Sentence with the word request

request — перевод на русский


My request will be put aside for a while.

Моя просьба пока будет отложена.

That’s a very serious request.

Это очень опасная просьба.

This is not a request, Van Ryn.

Это не просьба, ван Райн.

It isn’t an order, of course, it’s a request.

Это, конечно, не приказ, это просьба.

That is my first request of you.

Это моя первая просьба.

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Let us say it is my request.

Скажем, я прошу.

To-night we hold a solemn supper sir, and I’ll request your presence.

Сегодня вечером даём мы ужин, И я прошу вас быть.

Sir, the request, the warrant.

— Месьё, я прошу, я умоляю вас.

Requesting a rebroadcast of instructions…

Прошу повторить указания…

I request urgently that you remove yourself.

Прошу тебя немедленно убраться отсюда.

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Having been requested, however, my colleagues and I approached this development… purely as scientists.

Получив, наконец, соответствующий запрос, я и мои коллеги подошли к этой разработке исключительно как учёные.

I’m the first citizen who would never dare conceive such an awful request.

Я впервые вижу гражданина,… который посмел себе предъявить такой ужасный запрос.

Specific request to employ anti-matter.

Особый запрос на использование анти-материи

Repeated urgent requests for information from the ship’s computer records for anything concerning ESP in human beings.

Повторяют экстренный запрос информации с данных компьютера корабля, касающихся любой информации об ЭСВ людей.

— You sure this is an official request?

— Вы уверены, это официальный запрос?

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He requested the use of our forecourt to dispatch himself with honor.

Он попросил воспользоваться нашим двором, чтобы с честью умереть.

He has requested and been granted shore leave.

Он попросил отпуск и получил его.

As some of you know, the Council has requested that security oaths be obtained in writing from everyone who has knowledge of this event.

Некоторые из вас знают, что Комитет попросил получить письменную подписку о неразглашении тайны от каждого, кто знает об этом событии.

I have just had the sad duty of informing Starfleet about Dr. McCoy’s condition and have requested an immediate replacement.

Я только что сообщил Звездному флоту о состоянии д-ра Маккоя и попросил немедленно прислать ему замену.

Ask her what I requested she play one hot summer day when I went in her room.

Спросите у неё, что я попросил её сыграть, когда вошёл в её комнату в тот жаркий день.

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Request permission to change altitude to 12,000.

Запрашиваю разрешение сменить высоту на 12 тысяч.

Request landing instructions, 22 jets, 10 miles out.

Запрашиваю инструкции для посадки… 22 самолёта в 10 милях.

Broken clouds and a full moon. Request instructions. Over.

Рваные облака и полная луна, запрашиваю инструкции…

Request permission to proceed.

Запрашиваю разрешение на исполнение.

Request permission to land.

Запрашиваю разрешение на посадку.

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Using the diplomatic practice to say that the United States requests a bail on John Mayer, is a disrespectful move, but it’s not like he isn’t getting a trial.

С точки зрения внешней политики требование освобождения Джона Майера под залог непосредственно от главы правительства является нарушением международного политического соглашения.

However, your request will be taken up at the next full session of Gideon’s council.

Тем не менее, ваше требование будет рассмотрено на следующем полном совете Гидеона.

That’s an unusual request.

Это необычное требование.

Is it the syndicate’s request?

Ёто требование синдиката?

This is a crazy request!

Странное требование!

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I’ve already requested support, But quite frankly, my naval friends tell me there isn’t much chance for it.

Я уже запросил поддержку, но говоря начистоту, друзья с флота сказали мне, что получить её шансов немного.

The enemy has requested an immediate cessation of hostilities.

Противник запросил полной остановки боевых действий.

I even went so far as to call Starfleet Command to request a spaceship to be used as a transport.

Я даже связался с командованием Звездного флота и запросил звездолет в качестве спасателей.

These are the reports I requested from Algiers.

Вот отчёты, которые я запросил в городе.

I’ve requested tank support.

Я запросил танковую поддержку.

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For these reasons I request the death sentence According to the Article 2 of the Act of March 10, 1792.

… Поэтому я требую смертной казни, в соответствии со статьей 2 Закона от 10 Марта 1792 г.

It is not I who request that we should live so.

Это не я требую, чтобы мы жили так.

Further, I waive rights to this hearing and request immediate court-martial.

А также от этого слушания и требую немедленного созыва трибунала.

I request a public advocate.

Требую общественного адвоката.

I do request someone to come forward to give me legal assistance.

Я требую, чтобы мне предоставили Юридическую защиту.

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— Any requests?

Какие будут заявки?

Is there a big desk? «More requests for anthrax?

Есть какое-то бюро? «Заявки на антракс? Спасибо.»

Okay, we’re taking requests.

— Мы принимаем заявки.

Do you do requests? Do you know Voodoo Lady?

Выполняете заявки? «Voodoo Lady» знаете?

Any interview requests go through me, honey.

Заявки на интервью одобряю я, крошка.

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A character reference of your father-in-law is requested but not necessary.

Характеристика вашего крёстного требуется, но не обязательна.

Request assistance.

Требуется помощь.

Urgent. Request direct link to Zygon.

Срочно требуется связь с Зайгоном.

Request immediate backup. Repeat, we have the sucker.

требуется немедленное подкрепление!

Request immediate assistance!

Требуется немедленная поддержка! Машина 375, по пути к месту!

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word request, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use request in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «request».

Request in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word request in a sentence.

  1. At the request of the U.S.

  2. It can be viewed on request.

  3. At Oregon’s request, the U.S.

  4. The crew ignored this request.

  5. The HNC turned down the request.

  6. The CIA rejected Berg’s request.

  7. Magoffin also vetoed this request.

  8. At the request of Senator Robert J.

  9. This is the reason for my request..

  10. It appears the request was ignored.

  11. Other cabinet secretaries backed Lansing’s request.

  12. Action on the request was deferred by AASHTO’s U.S.

  13. At Ranson’s request, the hearing was then adjourned.

  14. Pinafore in its entirety as a last request for Bart.

  15. The separation request was added by a vote of 36–12.

  16. Atrus calls the player to his home in Tomahna to request his friend’s assistance.

  17. Aganović assessed that while this was probably true, their request was insincere.

  18. Her favourite pet Pomeranian, Turi, was laid upon her deathbed as a last request.

  19. The Japanese government sold Tango back to the Russians at their request in 1916.

  20. Thomas rejected the request, referring to the local-born Indians as «foreigners».

  21. New South Wales refused the government’s request to close the Rhodesian Information Centre in Sydney.

  22. In declining to meet his request to publish reasons, the board may well be acting kindly towards him.

  23. This request spurred Nutt to accept the book, and it was published in July 1899 in a small print run.

  24. It is almost time to request a legal limit on the number of runs Bradman should be allowed to make.».

  25. Head refused Brown’s request for a dissolution of the Assembly, and Brown and his ministers resigned.

  26. The next day, at Surya’s request, Aruna again assumed female form, and Surya fathered a son, Sugriva.

  27. Tabak, legally represented by Paul Cook, declined to request bail during a hearing the following day.

  28. At her request, Kennedy directed aide Frank Mankiewicz to arrange for a plane to retrieve King’s body.

  29. Baldwin rejected the request for delay, presumably because he preferred to resolve the crisis quickly.

  30. This «Blind Man’s nickel» was struck at the request of Congressman and former Union General William S.

  31. Voting is conducted primarily by a show of hands, that may be checked on request by electronic voting.

  32. This request is also the most direct piece of evidence for Cosimo’s involvement with the commissioning.

  33. Following a rejected demand for a wage increase, Wark submitted a transfer request, which was accepted.

  34. He received a formal reply without any reference to his request, and his subsequent letter was ignored.

  35. He had died on 15 September 1613 in the Tower of London, where he had been placed at the king’s request.

  36. He apparently solicited Archduke Ferdinand on 30 November, and his request was passed on to the imperial court in Vienna.

  37. Zotov was deeply humbled and overwhelmed by the Tsaritsa’s request, and was enthralled at the prospect of teaching Peter.

  38. On 18 May, Bagramyan asked Timoshenko to alter the plans but Timoshenko along with Stalin refused to approve his request.

  39. Nasr tried to request help from Infante Peter (now one of the regents for the infant king), but aid did not come in time.

  40. In March 2014, Metallica began a tour called «Metallica By Request», in which fans request songs for the band to perform.

  41. At Taft’s request, the Supreme Court reversed a murder conviction that Taft said had been based on inadmissible evidence.

  42. In hopes of further improving relations, Cabral dispatched his men on several military missions at the Zamorin’s request.

  43. At Lowrey’s request, Assistant Dean Peter Storandt told Bakke his candidacy had come close and encouraged him to reapply.

  44. As soon as the first group of soldiers left Gonzales, Ponton sent a messenger to the closest town, Mina, to request help.

  45. On his request the Board of Control for Cricket in India retained his position in which he continued to serve until 2005.

  46. Even though the Omani government did not request any international aid, the United States offered assistance through naval ships in the area; this was eventually rejected.

  47. The New Zealand Government acceded to the request and, upon her arrival on 8 December 1913, New Zealand joined the 1st Battlecruiser Squadron (1st BCS) of the Grand Fleet.

  48. At the request of the film’s producer Aditya Chopra, Roshan lost 12 pounds (5.4 kg) for the role, and learned skateboarding, snow boarding, rollerblading and sand surfing.

  49. These were struck not later than April 10, 1935, and were sent at the commission’s request to the Hartford National Bank and Trust Company, distributing agent for the coin.

  50. At the request of Emanuel Moravec, Frank personally appealed to OKW operations chief Generaloberst Alfred Jodl in the matter and the younger Moravec’s sentence was quashed.

Synonyms for request

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word request has the following synonyms: asking, petition, postulation, bespeak, call for and quest.

General information about «request» example sentences

The example sentences for the word request that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «request» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «request».

Sentences with Request, Sentences about Request in English

1. I have a request to make.

2. We get a lot of requests.

3. I came at Steve’s request.

4. Tom denied Mary’s request.

5. I’m here at Alex’s request.

6. I have to deny that request.

7. That’s what Steve requested.

8. Excuse me, I have a request.

9. Frank has requested our help.

10. Jessica turned down my request.

11. I cannot comply with his request.

12. I can not comply with your request.

13. Samuel considered Jessica’s request.

14. I downloaded the programs you requested.

15. Excuse me, I would like to make a request.

16. May I request a new uniform? A towel seems inappropriate for the position.

17. Of all the icy blasts that blow on love, a request for money is the most chilling.

18. Patience is the most necessary quality for business, many a man would rather you heard his story than grant his request.

19. She was so going to get it later. “Macy, queen of my universe, I beseechingly request you place your sweetest lips upon my manhood and make it your lollipop.

20. To refuse to listen to someone’s cries for justice and equality until the request comes in a language you feel comfortable with is a way of asserting your dominance over them in the situation.

About The Author

просьба, запрос, требование, заявка, спрос, запрашивать, затребовать, предлагать


- просьба; (вежливое) требование

- запрос; заявка

on request — по требованию
samples sent on request — образцы высылаются по заявке
to make a request — обратиться с просьбой
to make request for smth. — сделать заявку на что-л.
request for fire — воен. вызов огня

- спрос

in great request — в большом спросе; популярный
he is in great request — он очень популярен
he is in great request as a portrait painter — этот художник беспрерывно получает заказы на портреты

- информационный запрос

non-requiring request — разовый запрос
unanswered request — отказ, невыполненный запрос
to state a request (for) — формулировать запрос (на)
court of request(s) — местный суд по мелким делам (о взыскании долгов)


- просить (позволения и т. п.)

an answer is requested — просят дать ответ
he requests to be excused from this task — он просит, чтобы его освободили от этого поручения

- предлагать, предписывать

to art when requested — действовать по распоряжению
as requested — согласно инструкции
your presence is requested immediately — вам предлагается немедленно явиться
the public is requested not to walk on the grass — по газону не ходить (надпись)

- запрашивать

Мои примеры


a brash request to get something for free — наглое требование получить что-то бесплатно  
an appallingly insolent reply to a reasonable request — поразительно наглый /оскорбительный/ ответ на разумную просьбу  
to accord smb.’s request — выполнить чью-л. просьбу  
to entertain a request — удовлетворить просьбу  
to acknowledge a request — подтверждать получение запроса  
to ask for / request extension — просить об отсрочке  
to grind out a request — выдавить из себя просьбу  
a pencilled request — написанное карандашом требование  
my prime request — моя основная просьба  
desperate / urgent request — настоятельная просьба  
informal request — неформальная просьба  
moderate / modest request — скромная просьба  

Примеры с переводом

That’s an order, not a request!

Это приказ, а не просьба!

She did it at my request.

Она сделала это по моей просьбе.

Your request is in process.

Ваш запрос находится на рассмотрении.

I requested a taxi for 8 o’clock.

Я заказал такси на 8 часов.

She has a request to make of us.

У неё есть к нам просьба.

Visitors are requested not to walk on the grass.

Посетителей просят не ходить по траве.

She cast her request in very polite language

Она отклонила ее просьбу в очень вежливой формулировке.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Further details will be sent on request.

There were no flowers at the funeral, by request.

They’ve filed a request for release from the contract.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: request
he/she/it: requests
ing ф. (present participle): requesting
2-я ф. (past tense): requested
3-я ф. (past participle): requested

ед. ч.(singular): request
мн. ч.(plural): requests

The word (


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Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

At the end of the list you can practice your english pronunciation

  1. Air Museum in Peru, Indiana,located near Frisson Air Reserve Base, made a,


    ,to be permitted to display the Apollo 1 Command Module. Popular culture *An
  2. For its policy of refusing to disable restrictions upon an adult patron’s,


    , Library patrons attempting to access pro-gun websites were blocked, and the
  3. As for the offering of the skull to Rosamond, that may have been a ritual,


    ,of complete submission of the queen and her people to the Lombards, and thus a
  4. However, certain critical interlocutory court orders, such as the denial of a,


    ,for an interim injunction, or an order holding a person in contempt of court
  5. Tendency of Varieties to Depart Indefinitely From the Original Type «, with the,


    ,that Darwin would review it and pass it on to Charles Lyell if he thought it
  6. From the Romans. As his first attempt, Andriskos travelled to Syria to,


    ,military help from Demetrius Voter of Syria. Demetrius instead handed him over
  7. To Solzhenitsyn, publication of the Satin memoirs was canceled at the,


    ,of Samutin’s widow, who stated that the memoirs were in fact dictated by the
  8. Have built the Analytical Engine and use it to fight crime at Queen Victoria’s,


    , The comic is based on thorough research on the biographies and correspondence
  9. Movement. Death On his deathbed, unable to speak, Huxley made a written,


    ,to his wife Laura for» LSD,100 kg, intramuscular «. According to her account
  10. Tuberculosis, aggravated by drug and alcohol use. It is recorded that his last,


    ,was for a toothpick. He was interred in the Cafetiere de Bagneux, near Paris.
  11. Who married Philip I of Namur, were legitimized by the pope in 1201 at the,


    ,of the king. Little is known of the personality of Agnes, beyond the remarkable
  12. Hemingway; and artist Pablo Picasso. Gershwin met with Boulanger and at her,


    ,he played ten minutes of his music. Boulanger replied that she had nothing to
  13. The commander of Fort Sumter, South Carolina, Major Robert Anderson sent a,


    ,for provisions to Washington, and the execution of Lincoln’s order to meet
  14. Introducing them to Nico (who would perform with the band at Warhol’s,


    ,). In 1966, he» produced» their first album The Velvet Underground & Nico, as
  15. On Ashore, asylum seekers could claim to have entered Australian territory and,


    ,to be processed as refugees. The use of Ashore for this purpose created great
  16. Upon Gratin to call a general council from all parts of the empire. This,


    ,appeared so equitable that he complied without hesitation. However, Ambrose
  17. Caparisons asked Apollo to let his tears fall forever. Apollo granted the,


    ,by turning him into the Cypress named after him, which was said to be a sad
  18. Osborn, was hospitalized after tripping on LSD. Lee wrote this story upon a,


    ,from the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare for a story about the
  19. Of the user. They may be as basic as pictures on a board that they are used to,


    ,food, drink,or other care; or they can be advanced speech generating devices
  20. Bell’s main sources of income were from lectures until after 1897. One unusual,


    ,exacted by his fiancée was that he use» Alec» rather than the family’s
  21. Of his name, André LE Chaplain. His work De More was written at the,


    ,of Marie de Champagne, daughter of King Louis VII of France and of Eleanor of
  22. Was not made through the formal process, so nothing came from this original,


    , After the successful conclusion of the Northern Expedition, the now-defunct
  23. When Arminius died before he could satisfy Holland’s State General’s,


    ,for a 14-page paper outlining his views, the Remonstrants replied in his stead
  24. But was issued as a separate DVD release, retitled The Last Video at the,


    ,of the former ABBA members. In 2005,all four members of ABBA appeared at the
  25. Is an amateur press association started in June 1975 by Lee Gold (at the,


    ,of Bruce Pelt, who felt that discussion of Dungeons & Dragons was taking up too
  26. With the provinces of the Communion. The Primates’ Meeting voted to,


    ,the two churches to withdraw their delegates from the 2005 meeting of the
  27. The B. A. Council. Hooker eventually relented and agreed to support the pension,


    , Biogeography and ecology In 1872,at the urging of many of his friends
  28. Demanded that they allow her to pray to the Mother of God for protection. This,


    ,was granted and Anna then manifested her true theatrical and manipulative
  29. In the city’s eastern parkland. However, in 2009,at the former governor’s,


    , the state government chose to drop this name and instead transfer the Royal
  30. In herbal substances should be monitored, although the guidance does not,


    ,for the evidences of these traits. However, for the herbal substances in
  31. Escorting Anne around in a wheelchair, they did some shopping, and at Anne’s,


    , visited York Minster. However, it was clear that Anne had little strength left
  32. Repelled the invaders. Philip marched on Melissa (theoretically acting on the,


    ,of the Amphicytonic League),captured the mercenaries sent there by
  33. Cleared_Runway (ID); delay 5.0; — fly around a bit … loop select — try to,


    ,a runway Controller1. Request_Approach (ID, Rwy ); — this is a blocking call
  34. With the finding of such a tribunal, one generally has the power to,


    ,a trial de Nova by a court of record. In such a proceeding, all issues and
  35. Of Jews and Muslims in his administration. Nevertheless, upon Andrew’s,


    , the Archbishop withdrew the ecclesiastic punishments soon and the Pope
  36. In arranging Thoreau’s funeral in the church he had resigned, at Emerson’s,


    , With Hawthore’s death, Alcott worried that few of the Concord notables
  37. To escape the city to join his lover in Paris after city officials refused his,


    ,to leave. He befriends some criminals so that they may smuggle him out of the
  38. For a drinking competition, which is a none too subtle way for Aristophanes to,


    ,first prize for the drama competition. *Self-mocking theater: Frequent
  39. Captain was probably Gonzalo Coelho — but ultimately took charge at the,


    ,of the Portuguese officers. Vespucci, in all probability, voyaged to America at
  40. Provisions to Washington, and the execution of Lincoln’s order to meet that,


    ,was seen by the secessionists as an act of war. On April 12, 1861,Confederate
  41. Tasks ahead. God, in the Qur’an, says that Moses said: God granted Moses his,


    ,and told him that he could take his brother along with him. God says: Aaron
  42. From uterine cancer and bloodletting by her physicians. She was buried, at her,


    , next to her father at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Hucknall, Nottingham
  43. His death in 1986. In 1990,movement toward independence was postponed upon the,


    ,of Aruba’s Prime Minister, Nelson O. Outer. The article scheduling Aruba’s
  44. Provinces. In the second half of 1226,Andrew lead his armies to Hatch on the,


    ,of his youngest son, Andrew. Although, Prince Still defeated the royal armies
  45. Were made public in response to a December 2004 Freedom of Information Act,


    ,by Judicial Watch. Some still images from the video had previously been
  46. A sculpted sphere and cylinder were placed on the tomb of Archimedes at his,


    , *On Conoid and Spheroids: This is a work in 32 propositions addressed to
  47. Chosen by the monks from among the fully professed monks. Once chosen, he must,


    ,blessing: the blessing of an abbot is celebrated by the bishop in whose diocese
  48. After a brief but fierce storm sent up against the group at Juno’s,


    , and several failed attempts to found cities, Aeneas and his fleet made
  49. Philip was assassinated by Ananias of Orestes. In 334 BC, Alexander I, at the,


    ,of the Greek colony of Tara’s (in Magna Graecia),crossed over into Italy, too
  50. Hasan Ali Shah was on a hunting trip at the time, but he sent a messenger to,


    ,permission of the monarch to go to Mecca for the hajj pilgrimage. Permission

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Photo of Eriberto Do Nascimento

Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

Sentences with the word Request?



  • «The Maestro assented to the request for an encore»
  • «antipathetic to new ideas»; «averse to taking risks»; «loath to go on such short notice»; «clearly indisposed to grant their request«
  • «I wouldn’t put it that way»; «She cast her request in very polite language»
  • «The dean denied the students’ request for more physics courses»; «the prisoners were denied the right to exercise for more than 2 hours a day»
  • «The Freedom of Information Act entitles you to request your FBI file»
  • «I could tell that it was his wish that the guests leave»; «his crying was an indirect request for attention»
  • «She kept reiterating her request«

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1 Will you accede to her request?

2 His rareness disinclined me to grant his request.

3 It seems a perfectly reasonable request to make.

4 I request that you should come early.

5 We received a negative answer to our request.

6 We trust our request will…

7 Catalogues of our books will be mailed on request.

8 She made a request for some water.

9 The request for money made them feel uncomfortable.

10 Further information is available on request.

11 I’d like to request a song.

12 Your compliance with his request pleased your father.

13 The King’s request was tantamount to a command.

14 They have made an urgent request for international aid.

15 We acceded to his request.

16 These English newspapers have been much in request.

17 They made a request for further aid.

18 May I request a favour of you?

19 He granted me my request.

20 The writer’s name was withheld by request .

21 I’d like to request a French-speaking guide.

22 He made no reply to my request.

23 He graciously acceded to our request.

24 He refused the request on moral grounds.

25 Britain could grant Spain’s request .

26 They request that you back off 100 meters to the south.

27 Mr Norris said he was hopeful that his request would elicit a positive response.

28 My request was granted.

29 The Convention set down rules for deciding which country should deal with an asylum request.

30 A detailed list of our publications is available on request.

More similar words: out of the question, frequent, require, required, frequency, frequently, quest, requirement, guest, question, in question, questionnaire, beyond question, equip, equity, sequence, subsequent, equation, adequate, equipment, equivalent, consequence, consequently, in consequence, best, nest, test, forest, chest, had best. 

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


This permission may be extended upon request.

Срок действия такого вида на жительство, по просьбе, может быть продлен.

It is important to understand that a voice request and a hand-typed request differ in wording.

Важно понимать, что голосовой запрос и запрос, набранный руками, отличаются в формулировках.

If a constraint is not matched by the connection request, NPS automatically rejects the request.

Если запрос на подключение не соответствует ограничению, сервер политики сети автоматически отклоняет этот запрос.

Note that London buses stop on request.

Имейте в виду, что водители автобусов в Лондоне делают остановки по требованию.

Below you will find a step-by-step process outlining the life cycle of a typical legal request request submitted to Twitter.

Ниже приводится пошаговое описание жизненного цикла типичного юридического запроса, поступающего в Твиттер.

The waiting period usually takes place between the first verbal request and second written request for assisted suicide.

Период ожидания обычно происходит между первым устным запросом и вторым письменным запросом на самоубийство.

This request shall be executed in a format which is technically available at the date of execution of the request.

Этот запрос должен быть выполнен в формате, который технически доступен на дату выполнения запроса.

In his view, a request for surrender from the court should be given priority over an extradition request.

По его мнению, просьба суда о передаче должна иметь преимущественную силу перед просьбой о выдаче.

A stateless application treats each client request as an independent operation, and therefore it can load-balance each request independently.

Неизменное приложение обрабатывает каждый запрос клиента как независимую операцию, поэтому может балансировать нагрузку для каждого запроса по отдельности.

Accordingly each request type may include a different view request frame.

Соответственно каждый тип запроса может включать в себя отличающийся кадр запроса просмотра.

The request for reimbursement, in essence, is a request for payment of insurance.

Запрос на возмещение, по сути — запрос на выплату страховки.

In practice, consultations are not always held, although information on the status of a request is provided on request.

На практике консультации проводятся не всегда, хотя по запросу и предоставляется информация о стадии рассмотрения просьбы.

Adaptations of the system according to customer’s request are offered as a separate service nad upon request.

Адаптация системы, следуя запросам клиента, предложена как отдельная услуга по запросу.

A client can send the next request message without waiting for the current request response (pipelining).

Клиент может отправить следующее сообщения запроса не ожидая ответа на текущий запрос (конвейерная обработка).

In the event of a legal requirement, fraud, or law-enforcement request, your personal information may be shared upon request from the relevant authorities.

В случае юридического требования, мошенничества или правоохранительные запрос ваша личная информация может предоставляться по просьбе соответствующих властей.

If a request is successfully processed, the withdrawal request window will close automatically.

Если запрос проходит успешно, то окно запроса на вывод средств автоматически закрывается.

Add a change request to associate the cost with a specific request.

Добавьте запрос на изменение, чтобы связать затраты сопределенным запросом.

But the request he wrote was hardly a request.

The image request may take the form of a direct user request.

Запрос изображений может принимать форму прямого пользовательского запроса.

This includes keeping a record of your request indefinitely so that we can respect your request in future.

Это включает в себя сохранение вашего запроса на неопределенный срок, чтобы мы могли соблюдать ваш запрос в будущем.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат request

Результатов: 125362. Точных совпадений: 125362. Затраченное время: 222 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Examples of how to use the word “request” in a sentence. How to connect “request” with other words to make correct English sentences.

request (n, v): the act of politely or officially asking for something; to ask for something politely or officially

Use “request” in a sentence

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