Sentence with the word representatives

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Other country representatives share the higher burden.

Вместе с ними это возросшее бремя несут и другие представители на страновом уровне.

Footage showed Georgian Dream representatives and interviews with opposition members.

На кадрах при этом были видны представители «Картули оцнеба», были записаны интервью с членами оппозиции.

Individual briefings for first-time representatives and deputy representatives.

It comprises 28 government representatives, 14 employers and 14 union representatives.

В его состав входят 28 представителей правительств, 14 представителей трудящихся и 14 представителей работодателей.

Civil society representatives questioned some of the achievements claimed by State representatives.

При этом представители гражданского общества подвергли сомнению некоторые достижения, о которых было заявлено представителями государств.

The event was attended by representatives of the airport, representatives of the press, numerous dignitaries and representatives of the airlines.

The meeting was attended by ministers, representatives of Governments, parliamentarians, youth representatives, academics and representatives of non-governmental organizations from the region.

На конференции присутствовали министры, представители правительств, парламентарии, представители молодежи, ученые и представители неправительственных организаций в регионе.

The community representatives all hope that ongoing consultation will be established with government representatives.

Представители общин надеются, что удастся наладить на постоянной основе консультации с представителями правительства.

The representatives of the governing bodies supported the position taken by the representatives of the executive heads.

The network is scheduled to meet with national and international representatives of political parties, representatives of the cultural and diplomatic missions.

Сеть планирует встретиться с представителями национальных и международных политических партий, представителей культурной и дипломатических миссий.

They are forbidden to see lawyers and other representatives chosen by them, to receive representatives of human rights organizations.

Пациентов часто лишают возможности видеться с адвокатом или другими выбранными ими представителями, принимать представителей правозащитных организаций.

They consist of representatives of the interested state organs and representatives of business community.

Organizers expect about 300 people, including representatives of about 80 foreign and 90 national representatives of chambers of commerce.

Организаторы ожидают около 300 человек, в том числе представители около 80 иностранных и 90 национальных представителей торговых палат.

After these formalities, a delegation together with representatives of the authorities met the refugees and representatives from the host villages.

После завершения этой официальной части делегация, в состав которой вошли также представители местных органов власти, встретилась с беженцами и представителями принимающих их деревень.

The policy dialogue will include policy-makers, practitioners, civil society representatives and representatives of international organizations.

В этом диалоге примут участие те, кто занимается разработкой политики, практические работники, представители гражданского общества и представители международных организаций.

Others suggested that the regional effort also include government representatives, in particular local government representatives.

Другие участники предложили, чтобы в такой региональной деятельности участвовали также и представители правительств, в том числе представители местных органов власти.

When developing products, the company representatives tightly cooperate with the representatives of fundamental and applied branches of knowledge.

При разработке продукции представители компании тесно взаимодействуют с представителями фундаментальных и научно-практических отраслей знания.

The participants of the regional commissions are the respective authorized representatives of local executive bodies, the representatives of employers and employees.

Участниками региональных комиссий являются соответствующие полномочные представители местных исполнительных органов, представителей работодателей и работников.

Executive authorities, local self-government bodies and representatives of employers should provide workers’ representatives with information required for collective bargaining.

Органы исполнительной власти, органы местного самоуправления и представители работодателей должны снабжать представителей работников имеющейся у них информацией, необходимой для коллективных переговоров.

The representatives of the executive head and a majority of the governing body representatives recognized the need to give serious consideration to the conclusions reached by ICSC.

Представители административных руководителей и большинство представителей руководящих органов признали необходимость серьезного рассмотрения выводов, сделанных КМГС.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат representatives

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

представитель, уполномоченный, делегат, представительный, представляющий


- образец, типичный представитель

The mole is the sole British representative of the family. — Rрот — единственный представитель этого семейства в Англии.

- представитель, делегат, уполномоченный

representatives of the press — представители прессы
diplomatic [plenipotentiary, permanent, personal, special] representative — дипломатический [полномочный, постоянный, личный, специальный] представитель
representatives at a convention — делегаты съезда
Japan’s representative to the U.N. — представитель Японии в ООН

- (Representative) амер. член палаты представителей

House of Representatives — Палата представителей (нижняя палата конгресса США)
Representative from Pennsylvania — член палаты представителей от штата Пенсильвания

- юр. наследник по праву представления


- представляющий, изображающий; символизирующий

books representative of pastoral life — книги, изображающие сельскую жизнь
representative fraction — топ. численный масштаб
representative scale — топ. линейный масштаб

- представительный, создающий представление о чём-л.

a representative selection of Elizabethan plays — сборник пьес елизаветинской эпохи, охватывающий широкий круг авторов
a representative collection of modern art — собрание картин, дающих представление о современном искусстве

- спец. репрезентативный

representative opinion poll — репрезентативный опрос общественного мнения

- характерный, показательный, типичный

representative plant — типовой завод
representative run — показательный пробег
Detroit is a representative American city — Детройт — типичный американский город
representative area — с.-х. показательный участок, контрольная площадка

- стат. представительный, репрезентативный
- преим. полит. представительный

representative body [government] — представительный орган [-ое правительство]
a government truly representative of the people — правительство, действительно представляющее народ
the audience was representative of all creeds and political beliefs — среди слушающих были представители всех вероисповеданий и политических убеждений

- относящийся к процессу образования понятия
- относящийся к репрезентационизму

Мои примеры


a representative of her age group — представитель её возрастной группы  
an elected representative of the people — избранный представитель народа  
elected representative — выбранный представитель  
representative moviegoer — средний, среднестатистический кинозритель  
to accredit a representative — снабдить представителя полномочиями  
business representative — торговый представитель  
in a representative capacity — в качестве представителя  
commercial representative — торговый представитель  
representative data — представительные данные  
representative democracy — представительная демократия  
devolve power upon one’s representative — передать полномочия своему представителю  
a representative example — типичный пример  

Примеры с переводом

Detroit is a representative American city

Детройт — типичный американский город

Do you know who your representatives are?

Вы знаете кто ваши представители?

Our representative in Paris must be called back.

Нужно отозвать нашего представителя в Париже.

Our representative will wait on you in the morning.

Наш представитель зайдёт к вам утром.

Detroit is a representative American city.

Детройт — типичный американский город.

The audience was representative of all creeds and political beliefs.

Среди слушающих были представители всех вероисповеданий и политических убеждений.

The paintings are representative of English art in the early 19th century.

Картины являются представителями английского искусства начала 19 века.

ещё 16 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Is this poll truly representative of the voters’ intentions?

The bill was introduced by Representative Smith.

She was politically active as a volunteer for her state representative.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): representative
мн. ч.(plural): representatives

Synonym: congressman, congresswoman, example, illustration, instance, interpreter, spokesperson, voice. Similar words: representation, presentation, represent, for the present, at present, omnipresent, entrepreneur, orientation. Meaning: [‚rɪːprɪ’zentətɪv]  n. 1. a person who represents others 2. an advocate who represents someone else’s policy or purpose 3. a member of the United States House of Representatives 4. an item of information that is representative of a type. adj. 1. serving to represent or typify 2. standing for something else 3. being or characteristic of government by representation in which citizens exercise power through elected officers and representatives. 

Random good picture Not show

1. He is representative of a big firm.

2. I sent my representative to the meeting.

3. I was the sole representative of the general practitioners.

4. The survey covers a representative sample of schools.

5. The premier accredited Mr. Bush as his representative.

6. The latest incident is representative of a wider trend.

7. She had a stressful job as a sales representative.

8. Is a questionnaire answeredby 500 people truly representative of national opinion?

9. If love is the representative of the happiness, that what is happiness.

10. Tears apart from cowardly should not representative of anything outside.

11. The task of the union representative is to fight on behalf of the members.

12. The tiger is a common representative of the cat family.

13. Exhibits include a widely representative collection of railway rolling stock.

14. The President nominated me his representative at the meeting.

15. The president accredited Mr. Brown as his representative.

16. Miss Green resigned her appointment as our regional representative.

17. The country has a new supreme representative body.

18. She’s our representative in France.

19. Is it a truly representative sample?

20. He is a representative for a large steel company.

21. We have a representative sample.

22. This question is very representative.

22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

23. You should come or send a representative at least.

24. He seemed to have constituted himself our representative.

25. Are your views/opinions representative of all the workers here?

26. He was the Queen’s representative at the ceremony.

27. They choose me to be their representative.

28. The representative shouted for the floor.

29. The legal profession is starting to be less elitist and more representative.

30. He was invited to sit on the rostrum as a representative of extramural instructors.

More similar words: representation, presentation, represent, for the present, at present, omnipresent, entrepreneur, orientation, implementation, prestidigitation, depressed, preserve, depression, sensitive, native, reservation, confrontation, relative, impressive, narrative, incentive, respectively, relatively, initiative, innovative, cooperative, president, interpretation, legislative, alternative. 

  • Use the word Representatives in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Let us see how you will commit the self-justice over unarmed representatives of workers and peasants!

The diplomatic representatives of the whole world will be guests in the royal box.

You have an appointment at the House of representatives.

To the House of representatives. Ride like fury.

I greet the high representatives of foreign states… who by their presence are participating in this day for their political parties.

In sincere friendship the greeting of the Movement is extended… especially to the representatives of the Armed Forces here, now under the orders of the F├╝hrer!

You’re entertaining no representatives of the Evening Star.

The company is assembled to elect representatives to attend the big meeting to celebrate the uniting of all the militia regiments into the new brigades of the People’s Army.

The company is assembled to elect representatives to attend the big meeting for celebrating the union of all the militia regiments into the new brigades of the People’s Army.

Hold Louis XVI hostage, as well as his wife, his son, his ministers… all your disloyal representatives.

Finally, they think it’s quite a bill. It goes to the House of representatives for a vote…

«Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of representatives that there be appropriated as a loan a sum sufficient to create a national boys’ camp to be paid back to the U.S. Treasury by contributions from boys of America.

«if your three representatives, BuIjanoff, Iranoff, and KopaIski get so drunk…

Let’s send a few representatives to the train station… and tell him that Bismarck must leave… or the phrase «blood and iron» will come true tomorrow… but in the streets of Berlin!

In this house, the ministers are the representatives of the king.

The government forgoes an attempt to change the views… of the so-called representatives of the people.

I ask those representatives who support the government… to please rise.

You wish to defend libels against his majesty’s representatives? Certainly not.

No, that won’t be necessary. I shall personally deliver Dr. Tobel to your representatives on Salisbury Plain in plenty of time for the demonstration.

But, Dr. Curie I am the representative of the London Times and there are representatives here from the presses of all the great nations in the world.

In russia, i’ve learned to judge our neighbors by what they do, and not by what their representatives say… and what is happening in the world today.

With representatives of germany?

John Grayson, senior clerk in the firm of Farlow Nash and Farlow, solicitors, Chancery Lane, has not arrived at his firm’s representatives in Washington.

representatives of the United States here and of the Cheyenne Nation sign below as a solemn pledge of faith and agreement.

I have a fight with the representatives of the Yoshioka School… at the temple of Ichijoji.

Just before graduation Dietrich was approached by German representatives who offered him a free trip to Germany and a well-paying job on arrival.

The wanderers designated representatives for each nationality and interpreters, who collaborated with combatant officers, suddenly transformed into administrators.

They chose representatives for organising the camp.

Sir Edward would help you get official representatives from England… to be here permanently.

representatives of the United Nations ‘were hearing from the head of a fact-finding commission… ‘Dr Heinrich Bernhardt.

The representatives of the Allied powers await my report.

Or more precisely, some of the country’s elected representatives.

Beyond it, the Reichstag, the German house of representatives.

With representatives in all parts of the world

In fact their representatives were about 50 yards from this place about 10 minutes ago.

«The parliament opened under the sign of revolution, «when the representatives sat for the first session.

And what a happy coincidence that several representatives of other newspapers happened to be present.

I want to meet with representatives from all the nations of the Earth.

Mr. Marley and I have a proposition to make to the representatives of the company which might solve some of the difficulties to our general advantage.

The leaders of the Sioux Nations. On the other side, representatives of the US.

This is the hearing room of the House of representatives Committee on Un-American Activities.

We, the citizens of the United States of America, owe these, our elected representatives, a great debt.

But what would cause the House of representatives Committee to send another team of investigators here so soon after the last investigation?

The newly elected people’s representatives… are being methodically reduced by the aristocrats.

Don Emiliano, my friend I’m here to present representatives of our great liberator Francisco Madero.

Gross expenditures, $497,110… how many representatives are there all together?

House of representatives.

On the eve of this year which opens under the twin auspices of peace and prosperity our club is happy to welcome you gentlemen representatives of allied and friendly nations

Valentiniano, the cowardly and hysterical Emperor, and his mother, Galla Placidia, are the representatives of this court that dissolves the remains of an Empire into its own refined ruin.

Odo Island representatives

Sentences with the word Representative?



  • «an accredited college»; «commissioned broker»; «licensed pharmacist»; «authorized representative«
  • «She called on her representative to help her»; «She turned to her relatives for help»
  • «highly competitive sales representative«; «militant in fighting for better wages for workers»; «his self-assertive and ubiquitous energy»
  • «The representative devolved his duties to his aides while he was in the hospital»
  • «The participants in the experiment were drawn from a representative population»
  • «official permission»; «an official representative«
  • «unemployment dominated the politics of the inter-war years»; «government agencies multiplied beyond the control of representative politics»
  • «representative moviegoers»; «a representative modern play»
  • «the bald eagle is representative of the United States»
  • «representative government as defined by Abraham Lincoln is government of the people, by the people, for the people»

Definition of Representative

a delegate or agent that is chosen or appointed to act or speak for another or others

Examples of Representative in a sentence

As a representative of the house of representatives, the delegate is responsible for making and passing laws for U.S. citizens.


Each group representative stood in front of the class and gave a report on the entire project.


A representative was appointed by the court to speak for the foster children and their wants and needs.


One representative from each district was sent to speak to the local leaders about the struggles faced in their community.


A representative of the bank contacted the identity theft victim’s attorney and agreed to wipe the debt in exchange for her cooperation.


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Examples of how to use the word “representative” in a sentence. How to connect “representative” with other words to make correct English sentences.

representative (n, adj): someone who speaks or does something officially for another person or group of people; typical of, or the same as, others in a larger group of people or things

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