: Tom Riddle, a.k.a.
Along the way, Roland and his buddies face off against a gigantic cyborg bear, a riddle-obsessed monorail, and countless other bizarre King creations.
When you hear the answer — eight — it turns into a riddle: You have 224,22016 acres of land; why do you plant only eight sculptures?
Saturday marked the final day of the Lunar New Year celebrations, usually characterised by family gatherings, fireworks, riddle-guessing and the lighting of lanterns.
There’s very little evidence to support anyone’s theory, but it’s fun to spend an otherwise-sleepy Friday afternoon trying to sort the riddle out.
One line of quests tasks you with uncovering shrines (more on those later) using only lines from a poem or a riddle as guidance.
A series of studies from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University found passengers less willing to fly with a woman pilot (and especially two women pilots).
Drinking games date back at least to wine dregs-tossing game Kottabos in ancient Greece and various dice and riddle competitions in ancient China.
And if Mr Corbyn enters Downing Street with the support of other parties, he too may find it hard to solve the great riddle.
«Guy must have 2 armfuls of #shinola watches for that #shamelessplug,» the political director for the National Action Network’s Michigan chapter, Sam Riddle, tweeted.
The same is true now; but as then, the riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma that is China could shock us all.
Next comes the heavier lifting for Jackson, building effectively around Kristaps Porzingis and solving the riddle of what remains of Carmelo Anthony’s Knicks career.
Despite the uncertain path ahead, Trump took the opportunity Friday to lash out at his predecessors for not solving the North Korea nuclear riddle.
» – Sherri Riddle, to CNN «The best way to explain how I celebrate my birthday is to first describe how I normally don’t celebrate it.
Abraham Lincoln liked to pose the following riddle to audiences: If you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a horse have?
Adding to the riddle of the missing ship was difficulty establishing who owns it, which no country or company has so far publicly claimed.
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but we don’t necessarily think Tom Marvolo Riddle – notorious stick-in-the-mud – would agree.
Miguel Rojas, Curtis Granderson, Cooper and JT Riddle each had run-scoring singles, and Jorge Alfaro plated two runs with a bases-loaded single.
Here’s a riddle that some in the city are trying to solve: How do you stage a winter festival when winter is unseasonably warm?
J T Riddle hit a three-run homer, and Lewis Brinson, who had three hits, also homered in a pivotal six-run third inning.
It’s not about him, yet in a way it is; perhaps the solution to this riddle of a genre is to redefine it completely.
But its outsize popularity also seems a partial answer to the moral riddle that’s so openly vexed us these past two or three years.
A strike by rubbish collectors has left many trash cans overflowing, potholes riddle the roads, while the local transport system is in permanent crisis.
Jimmy was James Riddle Hoffa, the Teamsters union president whose 1975 disappearance has never been solved, and the paint was not paint at all.
He was having a dinner meeting with Bashir Salahuddin and Diallo Riddle, the comedy team that created «Slow Jam the News» for Jimmy Fallon.
It wasn’t easy for him to have a family so young, he told Salahuddin and Riddle, but it saved him: it made him ambitious.
Surely Ashbery himself would not be surprised that this biography doesn’t solve the riddle of how his youth shaped his identity and his writing.
It’s unusual for engine companies to build flying laboratories for testing purposes, says Richard Anderson, a professor of aerospace engineering at Embry-Riddle University.
At 28 lines, it has the longest known runic inscription in stone, with riddle-like messages that allude to Norse mythology covering its sides.
In September 2015 Carroll and her fiancé, chef Billy Riddle, moved to the nation’s capital, where she designed and built French-Mediterranean restaurant Requin.
Those interludes included starring in «The Pirates of Penzance,» singing old standards arranged by Nelson Riddle and performing the Mexican music of her youth.
So after several years of recording pop standards with bandleader Nelson Riddle, she released an album of Mexican folk songs sung entirely in Spanish.
In the past, the riddle for National Football League (NFL) teams appeared to be: Which comes first, the good quarterback or the playoff team?
«Truth of the matter is it takes more than half a teaspoon of sperm & derivative DNA to replace Congressman #JohnConyers,» Riddle wrote on Twitter.
The program he presents for his solo recital at Alice Tully Hall on Thursday, March 3, is a riddle of sorts, too, a musical palindrome.
«We wanted people to have a physical experience with our products and with our brand,» co-founder Sabrina Riddle said of the six-month test.
But unlike previous attempts to answer this riddle, the authors of the new study used actual archaeological evidence from the island to make their case.
At that moment the riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma that is Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election, will be a little clearer.
Meghan Markle knows the answer to that riddle, as evidenced in a funny 2012 movie scene (watch above) she starred in opposite actor Christian Keyes.
Joining the primary duo are Jelani Alladin as Kristoff, Greg Hildreth as Olaf, John Riddle as Hans, and Robert Creighton as the Duke of Weselton.
At last, clarity arrived towards the end of «Riddle of the Sphinx,» when Bernard and Elsie (Shannon Woodward) visited an underground laboratory in Sector 12.
«I believe in him and so do all of the other family members and friends gathered,» Riddle wrote on the Fort Worth Star-Telegram’s website.
Riddle says he will attend all of Vandewege’s upcoming court appearances and acknowledges he’s still having a hard time wrapping his head around what happened.
I was with my family in the intensive care unit of Riddle Memorial Hospital, about an hour outside of Philadelphia, near where I’d grown up.
Morrison turns to the past in order to unpack the conundrum of the Bolshoi within the enigma-wrapped, mystery-obscured riddle of the Russian state.
I’m not sure why folks so strongly feel the need to be one step ahead of her pregnancy, but Beyonce’s pregnancy is not a riddle.
The Marlins, expected to get third baseman Martin Prado off the disabled list on Monday, will likely send Riddle down to Triple-A New Orleans.
The Miami Marlins activated veteran infielder Martin Prado from the 10-day injured list Thursday and replaced him on the IL with utilityman JT Riddle.
Derek Dietrich then singled, Moore reached on a ground-rule double, and both came home when Riddle singled to center for a 5893-2589 lead.
In one example, Riddle said she received a call from the investigator hours before the time they’d arranged, while she was out with her family.
It sounds like a riddle for New York’s cultural elite: what do the windows at Barneys and a Lower East Side gallery have in common?
Now, a German man named Norbert Blum has claimed to have solved the above riddle, which is properly known as the P vs NP problem.
And in the apocalyptic «Rain,» the clouds burst with lethal precipitation, dagger-like crystals that riddle anyone unlucky enough to get caught in the downpour.
Current WWE star Matt Riddle, for example, worked a whopping 11 matches in about two and a half days two years ago in New Orleans.
The two that matter are Gryffindor, which was Harry’s, and Slytherin, which might have a less ominous reputation if Tom Riddle hadn’t belonged to it.
DNA analysis from a study published Wednesday in the journal PLOS One undercuts that hypothesis, and may help archaeologists get closer to solving the riddle.
Keep this study in mind on Sunday when that grand psychological riddle known as the New England Patriots tries to win yet another Super Bowl.
But the Irish border riddle remained a sticking point for Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), which withheld its backing and created doubt among investors.
» ANTHONY BRICKHOUSE, AIR SAFETY EXPERT AT EMBRY-RIDDLE AERONAUTICAL UNIVERSITY «There’s nothing you can do to cover it up or hide it … Evidence is evidence.
This was just Act II, when we meet this icy princess, who must sing the daunting aria «In questa reggia» and the subsequent Riddle Scene.
Riddle is a shortstop who did see time in center field last season, but is not expected to unseat Kevin Newman at shortstop in Pittsburgh.
The tricky part here is that science continually generates bigger and more complex questions; solve one riddle, and you end up with two new ones.
Trump certainly presents a riddle to members of the Washington consultant class who are accustomed to certain truths and personalities enduring from administration to administration.
Most read among Times subscribers: Solving the Riddle of the Slovenian Sphinx and the Pussy Bow — On Melania Trump’s interesting fashion choice for a debate.
TURIN, Italy — Italy’s prime minister, Matteo Renzi, only 41, once seemed to have solved the riddle of how to survive Europe’s populist, anti-establishment tempest.
The real riddle of Lizzie Borden isn’t whether she did it, or why, but can be found in the dark fascination she continues to exert.
Had Mr. Riddle operated his drone a few blocks away, perhaps he would not have spent the night in a holding cell with a new nickname.
But answering the Sphinx’s riddle ~ironically~ enables him to fulfill his terrible fate, because that’s where his real, biological mother lives and is… seeking a husband!
A closer look at the subjects’ feet reveals the solution to this visual riddle: the man in the photo is wearing some weird shorts or something.
Another riddle: Why Mazda is still tinkering with things like archaic, famously dirty rotary engine, and insists it can wring diesel-like power from gasoline engines.
Like the chicken or the egg riddle, I’ve wondered whether it was more harmful or helpful having been a top-tier student when I became homeless.
In addition, Miami recalled JT Riddle from Triple-A New Orleans and gave him the start at shortstop, his first major-league game since July 19.
Every month the Diagnosis column of The New York Times Magazine asks Well readers to sift through a difficult medical case and solve a diagnostic riddle.
In a mode that is very much her own, Hiller’s work in the paranormal and the paraconceptual transforms through frustration, her art wrapped up in riddle.
After childhood actions worthy of Tom Marvolo Riddle, Eurus is sent to Sherrinford — a fortress at sea for people so unpredictable they can’t be near society.
Image: GettyHere’s a riddle: If a Trump policy targets random locations in the Middle East, and nobody can explain it, does anybody really know what’s happening?
Answering that riddle correctly not only has implications for your state of mind, but can also determine whether you’ll become the kind of bully you loathe.
Andrew Miller (25-25) walked Cesar Puello on four pitches before Riddle pulled a 1-2 slider to right for his third homer of the season.
North Korea fires ballistic missile, US State Department says The statement reads, to channel Winston Churchill, like a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.
Here’s a riddle we never thought we’d ask: What do Burberry, the Queen of England, and Wall Street Journal film critic Joe Morgenstern have in common?
Daenerys gets bombarded with prophecies left and right In particular, she gives Dany a riddle that basically states she’ll have to go to the Shadow Lands.
According to polls and bookmakers, Boris Johnson will become Britain’s new prime minister on Wednesday and will immediately face the riddle that is Britain’s Brexit negotiation.
The Miami Marlins activated veteran infielder Martin Prado from the 10-day injured list Thursday and replaced him on the IL with utility man JT Riddle.
Riddle me this: Marlins beat Mets again MIAMI — Rookie infielder J.T. Riddle’s first major league homer may be his last big-league at-bat for awhile.
This viral matchstick riddle shows an incorrect math equation that it takes moving only one matchstick to fix — and there are two ways to do it.
It lists the numbers one through 19 in a particular order, leaving the riddle-solver to determine what order the last five numbers should go in.
Pittsburgh cut its deficit to 4-3 in the sixth, a rally that started when Gregory Polanco doubled over the head of center fielder JT Riddle.
In 1956, Nelson Riddle and Les Baxter outsold «almost every rock ‘n’ roll star not named Elvis,» but they’ve been virtually erased from the public record.
» Mr. Riddle is skeptical of Mr. Trump’s promises to bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States: «If other presidents couldn’t do it, how can he?
His father, John Riddle, Sr. helped design and build homes alongside the architect Paul Revere Williams, whose private residential architecture still dot the city’s historic neighborhoods.
Every month, the Diagnosis column of The New York Times Magazine asks Well readers to sift through a difficult medical case and solve a diagnostic riddle.
«It wasn’t that I failed a drug test [in the UFC]—it was my political stance on marijuana,» Riddle says of why WWE looked past him.
Despite the problems that riddle its residents livelihoods, one thing is for certain: they have both been the grounds for some of the city’s newest talent.
«I’m an enigma wrapped in a riddle… and cash,» says Erika Girardi during the opening credits to season 6 of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
The US has ground-launched missiles that could riddle Syrian or Russian defenses, but would carry a high risk of counter attack as they’re less mobile.
Andrew Miller (3-3) walked Cesar Puello on four pitches before Riddle pulled a 1-2 slider to right for his third homer of the season.
Ahead of the release of her new book, the star of «Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt» tells a riddle that speaks to her delightfully oddball sense of humor.
The annual Airline Quality Rating report, published by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, ranks airline performance on data including on-time arrivals, mishandled baggage and denied boarding.
Where is the photographer of cleareyed empathy and consummate artistry to depict the disquiet, hopelessness and desperate fortitude that riddle the American body politic of today?
Navigating by instrument can also be mentally taxing, says Scott Shappell, who chairs the Department of Human Factors and Behavioral Neurobiology at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
The Marlins had two outs, no one on base and an 0-2 count on JT Riddle when they started an improbable rally in the sixth.
In the meantime, here’s a riddle for us: Donald Trump just had what most of us thought was, for him, a no good, very bad week.
The NTSB’s recommendations are «absolutely valid,» says Clint Balog, a flight test pilot and human factors expert with the College of Aeronautics at Embry-Riddle University.
I like to think the equation that solves the early retirement riddle is actually quite simple: Your money’s purpose + Your motivation = Your chances of getting free.
Solving the riddle of Greece, getting the country back on its feet without taxpayers elsewhere feeling cheated, would be a convincing sign of a new determination.

загадка, решето, грохот, щит, экран, грохотить, изрешетить, разгадывать


- загадка

to solve a riddle — разгадать загадку
to talk in riddles — говорить загадками

- тайна, загадка

riddles of the universe — тайны вселенной /мироздания/

- загадочный человек

he is a riddle to me — он для меня загадка

- решето, грохот, сито
- щит, экран

to make a riddle of smth., smb. — изрешетить что-л., кого-л.


- говорить загадками, говорить загадочно
- загадывать загадки
- отгадывать, разгадывать загадки

riddle me a riddle, riddle my riddle — разгадай мою загадку
riddle me why … — отгадай, почему …

- просеивать, грохотить

to riddle soil [coal] — просеивать землю [уголь]
to riddle wheat — грохотить /просеивать/ пшеницу

- решетить, дырявить

to riddle a wall [a person] with shots — изрешетить стену [человека] пулями

- подвергать суровой критике; показывать несостоятельность (чего-л.); не оставлять камня на камне (от чего-л.)

to riddle smb.’s argument — разбить чьи-л. доводы /аргументы/
to riddle a theory — опровергнуть теорию по всем пунктам /статьям/
to riddle smb.’s reputation — погубить чью-л. репутацию, подорвать чьё-л. доброе имя

- пронизывать

a murder riddled with puzzles — убийство, состоящее из сплошных загадок /где загадка на загадке/
the report is riddled with elementary errors — доклад пестрит элементарными ошибками

Мои примеры


to rede the riddle — объяснить, как разгадывается загадка  
to make a riddle of smb. with bullets — изрешетить кого-л. пулями  
to riddle a wall with shots — изрешетить стену пулями  
the riddle of the birth of the Universe — тайна зарождения Вселенной  
screen riddle — вибрационный грохот  
decipher a riddle — разгадать загадку  
riddle a theory — опровергнуть теорию по всем статьям; опровергнуть теорию по всем пунктам  
riddle a wall with shots — изрешетить стену пулями  
riddle book — сборник загадок  
solve a riddle — разгадать загадку; отгадать загадку  

Примеры с переводом

Riddle me a riddle.

Загадай мне загадку.

See if you can solve this riddle.

Попробуйте решить эту загадку.

His body was riddled with bullets.

Его тело было изрешечено пулями.

I can’t carry water in this pot, it’s riddled with holes.

В этом ведре нельзя носить воду, в нём одни дыры.

The bullets riddled his body.

Пули изрешетили его тело.

A prize will be given to whoever solves the riddle.

Любой, кто решит эту загадку, получит приз.

Two gunmen riddled the bus with gunfire.

Два вооружённых преступника пулями изрешетили автобус.

He became more and more haunted by the stupid riddle.

Эта глупая загадка всё больше и больше преследовала его.

His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks.

Его кампания была насквозь пронизана обвинениями и личными выпадами.

The police have been unable to solve the riddle of her disappearance.

Полиция не смогла разгадать загадку её исчезновения.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: riddle
he/she/it: riddles
ing ф. (present participle): riddling
2-я ф. (past tense): riddled
3-я ф. (past participle): riddled

ед. ч.(singular): riddle
мн. ч.(plural): riddles

Do you dare to solve the riddle of the great change Tini Violetta?


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Как вы смеете решить загадку великого изменения Тини Виолетты?


This riddle in Oxley’s letter doesn’t make any sense.

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Этот ребус из письма Оксли не имеет никакого смысла.

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Their new online journal, Riddle, will go live shortly, so stay tuned.


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Новый онлайн- журнал Riddle скоро выйдет в свет, поэтому следите за новой инициативой.


Riddle opened his mouth wide and hissed-but Harry understood what he was saying….

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Ребус разомкнул губы и зашипел- но Гарри понимал, что он произносил….

But if this riddle is right, then Audrey can’t kill him now.

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Но если эта загадка верна. Тогда Одри не может его убить сейчас.

You knew him, didn’t you, sir, Tom Riddle?

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Вы же знали его, да, сэр? Тома Реддла?

Presentation of wedding hairstyles collection»Spring Riddle» from LONDA salons.


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Презентация коллекции свадебных причесок» Spring Riddle» от сети салонов ЛОНDА.


It’s Sinatra singing»Moonlight in Vermont», live with the Nelson Riddle Orchestra. 1966.

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Это концертная запись Синатры и оркестра Нельсона Риддла» Лунный свет в Вермонте» 1966 года.

Its first appearance was in the pilot episode,»Hi Diddle Riddle.

context icon

Его первое появление было в пилотном эпизоде« Hi Diddle Riddle».

The Lexicon is not just a riddle, it is a curse, an angry, dangerous beast.

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Лексикон не просто загадка, это- проклятие, злой и опасный зверь.

The bit of Riddle in the diary tried to kill me.”.

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Та часть Риддла в дневнике пытался убить меня.

Aye, he’s part of a riddle I’m trying to solve.

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Да, он часть загадки, которую я пытаюсь разгадать.

Riddle was writhing and twisting, screaming and flailing and then….

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Ребус корчился и извивался, визжа и воя, а затем….

But to us the master riddle of space pertains to the pattern of an idea.

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Для нас основной загадкой пространства является конфигурация идеи.

Tablet pronunciation Pronunciation by riddle Male from Poland.


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Tablet произношение произнес пользователь riddle мужчина, Польша.


And he hurtled drunkenly at Riddle, wand and knife held aloft.

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И он как пьяный помчался на Риддла, с палочкой и ножом, поднятыми вверх.

For a split second, both Harry and Riddle, wand still raised, stared at it.

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Какое-то мгновение и Гарри, и Ребус с палочкой в руке, смотрели на черную книгу.

There never was a riddle you could stand to leave undeciphered.

context icon

Не было загадки, которую ты оставляла неразгаданной.

Hledat hotely poblíž: Embry- Riddle Aeronautical University.


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Искать отели вблизи Университет аэронавтики Эмбри- Риддла.


As it matches the legislation of Russia and

the Constitution of the Russian Federation is riddle.


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Как это вяжется с законодательством России и

Конституцией РФ является загадкой.


There is no riddle here at all; C= 0 I*t.

context icon

Загадки здесь нет вообще, С= См* t.

Professor Dumbledore… Riddle said I’m like him.

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Профессор Дамблдор, Ребус сказал, что между нами есть сходство.

No greater riddle exists in Science, no problem is more hopelessly insoluble, than the question:

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В науке не существует более грандиозной загадки, проблемы более безнадежно неразрешимой, нежели вопрос:

Nach Hotels in der Nähe suchen Embry- Riddle Aeronautical University.


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Искать отели вблизи Университет аэронавтики Эмбри- Риддла.


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Leave it to Ox to write a riddle in a dead language.

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Только Окс способен создать ребус на мертвом языке.

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It remained a riddle how our guide managed to persuade the elders.


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Как проводнику удалось уговорить их осталось загадкой.


The author of the new»riddle» imprinted in National park of Kruger in It is southern….


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Автором новой« загадки», запечатленной в Национальном парке Крюгера в Южно….


April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

And this tattooing had been the work of a departed prophet and seer of his island, who, by those hieroglyphic marks, had written out on his body a complete theory of the heavens and the earth, and a mystical treatise on the art of attaining truth; so that Queequeg in his own proper person was a riddle to unfold; a wondrous work in one volume; but whose mysteries not even himself could read, though his own live heart beat against them; and these mysteries were therefore destined in the end to moulder away with the living parchment whereon they were inscribed, and so be unsolved to the last.

The Muses taught her a riddle and the Thebans had to guess it.

The country was ravaged by a monster, the Sphinx; Oedipus solved the riddle which it proposed to its victims, freed the country, and married his own mother.

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The largest or lump coal is that which remains upon a riddle having the bars 4 in.

Caught in the middle of the battle between Others and Watchers, her danger was increasing, and he was stuck in a riddle he couldn’t quite solve.

Or at least he has rightly seen what are the assertions to aim at; it is difficult to accept the principle or method upon which his answer to the riddle proceeds, the dialectic method.

Fred couldn’t resist a mystery and here was a riddle on-site.

Though not a great poem, it is full of beautiful passages, many of which point to the riddle of life as yet unsolved, a conviction which grew ever more and more upon the poet, as the ebulliency of romanticism gave way to the calm of classic feeling.

Oh! how valiantly I seek to drive out of others’ hearts what’s clinched so fast in mine!—The Parsee—the Parsee!—gone, gone? and he was to go before:—but still was to be seen again ere I could perish—How’s that?—There’s a riddle now might baffle all the lawyers backed by the ghosts of the whole line of judges:—like a hawk’s beak it pecks my brain.

Men have told me that there is no riddle so cunning that you can not solve it.

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