Sentence with the word revealed

1, It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed.

2, A routine scan revealed abnormalities in the foetus.

3, The survey revealed that the house was damp.

4, Tests revealed some abnormal skin cells.

5, Her smile revealed a row of white, even teeth.

6, Even a superficial inspection revealed serious flaws.

7, Careful examination of the ruins revealed new evidence.

8, Experts revealed that the painting was a fake.

9, The minister revealed the secret to me.

10, The survey found / revealed that …

11, His deed revealed him to be a kind man.

12, A routine scan revealed abnormalities in the fetus.

13, A quick scan of the local paper revealed nothing.

14, Her laugh revealed her even teeth.

15, The autopsy revealed that he had been poisoned.

16, The England keeper revealed some fancy footwork in the victory over Nottingham Forest.

17, A recent survey found/revealed/showed that 58% of people did not know where their heart is.

18, Forensic examination revealed a large quantity of poison in the dead man’s stomach.

19, A quick computation revealed that we would not make a profit.

20, The autopsy revealed that the deceased had been hit with a blunt instrument.

21, In 1999 it was revealed that he was close to bankruptcy.

22, A nationwide poll revealed different food preferences in the North and the South.

23, That evening she had revealed many of her innermost secrets.

24, Her expression revealed nothing.

25, The survey revealed that top earners in the country tended to be men.

26, Details of the murder were revealed by the local paper.

27, Careful scrutiny of the company’s accounts revealed a whole series of errors.

28, Salted peanuts were recently revealed as the nation’s favourite snack.

29, The harsh light revealed every crevice and wrinkle in his face.

30, He achieved sudden notoriety when the details of his private life were revealed.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Animal studies and human observations have revealed

Эксперименты на животных и наблюдения за детьми показали, что…

Documents that circulated online revealed his long struggle to receive compensation.

Документы, которые распространялись в интернете, показали его длительную борьбу за получение компенсации.

The analysis revealed that moderate and occasional drinkers had lower death rates than abstainers.

Анализ результатов показал, что умеренные и по случаю пьющие имели более низкий уровень смертности, чем трезвенники.

They certainly were not certificates of confiscation as events revealed.

И конечно, они не были сертификатами конфискации, как показали события.

Further research revealed this same technology could prove equally beneficial to athletes.

Дальнейшие исследования показали, что эта же технология может оказаться столь же полезной для спортсменов.

Laboratory tests revealed the Brit had high resistance to both ceftriaxone and azithromycin.

Лабораторные исследования показали, что британец обладал высокой устойчивостью как к цефтриаксону, так и к азитромицину.

New study revealed that three to five drinks More…

Исследования показали, что для тех, кто выпивает более пяти…

The discussion revealed that the Council members needed more time to determine further actions.

Обсуждения показали, что членам Совета необходимо больше времени для определения того, какие дальнейшие действия предпринять.

The research revealed that 58% of…

В одном из последних исследований, было сказано, что 58% сегодняшних…

X-ray fluorescence revealed revealed a significant amount of manganese.

The forensics report revealed that they were poisoned.

В отчете по судебной экспертизе сказано, что их отравили.

By 1990 it revealed itself entirely and undoubtedly.

За годы, прошедшие с 1917-го, это стало совершенно ясным и несомненным.

Researchers revealed that the treatment could be available within three years following successful testing.

По мнению специалистов, тестирование может стать широко доступным в течение трех лет, если испытание окажется успешным.

Each word is a revealed word.

Каждое слово (его значение) есть скрытое обобщение.

The company just revealed its latest financial results, showing significant profits.

Только на прошлой неделе компания сообщила о своих последних финансовых результатах, которые оказались отрицательными.

The battery test revealed my battery was weak.

Но проверка тестером емкости, показала, что батарея находится в слабом состоянии.

Information revealed over time generates drama in two ways: suspense and surprise.

Информация, раскрываемая на протяжении какого-то времени, создает драматический оттенок двумя способами: при помощи саспенса и удивления.

What had been hidden was revealed.

То, что было скрыто, — стало открытым.

The report also revealed significant racial differences among people living in poverty.

В докладе также были выявлены значительные расовые различия среди людей, живущих в условиях нищеты.

Over time, character is revealed.

Время от времени они проявляются, характер раскрывается.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word revealed, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use revealed in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «revealed».

Revealed in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word revealed in a sentence.

  1. She is revealed to be Mrs.

  2. Further study revealed that A.

  3. Her autopsy revealed liver cancer.

  4. It was eventually revealed that St.

  5. Molecular analysis revealed that G.

  6. She was eventually revealed as a hoax.

  7. The Boogeyman is revealed to be Henry; Dr.

  8. Molecular phylogenetic analysis revealed P.

  9. This is revealed to be a fantasy of Buffy’s.

  10. It was later revealed to be Esh, County Durham.

  11. These deep cuts have revealed strata of older rock.

  12. Estraven is revealed to be an adept of the Handdara.

  13. What will be revealed on Marquee Moon’s grooves?

  14. The pair’s subsequent movements were revealed later.

  15. The new plan was revealed only to the senior officers.

  16. The band revealed that the first single was intended to be «Every Breaking Wave».

  17. When Moore was cross-examined, the defence’s «serious allegations» were revealed.

  18. Demolition of some sheds revealed a 12th-century arcade from the original palace.

  19. In December that year Middleton revealed that «I’m halfway through a new record».

  20. According to Wood, the truth was revealed after the sixth or seventh performance.

  21. Tecumseh captured Hull’s outgoing mail, which revealed that the general was fearful of being cut off.

  22. It was revealed 30 years later that the about-face was due to the personal intervention of the Queen.

  23. The mother in the play is named «Lil», which is later revealed to be the name of Barton’s own mother.

  24. As revealed both in the show and in his original biography, he has a long history with the Carnivàle.

  25. The burial chamber revealed scant remains of the female owner and a few pieces of funerary equipment.

  26. These tough characters tended to be humbled in some form and revealed to have a hidden vulnerability.

  27. An angiogram revealed an obstruction in the distal subclavian and axillary arteries of the right arm.

  28. Shannon Leto revealed that it was the oldest song written for the album and took a long time to make.

  29. Although several women claimed to be the model for September Morn, Chabas never revealed her identity.

  30. Excavations revealed a bundle of viscera and a mummy fragment, both presumed to belong to the pharaoh.

  31. Before Todd leaves, he and Blair make love one last time, and it is revealed that they have remarried.

  32. Eventually she revealed herself to him, and they began a correspondence that lasted for fifteen years.

  33. Later reports revealed that the two were not fans—and, on the contrary, had disliked the band’s music.

  34. Excavations undertaken by Kalayan revealed an elevated podium that was not noted in Krencker’s survey.

  35. Although the returns revealed wide support for Long in rural areas, he performed poorly in urban areas.

  36. The Human Genome Project has revealed the presence of numerous viral DNA sequences scattered throughout the human genome.

  37. Cuvier advocated catastrophism to explain the patterns of extinction and faunal succession revealed by the fossil record.

  38. The consequent medical examination revealed that Dunglass had a hole in his spine surrounded by tuberculosis in the bone.

  39. In a 2016 interview with Grazia, she revealed her regret at not fully committing herself to her character and the series.

  40. The feature was not an eye, though, as visible satellite imagery revealed a center partially exposed from the convection.

  41. Excavations within the Vijayanagara city limits have revealed the existence of various community-based gaming activities.

  42. The transition left Washington with a surplus of slaves and revealed to him the inefficiencies of the slave labor system.

  43. The black box’s contents were never revealed to the student body and the box became part of the mystique of the Old Ford.

  44. It is revealed that the Marquis de Singe is using the machine to bring pirates to the island for his medical experiments.

  45. One example of fans taking Staten to task over the novel occurred soon after the novel’s cover was revealed in July 2007.

  46. Footage from The Beatles: Rock Band was revealed for the first time on April 18, 2009, during Paul McCartney’s performance at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival.

  47. Under police interrogation, the male prostitutes and pimps revealed the names of their clients, who included Lord Arthur Somerset, an Extra Equerry to the Prince of Wales.

  48. Radio, infrared and space-based observations have expanded coverage of Eta Carinae across all wavelengths and revealed ongoing changes in the spectral energy distribution.

  49. In 1950, the Atomic Energy Commission asked Scientific American not to publish an article by Bethe that it claimed revealed classified information about the hydrogen bomb.

  50. Studies in the 1980s and 1990s revealed the activities of NAD and NADP metabolites in cell signaling such as the action of cyclic ADP-ribose, which was discovered in 1987.

Synonyms for revealed

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word revealed has the following synonyms: discovered, disclosed and unconcealed.

General information about «revealed» example sentences

The example sentences for the word revealed that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «revealed» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «revealed».

раскрываемый, выведенный


- открывать; разоблачать
- обнаруживать, показывать
- выявлять
- воспроизводить
- выведывать


- притолока; четверть (окна или двери)
- разоблачение; обнаружение; откровение
- выявление
- откос (оконного или дверного проема)

Мои примеры


an arrest record that revealed that he had variously been a pander, a pickpocket, and a drug dealer — история задержаний, которая показала, что он в разное время успел побывать сводником, карманником и наркоторговцем  
the uplifting of the clouds revealed the blue of a summer sky — раздвинувшиеся облака открыли синеву летнего неба  
revealed exegesis — толкование через откровение  
revealed preference — выявленное предпочтение  
revealed preferences — выявленные предпочтения  
revealed portion — вскрытый участок  
axiom of revealed preference — аксиома выявленного предпочтения  
revealed preference theory — теория выявленных предпочтений  
revealed regularity — выявленная закономерность  
as revealed — что обнаружено  
be revealed — представлять собой; обнаруживаться; вскрываться  
detected / revealed faults / troubles — выявленные неисправности  

Примеры с переводом

She revealed the secret to us.

Она раскрыла нам эту тайну.

His true character was revealed.

Проявился его истинный характер.

The blood smear revealed malaria.

Мазок крови выявил малярию.

They revealed the plans for the new building.

Они раскрыли планы строительства нового здания.

She revealed her innermost feelings.

Она открыла свои самые сокровенные чувства.

The test revealed the true cause of death.

Анализ выявил истинную причину смерти.

The enlarged photograph revealed many details.

На увеличенной фотографии открылось много деталей.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The examination revealed a nodule on his lung.

Gibbs had an X-ray which revealed no broken bones.

An ultrasound scan revealed that the baby was a boy.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

reveal  — показывать, раскрывать, открывать, откровение, разоблачение, четверть
revealing  — показывать, раскрывать, открывать, обнаруживать, вскрывать, разоблачать

revealed — перевод на русский

— Polish priest revealed under torture, he’s sold out.

— Ксёндз под пыткой показал, что он продался.

When analyzed using isotope techniques, it was revealed that, although part of the skull was genuine, the lower jawbone was a chimpanzee’s. It was a fake.

Радиоизотопный анализ показал, что находка — комбинация черепа человека, челюсти орангутанга и зубов шимпанзе.

The power revealed how the dryfoots would destroy Delta Magna with their fighting and their greed and the evil of their great cities.

Символ показал, как сухоногие уничтожили бы Дельту Магна своей воинственностью и жадностью, и злобой их больших городов.

I’m afraid Lieutenant Paris suffered greater neurological damage than my initial scan revealed.

Боюсь, лейтенант Перис получил более серьезную неврологическую травму, чем показал начальный осмотр.

This experience has tested me and has revealed no character whatsoever.

Я дрянь. Этот случай показал, у меня характера ни на грош.

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The patient’s associations can reveal hidden complexes, so-called repressed emotions.

Ассоциации пациента могут раскрыть его скрытые комплексы, так называемые подавляемые эмоции.

If I could reveal to you my true nature, which is exhausting, and some excellent reasons, I assure you that…

Если я мог бы раскрыть вам мою истинную природу, что утомительно, а некоторые ислючительные причины, уверяю вас…

You wanted to force him to reveal where he hid the gold.

Вы хотели, заставить его раскрыть место, где он спрятал золото.

Because the outer shape was never meant to reveal the inner shape.

Потому что внешний вид никогда не может раскрыть внутреннюю форму.

— I’m afraid I have to reveal your secret identity.

Боюсь, что я должен раскрыть твою секретную личность.

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«Your parents won’t give you to me for reasons I will reveal only to you.

Я знаю, ваши родные не отдадут вас мне, на что есть тайные причины, которые вам одной я могу открыть.

My daughter, I see I shall have to reveal a secret.

Дитя моё, думаю, мне следует открыть одну тайну.

But I love your image. If I returned to the world to reveal this secret they would see my story as the ramblings of a crazy man.

Если бы я вернулся в мир, чтобы открыть этот секрет, мой рассказ приняли бы за бред сумасшедшего.

The one who reveals 51’s homosexuality to him, will have control over him.

Кто сумеет открыть 51-му его гомосексуальность,.. …тот и будет контролировать 51-го.


Если бы я мог открыть источники информации…

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You must never reveal your names, your past, your family, The city or state that you’re from.

Вы не должны раскрывать своего имени, своего прошлого, семейного положения и места проживания.

You were ordered not to reveal yourself.

Тебе было приказано не раскрывать себя.

We’re not really free to reveal all the testing.

Мы не можем раскрывать всё, что в этом проекте.

He was given full knowledge of the true objective and instructed not to reveal anything to Bowman or Poole.

Ему было дано полное знание касательно истиной цели полёта и инструкции не раскрывать это Боуману и Пулу.

We will release them only if they agree… not to reveal our existence to their world… and no one else is to come down.

Мы освободим их только, если они согласятся… не раскрывать наше существование в их мире… и если больше никто не будет сюда спускаться.

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It kind of reveals to Scott that maybe, in the future, they can be allies.

И эта показывает Скотту, что возможно, в будущем, они могут стать союзниками.

They look like tiny moss filaments, but when these flattened, 400 million-year-old stems are sectioned, the electron microscope reveals quite different cells.

Они похожи на крошечные нити мха, возраст окаменелости 400 миллионов лет и электронный микроскоп показывает большие различия внутреннего строения.

…reveals nothing.

…ничего не показывает.

DNA scan reveals an aversion to authority and a temperament prone to violent behaviour.

Сканирование ДНК показывает, что у Вас патологическое отвращение к власти… и характер… склонный к агрессивному поведению.

The blood that I collected… revealed that the creature is either about to lay eggs or already has.

Кровь, что я собрал… показывает, что оно либо отложило яйца, либо собирается это сделать.

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If I am to reveal something of what I know, then I demand consideration, sir.

Если я должен рассказать кое-что из того, что я знаю, то я требую кое-какого рассмотрения, сэр.

Shall I take this opportunity to reveal Tokuzo’s childhood stories?

Могу я воспользоваться возможностью и рассказать истории из детства Токузо?

She has to reveal.

Она должна всё рассказать.

I got a subpoena for you to appear in federal court tomorrow to reveal the source of the DeLorean tape.

Тебе повестка явиться в суд и рассказать, откуда у тебя лента.

When you were born, when your eyes opened, you were about to reveal all the secrets.

Когда ты родился, твои глаза были открыты, ты был готов рассказать все секреты.

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Futures revealed?

Будущее откроется.

The more is revealed, the more you yearn for greater revelation.

Чем больше вам откроется, тем больше вы будете жаждать большего откровения.

Watches, and the male sleeps until his true face is revealed, I know.

Женщина… Наблюдает, а мужчина спит, пока его истинное лицо не откроется, я знаю.

Tell no one we have spoken… for all shall reveal itself in due course.

Никому не говорите, о чём мы разговаривали. Всё откроется в свой черёд.

I think a man does what he can until his destiny is revealed to him.

Я считаю, что человек делает все, что может, пока судьба не откроется ему.

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But later, spectroscopic observations revealed the characteristic absorption lines of an enormous amount of carbon dioxide.

Но позднее спектральный анализ выявил характерные линии поглощения невероятно огромного количества углекислого газа.

Subsequent analysis of the blood sample… .. revealed none of the subject’s matching DNA.

Последующий анализ образца крови не выявил ДНК субъекта.

Sauron has yet to reveal his deadliest servant… the one who will lead Mordor’s armies in war.

Саурон ещё не выявил своего самого смертоносного прислужника того, кто поведёт в бой мордорское войско.

DNA revealed no NF2 markers or any other inherited disease.

Анализ ДНК не выявил никаких следов нейрофиброматоза второго типа или других наследственных заболеваний.

Foreman: The test revealed a problem.

Тест выявил проблему.

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metros — this as catacombs… which will lie in the very womb of Rome… with your aid I hope to reveal the things, which for me will be very useful…

Метро — это как катакомбы… Которые залегают в самом чреве Рима… С вашей помощью я надеюсь обнаружить вещи, которые мне будут очень полезны…

SAGAN: Computer processing of the pictures has revealed at least a few features on Europa which seem to be impact craters.

Компьютерная обработка фотографий позволила обнаружить несколько деталей поверхности Европы, похожих на кратеры.

«Federation security may reveal target.

Федеральная безопасность может обнаружить цель.

Sometimes a second, closer examination can reveal things you didn’t see before.

Иногда второй, более пристальный осмотр может обнаружить то, что ты раньше не замечала.

Some endings take a long time to reveal themselves.

Некоторые концовки требует много времени, чтобы их обнаружить.

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And that makes us a little out of their control. Did the establishment proscribe LSD because it revealed to the young a truth better concealed

ƒействительно ли правительство запретило Ћ—ƒ, потому что оно открывает молодЄжи сокровенные истины?

It reveals too late its essential poverty, that is tied to the poverty of its production.

Продукт слишком поздно открывает покупателю своё убожество, естественно наследуемое им от ничтожности своего производства.

He does not reveal his mind to me, only his intentions.

Он не открывает мне своих мыслей, только свои желания.

It feels good to watch as the track curves and reveals one different scene after another.

Это очень приятно — смотреть как путь искривляется и открывает вам один за другим необыкновенные пейзажи.

In the next program, how faith acts like a virus that strikes the young, and how the good book, which people follow for moral instruction, actually reveals a god who is surely the most vindictive character in all fiction.

В следующей программе вы увидите как вера действует как вирус поражающий юность, и как добрая книга, моральным нравоучениям которой люди следуют, на самом деле открывает Бога который без сомнений является самым мстительным литературным персонажем.

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Another study revealed that 57 percent of women and 36 percent of men who die of injuries received the damage in a fall

It has also been revealed that an inert ingredient of the herbicide in Roundup, polyoxyethyleneamine (POEA), is acutely toxic

Some are revealed religions by some messenger of God and some are like Hindu religion where it is usually a personal matter and not dictated by any single holy book

God, that will not be revealed

There is nothing hidden which will not be revealed

For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has

A little at a time he had revealed to her the painful memories

«You’re most trusting,» doostEr said but was sure there were a lot more details to this than Tahlmute had revealed

Mirielle still hadn’t revealed what Theo was waiting to hear

just revealed to me, to root itself in my mind

He stood and revealed that he was big tall guy, but like I say, people don’t usually scare me

Word has been revealed to you

The Europol database revealed a little more about Gino Ngata, aka Sammy the Shark

» He ducked outside the shop and left Travis to mull over what he had already revealed, what he had to gain or lose by telling more

as the wolf prince, this Lord of the North Winds, revealed himself to her

black within the unlimited spaces of the void, and in so doing He revealed even more

which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may

the divine healing and what God has revealed to me

Closer investigation later revealed that Bugle Boy’s last worldly act was a failed effort to lift a Boston Cream donut to his mouth

The fact that one of these ladies disappeared for a while, re-appearing a year later with a baby girl in tow caused a considerable amount of rumour though the woman in question never revealed who the child’s father is

Phipps opened it all the way and revealed the loading mechanism for the turret

A brief opening revealed the mechs already spinning on their puffers and maneuvering to get what they’d come for

The immediate and all too real history of Marwan Tayeh as revealed to me in those first days was one of madness

The result? Naught! All men seem to be enchanted by Mandy, especially Themis! As about me, at a moment someone speaks up and says he remembers me from elementary school — so, my age is revealed before everybody! Later on, Themis suggests our going on an excursion on May Day and all the married hens (who, as usual, have formed a ring around him) hasten to enter themselves for it

Especially this morning, she revealed to me many things about herself: She is 23 years old, very sociable and popular, with a large circle of friends! I talked to her about myself too, adding a fib or two, that I also have many friends and that I often go out to discos and clubs

I began to suspect what’s going on with her last night, when we went out together and she revealed more details about her job: As a sales manager, she controls some teams of commercial travellers

This afternoon I saw Diana at the gym, we had an aerobics lesson and then, as we were leaving together, she revealed to me some more interesting details about her job; in fact, she didn’t hesitate at all to describe -always with an air of importance- a fixed fraud committed by the company she works for: It all starts with an advertisement they place in the newspaper every week, looking for new commercial travellers; they offer an alluring basic salary, as well as commission on the sales, plus social security

Bahkmar wondered why he dared make that statement, but compared to what he’d already revealed, this was small

However, this truth is usually revealed to the advanced disciples only; the rest of us delude ourselves with the fairy tale of self-improvement – and we never get anywhere

God sent plagues upon Egypt before He revealed Himself at Sinai

Garlic: If you are eating it, secrets will be revealed and you will have a bad row

Leak: A well hidden secret of yours will finally be revealed and this will cause negative changes in your life

Her snow white body lay naked and revealed to the world of men for the first and only time, and she found, for a moment or two, that the urgency of her other bottomless hunger abated

Onions: They signify secrets that will be revealed soon

Standing at more than six foot tall, with a broad expanse of muscled chest revealed beneath his snugly fitted black shirt, the creature epitomised vigour and action, an unstoppable force made flesh

She gaped and swooned as the wolf prince, this Lord of the North Winds, revealed himself to her

God has spoken and revealed Himself, but the people of Israel have been hardened to it

moved with it and her face was revealed

No matter how hard He tried to order creation, however, he continually discovered unwelcome shades of black within the unlimited spaces of the void, and in so doing He revealed even more of a personality

There is a mysterious man of sin that must be revealed

The mystery that needs to be revealed is just how much of an influence those powers truly have to rule over and manipulate humanity

At that time, it has been revealed

He is revealed in what He chooses

Revealed by candle light the gaoler and the guard stood as if watching street theatre, both of them wearing red, white and blue cockades on the front of their soft red caps

The light revealed no human in the water with it however

The room revealed was about the size of Joris’s office at Abery, and similarly laid out with shelving around the walls and a table set in the middle

is revealed to those who perfect sanity

In all of the saints of old, whether Old Testament or New Testament, we read that the glory of God is revealed in both their lives and their deaths

We, too, must come to the place that we so mirror the image of Christ as revealed in us through His Spirit that we can say, “Be imitators of me

The mystery had not yet been revealed that there should be an age of the Church to fulfill a specific role and function

And when he reached his orgasm your name was revealed to him, just as your dreams predicted

Only with the bare earth revealed within that place

His delighted, almost luminous grin would have revealed all I need to know about how he feels even if he hadn’t told me

In Miss Jones’s case her family background was investigated and she was revealed to the world

The bandages on my legs came off when I removed my hosen last night – a quick inspection while I was behind the bush this morning revealed that the right one is still sore and red but that the other one is looking a lot more normal

Sandy brown shoulder length hair was tied back from his face to revealed a rugged ruddy complexion and startling blue eyes

Beautiful murals, truly astonishing, revealed themselves through the craftsmanship and the silence

Unfortunately, the mood was broken when, over a large cognac, his wife revealed that she had phoned their mutual friend, had told him about her husband’s terminal illness and had persuaded him to make her poor spouse’s final year or two truly comfortable

He even made a special series of videos to show on his body and as he slowly revolved under the hot studio lights, as he turned from judge to judge, each programme was revealed in all of its glory

All that remained was to crown the only possible winner of the competition, and after the ceremony to place a laurel wreath on his head was complete, the contestant removed his fabulous suit and revealed himself to be a fine looking young man

He said no evidence has been revealed yet, although he would not be surprised to find a cache or perhaps another temple to Athena or at least a statue or fresco in the vicinity,’ she said

Whenever artefacts are revealed in this area, and they appear almost daily, we keep them underground, hidden in a safe place, because as soon as discoveries are registered, the authorities might as well run up a flag and invite the plunderers to try their luck

Trout Fishing Secrets Revealed — How to Catch A Trout

When all was finally revealed, The Seraph, as they were called, were a three-piece from the Midlands with a rare talent for creating haunting melodies and harmonies, melodies that played on in Helen’s head every minute of every day until the very second that she finally shuffled off her mortal chains

testing revealed that this emotion had become trapped

Further testing revealed that the exact emotion was

revealed that the emotions of resentment, frustration

Testing quickly revealed that an emotion of

revealed that emotions of panic, terror and fear had

This inspired perception revealed the truth about the

was too short and it had a slit in the side that revealed rather more

and her crop top revealed far too much of her very large breasts to

and she was revealed to the world

Testing revealed that this inherited hopelessness had

have a Heart-Wall, it will not be revealed

they have one, and it’s hidden, it will be revealed

his wife revealed that she had phoned their mutual friend, had told

Further testing revealed that the trapped emotion

to judge, each programme was revealed in all of its glory

revealed himself to be a fine looking young man

finally revealed, The Seraph, as they were called, were a three-

Hour after hour there was revealed along these banks ever more miles of a thin line of city, backed with miles of plots

Opening the lid revealed was

Once or twice she woke thinking she heard noises, but listening tautly only revealed the usual sounds she had learned to expect from this place and, thinking nothing of it, she went back to sleep

But it revealed nothing

He fetched more pieces of pipe with other odd bits and then pulled away some boards laying on the ground, heretofore unnoticed by anyone, which revealed a trench leading over to the side of the outhouse

You didn’t want to have revealed, so publicly your own formidable skill; lest you might be cast in the same mold as those you so pity for their own lack of depth

Kaitlyn was there, trembling, though her eyes revealed her determination to remain calm

revealed questions that definitely warranted further

“A casual conversation revealed that there is someone in town who may have some knowledge of history

She, for herself, was only just recently made aware of the hints of expression and gesture which revealed to the careful eye, the heart’s own true longing

that their presence had been revealed, and, dispensing with

Will her brothers get the land and silence the love story, or will the secrets finally be revealed?

In the years since the expedition separated she still hadn’t revealed herself to Alfred, Victoria or even Glenelle

These aren’t mysteries that are meant to be hidden, but ones that are meant to be revealed

The second heaven is the spiritual realm that psychics operate in and is not God, but we might see the plan of the enemy revealed in the second heaven

revealed the culprit – a souvenir donkey that let out a

By this passage it is revealed that God is a communicator, and it is God’s nature to communicate his heart

We use terms like pastor and teacher loosely, but God’s true pastors and teachers will be revealed as those who equip the body for ministry and bring unity within the Church worldwide

As we ascended, the entire valley was revealed

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Successive discoveries have revealed certain grand centres, such as (1) the marsupial radiation of Australia, (2) the littleknown Cretaceous radiation of placental mammals in the northern hemisphere, which was probably connected in part with the peopling of South America, (3) the Tertiary placental radiation in the northern hemisphere, partly connected with Africa, (4) the main Tertiary radiation in South America.

The artist must indeed start with imaginative types, revealed to him in visions or borrowed from current myths.

At the end of July the trial of the persons implicated in the Banca Romana scandal revealed the fact that among the documents abstracted by Giolitti from the papers of the bank manager, Tanlongo, were several bearing upon Crispis political and private life.

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One thing he continually realized as he read that book: the joy, hitherto unknown to him, of believing in the possibility of attaining perfection, and in the possibility of active brotherly love among men, which Joseph Alexeevich had revealed to him.

Gregory’s position was almost inexpugnable at a time when it was conceded by practically all that spiritual concerns were incalculably more momentous than secular, that the Church was rightly one and indivisible, with one divinely revealed faith and a system of sacraments absolutely essential to salvation.

A comparison of this procedure with the original conception of the patriciate as revealed by the derivation of the word, is significant of the history of the conception of nobility at Rome, and illustrative of the tenacity with which the Romans clung to the name and form of an institution which had long lost its significance.

A peek into the former vamp’s mind revealed that two of Damian’s sisters-in-law had managed to turn a full vamp back into a disgruntled Natural.

Having impulsively, it is probable, and perhaps somewhat prematurely revealed the prime but private purpose of the Pequod’s voyage, Ahab was now entirely conscious that, in so doing, he had indirectly laid himself open to the unanswerable charge of usurpation; and with perfect impunity, both moral and legal, his crew if so disposed, and to that end competent, could refuse all further obedience to him, and even violently wrest from him the command.

Like her father, the dark eyes that examined Carmen revealed little emotion.

This masterly winter-campaign first revealed Gdrgei’s military genius, and the discipline of that terrible month of marching and counter-marching had hardened his recruits into veterans whom his country regarded with pride and his country’s enemies with respect.

  • Use the word revealed in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Our paths have been revealed, so let’s start the show

But her TEE revealed something pretty cool.

Neither the Marquis’ search nor the Marquise’s day to day behaviour revealed the slightest evidence of guilt.

Did the establishment proscribe LSD because it revealed to the young a truth better concealed

«…but so that the cause of many terrible diseases might be revealed to us.»

Nature’s secrets were revealed to horrified eyes.

And in that cabin his secret was revealed, his love for Georgia.

«Thanks to the talent of our representative, «I can show you a lot of things «that Helius has not yet revealed to the science !»

The Lord has done revealed the truth of his creation.

Another line, cut from an earlier script, would have revealed Renfield as the sole proprietor of his real-estate practice, and therefore unlikely to be missed in the event of his disappearance.

If Your Honor please I have been informed that there is more to this case than has been revealed.

The dance revealed her flexible and firm structure in its an- androgynous agility.

One prisoner revealed his hiding place:

Modern bullet clearly revealed near heart.

Mosley Thorpe has been revealed in his true colors.

His full potential hadn’t revealed itself yet.

Younger sister Xia, only I can love you forever My revolution work is revealed It is umimportant hat I am subjected the discommode

A possible clue to the murder is revealed by the discovery near the body…


It will endanger relations with foreign powers if secret documents were revealed.

And as for this wallet, unless you buy it from me, you shall be revealed as a perjurer, a common liar, and the prison gates shall clang behind you.

That, my dear sir, is a secret… which will be fully revealed in the book I am now writing- a work that will revolutionize the entire present treatment of criminals.

Mr. Stanton’s death was also apparently natural… until the autopsy revealed to the contrary.

Analysis of hypodermic revealed deadly poison, not adrenaline.

Yes. And what has amateur housebreaking revealed

When speaking of blasting way out… she thoughtlessly used word «nitroglycerin»… when humble selfhad not revealed nature of explosives in container


Investigation has revealed satisfactory clues?

But, even without this, your character was clearly revealed in your treatment of Mr. Wickham!

Considering — Considering what you’ve just revealed… that would be most unfortunate.

Has your search revealed anything?

Vice president of a national union revealed as a Pinkerton spy.

The senate revealed the spies of a secret war.

The senate revealed the existence of private armies… armies of criminals organized for a secret war in every state of the union.

The senate revealed private arsenals… of tear gas, shotguns, machine guns… for a war against Americans.

Hammond Hall at the turn of the century… when the age-old mystery of the Hammond monster was at last revealed to all England.

Certain that the sounds of firing have revealed our presence, Captain Cross has decided to wait for cover of darkness before landing near Matanikau despite the insistence of the Jap prisoner that all will be well, that his friends, starving and without weapons, are waiting in the village eager to surrender.

I don’t know how their own love is revealed to other women.

The Day of Wrath, that judgment day, Then shall be heard with universal dread The sins revealed as they are read.

Is the reason for my unpopularity at last revealed?

The analysis revealed a particular brand of lipstick used by 98 different beauty parlors in New York City.

It was as if he were learning to know himself for the first time, as if a stranger had revealed his own secret thoughts to him.

Have you noticed something curious in the painting— something that at first did not strike you but revealed itself to you suddenly?

The investigation has revealed — that there must be blood on the killer’s clothes.

Uncle Ernesto doesn’t like to have all his secrets revealed.

the truth will be revealed! Confess now! …

I hope you didn┬┤t revealed your connexions with Scotland Yard?

The code was a simple one. A transference from English to Greek letters… which decoded revealed illegal activities and profits… in gambling and liquor… racketeering… and especially counterfeiting.

Within five minutes he «sat down at the table» (revealed everything) as my agents used to say.

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