Sentence with the word rewarding

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The PGA Sultan presents a difficult but ultimately very rewarding challenge.

PGA Султан представляет собой трудную, но в конечном счете, очень полезный вызов.

But constructing a home for monetary gains can be quite rewarding both emotionally and financially.

Но строительство дома для получения прибыли может быть очень полезным как в финансовом, так и в эмоциональном плане.

This could be the most rewarding Thanksgiving you’ve ever enjoyed…

Это самый благодарный День благодарения, который я когда-либо проводил, вы знаете…

According to the President, rewarding veterans emphasizes the inextricable link between generations.

По словам Президента, награждение ветеранов подчеркивает неразрывную связь поколений: старших, сегодняшних и будущих.

Targeting customers locally can be most rewarding and least tiresome.

Ориентация на клиентов на местном уровне может быть наиболее полезной и наименее утомительной.

Interaction continues because members find the social exchange mutually rewarding.

Взаимодействие продолжается потому, что члены группы находят социальный обмен взаимно полезным.

Then learn to induce these states through rewarding practices like meditation.

Затем научитесь вызывать эти состояния с помощью полезных практик, таких как медитация.

All nurses mentioned that observing improvements in patient diabetes control was rewarding.

Все медсестры упоминали, что наблюдение за улучшением контроля над диабетом пациентов было полезным.

Putting that answer into practice is challenging, but infinitely rewarding.

Проведение в жизнь такого ответа на практике сложная задача, но бесконечно полезная.

They added that the occasion was extremely useful and rewarding.

Делегации заявили, что, по их мнению, данное мероприятие необходимо и очень полезно.

‘Bearing our burdens’ is challenging but most rewarding.

«Нести наше бремя» — это сложная задача, но наиболее полезная.

We are determined to provide all of our students with a rewarding, professional, and career-focused education of the very highest quality.

Мы полны решимости предоставить всем нашим студентам полезное, профессиональное и профессиональное образование самого высокого качества.

Baku European Games was very challenging and yet rewarding experience.

Европейские Игры в Баку стали очень серьезным, и все же полезным опытом.

It can be triggered by any rewarding activity, and if something is rewarding enough, the dopamine system will hijack the decision-making process.

Это может быть вызвано любой полезной деятельностью, если что-то окажется достаточно полезным, система дофамина будет препятствовать процессу адекватного принятия решений.

Those are the most exciting and rewarding aspects for me.

Для меня в них и состоит его самый захватывающий и вознаграждающий аспект.

One high-paying and rewarding job is an occupational therapist.

И ещё одна довольно популярная и высокооплачиваемая профессия — это терапевт.

Those meetings were most interesting and rewarding.

Эти встречи были одними из самых интересных и познавательных.

The life in those centres is creative and rewarding.

I have always had difficulty with rewarding myself.

У меня всегда были проблемы с тем, чтобы похвалить себя.

It is very rewarding and engaging.

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rewarding — перевод на русский


This little lady has lost a necklace worth $100,000, and she offers a thousand dollars’ reward for its return. 2,000.

Эта юная леди потеряла ожерелье стоимостью 100,000 долларов… и она даст в награду 1,000 долларов тому, кто его вернет.

From the gracious hand of Lady Marian Fitzwalter, you’ll receive your reward.

Вы получите награду из рук прекрасной леди Марианны Фитцуолтер.

Then the young man is certainly entitled to his reward.

Значит, молодой человек заслужил свою награду.

I bought him the loveliest little sweater as a reward.

В награду я купила ему симпатичный свитерок.

-l figured you were after the reward. -Reward?


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This is my reward.

Вот мое вознаграждение.

You don’t think we’re after that penny-ante reward?

А ты думал, после чего объявлено такое нешуточное вознаграждение?

The reward.


The reward.


I’d offer a reward or something.

— Может, предложить вознаграждение?

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You will be generously rewarded.

Вы будете щедро вознаграждены.

You’ll be suitably rewarded.

— Да. Вы будете подобающе вознаграждены.

We ask that our efforts be rewarded.

Мы просим, чтобы наши усилия были вознаграждены.

Then you will be well rewarded.

Тогда вы будете достойно вознаграждены.

And the righteous will be rewarded but the wicked will be punished for eternity.

И праведники будут вознаграждены, нечестивые же будут наказаны навечно.

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So, to reward the little Raymond…

Итак, чтобы наградить маленького Раймона…

As long as I can remember, you’ve talked about giving the people their rights as if you could make them a present of liberty as a reward for services rendered.

Помнится, ты обещал бороться за их права. Дать им в подарок свободу, наградить по достоинству.

I have no reward for you, but …

Мне нечем тебя наградить, но…

I thought if we nurse him back to health, he may reward us.

Я подумал, что если мы его вылечим, то он может нас наградить. — Постой. Я не понял.

You’re gonna reward George… and destroy Charlie.

Вы собираетесь наградить Джорджа… и уничтожить Чарли.

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You saved my life, and I need to reward you.

Ты спас мне жизнь, я должна вознаградить тебя.

He’s coming. You must reward him Sire.

Вы должны вознаградить его, сир.

That is true. And you have been promised great rewards for your assistance.

И мы обещали щедро вознаградить тебя за твою помощь.

Your heritage would help solidify my claim, and in return, I could give you power, real power to control the lives of millions of people to reward your friends, punish your enemies.

Твое происхождение поможет мне укрепить мою власть, а взамен я дам тебе могущество, настоящее могущество. Ты сможешь управлять жизнью миллионов людей, вознаградить друзей, покарать врагов.

He wants to reward you.

Он хочет вознаградить вас.

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You kill for your master and are rewarded. I kill and am condemned.

ты убиваешь для своего господина — и тебя награждают, я убиваю — и меня проклинают.

The man is a coward and he’s being rewarded.

Этот человек трус, а его за это награждают.

And you train the pigeon to peck at a ship and every time it does it’s rewarded with grain.

И вы тренируете голубя клевать корабль и каждый раз, когда он это делает его награждают зерном.

Why we cheat our friends Why we reward our enemies. Why we go to war

Почему обманывают друзей, награждают врагов, воюют.

They reward the people who draw first blood.

Награждают тех, кто первым пролил кровь врага.

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Well, I love you too but what makes me go on is to know he’ll return and that I’ll make him suffer and I’ll hurt him and I’m betraying him, but…this brings me small rewards.

Да, я тоже тебя люблю, но во мне живёт надежда, что он вернётся, и я заставлю его страдать, испытывать боль, предам его, но… это отчасти вознаграждает меня.

Yes, this is how His Majesty rewards those who fight for him as gentlemen.

Да, так Его Величество вознаграждает тех кто сражаются за него, как джентльмены.

Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence.

Эволюция не всегда вознаграждает разумность

God rewards the good and he punishes the corrupt.

Бог вознаграждает хороших, и наказывает недостойных.

He will richly reward any ruler wise enough to ally himself with the House of Rahl.

Он щедро вознаграждает любого, кто присягнёт Дому РАлов.

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And 10 yellow tickets bring the reward of a beautiful Bible.

А за 10 желтых можно получить награду — прекрасно изданную библию.

Where would the slave go but to Aella’s castle to be rewarded for his treachery?

–аб пойдет в замок јэллы , чтобы получить награду за предательство.

But… you’ll have to reward me.

Но… я должен получить награду.

… Couldkilltheemperor and be rewarded, not punished?

… могсвалитьсяснеба,убитьимператора и вместо того, чтобы быть наказанным, получить награду?

You’re trying to catch him yourself, aren’t you? For the reward.

Вы хотите его сами поймать и получить награду, так?

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As a reward to you for your great victory we shall not send him back to the galleys.

В качестве награды за великую победу мы не вернем его на галеры.

As a reward for showing you the road, show me your handsome face.

В качестве награды… покажи мне своё привлекательное лицо.

I want 50 million as the reward.

Я хочу 50 миллионов в качестве награды.

Should I buy them as a reward?

Может купить в качестве награды?

Many years ago, God gave antlers to the camel… as a reward for the goodness of its heart.

Много лет назад, Бог дал рога верблюду… в качестве награды за совершенство его сердца

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You should be shunning this woman, not rewarding her with gifts.

Вы должны избегать этой женщины, а не поощрять её подарками.

If anything, they should be rewarded.

Если уж на то пошло, нужно это поощрять.

What? When kids do good, you gotta reward them.

Когда дети правильно поступают, их надо поощрять.

Why should I reward EB with some small fractional participation in the claim?

Зачем мне его поощрять небольшой долей собственности в золотоносном участке?

And when do we stop rewarding it?

И когда мы закончим поощрять это?

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The Straight Story is not a movie that will appeal to everybody’s tastes, but most with enough patience and open-mindedness to watch this unorthodox drama will find it unusually rewarding.


«Right now it’s being used more for crisis management than rewarding positive feedback, but that can create a deeper relationship with the most loyal customer.»


Your guidance and involvement are essential to help ensure that children have a safe and rewarding online experience.


This is not an easy job, but it is a deeply rewarding one.


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I’m still terrible (you might have caught my swing-and-a-miss on Instagram stories over the weekend), but we had a lot of fun together and it reminded me how rewarding it is to try new things.


Sharing the joys and frustrations of parenthood can be very rewarding and can even intensify your romantic feelings for each other.


But honestly, the most rewarding experience comes every evening.


You might find that doing one hard thing leads to your doing other «hard things» that are both personally and professionally rewarding


The result is a less stressful, more rewarding experience for everyone involved.


But the smart additions on the gameplay side make BioShock 2 rewarding in a different way, while those who want to know more about Andrew Ryan’s underwater city will find just enough to make the return trip worthwhile.


You’ll get a much more positive and rewarding experience.


An incomparable book for anyone interested in greatly expanding their knowledge and personal power, and deeply rewarding for those fascinated with the endless ancient accounts of extraterrestrial influences.


Thanks a million and please keep up the rewarding work.


It takes energy to build and a commitment to keep it going, but ultimately it can be very rewarding.


A delightful and rewarding village to explore on foot, Wilderswil is also the perfect base from which to experience the beauty of the Jungfrau region via numerous hiking routes, to visit the bustling city of Interlaken and its neighbouring lakes, Thun and Brienz, or simply to relax and be inspired by the village’s breath-taking scenery.


Seeing the interaction with the family is very rewarding.


However, while city building and resource management are fun and rewarding as you watch your settlements grow, the story doesn’t go to interesting places and the combat scenarios become mundane after a couple of missions.


Moving up in price usually results in this style of headphone since it truly does offer a unique and rewarding listening experience.


My focus today, is to get into medical sales either capital equipment where I have excellent knowledge with or medical devices where I believe would be not only exciting but highly rewarding!


In my experience I have developed a great respect for people who seek to improve their lives through psychotherapy, a process which can be very challenging and very rewarding.


Postdoc research jobs in Australia can be intellectually and financially rewarding, but competition is fierce.


As rewarding as anything else, though, is taking care of our senior patients and helping them to a long, happy life.


I am with you that growth investing, if done well, is probably more rewarding.


Video game publishers are turning their attention towards digital preorder incentives more than ever these days in order to provide a cost-efficient way of rewarding players for reserving upcoming titles.


Your relocation to Norfolk will be easier and more rewarding if you seek help from a qualified team of VA cleaners.


As for the most rewarding part, that’s pretty easy.


Provided one practices with integrity, it will be the most rewarding career you could ever embark upon, he says.


The game features a lengthy and rewarding career mode that can be enjoyed with friends.


My time in the navy was undoubtedly one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.


What has been the most challenging yet rewarding case you have worked on in your career so far, and why?


You need to make the bath a positive and rewarding experience for both of you.


By «ideal», I mean having those characteristics that make its objectives, efforts and results hugely satisfying and rewarding for customers, those working for such a business, its suppliers and in the interests… [more]


Experience-wise though, I think interacting with readers, working with the Shonen Jump team here as well as working closely with our counterparts in Japan has been the most rewarding.


A 2013 ruling in Wilson v. Solis Mexican Foods Ltd sets a new precedent, paving the way for employees to pursue human rights claims in court where the financial outcome can be largely unpredictable and inconsistent — yet rewarding.


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Beyond that you also unlock a new Challenge mode for each of the game’s main missions, making them supremely tough and very rewarding, plus a new, specific challenge every day of the week.


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Robert & Aimee believe that in addition to being personally rewarding, collecting art and supporting art organizations and their related activities is an important civic responsibility.


«Pet therapy is a very rewarding activity that almost anyone can participate in.


In the Fall Unity Woods newsletter, I spoke about the importance of curiosity and a sense of adventure as key elements in developing a long lasting and rewarding yoga practice.


As hard as it was, it was creative, rewarding work, and somehow we managed to get it all done on time.


We’re here to give you and your pets a rewarding long-term partnership, and understand that your pet is part of your family.


Evelyn’s grade had gone from a 60 percent to an 85 percent, but the real changes that I saw in her were much more rewarding than an improved grade point average — she was engaged in learning, taking risks, and working harder than she had once believed she could.


That close bond that we form is what makes life with our companions so rewarding, but it is also what makes letting go so complicated.


The Legislature over the years has sweetened benefit packages as a way of rewarding teachers or other workers.


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Tyler’s account of helping her shell-shocked father fill in the blanks from his military service — surely the source of his sudden, verbally abusive rages — is frank, compassionate, and rewarding.


Assistance with turning your expertise and knowledge as an author into a rewarding and profitable complementary career as a speaker or consultant


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word rewarding, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use rewarding in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «rewarding».

Rewarding in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word rewarding in a sentence.

  1. But it is rewarding, breathlessly so.

  2. His works are rewarding in every way.

  3. The experience was exhausting for Pei, but also rewarding.

  4. The work at Siding Spring was rewarding, but it could also be dangerous.

  5. A supporting role in Kamal Haasan’s bilingual film Hey Ram proved more rewarding.

  6. She added that many skaters found figures and their visible results calming and rewarding.

  7. Rosas was generous to those Indians who surrendered, rewarding them with animals and goods.

  8. The experience was rewarding for Pei, and he agreed immediately to work with the group again.

  9. That doesn’t take away from the strong foundation that makes NBA 2K a fun and rewarding time.

  10. Sellers later claimed that his relationship with Kubrick became one of the most rewarding of his career.

  11. Trevor-Roper’s most widely read and financially rewarding book was titled The Last Days of Hitler (1947).

  12. Acquiring these medals increases a player’s «Honor level», rewarding them with free loot boxes over time.

  13. While rewarding, it has sometimes been described as «ruthless» due to the pressure on the individual player.

  14. McCain later stated that being commanding officer of VA-174 was the most rewarding assignment of his naval career.

  15. Lin said that eliminating toxicity was an unrealistic goal, and the focus should be on rewarding good player behavior.

  16. Burgess’s second period at Eton, between 1927 and 1930, was largely rewarding and successful, both academically and socially.

  17. Here, the work was interesting and rewarding, with sufficient time to allow him to travel and pursue his geographical interests.

  18. Nick Suttner of 1UP called the game a «cognitively rewarding, expertly designed puzzle experience that truly plays like nothing else».

  19. GameSpot and IGN praised the campaign as a lengthy and rewarding adventure and appreciated the minimum 20 hours required to complete the game.

  20. He also endorsed the privatisation of unprofitable state railways and denounced tariff protection as rewarding inefficiency and non-innovation.

  21. The vocalization, described as a distinct «chirping», has been likened to laughter, and is interpreted as an expectation of something rewarding.

  22. Hunting in shallow water has also been found to be more rewarding, with water depth less than 0.6 metres (2.0 ft) having the highest success rate.

  23. A supporting role in Siddharth Malhotra’s We Are Family, an official adaptation of the Hollywood tearjerker Stepmom (1998), proved more rewarding.

  24. Until the middle of the 20th century, pallid sturgeon were common and anglers found catching such a large fish in fresh water a rewarding experience.

  25. GameZone’s Tom Dann also felt frustrated by the ship maneuvering mechanics, though he concluded that they «can also be rewarding and entertaining».

  26. Stanley Kauffmann of The New Republic wrote, «its story is simple almost to the point of banality, it is rewarding if taken as a dramatized documentary».

  27. By the time puppies are weaned, they should have learned that the company of people is pleasurable, and that responding to cues from a person is rewarding.

  28. IGN appreciated Bloodlines’ rewarding exploration outside the main story, and the New York Times and GameSpy praised its «wonderfully imaginative» missions.

  29. The development team designed the online multiplayer component to be balanced and rewarding for new players while still offering something for experienced players.

  30. Army as an effective, successful, and hard-driving commander, punishing subordinates for the slightest infractions but also rewarding them when they performed well.

  31. In 1952 the LPO negotiated a five-year contract with Decca Records, which was unusually rewarding for the orchestra, giving it a 10 per cent commission on most sales.

  32. Not only were they highly rewarding both artistically and financially, but he did not have to grapple with the administrative problems of promoting concerts in Paris.

  33. Whitehead said that stealth was not as directly rewarding as combat, citing difficulty in controlling Batman at close quarters and the inconsistent contextual actions.

  34. The government weakened the military by rewarding Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, and Zhang Jun (1086–1154) with titles that relieved them of their command over the Song armies.

  35. Shortly following its release, Tony Fletcher wrote in Newsweek that it is one of the album’s «instantly rewarding songs» and that Bono’s vocals show «genuine tenderness».

  36. However, some activities like reading novels that require long focused attention-spans and don’t feature ongoing rewarding stimulation may become more challenging in general.

  37. Flea, however, began to feel the repercussions of touring causing the band to set up concerts that were less strenuous, and consequently less financially rewarding, for them.

  38. Approach-avoidance conflict happens when a situation is presented that can either be rewarding or punishing, and the ensuing decision-making has been associated with anxiety.

  39. Zappa’s earliest professional recordings, two soundtracks for the low-budget films The World’s Greatest Sinner (1962) and Run Home Slow (1965) were more financially rewarding.

  40. The entire experience of working on Flower Drum Song was rewarding in many ways, not the least of which was that it convinced me that I had overcome all traces of my depression.

  41. They wanted the game to be rewarding and challenging, rather than frustrating; to this end they included infinite lives, quick restarts of levels, obvious goals, and short levels.

  42. Olivier did not enjoy working in film, which he dismissed as «this anaemic little medium which could not stand great acting», but financially it was much more rewarding than his theatre work.

  43. Eurogamer’s Tom Bramwell concurred: «As a ‘pick-up-and-play’ sort of game, THUG is endlessly rewarding once you get your head round the basics, and it’s the best entry point for the series to date».

  44. Weingarten wrote that the album is «nowhere near as incisive, infectious or rewarding as their best work», but is «still an important step forward into an era of big moods and short attention spans».

  45. Richards later said he found the challenge musically rewarding but resented Jones for his unprofessional attitude when the band were under extreme pressure to record and maintain a hectic touring schedule.

  46. But teachers recognized his ability and encouraged his intellectual pursuits, and his rewarding experience with academic studies led him to believe that he could use his knowledge to empower African Americans.

  47. Italian chef and restaurateur Antonio Carluccio has described it as representing «the wild mushroom par excellence», and hails it as the most rewarding of all fungi in the kitchen for its taste and versatility.

Synonyms for rewarding

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word rewarding has the following synonyms: appreciated, gratifying, pleasing, satisfying, bountied, profitable, profit-making, rewardable and rewardful.

General information about «rewarding» example sentences

The example sentences for the word rewarding that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «rewarding» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «rewarding».

Most donors see giving as personally rewarding.
Многие дарители рассматривают пожертвования как собственное вознаграждение.

It’s what’s rewarding to you.
Это то, что полезно вам.

Rewarding bankers for short-term results, even when those results are subsequently reversed, produces incentives to take excessive risks.
Награждение банкиров за краткосрочные результаты, даже если эти результаты затем аннулировались, порождает стимул брать на себя чрезмерный риск.

Its record has been rewarding to those who have placed their faith in it.
Те, кто в нее поверил, были вознаграждены результатами ее деятельности.

Indeed, one recent study found that spending money on others is more rewarding than spending it on oneself.
Действительно, недавние исследования показали, что тратить деньги на других даже более полезно, чем расходовать их на себя.

Is God punishing me or rewarding me, or is this the roll of the dice?
Бог наказывает меня или вознаграждает, или это как бросок игральной кости?

This diversity of interests and capabilities can easily impede substantive cooperation, but it can also make such cooperation far more rewarding.
Это разнообразие интересов и способностей легко может помешать реальному сотрудничеству, но оно может также сделать такое сотрудничество гораздо более полезным.

Both were times that were to prove spectacularly rewarding for those who had the patience.
Оба этих периода могли принести щедрое вознаграждение тем, кто обладал терпением.

Without skills, people find themselves locked out of productive, rewarding economic activities, leaving them unable to meet their needs for housing, healthcare and nutrition.
Без навыков люди оказываются отстраненными от продуктивных и полезных экономических действий, что делает их неспособными удовлетворить свои потребности в жилье, здравоохранении и пище.

Rewarding successful ventures is the basic idea of capitalism — a dynamic process that Joseph Schumpeter called «creative destruction.»
Вознаграждение успешных предприятий есть основополагающая идея капитализма — динамический процесс, который Йозеф Шумпетер назвал «созидательным разрушением».

This rule serves to curb inflationary demand pressure while preventing elected officials from squandering the country’s riches on politically rewarding but economically wasteful projects.
Это правило служит для того, чтобы сдерживать давление инфляционного спроса, и в то же время не давать выборным чиновникам растрачивать богатства страны на полезные для политиков, но экономически разорительные проекты.

And that begins with making sure the U.S. government itself isn’t rewarding such companies with contracts.»
А начинать надо с требований о том, чтобы правительство США само не вознаграждало такие компании контрактами».

It is a rewarding experience, one that gives me great hope for ultimate success in resolving global problems such as poverty, environmental threats, and violent conflict.
Это полезный опыт, дающий мне большую надежду на полный успех в решении таких глобальных проблем, как бедность, экологические угрозы и вооруженные конфликты.

Parties noted the need to find a balance between rewarding innovators and greatly scaling up technology diffusion and transfer.
Стороны указали на необходимость нахождения сбалансированности между вознаграждением, выплачиваемым изобретателям, и значительным расширением масштабов распространения и передачи технологий.

Decent work — promoted by the International Labor Organization since 1999 – means productive, rewarding, and secure jobs that provide safe working conditions, fair income, and social protection for the employed and their families.
Порядочная работа – к которой с 1999 года призывает Международная организация труда – означает продуктивные, полезные и безопасные рабочие места, которые могут обеспечить безопасные условия работы, справедливый доход и социальную защиту для рабочих и их семей.

In his book Rewarding Work, Edmund S. Phelps emphasized the fundamental importance of maintaining a “place in society – a calling.”
В книге «Вознаграждающий труд» Эдмунд Фелпс подчёркивает фундаментальную важность сохранения своего «места в обществе, призвания».

In those industries where insurance is a big enough factor to affect earnings, a study of these ratios and a discussion of them with informed insurance people can be unusually rewarding to the investor.
В отраслях, где издержки страхования достаточно велики и влияют на доход, анализ таких соотношений и обсуждение их с информированными специалистами могут оказаться очень полезными для инвестора.

This can continue for a time, rewarding unproductive investments and aspiring oligarch-speculators who presume that the Fed has eliminated risk.
Это может продолжаться некоторое время, вознаграждая непродуктивные инвестиции и амбициозных олигархов-спекулянтов, которые полагают, что ФРС устранила риск.

But this long, arduous but rewarding journey will become a bit easier, a bit faster, if the international community extends all the assistance that Afghanistan requires in keeping with the priorities and preferences expressed by the Afghan people.
Однако этот длинный и трудный, но полезный поход станет немного легче, немного короче, если международное сообщество будет оказывать Афганистану всю ту помощь, в какой он нуждается, согласно устанавливаемым афганским народом приоритетам и выражаемым им предпочтениям.

Management should serve notice to employees, senior and junior alike, that the days of rewarding unapproved risky trading activity are gone.
Руководство должно официально предупреждать всех сотрудников, независимо от ранга, что дни вознаграждений за неодобренный рискованный трейдинг прошли.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

About 5597 results found using ‘REWARDING’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • Her current job in Beijing, she says, is challenging, rewarding and interesting.  (open, save, copy)

  • Sorting out my thoughts onto the small yellow lined pad was strangely rewarding.  (open, save, copy)

  • Now they’re rewarding companies that took serious steps to address the problems.  (open, save, copy)

  • It was as if he were rewarding himself in advance for some proud accomplishment.  (open, save, copy)

  • Savvy employers are making sure workers are trained and rewarding them properly.  (open, save, copy)

  • He and his wife, Sue, have found patrol work rewarding over the last five years.  (open, save, copy)

  • Helping them is much more rewarding than writing a politically motivated letter.  (open, save, copy)

  • Rigorous efforts on the home front this morning will be effective and rewarding.  (open, save, copy)

  • Of course, his last two years haven’t been as rewarding as the Rose Bowl season.  (open, save, copy)

Define ‘rewarding’:

  • rewarding is present participle form of reward

    1. Make a gift of something to (someone) in recognition of their services, efforts, or achievements
    2. Show one’s appreciation of (an action or quality) by making a gift
    3. Receive what one deserves
    1. Providing satisfaction; gratifying

Web Definitions for ‘rewarding’:

  1. Honor: bestow honor or rewards upon; «Today we honor our soldiers»; «The scout was rewarded for courageous action» [source]
  2. Wages: a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing; «the wages of sin is death»; «virtue is its own reward» [source]
  3. Payment made in return for a service rendered [source]
  4. Reinforce: strengthen and support with rewards; «Let’s reinforce good behavior» [source]
  5. Act or give recompense in recognition of someone’s behavior or actions [source]
  6. An act performed to strengthen approved behavior [source]
  7. The following is a complete list of episodes for the 1980s television series Dynasty, in broadcast order. [source]
  8. In neuroscience, the reward system is a collection of brain structures which attempts to regulate and control behavior by inducing pleasurable effects. [source]
  9. Reward, also known as Williams Point Farm, is a historic home located at Shelltown, Somerset County, Maryland, United States. It is a one and one-half story, gable-front brick dwelling with a steep gable roof with two diamond shaped chimney stacks piercing the east slope of the roof. … [source]

Synonyms for ‘rewarding’:


  • requite
    , recompense
    , remunerate
    , repay
    , compensate
    , award
    , guerdon
    , pay


  • remuneration
    , recompense
    , prize
    , requital
    , premium
    , payment
    , award
    , meed
    , retribution
    , compensation

Translate ‘rewarding’ in :

Native speakers pronounce  ‘rewarding’:



- вознаграждающий
- разг. стоящий, полезный

rewarding book — книга, которую стоит прочитать /на которую не жаль потратить время/

Мои примеры


a rewarding career as a paramedic — успешная карьера в качестве фельдшера  
an excursive story line that some readers of Melville’s novel find very rewarding — изобилующая авторскими отступлениями сюжетная линия, которая некоторым читателям романа Мелвилла покажется очень стоящей  
profitable / rewarding occupation — доходная профессия  
due rewarding — надлежащее поощрение  
rewarding experience — вознаграждающий опыт  
be rewarding — оправдывать себя  
rewarding field — благодарный материал  
rewarding mechanism — система вознаграждений  
rewarding target — выгодная цель  
self rewarding — являющийся собственным вознаграждением  
self-rewarding — являющийся собственным вознаграждением  
the effort will be rewarding — усилия будут вознаграждёны; вознаграждать усилия  

Примеры с переводом

Her work is financially rewarding.

Ее работа хорошо оплачивается.

Teaching is challenging but rewarding work.

Работа учителя очень нелёгкая, но она того стоит.

Teaching young children is a challenging and rewarding job.

Обучение маленьких детей — трудная и приносящая глубокое удовлетворение работа.

It was a richly rewarding relationship.

Это были чрезвычайно страстные отношения.

Teaching can be very rewarding, but there’s no money in it.

Преподавательская работа может приносить много счастья, но денег этим не заработаешь.

Teaching can be a very rewarding career.

Иногда профессия преподавателя приносит глубокое внутреннее удовлетворение.

He decided at a fairly young age that there is no more rewarding career than that of an educator.

В довольно молодом возрасте он решил, что нет на свете работы более стоящей, чем работа педагога.

Melanie finds her work exciting and rewarding.

Мелани считает свою работу интересной и полезной.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…pursued a rewarding career providing medical care to poor children in rural areas…

…one fruit of your faithfulness in carrying out your duties will be more rewarding responsibilities…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

reward  — награда, вознаграждение, воздаяние, вознаграждать, награждать

If it hadn’t been for that, their relationship was becoming rewarding

of waking up much more rewarding

The sexual relief with another soul was rewarding in its way, but no better than Ava when she was in the mood

Danny found virtual reality far more rewarding than the unnecessary and irksome chores that comprised all manual forms of familial communication

It was obvious to Alexei that the Queen was rewarding her Captain for his remarkable duties

It is very rewarding feeling I am making a difference to someone and the nuns do such good work there with the poor women

If it is particularly rewarding then learn to be content with it but

6) Active participation should be rewarding but since it not necessarily is it

exact revenge if he could – rescinding favours or rewarding

It was so very much more satisfying and rewarding than to be held up to public approbation

It was grueling but very rewarding

Harry headed home after the most rewarding turn of events of the day, and that evening instead of the meager portions to which he was habituated, he treated himself to supper out

Caring for the children of their closest friends was quite satisfactory and rewarding enough

I found hosting an international student was a rewarding experience for both families and students

While it hasn’t been too rewarding for me so far in the monetary sense; in the sense of meeting a lot of different Saudi Arabian students it’s been very rewarding because I have met a great number of students, who are all very nice, more than I was hoping to meet before I actually got a student to live in my house

at the top is as rewarding as this was

I’m living in a nice home with a fine man in a great neighborhood and have two interesting and rewarding careers going

“Did I miss something? When did you go from despising the dark arts to shopping in a store dedicated to it?” Her startled reaction was rewarding

Being able to call upon what she learned in passing through such halls of preservation and ancient knowledge was an impossibly rewarding feeling now, despite everything

Dreaming that you are making a self-sacrifice means that you need to eliminate certain aspects of your life and make time and space for more productive and rewarding experiences

In other words, an autotelic activity is intrinsically rewarding in the present, whereas you usually perform other activities with an eye to future benefit

you will create a rewarding outcome» the

As such, hypnotic regressions may yield very rewarding results to their subjects

have a fulfilling and rewarding life

a rewarding relationship, and a long friendship building out of that

Why is it that movie fare nowadays leaves nothing to the imagination in the realms of sex and violence? It would seem a more rewarding engagement for the viewer to be only nudged toward extrapolating or interpolating his or her own denouement

that they would have a successful and rewarding life on shore

The Community has been held hostage by the custodial promises of Big Government whose convincing arguments have superceded the enterprising values and ideas that many of them would otherwise find appealing, if not economically rewarding, were they not held politically captive by their tempting designs

Although it may be personally rewarding to see one‘s child financially secure, it is equally, (if not more so), important that that child develops into a model citizen, an example for others to follow, a kind and thoughtful human being, considerate of others and of sound (moral) character, an individual who serves his or her family, friends and the community in which he or she lives and works, with distinction

‖ Competition, properly channeled, was/is intended to be ―ruthless‖, rewarding the talented and industrious above the ordinary and idle

Truly, that Holy Week became for me not only spiritually beneficial and rewarding, but also humanly enjoyable and busy

They think we are rewarding their fearful behavior! That means that they are doing the

rewarding the very thing that we dislike and sometimes ignore the very behavior that

Be certain that you’re acknowledging and rewarding what you do want in a timely

” He and his supporters claimed the two were rewarding their followers with government offices

For doctors and nurses, this was the hardest and most rewarding ward to work on

Being minimally intrusive, it is clear that God can neither eradicate evil nor even be sure to have it properly punished, while rewarding good in any kind of obvious way

So, for me, it is both challenging and rewarding

Despite all the spiritual teachings, I have always been pragmatic and doubted clairvoyance, and the gift was unexpected but rewarding

In the grander scheme of things, Suzy hadn’t paid him much attention during the last few years unless he was rewarding her or showering her with gifts

It’s a job that is challenging and rewarding and there is always a new challenge

of helping children and adults learn basic education can be very rewarding

to reason that a life review would be most rewarding when one’s effects on others had been

While the insane person considers a life spiritually rewarding that involves sharing, a sane person thinks of him/herself and their choices are based on self-importance

rewarding present to a turbulent past that was decisive in producing that remunerated present

For Roger who loves nature in general and mountains in particular, that sunrise in the Alps was a meaningful and rewarding invitation to appreciate genuine life and all that nature has to offer

He chose to speak about her with nostalgic feelings in their presence, to condemn Agatha and the homosexual therapist for the invasion of their home and the cruel disruption of their secure and rewarding lives, and to shower Chad and Manuel with extra attention to reassure them of his love

Roger did not dare to trust her, at least not yet, for her behavior the last three or four months was still bothering him intensely, though Chad and Manuel’s two weeks rewarding and memorable vacation with him had some pacifying effects

The trip that Roger made with Suni and Carlos in the summer of 1983 was so salutary and rewarding that, when he was interviewed on the radio in Ponferrada, he made the promise to the listening public that he would return every year to his native region of El Bierzo “to recapture his youth”

The first “Semester in Spain”, sponsored by Los Angeles City College, was indeed a positive educational experience and an academically rewarding adventure for the students who chose to take full advantage of the opportunities offered to them during the six-week stay in Salamanca and eleven weeks in Madrid, and a one-week tour of southern Spain

will ensure that living alone can be truly rewarding

This can be one of the most rewarding experiences at work and as such I

This can be one of the most rewarding experiences at work and as such I strongly

My 19th year with the Park Companies was rewarding in two respects: I enjoyed helping Roy, Jr

The captive Shiganzhu I interviewed told me that they are rewarding people for breeding in Venak

be rewarding to bypass the place that we pillaged and block their avenue of escape

“We often hear they have a much more rewarding and interesting job as a result of the program,” he says

Teaching ESL in a foreign country is an exciting and rewarding job

However, the results are far more rewarding

Watching her rip into someone was only mildly rewarding because we knew that she’d

realized that it was much more rewarding to spy or dig up dirt on Harry and tell me

I felt it was GOD rewarding me for not being selfish, and showing the world that it is GOD, not me that is so amazing! Though we all are truly amazing! God IS the one who is responsible for this book!

Trading Relative Strength Index strategies involves simple strategies which if followed can be rewarding for the trader

I felt it was GOD rewarding me for not being selfish, and showing the world that

It was exciting and rewarding

interesting and the work rewarding

A dozen years later it had become more than pleasant; it was just as rewarding, more secure, and very much better paid

Most teachers cope with the fear of losing control and being asked questions they can’t answer by rewarding obsequiousness and punishing individuality, turning their charges into the sort of lick-spittle employees most employers want

I hope they’ll be popular, but one thing for sure: it’s been rewarding to give an older book a second life

The next time it was slower, more deliberate, more centred on the desires of their lovers and therefore even more rewarding

To build life-long relationships that are rewarding and satisfying for everyone has been a conscious, deliberate effort to obtain the exuberance you feel in this card

She found the job very interesting and rewarding as she was good with people and a great communicator


There are no riches more rewarding

forcement or their own access to the rewarding environment as in the learned

Although losing a number of pounds can already be rewarding, treating yourself for your favorite meal, going out with your friends, or buying something new, can provide you with more motivation to continue doing the things that helped you lose weight

Once he sees how rewarding it is to be with you, he would be ready to listen to you

She had tried teaching adults at community colleges, and that was rewarding work, but those jobs were all part time, with each class a separate contract for a set low fee

It was too easy if she searched her whole career, as over so many years there had of course been rewarding moments

Most cats learn to enjoy the grooming process, and this can be a rewarding interaction between you and your pet as well

«Moscow is infinitely better, more rewarding than these ghettoes of ideologically warped pursuers of the Imperialist dollar

“It’s been fun and rewarding, but I guess I should step down before I need those workers to help me out

I thank you for being here and I hope that you will find the experience rewarding

The reward is health, a happy life, one that’s full of fitness of your body and your mind and one that’s rewarding to you

I have a rewarding proposition for you!”

It really is rewarding!

tion and the rewarding of innovation

This is most rewarding because when we give to others we also find we are giving to ourselves

She imagined how it felt when Sam reached his peak, filling her with jets of scorching heat as he thrust even harder, determined to wring every ounce of gratification from her that she could give him, rewarding her with multiple orgasms as she panted and fought for breath

This is only another instance of rewarding incompetence

In addition, keep rewarding

themselves with the so-called «rewarding with blessing» advocated by ① Li Hongzhi,

This is why I could attract the very best and it was always rewarding and fun!

repairs and renovations; this also refers to spending money on finding leads and rewarding those who help you find the leads you need for your business

  • Use the word Rewarding in a sentences

Sentence Examples

He worked in German films before coming to the United States in 1920 to look for more rewarding work as a stage actor.

Then for a time, we can hope for a rich, rewarding peace.

I’m rewarding you for betraying your friends.

All I want to do is anticipate History and do a little of the rewarding myself.

Well, that’s sometimes rewarding.

The praise of a teacher is really rewarding.

Coming from you is very rewarding.

It’s light work, and very rewarding.

The congress was very rewarding.

Then you won’t mind rewarding my generosity and wit… with a kiss?

May your days in this house be as rich and rewarding as hers.

It’s highly rewarding, seen from a professional point of view.

My dear Colonel, thank you for a most rewarding evening.

My three fellow members of the Pickwick club, after many adventures in the cause of enlightenment, adventures which I think I may say were victorious, are now embarked upon an adventure which I am sure will prove to be even more felicitous and rewarding than any that they have embarked on here before.

Sir Lancelot, when this land was in need and peril… you gave service in its cause that ill deserves rewarding by a headman’s ax.

They think you’re rewarding me an honor.

I think you will see this one, Master. You might find it rewarding.

The study of flowers can be very rewarding.

It folded, I was stranded so I put my agility to a more rewarding purpose.

Oratory, Demosthenes, is a noble profession, and, I am told, a rewarding one. How humble is your home, Aeschenes?

Its been a very rewarding day.

«Consistent with the policy of rewarding merit

«Consistent with the policy of rewarding merit… Mr. Edward Mobley will be tendered the position of Managing Editor of the New York Sentinel. «

I’m too old and weary to be rewarding.

Today has been really rewarding, I’m really happy.


If she’s dead it’s because he loves her so well that he’s chosen her to be his handmaiden. He’s rewarding, not punishing her. But we thought we were stronger than he is.

Before i welcome them, may i wish you a happy birthday, my dear, and hope that the next 26 years will be equally rewarding.

That’s a rewarding topic.

Yes, we must admit that in Italy a dog’s life is a lot more frivolous and much less rewarding.

I’m gonna find young people and talk to them about clean-living and how rewarding that can be, boy.

It’s been… a rewarding experience to watch a great artist at work.

I waltz just enough to comply with tradition then I sneak off to more rewarding activities.

Such a prize as you is worth rewarding these men for your recapture.


They should be most rewarding. General, if…

But it’s also a great and rewarding business.

For you, Princess, it is your best chance for a rewarding life.

On behalf of the International Peace Games Commission, we wish you a safe and rewarding journey.

Dear artists… You never had a more rewarding and involved audience.

With proper rehabilitation, there is every reason to believe that the patient will adjust, be useful and yes, have a rewarding life as a paraplegic.

A warm, rewarding, meaningful friendship?

If you must know… I found her body quite rewarding.

And it is during this period, we have found the subject will make his most rewarding associations between his catastrophic experience, environment and the violence he sees.

Weightlifting, too, is rewarding.

Having a baby should be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. And Desert Valley does everything possible to make it so for you.

Miss Smith, I remind you that your violent overthrow-of-the-government, financially-rewarding songs really gives you a peculiar kind of freedom… to have your love-ins, to have your pot

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