Sentence with the word rhyme

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word rhyme, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use rhyme in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «rhyme».

Rhyme in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word rhyme in a sentence.

  1. There was no rhyme or reason in his life.

  2. Her demise was celebrated in a mocking rhyme:.

  3. Perhaps it was written to extend the rhyme scheme.

  4. Angelou uses rhyme and repetition, which critic Lyman B.

  5. Eliot uses end rhyme sporadically in 21 lines of the poem, specifically:.

  6. The poem rhymes using an AABBCDED rhyme scheme, and is designed for recitation.

  7. The rhyme scheme is ABCBBB, or AA,B,CC,CB,B,B when accounting for internal rhyme.

  8. Among other things, she taught him and his sisters the nursery rhyme «Good, Better, Best.

  9. Wallace also often used the single-line rhyme scheme to add variety and interest to his flow.

  10. Rhyme is an extremely important device in Peking opera, with thirteen identified rhyme categories.

  11. Though Dickinson often uses perfect rhymes for lines two and four, she also makes frequent use of slant rhyme.

  12. The family was reputed to be descendants of «Little Jack Horner», the subject of an 18th-century nursery rhyme.

  13. Many of the lines within the second stanza were completely rewritten, especially those which did not fit into a rhyme scheme.

  14. In every stanza, the «B» lines rhyme with the word «nevermore» and are catalectic, placing extra emphasis on the final syllable.

  15. They contain short lines, typically lack titles, and often use slant rhyme as well as unconventional capitalization and punctuation.

  16. On «Notorious Thugs», his collaboration with Bone Thugs-n-Harmony, he modified his style to match the rapid rhyme flow of the group.

  17. Poe based the structure of «The Raven» on the complicated rhyme and rhythm of Elizabeth Barrett’s poem «Lady Geraldine’s Courtship».

  18. Eliot’s use of lamentation, desolation and consolation—a repetition of the two-syllable -ation ending—is an example of syllable rhyme.

  19. Stev alternate a trochaic tetrameter with a trimeter, and lines typically rhyme following an ABCB scheme, though stev are not standardized.

  20. The Chorus uses a new narrative style in each of their chapters, beginning with a jump-rope rhyme and ending in a 17-line iambic dimeter poem.

  21. Though these poems did not employ any regular metre or rhyme scheme, they are known to have originated from the earlier tripadi metrical form.

  22. Eliot employs forced rhyme (also called «oblique rhyme») on peace and ease (lines 8 and 11), and eye rhyme on home and come (lines 14 and 15).

  23. Earlier, Dylan had considered working the name Al Capone into the rhyme scheme, and he attempted to construct a rhyme scheme for «how does it feel?

  24. Initially Evans hired Caldecott to draw illustrations for nursery rhyme books, beginning with another printing of The House that Jack Built in 1877.

  25. She recited three separate poems focusing on consumerism, the contemporary society, and a comic nursery rhyme at «Spotlight», a poetry slam in Mumbai.

  26. The speech was widely condemned for its lack of charity towards the departed king and provoked the writer Gerald Bullett to publish a satirical punning rhyme:.

  27. The maids’ interludes use a new genre each time, including a jump-rope rhyme, a lament, an idyll, a ballad, a lecture, a court trial and several types of songs.

  28. A new word was coined from the murders: burking, to smother a victim or to commit an anatomy murder, and a rhyme began circulating around the streets of Edinburgh:.

  29. The book had a negative reception from Publishers Weekly and Kirkus Reviews; while recognizing it as well-intentioned, Moore’s use of verse and rhyme was criticized.

  30. Poe borrows the complex rhythm and meter of Elizabeth Barrett’s poem «Lady Geraldine’s Courtship», and makes use of internal rhyme as well as alliteration throughout.

  31. The earliest recorded rhyme, from 1742, is reproduced below alongside one bearing similarities to most Guy Fawkes Night ditties, recorded in 1903 at Charlton on Otmoor:.

  32. Sukumar Ray, Upendrakishore’s son and father of Satyajit, was an illustrator, critic, and a pioneering Bengali writer of nonsense rhyme (Abol Tabol) and children’s literature.

  33. Diarist Philip Hone, following President Harrison’s death after a month in office in 1841, would write of Tyler’s nomination, «there was rhyme, but no reason to it.» Michael F.

  34. In 1819, Keats had attempted to write sonnets, but found that the form did not satisfy his purpose because the pattern of rhyme worked against the tone that he wished to achieve.

  35. Andrew Lang, a British writer, dismissed Dickinson’s work, stating that «if poetry is to exist at all, it really must have form and grammar, and must rhyme when it professes to rhyme.

  36. Gilbert’s lyrics employ punning, as well as complex internal and two and three-syllable rhyme schemes, and served as a model for such 20th century Broadway librettists and lyricists as P.

  37. In it, Daniel D’Addario attributed the song’s popularity among parodists to its hook’s emphasis on the words «bass» and «treble», which are easy to rhyme, and Trainor’s impassioned delivery on it.

  38. It contains rare 16th-century wall murals, including one which according to Dean may depict the nursery rhyme «Ride a cock horse», and another along the east wall depicting a man playing a mandolin.

  39. Vikram Seth in Three Chinese Poets uses English-style rhyme schemes, whereas Keith Holyoak in Facing the Moon approximates the Chinese rhyme scheme; both use end-stopped lines and preserve some degree of parallelism.

Synonyms for rhyme

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word rhyme has the following synonyms: rime and verse.

General information about «rhyme» example sentences

The example sentences for the word rhyme that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «rhyme» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «rhyme».

Synonym: rime, verse. Similar words: rhythm, payment, by any means, by means of, employment, unemployment. Meaning: [raɪm]  n. 1. correspondence in the sounds of two or more lines (especially final sounds) 2. a piece of poetry. v. 1. compose rhymes 2. be similar in sound, especially with respect to the last syllable. 

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(1) I cannot find a rhyme to » hiccups «.

(2) Can you think of a rhyme for ‘bicycle’?

(3) Can you think of a rhyme for «tragic»?

(4) ‘Blue’ and ‘flew’ rhyme.

(5) The one rhyme for passion is fashion.

(6) You can rhyme ‘hiccups’ and/with ‘pick-ups’.

(7) You can’t rhyme ‘box’ with ‘backs’.

(8) ‘ship » doesn’t rhyme with’sheep «.

(9) I love his use of rhyme and rhythm.

(10) He was teaching Helen a little rhyme.

(11) This poem is her first attempt at rhyme.

(12) You can’t rhyme «sleep»with «feet».

(13) Can you think of a rhyme for ‘orange’?

(14) You can rhyme ‘girl’ with ‘curl’.

(15) I prefer poems that rhyme.

(16) «Ship» doesn’t rhyme with «sheep».

(17) Suddenly, without rhyme or reason, his mood changed.

(18) Can you put that into rhyme?

(19) The whole story is written in rhyme.

(20) ‘Tough’ and ‘through’ don’t rhyme.

(21) Rhyme and meter are assistants to memory.

(22) The kids made up a rhyme about a frog.

(23) Outside, children were skipping and singing a rhyme.

(24) There is no rhyme or reason to her behaviour.

(25) Can you think of a rhyme for ‘beauty’?

(26) English spelling has little rhyme or reason.

(27) There’s neither rhyme nor reason in his behaviour.

(28) There seems to be no rhyme or reason for the school’s behaviour.

(29) Government money was given out to some people and not to others, apparently without rhyme or reason.

(30) A lot of modern poetry is not written in rhyme.

How to use rhyme in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «rhyme» and check conjugation/comparative form for «rhyme«. Mastering all the usages of «rhyme» from sentence examples published by news publications.

For the pun is essentially a rhyme, and rhyme unites.
«) to unobtrusive, sometimes elegant rhyme and slant rhyme («Don’t say it, Arthur. Don’t.
And don’t tell me Friedman needed the name for the rhyme, because he could rhyme anything.
After revisiting the rhyme, Jamal realizes that the rhyme is a map that only the original three men can decode.
The five-line poems have an AABBA rhyme scheme, meaning the first, second, and last lines rhyme, as do the third and fourth lines.
An EYE RHYME is one with words whose endings are spelled the same or nearly the same, and which look like they might rhyme.
We hear the tail/flail rhyme, of course, but also the slant rhyme of talk and ankh, and the similar sounds of of Akhenaten/ankh.
And him having this very particular slang and a lot of odd adverbs, he had his own take on words, and started to rhyme words that don’t rhyme.
The same way you might hear a song with a complicated rhyme scheme, and your brain tells you that a rhyme just happened, but you can’t immediately figure out how.
The ‘Tonight Show’ host wasn’t playing around when he went rhyme-for-rhyme with Post’s upcoming artist, Tyla Yaweh … hitting him where it hurts with no regard for human life.
» Then there’s the beautiful internal rhyme of «Mueller’s cooler» that then is also an internal rhyme with the next line, another iconic statement of «I have more jewels than your jeweler.
» He added: «And she does it beautifully in rhyme.
Of course, you don’t think about each of those things as they occur; it’s just one dope line after another, perfectly executed rhyme after perfectly executed rhyme, thematic segue to thematic segue.
One, you can defend yourself with a similarly ridiculous rhyme.
Steaks, suits, water, university, there’s no rhyme or reason there.
It’s the tiant — and that’s the nursery rhyme about it.
«There’s really no rhyme or reason to it,» she wrote.
I don’t think there’s any rhyme or reason to it.
Sometimes the truth lies in a metaphor or a rhyme.
Sometimes we do all that and even manage to rhyme!
Sometimes I’ll make it rhyme, sometimes it’ll be one word.
He’s a master of both intricate rhyme and hummable melody.
It’s basically a poem of Drizzy references that don’t rhyme.
You basically rhyme the two last words and hilarity ensues.
» Here, she’s celebrating her latest children’s release, «Nursery Rhyme Parade.
Its decisions often seem to have no rhyme or reason.
It makes sense if you believe in things that rhyme.
Maybe it’s a Dr. Seuss rhyme you’ve loved since childhood.
I can’t think of a rhyme, so just fire him.
Its lines flit with an improvisatory gloss — another correlating rhyme.
List words that rhyme with the final word or words.
There appears to very little rhyme or reason to it.
Sometimes he didn’t bother to rhyme; sometimes his rhymes dazzled.
Improv is hard enough; making it rhyme requires special prowess.
What is the rhyme or reason to these alternating knits?
And if you can make it rhyme even better. Hurry!
And although history rarely repeats itself, it tends to rhyme.
Inventory was somewhat scattered about without much rhyme or reason.
No rhyme or reason, just to go through the thing.
On January 15, 2007, from the comfort of an armchair, she gave the world this viral video: In German, this rhyme is a «singspiel» — a sung nursery rhyme — known as «Kleiner Hai» (Little Shark).
But there is only rhyme, and never any reason, on LHH.
I realized I don’t have to have a rhyme or reason.
It’s an homage to the old nursery rhyme, Hickory Dickory Dock.
How many words can you think of that rhyme with plan?
There doesn’t seem to be much rhyme or reason to it.
» He continues: «There’s no rhyme or reason to how it happened.
His wordplay is epic, as are his delivery and rhyme schemes.
«Fame» and «shame» is a commonly recurring rhyme in Landon’s songs.
Per usual, there’s no real rhyme or reason to this selloff.
Are we ever going to see Darius rhyme on the show?
He cleared his throat and recited a rhyme he had composed.
I wish there were a rhyme or reason for this madness.
Try finding the rhyme or reason among: We could go on.
He said he got the idea from an old nursery rhyme.
«Great literature is not easily consumed like pop songs that rhyme
A pun, a malapropism, or a ghost rhyme is spark enough.
There is rhyme and reason to this, as it turns out.
I love how none of the lyrics in this album rhyme.
And maybe you could find a rhyme for the last line.
C’mon, he worked … «You look like black Shrek» into his rhyme.
Students can also list slant rhymes, or words that almost rhyme.
They poetically rhyme exquisite engineering with brute materiality, élan with solemnity.
And, sometimes, there is neither rhyme nor reason to the arrangement.
Because you’ve used the words you like to sing and rhyme.
I also heard someone rhyme it with pear the other day.
The mother of a 5-year-old girl is outraged by this nursery rhyme she found posted in the school her daughter might attend — a rhyme that teaches kids how to prepare for a mass shooting.
Someone work out a simple rhyme to get us out of this!
While Patti can certainly makes some words rhyme, she has no flow.
There should be some rhyme or reason – I tried to do that.
«Scenario has to rhyme, babe,» is all Clark said about its veracity.
These are Drought 3-style bars but delivered like a nursery rhyme.
They say history may not exactly repeat, but it does often rhyme.
So the rhyme goes for Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna’s impending nuptials.
The song as old as rhyme has a fresh sound and look.
Georgy Cohen shared this pic of the rhyme, which is going viral.
Send us a limerick, haiku, fractured nursery rhyme, whatever strikes your fancy.
Proverbs or statements that rhyme sound more truthful to humans, psychologists find.
History doesn’t exactly repeat itself, but it can rhyme an awful lot.
Also, her middle and last name kind of rhyme so that’s… something.
History never repeats itself, but in Silicon Valley sometimes it does rhyme.
Yes, that rhyme is hilariously stupid, of course, but it’s also harmonious.
The prose is baroque and rich with rhyme schemes and word play.
His use of rhyme is only the most obvious aspect of this.
The life spans of animals seem to lack all rhyme or reason.
» He fills more pages with all the words that rhyme with «duck.
There truly isn’t a time that our friendship could equal a rhyme.
The wall rhyme appears to fit into that same bull’s-eye category.
However, Tartakovsky’s visual samples more rhyme with his influences than repeat them.
In fact Julia Alexander had to interview an army of experts to even begin to understand why a simply nursery rhyme (that does not rhyme!!!) has racked up billions of views across all manner of disturbing YouTube channels.
Well, it’s much easier to write something that you don’t have to rhyme.
Only dormant until it flares up again with seemingly no rhyme or reason.
«This is one that you can’t make rhyme [or] reason out of it.»
But there seemed to be little rhyme or reason about who would win.
Ariana Grande and John Legend are sharing a song as old as rhyme.
This is why I named her Margery, for the old see-saw rhyme.
You can’t rhyme «you» with «you,» especially in a song with minimal production!
There’s no rhyme or reason to it — it’s all up to the Queen.
Each picture represented a different Czech nursery rhyme featured in the orchestra’s performance.
The fact that «Helen» and «McKellen» rhyme was not lost on the rappers.
Or change the lyrics of a song or words of a nursery rhyme?
The rhyme they create when looked at together alters the reality of each. . . .
I am no closer to understanding the rhyme or reason of the ritual.
It doesn’t repeat, and it doesn’t even rhyme, but it does present patterns.
But it just happened that way, there’s no rhyme or reason to it.
And nothing lasts this long without having some rhyme or reason behind it.
And although history rarely repeats itself in financial markets, it does often rhyme.
Many of the photographs here rhyme with paintings at the Met Breuer show.
We walked slowly, absorbing the night, its unlikely rhyme of poetry and basketball.
As the saying goes, history doesn’t repeat itself, but it does often rhyme.
«There is no rhyme or reason to the tolls that people pay,» Gov.
Is it a coincidence that its end rhymes rhyme with squawk, for example?
They sing, dance on tables, discuss post-post-structuralist theory, talk in rhyme.
Who is that and since when are you allowed to rhyme that way?
Yet the language in «Where We Stand» bounces with rhyme, alliteration and wordplay.
At that particular point, there was no rhyme or reason as to why.
Carson doesn’t seem to have any rhyme or reason for what he’s doing.
After the Morgans published their first nursery-rhyme video, the channel took off.
Lyricists like Brendon Urie and Sisqo appreciate the value of a good rhyme.
Her poems were inclined to be short (she was keenly influenced by haiku), and were often organized around unobtrusive — and therefore highly effective — rhyme or half-rhyme, the prosodic device in which two words are united by a shared final sound.
Instead it’s a fuzzbox nursery rhyme, catchy enough to be a genetically imprinted memory.
He’s the reason to my rhyme & he’s attempting to make me an honest woman.
There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to the order of the speakers.
I’d get some punches right and some wrong, often with no rhyme or reason.
So we should relish the big differences, while also recalling that market patterns rhyme.
It was just so rhyme-y, and it was just so glittery and crap.
«Despite the rhyme, stocks generally just mark time,» Stovall said of the June swoon.
The pose is a Black Atlantic and decolonizing rhyme with John Akomfrah’s recent films.
All I want is a tumbling rhyme scheme that keeps me on my feet.
The rhyme-as-reason effect occurs when your brain finds rhyming statements more accurate.
But Twitter’s absolute favorite thing is to bring up a rhyme with his surname.
And I started singing that poem in different melodies, and it doesn’t even rhyme.
He told us in rhyme how great he was and then backed it up.
Like Slick Rick back east, he could tell a full-on story in rhyme.
There’s no outside person, every rhyme that you hearing came out of my brain.
I asked myself, what made me decide to rhyme this word with that word?
» Hip-hop artists could take it up; «Barr» is easier to rhyme than «obsequious.
Dewdney excelled at pairing rhyme with heartfelt artwork to convey her character’s emotional journeys.
Seidel’s poems often employ this combination of strong rhyme and loose or nonexistent meter.
A poem can be wildly inventive even while following an 18th-century rhyme scheme.
I would maybe attempt to pull back from rhyme and try some free verse.
Some shows — like, say, ones that rhyme with Shame Of Bones — take years to return.
The central idea is that the Government can’t just switch gears without rhyme or reason.
There seems to be little rhyme or reason to what gets deranked and what doesn’t.
Is there any rhyme or reason to why we hate one celebrity but adore another?
«I was told that was a shitty song because it didn’t rhyme,» Clarkson told Variety.
» On «Every Single Thing,» he raps with weary contempt: «The economy killed the rhyme star.
There’s no discernible rhyme or reason to why some apps get denied and others approved.
«There’s actually a lot of rhyme and rhythm and repetition in this chart,» said Gordon.
We wasn’t gonna hear a pretty sound for us to rhyme this fucked up story.
History may not repeat, and it may not even rhyme, despite the many troubling parallels.
«RZA: I think I have a lyric that says, «I don’t write rhyme for salary.
At one point, a fan demands he tell an obscene nursery rhyme, his signature bit.
«History doesn’t repeat itself, but it’s certainly rhyming, and it’s a softer rhyme here.» video
In other cases, the parents have taught the children a rhyme to remember contact information.
Maggie Thatcher, milk snatcher: I’ve known that rhyme for as long as I can remember.
History, Mark Twain is supposed to have said, doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.
«Where, oh where, have the smart people gone?» she sings, mimicking the old nursery rhyme.
When «Put on Your Sunday Clothes» struck up, he managed to rhyme Yonkers with bonkers.
Classmates had told her the beat pattern didn’t flow and criticized her use of rhyme.
The show’s easy-rhyme jingles and sunny smuttiness seem right at home in this context.
The chart takes students through the steps of writing a rhyme about their first story.
Advisers said there is little rhyme or reason to how Mr. Trump chooses clemency recipients.
And that’s bad news right now for every candidate whose name doesn’t rhyme with Schmiden.
From the first rhyme—It was all a dream, I used to read Word Up!
So even though the clue is written to look like it might rhyme, it doesn’t.
Others jettison rhyme and push Mallarmé toward the twentieth-century verse he influenced so heavily.
Hearing these concerns in harmony and rhyme can raise our awareness of these increasing conundrums.
A short time after, I thought to myself, Why not cheer for teams that rhyme?
In practice, this means children’s poetry foregrounds the art form’s acoustical elements: rhyme, rhythm, stress.
There is a naivety in the flawed rhyme that tells you he really means it.
Or maybe it’s just because it’s the NFL and celebration penalties have no rhyme or reason.
«It violates the rhyme created by the letter G rhyming with the letter P,» he said.
» He carries the rhyme across the whole bar, echoing «beat» with «eat» and «E3» with «streezy.
As soon as I heard her rhyme…it was something I’d never seen or heard before.
There is a whole host of software and not much rhyme or reason across the deals.
But there’s a rhyme and reason to it: the two main battle royales are Trump vs.
These lyrics, also taken from the oral histories, have a Brechtian disregard for rhyme or scansion.
It all started with the rhyme of ‘moose’ and ‘loose,’ and we were off and running.
It was the triathlon of raps trying to land every rhyme with same ferocity as Wayne.
UPDATE: Rhyme confirmed to Gizmodo via email that GSK used Quorum Review for its IRB review.
Some people seem to think it’s the color of it, but there’s no rhyme or reason.
«I show them the drafts, and they’re like, ‘That rhyme has got to go,'» Spivack laughed.
In a way the rhyme style reminds me of this exchange from Dave Chappelle’s Block Party.
Don’t Dismiss Developers Mark Twain once said that history doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.
The rhyme and reason as to what makes it on Disney+ and what doesn’t remains unclear.
In the nursery rhyme, a little boy named Jack finds a plum inside a Christmas pie.
Linguists have debated the pronunciation of his name, which strictly (some argue) should rhyme with Einstein.
Without much rhyme or reason, the individual honors did not come Parker’s way this season, though.
As Mark Twain is supposed to have observed, «History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme
There’s no rhyme or reason to it, but that’s what they say about your osteoporosis, too.
It was a bad day, but there really is no rhyme or reason for this drubbing.
I really wanted to show the world my passion and ability to sing, rhyme, AND dance.
Eminem is so obsessed with the particularities of rhyme that his songs can lack forward momentum.
But the way human behavior reacts to threats, and how markets metabolize uncertainty, tend to rhyme.
So is Corso’s «Song,» an absurdist jack-in-the-box nursery rhyme, which begins: Oh, dear!
And the production ends not with a triumphant declaration, but the ellipsis of an incomplete rhyme.
Some follow Mallarmé’s rhyme schemes, in order to preserve his double identity as traditionalist and experimenter.
For Romance languages, rhyme is relatively easy–all of those vowels at the ends of words.
Why then is rhyme historically the currency of English language poetry after the Anglo-Saxon era?
There is nothing to «understand» because no action within that world is performed with rhyme or reason.
His tone is amelodic, declarative and a touch absent-minded, as if starting fresh with each rhyme.
A poem intentionally creates meaning through strictures of linguistic form: rhyme, meter, rhythm, verse, sound, and more.
«There is no rhyme or reason for [the kidnappers] never making a request for money,» he says.
Every one of these buttons has a purpose, but there’s little rhyme or reason to their locations.
«You just wouldn’t believe the number of kids who have never heard a nursery rhyme,» she said.
» The card even shared the correct pronunciation, adding that Kate’s address should rhyme with the word «tram.
Dave Chappelle even parodied the scene when guest-hosting Saturday Night Live (though used a different rhyme).
Your introductory essay in It’s Not About a Salary includes a photo of Ganjah K’s rhyme book.
At the end of The Journey, you find yourself hoping history will decide to rhyme once again.
«I’ve garnered / The rhyme has to be perfect / The delivery flawless,» he raps in the second verse.
A wondrous mystery opens as the ABABBCC rhyme scheme of the stanzas shifts in the final couplet.
Under Michael Kahn’s direction, the actors Adam LeFevre, Amelia Pedlow and Christian Conn attempt the rhyme scheme.
«The thought bobbed on the waves» of rhyme and meter, Brecht later said of his early output.
«There’s no rhyme or reason,» he said, «and, for me, right now it’s enough to be living.»
Or maybe he just liked the way that rhyme sounded more than he disliked what it implied.
Even the cover strikes a visual rhyme with its beat-up bowler hat, a nod to Beckett.
«Johny» isn’t the only new nursery rhyme-style song to receive this kind of treatment on YouTube.
Wall Street pros like to say that different moments in market history «rhyme» — that they look similar.
» The line from the nursery rhyme after «hips» that Ms. Franklin omits is «let your backbone slip.
The «Old King Cole» British nursery rhyme was printed on the very first page of the menu.
The series «Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt for the Bone Collector,» which premieres Friday, began filming there in September.
» [Cheering] [All singing] [Cheering] «All right, so you have the, like, sort of nursery rhyme hook melody.
If they are having trouble coming up with a rhyme, they can try retooling the first line.
The series «Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt for the Bone Collector,» which premieres today, began filming there in September.
Mr. Schoenholz offers us a set of four two-word theme entries with last words that rhyme.
His poem «The Secret Amplitude,» consists of nine sections of three-line stanzas bound by interlocking rhyme.
But then, once in a lifetimeThe longed-for tidal waveOf justice can rise upAnd hope and history rhyme.
And the infant takes the cue, glancing at the screen, where a human avatar signs a nursery rhyme.
So when you see a bright star like in the nursery rhyme Twinkle Twinkle Little Star that’s me.
Spencer, 20163, got into character, doing the show’s Pop News segment completely in rhyme — very Lin-Manuel-esque.
He recalled his mother teaching him the children&aposs rhyme «Sticks and Stones» when he was a kid.
«Sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never break them,» Allen said quoting the rhyme.
There was no rhyme or reason as to why someone would go around and do something like that.
At its peak, the hashtag had hundreds of tweets with all kinds of rhyme schemes and musical references.
Apps were dying off haphazardly, and there wasn’t any rhyme or reason to the ones I was removing.
In 2016, their two rhyme spitters where none other than, you guessed it, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
«Certainly some of the challenges of the COTY Consumer Beauty business rhyme with those of JDE,» Feeney said.
It’s about the breaking of things that — as the nursery rhyme goes — can’t be put back together again.
One of the first versions of the nursery rhyme was uploaded in 2009, according to Know Your Meme.
But Ali also helped move black radicalism into the mainstream through his voice, his canny use of rhyme.
And I can yet remember when I hung it, in a better time Well antecedent to this rhyme.
» In an apparent Shakespearean allusion, he claims: «There is a rhyme to our terrorism, warfare, ruthlessness and brutality.
Much like at Costco, there wasn’t much of a rhyme or reason to how the store was organized.
There’s no rhyme or reason to this, just a desire to co-opt religious freedom to inflict harm.
The question is whether those bridges, as the children’s rhyme goes, come falling down when more facts surface.
There’s little discernible rhyme or reason to the worlds Anderlon creates, which are as dense as Where’s Waldo?
Yes, and I speak from a personal perspective here, but for me the two were hard to rhyme.
That’s like the 18th thing you’d probably think to mention about the drug, let alone spontaneously in rhyme.
There is no rhyme or reason to the countries he picked and it just doesn’t make any sense.
Yet these bills have been a hodge-podge of random items thrown together with little rhyme or reason.
For what it’s worth, we have, without much rhyme or reason, tied our hearts to Belgium and Colombia.
It’s nursery-rhyme-like melody offers a tinkly condemnation of what used to be called middle-class conformity.
Things really kick into gear when the class breaks off into two groups: rhyme-writing and beat-making.
Australia Diary Our readers riff and rhyme on nature, from sand and flowers to a first autumn moon.
He is a snoozy lyricist, almost wholly uninterested in narrative, complexity or even the basic tenets of rhyme.
As in a limerick recited with the last word missing, the brain jumps in to complete the rhyme.
It casts Russell Hornsby as Rhyme, who is left unable to walk after an injury on the job.
It is important to make sure that the tone of the rhyme matches the weight of the story.
Sometimes people compare themselves like, I might say in a rhyme, like, I’m the Dr. King of rap.
«‘You can have a’ — and I was like, what would be Jewish I could rhyme with?» he said.
His inventive use of rhythm and rhyme is at once ridiculous and intoxicating to children and parents alike.
He has written poems in rhyme as well as long, meandering disquisitions on the nature of time passing.
There was no rhyme or reason, just whatever I had wanted to get done that day was scribbled there.
«Phife-HipHop & Rap word Warrior, simple as that, tweeted Public Enemy’s Chuck D. «Breathed it & lined rhyme into Sport.
His technique was honed and immaculate; as a teenager, he searched for an unused rhyme for every Russian word.
Despite a perennial battle with sickle cell anemia, the Crime Rhyme Houdini P seemed immortal as a death deity.
Yakko would rhyme the nations of the world, while Pinky and the Brain would plot to take it over.
There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to when the men decide to act out chivalry, either.
If travelers are lucky, they may even hear him say a rhyme while reading out flight and boarding details.
The finale aired last April, and the rhyme skittered by without making a blip on the collective outrage meter.
He hasn’t been particularly clever in naming his false identities—they often rhyme or involve Pokémon characters, for example.
And he said the line was written that way but he said it with more of a rhyme feel.
«Don’t underestimate the power of rhyme as a way to be an ear worm and be memorable,» Tejerina said.
But how would you make it more accessible and still keep in mind «meter, rhyme, rhythm, metaphor» and more?
In her absence, Rhyme has acquired a brainy assistant, Juliette Archer, also a quadriplegic and possibly a soul mate.
I won’t attempt to continue with Lin-Manuel Miranda’s rhyme scheme, but I do hope I have your attention.
But aside from the clampdown in bitcoin trading, there’s little rhyme or reason to why it swings so wildly.
At this point, the entire video dissolves into some kind of surreal mayhem, with no real rhyme or reason.
No rhyme or reason for Freddie, we’re told Louis just liked the ring of it and Briana didn’t object.
There’s no real rhyme or reason as to why the second pick in particular has been a land mine.
But it looks like our opinions rhyme at least as well as most of the lyrics in the show.
He was a rapper as well, one of the first to rhyme and spin records at the same time.
What talent, they scoffed, did it take to play records instead of instruments and to rhyme instead of sing?
Parents may have noticed that a child lags behind other children in learning to rhyme or learning the alphabet.
It would «rhyme» with the previous appearance of Force Ghost mentors, to use one of George Lucas’ favorite verbs.
Students should write a rhyme for the line from Step 2 that gives more information about the news story.
As King Playbola, Cooksey would at times rhyme about violence and selling drugs, but Daniel thought little of it.
The form of the book enacts that very enmeshment — the fragments that hook into each other, rhyme and repeat.
Kepler injects the sweet voice of a child chanting a nursery rhyme about bunnies before each execution-style death.
And there isn&apost always rhyme or reason as to which people with DID have more or fewer alters.
And Phoebe sets out to write a Christmas song for her friends but struggles to get it to rhyme.
Meantime, it’s likely to do some tinkering with hashtags, rhyme schemes and the like, before its more controlled public unveiling.
But you’d never think of Google as a hardware company, because there’s no rhyme or reason to any of it.
And I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this when listening to Sam Cooke sing, or Rakim rhyme.
Speaking completely in rhyme, the Imp was a tiny crime fighter inhabiting a fantasy world beautifully illustrated by Chad Grothkopf.
«America», the best that he penned while working with Art Garfunkel, narrates a couple’s road-trip without a single rhyme.
Hornsby, who is so good in everything, plays Lincoln Rhyme, a brilliant detective who is bedbound after being severely injured.
«I don’t know that there’s really any rhyme or reason for why something gets big on the internet,» he said.
That autumn, the eerie little rhyme eventually known by many but understood by few became popular with Fall River children.
But there’s no real rhyme or reason to anything he does, even on issues that are close to his heart.
«We told him it was rhyme narration because we wanted it to have a storybook quality to it,» Seidell said.
Amazon on Saturday dropped the first teaser for what’s been dubbed as the «musicale finale» (hint: it’s supposed to rhyme).
Cary and Diane also think Lucca and Monica will get along really well — and it’s not because their names rhyme.
I stand with Chance, and I’m glad Wayne’s rhyme for «car alarm» was about keeping his mind on the Parmesan.
The nightmarish nursery rhyme went viral over the past week, drawing hundreds of thousands of new people into its lore.
He is running against #LambTheSham, who is telling… The president used a rhyme and a hashtag to attack Pennsylvania Rep.
Wordplay Is there anyone who hasn’t played the schoolyard game or sung the nursery rhyme, «London Bridge is Falling Down»?
Their youth, their penchant for Day-Glo themes and avoidance of intricate rhyme schemes have all been weaponized against them.
On his recent mixtapes, he’s eased into his Southern drawl more, and is opting for more straight-ahead rhyme schemes.
One day she started humming the tune of an old nursery rhyme, and I joined her in recalling the words.
He liked clustering short phrases with internal rhyme, as if he were revving an engine to show off its power.
He hits a nice, fluid pocket in the first four bars rapping a six syllable rhyme scheme then switches flows.
And, in the video, it looks like you just got one take to rhyme and eat a lot of food.
This is Whitman-level poetry, an earth-shattering quatrain that needs no rhyme scheme, requires no resemblance to standard songwriting.
It’s telling that even Sondheim’s non-rhymes rhyme, in the sense that they link different aspects of the same word.
They rhyme for a reason: Those end words, when read a bit differently, transform each phrase into a single verb.
There was no computerized database, no rhyme or reason or pattern to the crowds, and nobody wore a name tag.
Maya circles her legacy-minded suitors, dropping references to Sylvia Plath and discussing the merits of rhyme schemes and suicide.
The pianist and composer Vijay Iyer witnessed the genesis of «Inner Rhyme» at a workshop he ran in Banff, Alberta.
There doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason to why I am sent snaps from people I don’t know.
For 1003 songs, it drifts all over the damn place, abruptly and frequently shifting gears without much rhyme or reason.
Neil told Motherboard that as these animated channels started to rise, he and Patty considered doing more nursery rhyme videos.
Wayne obliges by returning to a straightforward AA couplet: Though Wayne has already done this somewhat leading up to this point in his verse, the middle section is where Wayne begins to flow on top of the beat, extending rhyme schemes to the middle of the next bar to lead into a new rhyme.
The trailer opens up with a wintry scene with Reynolds’ familiar voice as Deadpool making up with a new Christmas rhyme.
I figured out I could rhyme, so I was like, fuck it, I’m just gonna keep going, and I never stopped.
I don&apost think there is a rhyme or a reason to why we haven&apost played as well at home.
So ferocious, in fact, that he became an urban legend and the subject of a nursery rhyme — while he was alive.
They conclude that, as far as the scientific evidence is concerned, current drug laws have no rhyme or reason to them.
For Baldwin, though, rock n’ roll isn’t just a rhythm, a rhyme and a beat-up leather jacket — it’s an ethos.
But a lack of any real rhyme or reason to the verification system has made it easy to conflate the two.
HISTORY will rhyme on March 22rd, when Donald Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminium imports are due to come into force.
Their effect feels something like a nursery rhyme, in the way that they move you and scare you and teach you.
She’s rapping fast, and the lines rhyme at the end, but «Azillion» is labored and frequently unintelligible, amateurishly nonsensical at best.
» The words were solidified in India, drawing surreal imagery from the 19683th century English nursery rhyme «Sing a Song of Sixpence.
Little Jack Horner, who stars in a nursery rhyme, was a real steward to the Abbot of Glastonbury in the 1500s.
Brand: GEICOYear introduced: 2010Maxwell, the third GEICO mascot to make it onto the Walk of Fame, originated from a nursery rhyme.
And there are plenty of these in THE STEEL KISS (Grand Central, $28), Jeffery Deaver’s unsettling procedural mystery featuring Lincoln Rhyme.
During your show yesterday, you talked about your religious background and how hard it was to rhyme that with your homosexuality.
This is because songwriting and poetry are entirely different arts, though they share passing similarities — meter, rhythm, rhyme, and the like.
» Matt asks him what the rhyme means, the one from the children’s book, about «One Batch, Two Batch, Penny and Dime.
It’s run by really talented designers who have worked for respected brands you’ve definitely heard of (hint: they rhyme with «Shishka»).
In an eerie touch, the murders of the 10 strangers follow the form of the nursery rhyme hung in each room.
«From the Russian perspective, there is no rhyme or reason to anything going on in Washington right now,» Mr. Caputo said.
Maybe this little presidential-candidates rhyme will help: Two governors from the West are superInslee’s the one who’s not named Hickenlooper.
«Spanish, and the way it’s used to create music in poetry, differs radically in terms of syllables and rhyme,» she discovered.
The rhyme «bag/fag» in «You Could Drive a Person Crazy,» common lingo in 1970, became «away/gay» in the 1990s.
For «Lincoln Rhyme,» luxury boxes overlooking the arena floor were turned into offices for production assistants, accounting, props and other departments.
Matt: This reminds me of the time my former Deadspin editor Barry Petchesky insisted that DOG and LOG do not rhyme.
He once told me that a game to see who could rhyme the most words with «Mozambique» yielded the eponymous song.
Even so, the exquisitely awful and bizarre bowdlerized lyrics often opt for safety at the expense of meter, rhyme and sense.
I knew I was able to make words rhyme, but I wasn’t going on the beat the way I wanted to.
While others, like my man Jimmie, were too upset to even make his worries rhyme: I feel mad about the election.
Gunna remains the most clever and intuitive rapper of the post-Young Thug generation, and on «Baby Birkin» — a standout from his new «Drip or Drown 2» — he circles again and again to a rhyme scheme that bleeds across the conventional bar structure, making the final syllable of each phrase into a de facto leadoff rhyme.
Her rhythm and rhyme Were perfectly fine But whenever she tried to write any, She always had one line too many. —Anonymous
It’s tricky to rock a rhyme ,and it can be even more difficult to keep tempo with some crazy yo-yo tricks.
His rhyme also refers to Rachel as a «girl from the hood,» although her dad is a judge, and she’s definitely not.
More encouraging still is the idea that there’s a pointed rhyme and reason to how the plot of the show is unfolding.
Instead, they ruffle and riffle the expected rhythm and re-distribute rhyme from its privileged position at the end of a line.
Or like with the frog image behind the Pepe phenomenon, an emoji becomes something politically charged for no real rhyme or reason.
So of course he held the WWE title for most of last year with no real rhyme or reason as to why.
There are plenty of animal species that can communicate verbally, and some even possess musical gifts, but none that sing in rhyme.
» There were other profanities in Frankel’s tirade, too, atop her having earlier called de Lesseps words that rhyme with «butt» and «bore.
The company is presumably making bank on these shoddily animated nursery rhyme videos that have no plot and teach children no lessons.
The match was clearly a little less impressed by this choice of rhyme, and not afraid to call WasterofTime out on it.
First up, Keys was tasked with performing the childhood rhyme «Miss Mary Mack» as her fellow judge on The Voice, Gwen Stefani.
Mr Bowie later said that this funereal nursery rhyme (only his second British number-one single) served to wrap up the 1970s.
He plays favorites, pits people against one another and listens to different people on different days without any seeming rhyme or reason.
His voice has its own melody—when he says «this game» over and over, it almost sounds like those two words rhyme.
Tale as old as time, songs as old as rhyme — no, it’s not Beauty and the Beast, it’s Tortoise and the Hare.
He now is being damned for appearing to put his thumb on the scale of the presidential election without rhyme or reason.
I only capitalize defined terms, proper nouns, start of sentences, and whatever iOS decides — with no apparent rhyme or reason — to capitalize.
Herrine: The breading is thin but still really crunchy, and I know the secret ingredient, but…Alana: What does it rhyme with?
Jacob Stulberg brings the nursery rhyme back in an easy puzzle that will be a very nice start to your solving week.
She now travels around the US in her bus that she cleverly named «If Wishes Were Horses,» after her favorite nursery rhyme.
She praised its rhythm, rhyme and relationships and thanked me for writing a story that would engage her students, especially the boys.
Mr. Trump liked to tell guests that the nursery rhyme-themed tiles in the room were made by a young Walt Disney.
This presented a problem: There were too many of these new particles, which appeared in collisions without any evident rhyme or reason.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York offered a «sana, sana,» a typical Spanish rhyme to soothe children, before drawing the number 40.
But in many cases, that much sprawl leads to a series that’s constantly leaping all over the place, without rhyme or reason.
It’s like the nursery rhyme about the old lady who swallowed a fly, each new and preposterous step dictated by the last.
When I rhyme in the present day, I’m saying I have a lady of the night making me spaghetti, it’s very meta.
The cast will be trapped in a closed white space, under a ceiling that moves up and down without rhyme or reason.
That Sophia is here pronounced to rhyme with Mariah (Carey) may be interpreted as a jokey allusion to Ms. Wang’s powerful soprano.
Lizzie didn’t give her father 41 whacks, as the children’s rhyme has it, only about a dozen, but they were quite enough.
Harrelson, in particular, is in it to win it (there’s a good rhyme for you, Tallahassee), and that goes a long way.
So for letter swaps, like one I used below, it would be sweater «lops» rather than «laps» to rhyme correctly with swap.
With their repetition and rhyme, it is easy to imagine many of the poems being memorized and performed in arenas of protest.
It sounds like a discombobulated nursery rhyme that makes little sense, but it also speaks to the beauty of diversity on planet Earth.
Despite the nursery rhyme-esque symbolism of the beer bottle running away with the pizza, Welsh police are taking the theft very seriously.
The tale uses a basic rhyme scheme and colorful, energetic illustrations to introduce kids to the parades that take place during Pride Month.
Or the gorgeous poem «Ash,» which is as scary and wise as an old nursery rhyme: Strange house we must keep and fill.
Ali (then known as Clay) is sitting beside Bob Halloran, a television personality from Miami, fielding every question, launching into rhetoric and rhyme.
» The shirt featured Negan’s signature Lucille baseball bat and his victim-selecting rhyme, «Eeny meeny miny moe, catch a tiger by the toe ….
Some were irregular, which linguists have hypothesized may be because those forms pleasingly rhyme with other words being used frequently at the time.
His lyricism is playful and bouncy, taking the form of fucked-up nursery rhyme—shout outs to Peter Piper and Humpty Dumpty included.
The neatness of the pun, its capacity to make things rhyme, exists at the expense, perhaps, of mess, despair, and sheer human intractability.
«We all met up to brainstorm what we were doing but there’s not really a rhyme or reason to the menu,» explains Siadatan.
I would create the shot, make a list of the hidden objects, send it to Jean, and then she would write the rhyme.
Bogut also described the N.B.A.’s disciplinary system as one without «rhyme or reason» and compared it to the league’s draft lottery process.
Yet the culture has trained us to know what to expect of the character he’s playing, whose nom de rhyme is Paper Boi.
Norman sang it, though, in a small, spookily calm voice, like a child repeating a terrible nursery rhyme that he couldn’t yet comprehend.
Drop-off is divided between the two of us, no real rhyme or reason since every day, our schedules are a bit different.
Berry was a peerless Signifier, reveling in rhyme, alliteration, double entendre, mock grandiloquence, and playful neologisms («As I was motorvatin’ over the hill…»).
After a handful of singles, Ice-T officially threw himself into the ring at the age of 24, with 20143’s Rhyme Pays.
It’s one of the only Seuss books not to rhyme, including with The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins and Bartholomew and the Oobleck.
In his spare time, he’d spend hours drawing and making beats on his MPC, sometimes giving them to MC friends to rhyme over.
«He’s someone who has, in melody and rhyme and connection, painted as honest a portrait of our country as I’ve ever seen,» Mrs.
No one rapped like Rakim in his late-‘113s heyday — ultra-focused, preternaturally cool, somersaulting through complex rhyme patterns like it was nothing.
The Diceman may not shock like he once did, when he sold out Madison Square Garden in 1990, but might he still rhyme?
If you try to suss out any sort of rhyme or reason for our top 10, you can’t — which is a good thing!
But he isn’t its originator and while, sure, an Irish person could have conceivably written the rhyme, proverb is most definitely pushing it.
It’s «Beauty and the Beast,» for goodness’ sake: a tale as old as time, a song as old as rhyme and all that.
Indeed, their fates now read like an updated version of the old rhyme about Henry VIII’s wives: disgraced, retired, died, disgraced, indicted, survived.
Uzi makes «fishbowl lens» rhyme with «fuck his colon,» to say nothing of how he arrived at those images in the first place.
The through-line, of course, is Collins and his ever-meandering mind laying down distinctly poetic, multi-syllabic rhyme cadences at each turn.
For instance, animated nursery rhyme channel ChuChu TV has only been around since 2013, and the channel has 295 videos with 21,2100,286,2135 views.
Lil Me The sooty atmosphere, the complex rhyme structure, the tactile combination of claustrophobia and swagger: New York rap is a religion in decline.
Considering that there’s little rhyme or reason to what he does and that his priorities change on a whim, that’s probably sound advice.[Bloomberg]
I gave her the lyric credit on that because really all I had to do was adjust a little bit and make it rhyme.
The rhyme scheme is smooth, and Warren G dances through the heavy bass as Nate Dogg does what he does best: talk at shit.
It shows that there’s not a ton of rhyme or reason to who gets paid what at these lofty heights of the corporate world.
For many of them, Clay — then known as «The Louisville Lip» — would make a rhyme to predict in what round his opponent would fall.
We don’t know if there is more rhyme or reason to verification now, but at least the process is public and available for everyone.
He’s a formidable presence, armored in gold-rimmed shades and a silky, sea-green durag, and is prone to speaking in rhyme and parables.
I’m going to go home and leave a one-star Yelp review in arcane rhyme about how much better I could run the zoo.
At first I thought it was fire, and then his lyrics just stopped making sense and his rhyme scheme was all over the place.
And tying it all together was Will Smith’s signature rhyme style: No swear words, no sexuality, and not even the lightest hint of menace.
The random locations suggest little in the way of rhyme or reasons beyond keeping things unpredictable, which is definitely helping with the hype cycle.
Music is a sort of rhyme in and of itself; the melody resonates with the chords below and the words match the ingrained rhythm.
Despite a somewhat pedestrian rhyme scheme — «We’re going to France / We’ve got a chance / We cannot fail / Gareth Bale» — the song is nonetheless energizing.
The white dots of the veil rhyme with the boy’s two front teeth and with the five whitish fingernails on the girl’s right hand.
Like Vertigo’s swirling, unnerving soundtrack , a recurring melodic theme surfaces throughout Sirens’ foggy soundscapes, a «naive, childlike, almost nursery rhyme motif» according to Martin.
Though of course, it was: In the media, rioters were characterized as violent thugs, blindly committing anarchistic and criminal acts without rhyme or reason.
«If you wrote your rhyme somewhere else, you still had to come back and lay your verse in Q-Tip’s house,» Busta Rhymes said.
They were charged with considering meter, rhyme and rhythm, and conveying Shakespeare’s meanings and metaphors in accessible and contemporary (but not slang-y) English.
There’s no real rhyme or reason to it—UFC star Sage Northcutt just crushed an apple last month and asked people to follow suit.
The lyrics «My heart’s been borrowed and yours has been blue,» sound similar to «something borrowed, something blue» line from the classic wedding rhyme.
The town of Slough, which should rhyme with cow when pronounced correctly, is in the English county of Berkshire, to the west of London.
It might all be nursery rhyme were it not for the foreboding «too many» anaphora and the recurring «spoil» (with its toil and trouble).
But unlike Spotify’s playlists, which have no real rhyme or reason, Relax My Dog’s formula is based on more than seven years of research.
So he works remotely, electronically communicating with a young officer (played by Arielle Kebbel), who pursues the case’s mysteries with Rhyme in her ear.
» In the article, headlined «The Facts Don’t Rhyme,» Dr. Howard A. Rusk, the paper’s medical columnist, called the line «a blow below the belt.
The Chinese orchestra opened Saturday’s program with an urgent performance of the Chinese-American composer Zhou Long’s earthy, kinetic «The Rhyme of Taigu» (2003).
It’s a classic case of momentum investing on steroids and there might not be any real fundamental rhyme or reason to justify the spike.
The rhyme scheme starts to fall apart pretty early, but it’s at «sexual misdoings awakening a rage» that it all really goes to shit.
The Good Friday Agreement of 1998 — an instance when «hope and history rhyme» in the words of the poet Seamus Heaney — ended the Troubles.
John Legend has only two words to describe Roseanne Barr in the wake of her Twitter scandal … and they rhyme with racist and idiot.
It’s an echo that his characters can’t escape, a rhyme of the past they are doomed to repeat, even if they might believe otherwise.
But I admire the way she slips long, Latinate words into her metric lines without forcing a rhyme or losing the talky, colloquial feel.
Now run this back so you can listen to T-Pain rhyme about getting out of the Lamborghini in slo-mo one more time.
Often, these channels make large numbers of 20+ minute «compilation» videos designed to keep kids in nursery rhyme land for as long as possible.
The curved and hood-like repetitions of its roof rhyme with the surrounding mountains, as the hillside enclosure’s several levels step down to vaults below.
The latter is a weird, hooky track, with a chorus that sounds like a nursery rhyme stuck together with dirty synth lines and electroclash beats.
To find out which kind of person you’re talking to, simply utter the three syllables (stress on the first, slant-rhyme with «mescaline») and wait.
Wills has little to say but that he did care for and love Becca — they know the same nursery rhyme, and, remember, they’re both nerds.
G.M. Young, the foremost historian of Victorian England, argued that Walter Bagehot (pronounced to rhyme roughly with gadget) was nothing less than «the greatest Victorian».
It’s one of those things: We make turkey because it’s what our parents did, and what our grandparents did—there’s no real rhyme or reason.
Toronto police have raided dozens of dispensaries, but there seems to be little rhyme or reason to their actions, and most dispensaries keep on selling.
This song should have been much better, and whoever let him indirectly rhyme «1D» with the second syllable of «rowdy» should be put in prison.
But history doesn’t necessarily repeat or rhyme: «The Android analogy is ironic,» says Raj Rajkumar, professor of electrical and computer engineering at Carnegie Mellon University.
First, market-makers have grown accustomed to prices, especially exchange rates, suddenly taking off in one direction or the other, sometimes without rhyme or reason.
There’s no way to search, however; all you get is an endlessly scrolling list with seemingly no rhyme or reason to what Amazon is including.
«To be honest, we’ve interviewed several people involved in this and I don’t think there is any rhyme or reason for it happening,» Williams said.
Initiating a charge without even a premonition of her malicious intent would, in fact, undermine all rhyme and reason behind laws protecting our government’s secrecy.
Late last year, Vintage Books reissued » Night of Camp David ,» a political thriller from 1965 that seemed to rhyme with the strangeness of our era.
To even notice what’s going out there — I’m trying to make these words stop popping up in my head, I’m trying to make them rhyme.
All that was said in Ireland is a lie Bred out of the contagion of the throng, Saving the rhyme rats hear before they die.
Her vocal style is hard to pin down, rapping aggressive bars in one track, and using an upbeat, nasal nursery rhyme flow in the next.
Add to that a lyrical approach that emphasizes cleverness in rhyme, and sometimes the result leans toward the tightly wound thrill ride of musical theater.
Taking a closer look at the theme, at 37A, the clue is «Start of a counting rhyme,» and the answer is ONE POTATO, TWO POTATO.
At least that’s what it feels like, since we’ve found a good number of options that are highly discounted for seemingly no rhyme or reason.
» Note the ambiguous ending of that nursery rhyme, though: Sure, you can row your boat merrily, yet in the end, «life is but a dream.
Such sensitivity did not extend, however, to a racial slur used twice in a children’s nursery rhyme and overdubbed for release in the United States.
«There’s no rhyme or rule occasion-wise, an engraving customizes a bespoke piece of jewelry to make it individual to its wearer,» Mr. Smith said.
Everyone complains about the factory, but the work it has provided for generations of Reading residents shapes the rhyme and reason of their shared world.
Koethe, who taught philosophy for many years, is one of the few poets who can make rhyme seem as natural as walking while chewing gum.
Each day since Hussle’s death, more of his words surface like Dead Sea Scrolls and shed light on the secular scriptures he spat in rhyme.
Luthor is rich and weird, but in Batman v Superman there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason as to why he’s being evil.
And there’s sometimes little rhyme or reason to the wait times and how many Customs and Border Protection inspection booths at the bridges are open.
» This is a song that’s so coolly confident in its hedonism that it invented a whole model of private jet just to rhyme with «Three 6.
He has a knack for effortlessly weaving together sharp social commentary and emotionally resonant observations with smart internal rhyme schemes and shit that just sounds cool.
As SBS News reports, a rhyme that roughly translates to «get your Peppa Pig tatt, shout out to your frat» recently went viral on social media.
The whole verse hinges on a three-syllable rhyme that is as much about the cadence of emphasizing the first and third syllables as anything else.
Big Los also said tensions rise when the cartel members want more «heavy shit» out of the rappers who rhyme about them — mostly threats toward contrarios.
» In the Waits song, the rhyme scheme means that we automatically fill in «here» at the end of the verse, when in fact he’s singing «gone.
In that sense, Lizzie feels like it’s designed for the current cultural moment, transforming Borden from nursery-rhyme psycho to a powerful, tragic female anti-hero.
And then I’ll be like, ‘I want this to rhyme with this and what word gets this point across’ and then I’ll get on my dictionary.
From time to time, the pattern of rhythm and rhyme in a bertso reveals what the last few lines will be before the poet delivers them.
Or so the nursery rhyme goes… But just because we’re all grown up doesn’t make us hate crappy weather any less than when we were kids.
Soon after that, it became not just a story, not just a journal entry, but it kind of had a rhyme and a flow to it.
The tune is a «tale as old as time» (and song as old as rhyme) — which means it shouldn’t be subject to today’s pop music trends.
Taped to the classroom&aposs chalkboard is a rhyme set to «Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,» rewritten telling students what to do if there&aposs a shooter.
There is truly no rhyme or reason to the photos unless he is trying to free up some iPhone memory while on vacation in the Hamptons.
Last week, he released a trailer for the album which featured footage from studio sessions with Drake and Pharrell who praised the Atlanta veteran’s rhyme skills.
It was full of dissonance, contradictions and lies, sprinkled with feel-good one-liners, a couple of emotional moments, plenty of platitudes and even a rhyme.
Here, a ceramic bowl is encircled by waddling geese (evoking the nursery rhyme), and a late-18th-century tall-case clock has its own audio component.
Trump’s lack of predictability extends further than any notable predecessor, and there is no clear rhyme and reason to his behavior — much less a coherent strategy.
For example, Johnson recently wrote a poem where he called Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan a «wankerer» (the extra syllable was added to rhyme with «Ankara»).
This is, although combative, a fun song, with Wayne ducking and dodging through the beat and finding all kinds of fun little runs of internal rhyme.
There’s no rhyme or reason to what’s deemed to be haunted, though the most popular subdivision of the paranormal eBay trade by far are children’s dolls.
It’s structured like a fairytale, meaning all the characters speak in rhyme, and the art style looks like it was carefully painted by hand with watercolor.
Post-mating-age adults have a whole other heap of problems, the likes of which the sickest beat and saddest rhyme are woefully unequipped to solve.
Like Lil Wayne, he is given to complex rhyme, but there has generally been an air of studiousness around him, like a mathematician showing his work.
Saying a magic rhyme, stroking his ears, wiping away his tears, helping him blow his nose with a tissue and brushing off the dirt all follow.
To set the mood, Arsham asks visitors to close their eyes before he recites a rhyme about «the architecture of play» that we’re about to encounter.
One of these is a rhyme that runs, «One is a bun, two is a shoe, three is a tree» and so on up to 10.
Julia Denos’s prose, spare, evocative and spiced with an occasional, subtle rhyme, is very much in sync with the illustrator E. B. Goodale’s mixed-media art.
Yet if Ms. Franklin told you she was going to take a classic R&B song and throw in a little nursery rhyme, you’d be nervous.
There’s no rhyme or reason that you want to go on the road and just dethrone the home team because of their fans and vice versa. .
Shooting on 16-millimeter film, Mr. Palmason, gliding his camera through snowy woods, has an eye for compositions that rhyme chalk-covered faces and wintry vistas.
And just as you were thinking that life has no rhyme nor reason these days, along comes «Freestyle Love Supreme» to pump you full of hope.
And for the show’s all-too-fleeting 85 minutes, it’s possible to believe that rhythm and rhyme are a miracle cure for all that ails us.
A fixed form of nineteen lines: five tercets, a concluding quatrain, and a rhyme scheme tight enough to keep any feeling from spilling over the borders.
Preschooler busts a rhyme A 3-year-old girl surprised her mom by rapping the words to DMX’s «Party Up (Up in Here)» while doing chores.
Twitter is running wild with the concept, taking words that rhyme with porn and giving them their own hub names for people with very specific interests.
Rhyme uses his trusty gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer to analyze the evidence that his band of science geeks brings to the lab in his Manhattan townhouse.
B. The infectious pop song became a hit in early 212008, and by late spring, the distinctive rhyme scheme of the chorus had become a meme.
In her testimony, Olcay rejected the accusations, saying she had used Erdogan’s name because it fit the rhyme scheme and had no «ulterior or insulting motive».
«History may not always repeat, but it does tend to rhyme,» Craig Johnson, chief market technician at Piper Jaffray, said on CNBC’s «Trading Nation » on Friday.
Ludovic Morlot leads this group from across the Pacific, conducting Zhou Long’s «The Rhyme of Taigu,» Dvorak’s Symphony No. 223 and Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 7800.
Hip-hop has hit middle age, with rappers like Jay-Z and Kanye West pondering their longevity and tenuous places within the genre’s hierarchy through rhyme.
For one piece, he assigned a given sound sample to each letter in the nursery rhyme «Humpty Dumpty,» then let them all play out in succession.
Formats shift with little rhyme or reason; shots are often out of focus; the storyline doesn’t always make sense, operating more on themes than traditional plotlines.
It is also fucking brilliant—a rushing, fizzy hit of pure pop excitement, the kind of nursery rhyme-simple song that sticks in your head for years.
There didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason behind the cancellation, although it was suggested that Amazon Studios head, Roy Price simply didn’t like the program.
It’s the middle of a rhyme scheme, where the words bounce and knock off the words that arrived in the previous bar, finding sense as they go.
While the OP took it a bit too far with a line wondering if they would «mate,» he made it clear he was just trying to rhyme.
» So every time Theon bends to Ramsay’s will he says some variation of this rhyme in his head: «Reek, my name is Reek, it rhymes with weak.
As Reddit user mutedsilver explains, the popular nursery rhyme «This Little Piggy» by Mother Goose isn’t really describing a cohort of talking pigs’ trip to the marketplace.
Like most of the rare exceptions in the Pokémon universe, these special, speaking characters have some rhyme or character-building reason as to why they’re like this.
Dressed in prison blues, his band caged behind bars, Lamar raised his shackled hands to the mic to rhyme «The Blacker the Berry,» a screed against oppression.
I did find something pertinent to your problem, though:  there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to who experiences pain from what shape of penis.
OK, so my topical reboot of the rhyme is a bit rusty, but at least you get a sense of where things stand in Washington right now.
There seemed to be a rhyme to the pattern, if not a reason, and the killings have inspired a morbid round of pro- and anti-police scorekeeping.
Last week they released the album’s first single, «A 1000 Times,» which has a melody less nuanced than many a nursery rhyme, sung in a throaty gargle.
Along the way, he encounters a world unlike his own, filled with witty wordplay, curious rhetoric and a quest to save the exiled princesses Rhyme and Reason.
Becoming a viral internet phenomenon is a «delicate» business — there’s no rhyme or reason to what might capture the attention of the masses on the worldwide web.
We got KYLE at LAX and asked him what childhood nursery rhyme has a shot at following his debut single, «iSpy», to the top of the charts.
The whole «Kill The Witch» theme is also pretty consistent with Thom Yorke’s long fascination with creepy nursery rhyme imagery: wolves at the door, Hunting Bears, etc.
We never got a chance to actually have a conversation, so I want to learn something about him other than if he can rhyme two words together.
«It seems like this past year it’s been like a roller coaster, where there’s really no rhyme or reason to what makes a video successful,» he said.
The voices of Caetano and Gil — «your smile / reflects in your singing / rich rhyme / ray of sun,» the poet Paulo Leminski wrote of Gil — occupy that space.
In Jitish Kallat’s «Circadian Rhyme 1″ (20123), figurines arranged in a row undergo body checks by security officers, a sight now familiar in an increasingly suspicious culture.
But it also means that there’s no plausible explanation for an event, and is a phrase we use all the time these days: NO RHYME OR REASON.
But the strongest «rhyme» between fugitive slaves in the 19th century and illegal immigrants today is their shared anguish — the «degenerating sense of nobodiness,» in the Rev.
«There is no rhyme or reason, but everyone gets fed,» Rosetta Buan, 40, a cook from Asheville, N.C., who is on her third trip here, said Sunday.
» Mr. Weerakoon drew on a nursery rhyme to illustrate the likelihood of the brothers’ joining hands again: «Everywhere that the Little Lamb goes, Mary certainly goes along.
There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to why one location was chosen over another, and almost none of the ornaments have a single review.
Robbins has a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, and an excellent discussion of rhyme in the work of Paul Muldoon is apparently adapted from his dissertation.
I’m not taking S.’s last name but we are considering both changing to a hybrid name, because our last names rhyme so hyphenating sounds really stupid.
People who found vagina-related companies—the drivers of what some have started calling «the vagina economy»—don’t all have the same story, but their experiences rhyme.
Bad men, abusive men, selfish men, it must be admitted, cannot be great poets, deserving of reward and reverence, their sins washed away by rhyme and unreason.
Rhyme is a form of clang association, yet its presence often indicates a level of calculation and aesthetic design that we do not associate with mental illness.
She likes self-reflexive lyrics, off-kilter rhyme schemes and other irregularities just pronounced enough to draw attention to her songs’ animating mechanics without breaking their spells.
«They did a lot of zig-zagging around, back and forth, there is no rhyme or reason to it that we’ve been able to determine,» he said.
Listen: Quiet, nightmarish and nursery-rhyme catchy, Billie Eilish’s new track «Bury a Friend» is matter-of-fact about mourning’s connection to death wishes, writes Jon Pareles.
Mr. Breen, 57, and Mr. Frazier, his 73-year-old partner-in-rhyme, have been a New York Knicks broadcasting team on MSG Networks for two decades.
» And then just as an extra bit of icing on that cake (I know I’m mixing metaphors, but imagine the cake was in an oven powered by said fire and bear with me), Wayne adds a couple great standalone observations that just happen to cap off the whole rhyme scheme in a truly inspired sequence of a separate internal rhyme: «entrepreneur in a Bentley droptop Azure / vagina connoisseur out the hood.
Jimmy Spicer/Super Rhyme/Vampire Jimmy Spicer then robs somebody, rides away in a Coupe DeVille, and somehow ends up retelling the story of Aladdin and the lamp.
Shares surface in your feed without any apparent rhyme or reason, and Instagram has kept quiet on exactly how those under-the-hood decisions are made… until now.
After which it’s 80 minutes or so of rhyme-and-reason-free gotcha’s, augmented by the bland presence of Auna’s impossibly square-jawed new beau, Cade (Chris Milligan).
The program — footage of which is scarce to non-existent — was based on the old «Monday’s child…» rhyme and featured Reynolds and children singing songs along those lines.
There’s no rhyme or reason as to why Kitty gets to nip and tuck her way to superficial perfection, while Dahlia bears the scars of those same procedures.
Typically narrative-based and following traditional ballad rhyme schemes, the genre mostly retreated from popular view until the founding of the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Elko, Nev.
There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to who experiences pain from what shape of penisBut is your penis going to cause discomfort for your partners?
«Snowplow» causes the Chicagoan some problems—in the heat of the moment, he tries to make it rhyme with «flow» instead of «how»—but it’s still mightily impressive.
His outrageous predictions, usually in rhyme — «This is no jive, Cooper will go in five» — put off many older sportswriters, especially since most of the predictions came true.
As if the story wasn’t bizarre enough, the sender of the extortion letters has written each letter in a rhyme or riddle, asking the family to pay up.
As is usually the case with longstanding superstitions, there’s little rhyme or reason as to why the black cat has remained such a dark entity in public imagination.
«This political apocalypse was going on in Europe and in America, and it found a perfect rhyme with what was going on in my own life,» he said.
Because America used to be a country where we built things, like large cars and larger buildings, and today we can’t even build our own rhyme schemes, apparently.
Vandalism can be seen «waxing and waning periodically without any particular rhyme or reason, serves as a constant reminder of the unpredictability of aggressive antisemitic incidents,» Dinnerstein writes.
Poem The villanelle (Italian for «rustic») is a pastoral song whose recurring lines and interlocking rhyme scheme create the ideal vehicle for Adam Giannelli’s paean to the past.
Ms. Uchida’s playing, plain-spoken and limpid, turns it into a kind of lullaby, the crossing of her hands like the gently rocking boat of a children’s rhyme.
The nine artists included in the exhibition would surely have loved it; their works rhyme with the informal, friendly gallery, reverberating with the sounds of Rockland’s Main Street.
The deep pleasure for the reader is to trace resonances, how themes chime and rhyme as well as Halliday’s underlying, beautifully articulated arguments about fiction’s possibilities and obligations.
Spearheaded by the chef-turned-rapper-turned-food show host Action Bronson, the idea of MCs dropping a smorgasbord of chow references into rhyme has caught on massively.
I was like, «This is really weird because it matches my background exactly,» and I had absolutely no rhyme or reason for any of the things I’ve done.
Human bones are strewn about New York in «The Bone Collector,» Jeffery Deaver’s 1997 novel about Lincoln Rhyme, a forensics expert who solves cases without leaving his apartment.
Its structure is that of a jazz tone poem, with its fugue-like repetitions of phrases and movements and its sense of internal rhyme in search of reason.
But Nathaniel Dorsky’s 1987 film «17 Reasons Why» has become a riveting four-monitor installation, a collage of nature, commerce and color filled with mirroring and rhyme effects.
Notice the rhyme of «sun» and «one» in the last two lines, as well as the exactness of «more than tacit» (as opposed to, say, «biddable» or «cooperative»).
For example, «abortion on demand» is a poorly constructed line that seems to only exist for the sake of the anchoring rhyme of «sand» in the next line.
  • Use the word RHYME in a sentences

Sentence Examples

But even if it was, I think the selection of that particular little rhyme certainly fits in with the time periodization I’ve just been talking about, because Kubrick would’ve run across that when he saw The Three Little Pigs as an Academy Award winning cartoon in 1933.

Flying down to Rio Where there’s rhythm and rhyme

Did you write your love letters in rhyme?

I can’t think of a rhyme for «Budington».

Whenever I run across a funny name, I like to poke around for a rhyme. — Don’t you?

I’ve gotten the sackeroo in many ways, but never in rhyme.

I can’t think of a rhyme for Budington yet.

You said you were looking for a rhyme for «Budington».

Ah, he was a lad that ran through an old Scotch rhyme.

# I’m yours without reason or rhyme # # I’d be content to be sent #

Each heart begins to beat in rhyme

My heart began to beat in rhyme

I don’t like it, it doesn’t rhyme

It doesn’t have to rhyme.

I made that last line rhyme with Matuschek, that’s all.


Yes, and with this sword, dipped in your blood I’ll rhyme you a very fine finish.

Oh, you can’t rhyme sugar

Arms and charms, that’s nice rhyme.

And while thou livest, dear Kate, take a fellow of plain constancy, for these fellows of infinite tongue that can rhyme themselves into ladies’ favours, they do always reason themselves out again.

A speaker is but a prater, a rhyme is but a ballad.

Youth can be sad without rhyme or reason.

Why not try that old rhyme?

Spirits of the well, listen to this rhyme:

No. Now, if I can only remember how that rhyme goes.

Ten little indians. So It is a nursery rhyme

How does the rhyme go, Miss. Claythorne?

It doesn’t fit in your nursery rhyme.

So you see, the whole thing has been as inevitable as the nursery rhyme.

You heard that rhyme before?

Hey, that don’t rhyme like it used to.

I despise that because it doesn’t rhyme at all, but Daphne loves it.

I need a rhyme for Mortimer.

If it rhymed, it would rhyme with murder.

That sounds all right In a careless rhyme

# Doo, doo, doo # -# Rhythm and rhyme #

I can’t find a word to rhyme with «Mick Marion.»

The town’s full of rhythm and the world’s in rhyme

A rhyme to flatter yourself on your birthday.

She said my true fate was hidden in a rhyme.

You could sing a nursery rhyme and they’d applaud. Now I’m really cooked.

The other rhyme is even better.

«You wanna have two hearts in rhyme

«You wanna have two hearts that rhyme

Table of Contents

  1. What does Parcelled mean?
  2. What is the meaning of Parcelled out?
  3. What is rhyme and example?
  4. What does rhyme mean?
  5. What are the 3 types of rhyme?
  6. What is an ABAB rhyme scheme called?
  7. What is an example of slant rhyme?
  8. Does Grace rhyme with ways?
  9. What does near rhyme mean?
  10. What’s a perfect rhyme?
  11. What word rhymes with full?
  12. What is it called when you rhyme the same word?
  13. What rhymes on true?
  14. What word rhymes with future?
  15. What rhymes on away?
  16. What word rhymes with us?
  17. What word rhymes with on?
  18. What word rhymes with family?
  19. What is the another name for family?
  20. What are words that rhyme with Mom?
  21. What is same word family?
  22. Is word a family?
  23. What word families should I teach first?
  24. What is another word for tribe?
  25. Is it OK to use the term tribe?
  26. Is Clan a bad word?
  27. What’s bigger than a tribe?
  28. Who called tribes?

Rhyme sentence example

What does Parcelled mean?

parceled or parcelled; parceling or parcelling/ ˈpär-​s(ə-​)liŋ / Definition of parcel (Entry 2 of 4) transitive verb. 1 : to divide into parts : distribute —often used with out. 2 : to make up into a parcel : wrap.

What is the meaning of Parcelled out?

: to divide or share (something) among different people, groups, etc. The money was parceled out to local charities. They plan to parcel the tickets out in a lottery. We need to stop parceling out the blame for this problem and start working on a solution.

  1. Rhyme is employed in the choruses only.
  2. Remember the rhyme “Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old.”
  3. Use a favorite nursery rhyme to give your baby shower a fun theme.
  4. To further illustrate the rhyme scheme, I have included a glossary at the back.

What is rhyme and example?

A rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds (usually, exactly the same sound) in the final stressed syllables and any following syllables of two or more words. Rhyming words have different beginning sounds, but have the same vowel and ending sounds, for example: cat/sat/pat/hat, spin/fin/chin/pin, etc.

What does rhyme mean?

English Language Learners Definition of rhyme (Entry 1 of 2) : one of two or more words or phrases that end in the same sounds. : a poem or song whose lines end in rhymes. : the use of rhymes in a poem or song.

What are the 3 types of rhyme?

What Are the Different Types of Rhyming Poems?

  • Perfect rhyme. A rhyme where both words share the exact assonance and number of syllables.
  • Slant rhyme. A rhyme formed by words with similar, but not identical, assonance and/or the number of syllables.
  • Eye rhyme.
  • Masculine rhyme.
  • Feminine rhyme.
  • End rhymes.

What is an ABAB rhyme scheme called?

The sonnet follows the rhyme scheme ABAB CDCD EFEF GG. This rhyme scheme and verse structure are unique to a Shakespearean sonnet. Other common rhyme schemes include: Alternate rhyme.

What is an example of slant rhyme?

A slant rhyme is a type of rhyme with words that have similar, but not identical sounds. Most slant rhymes are formed by words with identical consonants and different vowels, or vice versa. “Worm” and “swarm” are examples of slant rhymes.

Does Grace rhyme with ways?

‘Grace’ rhymes with ‘ways,’ because of the repeating vowel sounds (a). Browning’s poem continues to rhyme throughout, consistent to the traditional rhyme scheme for most sonnets which is ABBA ABBA CD CD CD.

What does near rhyme mean?

Half rhyme or imperfect rhyme, sometimes called near-rhyme, lazy rhyme, or slant rhyme, is a type of rhyme formed by words with similar but not identical sounds.

What’s a perfect rhyme?

A perfect rhyme—also sometimes referred to as a true rhyme, exact rhyme, or full rhyme—is a type of rhyme in which the stressed vowel sounds in both words are identical, as are any sounds thereafter.

What word rhymes with full?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
pull 100 Verb, Noun
bull 100 Noun
wool 100 Noun
uel 100 Noun

What is it called when you rhyme the same word?

-Identical rhyme employs the same word, identically in sound and in sense, twice in rhyming positions. -Internal rhyme is rhyme within a single line of verse, when a word from the middle of a line is rhymed with a word at the end of the line.

What rhymes on true?

words that rhymes with true

you to too
hoo issue blew
value sue ou
fu jew clue
doo boo avenue

What word rhymes with future?

Word Rhyme rating Meter
suture 100 [/x]
moocher 100 [/x]
futur 100 [/x]
computer 92 [x/x]

What rhymes on away?

What rhymes with away?

  • 1 syllable. Way. Ray. Pray. Spray. Stray. Yea. May. Grey. Lay. Play. Slay.
  • 2 syllables. Sunday. Today. Someday. Astray. Monday. Subway. Convey. Runway. Fillet. Hurray.
  • 3 syllables. Runaway. Getaway. Holiday. Faraway. Disarray. Castaway. Layaway. Vertebrae. Disobey. Hideaway.
  • 4 syllables. Naivete. Mcconaughey. Cama. Salvadore. Cabriolet.

What word rhymes with us?

Words That Rhyme With Us

  • 1 Syllable Words That Rhyme With Us. Bus. Buss. Cuss. Dusts. Fuss. Gruss. Gus. Guss. Huss. Kus. Mus. Muss. Plus. Prus. Pruss. Pus. Puss. Rus.
  • 2 Syllable Words That Rhyme With Us. Adjusts. Discuss. Disgusts. Distrusts.
  • 3 Syllable Words That Rhyme With Us. Arquebus. Beauteous.
  • 4 Syllable Words That Rhyme With Us. Superfluous.

What word rhymes with on?

Word Rhyme rating
upon 100
John 100
non 100
Don 100

What word rhymes with family?

What rhymes with family?

  • 1 syllable. Flee. Lee. V. We. Spree. Tree.
  • 2 syllables. Lovely. Ugly. Country. Hungry. Agree. Bunny.
  • 3 syllables. Happily. Gravity. Sanity. Tragedy. Fantasy. Naturally.
  • 4 syllables. Insanity. Mentality. Reality. Brutality. Catastrophe. Profanity.
  • 5 syllables. Actuality. Hospitality. Sexuality. Nationality. Abnormality.

What is the another name for family?

What is another word for family?

relatives relations
extended family clan
tribe fam
folks nearest and dearest
people blood relatives

What are words that rhyme with Mom?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
aplomb 100 Noun
embalm 100 Verb
psalm 100 Noun
comm 100 Noun

What is same word family?

Word families are groups of words that have a common pattern or groups of letters with the same sound. For example, the “ain” word family includes brain, chain, gain, pain, rain, and so on. The following list of common word families come from Wylie and Durrell, 1970.

Is word a family?

A word family is a group of words with a common base to which different prefixes and suffixes are added. For example, members of the word family based on the headword, base, stem, or root word work include rework, worker, working, workshop, and workmanship, among others. Similar words are called paronyms.

What word families should I teach first?

Which word family do you teach first? Many educators would agree that the -at family is the first word family to introduce.

What is another word for tribe?

In this page you can discover 51 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for tribe, like: clan, family, folk, kindred, kith-and-kin, phratric, division, deme, group, association and ethnocentric.

Is it OK to use the term tribe?

Avoiding the term “tribe” is just political correctness. To the contrary, avoiding the term “tribe” is saying that ideas matter. If the term “tribe” accurately conveyed and clarified truths better than other words, even if they were hard and unpleasant truths, we should use it.

Is Clan a bad word?

There is no alternative spelling for “clan.” In short, Klan is NOT the correct spelling for clan, and has very strong negative implications because it is an abbreviation of the term Ku Klux Klan, whose racist and sectarian actions are well-documented.

What’s bigger than a tribe?

Clans as political units In different cultures and situations, a clan usually has different meaning than other kin-based groups, such as tribes and bands. Often, the distinguishing factor is that a clan is a smaller, integral part of a larger society such as a tribe, chiefdom, or a state.

Who called tribes?

In general terms a tribe is a human social group which mainly live in a forested region and survive by hunting animals and by carrying out shifting cultivation. They have their own culture, religious beliefs and traditions which are completely different from mainstream practices.

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