Sentence with the word remembered

a movie star who is remembered mainly as a pneumatic sex symbol of the 1950s — кинозвезда, которая в основном запомнилась в качестве пышногрудого секс-символа пятидесятых годов  
valorous deeds that will be long remembered — доблестные подвиги, которые надолго останутся в памяти  
remembered password — запоминаемый пароль  
be remembered — подлежит запоминанию  
if it is remembered that — если учесть, что  
it should be remembered that — следует помнить, что  
it will be remembered that — вспомним, что; напомним  
well remembered — незабываемый; памятный  
well-remembered — незабываемый; памятный  
worthy to be remembered — заслуживающий памяти  
be learned / remembered — заучиваться  

He remembered her in his will.

Он упомянул её в завещании.

I remembered our old dog last night.

Прошлой ночью я вспоминал нашу старую собаку.

The house was very much as I’d remembered it.

Дом был практически таким же, каким я его запомнил.

He remembered how he used to pick flowers.

Он вспомнил, как когда-то собирал цветы.

I remembered that I had left my wallet at home.

Я вспомнил, что оставил свой бумажник дома.

60s fashions that are remembered for their oddity

мода 60-х годов, которая запомнилась своей странностью

Mother asked to be remembered to you.

Мама просила передать тебе привет.

ещё 19 примеров свернуть

She was even more beautiful than I had remembered.

She remembered her ineffectual efforts to comfort him.

He felt a glow as he remembered the day they first met.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word remembered, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use remembered in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «remembered». In addition, we also show how different variations of remembered can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are remembered—along and remembered—her. If you click on the variation of remembered that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Remembered in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word remembered in a sentence.

  1. We will yet be remembered!

  2. Meeker remembered in a memoir,.

  3. He remembered; «They were bananas.

  4. Worden remembered, «Dick was my buddy.

  5. Kannberg remembered «I was kind of mad.

  6. And at once I remembered the real incident.

  7. Irwin remembered the signing took several hours.

  8. He is remembered as an early pioneer of ecumenism.

  9. Cooper» became the most widely remembered pseudonym.

  10. After his wife’s death in 1971, Tolkien remembered,.

  11. Other acquaintances remembered White as very intense.

  12. Their courageous action will be remembered forever.».

  13. Neighbors remembered Fannie Taylor as «very peculiar».

  14. George is remembered in the Church of England with a commemoration on 13 January.

  15. Bush said Hepburn «will be remembered as one of the nation’s artistic treasures».

  16. Lady Gregory is mainly remembered for her work behind the Irish Literary Revival.

  17. Justiner’s boarding school in Ipswich, an experience she always remembered fondly.

  18. One critic, Phillip Scuderi, remembered Morrowind for its great literary richness.

  19. Today he is mainly remembered for The Red Badge of Courage, which is regarded as an American classic.

  20. The Lost Levels is remembered among the most difficult games by Nintendo and in the video game medium.

  21. Mustaine remembered the film as a disappointment, as it aligned Megadeth with «a bunch of shit bands».

  22. As Shea remembered, «Seamans gave a copy of Houbolt’s letter to Brainerd Holmes [the director of OMSF].

  23. Lynch remembered, «All I know is, I loved making it, ABC hated it, and I don’t like the cut I turned in.

  24. Powel is said to have shared an exchange with Benjamin Franklin, for which she is most often remembered.

  25. She is remembered for art exhibitions such as The Evoking Origin and the films Omeva and Cries at Night.

  26. Polybius describes Apollonis as «a woman who for many reasons deserves to be remembered, and with honor.

  27. David Wheeler, a family friend, later remembered Affleck as a «very bright and intensely curious» child.

  28. This publication purposefully targeted locals for what was later remembered as merely malicious critique.

  29. In 1920, when Diaghilev decided to revive The Rite, he found that no one now remembered the choreography.

  30. Robert La Follette remembered Bryan as «a tall, slender, handsome fellow who looked like a young divine».

  31. She is best remembered for organizing the UK suffragette movement and helping women win the right to vote.

  32. Jack Pryce remembered that his son was rubbing his hands in delight: «he always loved racing in the rain».

  33. Bernard Sun, whose grandparents were Oregon Trail pioneers in Wyoming, remembered another side of Meeker:.

  34. He remembered later, «I heard people yelling my name, and I couldn’t realize how one fellow could have so many friends.».

  35. His friend, the broadcaster Michael Parkinson, said, «Robson will be remembered long after the present lot are old bones.

  36. Frazer recalled that each person remembered Cope differently, and «Few men succeeded so well in concealing from anyone ..

  37. He is remembered in New Zealand through the naming of the Surville Cliffs, the northernmost point of mainland New Zealand.

  38. McGregor is remembered as the «father of The Football League», an Aston Villa legend, and a legend of football in general.

  39. After her death, however, she was chiefly remembered as the wife of Percy Bysshe Shelley and as the author of Frankenstein.

  40. This group remembered significantly less information and some of them incorrectly remembered the results as supporting ESP.

  41. Sánchez has remained a lasting figure in popular culture, remembered through music, literature, and commemorative articles.

  42. The original version was only moderately successful, although it is remembered for the first publication of Sturgeon’s Law.

  43. He is often remembered by military historians as much for his organisational and logistic skills as his tactical abilities.

  44. The film was not well received at the box office, and according to de Broca’s obituary in The Daily Telegraph, the film «is best remembered for its enjoyable nude scenes».

  45. The supervisor later recalled Kaczynski as intelligent and quiet, but remembered little of their acquaintanceship and firmly denied they had had any romantic relationship.

  46. The author and theatre critic Walter MacQueen-Pope predicted that Little Tich would be remembered for his «physical peculiarity and the expression ‘tichy’, meaning small».

  47. It must be remembered that the settlement of Kentucky was much different from the settlement of most of the other places where the new colony joined the older settlements.

  48. Marcas features characters from other Balzac stories and elements of literary realism both hallmarks of Balzac’s style it is remembered primarily for its political themes.

Remembered—along in a sentence

Remembered—along is a variation of remembered, below you can find example sentences for remembered—along.

  1. Caracciola is remembered—along with Nuvolari and Rosemeyer—as one of the greatest pre-1939 Grand Prix drivers.

Remembered—her in a sentence

Remembered—her is a variation of remembered, below you can find example sentences for remembered—her.

  1. What in fact may have hurt her the most is that for which she is most remembered—her idealism.

General information about «remembered» example sentences

The example sentences for the word remembered that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «remembered» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «remembered».

remembered — перевод на русский

You said you don’t remember.

Ты же сказала что не помнишь.

You said you don’t remember.

Ты говорила что ничего не помнишь.

Do you remember anything from last night?

Ты помнишь что-нибудь о прошлой ночи?

Remember the other day when you were trying to get me to face my reality, right?

Помнишь, как недавно ты пыталась показать мне мою реальность?

Hey, you remember my cousin Dick?

А помнишь моего кузена Дика?

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She was saying she couldn’t even, like, remember what she’d been doing out there.

Говорила что даже не может вспомнить что она делала там в лесу.

I really can’t remember.

Я правда не могу вспомнить.

Well, just take your time remembering everything.

Не спеши, попробуй все вспомнить.

You can remember some deed of heroism, some touch of nobility.

Ты можешь вспомнить какой— нибудь героический поступок… что-нибудь благородное.

-But try to remember it.

Попробуй вспомнить.

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Remember it well. Only the death of the person who led you to the death (the person who killed her) can ring this bell.

Хорошо запомни: может заставить его звенеть.

Remember, if Leslie asks, we weren’t at the bar.

Запомни, если Лесли спросит, мы не пили.

Now remember, when the auction starts, if somebody says $100… I say 200.

— Но запомни: на аукционе, когда кто-нибудь скажет 100 долларов…

If you ever think of subleasing this studio remember I’m a subleaser.

— Если ты будешь сдавать в аренду эту студию, запомни — я буду первым арендатором.

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There. — I really would have remembered if I hadn’t been rushed all day.

Конечно, я не забыл бы, если бы не носился так весь день.

How nice. You remembered.

Как приятно, что ты не забыл!

Your present one. — I’ve had so many names, I’m afraid I don’t remember the most recent one.

У меня было столько имен — боюсь, я забыл последнее.

Oh, you remember dear.

Ты разве забыл, дорогой?

The names, in case some of you might not remember are Mushy Castro and Gordy Miller.

Имена подозреваемых, если кто-то забыл Муши Кастро и Горди Миллер.

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And then I remember… that’s where it all started.

И потом я вспоминаю, что именно так всё это и началось.

I’ll remember that when I lose.

Если я проигрываю, всегда вспоминаю об этом.

I keep remembering those things.

Теперь я все вспоминаю.

And now I remember her face.

Теперь же я вспоминаю её лицо.

Speaking about the loss, I remember now.

Говоря о потере, я вспоминаю сейчас.

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Remember, you come of a proud race.

Не забывай, ты — гордое животное.

My head hurts, remember!

У меня болит голова, не забывай!

Remember, I was prince before I was monk.

не забывай, я был принцем, прежде чем стать монахом.

And remember, this is the first day only.

И не забывай, что это только первый день.

Remember the servants.

Не забывай о прислуге.

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But more importantly, remember.

Но самое важное — это память.

— Here, to remember me by.

— На, на память.

If you won’t think of yourself, at least remember your duty to Paul.

Но, если ты не думаешь о себе, то чти, хотя-бы, память о Поле.

I’d rather like you to keep it, to remember me by.

— Лучше оставьте его себе, на память.

Tell them that it is to remember me.

Скажи, что это на память обо мне.

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— I can’t remember them all. — You must hear that.

— Не припомню.

I can’t ever remember enjoying swimming in England till June, can you?

Я не припомню, чтобы в Англии можно было купаться до июня, а вы?

But the next time you want my Tom for anything, I’ll remember this.

Ќо в следующий раз, когда вам понадобитс€ помощь «ома, € вам это припомню.

I don’t remember sending that tray down.

Не припомню, чтобы я отправлял поднос вниз.

Not that I can remember.

Я такого не припомню.

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Yes, I seem to remember the old faces.

Да, кажется я припоминаю эти старые лица.

Yes, I do remember vaguely.

— Да, припоминаю… смутно.

— Jeeves, I remember something.

— Да, я что-то припоминаю…

Oh, now I remember my little Teresita.

А, вот теперь я припоминаю мою маленькую Тереситу.

Now I remember the little girl who was afraid of the dark.

Теперь я припоминаю девочку, которая боялась темноты.

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This is not the time nor place to speak of such things, and I must ask you to remember you are in the house of God… What God? Whose God?

Ќе врем€ и не место говорить такие вещи, и € должен напомнить вам, что вы в доме √оспода… акого √оспода? «ьего √оспода?

But you’ve got to remember that nice guys leave when ladies ask them to.

Но хочу напомнить,что славные ребята прощаются и уходят,когда их просят об этом леди.

I just want you to remember what we said, what we promised each other.

Я только хочу тебе напомнить что мы говорили друг другу, что мы обещали друг другу.

If Your Majesty remembers, you promised me a house.

Хочу напомнить вам, что вы обещали мне отдельный дом.

Mr. Throstle, I must Ask you to remember… Oh.

Мистер Трастл, позволю себе напомнить о…

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April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Perhaps best remembered by her liaison with Benjamin Constant between 1787 and 1796.

In England the younger Henry had built himself up a party among the more turbulent section of the baronage, who remembered with regret and longing the carnival of licence which their fathers had enjoyed under King Stephen.

It must, however, be remembered in Henry’s favour, that the supporters of the princes, both in England and in the foreign provinces, were animated by resentment against the soundest features of the king’s administration; and that, in the rebellion of 1173, he received from the English commons such hearty support that any further attempt to raise a rebellion in England was considered hopeless.

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I remembered passing through the small city on ski trips to Vermont during my college years.

Men of the calibre of KOyetsu KOrin, RitsuO, Kajikawa and Mitsutoshi must be rare in any age, and the epoch when they flourished is justly remembered with enthusiasm.

She’d gotten the sizes right and even remembered matching socks and lounging clothes.

Prince Vasili approached first, and she kissed the bold forehead that bent over her hand and answered his question by saying that, on the contrary, she remembered him quite well.

He will probably be longest remembered for his Biography of Robert Hall, which first appeared in the collected edition of Hall’s works, was published separately in 1833, and has since passed through several editions.

It wasn’t what bothered him about Jessi, though he remembered why he long ago took a vow never to let anyone close to him.

It must be remembered that nails spoil a wall sooner or later, whereas a wire trellis is not only much neater, but enables the gardener to tie his trees up much more quickly.

Definition of Remembered

recalled; recollected

Examples of Remembered in a sentence

Although she barely remembered her own children, the Alzheimer’s patient could still play the piano by ear.


Thankfully, we remembered that the storm was coming and brought umbrellas.


The three-year-old barely remembered her father after he was deployed at sea for months.


As the clock struck twelve, Cinderella suddenly remembered her curfew and made a mad dash for the door.


Only a few children on the playground remembered to wipe off their muddy shoes before coming back in the building.


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  • Use the word REMEMBERED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

This must be a remembered necklace.

I just remembered that ’90s pop duo.

I remembered that it was to be an experiment and/in mind expansion.

He remembered so clearly that every time someone had said to his father:

She remembered that it had always been said that the farm would be painted when Ingmar got married.

So, you remembered the way to get here.

when I saw him, the poorest, who himself tore the kind-hearted veils in which mercy wraps us as well as the strange power which tames the senses, then I remembered the saying of this unhappy one in his sole joyful hour:

I did not leave your home to die, but, clearly, I remembered your saying

As Heizaburo was pondering his fate, he remembered Ochio, the beautiful waitress.

…and it must be remembered that defense has failed to produce a single witness to confirm the prisoner’s story!

Wanda, who remembered that she had unwittingly delivered Boleslas into the hands of the enemy long ago, when he fought in Vilnius, wished, if she could, to assist in his escape

Tonight will be remembered throughout the ages.

Oh, by the way, you know, I just remembered.

Oh, uh, by the way, you know… I just remembered, I’ve got to see the purser.

I am fairly convinced that Diana Baring was telling the thruth when she said she remembered nothing.

So the trip began, the barrow was full of fish in front of this treasure, Reynard remembered his kids… his beloved kids, so fond of trout, salmon, gudgeon.

The marriage failed quickly. Chandler next married the actor Bramwell Fletcher, best remembered by Universal horror fans as the young archaeologist who goes out of his mind after reviving Boris Karloff in The Mummy.

He is also remembered for appearing in other Universal horror and mystery films, including The Mummy, The Black Cat, and The Mystery of Edwin Drood.

And then I remembered she was dead.

I was wondering if you remembered.

You said you barely remembered him.

When I met you today, Mr. Woodward, I don’t think you remembered me.

I remembered the thief’s name.

You’re even more beautiful than I remembered you.

Doctor, your name will be remembered.

I’ve always remembered you, too, Bill.

Jerry, it would be nice to think you’d remembered me all these years, particularly when you’ve written such a really beautiful play.

I thought we was the only ones that remembered.


I remembered something funny which happened to me when I was hunting once.

The General Field Marshal is remembered as the first soldier of the Great War.

I’m glad you remembered the palmer dance.

When I remembered, I had to chase all this way to find you.

I remembered Mr. Anton was fond of it.

He also asked to be kindly remembered to Thea.

I remembered in time my poor starving wife in need of the five bob.

Then I remembered the pawnbroker… could tell from her books.

Oh, Peggotty I just remembered.

I remembered what you said.

After I was married a year, I remembered things like radio stations and forgot my husband.

Well, the time may come when the upstart Washington will be a better remembered Englishman than George III.

you remembered who I was. — Of course.

He remembered his gaunt and sharply outlined…»

He left as if he’d suddenly remembered something.

I knew we had a date, I just wanted to see if you remembered.

Brodie the novelist will be remembered when half the brave soldiers of the War have been forgotten.

In fact, I didn’t intend popping in on you like this but as I passed your door, I just remembered you still owe me some.

Sentences using the word remembered. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use remembered in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for remembered.

  • I remembered it afterwards. (8)
  • I And this is what he remembered. (8)
  • He assured me that he remembered his own. (10)
  • I remembered and repeated the gipsy burden. (10)
  • The Countess remembered nothing of the sort. (10)
  • She still remembered him with a certain pleasure. (8)
  • I, for my part, wish to be remembered favourably. (10)
  • She remembered having at times murmured, dissented. (10)
  • Renee had spoken affectionately of her, he remembered. (10)
  • She suddenly remembered that he had no room to sleep in. (8)
  • He remembered his engagement and grew doubly embittered. (10)
  • Nobody remembered anything of it now, except just the family. (8)
  • A pleasant smile hovered around his lips as he remembered her. (5)
  • She remembered so well the day that longing first came to her. (8)
  • But it is as a writer of prose that Stevenson must be remembered. (2)
  • True; still she should have remembered her promise in the Vicentino. (10)
  • When she remembered that night when Rogers came, she hated the place. (9)
  • Then I remembered him as one of the stable men of my professional career. (21)
  • He remembered his address now, and he gave it as he plunged into the coupe. (9)
  • Mr Elliot, too, it must be remembered, had not been a widower seven months. (4)
  • I remembered that I had once wished that she would, and I was amazed at myself. (10)
  • He then remembered, vaguely, that he had never altogether cared to take her hand. (1)
  • He remembered that it had struck him as a duty, on hearing of her dangerous illness. (10)
  • Indeed, he had first introduced his younger brother to her, he remembered unhappily. (13)
  • He looked up, and she knew that he remembered that morning of their flight from the inn. (10)
  • Weyburn remembered then a passage of one of her steady looks, wherein an oracle was mute. (10)
  • Laetitia remembered how winning and prevailing Miss Middleton could be in her confidences. (10)
  • He remembered now that some one had told him that Hart was drawing plans for Mrs. Phillips. (13)
  • And if by any chance she took him, he would never show her that he remembered that she had one. (8)
  • It was not till she saw him again that she remembered or even felt that he had kissed the arm. (10)
  • He suddenly remembered the moment in which the impulse to murder the machine had come upon him. (12)
  • He remembered accompanying her to one of the great shops, where she bought a pair of cheap gloves. (12)
  • I remembered having noticed a similarity of feature in some of the portraits in the different rooms. (10)
  • She remembered her satisfaction at the allotment; the golden castle shot up from this fountain mine. (10)
  • She dared not speak her wish to one whose remembered mastery in words forbade her poor speechlessness. (10)
  • Lavender followed her upstairs, feeling at his tooth to make quite sure that he remembered which it was. (8)
  • He remembered how he had lain in a long cane chair in the window of his sitting-room off Victoria Street. (8)
  • Gazing, he remembered Lady Dunstane saying of her once, that in anger she had the nostrils of a war-horse. (10)
  • He remembered, as he led the way into his corridor, to apologize for bringing her down into a basement room. (9)
  • Her face was not one to be forgotten, and to judge by her tremble of a smile, she remembered him instantly. (10)
  • She remembered too the raindrops on the vines like a million tiny lamps, and the throstle that began singing. (8)
  • Mademoiselle confirmed it when it was mentioned; she remembered to have noticed the same in many small things. (10)
  • Noel went up the stairs, shuddering; she had been there once before, and remembered that sickly scent of drugs. (8)
  • Still, it should be remembered that I have never been at court, and speak from a knowledge of the Hippodrome only. (9)
  • Then that novelist began to reflect, and he remembered how sick the invariable motive of the French novel made him. (9)
  • He reviewed several ladies, certainly not very witty when malignant, as I remembered my father to have said of him. (10)
  • In those last days of January he well remembered wandering about in the parks day after day, trying to get away from it. (8)
  • He attributed the unheated smile to a defect in her manner, that was always chargeable with something, as he remembered. (10)
  • He remembered her eyes, on the day when he and Colonel Sudley beheld her; presently he was at quiet grapple with her mind. (10)
  • She was strolling as though she had no particular objective; moving, if he remembered rightly, toward the Bois de Boulogne. (8)
  • He remembered there had been a mob in the late eighties, when he was at Brighton; they had smashed things and made speeches. (8)
  • Light fell on her there, so that Soames could see her face, eyes, hair, strangely as he remembered them, strangely beautiful. (8)
  • And there are other sights and exploits which crowd back upon my mind under a very strong illumination of remembered pleasure. (2)
  • He alone of those in the room remembered the death of his mother, and though he looked at Ann, it was of that he was thinking. (8)
  • Then George remembered all that he had overheard Pepe and Nonna relate, and all that he had coaxed out of them by his questions. (5)
  • He was a talented pianist, who will be remembered chiefly by his studies, and a few other pieces, which have decided educational value. (3)
  • He had never been in Washington before, and he had a confused sense of having got back to Rome, which he remembered from his boyish visit. (9)
  • He remembered it as the emblem of low-down show business, and associated it with end-men and blackened faces and grotesque shirt- collars. (9)
  • He remembered how their taxi took them to an old Square which he did not know, where the garden trees looked densely black in the starshine. (8)
  • He remembered his complete perception of the plan, all the elements of it, the forward whirling of it, just before the fall on London Bridge. (10)
  • He had grown a short beard, his cheeks seemed a little fatter, and his eyes surely more green; otherwise, he looked much as she remembered him. (8)
  • She remembered those little burning eyes, which had frightened her so the night he dined at Worsted Skeynes and fell out of his dogcart afterwards. (8)
  • She remembered talks that she had had with the old man, and certain remarks about college education which had dropped from him like sizzling metal. (13)
  • He thought the words violent enough, but in connection with what he remembered of the cheery, poetic, hopeful idealist, they were even more curious than lamentable. (9)
  • The other three remained in the council chamber, to see that King George, the aristocracy and British sordidness, were well remembered with innumerable glasses of Madeira. (18)
  • The scene had lost nothing of the beauty they dimly remembered; there were certain features of it which seemed even fairer and grander than they remembered. (9)

Also see sentences for: remember, remembering, remembers, remembrance, remembrances.

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verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple):


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  1. помнить

    remember exactly
    помнить точно

    remember the past
    вспоминать прошлое

    remember forever
    запомнить навсегда

  2. запомниться

  3. вспоминаться

  4. помянуть

    remember allah
    поминать аллаха

  5. напоминать

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений remember на 1 миллион слов: 16.

Примеры предложений

Did you remember to buy sugar?
Вы не забыли купить сахар?

I don’t remember your password.
Я не помню твой пароль.

I don’t remember what they told me.
Я не помню, что они мне сказали.

I don’t remember how I translated this sentence.
Я не помню, как перевела это предложение.

I remember that day well.
Я хорошо помню тот день.

I remember seeing her somewhere.
Я помню, что где-то её видел.

She can’t even remember her name.
Она даже имени своего не может вспомнить.

I don’t remember getting paid for the work.
Не помню, чтобы мне заплатили за работу.

We need to remember to send Tom a birthday card.
Нам надо не забыть отправить Тому поздравительную открытку на день рождения.

I remember reading this book.
Я помню, что читал эту книгу.

If I remember correctly, you were quite optimistic at that time.
Если память меня не подводит, Вы были в то время довольно оптимистичным.

Don’t you remember my promise?
Ты не помнишь моего обещания?

Do you remember that guy I talked to you about?
Помнишь того парня, о котором я тебе рассказывал?

She wants to know if you remember her.
Она хочет знать, помнишь ли ты её.

I don’t know if you remember Tom.
Не знаю, помнишь ли ты Тома.

I’ll always remember that.
Я всегда буду помнить это.

I remember giving Tom the key.
Я помню, что давал Тому ключ.

Tom can’t remember the last time he took a vacation.
Том не помнит, когда он последний раз был в отпуске.

I don’t remember how tall she is.
Я не помню, какой у неё рост.

Attention swimmers! Don’t stay in the water too long. Remember that in December it freezes.
Вниманию купающихся! Не находитесь в воде слишком долго. Помните, что в декабре она замерзает.

You’d remember him.
Вы бы его вспомнили.

Do you remember when you last saw Tom?
Вы помните, когда вы в последний раз видели Тома?

I can’t remember her address.
Я никак не могу вспомнить её адрес.

I don’t remember inviting you.
Не помню, чтобы я тебя приглашал.

I remember both of you.
Я помню вас обоих.

He was too drunk to remember to shut the back door.
Он был слишком пьян, чтобы не забыть закрыть заднюю дверь.

I don’t remember the next part of the dream.
Я не помню следующую часть сна.

Did you remember to turn off the lights?
Вы не забыли выключить фары?

Tom doesn’t remember his first French teacher’s name.
Том не помнит, как звали его первого учителя французского.

Tom said that he didn’t remember Mary.
Том сказал, что не помнит Мэри.

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