Sentence with the word respond

respond — перевод на русский


Car 702, Fifth Precinct, 509, Seventh Precinct and 110 will respond.

Машина 702, пятое отделение, 509-й, седьмое отделение и 110-й, ответьте.

Lab, respond please.

Лаборатория, ответьте.

Agent S.O.S four to unit one, respond unit one.

Агент S.O.S 4 Группе 1, ответьте Группа 1.

Respond, what is happening?

Ответьте, что происходит?

Please respond.

Пожалуйста ответьте.

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No it does not respond, a shadow seemed to evaporate.

Никто ей не отвечает, тень будто испарилась.

Helm doesn’t respond either, sir.

Управление также не отвечает, сэр.


«Отвечает» – не совсем то слово.

The computer will not respond to these controls.

Компьютер не отвечает.

I’ve been paging him, Superintendent, but he hasn’t responded.

Я пытался известить его, Суперинтендант, но он не отвечает.

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He fails to respond to any normal stimulation.

Он не реагирует на обычные раздражители.

His wheelchair is constructed to respond to his brain waves.

Его инвалидное кресло реагирует на волны, излучаемые его мозгом.


Она хорошо реагирует на лечение, но многое будет зависеть от вас.

— How is it responding to the wind?

Как она реагирует на ветер? — Как чайка.

After these two questions the patient refused answer any questions whatsoever he is cooperative, he responds to orders as far as moving about, standing up, sitting down, taking off his jacket etc.

Больше ни на какие вопросы он не отвечал. Он послушен, реагирует на приказы переместиться, встать, сесть, снять пиджак и т.д.

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[Cristina] lf he doesn’t respond to tests, it’s because he’s already dead.

[Кристина] Если он не отреагирует, это потому, что он уже мертв.

Just contact him discreetly. See how he responds.

Просто свяжитесь с ним, посмотрим, как он отреагирует.

We’re not sure how she’s gonna respond.

Мы не уверены, что она отреагирует.

How did you think the network would respond?

Как считаете, как сеть отреагирует?

He might respond better to a familiar face.

— Возможно, он лучше отреагирует на знакомое лицо.

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The Enterprise is responding to a distress signal from one of our ships and is currently engaged in rescue operations.

«Энтерпрайз» пришел сюда в ответ на сигнал бедствия нашего корабля и проводит спасательную операцию.

I understand they’re trying to get intelligent life to respond.

Я понимаю, они пытаются получить ответ от разумной жизни.

Are they responding to our hails, Mr. Worf?

Человеческие? Есть ответ на наши вызовы, мистер Ворф?

We kept that up for hours, until finally they responded.

Мы продолжали так часы, пока не получили ответ.

We get an ultimatum, a warning shot, then a galactic week to respond.

Ультиматум, предупреждающий выстрел и галактическая неделя на ответ.

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One of the castle machines isn’t responding.

У одной из машин в замке неправильные реакции.

Does not respond.

Никакой реакции.

Odo, the changeling won’t respond to anything less than six millivolts.

Одо, порог реакции меняющегося — шесть милливольт.

He’s not responding.

Нет реакции.

This left her unable to respond to the exorcism and therefore, it directly contributed to her death.

Лишив ее ответной реакции на ритуал экзорцизма и стал одной из непосредственных причин ее гибели.

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Earlier that night, Kelly and his partner responded to a call at Roosevelt Asylum.

Этой ночью Келли и его напарник ездили на вызов в психушку.

— I should’ve responded to your page. — No, wait. I…

Я должна была ответить на Ваш вызов.

Florida state police responded To an apparent suicide an hour and a half ago.

Полтора часа назад полиция Флориды приняла вызов о самоубийстве.

Show us responding.

Вызов приняли.

L40, show me responding on 5th Street.

L-40. Вызов на Пятую приняла.

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It was very kind of you to respond so quickly, captain.

Спасибо, что так быстро откликнулись, капитан.

Thank you for responding so quickly.

Спасибо, что вы так быстро откликнулись.

Deandra, thank you so much for responding — to our ad in the paper. — You’re welcome.

Диандра, огромное вам спасибо, что откликнулись на наше объявление в газете.

We thank you for responding to our request— especially in such numbers.

Спасибо, что откликнулись на нашу просьбу, особенно в таком количестве.

They’re all here responding to your hilarious advertisement.

Все они откликнулись на твою веселенькую рекламку.

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Federation vessel, please respond to this…

Корабль федерации, пожалуйста отзовитесь…

Any British command receiving this, please respond.

Всем британским частям, отзовитесь, кто слышит.

All available Precinct 26 units respond.

Все патрульные 26-го участка, отзовитесь.

Please respond!

Пожалуйста, отзовитесь!

Officer James, please respond.

Офицер Джеймс, пожалуйста, отзовитесь.

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It’s a painstaking, thorough attempt, in and around the ship, to find a man who is presumably injured and unable to respond.

Это тщательный осмотр корабля с целью поиска человека, который, возможно, ранен и не отзывается.

The camera seems to be the only thing she responds to you know with her eyes.

Похоже, камера — это единственное, на что она отзывается… как бы… своими глазами.

It is a high-performance vehicle, designed to respond instantaneously to your every whim, your every movement, every…

…высокотехнологичное средство передвижения которое моментально отзывается на каждое твоё желание, каждое движение, каждое…

When we’re healthy, we respond to the hateful with fear and nausea.

Когда человек здоров, он отзывается на зло чувством страха и дурноты.

Yeah, it responds to your own cerebral evoked potentials.

Она отзывается на вызванный мозговой потенциал.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


All you have to do is respond.

Human rights organisations can and do respond.

Международные правозащитные организации, конечно, реагируют и будут реагировать.

Perhaps I can respond more fully later.

Может быть, позже я смогу ответить более обстоятельно.

When the other party does respond, the conversation continues.

И в то время как другая сторона должна ответить, на этом разговор также закончится.

Authors should respond appropriately to post-publication comments and published correspondence.

Авторы должны соответствующим образом отвечать на комментарии после публикации, а также на публикуемую корреспонденцию.

You can contact them through their Facebook page which will respond in English.

Вы можете связаться с ними через свою страницу на Facebook, которая будет отвечать на английском языке.

Listen to what he says; then respond.

Прислушайтесь, что он скажет, и только после этого отвечайте.

Pause to let your child respond.

Сделайте небольшую паузу, чтобы дать ребенку ответить.

They require hotel staff to immediately respond their requirements.

Они требуют, чтобы персонал отеля немедленно реагировал на их требования.

Let him respond how he wishes.

Пусть он реагирует так, как ему хочется.

Those who replied took an average of 10 days to respond.

А тем, кто отреагировал, потребовалось в среднем 10 дней, чтобы ответить.

If we respond too strongly it could lead to escalation.

Если мы ответим слишком резко, это может привести к эскалации военных действий.

We respond aesthetically, without purpose.

Мы реагируем чисто эстетически, без какой-либо цели.

So the ability to swiftly identify and respond will be critical to minimizing risk.

Так что возможность немедленно идентифицировать угрозу и реагировать на нее будет иметь решающее значение для минимизации риска».

When children respond properly, do everything to strengthen those efforts.

Когда дети реагируют должным образом, сделайте все, чтобы закрепить эти усилия.

Those who respond because their behavior has had positively reinforcing consequences usually feel free.

Те, кто реагирует в силу того, что его поведение имело положительные подкрепляющие последствия, обычно чувствуют себя свободными.

Many people respond thus when asked about their well-being.

Многие люди так реагируют, когда их спросили об их благополучии.

When reading poetry, neurons respond literally to every word.

Оказалось, что при чтении поэзии нейроны реагируют буквально на каждое слово.

Each player has 15 seconds to respond.

У каждого участника есть только 5 секунд, чтобы ответить.

Patients may also respond very differently to treatment.

Кроме того, разные пациенты могут совершенно по-разному реагировать на лечение.

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Grammar Check

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: acknowledge, answer, react, reply, retort. Similar words: respondent, correspondent, corresponding to, response, be responsible for, sponsor, bespoke, on the spot. Meaning: [rɪ’spɑnd /-‘spɒnd]  v. 1. show a response or a reaction to something 2. reply or respond to 3. respond favorably or as hoped. 

Random good picture Not show

1) I asked him his name, but he didn’t respond.

2) I offered him a drink but he didn’t respond.

3) He was noticeably slow to respond.

4) She asked where he’d been,( but he didn’t respond.

5) We are pleased to respond to your inquiry of August 18, 1998.

6) They are likely to respond positively to the President’s request for aid.

7) Some children respond more demonstratively than others.

8) Dave didn’t respond to any of her emails.

9) I am pondering how to respond.

10) The plants readily respond to these stimuli.

11) Terry was, as usual, slow to respond.

12) It was difficult to gauge how people would respond.

13) Does the child respond to auditory stimuli?

14) Staff respond well to her unbuttoned form of management.

15) The infection did not respond to the drugs.

16) How did she respond to the news?

17) Eric could only respond in broken English.

18) She wasn’t sure how he was likely to respond.

19) The patient did not respond to treatment.

20) Companies have to respond to the changing economic climate.

21) How did they respond to the news?

22) How did the editor respond to our suggestion?

23) The bank has yet to respond to our letter.

24) His condition failed to respond to the treatment.

25) The directors were unwilling to respond to questions.

26) Teachers can’t always respond effectively to problem behaviour.

27) Colds do not respond to antibiotics.

28) I asked her what the time was, but she didn’t respond.

29) I offered him a drink but he did not respond.

30) The future of the company will depend crucially on how consumers respond.

More similar words: respondent, correspondent, corresponding to, response, be responsible for, sponsor, bespoke, on the spot, tablespoon, respectively, with respect to, irrespective of, keep on, component, opponent, bond, blond, spoon, spouse, enter upon, second, on duty, condemn, despite, conduct, diamonds, desperate, teaspoon, on display, especially. 

A respond is a half-pier or half-pillar which is bonded into a wall and designed to carry the springer at one end of an arch. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Try to give baby different foods according to his respond.


As a brand we’re very proud to be putting a spotlight on these talented and driven business people and we can’t wait to see how the public respond with their votes,» said Richard Black, Global Brand Director, Chivas Regal.


How should a leader who overhears this respond?


When asked to identify Adolf Hitler, young people stopped on the street respond with blank stares, confused looks, and variations on the theme, «I have no idea», even when shown Hitler’s picture.


This paper concludes with policy suggestions for the Canadian government and investors on how to best respond to and benefit from China’s recent economic transformation.


Pre-schedule, respond and track conversions seamlessly from one dashboard.


«We have received a letter from the Digital, Culture, Media and Sports Committee and will of course respond by the given deadline,» a spokesperson said.


Most people I know respond positively to the question «So you like Jesus, but but not the church?»


High A: Let them call the shots; don’t interrupt High B: Develop a relationship; recognize their status High C: Avoid pressure; stress reliability High D: Stress quality; respond with facts


Since you easily pick up the feelings of your parishioners and you know almost immediately how to best respond to those feelings, it would serve you well to ask some hard questions about your impulses: Why do I feel like I need to move toward this person and see what they might need from me?


How can a parent respond when her practitioner doesn’t believe that breast milk has nutritional value after one year and that she should start to wean and offer that cow dairy instead?


You can also try an elimination diet for 30 days where you remove these foods and see how your respond.


Experiment a little to see what oils you and your child respond best to.


So, I asked what you might be interested in seeing as the focus of another roundup, and the first respond I got was «vegan breakfast bowls.»


It is not personal — other than I simply can not force myself to either read, or respond, to comments where enjoyment has withered on the vine.


I didn’t say «Hey CSN0116, here’s what I think, please respond


I’ve been helping her respond to readers» comments for a number of years.


In fact, kids who have trouble learning respond very well to discipline and structure.


Stay calm: If you are confronted by unwanted advice, no matter how well-meaning, you can either tell her honestly, but politely, that you feel undermined by her advice or you can simply stay calm: take a deep breath and respond, «this works well for us,» or (baby’s name) feels happy when we….


Give the toddler some time to process the comment and respond.


God respond by saying, «You want to do your own thing?


Under the theory that voters are more likely respond to calls to action from their friends instead of a generic political ad, the campaign then used the data it harvested to promote «friend-to-friend» communication.


These researchers then argued that obstetricians and other concerned physicians should understand, identify, and correct the root causes of the recrudescence of planned home birth; respond to expressions of interest in planned home birth by women with evidence-based recommendations against it; refuse to participate in planned home birth; but still provide excellent and compassionate emergency obstetric care to women transported from planned home birth.


RELEVANT covers the voiced responses from RELEVANT readers to the question How should a Christian respond when a close friend is gay?


How will the Spurs team respond to their midweek chastening?


Many of these changes may ultimately have international dimensions as well, but it is the more proximate contexts to which religious loyahtst «o respond.


However, the Waltham, Massachussets-based company is speaking to investment banks, including Citigroup Inc (C.N), about its strategy and how to best respond to such overtures, the people added.


When my children were very young, I especially took the principle respond with sensitivity to heart.


Talking therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) are designed to help us tackle unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, and your child will be able to learn how they best respond to various stimuli so that they can use this to their advantage in order to be able to successfully quit.


Nice respond in return of this matter with firm arguments and describing all on the topic of that.


How does an adoptive parent respond when their child asks, «will I ever meet my birth mom?»


If you would prefer not to receive any other notices concerning e-mail marketing, please respond and type REMOVE in the subject heading.


When things goes wrong, he doesn respond positively.


When asked why it is that he has been enabled to speak to some 80 million people worldwide and seen 3 million respond to his invitation to receive Christ, Graham replies: «I don’t know why God has allowed me to have this, I’ll have to ask him when I get to heaven.»


Elephant & Piggie will make your child laugh and respond.


First graders will begin to develop the ability to see patterns in words and numbers, have the motor skills to grip a pencil and be able to better respond to social situations.


Picking up on any patterns can help you better respond to your baby’s cries.


respond by smiling, picking up something of yours you don’t mind her playing with, and saying, «This is mine.


Her companions may need to help move her mother to action or help her respond to questions or directions from caregivers.


Nice respond in return of this query with firm arguments and telling everything regarding that.


But please respond with the aforementioned civility and love or I shall delete your comment for blatant hypocrisy.


I suggest that the teacher respond by saying, «Some people don’t like to tell their ages.


Customer service through social media; choose your channel, monitor and respond


To which I heard the first respond: «They say he knows the Talmud by heart.»


I love feeling the baby move kick and respond.


How I «should» respond, what my interpretation «should» be, what I am obligated to do as a «good Christian» (which I am not).


If you see a job here that you are interested in, please respond to the contact listed in the job announcement and not to ORIMHA.


How will the government respond in the budget to the uncertainty created by the short — and long-term fiscal crisis in the U.S., the on-going uncertainty over the recession in the EU and the continuing uncertainty over the future of the EURO area?


Our body’s respond to things in different ways.


Campbell Soup (cpb) announced today that it has agreed to buy Pacific Foods for $ 700 million in cash in a move designed to further respond to shifting consumer tastes in the food aisle.


отвечать, реагировать, удовлетворять, отклик


- отвечать
- отвечать, делать что-л. в ответ

to respond with a blow — ответить ударом

- реагировать, отзываться (на что-л.)

to respond to kindness — отозваться на доброе отношение
to respond to treatment — поддаваться лечению
they show no sign of responding to our proposals — они пока что никак не откликнулись на наше предложение
to this kind of teaching the class has always responded badly — на такой метод преподавания учащиеся всегда реагируют плохо /отрицательно/

- нести ответственность, отвечать; быть ответственным
- подавать возражение по иску или апелляции
- амер. возмещать (расходы и т. п.)
- редк. соответствовать, быть подходящим
- ав. слушаться рулей управления


- редк. ответ, отклик
- полупилон, пилястр (арки)

Мои примеры


to accept / meet / respond to / take up a challenge — принять вызов  
to answer / respond to a plea — внимать просьбе  
to answer / reply to / respond to a question — отвечать на вопрос  
to respond to the demand — удовлетворять спрос  
to respond to interrogation — отвечать на запрос (воздушного судна)  
respond typeout key — кнопка [клавиша] печати ответа  
respond to the demand — удовлетворить спрос  
the way you would respond — ваш способ ответных действий  
respond with a blow — наносить ответный удар; нанести ответный удар; ответить ударом  
respond to the caress — ответить на ласку  

Примеры с переводом

I give you two minutes to respond.

Даю вам на ответ две минуты.

He hurried to respond to her letter.

Он поспешил ответить на её письмо.

I’m uncertain about how to respond.

Я не очень понимаю, как реагировать.

She felt an urge to respond.

Она испытала сильное желание ответить.

Would anyone care to respond to the last question?

Кто-нибудь ответит на последний вопрос?

Most people will respond to the reward of money.

Большинство людей откликнется, если пообещать денежное вознаграждение.

She hasn’t yet responded to my letter.

Она ещё не ответила на мое письмо.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…whenever I smiled, the baby would respond with an apish grin…

Hubel and Wiesel have found cells that respond differentially according to the direction in which a stimulus is moved across the retina

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

respondent  — ответчик, отвечающий, реагирующий, отзывчивый
responding  — ответный
responder  — респондент, (маяк-)ответчик, отвечающий организм, клетка-респондер
overrespond  — слишком остро реагировать, остро реагировать
respondence  — реакция, согласие, соответствие

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: respond
he/she/it: responds
ing ф. (present participle): responding
2-я ф. (past tense): responded
3-я ф. (past participle): responded

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word respond, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use respond in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «respond».

Respond in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word respond in a sentence.

  1. But Henry remained unable to respond.

  2. No one unit could respond to them all.

  3. A summons, to which I did not respond.

  4. Willis, to respond to Minton’s charges.

  5. The Zabarma girls would respond Ya, mutmura!

  6. They will also respond to alarm calls by others.

  7. The management of the Paris Opera did not respond.

  8. They respond to dead, injured, or entangled whales.

  9. The Métis under Riel respond with arms as intended.

  10. Elephants can be trained to respond to over 30 commands.

  11. They try not to act but to be themselves, to respond or react.

  12. Even when a boat was on call it could take 45 minutes to respond.

  13. Many subjects did not respond well, experiencing dizziness and other ill effects.

  14. On July 27, the Japanese government considered how to respond to the Declaration.

  15. Tammar wallabies appear to respond more to the sight than the sound of predators.

  16. During these scenes, Briggs would often respond with a stupefied look on his face.

  17. A chorus of singers will respond to the akpwón, often while swaying back and forth.

  18. Social canids such as golden jackals, wolves, and coyotes respond to human imitations of their howls.

  19. This meant that the Air Force could not respond to new Soviet missiles by building more of their own.

  20. Schumann did, however, respond positively to the pieces of Les mois (originally part published as Op.

  21. Innate immune defenses are non-specific, meaning these systems respond to pathogens in a generic way.

  22. First, Woglinde pretends to respond to the dwarf’s advances but swims away as he tries to embrace her.

  23. Unlike most fishes, American paddlefish hardly respond to overhead shadows or changes in illumination.

  24. The attack generated speculation that the US would respond by deploying combat troops in South Vietnam.

  25. The fallout over this incident caused enough of a stir that the military had to respond to it directly.

  26. The leaves are considered active flypaper traps that respond to captured prey by bending to surround it.

  27. Diurnal lemurs use and respond to alarm calls, even those of other lemur species and non-predatory birds.

  28. They respond less aggressively to the scents of their territorial neighbors than those made by strangers.

  29. Parliament met in November to discuss the events of the year and how best to respond to their challenges.

  30. Contact was not established until 20:30 hours, which prompted Task Force Shepard to respond to the threat.

  31. Specter said, «Nobody has ever called me a liar,» and demanded an apology, to which Sestak did not respond.

  32. However, the crowds reportedly did not respond positively to the pairing due to their creative differences.

  33. The following day, at least 120 firefighters were dispatched to Monterrey, Nuevo León, to swiftly respond to emergencies.

  34. Doerschuk wrote that these experiences had «built strong ties to the audience most likely to respond to her debut album».

  35. She then sent a letter to Soviet ambassador to the United States Anatoly Dobrynin asking if Andropov intended to respond.

  36. The force was created in response to the Massachusetts militia’s failure to respond to the Powder Alarm in September 1774.

  37. The German forces in the Tromsø area failed to adequately respond to multiple warnings of the approaching British bombers.

  38. Contestants must respond as soon as they are called on and must ring in before they can either respond or pass a question.

  39. UNICEF offered assistance to Iran, and the official in charge of response stated: «we are preparing to respond if needed».

  40. In John’s Gospel, Jesus is presented as unpressured by the crowds, who often respond to his miracles with trust and faith.

  41. In July 1934, the Democratic National Committee chose Barkley to respond to Republican National Committee chairman Henry P.

  42. Eventually, Calvin lost patience and refused to respond; by this time Servetus had written around thirty letters to Calvin.

  43. The band did not respond initially to these comments, but later claimed that they were «just trying to be themselves» and that «it’s our band, we can do whatever we want».

  44. This strategy involved the construction and defence of a major naval base at Singapore from which a large British fleet would respond to Japanese aggression in the region.

  45. Positive symptoms generally respond well to medication, and become reduced over the course of the illness, perhaps related to the age-related decline in dopamine activity.

  46. This phenomenon has since been recognized as a feature of the plant immune system which allows the entire plant to respond to a virus after an initial localized encounter.

  47. They do not generally feature in obedience trials; while they are alert, respond well to food-reward training, and are eager to please, they are easily bored or distracted.

Synonyms for respond

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word respond has the following synonyms: answer, reply and react.

General information about «respond» example sentences

The example sentences for the word respond that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «respond» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «respond».

Sentences with the word Respond?



  • «the mind of the audience is becoming dulled»; «the benumbed intellectual faculties can no longer respond«
  • «it would be better to speak to him»; «the White House thought it best not to respond«
  • «a calculated insult»; «with measured irony»; «he made a deliberate decision not to respond negatively»
  • «Hubel and Wiesel have found cells that respond differentially according to the direction in which a stimulus is moved across the retina»
  • «I give you two minutes to respond«
  • «an immediate reply to my letter»; «a prompt reply»; «was quick to respond«; «a straightaway denial»
  • «he recognized her neediness but had no time to respond to it»

You can’t change the fact that highly stressful events happen, but you can change how you interpret and respond to these events

your life to see how you will respond

Before Johnny could respond she had disappeared back into her office

Vedanta is not a topic of books but just our vision to make a cognitive change to the way we respond to situations

As most couples are aware, men and women respond differently to stress

Our understanding of the human stress response has been based on the «fight-or-flight» model, which states that when confronted with a stressful situation, humans either will respond with aggressive behavior or will withdraw

A study found that females of many species, including humans, respond to stressful situations by protecting and nurturing their young and by seeking social contact and support from others, particularly females

Men are more likely than women to respond to stressful experiences by developing certain stress-related disorders, including hypertension, aggressive behavior, or abuse of alcohol, or hard drugs

I look at the Inspector but he doesn’t respond

Send pre-addressed, pre-stamped envelopes for grandchildren to respond

Ask questions that prompt a response; then respond to their opinions on current events, entertainment, or history

Maybe I just know how people respond to all this pain in the world

Ants respond to imbalance and stress

«I don’t have one saddled trained I can loan you,» he said, «They respond only to my handler

But we have also learned that ants respond to stress and imbalance

I pick up the phone before he rouses sufficiently to respond

Yoga can work independently of medicines but can supplement it by preparing the body to respond faster through the natural process

It did not respond

Glenelle couldn’t respond because she thought she might as well dare tip this shot back and found it was like biting down on two hundred twenty volts AC

Theo didn’t move, didn’t respond

» She didn’t give him a chance to respond

» She didn’t respond

Bahkmar feared the software in the houris was programmed to respond with even more enthusiasm when handled this way

I try to respond accordingly but he senses my embarrassment at once:

» Before I can reply, Apollo quickly changes the subject, «What happened to her? And I can only respond with my ignorance

I’m not ignorant!» I respond by getting straight to the point

I feel wonderful as I respond spontaneously to this mutual love attraction; it’s something I’ve never experienced before

People are going to think it is my child … I don’t know how I would respond to that

The Man waited for us to respond, and as craven as it felt, both Menachem and I took the cue and thanked him profusely

She wanted to know if she would still be able to respond to him, wanted some reassurance that he was really flesh and wanted to take their minds off of such a thing

Desa didn’t respond right away

His flesh wanted to respond but his soul is trapped

If they were, Alan would be too smart to respond, he would know there would be a probe or scope watching and would lie low or continue on his way

‘No, and it is lovely seeing how attached he’s becoming to the estate … every day there’s some new aspect that he’s learning about and the villagers are starting to respond to his enthusiasm … I saw Dering with his sheep yesterday, he was full of how much he liked the new master … how like the family he was and all that

ROBERT: Did you respond to his kisses?

She was barely over four feet, barely over eighty pounds but shaped to make his body respond any time she was near him

Tindairn muttered something but Alan let it go and did not respond

Still Berndt pushes on and the ggs respond

“Actually,” Alan said, “It is Ava that holds those controls,” Elmore looked at him funny but Alan didn’t respond to that, it was too deep a systems discussion for him

“No Lady Rayne, they only respond to Lord Tarak,” he warned

It says much for Karen’s power in the classroom, that Lucy mumbles a ‘sorry’ in my direction … before I can respond, Karen grasps my elbow and steers me away towards another group

So when you’re into your quit, and the Soul Slayer surfaces with the thought, «I want a smoke,» what will you do? There are a few ways to respond

He had to project the air of a confident and experienced battle captain ready to identify threats and respond to them decisively

He tried to respond to his wife and step-daughter, but apart from the odd brief conversation he preferred to occupy his time with work, well away from the sounds of the radio

Are you concerned about today‘s viruses? Do you wonder if there are prevention methods other than vaccines? We know from experience that today‘s viruses do respond to energy healing

That is not to say that air signs don’t have emotions or that water signs can’t be intellectual, but it describes how they initially each respond to a situation

Men cannot respond when the P-word is being talked about

had to respond to his new state of mind

‘trapped’ in the body, and the body would respond

respond as it will

you correctly and may simply respond to the negative

Responsiveness The best way to respond is in an appropriate and

Another way to respond preferably to something is to not

something, and then anyone can come onto your site and respond to it

in the form of what they do and say, and then you react or respond to

respond to his wife and step-daughter, but apart from the odd brief

She tried to stand but her muscles refused to respond

Bex is unable to respond to pain in a conventional way with purposeful movement, reacting by involuntary extension of her limbs only

” she didn’t respond right away

When he asked one of the nurses what a coma actually is she told him that it’s a state in which a patient is totally unaware of both themselves and their external surroundings, and they are unable to respond meaningfully to external stimuli

respond to the message that flashed out from across the straights

Ever since Rezarta failed to respond to treatment, Alex and Xhev have pursued a single goal

Roman tried hard to smile but his muscles didn’t respond

“I see, so you think the language you use now is the same used a hundred years ago, or a thousand years ago, how about thirty, or forty thousand years ago? No? And to respond directly to your skepticism, that is exactly what they did

‘From what I understand, he won’t respond to threats

was taken aback for a second time, unsure how to respond

” Harry began to respond, but Lawrence went on, he reached into his vest pocket and laid a familiar folded tradesman’s knife on the side table between them

man tried to respond but couldn’t speak

Before Gale could respond Ed came around the corner

yet who knows how to respond to a punch in the nose by a

She didn’t respond, but as hard as she tried to fight it her smile finally

«Simple,» Shelly answered before Emma could respond, «Finish what that other lady started

They noticed him about the same time he noticed them, and greeted him with cheerful hello’s and a wide wave, so he had to respond

She probably wasn’t used to having people respond like they had just seen a monster when they saw her, for she was definitely no monster

Mike was slow to respond to her entrance, but then again making his way around the crowded kitchen, was a feat in itself

Before Roman could respond a voice came over the speakers

Before I could respond she started again

He just sat there listening and didn’t respond

his captors didn’t respond he tried to free his arms

Didn’t respond to his pages or the

She’d set the alarm for three-thirty, but it must’ve been piercing the air for nearly twenty minutes before she was aware enough to respond to it

Once he did call in they would probably want to keep him talking just about constantly, what would he do then? With a sinking feeling he realized that the situation wasn’t going to respond to wishful thinking

Almost without thought, almost as an observer he watched his body respond to hers

’ Claude was about to respond, but

When she didn’t respond, he bent nearer wrapping his arm about her shoulder and whispered in her ear «You’re the chosen, it is your destiny, and they can’t change it

Roman entered the doorway without giving us a chance to respond

7And I heard the altar respond: “Yes, Lord God Almighty, true and just are

» she barely had time to respond, before Jim cut in

contemplated how he should respond, taking stock of the

I didn’t respond or even look up, but I could feel both Roman and Heather

» He didn’t respond

Before Jean could respond they were

Grossin was at a loss how to respond

How did you think I’d act when you told me about mom’s village?» He didn’t respond, so she left it at that

this, he saw no reason to respond, and instead began to

He did not respond, his mind busy with better solutions

Sally didn’t respond to the slang term I used for his name

We were all too stunned to respond, but I — for one – had

Sometimes people need to understand how to respond to a word

A computerized voice responded

“That was Ackers’ girlfriend, Ayai,” Johnny responded

Although this is the first study to show that laughter has such an effect, Miller had previously reported that people with heart disease generally responded to everyday life events with less humor than people who were healthy

“Good,” Silence responded as she came in closer with her spinning weapons

Their clan’s chieftain, a hoary monster named Vald, responded by drawing his ancestral blade

Now quit complaining,” Red responded with a snarl

’ I responded with a grim smile

girl, who responded, letting her own orgasm flood through her, and as they both

at the far wall and pushing on past the gambling man, she had responded

’ Molly responded, filling the bucket with fresh, hot, soapy water

None of its support panels responded

«I think we’ll have to take a mechanical look at it,» Herndon responded

As the omnidirectional array broadcast his spoofed Staas inventory query, the intact containers from the wrecked hauler Luxor responded, and the information was projected in his visor

Lisa responded immediately, declaring that “nobody else here has a problem with us”

I had missed the signs given me by Deb while teaching at the university, and even when she brushed my hand with hers in the cafeteria, I had not responded

Diam responded, «We can disagree on the specifics of a few issues, but still move forward

He heard nothing for a few days, but tonight Aban had responded

I felt for Menachem’s hand and he responded

’ Kara responded, using the alias closest to her name

” she responded calmly

’ He responded with a grin

Luray, the sad, blond, storytelling woman from mast five responded but was close by and came to stand with her at the rail

“Oh yeah, that would be great!” He responded with a smile as he sat on the side of the bed

She responded by pulling herself to him as her entire body shuddered

He went to her and asked if she really wanted this; she responded by pulling him to her

He responded with the caresses she wanted

«Yes, that’s right,» she responded

She kissed me and without any recourse on my part, she asked if that was it? I responded with a «yes» in horror

‘Coming,’ a girl responded as Ishaan rang the bell of our supplier’s home

«They were not listed,» Heymon responded

“On my way,” Alexei quickly responded and headed for the elevator

of the water simply responded to his belief, to his

“Sir, Sir! Thank the lord you’ve responded, I thought Alan had you for sure, but I’ve got Alan

The soldier responded to the judge by asking if he would grant a

“We just heard about this conference,” Charles responded, “and just couldn’t miss it

My limbs responded crazily, I had no coordination at first

responded, “But, yes, we all served in the Infantry during the War

It says a lot that they have responded so quickly

“The stables are over there, aren’t they?” Alistair responded,

“Yes, you could say that,” Bram responded, once again displaying

Hoping to recover himself, he pressed on, “And how are they to have ice whenever they so wish? I responded

“But I have had sympathy for others and I have experienced remorse and compassion,” responded the host plaintively

“I’m glad you gave it some thought,” responded his elder companion, a faint smile playing at the corners of his eyes

“But that wasn’t the real reason, was it?” Tom responded, insight

“I know one of them well, B’theen,” Kulai responded, “but he will not be accused of such a thing in my presence because I count him as a friend

“They are doing very well, thank you, ma’am,” responded Harry and glanced at the thermometer on the wall above the counter

“So that’s what they are following,” Fred responded

on our side of the causeway,” Fred responded, “But it never became

thing,” Fred responded amusedly, “But it was the presence of a dead

“No worries my friend,” Carl responded, shaking his head and smiling at

“I’m just tired, that’s all,” Heather responded

“It’s where your mother can have a bathe, without going to the creek, and pee and poop without going outside to the outhouse,” he responded

“Whatever you think best,” Alistair responded

There was a pause for a moment, before Granny responded

responded, “Just do as you’re told

responded Harry glancing down at his feet in the turf

“Same as always,” Bram responded brightly, “What he does best

“My parents are dead,” Roman responded as he got out of the Escalade

“I was just thinking about Johnny,” Scotty responded

“Carl wants it for what?” I responded

“They’re still in the closet,” Scotty responded

toward my watch but only my eyes responded

He was in the deep north at this time, but responded to an inquiry over the eye

It became clear, before their meal was delivered, that Harry not only had found the test ‘clear and concise’ but had responded to each poser with clarity

Allcock was asked about train schedules and he responded naturally, as if he were the rail inspector himself

Faber the former headmaster, there has not been any student who has responded to the Malvern Entrance Examinations with the full marks of a perfect score

“Please,” Gale responded, moving Ed’s ashtray and whiskey glass off the

responded fast and positively, with the enthusiasm of a kid on his way to a theme

“Level two,” the mechanized voice of the elevator responded

responded to the Italian Cardinal’s earlier comment;

” Harry responded as if simply passing along information

had responded to his summons

” She responded cooly

“It’s not the same as the theater,” Roman responded

«Nothing» Emma responded looking at Jim

» she responded to Jim’s answer

«Nothing» Emma responded abruptly, realizing she was scanning the area

«Of course she was,» he responded as he helped her to her feet

When she responded that it was, he came in carrying an arm full of logs, some appeared to be wet, but for the most part the rest were dry

«To dry your clothes» he responded, «If you hadn’t noticed the house is already warmer than outside

«What’s funny?» he responded, removing the pipe

She responded with what she’d been told “ England

” To which he responded, “Correct, at least that was where he came to America from

Mandy responded to this

” It was a wistful comment, to which both Mandy and Sarah responded readily

«Jim’s,» Shelly quickly responded, fitting it into her rendition of what happened after Emma’s fight with the doors

She squeezed his hand surrounding her waist and responded, “it is alright, their fine

Kelsey, that will warm me near as much as meeting yourself,” he responded sincerely

” He responded cautiously

” The women aahed at this, and the gentlemen praised his good sense, to which he responded innocently, “But she is; I don’t know how else to describe the aroma of her to me

» Emma responded, heading back to the office

“Two thousand and seventy-six,” Heather responded

» She responded pulling her hand free, and bending to grab her boots

» She responded with a sigh, as she stepped forward and waited for him to open the door

“What’s that?” Johnny responded

“I really didn’t expect Harry to have responded so quickly

«My office,» he responded as he climbed from the back seat and opened her door

Hoping to draw on its strength, before she’d responded to his comment

“I have no need of a staff,” responded Chloe, “I am more than capable of running this house

Part of him must have been acting subconsciously, trying to provoke them into responding

This is a good time to see how the plants are responding to their new organic regime

’ I commiserated, responding to her warm embrace with difficulty – my arms full of her son

He looked hurt and paused before responding

She ran a hand down from his chest and found he was already responding

I find myself responding to his flirtatious overtures – but console myself with the thought that it would be a strange woman indeed who didn’t

Two crewmembers, working nearby, stop what they are doing to watch and Joris, responding to the increased audience, cranks his antics up a notch

As promised, Berndt wakes me, knocking on the door and responding to my sleepy grunt, by coming into the room

As if responding to his loving touch, the magnificent red flower head threw up new feathers, filling out and flaming into glorious bloom at just the right moment

Her body was responding and she was kicking up her skirt in time with the music even better than she had ever done it in class when she had no idea the reason for it

As if responding to his loving touch,

The crowd, responding to the emperor’s question, jeer and give the comic the thumbs down

Despite the sunshine, the waves were rougher than before, as though responding to her mood

Leona’s heart is not responding

Roman just looked at Johnny without responding

touched his nose, the nerve receptors only responding in his fingers

Without responding Johnson flipped open his cell and began pressing

the knock at his door, or responding to the notes she slipped into his mailbox

‘Jean Bellimont,’ said Jean, responding with his own

Without responding I opened the cage across from the one we just opened

«Yah, so what» Alex was still responding not following her thought

Desa obviously knew the phone was impossible here, now what could he say? One thing he could tell her was that he never knew it was all that strange until she freaked over it, responding with something like ‘What the fu

Kaha was in front of him, he could not help responding to her, and she did not stop responding to his response in her motions with the music

took a moment before responding

MAS370 is not responding to their requests and they have no location for the airplane

and are not responding to their radios

He’d made the mistake of responding out loud to

in the season,’ he said, responding in kind to Jean’s Latin

«We should just stop responding to them and try and get some sleep

None of them saw what sign the driver was responding to

It could have been a scent sign the kedas were responding to

studied the ground without responding

was all Jean could do to restrain himself from responding

The man took a moment before responding

Arkaneh remained silent for a while before responding, as if he had let the anger that sprouted from Edrimer’s reply to dissipate from the air

I thought briefly of Walter and Emma before responding, knowing already I had failed with Seth

The collective consciousness of humankind has shifted pass the neutrality point and Gaia is merely responding by way of its physical changes which help increase the light quotient of the planet

He continued to groan, not responding

‘That’s okay,’ she said mildly, responding to his embarrassment

’ He must have wondered why she seemed so deep in thought, not responding to his imminent exit

Presuming someone is responding then we’ve got less than a month to wait

Jim turned to the bridge crew, “Let me know as soon as there is any indication that Vanguard is responding to our fleet

’ The woman then spoke in to her console, and seemed to be responding to a voice that Deanna could not hear

I turned away from her my mind in turmoil but my body responding it felt so strange and shyness overtook me

Thus, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, responding to Wasserman-Schultz, tells us comfortingly that „We all own the economy

Some he managed to block, his body responding automatically

Gerrid took a while to consider that before responding

decided calm, responding with a mechanical efficiency as the captain called for the Pearson to be

“And would have developed some means of responding accordingly,” Imbrahim said,

But as we watched the straw hats bobbing, and an occasional swarthy face, the whole cavalry division reverted from individual firing to rapid volleys, a machine gun turned loose, the infantry on our left were responding strongly, and the enemy withdrew to their first line of entrenchments with loss

The dispatcher did not send any serious incident to which he could be responding for I would have heard it and responded much faster

Human ―motives‖ are therefore held as determinant or conclusive responses to antecedent events independent of Free Will; that is to say, infer a mindset pre-conditioned by prior events governing present decisions rather than governed by independent designs capable of responding rationally to unexpected events

He became a Republican by responding to an ad by the local Republican Party, and won his first office by red baiting his opponent to defeat

Because of the severity of her head injury and the fact she was not responding, she was air-evacuated by helicopter to a specialty hospital for head trauma

He looked up at me and said, “I think she is responding to the light

“I’m 60,” she said bluntly, responding to Beth’s scrutinizing appraisal

Sharon was not responding as they had expected, and after doing

Months passed and still Sharon was not responding and just

Beth couldn’t contain herself: responding to unknown emotions, she giggled, cried and then giggled again

Just remember that your dog is responding to you, given how you are interacting

And Lobo heard me, responding with a slight wag and

The Samosa government reacted quickly, responding to the demands of influential landowners and businessmen who wanted an end to the campesino’s demands and strikes, and realizing the danger the Sandinistas represented if they continued to experience growth

Manuel took measure of the tone carried in Gordon’s voice and took a careful moment of consideration before responding

The other soldier seemed taken aback by the incongruous humor and shuffled himself on the sack uneasily, responding with childlike bitterness:

By continuing to oppose it, the church is in very real danger of further forfeiting its credibility because it is not responding to the needs of the very people it is called to serve and for whom Christ died on the Cross

of communicating and responding – two essential things in life!

Colling was hoping that the conversation would not go on, but the NKVD man was encouraged by the girls’ response, and after responding to their question with, “I am fines, too,” asked, “What is names, please?”

They were responding to his suggestions, and the game was proceeding well

The rest of my day was spent writing and responding to various emails, starting to pack up in readiness for the flight back to Phuket tomorrow and finalizing my diary

be trusted to help each of us in our time of need, responding to us ac-

I‘m not responding to him

This worked wonders for self-confidence, each responding as he was able

Now I was surprised to find myself responding to his charm, sincerely complimenting him, glowing in his flattering attention

Responding to this care, the tree would resume its intended beautiful shape and within a year or two there was no trace of its former maiming

He didn’t see himself as a teacher, but rather a searcher for wisdom, responding to his calling and knowing he was not wise

We can create strong, comfortable, binding relationships with this World by responding to life’s chal-

Jo-Jo thought about this for about 15 seconds before responding

“Vents system not responding,” called one of the operators

After a mere three messages Terry’s old band mate was finally responding

Another hour went by and Eliana put a paste on his forehead in order to wake him up, but the titan was still not responding

Paul brings it to our attention that if the Jews, by not responding to the gospel opened the

AFD fights fires and responds to life threatening medical emergencies, as well as responding to HAZMAT incidents

Becky paused a little before responding, “I won’t say that your scaring me Harry but I need you to tell me everything

Judge Tasker eyed him for a brief moment before responding, “Mr Warren, I can see no reason as to why this trial should be delayed

Bellona stands there with her eyes still closed, not responding

Those who dare oppose him he labels fascistic, and attempts to destroy their character without responding to, or even hearing, the substance of their arguments

* Retrieve voice messages and responding to routine requests

When the police arrived, responding to Harvey’s call, they immediately took him into custody, amid his protests that he was innocent of anything, more than being a good neighbor

All I was noticing now was that, if before my body was responding under Toby’s pulse, now it rejected his touch

Hani gazes at skull burner for several seconds before responding: «That is a long story, my friend, and quite personal

The crowd boos and shouts down the priest, preventing any officials from responding

there was both a fake memo and a real memo in responding to lawyers’

But just until a couple of days ago, State emergency and essential services—paramedics, peace officers, sanitation officers—were responding sporadically to calls

Braidwood said the four Mounties behaved as if they were responding to a

I nod my head but refrain from responding

She brushed the question aside but came back to him with a cup of tea and said sorry for not responding

He began responding to it, thankfully

It includes the linguistic style you use in your tweets, the different types of content you share with your target audience, and the tone you adopt when responding to comments (both positive and negative), issues, questions, concerns, and complaints

If you have thousands of followers but they aren’t responding to you or engaging with you, then it doesn’t do you much good, especially when it comes to trying to market your business, product or service on the platform

You need to be strategic and tactful with each tweet that you send out even when responding to a tweet about a problem you know your product can solve

An example of an internal organ dysfunction that often responds well to walking is constipation

Everything in heaven and earth is subjected and responds

about your healing — your whole body responds and the law of the Spirit

» Apollo responds in a way that painfully reminds me of his mistrust, «There’s definitely more to it than that

What follows next is dead silence, but then Sabrina speaks again, «Well, are you excited about the ceremony?» I cringe as I sense confusion coming from Apollo as he responds, «What ceremony?»

However, she responds to my instruction and, at a steady canter, allows Adamant to catch up with us

application the view is only about displaying information – it is the controller that handles and responds

The controller responds to user interactions, with the application, by selecting the action method to

After a short time just hearing the clicker makes him a happy dog, even if he doesn‘t receive the turkey, his body responds as if it has

Your immune system is not only physical, it is also an energy system that responds to energetic entrainment

He makes his replies in a completely awed voice while it is Anna who responds clearly and confidently to Peter’s questions

» She makes a face and Alex responds by smiling brightly again

It has a limited range so we have secondary radar that sends a signal to the airplane and the airplane responds with its own signal giving back a position via the transponder, ACARS and ADS–B

Positive words generate positive responds

responds to what we give — negatively or positively — in greater amounts

Ivan responds that he was not to give up at

Usually a non-witch will only have a single element that barely responds to him or her

First, I want to show you what it will look like when the element responds to you

Boyd then responds very lovingly with several options

Boyd’s father responds to this information

When a person responds to the joys and sorrows of others as if they were his own, he has attained the highest state of spiritual union

What most people do not know is that Gaia also responds to human consciousness

reality and responds to that perception

“I wonder if they ever go in the other direction?” he says out loud, and she responds with a silent laugh

The supernatural responds principally to the spoken word

The Israeli government responds in measured actions in order to root out the terrorist cells in a few West Bank towns and cities, and is accused of massacres

“I guess we’ll just have to see how she responds in the morning then, I have a new little nothing I’ve been dying to wear

You should earn a reputation for being a person that responds only to reason

The manner an individual responds to a situation at the office, for example, will more often than not rely on thinking rationally (or natural aptitude) rather than learning (or vocational training)

how Jasper responds to those movements; you don’t even have

exacted and responds with understanding

us pleasure when the other party responds to this strategy

At the moment, the audience responds with applause,

This construct (as I have termed it), the mind, this thinking machine appears to me like another kind of eye, an inner eye allowing the brain to interpret more subtle influences than the physical structures that the eye responds to

others in the same way our Savior responds to us

No one responds to that

In the case a match is found, it responds by using a priority defense protocol

I hear his footsteps stop, and slow down so I can hear how she responds

” Tris responds, “The goal of my life isn’t just … to be happy

But he responds to mothering

Verse 16 offers a further proof that we are God’s children, the spirit in us responds to the

AFD fights fires and responds to life threatening medical emergencies, as well as responding to HAZMAT incidents

Bentley’s responds to their

If it was possible, they would have done it already and I’m sure it would have been done in the early 60’s,” Peters responds excitedly

The owner responds, «Genius, my ass

Sourav!» Ganguly responds, «Sachin! Is that you?» «Yes it is, Sourav,» whispers Sachin’s ghost

responds in interest and effort

” He said and I kept quiet, hating how my heart involuntarily responds to his compliment

that is, is so complete, that as he responds to the universe, so

I, in turn, improve on his enhancement, and he responds in kind

«Yes, that I heard,» I say, as a second crackle responds to the first

can result in a profound change in the way your body responds

He responds as I expect, holding back at first, but the kiss gets stronger in the end, and I pull back with a smile

Every nerve within me responds with a thrilling desire, but I quickly pull away from him

Modern technology is so fast and precise nowadays”, the nurse responds

“What about her?” She impatiently responds

” She nervously responds

” He relievingly responds as their food arrives and they consume their meals

“What the hell just happened?” Trina asks Steph, who responds after wiping away her own tears

What happened?” He cradles her and she responds with shortness of breath,

“You never know”, she responds

“That’s an understatement”, Torin responds “and she’s forty-three years old

” Janay responds still in shock as she continues looking at Torin

“Torin Christian Matthews” he responds as Janay looks at him as if she had just saw a ghost

” Torin solemnly responds

” Ethan responds while tending to the barbecue

“Not yet”, she responds

“That’s why I’ve been trying to get Torin not to fall in love with me”, she responds

“I’m sorry but I can’t”, she responds while letting go of his hand

“I tried but you wouldn’t listen”, she responds fearfully

“Daddy, why are we taking the train when you have so many cars?” Torin looks at his inquisitive son and responds,

“Yes, though she only responds to her rightful owner, and only if her owner is a female elf

alarm the station responds to

In Figure 15 responds the Q19 as to what forced migrants to leave Achaam and it

Figure 11 responds the Q20 that there are still 15% migrants who are still

responds to the truth because, “We have not received

Zacchaeus responds with action

Meanwhile God responds with such an overwhelming display of unconditional love that seeks the highest good to the disobedient prodigal son who disowned his father, and squandered his inheritance on foolish living

responds to the former, group Sophia-Analysis is an effective space to respond

She responds to him

God responds to an open, humble, and child-like heart of faith much more than He does to a resistant heart of unbelief

responds, or could respond, to this need to help human beings that are in

The computational power required to generate a tiny living ant, which responds to multiple inputs from the environment and with its unique structure and behavior, would be challenging even to our current supercomputers

God responds by saying I AM that I AM

«Oh, do some of the kids have unnatural talent?” Connie responds with a smile on the outside, a smirk tucked into her pink cheeks

Randy responds with a rare spark of anger, “There are men laughing about this, relishing in the destruction and deaths

Denson responds, “You’re new at this, aren’t you?” He answers with the usual script, «It’s a mistake to overstate the value of DNA

Steng responds, “Stacy, you did most of the back story

” She responds to Steng, «I fired her, of course

Steng responds, «We have, under promise he wouldn’t contact you in advance

Denson responds, “We should be

Ask your question and then wait to see how she responds

As a practice, consider that all of nature responds without memory, without stories

Childers responds, underestimating you

There is an upheaval in the community as it responds to what appears to

responds, and we are then in the best condition to benefit by the meditation

is seldom il , but that when he is, he responds to treatment much faster than

What is now fully understood, is that when direct conscious intent is applied, the energy being focused upon responds

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