Sentence with the word return

Synonym: come back, give back, go back, reimburse, repay, revert, revisit. Antonym: depart. Similar words: in return, in return for, take turns, turn, turn on, turn off, turn in, turn to. Meaning: [rɪ’tɜrn /-‘tɜːn]  n. 1. document giving the tax collector information about the taxpayer’s tax liability 2. a coming to or returning home 3. the occurrence of a change in direction back in the opposite direction 4. getting something back again 5. the act of going back to a prior location 6. the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property 7. happening again (especially at regular intervals) 8. a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one) 9. the key on electric typewriters or computer keyboards that causes a carriage return and a line feed 10. a reciprocal group action 11. a tennis stroke that sends the ball back to the other player 12. (American football) the act of running back the ball after a kickoff or punt or interception or fumble 13. the act of someone appearing again. v. 1. come back to place where one has been before, or return to a previous activity 2. give back 3. go back to a previous state 4. go back to something earlier 5. bring back to the point of departure 6. return in kind 7. make a return 8. answer back 9. be restored 10. pay back 11. pass down 12. elect again 13. be inherited by 14. return to a previous position; in mathematics 15. give or supply 16. submit (a report, etc.) to someone in authority. 

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1. Cut short the nonsense and return to one’s muttons. 

2. Mr Baker will return home via Britain and France.

3. They did not return home till 9 o’clock.

4. The striking miners will soon return to work.

5. He made a nostalgic return visit to Germany.

6. The dark clouds announced the coming his return.

7. Everyone rejoiced at the news of his safe return.

8. He was waiting for his brother’s return with anxiety.

9. He advocates the return of capital punishment.

10. When did she return home from the trip?

11. You expend so much effort for so little return.

12. He was very solicitous for her safe return.

13. We are going nevertheless we shall return.

14. News of the astronauts’safe return to earth was delayed.

15. These animals always return to the same breeding ground.

16. Go back to the past, can return.

17. Anthony was ordered to return to his battalion.

18. Your return ticket is valid for three months.

19. The return journey was uneventful, the car running perfectly.

20. He didn’t return home till five.

21. Do you want a single or a return ticket?

22. Please wipe the bottles out before you return them.

23. Pending his return let us get everything ready.

24. Shevehenko made an emotional return to his former club.

25. She felt an overwhelming desire to return home.

26. A complete return to normality may take weeks.

26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!

27. The turtles return to the coast to reproduce.

28. Her return to the team now seems a certainty.

29. The first prize is a return flight to Delhi.

30. Though you cast out nature with a fork, it will still return

More similar words: in return, in return for, take turns, turn, turn on, turn off, turn in, turn to, in turn, turn out, turn up, turn away, turn down, turn over, turn into, furniture, get up, let up, set up, meet up with, burn up, journal, burn out, retail, retain, retire, stretch, burning, retreat, retired. 

Another Return is the debut studio album by the Norwegian heavy metal band Artch, released in 1988. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Mr Regan said he would now use this strategy across the wider group to «deliver acceptable returns» to shareholders.


Out of 42 managers and 30 funds in the asset class, the average manager’s total return is 7.2 % over three years to the end of August 2017.


At the above poster, it definitely makes sense to pay off certain debts before investing especially if they are at high interest rates because it’s a guaranteed return.


Stocks can make for amazing investments, offering better long-term returns than bonds, precious metals, and most other commonly available in…


For example, Morgan Stanley Equity Research found that more gender diverse companies offer similar returns with lower volatility.


We structure transactions to optimize the potential for attractive risk-adjusted returns generally uncorrelated to most traditional debt and equity investments.


Your next challenge is to make the case that you can build a startup that will get big fast so they can generate a return on their investment.


Currently, assuming dividend growth speeds up to a 6 % rate and that the dividend yield is still just 1.4 % in the future, the long term total return on stocks will be 7.4 %.


Trilogy’s investment approach is based on the philosophy that earnings growth drives equity returns over the long term and that identifying both early stage and traditional growth companies provides the best investment results.


According to Bloomberg and research by Lesa Mitchell and Professor Vivek Wadhwa, women-led high-tech startups are more capital efficient, achieve 35 percent higher return on investment, and generate 12 percent higher revenue than male-owned companies when venture-backed.


Toronto mortgage broker Geoff Carnevale says an increasing number of investors want in on the returns mortgage lending can provide, even if that means extending loans with 12 % to 15 % interest rates to people who really shouldn’t be borrowing.


Any changes to assumptions that may have been made in preparing this material could have a material impact on the investment returns that are presented herein by way of example.


Value and Quality doesn’t always outperform and market-cap weighted index (such as SPY), but when it does, the returns are very satisfying.


Canadian exporters enjoy higher revenues, faster growth, pay higher wages and salaries, and achieve a greater return on investment.


During those times, we believe it’s important to remember that investing isn’t purely about returns; it’s also important to maintain a portfolio with the appropriate risk level for one’s long-term investment goals — not putting too many eggs in one basket, so to speak.


People will have questions before and after they purchase your course about the content, format, returns, and more.


T-Bills don’t pay interest payments like conventional bonds, and instead the price appreciation is the return the investor receives.


Well, the author of the table goes on to say that the volatility of commodity returns make them a poor inflation defender across any time period, and that the short data sample is a strike against timber.


ALSO: The lie of a 10 % return compounded over time amounts to just that, a giant lie.


But one thing to keep in mind is that all of these tax breaks are only available if you itemize deductions on your tax return.


The Norfolk, Virginia-based company said it thought it could generate greater shareholder returns from its own strategy than the price on offer.


Trump has repeatedly declined to publicly share his tax returns.


You may end up paying as much as $ 100 to get cash two to three weeks earlier than you would through typical e-filing of a tax return and direct deposit of your refund.


«Structured annuity sales continue to attract individuals looking for a balance between investment return and downside protection», Giesing noted.


By spreading your money across a range of businesses with a range of Credit Bands, the impact on your overall return is reduced if any one business can’t repay its loan.


The default preferred rate of return is the original investment amount.


As fund size increases, it becomes more difficult for one investment to dramatically impact overall fund returns.


Dalio’s firm led the list with a nearly $ 50 billion gain for its investors since inception through 2017, adding a $ 300 million profit in 2017 despite mediocre percentage returns.


In any event, our view is that the 10-year nominal total return on such conventional asset allocations is likely to be less than 2 % annually.


Recent policy actions, including today’s rate reduction, coordinated interest rate cuts by central banks, extraordinary liquidity measures, and official steps to strengthen financial systems, should help over time to improve credit conditions and promote a return to moderate economic growth.


how about bc they can provide great returns?


You can even file some returns by phone.


«We are optimistic about CNH credits going into 2014 and expect a total return of 3 % to 4 % in dollar terms,» HSBC analysts say.


Hopefully, you’ve determined what your annual marketing expenditure is and your metrics for achieving a return on investment (ROI).


Bitcoin is a protocol and network, with no single entity operating it, where there is nobody to oversee returns on investments or payoff investors.


and reap the rewards of a 368 % 5 year return on investment!


«These differences between hedged and unhedged returns have historically tended to narrow in the very long run, and investors should not expect to be rewarded for holding currency risk over time,» said the report.


Further declines in the dollar could help international investment returns.


There are obvious reasons the industry has had less-than-desirable returns, including: massive over-funding of the sector, huge increases in inexperienced venture capitalists that took a decade to peter out, and the massive correction in the value of the public stock markets that closed many exit opportunities for half a decade.


Think about what kind of return you want, how much risk you are willing to take on, and what strategy you want to use.


But some investors can be blinded by high guaranteed returns and ignore the warning signs such as unsustainable payout ratios.


Instead, they’ve run their finances conservatively enough that they can sit on depressed valuations for years at a time, knowing that they are still earning a good rate of return when measured as the cash flow that belongs to them relative to the price they paid for their ownership stake.


And when shopping, your purchases will be covered by an extended warranty, return protection and a damage and theft protection policy.


If you’re getting ready to get your return in order, take a look at the biggest tax traps you can’t afford to fall into.


Instead of going all in on one asset, your portfolio is spread out over a wider terrain, and you have experts cherry picking what they believe will ensure the best returns (as well as the best assets to minimize your exposure to risk if things go south).


Who did Yale look towards first for absolute return strategies?


Rio, which delivered almost $ 10-billion of cash returns to shareholders in 2017, could improve on that as cash builds.


And when stocks have been priced near average levels, returns have typically been near average, too.


Investors who had the foresight (What does the Bond Market Know, May 7, 2014) and Bond Market Clues, May 14, 2014) to buy long duration bonds have earned many years» worth of returns in the last few months.


A simple return of your money which does not produce profits and would not generate any carried interest for the fund manager.


Sentences with the word Return?



  • «He is asking $200 for the table»; «The kidnappers are asking a million dollars in return for the release of their hostage»
  • «kept watch for the return of their banded birds»
  • «the burdensome task of preparing the income tax return«; «my duties weren’t onerous; I only had to greet the guests»; «a taxing schedule»
  • «a detached part»; «on one side of the island was a hugh rock, almost detached»; «the separated spacecraft will return to their home bases»
  • «return all empties to the store»
  • «he resented my failure to return his call»; «the mechanic’s failure to check the brakes»
  • «he filed a complaint»; «he filed his tax return«
  • «in return we gave them as good as we got»
  • «on his return from Australia we gave him a welcoming party»
  • «gave up our seats on the plane and in return received several hundred dollars and seats on the next plane out»; «we get many benefits in return for our taxes»
  • «his gross income was enough that he had to file a tax return«
  • «I mean no harm»; «I only meant to help you»; «She didn’t think to harm me»; «We thought to return early that night»
  • «the average return was about 5%»
  • «joint income-tax return«; «joint ownership»
  • «an optimum return on capital»; «optimal concentration of a drug»
  • «`a true fact’ and `a free gift’ are pleonastic expressions»; «the phrase `a beginner who has just started’ is tautological»; «at the risk of being redundant I return to my original proposition»- J.B.Conant
  • «they used a power play to return the kickoff»
  • «the return of spring»
  • «they set out on their return to the base camp»
  • «he won the point on a cross-court return«
  • «return to your native land»; «the professor returned to his teaching position after serving as Dean»
  • «return a compliment»; «return her love»
  • «return a kickback»
  • «return to sender»
  • «students startled by the teacher’s quiet return«; «the sudden fluttering of the startled pigeons»; «her startled expression»
  • «the timely filing of his income tax return«

return — перевод на русский


Let’s return directly to Korea.

Надо вернуться в Корею.

If you gained consciousness, you should have returned right away!

то стоит немедленно вернуться!

I don’t dare to return home without meat.

Я боюсь вернуться домой без мяса!

After all, I can return home.

В конце концов, я могу вернуться домой!

It will be better, if you return to your parents. You are ill.

Ты больна, и тебе будет лучше вернуться к родителям.

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Those days will never return…

Те дни не вернуть. Никогда.

If you don’t mind, I’d like to return these.

Если не возражаете, я хотел бы вернуть это.

There are many reasons here why you did not return.

В мире так много вещей, которых уже не вернуть.

By the way, here’s a couple of trinkets I wanna return to you.

Кстати, я хочу вернуть тебе пару безделушек.

Well, darling, then I’d be honest about it and return it to the lady.

Что ж, дорогой, надо быть честным и вернуть ее этой даме.

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«After leaving, never to return,

«после отъезда я никогда не буду возвращаться,

Even if the heart is heavy… they must return to sea. Theirs is a slavery without escape. — Ready?

Они должны возвращаться в свое вечное рабство, в море.

Why this return to primitiveness?

Зачем возвращаться к первобытности?

They would return just as they were for one day… every hundred years.

Они будут возвращаться такими же, как были, на 1 день… каждые сто лет.

If you don’t return to your husband, where will you go, then?

Если ты не собираешься возвращаться к мужу, куда ты пойдешь?

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Accordingly, I have been appointed Acting Inspector until his return.

Соответственно, меня назначили исполняющим обязанности инспектора до его возвращения.

And I hereby decree that until what time if any, that I return the Scarecrow, by virtue of his highly superior brains shall rule in my stead assisted by the Tin Man, by virtue of his magnificent heart and the Lion, by virtue of his courage. Obey them as you would me. Thank you.

А пока, до специального указа, до момента моего возвращения, чучело, благодаря своим удивительным мозгам, будет править страной вместо меня, и ему будут помогать железный дровосек, который станет руководствоваться порывами своего волшебного сердца, и Лев, исполненный храбрости!

I must find her before they return.

Я должна найти ее до их возвращения.

We have to hurry before the others return.

Мы должны поспешить до возвращения других.

This key, delivered into your hands, will be the pledge of your return.

Этот ключ, отданный в твои руки, будет залогом твоего возвращения.

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I was returning this undercoat rake I had borrowed.

Возвращаю эту щетку для шерсти, которую я одолжил.

— I’m returning a baby carriage.

— Я возвращаю детскую коляску.

I’d like to return your bill.

Возвращаю вам вашу банкноту.

«Madame, I return your partial payment. »

«Мадам, возвращаю ваш неполный взнос.»

I’II return the 15 thousand You gave me.

Вы дали мне 15 миллионов, я их вам возвращаю.

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Let’s return.

Пошли обратно.

I return the mug… and then I’d like to take a little bit upstairs for breakfast.

Я принес бутылку обратно. И еще xочу захватить что-нибудь на завтрак.

Make them returns.

Возьми туда и обратно.

But in these cases we still have judgment here; that we but teach bloody instructions, which, being taught, return to plague the inventor: this even-handed justice commends the ingredients of our poison’d chalice to our own lips.

Но суд нас ждёт и здесь; лишь только дан Урок кровавый, он падёт обратно На голову учителя, и быстро Подносит правосудье — наш же яд

Your clothes are being dried and will be returned to you shortly.

Ваша одежда в сушке, вскоре вы получите ее обратно.

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And should your daughters refuse to die in your place, swear to return in three days. Swear it!

А если твоя дочь не согласится умереть вместо тебя, поклянись возвратиться через три дня.

That means I must return to Kembel at once.

Это означает, что я должен возвратиться сразу на Кембел.

Soldiers, you wish to return to France only by the path of honor.

Солдаты ! Только путем чести желаете вы возвратиться во францию.

In half an hour she promised to return.

Обещала возвратиться через полчаса.

You should return to me as soon as possible

Вы должны возвратиться мне как можно скорее

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«Aladdin’s palace has returned!»

«Дворец Аладина снова здесь!»

Return to see it!

Я снова увижу её!

And soon… we will not return to see us.

А потом… Мы никогда не увидимся снова.

— When I return to go to me?

— Когда я поеду снова?

You’ll go away, and they will return me to the school rooms.

Ты сейчас уйдёшь, а они снова направят меня в школу.

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Five I owe in return for a little information.

А я должен вам пятерку в обмен на информацию.

A little help in return for some of your losses.

Информация в обмен на снижение потерь от краж.

What little infamy are you asking me in return?

Какую гнусность вы собираетесь просить у меня в обмен?

He’ll give you a similar one in return.

В обмен Вам дадут другой, похожий.

Oh, it’s just a simple exchange, Mr. Grant. Corpuscles releasing carbon dioxide in return for oxygen coming through on the other side.

Это просто обмен, мистер Грант, эритроциты отдают двуокись углерода… в обмен на кислород, который приходит с той стороны.

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She saw Korvo and gave him a week to return the money before taking action.

Она виделась с Корво и дала ему неделю для возврата денег перед тем, как она примет меры.

Shuttlecraft is already past point of safe return.

Челнок миновал точку безопасного возврата.

You were told there is no return.

Нет возврата, ты сам говорил.

-You said we’d passed the point of no return. Not this world, Elizabeth.

-Вы сказали, что мы прошли точку, после которой нет возврата.

The seventh wave is big enough to take us out beyond the point of return.

Седьмая волна — достаточно сильна, чтобы вынести нас за точку возврата.

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Отправить комментарий

возвращение, возврат, ответ, возвращать, возвращаться, обратный, вернувшийся


- возвращение

- отдача, возврат; возмещение

to make a poor return for smb.’s kindness — отплатить неблагодарностью за чью-л. доброту
he asked for the return of his book — он попросил, чтобы ему вернули его книгу
in return — а) взамен, в обмен; в ответ; б) в оплату
he was given a receipt in return for his money — он заплатил деньги и получил квитанцию /расписку/

- оборот

quick return — быстрый оборот (средств)

- доход; прибыль; выручка

gross return — валовой доход
a return on capital — прибыль на капитал
to bring (in) an optimal return — приносить оптимальный доход
the return of the year amounts to … — годовая прибыль равна …

- официальный отчёт; рапорт

tax return — налоговая декларация (подаваемая налогоплательщиком для исчисления причитающегося с него налога)

ещё 21 вариант


- возвращаться; идти обратно

to return home [to Moscow, from a journey] — возвращаться домой [в Москву, из поездки]
he returned to ask me about smth. — он вернулся, чтобы спросить меня о чём-то
the scenes returned again and again before his eyes — эти сцены снова и снова представали перед его взором

- возвращаться, вновь обращаться (к чему-л.)

I shall return to this subject — я ещё вернусь к этому вопросу
he returned to petty thieving — он снова взялся за мелкое воровство

- (to) возвращаться в прежнее состояние

to return to dust — обратиться в прах
the roses will deteriorate returning to wilderness — эти розы выродятся и снова станут дикими
he has returned to his old habits — он вернулся к своим старым привычкам
cultivated land returned to forest — обработанная земля заросла лесом
the estate returned to another branch of the family — имение снова перешло к другой ветви семейства

- возвращать, отдавать

to return a ball /the service, a stroke/ — спорт. отбить мяч
to return empties — сдавать порожнюю стеклотару
will you return (me) my book? — вы вернёте мою книгу?

- отвечать (тем же)

to return a bow [smb.’s greeting] — ответить на поклон [на чьё-л. приветствие]
to return smb.’s love /affection/ — отвечать кому-л. взаимностью
to return good for evil — отплатить добром за зло
to return like for like — ≅ платить той же монетой
to return a compliment — ответить комплиментом на комплимент

ещё 9 вариантов

Мои примеры


the department’s return to normal — возвращение отдела в своё обычное состояние  
at the return from the army — после возвращения из армии  
to answer / return / take a call — ответить на телефонный звонок  
to give / make / return change for — дать сдачу мелочью  
dependable rate of return — стабильный уровень доходности  
to return to earth — замыкать на землю  
to return affection — проявлять ответные чувства  
to repay / return a kindness — ответить на добро добром  
to return to normal level — возвращать к норме  
by return mail — (с) обратной почтой, (с) ответной корреспонденцией  
to refund money, to return money — возвращать, отдавать деньги  
return match / game — ответный матч, игра  

Примеры с переводом

Alison decided to return home.

Элисон решила вернуться домой.

We waited for you to return.

Мы ждали твоего возвращения.

Return the book to its exact place.

Поставь книгу обратно, на то же самое место.

I have to return a book to the library.

Я должен вернуть в библиотеку одну книгу.

He left his country, never to return.

Он покинул свою страну, чтобы никогда уже не вернуться.

Let’s return to our muttons.

Вернёмся к нашим баранам.

Have him return it at once.

Заставь его немедленно это вернуть.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The point returned to the interior of the figure

Yeo was returned to Parliament with an increased majority.

…when the guy failed to return with our money, we sooned realized that we had been hosed…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

returning  — возвращать, возвращаться, отдавать, отвечать, приносить, давать ответ
returnable  — возвратный, подлежащий возврату, возвращаемый, принимаемый обратно
returned  — обратный, возвратный, вернувшийся, возвратившийся

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: return
he/she/it: returns
ing ф. (present participle): returning
2-я ф. (past tense): returned
3-я ф. (past participle): returned

ед. ч.(singular): return
мн. ч.(plural): returns

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

This was a serious departure from the principles of the system, facilitating a return of later Stoicism to the dualism of God and the world, reason and the irrational part in man, which Chrysippus had striven to surmount.3 Yet in the general approximation and fusion of opposing views which had set in, the Stoics fared far better than rival schools.

The difficulty of mythology is to account for the following among other apparently irrational elements in myths: the wild and senseless stories of the beginnings of things, of the origin of men, sun, stars, animals, death, and the world in general; the infamous and absurd adventures of the gods; why divine beings are regarded as incestuous, adulterous, murderous, thievish, cruel, cannibals, and addicted to wearing the shapes of animals, and subject to death in some stories; the myths of metamorphosis into plants, beasts and stars; the repulsive stories of the state of the dead; the descents of the gods into the place of the dead, and their return thence.

I wasted no time telephoning the Leblanc’s number to encourage my wife to return home.

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The election, which witnessed the return of four Labour members, resulted in a ministerial majority of a somewhat heterogeneous character, and in November 1906 Mr Smythe resigned, being succeeded by Mr F.

In April the friends heard of the second and final overthrow of Ludovico it Moro, and at that news, giving up all idea of a return to Milan, moved on to Florence, which they found depressed both by internal troubles and by the protraction of the indecisive and inglorious war with Pisa.

His ideal was a return to a 6th century constitution, which his contemporaries could equally regard as a moderate oligarchy or a restricted democracy.

Besides, denunciation would not have meant a return to prior conditions; for other countries would have continued the convention, and probably with success, and would have proposed prohibitive or retaliatory duties in respect of British sugar, with bad results politically.

Virginia and Maryland promised such a cession; President Washington was known to be in favour of a site on the Potomac, and in July 1790 Alexander Hamilton, in return for Thomas Jefferson’s assistance in passing the bill for the assumption of the state war debts by the Federal government, helped Jefferson to pass a bill for establishing the capital on the Potomac, by which the president was authorized to select a site anywhere along the Potomac between the Eastern Branch (Anacostia) and the Conococheague river, a distance of about So m., and to appoint three commissioners who under his direction should make the necessary surveys and provide accommodations for the reception of Congress in r800.

After his return to America in September 1880 he went back to his old home in Galena, Illinois.

Chicheley and the other envoys were received on their return as saviours of the world; though the result was summed up by a contemporary as trischism instead of schism, and the Church as giving three husbands instead of two.

  • Use the word Return in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Klein came back to his native New York in 1954 after a six year sabbatical in Paris where he trained as an artist, but this was no prodigal’s return in sackcloth and ashes.

We must gather fuel and return here fast.

return the stolen item now!

So the Bible is actually a trilogy and the Book of Mormon is return of the Jedi?

I asked the Lord to return her.

Terminate your target and return to base for debriefing.

In that case, when I die, I’ll return as a ghost… and I’ll go see her then.

Because if I don’t change from the way I am now… there’s no way that I’ll return to your side ever again.

No reason you can’t return to our med school next semester.

I didn’t return your messages for a reason.

«Will trauma teams please return to resus.»

Harry, you may as well return to ED.

In return, I want you back to work.

TANNOY: ‘Will all staff please return to their stations? ‘ HE KNOCKS

‘Will all staff return to their stations?

return the love I have, make me want to cry

The Mayor welcomes the astronomers with a speech, and the general ovation awaits their happy return.

Romeo cannot resist the desire to return to see Juliet

«In order to prevent the return of civil strife destroying this city

Today I leave your gates behind, but my enemies will tremble upon my return!

Upon the news of the death of dictator, Julius decides to return to Rome after an absence of seven years.

The people give their luck to Caesar and his legions as they depart for the land of the Gauls and hope that they will also return as victors.

Today two of the participants return there for the first time.

«May Buddha bless Your return

«I can’t approve the marriage of Olaf Anderson with that Japanese girl, for it won’t be long before we return home!»

I am travelling back to Europe, but… I will return

According to our laws, she will be free again then, and must return to the Yoshiwara!»

«I won’t have you insult my husband, he’ll return soon to me and his child!»

«…now that she is free again, she must return to the ‘Holy Forest’!»

Long after mignight, a few men left the inn at Braneh├Âg in order to saddle their horses and return home.

Watch over her. When I return to civilian life, I will take her back.

I now request permission to return to active duty in my old company with the rank of Private 2nd Class under the orders of Sergeant Francois Laurin.

Post these, once a month, without a return address.

Edith anxiously tried to understand Jean’s strange, feverish behavior since his return.

Ali, his faithful Indian servant, who makes final preparations for their return home.

I beg you to let Mari live at the parsonage in return for help around the house.»

I wont return to the world before you, stone statue do not start walking.

return to the world with me Jorge we will start a new life.

I wont return to the world until that virgin of stone starts walking, this I promissed and will fulfill.

If you are in fact the Holy Mary like the people call you then return my oath.

Ten drops of this in a little water every hour until I return.

Bring the Prince safely to Norway — but return without him!

«I must go now, but I’ll return

«Captive, return to thy prison!

Unfortunately I have to go out for business … and will not return until tomorrow. Kisses. Harry.

Unfortunately I have to go out for business … and will not return until tomorrow. Kisses Harry.

Indeed, she can make us no adequate return, but to allow me to return — the only _return_ ❋ Henry Rowe Schoolcraft (1828)

By default only user-defined functions may be overwritten by Runkit. class FunctionMocker protected $_mockedFuncBehaviourMap = array (); public function mock ($funcName, $return = null) $newFuncCode = ‘return «‘. $return. ‘» ❋ Unknown (2009)

Implementation The methods themselves are now very easy  Example:  of LineItem gets the unit price of  getTotalPrice the product and multiplies it with the quantity / ** Computes the total cost of this line item. @return the total price * / public double getTotalPrice () {return theProduct. getPrice () * quantity;} 65 OO Design — Sudarsun S ❋ Unknown (2009)

Since this provider * is creating ‘ModelFile’, it will need this context ** @return array * / public function getContextClasses () {return array ( ‘My_ModelFileContext’);} / *** This it the method exposed to the Zend_Tool_Framework client. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Why, I beg to know, cannot Mr. De Berenger go to Lord Yarmouth or any other nobleman or gentleman in the dress in which he waits upon Lord Cochrane? if he was dressed as Lord Cochrane describes, there could be no impropriety; but still more, «_or return to his lodging, where it would excite suspicion_,» _coming out_ of his lodging in this dress might to be sure excite suspicion, for persons who saw him might imagine that a gentleman thus dressed was going a little beyond the rules of the King’s Bench, but how could his _return_ excite suspicion? ❋ William Brodie Gurney (N/A)

The steamer outwards from Barbadoes could land, and the homeward (p.  123) bound packet take up the Haytian mails at Cape Henry, when the return packet goes by the north side; and the _return_ Haytian mails could be picked up at Jacmel, if the packet, _when a steamer_, calls, as she may do, at that place on her voyage to Jamaica, preparatory to her return by way of St. Jago and Cape Nichola to Fayal or Falmouth. ❋ James MacQueen (N/A)

* @return boolean True, or a FileMaker_Error on failure. function commit () return $this — > _impl — > commit (); ❋ ???????????? (2010)

OnExecuteLine (self, line): «» «The user pressed Enter. @param line: typed line (s) @return Boolean: True-executed line, False-ask for more lines» «» try: exec (line, globals (), globals ()) except Exception, e: print str (e) + «n» + traceback. format_exc () return True ❋ Unknown (2010)

* @return string A pipe delimited version of the row function compress_row ($row) return gzcompress (implode ( ‘|’, $row), 9); ❋ Parafieldtower (2010)

$return = ($return = = »)? false: ($return. $further_thanks_text); return $return; ❋ Vortexhlp (2010)

* @param string | array $user_ips Can contain a string with one IP or an array of multiple IPs function check_ban ($user_id = false, $user_ips = false, $user_email = false, $return = false) global $config, $db; if (defined ( ‘IN_CHECK_BAN’)) return; ❋ Ibelphegor (2010)

* @return FileMaker_Result The response object. function delete () return $this — > _impl — > delete (); ❋ ???????????? (2010)

$return [ ‘topics’] = sizeof ($topic_ids); if (! sizeof ($topic_ids)) return $return; ❋ Comkid (2010)

* @return boolean | FileMaker_Error_Validation Result of field validation on $value. function validate ($fieldName = null) return $this — > _impl — > validate ($fieldName); string $fieldName: バリデートをおこないたいフィールド名を指定。 ❋ ???????????? (2010)

* @return string Big Integer function phpbb_email_hash ($email) return crc32 (strtolower ($email)). strlen ($email); includes/functions. php always included via common. php by default. ❋ Kieran McHugh (2010)

* @return string public function toJson (My_Object $object) $json = json_encode (get_object_vars ($object)); return $json; ❋ Unknown (2010)

* @return boolean function checkCode () return $this-correct_code; ❋ DarkBerzerk™ (2010)

* @return string function generateCode ($len) $code = »; for ($i = 1, $cslen = strlen ($this-charset); $i charset {rand (0, $cslen — 1)}); return $code; ❋ DarkBerzerk™ (2010)

You can only [do so] many returns in a [sixty] day period at wal-mart on the same drivers liscence number.Go get a state i.d. card and were [back in business]. ❋ The Water Gun Tweaker (2005)

We are due for a sudden [Returnation] of [missing] [items]! ❋ Craig «MooGa» Harris (2008)

[Don’t mess with me], I’ll get my [returnity]. ❋ Henry54 (2007)

I put the 20 dollar ratchet in my pocket after i tore off the security bar sticker and walked out.I came back later and said i had gotten the wrong size,and without a [receipt] exchanged it for a smaller ratchet and was given a receipt.Later i returned [the ratchet] with the receipt for [a cash] refund. ❋ E-z- Money (2003)

I will [see to] it upon my [returnal].
His returnal was so quick that his opponent had no time to utter another witty [retort]. ❋ Eric Hsieh (2011)

“I have had enough of [industrial] [society]. I will [return to monke].” ❋ Tedpilled (2020)

[My brother] finally has a working [cell phone] after he did a Chinese Return for his [iPhone] ❋ MattLauer (2017)

«[Reject] [modernity], [return to monke]» ❋ TheDeadMeme27 (2020)

I found your missing [glove] on my [couch] so I [rank] returned it. ❋ Brewster726 (2013)

Return to Forever is [LEGENDARY] ❋ Leif Eryksson (2010)

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