Sentence with the word reward

reward — перевод на русский


This little lady has lost a necklace worth $100,000, and she offers a thousand dollars’ reward for its return. 2,000.

Эта юная леди потеряла ожерелье стоимостью 100,000 долларов… и она даст в награду 1,000 долларов тому, кто его вернет.

From the gracious hand of Lady Marian Fitzwalter, you’ll receive your reward.

Вы получите награду из рук прекрасной леди Марианны Фитцуолтер.

Then the young man is certainly entitled to his reward.

Значит, молодой человек заслужил свою награду.

I bought him the loveliest little sweater as a reward.

В награду я купила ему симпатичный свитерок.

-l figured you were after the reward. -Reward?


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This is my reward.

Вот мое вознаграждение.

You don’t think we’re after that penny-ante reward?

А ты думал, после чего объявлено такое нешуточное вознаграждение?

The reward.


The reward.


I’d offer a reward or something.

— Может, предложить вознаграждение?

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You will be generously rewarded.

Вы будете щедро вознаграждены.

You’ll be suitably rewarded.

— Да. Вы будете подобающе вознаграждены.

We ask that our efforts be rewarded.

Мы просим, чтобы наши усилия были вознаграждены.

Then you will be well rewarded.

Тогда вы будете достойно вознаграждены.

And the righteous will be rewarded but the wicked will be punished for eternity.

И праведники будут вознаграждены, нечестивые же будут наказаны навечно.

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So, to reward the little Raymond…

Итак, чтобы наградить маленького Раймона…

As long as I can remember, you’ve talked about giving the people their rights as if you could make them a present of liberty as a reward for services rendered.

Помнится, ты обещал бороться за их права. Дать им в подарок свободу, наградить по достоинству.

I have no reward for you, but …

Мне нечем тебя наградить, но…

I thought if we nurse him back to health, he may reward us.

Я подумал, что если мы его вылечим, то он может нас наградить. — Постой. Я не понял.

You’re gonna reward George… and destroy Charlie.

Вы собираетесь наградить Джорджа… и уничтожить Чарли.

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You saved my life, and I need to reward you.

Ты спас мне жизнь, я должна вознаградить тебя.

He’s coming. You must reward him Sire.

Вы должны вознаградить его, сир.

That is true. And you have been promised great rewards for your assistance.

И мы обещали щедро вознаградить тебя за твою помощь.

Your heritage would help solidify my claim, and in return, I could give you power, real power to control the lives of millions of people to reward your friends, punish your enemies.

Твое происхождение поможет мне укрепить мою власть, а взамен я дам тебе могущество, настоящее могущество. Ты сможешь управлять жизнью миллионов людей, вознаградить друзей, покарать врагов.

He wants to reward you.

Он хочет вознаградить вас.

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You kill for your master and are rewarded. I kill and am condemned.

ты убиваешь для своего господина — и тебя награждают, я убиваю — и меня проклинают.

The man is a coward and he’s being rewarded.

Этот человек трус, а его за это награждают.

And you train the pigeon to peck at a ship and every time it does it’s rewarded with grain.

И вы тренируете голубя клевать корабль и каждый раз, когда он это делает его награждают зерном.

Why we cheat our friends Why we reward our enemies. Why we go to war

Почему обманывают друзей, награждают врагов, воюют.

They reward the people who draw first blood.

Награждают тех, кто первым пролил кровь врага.

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Well, I love you too but what makes me go on is to know he’ll return and that I’ll make him suffer and I’ll hurt him and I’m betraying him, but…this brings me small rewards.

Да, я тоже тебя люблю, но во мне живёт надежда, что он вернётся, и я заставлю его страдать, испытывать боль, предам его, но… это отчасти вознаграждает меня.

Yes, this is how His Majesty rewards those who fight for him as gentlemen.

Да, так Его Величество вознаграждает тех кто сражаются за него, как джентльмены.

Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence.

Эволюция не всегда вознаграждает разумность

God rewards the good and he punishes the corrupt.

Бог вознаграждает хороших, и наказывает недостойных.

He will richly reward any ruler wise enough to ally himself with the House of Rahl.

Он щедро вознаграждает любого, кто присягнёт Дому РАлов.

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And 10 yellow tickets bring the reward of a beautiful Bible.

А за 10 желтых можно получить награду — прекрасно изданную библию.

Where would the slave go but to Aella’s castle to be rewarded for his treachery?

–аб пойдет в замок јэллы , чтобы получить награду за предательство.

But… you’ll have to reward me.

Но… я должен получить награду.

… Couldkilltheemperor and be rewarded, not punished?

… могсвалитьсяснеба,убитьимператора и вместо того, чтобы быть наказанным, получить награду?

You’re trying to catch him yourself, aren’t you? For the reward.

Вы хотите его сами поймать и получить награду, так?

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As a reward to you for your great victory we shall not send him back to the galleys.

В качестве награды за великую победу мы не вернем его на галеры.

As a reward for showing you the road, show me your handsome face.

В качестве награды… покажи мне своё привлекательное лицо.

I want 50 million as the reward.

Я хочу 50 миллионов в качестве награды.

Should I buy them as a reward?

Может купить в качестве награды?

Many years ago, God gave antlers to the camel… as a reward for the goodness of its heart.

Много лет назад, Бог дал рога верблюду… в качестве награды за совершенство его сердца

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You should be shunning this woman, not rewarding her with gifts.

Вы должны избегать этой женщины, а не поощрять её подарками.

If anything, they should be rewarded.

Если уж на то пошло, нужно это поощрять.

What? When kids do good, you gotta reward them.

Когда дети правильно поступают, их надо поощрять.

Why should I reward EB with some small fractional participation in the claim?

Зачем мне его поощрять небольшой долей собственности в золотоносном участке?

And when do we stop rewarding it?

И когда мы закончим поощрять это?

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Ingratitude is the world’s reward.

Что же, «неблагодарность — награда мира».

A $5000 reward was placed upon his head.

За его голову была назначена награда в 5 тыс. долл.

But as you know the reward isn’t what motivates us.

Но, как вы знаете, вознаграждение не является тем, что мотивирует нас.

Bounty is a reward offered by ICO creators for certain services.

Баунти (Bounty) — это вознаграждение, предлагаемое создателями ICO за определенные услуги.

He helps others without expecting payment or reward.

Он заботится о других, помогает без принуждения, не надеясь на плату или награду.

Everybody eventually gets his reward or punishment.

И в соответствии с ними в своё время каждый человек получает награду или наказание.

He said they have their reward.

Об этом говорит и то, что у них были свои награды.

The true hero needs no reward.

И в принципе думаю, что истинный герой не нуждается в какой-либо награде.

Often high risk equals high reward, but not every time.

Высокие риски, как правило, подразумевают большой объем вознаграждения, но это не всегда так.

We also seek so-called «reward» from food.

Мы также стремимся к получению так называемой «награды» от еды.

Do anything that they ask to make them think you deserve a reward.

Сделайте все, что они просят, чтобы заставить их думать, что вы заслуживаете награду.

Teachers have long said that success is its own reward.

Долгое время учителя говорили, что успех это уже награда сама по себе.

Juries only reward people they like.

Награды дают только тем, кто их желает.

Eternal life is not a reward for the good enough.

Вечная жизнь не является вознаграждением за то, что человек был достаточно хорошим.

I think that’s the biggest reward.

Я искренне считаю, что это величайшая награда».

So the reward is there, she said.

В этой награде есть и их заслуга», — сказал он.

The more you can help people, the greater the reward.

Чем больше он сможет дать людям, тем выше будет и его награда.

Slack users would argue that simplicity is its own reward.

Пользователи Slack будут утверждать, что простота — это его собственная награда.

Helping you achieve your goals is our greatest reward.

Достижение Ваших целей с Нашей помощью — это самая большая награда для Нас.

H5N1 may be our unexpected reward.

H5N1 может оказаться нашей нежданной «наградой».

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награда, вознаграждение, воздаяние, вознаграждать, награждать


- награда, вознаграждение

in reward for smth. — в награду за что-л.
a reward of valour [for a service] — награда за мужество [за услуги]
without hope of reward — без надежды на вознаграждение

- воздаяние; наказание

hanging was the reward for desertion — виселица ожидала всех дезертиров

- денежное вознаграждение, премия (за выдачу преступника, находку и т. п.)

a reward of fifty pounds — вознаграждение в размере пятидесяти фунтов
a reward for saving the child — награда за спасение ребёнка
to offer a reward for information about a stolen painting — предложить вознаграждение за информацию об украденной картине


- вознаграждать; воздавать должное

success has rewarded our efforts — наши усилия не пропали даром /увенчались успехом/
a magnificent view rewards the traveller — великолепный вид вознаграждает путешественника

- отплачивать; воздавать

is this how you reward me for my help? — так-то вы мне платите за мою помощь?

- давать награду или денежное вознаграждение

to reward a service — отблагодарить за услугу
to reward smb. for his valour — наградить кого-л. за мужество

- платить (жалованье и т. п.)

miners feel they are inadequately rewarded for the dangerous work they do — горняки считают недостаточным вознаграждение /-ой зарплату/, которое /-ую/ они получают за свой опасный труд

Мои примеры


a reward incommensurate with his effort — награда, несоизмеримая его стараниям  
to earn reward — получать вознаграждение  
to obtain a reward — получить награду  
just reward — справедливая награда  
tangible reward — материальное поощрение  
well-deserved reward — заслуженная награда  
to claim / reap / receive a reward — получать награду  
to offer / post a reward — представлять к награде  
to pay a reward — давать награду, награждать  
to single smb. out for praise / a reward — отметить кого-л. похвалой, наградой  
well-earned reward — заслуженная награда  

Примеры с переводом

Love is the reward for love.

Наградой за любовь является любовь.

She wanted to reward the cleaners for their efforts.

Она хотела вознаградить уборщиков за их усилия.

We rewarded him for finding our lost dog.

Мы отблагодарили его за то, что он нашёл нашу потерявшуюся собаку.

A reward of $20,000 has been offered.

Назначено вознаграждение в размере двадцати тысяч долларов.

Success brings its own rewards.

Успех приносит свои плоды.

The finder usually receives a reward.

Нашедший (клад) обычно получает вознаграждение.

To reward high performance, use bonuses.

Чтобы должным образом вознаградить высокие результаты работы, используйте премии.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the firefighters were rewarded by the city for their heroic actions…

…offered a bounteous reward for finding the lost ring…

He gave the children some chocolate to reward them for behaving well.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: reward
he/she/it: rewards
ing ф. (present participle): rewarding
2-я ф. (past tense): rewarded
3-я ф. (past participle): rewarded

ед. ч.(singular): reward
мн. ч.(plural): rewards

Sentences using the word reward. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use reward in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for reward.

  • Reward me or not. (10)
  • His reward duly came. (19)
  • And O the rich reward. (10)
  • But I claim my reward. (10)
  • Then he had his reward. (10)
  • He offers a reward of L10. (10)
  • She had also the will to reward it. (10)
  • She had also the will to reward it. (22)
  • Such is our reward for uprightness! (10)
  • They are the end and the reward of life. (2)
  • The reward a superior wealth and its fruits? (10)
  • And he well, he would have the reward of virtue! (8)
  • Wait thou for the time and it will reward thee. (10)
  • A heightening of the reward almost took his life. (10)
  • How to reward him, was her sole dangerous thought. (10)
  • He fights against us, without hope of reward from you. (10)
  • Well, you have your reward, whatever it is, and I mine. (8)
  • He sought to get his reward by gentle muscular persuasion. (10)
  • It is her rightful reward; vice demands the payment of its debt. (12)
  • Yes, you would have your reward for unselfishness, I assure you. (10)
  • He has the rich reward of a youth and manhood of virtuous living. (10)
  • He might naturally have believed that the reward of his faith was coming. (9)
  • You have space to work upon there, and grounds that will well reward you. (4)
  • Surely, my son, thou art faithful; and for this service I can reward thee. (10)
  • At the hour of ten, the ladies retired for the enjoyment of their sweet reward. (10)
  • I harp on it because I long for testimony that I leave him to have some reward. (10)
  • But Clementine bestowed even a richer reward than he had expected upon her rescuer. (5)
  • But a preface is more than an author can resist, for it is the reward of his labours. (2)
  • But Count Ammiani will not marry her; so you will have a right to claim some reward. (10)
  • In fact he craved the immediate reward for his public acknowledgement of his misdeeds. (10)
  • In fact he craved the immediate reward for his public acknowledgement of his misdeeds. (22)
  • They plan to flatter the King and consider as a reward only the gold that they receive. (18)
  • And may not some fair and fresh reward be justly claimed as the crown of a virtuous career? (10)
  • The circle at once widened round us, and our offers of reward were received in dispiriting silence. (2)
  • By staying to defend herself she forfeited her attitude of dignity and lost all chance of her reward. (10)
  • And whose hand was it that could alone sustain the working of the farm, and had done so, without reward? (10)
  • And whose hand was it that could alone sustain the working of the farm, and had done so, without reward? (22)
  • They refused any reward; and, what is much better, refused it handsomely, without conveying any sense of insult. (2)
  • Intruding on his vision of the houris couched in the inner cellar to be the reward of valiant men, it annoyed him. (10)
  • Intelligent men have been walking here daily for ten or twenty years without a rag of business or a shilling of reward. (2)
  • For no reward would she have looked at him just then, but with a deeper certainty than reason she knew that he was safe. (8)
  • This was his reward for standing firm for right and justice to his own destruction: to feel like a thief and a murderer. (9)
  • With mind exhausted and enfeebled body, he still dreamed of some reward and success to ease his approaching latter years. (12)
  • Her friend and champion was a volunteer, far from a mercenary, and he deserved the reward, if she could bestow it unalarmed. (10)
  • Inflexibly British, he declared money, and also the art of getting money, to be hereditary virtues, deserving of their reward. (10)
  • But suppose this Mrs. Larne was really entangled with old Pillin, and the settlement a mere reward of virtue, easy or otherwise. (8)
  • His duties would be established, but the wife who was to share, and animate, and reward those duties, might yet be unattainable. (4)
  • If we have to pass through anguish to discover it and cherish the peace it gives to clasp it, calling it ours, is a full reward. (10)
  • Indeed, Arabella had heard remarks of a bad nature, which she traced to the Tinley set, and bore with, to meet her present reward. (10)
  • Rhoda departed in another direction, firm, since she had seen Sedgett pass, that his nobleness should not meet with an ill reward. (10)
  • Rhoda departed in another direction, firm, since she had seen Sedgett pass, that his nobleness should not meet with an ill reward. (22)
  • Thou must tell Baba Mustapha I wait without the city to reward him by my powers of reward with all that he best loveth. (10)
  • I must hope, however, that time, proving him (as I firmly believe it will) to deserve you by his steady affection, will give him his reward. (4)

Also see sentences for: desert, laurels, palm, premium, prize, recompense, worth.

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Examples of how to use the word “reward” in a sentence. How to connect “reward” with other words to make correct English sentences.

reward (n, v): something given in exchange for good behaviour or good work, etc; to give someone a reward

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How to use reward in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «reward» and check conjugation/comparative form for «reward«. Mastering all the usages of «reward» from sentence examples published by news publications.

A constant negotiation — action then reward, or promise of reward.
You could offer a $5 reward to new users, a $25 reward to active payers, and a $200 reward to top spenders.
«In experiences where there is high reward level by natural reward — alcohol as a drug reward is not valuable,» Shohat-Ophir said.
A gold star is a minor reward, but it is a reward.
Blimpie announced it will match the FBI’s reward, increasing the total reward to $20,000.
Arms sales is a reward; it’s not a gift, but it is a reward.
Reward good behavior We engage in bad behavior because we get a reward for it.
Reward International is a 7503% owned subsidiary of Reward Science and Technology Industry Group Co., Ltd.
«Let the market determine what they want to reward and what they dont want to reward
Somehow the immediate reward of «cutting costs» is more enticing than the uncertain reward of prevention.
Far too often, we reward managers for meeting business objectives, but don’t set or reward coaching objectives.
She didn’t do this for a reward—or, rather, her reward was to have found the item.
That kind of system is called an extrinsic reward system, as opposed to an intrinsic reward system.
Then once you build the block you get the reward, which is typically a reward in that currency.
Hyperbolic discounting happens when people make decisions for a smaller reward sooner, rather than a greater reward later.
The reward The FBI is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the location of Ashanti Billie.
You can redeem your reward dollars for statement credits whenever your available reward dollars balance is $4 or more.
How does the brain predict the distant reward of ice cream and reward the steps that lead to it?
Of course, to make reward explicit, one first needs to create a function for reward, fueled by some dynamic value.
Importantly, the immediate reward was not as good as the reward inside the puzzle box, and the ravens knew it.
Hormel Foods originally put up the reward money in October, doubling the reward pledged by the FBI following her Oct.
The reward is offered by Crime Stoppers of Metro Alabama and is separate from a $5,000 reward offered by Alabama Gov.
Overstock: Get a free Club O membership and receive 5% reward dollars for every purchase, free shipping, and extra reward dollars.
The risk is not worth the reward, especially since the drug makers wouldn’t have to demonstrate a reward in the first place.
When his lab rats received an unexpected reward from pushing a pedal, they would continue pushing it even after the reward stopped arriving.
Bitcoin transactions are secured by computer «miners,» which currently compete for a reward of brand-new bitcoins from the network (the block reward).
Markets should reward those willing to use less electricity to balance the grid, just as they reward those who generate more of it.
«Greed usually overcomes fear, investors do a risk-reward analysis and they’ve always seen the reward,» Khalid Al Rumaihi told CNBC’s Hadley Gamble.
«At the time there was a reward offered of 400,000 euros and I don’t know if the reward will be paid,» he said.
Together, mental effort and the potential reward result in a «sweet spot» where the reward isn’t too low and the effort isn’t too high.
For some of these kids, the reward center of the brain showed greater activation when the reward was food than when it was money.
Reward A reward of $150,000 (A$200,000) is being offered for information that leads to a conviction in the cases of the two grandmothers.
«To my knowledge, the $5 million reward is the nation’s largest private reward,» Anthony Amore, the museum’s director of security, told the Boston Globe.
And they’re about to get their reward — the same reward that, throughout Mr. Trump’s career, has come to everyone who trusted his good intentions.
Do we want to reward websites that publish the fastest or we’ll reward websites that do these long, deep, evergreen kind of reflective pieces?
Cash reward Bangladeshi police announced a cash reward this month for information leading to Chowdhury and a second suspected planner of the cafe terror attack.
It is clear that just as «Game of Thrones» does not reward good for good’s sake, it also does not reward evil for evil’s sake.
«I say, ‘Cause I feel like that performance deserves a real reward and that reward is this (gestures at her own body),&apos» she recalled.
The F.B.I. announced on Tuesday a $20,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest and began advertising the reward on billboards across Puerto Rico.
«We basically tracked the reward centers while people see other people being helped, and when that happens, the reward area activity increased,» Dr. Mayr said.
«Apple should reward people for reporting things of this nature — not just reward the developers or the people who are savvy with tech,» said Thompson.
The second factor was how far away the reward was from the rats in the maze: the further the reward, the worse the rats’ performance.
This is the kind of work that doesn’t really reward charisma or star power, nor does it reward those who do it with fame or glory.
The risk/reward to being short is very, very positive, and the risk/reward to being long, because of the macro factors, is very, very negative.
When kids were explicitly told they would receive a reward for drawing (a fancy certificate with a gold ribbon), they actually spent less time drawing in the next few school days than those who didn’t get a reward and those who were surprised with a reward.
«I think it’s a good reward-to-risk setup using that unusual options activity, also using that reward-to-risk setup in the option market,» Keene commented.
The bitcoin block mining reward gets cut in half every 22018,0003 blocks, so the next time this happens the reward will decrease from 2000 to 20.05 BTC.
DERIVATION SUMMARY Reward Group is rated one notch below PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia TBk (BB-/Stable), which mainly reflects Reward Group’s weaker business profile and market position.
Now, the mayor of Miejsce Odrzańskie is offering a reward for the next couple who has a boy, though he won’t specify what the reward will entail.
The game shows that buying a reward is less satisfying than «working» for the reward (not that it feels like work to play this very fun game).
At each step, it simply has to predict how much reward it will predict at the next step (plus any reward for getting to the next step).
They set up an environment for the mice that was highly uncertain — with some chance of a big reward and some chance of a very small reward.
So once you get the ingredients that are capable of producing brain reward, then it’s just a matter of designing products that will essentially maximize that brain reward.
When the problem has been resolved, the Android Security team will pay you $1,000 as a reward, on top of any reward you get from the app developer.
PT. When you spend over $125, you&aposll get a $25 reward; spending over $150 gets you a $23 reward, and over $400 gets you $100 in rewards.
But the social reward to having really good traders or corporate lawyers is either low or negative, whereas the social reward to having excellent teachers and scientists is high.
«So I felt like for me, that’s my greatest reward, and so to be able to share that with other people was a reward for a job well done.»
Holmström’s main idea is that you can’t just financially reward people for outcomes; you need to make sure your reward system is genuinely based on all the relevant information.
Reward positive behavior «When it comes to all of these behaviors, we set rules, expectations and reward positive behavior, as opposed to having it always be negative,» Breuner said.
Is her reward — and France’s — finally within reach?
«When we get any reminder of a reward, the amygdala—the part of the brain that remembers emotions—sends a signal to the reward center that [releases] dopamine,» he says.
Take into consideration not only how early-stage tech companies reward founders, but how other public companies, including automotive, reward their leaders for the long-term interest of their shareholders.
The FBI said it would continue investigating the incident and continues to offer a $50,000 reward in addition to the State of Texas’s $20,000 reward, bringing the total to $70,000.
The reward is more than double the $10 million it was previously, and puts the reward for Baghdadi on par with the one for al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri.
The researchers tried offering students a reward unexpectedly, after the fact, and this tactic turned out to be even more damaging than telling the students about the reward in advance.
First, for a monkey or rat, the whole signal, lever-press, reward procedure plays out over the course of seconds — no lab rat will work now for a reward tomorrow.
Chocolate-chip cookies and other sweets can ignite the reward system in your brain, the same reward system that craves your drug of choice and is likely feeling pretty neglected.
Often this starts when a trainer pairs a noise-making device called a clicker with a reward like food so often that the clicker eventually becomes an indicator of reward.
Reconciling the reward signal for climate health (the concentration of CO₂ in the atmosphere) with the reward signal for oil companies (share price) requires satisfying many human beings with conflicted motivations.
They’re offering a $10,000 reward to anyone with tips that lead to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the killings and a $2,000 reward to anyone with video evidence.
The U.S. Marshals Service is offering a $10,000 reward to anyone with information leading to the capture of Gullett, and a $5,000 reward for information leading to the capture of Sanderson.
The museum is offering a head-spinning reward of $603 million for information leading to their recovery, an amount it says is the largest private reward ever offered for stolen property.
But for LPs, their risk / reward is very different.
There is a reward at stake — actually, two rewards.
And that expectation of a reward — Who’s texting me?
Prompted by my article, the United States State Department offered a reward of $1 million for information leading to the dismantling of Mr. Vixay’s business, the first such reward of its kind.
Kay Ivey had already offered a $5,000 reward for information that led to the arrest of anyone involved, the police said, adding that an anonymous source was also offering a $5,000 reward.
The program launches in September with five categories of risk and reward: To be eligible for a reward, researchers will need to provide a proof-of-concept on the latest iOS and hardware.
The reward is equal to the struggle because the reward is the struggle; overcoming the challenge of being a big target with limited mobility is the flaw that makes the strength feel real.
Yakubets and Turashev are still at large, and investigators are offering a $5 million reward for information on their whereabouts, the highest reward for the arrest and conviction of a cybercriminal to date.
«Shaders are now an ongoing reward for playing,» he wrote.
For a long time, the effort was his only reward.
The reward is exhilarating exercise followed by free hot cocoa.
Dividends are one of two big ways companies reward investors.
Uber has big plans to reward its most loyal customers.
FBI and Galveston police offered a $10,000 reward last November.
But the reward system, in many ways, made things worse.
The reward for information leading to his arrest is $15,000.
People even donated money towards her offer of a reward.
Intellectual property law is designed to reward and protect innovation.
Other cards reward different categories of spending with different rates.
Complete five carpool trips, say, and earn a challenge reward.
A system that doesn’t reward enjoyable «work» is deeply unpleasant.
Choose your $15 reward credit (Uber, Starbucks, or Amazon) 4.
As a reward, Jon is proclaimed King in the North.
» «As a reward for fitness you can potentially shoot people?
Critics condemned the appointment as a reward for the cardinal.
Look it up — $100,000 reward for proof of one death.
We should be creating environments that support and reward both.
It doesn’t tend to reward franchise films, with some exceptions.
The peace deal, Mr Uribe argued, would reward the criminals.
If you don’t reward them, the receptors will have atrophied.
Offered more reward with less risk, coaches ordered more passes.
A solidarity state demands both shared sacrifice and shared reward.
Why take the risk when the reward is so low?
The art should be its own reward, the thinking goes.
Google, for example, has something called a vulnerability reward program.
The move was a reward for «positive actions» by Sudan.
A $50,000 reward was offered to help catch the shooter.
That is, until they reaped the $470 million reward worldwide.
The reward could be worth up to £10,000 a month.
I want to see us move to help reward work.
Sometimes, unity comes with a lot more punishment than reward.
Our reward, digital junk, was probably incongruent with the problem.
Indian politics is expensive, and donors disproportionately reward perceived winners.
The second one records the participating company’s MYTC reward dispensation.
Rack up 21 stars and you had yourself a reward.
It had reaped the reward it was built to earn.
Scientists find the work itself «the true reward,» Parker said.
It’s what you call a high risk, high reward move.
The reward will be … well, more than you can imagine.
And their reward for all this extra waiting and walking?
Many of his novels and short stories richly reward perseverance.
For these investors, such understanding brings a clear financial reward.
The other is ancient habits of patronage to reward supporters.
He immediately offered a $1,000 reward, and apparently it worked.
So owning them ought to come with a higher reward.
Reward tiers include hardcovers, limited edition hardcovers, and editorial critiques.
After a long, hard week you deserve a little reward.
The more active they are, the greater the financial reward.
If his trade succeeds, he would see a big reward.
Slovakia’s prime minister has offered a €1m reward for information.
They would also generate a monetary reward for the author.
The reward for a few straight hours of hard work?
The reward for her safe return has risen to $260,000.
We reward those who best reflect on our personal prejudices.
Fund science liberally, but reward knowledge more than market value.
She opens up grandly throughout her fifth studio album Reward.
Why reward those poisoned by toxic privilege with more privilege?
These pieces explore your patience, but they reward close listening.
How will you reward me for spending with your card?
Good jobs, on the other hand, bring their own reward.
Ultimately, the reward of doing that is your own life.
As it is said – with great risk comes great reward.
The museum’s latest reward offer expires on December 31, 2017.
That’s the reward in itself: They get to love you.
Both strategies enable founders to reward talent for sticking around.
EST Added clarification for specific prototypes stolen and reward information.
So congratulations if you waited, because this is your reward.
A fair system would reward strivers who have overcome odds.
Hit the spa as a reward for your hard work.
Rack up 12 stars and you had yourself a reward.
As a reward, he was given his cushy «advisory» sinecure.
Some may find terrorists willing to protect and reward them.
A pardon would reward Manafort for such a calculated strategy.
In principle patient investors can reap a reward from illiquidity.
And no real reward for his years of hard work.
On CNN Tuesday evening, Avenatti raised the reward to $131,000.
I don’t want to publicly reward that kind of behavior.
The lowest reward is for $25,000, going up to $200,000.
A reward fund for Tibbetts’s return has reached over $332,000.
It’s the largest reward ever offered for a cyber criminal.
They dangle the reward to get the response they want.
Clinton using her positions in public office to reward donors.
But other searchers continued looking for a more material reward.
Right now, Catalina’s reward is a pair of new shoes.
The work was murder and the work was the reward.
But voters typically reward incumbent parties for a thriving economy.
The reward is bliss, relaxation, good wages for pleasant labor.
The top reward Google paid out in 2019 was $161,3373.
Trump, in turn, has urged his supporters to reward him.
But the challenge and the reward, that never gets boring.
Information leading to an arrest has a reward of $15,000.
We shouldn’t just celebrate their progress — we should reward it.
Life is but one long experiment in risk versus reward.
There’s a $500 million reward still out there for information.
More likely, the Oscars will reward Roma in other ways.
If a bull is untamable, his breeder collects the reward.
It’s an easy way to shop — low risk, high reward.
«But if there’s a reward out there, I’ll take it.»
As it is said — with great risk comes great reward.
But the risk seems to have been worth the reward.
But established players would typically get no reward for that.
Whoever cooked the best meal got some kind of reward.
Neither voters nor historians reward every wartime president for perseverance.
A $25,000 reward from the National Park Service still stands.
There could be a reward of 2000,230 bolivars for you.
I think we should be less willing to reward that.
For participants, there will be a reward, Dr. Collins noted.
Oh God, reward the fighters hitting the infidels and defectors.
Pros: Hotels and apps reward flexible travelers with better rates.
His reward: his first car, a Hyundai, bought in August.
Most SPACs have also not offered much of a reward.
It will not, however, reward those that have exceeded expectations.
What nine women may find revolting the tenth may reward.
It looked unpromising, but patience would reward me — I hoped.
And he was always performing emotional labor for little reward.
The reward at the end of the heart pumping trek?
Effort without reward will eventually catch up to absolutely everyone.
But the reward money will expire Sunday, city officials said.
The authorities said they had not paid any reward money.
Many Israelis say the stipends encourage violence and reward terrorism.
When you reward lawbreakers, you’re destroying the rule of law.
Tipsters will remain anonymous and may be given a reward.
A reward is that maybe you do halt the escalation.
This was not the calibrated language of risk and reward.
They are masters at higher risk, very high reward financing.
Now, they are seeking the media attention and financial reward.
When you reward bad behavior, you get more of it.
My stress goes away; their pleasure is its own reward.
The electorate will reward the politician who makes that happen.
Investors did not reward these big merger announcements on Thursday.
It was a reward, Ulysses said, from the president’s brother.
Your reward: Day 28 comes with a chocolate meditation practice.
And how does the M.P.A.A. reward so compelling a scene?
But the real financial reward comes from the actions themselves.
Wells Fargo continues to reward disappointed shareholders with hefty buybacks.
Does anyone reward politicians for a bridge that doesn’t crumble?
«The president wants to reward good employees,» Mr. Mulvaney said.
But, in both, risk and reward do not necessarily balance.
But Rose’s reward was the best view of Spieth’s coronation.
Mr. Hayes is gambling that audiences will reward such prudence.
Hasmar did not disclose any more details of the reward.
Their primary rules reward entertainment at the expense of seriousness.
Yes, we wanted to reward and support Africa’s fantastic entrepreneurs.
And unlike Exxon, Chevron continues to reward shareholders with buybacks.
And the reward could be a significant new revenue stream.
«When you’re working out hard, you have to reward yourself.» 
Most donors do not want to reward a stolen election.
It was not clear whether the reward would be awarded.
Far more dopamine release than when the reward is certain.
You would reward the most efficient workers with higher wages.
You would reward the most loyal employees with stock options.
Our reward was fresh air, wildlife sightings and campfire camaraderie.
As a reward, Garland should’ve been given a gold medal.
But there was still the matter of a $100 reward.
I wished I had said something to reward his kindness.
For now, the size of Mr. Patrick’s reward is unclear.
Reward yourself with another Austin standby, Ginny’s Little Longhorn Saloon.
How do they cause pleasure and reward cycles to flip?
They required at least $30 to forgo the later reward.
But these companies have issued customer «reward points» for years.
Most stores will reward a guaranteed purchase with a discount.
Private investors nonetheless expect some reward for their patience soon.
They do this quietly without a lot of reward. Yeah.
Intraparty debates often carry more risk than reward for candidates.
A reward system based on prizes will not work perfectly.
The question is if voters will reward him for it.
«We will not negotiate our way back to the negotiating table with North Korea, we will not reward their violations of past resolutions, we will not reward their bad behavior with talks,» he added.
The Department of State released a statement Friday announcing the $25 million dollar reward for the self proclaimed caliph of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria — more than doubling the reward announced previously.
» Tillerson responded: «We will not negotiate our way back to the negotiating table with North Korea, we will not reward their violations of past resolutions, we will not reward their bad behavior with talks.
No more does offering a reward only for defeating that front door lock, and repeatedly saying no one has claimed the reward, prove your house is secure, especially when you’ve left the windows open.
This was done with an appetitive-aversive (reward-punishment) method, meaning the bees received a sugary food reward when they selected the right color and a bitter-tasting quinine liquid when they were incorrect.
Our early ancestors might not have been so eager to share food and labor with one another, he suggests, if those actions didn’t entail some reward — including the potent, if abstract, reward of happiness.
One very important aspect of the rewards is that if you really want one reward  and don’t have enough money you can pool resources with your friends to purchase a reward as a group.
The block reward Two other factors that may influence the growth rate of the network’s total hashrate are the bitcoin block size and the halving of the bitcoin block-reward, expected to happen this summer.
The aggressive mice would have to choose between two options: It could stick its snout in an empty port, yielding no reward, or a hole leading to another mouse, which resulted in a food reward.
The Marshals Service has offered a $10,000 reward for information leading to the capture of Gullett and a $5,000 reward for Sanderson and agency officials warned that both men should be considered armed and dangerous.
The lateral OFC becomes active following non-reward, such as not receiving an expected reward, or unpleasant experiences like losing money or a bad smell, and as the team discovered is also affected by depression.
While that might be a long-term question that we will have to address as a society, for now, the reward/risk balance seems to tip more in the favour of reward for Aisera’s customers.
Arias says he has already gotten $5,000 commitments from at least 12 people to contribute to the reward for information in the case and plans to announce a GoFundMe and the increased reward money Wednesday.
But risk’s opposite is reward, and in this case the far greater reward — for liberals and Democrats, yes, but also for our democracy itself — is the one that would come on the night of Nov.
Other customers have embedded quizzes that reward players with discount codes.
He wants Jenny to turn him in for the reward money.
Miners are promised a monetary reward for their number-crunching work.
Transferable points are the most valuable type of credit card reward.
Crime Stoppers of Michigan is also offering a $1,000 cash reward.
Before the halving in July, the miner’s reward was 25 bitcoins.
That’s how you’ll find your reward this year, according to Lau.
Not as long as the reward for being ethical is bigger.
Beijing could reward some countries with exports in exchange for concessions.
«This is usually high dollar-high risk reward enterprise,» Lenoir said.
A $3,500 reward is being offered for information about Coles’ disappearance.
Other players would reward them with money when given an opportunity.
Gaming’s effect on players’ chemical reward system, however, is well-documented.
It’s an aversive experience that alters our future calculation of reward.
There is a $45,000 reward for information related to the case.
There is a $20,000 reward for information related to her disappearance.
He knew that people really wanted to hang as a reward.
After all, broad patents mean more opportunities to reap financial reward.
It was $2129, but I used $2129 in CC reward points.
New currency is generated as a reward to the computer operators.
He promised a $5,000 reward to anyone who delivered the hair.
They&aposre offering a reward for information leading to an arrest.
Avenatti announced on Wednesday the reward had been increased to $131,000.
There will also be a reward points feature called Daily Cash.
Maduro uses the enterprise to reward his cronies and buy loyalty.
Then, you mail the books to them and reap your reward.
Mr Assad is using reconstruction to punish refugees and reward loyalists.
The reward is, sadly, a free shirt instead of free food.
«High risk, high reward» are words to live by, he said.
It is separate from a $5,000 reward offered by Alabama Gov.
I guess your real reward is this vast expanse of freedom.
The fanboy’s view is that they’re our reward for our dedication.
Too much risk for too little reward and too much effort.
A $50,000 reward is offered for information leading to her whereabouts.
«I am not here to either punish or reward,» he said.
Some of these problems are byproducts of our brain’s reward system.
But on Saturday, the reward for miners was slashed in half.
If tipping serves any purpose, it is to reward exceptional service.
Your reward amount is based on dining time and group size.
The second task is to reward super-consumers for their loyalty.
Vote for Tahir Javed if you want to reward a fundraiser.
Another worry is that statutes written carelessly could reward guilty individuals.
But the Santa Marias decided the potential reward outweighed the risk.
And that is a reward that makes people feel less lonely.
They say his deal gave up a lot for little reward.
«With our platform your reward is instant and transparent,» he notes.
As his reward for loyalty, Mnuchin got to be Treasury secretary.
Plainly, Trump intends to reward success, while Clinton will punish it.
If you help them out, they’ll reward you once they’re free.
It will reward those with high incomes who pay higher taxes.
He promptly invested in British bonds and earned a handsome reward.
Interest, in many people’s minds, is a reward for deferring gratification.
But, at Envision, everything you struggle with results in a reward.
This extra responsibility came with a reward of £10,000 a year.
Of course for founders, share price accumulation is its own reward.
We’re happy to recognize and reward Anand for his excellent report.
When you go on reward, you’re entering a very contrived environment.
Some will say that talk of concessions would reward bad behaviour.
The reward for information in her disappearance now stands at $30,000.
I’m offering a $10,000 reward for the return of my kit.
And why don’t we reward the guys with some eye candy?
Credit card reward points may be of many uses to charities.
If we do the right thing, they reward us with loyalty.
Analysts cited concerns about tariffs and a balanced risk/reward profile.
However, the work is monotonous and receives little reward or recognition.
But in both cases, the potential reward size is being increased.
But we think it’s a very interesting risk reward on Avon.
«The market on a risk reward basis is dangerous,» he said.
Look at the way they worked Julia at the reward challenge.
Do you really not want the $500 reward Smith is offering?
After my gift card and $3 reward, I pay $11 even.
«That may stimulate the reward region in our brains,» he said.
Public contracts reward friends; foes are fined for supposed tax violations.
We’ll see if voters reward them for that in the midterms.
He’s not betting as much — so the reward isn’t as great.
We thought ‘Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could reward them?
As a risk-reward option, though, cannibalism is all but encouraged.
The catering on the set, or reward challenge food on Survivor?
Women soccer players deserve equality and just reward for their play.
The office has offered a reward of up to 100,000 euros.
But also if your mind is prepared for receiving the reward.
They don’t feel like you can reward them or punish them.
Skinny deserves a big fat reward for a job well done.
Your mortgage may come with a bonus: credit-card reward points.
If you want to improve and reward yourself, ponder your desires.
I want to reward them in any way that I can.
If you want to reward these movies, don’t pay lip service.
He said the size of the reward had not been decided.
Government tax incentives reward companies for investing in research and development.
They evaluate a child’s life skills and reward signs of progress.
And who doesn’t like a free reward from time to time?
Now, you’re learning that a reward or two wouldn’t hurt, either!
There is a $500 reward for any information about the case.
Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to see more reward than risk.
Maybe some of them wanted to reward a blue collar player.
«It goes from trigger to craving to the reward,» he says.
As a reward for tidying up, the kids were given stickers.
Those who report violators to authorities will get a cash reward.
Control, reward, fairness, community and values are the other five elements.
The American people will reward Mueller’s victories with soaring public support.
Because in a remotely efficient market without risk there’s no reward.
Turning triumph over heartbreak into art should be its own reward.
A $52,000 reward is being offered for information on Dulce’s disappearance.
Traditional grocery store cards simply reward for card ownership, not loyalty.
Post-ISIS Syria is all risk (and cost) and no reward.
All of these brain regions are involved in motivation and reward.
But don’t wait more than 30 seconds to reward a behavior.
For Kent, the reward is seeing the enthusiasm among his guests.
Rosen called Trump’s Nevada trip Heller’s reward for backing Trump’s agenda.
Let’s reward you for voting instead of trying to suppress it.
The United States offered a $2 million reward for his capture.
That opportunity comes with significant risk, but also potentially great reward.
Ultimately, Earnest wants to reward borrowers who follow good financial habits.
Officials are offering a $10,000 reward for information about the perpetrators.
If we’re honest and genuine with voters they will reward us.
Initially, the museum offered a $21 million reward for the artwork.
But the $10 million reward is only valid until December 31.
CNN has reached out to Nutter for comment about the reward.
The hustle is what makes the reward that much better, right?
The best reward we can provide our teachers is our respect.
It was designed to reward the wealthy by increasing their wealth.
Many people have proposed new ways to incentivize and reward innovation.
Far better to reward a loyalist — Ser Jorah, perhaps, or Missandei.
Yet, the PA under Abbas’s leadership has budgeted to reward terrorism.
Fortunately, your reward is an avalanche of new games to play.
A reward or some recognition will come your way this evening.
The medial OFC, on the other hand, is a reward circuit.
There’s so much reward in it when you get it out.
Thus, you can indeed speculate that both are associated with reward.
We also offer a Mileage Reward program for our regular patients.
On the part of readers, there’s a desire to reward effort.
These are the events that reward floaty elegance more than power.
My inner Puritan does not reward thyself with enough of these.
Krewe of Muses is offering an unspecified reward for the rock.
Here’s a reward: Jerome Herr Now, let’s get on with it.
His reward this offseason: a four-year, $130 million contract extension.
We should not reward and honor those who defend such behavior.
Acknowledge this, thank them, and reward them for what they’re doing.
For instance: What if the reward is really large and luscious?
Electronics can also be leveraged as a reward for good behavior.
His reward: his traditional post-Wimbledon victory snack of fresh grass.
Yet we continue to reward these nations with preferential trade agreements.
They noted that the reward for her had doubled to $100,000.
«It’s like a reward for waking up early,» Mr. Mayer said.
And so he wanted to reward them with high-profile jobs.
But the risk-reward calculus is different when starting a school.
L&M said he contacted the companies asking for a reward.
The reward money is available immediately, and through December 31, 2017.
A $4,000 reward is being offered for information in the case.
Its reward is a date with second-seeded Kentucky on Saturday.
WikiLeaks then offered a $20,000 reward for information about Rich’s death.
No one cared about the outcome; the distraction was reward enough.
Kids often are better motivated in fear more so than reward.
I have a $10 off reward so it only costs $7.51.
Reward them with a cool apron that’s decidedly not for duffers.
I added the coffee to my order, then applied the reward.
«They took a risk, and now the reward,» Mr. Perkins said.
«When you’re listening to club music, there’s no reward,» she said.
Markets reward discipline and that is why so many investors fail.
In the Atomix pedagogical method, instruction is followed closely by reward.
And the reward doesn’t mean you have to spend more money.
The thank you serves as a reward and reinforcement It’s catching.
It is purely about creating the «reward» you describe — feeling great.
President Duterte offered a reward for the capture of the killers.
That will motivate it toward steps that increase its predicted reward.
These two changes would reward companies committed to innovation and access.
Because we reward that sort of thing in our politics now.
«We no longer reward our pets in animal terms,» he said.
Private insurers reward steps taken to limit risk with lower premiums.
Mature individuals contribute first and seek reward after having proven themselves.
Miners then get bitcoin in reward for successfully completing the equation.
But he added the risk-reward calculus is hard to change.
«[We’ll] reward political courage, but we won’t let up the pressure.»  
Instead, they use state power to pressure critics and reward friends.
Bribes and reward charts were more trouble than they were worth.
I would put in more effort if there were some reward.
Now this is what the Kurdish people get as a reward?
His team&aposs reward for their long hours and hard work?
«el Mencho,» has a $10 million USD reward on his head.
Unlike Brex, Ramp doesn’t have a complicated point-based reward system.
Trump’s strategy brings more risk and potentially more reward than Obama’s.
But any reward from owning Airbnb stock has been held back.
A new investment standard would reward efforts to protect tropical forests.
Trump will likely receive a bitter reward for his rash decisions.
It’s all a just reward for laborers after a hard day.
Because these are the sorts of wines that paradoxically reward inattention.
American’s reward may be more revenue, but it could lose customers.
First, you reward your users by keeping them in the loop.
The reward may be either a deduction or a tax credit.
Buybacks reward investors by reducing the amount of stock that’s outstanding.
Ultimately, one must remember the intimate relationship between risk and reward.
The letter details a point system for each action & a reward.
Set goals and reward teens when they meet them, Breuner advises.
He reaped the reward by boosting his party’s number of seats.
I think the risk in the SEC’s proposition outweighs the reward.
Performing evil works because our institutions are designed to reward it.
Tom Steyer: The American economy should reward innovation, ingenuity, and productivity.
And she wants the federal government to reward companies for it.
It&aposs a small price to pay for a consistent reward.
For every task, no matter how small, there is some reward.
But there is a big reward if the turnaround strategy works.
Handlers keep dog treats in their pockets to reward stellar performances …
Mayfield’s total reward fell by 7.4 percent to 1.41 million pounds.
Risk/reward is the poorest it has been in 3 years.
They saw the value of waiting decades for a big reward.
It is purely about creating the «reward» you describe: feeling great.
But for those who brave the challenges, the reward is great.
Should you accept the cash reward for doing the right thing?
Months later, the men — three migrants to Greece — received their reward.
And afterward, other science says, reward yourself with a warm soak.
Exciting meetings take place today and a reward arrives at work.
The Emmys usually fall all over themselves to reward movie stars.
They, too, thought faith contained an implicit promise of earthly reward.
European Union rules reward the first company that reports antitrust misconduct.
«The ability to restore sight is the ultimate reward,» she said.
That would mean a 5 million Euro, not 50,000 Euro reward.
«He has the most variance between risk and reward,» he said.
Yes, we’re telling you to reward yourself for exercising self restraint.
So please, just let participation be its own reward for voting.
And dopamine is a neurotransmitter involved with our brains’ reward centers.
That the film continues to reward viewers in its freely available .
SM: In connection with any case, the SEC can only pay 10 to 30 percent of the reward, so if you want the reward all to yourself, you might be the only one who submits anything.
According to the latest Switchfly Reward Seat Availability Survey, released in conjunction with IdeaWorks on Wednesday, of more than 7,000 domestic and international flights that are scheduled from June through October, 76.6 percent offer reward seats.
At a press conference Thursday, Tibbetts’ mother, Laura Calderwood, revealed that in just one day, the Bring Mollie Tibbetts Home Safe Reward Fund raised $172,000 in reward money for information leading to her daughter’s safe return.
The study found that although participants were guided by high effort and high financial reward, their performance ultimately depended on the amount of effort they had to expend rather than their initial desire for that reward.
Much of the reward up to this point was in problem-solving and getting the thing to work, but the more important reward is in ending up somewhere that I couldn’t have possibly anticipated when I began.
The research, published in Neuron, found that over-activity in an area of the monkey’s frontal lobes dulls the excitement of an anticipated reward, and also the motivation to work for that reward, a press release says.
It’s called the SaksFirst Beauty Reward Program and it just launched yesterday.
He is hoping to set up a meeting and reward the kid.
A wildlife rehabilitation organization in Baltimore County contributed money toward the reward.
Kathleen Sebelius offering a $5,000 reward leading to an arrest and conviction.
If we do it, safety, security and freedom will be our reward.
This was always a high risk, low reward fight for Ben Rothwell.
The voters will get to punish or reward whichever party they choose.
Stress «increases the reward value of highly palatable food,» one study explains.
To reward our parched selves, we stop in at a local brewery.
And so, as we role forward, we’re finding a better risk reward.
A $125,000 reward was also offered for information leading to Loyd’s arrest.
They’ll spend hours poring over apps and websites, often with little reward.
The reward for information leading to his arrest has increased to $210,210.
The reward for information leading to his arrest has increased to $12,500.
A $25G reward is being offered for information leading to an arrest.
But there’s no better reward than having the girl he’s always wanted.
Plus, watching him try a Scottish accent seems like its own reward.
A $10,000 reward has been issued for information leading to an arrest.
Milwaukee FBI spokesman Leonard Peace said the $50,000 reward remains under review.
Their reward was thanks from a grateful military establishment—and college credit.
«Titan just loves food, so it was a huge reward for him.» 
The president-elect’s appointments are not simply an effort to reward supporters.
Similarly, credit risk offers little reward relative to potential losses, Gross said.
And reason 3 is just dispiriting—why reward Republicans for their intransigence?
It would be nice to have a little bit of a reward.
Seeing the change you helped shepherd will be enough reward in itself.
The reward structure is noticeably more generous than Lyft’s from last month.
The president offered a reward of 5m pesos ($100,000) for his capture.
He always packs his videos with enough fascinating visuals to reward rewatching.
«There really is a risk-reward curve in life,» Gelfond told CNBC.
Wall Street’s risk-reward judgment makes business as well as moral sense.
It’s hard to explain, but we know music affects our reward system.
Praise activates dogs’ reward center only when both words and intonation match.
The value premium is thus a reward for bearing business-cycle risk.
So marketplace investing will reward the best funds — but only the best.
After about a minute, I decided it was time to reward myself.
A $20,000 reward has been offered for information leading to an arrest.
CrimeStoppers is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to his arrest.
«My thinking is it’s attractive from a risk-reward perspective,» he said.
A reward has been announced for the safe return of the animals.
King also offered a $100,000 reward for information leading to an arrest.
We grab Starbucks after the workout to reward ourselves for being active.
I get 10 cents off per gallon due to Safeway reward points.
Karma is at work again and will prove to reward Shea greatly.
And that’s with a deliberate focus on «high risk, high reward» investments.
But like most great risks, the gene drive also offers incredible reward.
This region regulates, among other things, motivation and reward-related social behaviour.
To contribute to a reward for information in this case, click here.
But the most compelling reason is often the credit-card reward points.
You like reward, you take risk, maybe win, maybe not, no guarantees.
Callers remain anonymous and could earn a reward of up to $1,000.
Every three hours, we’ll have a spliff and relax as a reward.
Reward Group has diversified its product offerings in the past two years.
Callers can remain anonymous and could be eligible for a cash reward.
Is there one surefire reward or food that works for all cats?
The mainland markets, meanwhile, may reward companies with higher valuations, he added.
He would reward team players some weeks, then punish them the next.
If the kitty picked correctly, it received a reward of dried fish.
«There’s no greater reward than saving another person’s life,» he told CBS.
A $30,000 reward is being offered for information leading to Tibbetts’ location.
So investors are getting less reward for the same amount of risk.
And investigators are offering a $5,000 reward for information on the culprit.
But a normal life was never the reward for people like us.
Markets tend to punish honesty about previously unacknowledged risks, not reward it.
A $25,000 reward is being offered for information leading to a conviction.
A $50,000 reward has been offered for information leading to Stephens’ arrest.
We need to ask ourselves, will this reward actually motivate my user?
» J.P. Morgan said the risk/reward for Dow is «split more evenly.
We believe that risk and reward for Dow now splits more evenly.
It’s truly a reward to be able to do that every day.
When you hit a goal, make sure to build in a reward.
I see this benefit being used to reward long-term key staff.
Once you draw the letter, it animates, which is a sweet reward.
You know that saying, «The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward«?
The authors suggest that customers receive this signal and reward firms accordingly.
«I think this sets up an unbelievable risk-reward setup,» added Keene.
The FBI has offered a $10,6193 reward for information about Heidi’s disappearance.
A bold, if unwelcome, move with seemingly very little chance for reward.
She calls the DEA with a tip in hopes of a reward.
Instead of thinking of it in a negative way, think about reward.
It recently released a tool designed to reward fairness in its models.
«These guys deserve a little reward,» Self said at a press conference.
In one condition, all the images displayed generated a fixed monetary reward.
It’s easy to resent how his music fails to reward one’s full
You’ll also get a reward of some sort ahead of your birthday.
HP will assess each one and decide if a reward is required.
He announced a $25,000 reward for information that helps solve the case.
Literally seconds after returning from reward, she asked the girls their strategy.
The agency announces a $220,000 reward for information leading to Cummins’ arrest.
That is my reward, and one I’m very happy and moved by.
Meanwhile, the reward for information that brings Mollie home has reached $2120,22018.
Acevedo said that the reward in the case has increased to $10,000.
Up to a point, greater market power can reward and incentivize innovation.
Creditors are demanding a handsome reward for their trust in that promise.
We don’t reward consensus builders, with our clicks and our campaign dollars.
Keystone XL is and always will be all risk and no reward.
Authorities had offered a $100,000 reward for information leading to his capture.
Done right, goals should reflect an organization’s values and reward specific results.
I have a reward on my app, so the coffee is free!
He later created a GoFundMe page for reward money for the dog.
» He added of the reward: «Why don’t they give it to me?
«Our conference should reward good ideas and hard work,» the lawmakers said.
The reward was a League Cup and a taste of European competition.
At one point, Odell even offered a cash reward … but still nothing.
After they win the reward, Wendell and Domenick make two great decisions.
But a lot of it feels heavy on tension with little reward.
It would reward the best teams, while adding a fascinating strategic twist.
The tech entrepreneur’s reward: the job of junior minister for digital affairs.
A $10,000 reward is being offered for any information about her death.
If they did, basketball would reward better regular records with road trips.
«Cash back is the popular credit-card reward ,» said Schulz at
He wins the Loved Ones reward and strategically brings Gavin and Julie.
A $50,000 reward is offered for information leading to the inmates’ capture.
Her stilettos clicked over wooden floors, a Pavlovian reward in every step.
A $10,000 reward has been offered for any information about her disappearance.
Folks, there is no reward structure (in primaries, fundraising, leadership) for bipartisanship.
For a similar amount of work, the reward just doesn’t exist anymore.
Understood and evaluated in terms of potential reward, risk can be positive.
The bad news is the Huskies’ reward is a date with Alabama.
His reward was his dream job as America’s top law enforcement official.
It could be linked to our brains releasing dopamine, a reward hormone.
Each agent gets a different reward for the action it specializes in.
AV: At its core Pokémon Go is yet another addictive reward loop.
Blimpie announced it would match the reward, increasing the total to $20,000.
At the end of a long day, it feels like a reward.
«I got such a reward for opening up about this,» he says.
If the police ended up making an arrest, he’d get a reward.
They said the reward for the bird has been raised to $12,500.
It’s a cruel trick, since we’re so conditioned to expect a reward.
In another arm, the cash reward jumped abruptly and dramatically to $2.50.
What a reward to see a trans person portrayed as an attorney.
» Citi upgraded the stock and said the risk/reward was now «compelling.
Neither Shanghai court offered a reward for information on a missing debtor.
But federal officials had seemed eager to accommodate, or even reward, Gilead.
Quintal’s family has a $10,000 reward available for information about her disappearance.
The reward is offered for information leading to an arrest and conviction.
He had also thought about doubling the reward for local media malfeasance.
The reward for Gulf Contracting’s semifinal victory on Friday was comparatively modest.
The State Department recently announced a $25 million reward for his capture.
«You should not reward people who have broken the law,» he said.
Spending time with the plants wasn’t a chore; it was a reward.
They decide: ‘We’re going to reward you; we’re going to punish you.
But for Mr. Santaki, the reward was the success of the event.
Likewise, failing to reward him would suggest Trump had made a mistake.
But investors are simply refusing to reward the stocks for those results.
Don’t give to a charity that won’t reward you in some way.
In a free marketplace, we reward companies we like with our dollars.
What reward could be so great as to tolerate something you hate?
There is a $10,000 reward for information that leads to their arrests.
Her farm isn’t profitable, but perhaps self-sufficiency is its own reward.
Companies have used a sizable chunk of that windfall to reward shareholders.
My reward for being a nice person: 48 rolls of toilet paper.
Fox Business covered the guidelines during a «Risk & Reward» segment this month.
This is the hazy sunlit filter that Etna will reward you with.
Sanders’s town hall is a low-risk, and probably low-reward, move.
Financial compensation is an obvious reward, but recognition is just as powerful.
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter responsible for reward and motivation in our brains.
Publication will be its own reward — publication and a bottle of Champagne.
When you take a risk like that, the reward is really high.
Just about any activity in the game can reward you with coins.
The reward of the elevator door closing always occurs eventually, he said.
These five recipes are low-effort, high-reward cooking at its best.
The deal would reward Anyuan, but more discreetly than a cash payment.
Still, «I bet the risk-reward is finally good here,» he said.
But AFP intends to reward some Republicans who voted against the bill.
Like a human, Brett takes actions in order to maximize his reward.
«I think this is a good risk-to-reward setup,» Keene said.
Personal enrichment is seen as the proper reward for a completed project.
Reward yourself by catching up on rest and checking out from reality.
The next morning, I boot up myPrayStation, keen to collect my reward.
Energy content had little to do with sweetness-related neural reward activity.
These guys lie to you, and you reward them with a vote?
But if you can play your role, the reward will be immense.
Seeing that money deposited in my account feels like receiving a reward.
Mr. Kennedy writes that investigators induced witnesses to testify with reward money.
Solid risk-reward here, although I’d like it more on a pullback.
Officials are offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to their capture.
The tax code is setup to punish saving and to reward borrowing.
But on Saturday, the reward for miners will be slashed in half.
The bloodier the crime and longer the sentence, the greater the reward.
And through play, reward and repetition, that’s just what Ms. Preston did.
A spoonful of Tejal Rao’s recipe for shrikhand is its own reward.
Would the birds resist an immediate reward to trade for something better?
«Between Yesterday and Tomorrow» abounds with delicious touches that reward close listening.
«Delivereros,» many undocumented, put themselves in danger every day, for little reward.
At one point a private donor even offered a $1 million reward.
«You want to reward the people that are trusting you,» he said.
Then on Sunday, she upped the ante … by offering a $20k reward.
What do you mean when you said you wanted to reward him?
Reality TV tends to be low-risk, and it’s generally low-reward.
The approach requires close attention, and the episodes reward a second watching.
Meanwhile, since the tax cut, the company is managing to reward shareholders.
The FBI is offering a reward for new information on the case.
We know music shares brain areas with movement, memory, motivation and reward.
It’s free because I use a free drink reward for 30 points.
So much for the notion of public service as its own reward.
They reward doctors for things they already do, like prescribing antihypertensive drugs.
Will you reward us for the virtue of starving while others ate?
In New York City, fun is a high-risk, low-reward endeavor.
They get a reward for it and maybe some sanctions come off.
I’ve instead found a reward in something that looks to normalize it.
But with the president’s signature today I have an even richer reward.
A tip line and an initial reward of $41,000 were set up.
This is no way to reward members of the pro-democracy coalition.
They would splurge on big orders and reward her with bigger tips.
The reward is $20 cash, plus a stout chain with two locks.
Now, a $11,500 reward is being offered to help solve the case.
And consumers could reward health care businesses who get these things right.
This small reward brings no end of pride to my big kid.
The winning team gets a luxury trip to Switzerland as a reward.
But it does help you better manage risk and reward over time.
And how do you reward the fans that allowed that to happen?
Why not remove choice from all those things that don’t reward choice?
All techniques and styles are welcomed, and judges will particularly reward creativity.
With shopping apps come reward deals, loyalty points and, crucially, money off.
Civil servants and elected officials may weaken enforcement mechanisms to reward allies.
The State Department announced the reward at a briefing late Wednesday morning.
There’s so little reward in it and such high risk and punishment.
High time America shed identity politics and reward the talent and performance.
But as Barrett used to say, the struggle was its own reward.
They are doing so primarily, it seems, to reward their corporate donors.
The United States is offering a $25 million reward for his capture.
Offshore, the fishing is high-risk and high-reward, Mr. Cousens said.
One that took several years of solid slogging for little financial reward.
Harvest — is where I think that the risk-reward isn’t particularly favorable.
The risk of alienating white Southerners seemed greater than any possible reward.
And for the inmates, there is a reward for the good deed.
He publicly encourages prosecutors to reward his friends and punish his enemies.
Officials are now offering an $21,2866 reward to locate the baby boy.
The United States has offered a $5 million reward for his capture.
That said, no flavored coffee: It is a punishment, not a reward.
They know it can be a low-risk, high-reward criminal enterprise.
I do a lot of work, and it’s kind of this reward.
Businesses are pressured to reward the clique’s friends and punish its enemies.
So far there has been no word on a reward for honesty.
But for the most part this narrative is all setup, no reward.
They fear, rightly, that the market will punish honesty, not reward it.
I jumped — was on the path of promised reward, certainty, and structure.
The slow-emerging reward: He led Oklahoma into the College Football Playoff.
Also, voters will view the inevitable Joaquin Phoenix win as reward enough.
Police on Wednesday offered a $10,000 reward for information about the shooting.
That reward was later raised to $25,000, according to The Boston Globe.
The reward of good listening will almost certainly be more interesting conversations.
Having grandchildren is the great reward for enduring the indignities of aging.
Mostly, they&aposre worthy of your hard-earned cash — or reward points.
The FBI also announced a $10,000 reward for information in the case.
Getting cash back may be the greatest reward for many shoppers. CreditCards.
As a result, we see the risk/reward skewed to the downside.
Here are a few places that reward business and leisure travelers alike.
Creating government scenarios that promote and reward retirement savings is not simple.
On the reward side, however, you’ll never know if you don’t ask.
They do just enough to get re-elected and reward their donors.
A $7,000 reward is being offered for information leading to his return.
Sleep was a luxury and a reward for being a dedicated surgeon.
And zeroing in on a limited period can certainly reward close attention.
A $50,000 reward has been offered for information leading to his arrest.
«It’s tough, you want to reward guys for blocking shots,» Subban said.
The reward is an excellent introduction to a historic style of wine.
As near as we could tell, the work was its own reward.
Hotels need feedback, so they often like to reward you for it.
Brussels should also reward member countries for carrying out reforms, Gabriel added.
Without that reward—the rush of the puff—it’s easier to quit.
The reward is a much more rational level of optimism among investors.
The terms and conditions of the new reward would run 560 pages.
Then we reward him for it with offerings of milk and cookies.
Dewji’s family is offering one billion shillings (about $440,000) in reward money.
We believe this is a company that should reward the patient investor.
However, Gordon isn’t too concerned about the skewed risk-to-reward ratio.
You would reward the most successful account executives with lavish expense accounts.
They went on to reward the committee’s faith, reaching the Final Four.
Every time the animal allows this to happen, it receives a reward.
So you’re not claiming to have a foolproof plan for metaphysical reward.
Plus, credit cards often offer reward points or cash back for spending.
Police on Wednesday offered a $10,000 reward for information about the shooting.
Arguably the best benefit of credit cards, though, is their reward programs.
If «Crash» were released today, would the academy stoop to reward it?
The Agta are evidently willing to reward the gift they most value.
Reward yourself with a piece of chocolate or some other meaningful treat.
We should not reward hostage-takers like Nicolás Maduro, the thinking goes.
It’s a reward of feeling like nobody or nothing can beat you.
We’re going to be releasing that tomorrow, along with a significant reward.
They didn’t join the military for fame or reward, ambition or status.
It’s a reward to yourself to reevaluate your relationship with your phone.
Instead, they reward music with fantastic production and punish those without it.
Maybe Trump doesn’t care and thinks hurting DREAMers is its own reward.
In other words, it attempted to reward pass-throughs that created jobs.
But Joe’s got a creative reward for anyone who can find him.
Eventually, they found him, and the pizza owner got the $5,000 reward.
The Detroit Pistons legend says he’s gotta reward Giannis’ win-loss record.
If investors can tolerate the risk, there may yet be fresh reward.
They reward close examination, revealing enticing details as you circle each one.
And as the agent learns—that is, as its prediction model becomes less and less wrong—its reward signal from the ICM decreases, freeing the agent up to maximize the reward signal by exploring other, more surprising situations.
Even with this lead, on Monday the FBI boosted its reward for information leading to a resolution of the case from $25,000 to $50,203 in addition to the State of Texas’s $20,000 reward, bringing the total to $70,000.
They saw something similar in the reward system—the amount of reward activity in the brain was linked to how cute a person rated an image (on a scale of 1 to 10), and how overwhelmed they were.
«Positive HomeAway checks, multiple levers to support growth and a favorable risk/reward increase our conviction that EXPE is the best longer-term risk/reward in the space,» analyst Brad Erickson wrote in a note to clients Wednesday.
She said she had asked the police about the $2,500 reward, which was not one-tenth the reward offered this summer after a young white woman was killed while jogging in Queens, generating weeks of intense news coverage.
When we hear the ping of an incoming text, social media update, or e-mail, our brains get a hit of dopamine, a chemical that leads to an increase in arousal, energizing the reward circuitry in our brains, and that expectation of a reward, who is texting me, who tagged me on social media, leads to a higher burst of dopamine than the reward itself.
In the ice-cream example, you have on the one hand a short-term reward — the yumminess of your frozen dairy treat — and on the other hand a potential long-term reward, the feeling of control over your eating.
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are teaming up to put a spotlight on corporate stock buybacks and push forward the idea that in order for companies to reward their shareholders, they should have to reward their workers and communities first.
For each bet, they were offered a low-risk / low-reward option (say, a hundred-per-cent chance of winning fifteen cents) and a high-risk / high-reward option (a ten-per-cent chance of winning a dollar-fifty).
» The authors add that «instead of targeting the consumers of their manufacturing or retail products to raise profits and reward workers, these firms extend their financial arms into leasing, lending, and mortgage markets to raise profits and reward shareholders.
Relatives of missing kids offer $20,000 reward JJ’s biological grandparents, Kay and Larry Woodcock of Louisiana, held a news conference last week in Idaho to offer a $20,000 reward for information on the whereabouts of JJ or Tylee Ryan.
Officials from DOJ, the State Department and the U.K. National Crime Agency held a news conference Thursday morning, with State announcing a $5 million reward for information leading to Yakubets’ arrest — the largest reward for a cybercriminal to date.
Authorities in the state are offering a reward for information on the killings.
You can incentivize individuals to participate in the ecosystem and reward them financially.
In other words, the reward is more pleasurable the more surprising it is.
Among sport fish, redfish strike a near perfect balance between challenge and reward.
A less sensationalized feed that doesn’t reward exaggerated claims would top my list.
But I feel successful in my life, and that’s been a huge reward.
Why wouldn’t you monumentally reward a man who’s up against such intractable evil?
Spiritual feelings trigger a reward circuit in the brain, a new study shows.
When it first debuted, the reward for mining a block was 50 BTC.
Authorities have increased the reward for information leading to Loyd’s arrest to $100,000.
Those new coins are then handed out to the miners as a reward.
So in other words, successful apps build structures that reward our pleasure centers.
Investing is a long-term commitment that involves risk as well as reward.
«Risk reward is very interesting in the real estate in Mexico,» he added.
You can collect and make use of Reward Stash contents at any time.
It’s easy to go off the risk-reward yield curve in this push.
But these only reward a team’s bowling prowess, not its batting or fielding.
It can be used as a reward or help you experience new things.
There was a $7,500 reward for information leading to his arrest, officials said.
There is clearly a reward for a professional athlete to use these drugs.
Drivers can also feel a sense of reward from helping passengers feel comfortable.
The couple has looked forward to a big reward after years of saving.
And what better way to reward yourself then to do a little shopping?
The chain will reward you by taking 10 cents off your drink order.
One approach is to link a short-term reward to a positive action.
A $100,000 reward is now being offered for information leading to Loyd’s arrest.
Right now, that reward is 25 bitcoins per block, or roughly $15,000 USD.
A $331,000 reward is being offered for information leading to Tibbetts’ safe return.
In return, miners are issued with new units of cryptocurrency as a reward.
The biggest reward for her, though, is seeing the improvements in veterans’ lives.
The Papini family has also offered a $2453,000 reward for Sherri’s safe return.
El Mayo Zambada remains a fugitive with a huge reward for his capture.
The promise of great financial reward spurs risk-taking, market competition, and innovation.
Under normal circumstances most rats preferred the harder task for the bigger reward.
Representing weather «in a relatively simple, comprehensible way» is its own reward, really.
Her reward was having an oafish man portray her in late-night comedy.
The person who found the bug has been rewarded a 5-figure reward.
After 1945 it seemed a just reward for a population that had suffered.
And the reward offered to miners is set to reduce sometime next month.
Let’s start with the undeniable, incontrovertible fact: Risk and reward are inextricably linked.
Ryan botched the reward challenge with his awkward slither up the sand dunes.
They added, the risk-reward is «favorable» due to the company’s attractive dividend.
Books were always regarded as a reward, a ticket to a new adventure.
On net, we continue to see risk-reward on Apple as relatively neutral.
I took a chance, a gamble, and that was my reward for it.
The problem, Young concluded, is the risk-reward is not very well balanced.
No prize jury in any field is likely to reward solely on merit.
If you’re going to reward Corden, why do it for a clip show?
But wouldn’t you rather shell out $0.99 to reward Mezrahi for his ingenuity?
Dirt bikes taught him to weigh risk and reward and to fall gracefully.
My reward is a stop at the Cuban cafe at Atlanta’s T concourse.
You’ll get the biggest reward from investing for the long term, Manuel says.
Reward redemptions on the platform have been growing at 39% month over month.
Appointed by television networks and glossy magazines, these people don’t reward self-expression.
To play, you must be a Starbucks Reward member (and 18 or older).
If the reward is high enough, someone is going to snitch on somebody.
Crime Stoppers is offering a $2,500 reward for information leading to an arrest.
This will allow them to get a reward for doing a great job.
Often, awards nominations run a little behind or reward the maximum visible effort.
The facility was a sort-of reward for Colin if Homecoming went well.
As a result, the risk-reward profile points to overvalued and oversold territory.
This «fair admission» policy will reward merit and hard work, the government claims.
For me to be able to reward him like that, it felt good.
This lack of depth in behavioral research shows in the Watch’s reward design.
Over evolutionary time a complex set of reward and aversion feedbacks have developed.
Over a third of its sales in America come through its reward programme.
It was nothing compared to the reward that came from listening to records.
«I’m not going to reward people for playing a political game,» Graham said.
An interest rate is the reward for forgoing spending today, to consume tomorrow.
Joe doesn’t know for certain if there is an idol at the reward.

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