Sentence with the word relying

Мои примеры


countries relying on mutual support during difficult times — страны, которые полагаются на взаимную поддержку в трудные времена  
buy goods relying on samples — купить товар, доверяясь образцам  
relying on — на основании; опираясь на; исходя из  
relying party — проверяющая сторона  

Примеры с переводом

The team are relying on Gregg to give them a cutting edge.

Команда надеется на то, что Грегг даст им преимущество над остальными.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The company is relying on the tutelage of its new CEO to increase profits.

…rigorously tested the rope before starting out, for the rock climbers would be relying on it with their very lives…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

rely  — полагаться, надеяться, зависеть

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word relying, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use relying in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «relying».

Relying in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word relying in a sentence.

  1. Instead of relying solely on submissions, Charles Ellet, Jr.

  2. The Giants fell to 8–8 while relying on Barber, Way and Gary Brown.

  3. Motley, relying on the relatively recent Supreme Court precedent Tinker v.

  4. The casting of a photo double allowed Kolbe to avoid relying on split screen.

  5. The uprising was relying on a rapid advance of the Red Army into the Slovak State.

  6. Instead of relying on rhetorical wit, Fielding incorporates dramatic incongruities.

  7. Bates would not accept any experimental stories, relying mostly on formulaic plots.

  8. He took pride in not relying on attractive words but rather simple, effective prose.

  9. For 11 days, the JTWC on Guam was unable to continue operations, relying on a backup agency.

  10. He described the album as more varied than the debut and relying less on heavy guitar riffs.

  11. Fish made a personal challenge of designing a game without relying on «established mechanics».

  12. Despite the reports, Eisenhower had second thoughts about relying on the success of the speech.

  13. The species can hunt singly, in pairs, and in groups, relying on sharp eyesight to locate prey.

  14. Henry continued relying on loans to carry out policy, and Ros’s loan funded the Calais garrison.

  15. Like other lorises, the Javan slow loris is nocturnal and arboreal, relying on vines and lianas.

  16. Shakespeare wrote a three-part play about Henry VI, relying heavily on Hall’s chronicle as a source.

  17. Macdonald himself strongly favoured conscription rather than relying solely on voluntary enlistment.

  18. Driven by an Enlightenment belief in progress, she derides Burke for relying on tradition and custom.

  19. Fielding’s purpose in relying on the farce tradition was specifically to criticise society as a whole.

  20. Early diamond identification tests included a scratch test relying on the superior hardness of diamond.

  21. Rather than relying on a branching tree of conversation options, players type keywords into a dialogue box.

  22. Sclerophyllous plants such as manzanita and buckbrush grow in this area, both relying on fire to reproduce.

  23. Setting up her own publishing house Marsden House, Karen is relying on useless Ramona as personal assistant.

  24. Scott had decided on a mixed transport strategy, relying on contributions from dogs, motor sledges and ponies.

  25. He played cautiously during his 250-minute innings, as he was aware that his team were relying on his success.

  26. Workers are strictly nocturnal (active mainly at night) but navigate by vision, relying on large compound eyes.

  27. Fleming did not use class enemies for his villains, instead relying on physical distortion or ethnic identity ..

  28. For instance, Varangians and Kylfings were entitled to press charges with an oath without relying on any witnesses.

  29. Like most owls, the barn owl is nocturnal, relying on its acute sense of hearing when hunting in complete darkness.

  30. Overfishing of small fish such as sand eels can lead to steep declines in the colonies relying on these prey items.

  31. The system used simple technology and was slow, relying largely on vast card indexes recording travellers’ details.

  32. He reported «never really» rigging lights for night exteriors, relying on the natural light on Tokyo’s city streets.

  33. Productions relying more on scenery and effects than on dialogue and acting remained commonplace in the new facility.

  34. Influenced by Enlightenment thinkers, she believed in progress and derides Burke for relying on tradition and custom.

  35. Myers, in contrast, relying on a more traditional art historical interpretation of the image, reads it more positively.

  36. On September 13, 1909 Taft dismissed Glavis from government service, relying on a report from Attorney General George W.

  37. Yazid continued Mu’awiya’s decentralized model of governance, relying on his provincial governors and the tribal nobility.

  38. Historians criticized Blassingame for dismissing the WPA slave interviews and relying solely on fugitive slave narratives.

  39. The vehicle was also operational and Urban insisted on riding it himself rather than relying on Chroma key visual effects.

  40. Birds hunt very differently from mammals, relying on their powerful vision to find prey, and thus they usually hunt by day.

  41. Around this time the congregation stopped hiring cantors, relying instead on the organist and choir to lead prayer-singing.

  42. The song falls into the idiom of previous minstrel music, relying on rhythm and text declamation as its primary motivation.

  43. Mother wolves do not leave the den for the first few weeks, relying on the fathers to provide food for them and their young.

  44. Instead of relying on Bloom’s public persona, she met Bloom personally to explore her character’s flaws and vulnerabilities.

  45. Some faulted the game for relying on the typical random battle encounter mechanics present in many other role-playing games.

  46. Early castles often exploited natural defences, lacking features such as towers and arrowslits and relying on a central keep.

  47. The division’s previously successful tactics of cutting off supplies and relying on surprise failed in the face of massive U.S.

  48. The small size of the team led to Nihilistic relying on eight external contractors to provide elements the team could not supply.

  49. A single dreadnought, he claimed, could ravage the entire Pacific Fleet which was at that time relying on submarines for defense.

  50. Coppleson and Jean Butler, relying on evidence presented by Lucas and Murphy in 1916, assert that a single shark was responsible.

General information about «relying» example sentences

The example sentences for the word relying that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «relying» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «relying».

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Relying | Relying Sentence

  • Neither are they relying on her in the least.
  • I was not, of course, relying upon my pen for a living.
  • After relying on yourself so long, why yield to mistrust now?
  • She saw him not relying on it to any extent, but sedulously keeping it by him.
  • It would be better to fly than to give himself up, relying upon his innocence.
  • I’ve been relying on Nick to drive me out and bring the wagon back.
  • She was relying on a man’s word—a Prussian’s.
  • Russia and France, relying upon England’s help, wanted to risk a war.

How To Use Relying In A Sentence?

  • If you are relying on your jewels to bribe the servants with, you will not find them.
  • The man who looks to others for help, instead of relying on himself, will fail.
  • His fault was in relying too implicitly upon the correctness of Portuguese information.
  • Sir Thomas adhered to the affirmative, relying as I have shown on very bad authorities.
  • In Barbary they seem to trust to chance, relying on the male plants which grow wild in the Desert.
  • Yet they are the same ones the record industry used, relying heavily on the confusions against which this book has warned.
  • When the enemy is close at hand and remains quiet, he is relying on the natural strength of his position.
  • Probably they had not taken into account the double guard, relying on the death of the sentry to clear the way for a surprise.
  • It is wished that volunteers should go forward, relying on the justice of the general government for ultimate remuneration.
  • The one will adhere to what the senses perceive and what the understanding, relying on these senses, is able to comprehend.
  • Penaud’s machine, relying only on india rubber under torsion, flies for some fifty yards.
  • Fredrik was by this time fully alive to the error he had made in relying for a moment on the promises of Norby.
  • Such was the result of giving up the evidence of our own senses, and relying upon dreams, visions, and fears.
  • He left the entire control of the ranch to this girl of two-and-twenty, relying implicitly upon her judgment in all things.
  • In a very few places I have restored glyphs totally erased, relying on the parallelism of the passages.
  • Here they lived in a state of the most complete independence, subject to no taxation, and relying for safety upon their own courage and fire-arms.
  • But he was endowed with great patience and tenacity and he clung to his shelter, relying rather upon ear than eye to note the approach of an enemy.
  • The Shawnees were apparently relying upon some wily stratagem to save their tribesmen while they seemed determined to kill their foes.
  • Thermodynamics, however, has made it plain that we can set up a thermometric scale without relying upon any determined property of a real body.
  • If, relying on them, he buys and is deceived or misled to his loss or injury, then the words will be taken as a warranty and protect the buyer.
  • Here, then, he picketed his horse, and, relying on his trusty rifle, advanced alone into that wilderness.
  • Nacional had dared one day to talk to Gallardo with rough frankness, relying on his years and on their old friendship.
  • He was one of those men who could and would part with his last quarter, relying upon Nature for his bed and board.
  • Grave and learned doctors of divinity openly sustained the possibility of these transformations, relying mainly upon the history of Nebuchadnezzar.
  • Firmly relying on our strength and the justice of our cause, I have already concluded three moderate but honorable peace treaties.
  • It was clear to her that relying on his kinship to the Czar, he set little store by the law of Czernova.
  • Professor Van der Waals arrived at this relation by relying upon considerations derived from the kinetic theory of gases.
  • And, relying on your strength of mind, I have resolved to put you at once in possession of what I myself know.
  • Instead of relying on these for information, General Pershing had nothing but anxiety for their safety every time they made a flight.
  • Her mother was constitutionally tranquil; and Amy, in the relying gladness of her early youth, saw nothing to fear, and all things to hope.
  • This meant giving a free hand to Don Luis Perenna and relying on his power of initiative and his perspicacity.
  • The rise of totalitarian systems relying heavily on ideological appeal and propaganda techniques has laid new stress upon those factors which predetermine political behavior.

Definition of Relying

present participle of rely

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Relying sentence in english

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Xii.); the illness of Asa is preceded by a denunciation for relying upon Syria, and the chronology is changed to bring the fault near the punishment (2 Chron.

Onias was accused by his enemies of having given the information which led to this outrage and when, relying upon the support of the provincial governor, they proceeded to attempt assassination, he fled to Antioch and appealed to the king.

But in September of the same year the Democrats in the state legislature, being assisted by some of the white Republicans, expelled the 27 negro members and seated their defeated white contestants, relying upon the legal theory that the right to hold office belonged only to those citizens designated by statute, the common law or custom.

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The man who could have had such success, who could have made the Treaties of Westphalia and the Pyrenees, who could have weathered the storm of the Fronde, and left France at peace with itself and with Europe to Louis XIV., must have been a great man; and historians, relying too much on the brilliant memoirs of his adversaries, like De Retz, are apt to rank him too low.

His knowledge of Roman and foreign law, and the general width of his education, freed him from the danger of relying too exclusively upon narrow precedents, and afforded him a storehouse of principles and illustrations, while the grasp and acuteness of his intellect enabled him to put his judgments in a form which almost always commanded assent.

It had to compensate for many affronts to public and private morals, the financial necessity of augmenting the free donations of the clergy, and the political necessity of relying upon that body in his conflicts with the pope, led the king between 1661 and 1685 to embark upon a double campaign of arbitrary proceedings with the object of nullifying the edict, conversions being procured either by force or by bribery.

Schroeder used the comparative method, with great success, relying mainly on Arabic. In Germany there was the meritorious J.

King John and his baronage, relying on the fact that such evocation of cases to a superior, court had never before been known, refused to allow that it was valid.

When Cavour heard the news he hurried to the king’s headquarters at Monzambano, and in violent, almost disrespectful language implored him to continue the campaign at all hazards, relying on his own army and the revolutionary movement in the rest of Italy.

Commodore Chauncey showed a preference for relying on his long guns, and a disinclination to come to close quarters.

  • Use the word RELYING in a sentences

Sentence Examples

We can’t say we are independent, because we are still relying on many things to keep our country going.

And in my absence, I’m relying on you to take good care of everything.

Now remember, I’m relying upon you never to say a word.

Gentlemen, I accept your offer, relying on your honor. Will you open the door?

A little later we’ll try retracting the wheels at around 450 feet and relying on your motors to float the ship.

BENEDICT: We’re relying on you to help us.

Mr. Sloan, Mr. Yardley, we are relying on you two to start the bond sale.

I’m relying on you, Amelia.

I’m relying on your discretion, more than anything else.

I know that, but Marugaki is relying on your cooperation

On my help now relying may all your heart complying

We’re relying on Victor to see that we retain our heads.

I was relying on my clothing and on my stature- the same as the director’s.

Oh, Doctor, remember I am relying on you to have plenty of ideas about the hymns for Easter.

I’m relying on you to back me up.

Now, I’m relying on both of you to be fair and ÔöÇ and give Ron a chance.

I prefer relying on my strengths. That’s what I’m used to.

His Majesty is relying on you completely, generals and each of you is expected to fulfil his duty

You’re too old to be relying on your mother.

I never thought I’d be leaning on you, relying on you like this.

We’re relying on you because nobody is perfect in this place!

We’re relying on you, Sergeant.

Pass up the vital target for less important alternate to the south or maintain the descent relying on instruments and a possible break in the fog near the ground level.

I’m relying on you to get back to me to report.

Sounds good — l’m relying on you

I made a mistake by relying on scum.

Inthis case, I’m relying on the British character.

If you run into a storm or trouble of any kind… I’m relying on your judgment, your good sense.

I’m relying on you for my charity.

We’re relying on you, all right?

This is for relying on the Father.

Often by relying too much on the unconscious, we underrate the conscious, reason, prudence, modesty, sentiment, common sense… which are also factors of the first order… and we are faced with failures… which we cannot understand.

Reverend, I’m relying on you to keep things as calm as possible here.

Major, I’m relying on you to reassure your men I have no time for troublesome prisoners.

You know, we were rather relying on this school.

We can’t go on relying on your hospitality forever.

I’m relying on your instinct.

And Chapman, in case we never meet again, I’m relying on you to do a good job.

I’ve stayed alive by not relying on anybody. I always go it alone.

No man achieves Starfleet Command without relying on intuition, but have I made a rational decision?

We’ve been relying on your charity these years

Still in all, i don’t fancy relying entirely on dogs, do you?

Relying on reputation alone.

Relying upon the facts like.

Relying on others for your happiness.

We’re Relying on you.

Everyone’s Relying on Your Highness.

I’m Relying on your assistance.

You’re Relying on this to win.

I was Relying on my experience.

I can’t have you Relying on me.

Relying on you was a bad choice.

There’s no point in Relying on this.

You are Relying too much on vibrato.

Not Relying more and more on my help.

You must be good at Relying on others.

It’s my fault for Relying on your voice!

Relying on Jehovah’s spirit can help when

We are not Relying on miracles,

have relied on no one other than God,

Relying on renewable resources in locally organized agriculture systems.

Gentlemen… most teams win games Relying on their fundamentals.

Once I began Relying on the Lord, was incredible.

You can’t do anything anymore without Relying on others.

We have learned“ the secret” by Relying on Jehovah.

That means not Relying solely on a high PSA number.

Of course, that is what the producers are Relying on.

So, I’m Relying on feel to know where it is.

How can you do this when I’m Relying on you?

To tell the truth, I’m just Relying on my child.

Relying on your families or borrowing money are never enough.

so farmers relied on the Nile to water their crops.

Sentences starting with relying

  • Relying on his splendid abilities and his coolness in emergencies, he trusted to a happy hit at the last moment to carry him through, and what was the result? [5]
  • Relying on an incident which he himself had witnessed, he began: «I felt certain of securing the gem-cutter’s pretty daughter, for my men had surrounded his house. [10]
  • Relying on this, I again thank you for this generous reception. [7]

More example sentences with the word relying in them

  • The poor woman, who had no cause to doubt her son, but every reason for relying on his honesty and truth, was staggered, notwithstanding, by his not having advanced one word in his defence. [12]
  • It sought only to hold the public places and property not already wrested from the government, and to collect the revenue, relying for the rest on time, discussion, and the ballot-box. [7]
  • He therefore assumed the same attitude as had Mr. Flint, and forced the burden of explanation upon Austen, relying surely on the disinclination of his son to be specific. [9]
  • My belief is that the permanent estimate of what a general does in the field is fixed by the «cloud of witnesses» who have been with him in the field, and that, relying on these, he who has the right needs not to fear. [7]
  • I am aware that Gratiolet, relying on the structure of the brain, does not admit the existence of this sub-group, and no doubt it is a broken one. [1]
  • We’d come to rely on it rather than on ourselves the trouble with the world is that it has been relying on it. [9]
  • Perhaps the old man within was relying upon the estate of Tannenreuth, which he had assigned to him, to protect some post upon which much depended, and he had gambled it away. [10]
  • To act virtuously is granted even to those who, relying on themselves. [10]
  • Therefore it vexed him that Cassian informed him of many things which prevented his relying firmly upon her orthodoxy. [10]
  • Even so, he had shown a remarkable astuteness in relying on the conviction that he (Hodder) would not betray what he knew. [9]
  • Professor Owen, relying chiefly on the structure of the brain, has divided the mammalian series into four sub-classes. [1]
  • What hast thou attained relying on reason only? [2]
  • Dismissing her carriage, and relying on elevated and surface cars, Edith then took a turn on the East Side, in company with a dispensary physician whose daily duty called her into the worst parts of the town. [4]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word relying in a sentence? How do you use relying in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word relying?
It contains example sentences with the word relying, a sentence example for relying, and relying in sample sentence.

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