Sentence with the word raw material

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


All raw material checked once it arrive our factory.

Все сырье проверено, как только он прибудет на наш завод.

Knowledge is the only raw material that increases when consumed.

Знания — это единственное сырьё, которое умножается по мере его использования.

The sculpture is the art of giving form to an object from a raw material or putting together more material.

Скульптура представляет собой искусство создания формы, при этом используется необработанный материал или компонуются различные материалы.

Republic of Buryatia has a large inferred uranium raw material base.

Республика Бурятия располагает крупной сырьевой базой урана.

Instead we see large pieces of raw material coming in.

Вместо этого мы видим, как на место поступают большие куски сырья.

Improved raw material use typically comes hand in hand with energy savings.

Совершенствование процесса использования сырья, как правило, идет рука об руку с экономией энергии.

Another issue I want to examine concerns raw material supplies for our enterprises.

Ещё один вопрос, на котором хотел бы отдельно остановиться, касается поставок сырья на отечественные предприятия.

Several challenges are now affecting raw material prices.

В настоящее время несколько факторов влияют на цены на сырье.

These are mostly used as raw material for other products.

Но большая часть их используется в качестве сырья для получения других продуктов.

The raw material used for preparation of v…

«В сырье, которое было использовано для изготовления готовой п…

Sustainably managed forests are a limitless source of raw material.

Леса, используемые по принципу устойчивого развития, являются неисчерпаемым источником сырья.

Now look for ways to reduce raw material costs.

Сейчас мы понимаем, что нужно искать методы снижения себестоимости сырья.

We see raw material and materials costs increasing.

«Мы видим, что расходы на сырье и материалы растут.

KNPC took neither raw material nor product price risks.

КНПК не принимала на себя рисков, связанных с поставками сырья или ценой продукции.

Ukraine is a raw material donor.

То есть, Украина — это поставщик сырья.

The only thing China needs is raw material.

Единственное, в чем пока еще заинтересован Китай, это сырье.

Pour 3-4 g of raw material with boiling water and let it brew.

3-4 г сырья залить крутым кипятком и дать настояться.

Needless to say, the quality of the raw material is very important.

Стоит отметить, что качество сырья имеет очень большое значение.

Columnites are an important raw material for obtaining niobium and tantalum.

Колумбит служит сырьем для получения ниобия и тантала.

However, tight raw material supply continues to remain a concern for market participants.

Но подорожание сырья вызывает обеспокоенность участников рынка.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат raw material

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raw material — перевод на русский

/rɔː məˈtɪərɪəl/

It is our basic raw material.

Это наше основное сырьё.

It all starts to move and… until… until it seizes food, which is its raw material

Начинает двигаться и… Пока… берет еду, то есть сырье.

The raw materials are difficult to come by and the process is a long one.

Сырье так просто не добудешь, а процесс производства долгий.

We ask for the raw materials plus our subsistence, and that is all.

Мы просим сырье плюс еду для себя, вот и все.

But a factory needs raw materials and its workers need feeding.

Но любой фабрике необходимо сырье, а ее работникам нужно что-то есть.

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Without my Space Rats scouring a dozen worlds for your raw materials there would be no Mark One or Mark Two.

Без моих космических Крыс, рыскающих по дюжине миров в поисках ваших материалов, не было бы ни Марка Один, ни Марка Два.

We’ve provided you with enough raw material to build 500.

Мы вам натаскали столько материалов, что можно построить хоть 500 штук.

I need an assistant who can answer queries on construction, who can keep track of the money and raw materials, who can handle payments to suppliers, who can pay wages.

Мне нужен помощник, который разбирается в строительстве, может следить за деньгами и расходом материалов, будет рассчитываться с поставщиками и платить жалование.

and generation of life. cemeteryhasprovidedme the low raw material required.

… изучение способов и воссоздание жизни часть требуемых материалов я обнаружил на кладбище.

OK, look. The way Sam explained this to me, the bugs use whatever raw materials are around to replicate.

Сэм объяснила мне,… что жуки используют любые материалы, чтобы воспроизводиться.

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All you need is the raw materials.

Все, что вам нужно — это сырой материал.

You say that, but we brought back the rushes, the raw material, from our shoot, and we gave that to the editors, OK?

Ты сказал это, но мы привезли только спешный, сырой материал, с наших съёмок, и мы отдали это монтажникам, окей?

The raw materials come from Aizhou

Сырой материал приходит из Айчжоу.

So I go back to the raw material.

Поэтому я начала изучать сырые материалы.

There was only so much I could do with the raw material.

Это все, чего я смог добиться от такого сырого материала, как она.

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Corn is the great raw material.

Кукуруза замечательный исходный материал.

You already have the raw material. Just needs to improve presentation.

У тебя, ну, есть исходный материал, осталось только подать его, как надо.

When I terminated that poor girl’s child I was harvesting raw material for my work.

Когда я прервал беременность той бедняжки, я собрал исходный материал для анализа.

The Metrons, the creatures that sent us both here, said that the surface of the planet provides the raw material to construct weapons.

Метроны — существа, отправившие сюда нас обоих, — сказали, что поверхность этой планеты предоставит исходные материалы для создания оружия.

There was a shortage of raw materials.

Это дефицит исходных материалов.

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How much does the King pay for, like, raw material?

Сколько «Кинг» платит за сырьевой материал?

I’m just raw material.

Я для тебя сырьевой материал.

There’s also what looks like purchases of specialized machining equipment and raw materials.

Также говорится о чем-то, похожем на покупки специализированного обрабатывающего оборудования и сырьевых материалов.

We keep a lot of our raw materials here in storage.

Мы держим здесь на хранении много сырьевых материалов.

The ship has only enough raw material to transform one planet.

Сырьевого материала корабля хватит на преобразование только одной планеты.

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We will act without emotion spread from this place secure raw materials to increase our numbers geometrically.

мы будем действовать без эмоций и распространимся отсюда захватим ресурсы, чтобы увеличить наше число в геометрической пропорции.

— You don’t know? Raw materials.


Raw materials for your industry.

Ресурсы для промышленности.

We all want raw materials.

Нам всем нужны ресурсы.

A small colony, abundant raw materials.

Небольшая колония, изобилие ресурсов. Хорошее начало, капитан.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word raw material, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use raw material in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «raw material».

Raw material in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word raw material in a sentence.

  1. Extra copies of genes are a major source of the raw material needed for new genes to evolve.

  2. After its extinction, humans continued using its ivory as a raw material, a tradition that continues today.

  3. Once in space, the ore could be used as raw material for building space colonies and solar power satellites.

  4. Blue Lias has been used locally as a building stone and as a raw material for lime mortar and Portland cement.

  5. Miners worked, he said, in intolerable conditions to ensure that cheap raw material was available to industry.

  6. Speer agreed, and instructed department heads to send Wolters raw material for the Chronik on a regular basis.

  7. From the 19th century and onwards, woolly mammoth ivory became a highly prized commodity, used as raw material for many products.

  8. Acetic acid is used as a solvent in the production of terephthalic acid (TPA), the raw material for polyethylene terephthalate (PET).

  9. Zhang asserts that the Chibi battlefield was one of a set of hills in Wuchang levelled in the 1930s so that their stone could be used as raw material.

  10. Oil shale can be burned directly in furnaces as a low-grade fuel for power generation and district heating or used as a raw material in chemical and construction-materials processing.

  11. The key raw material for the project was uranium, which was used as fuel for the reactors, as feed that was transformed into plutonium, and, in its enriched form, in the atomic bomb itself.

  12. Guilds protected and regulated painting, overseeing production, export trade and raw material supply; and they maintained discrete sets of rules for panel painters, cloth painters and book illuminators.

  13. British engineer William Gerhard set up a plant with cryolite as the primary raw material in Battersea, London, in 1856, but technical and financial difficulties forced the closure of the plant in three years.

  14. Many species of birds are economically important as food for human consumption and raw material in manufacturing, with domesticated and undomesticated birds being important sources of eggs, meat, and feathers.

Synonyms for raw material

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word raw material has the following synonyms: staple.

General information about «raw material» example sentences

The example sentences for the word raw material that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «raw material» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «raw material».

How to use raw material in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «raw material» and check conjugation/comparative form for «raw material«. Mastering all the usages of «raw material» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Bank stocks are doing poorly because banking company raw material sources are drying up and the cost of the raw material is rising.
Buying the raw material locally would keep POSCO out of the anti-dumping net and also help them secure raw material faster, one of the government sources said.
However, prices for steel making raw material iron ore fell.
An index tracking raw material producers slumped over 2 percent.
The survey’s measure of raw material inventories contracted in October.
From that raw material arose the glories of natural selection.
People are the raw material of economic growth, after all.
What can I do with the raw material of us?
Energy, raw material and financial shares led main indexes lower.
The raw material for a major democracy reform movement exists.
Raw material prices fell by 2.2% for the same reason.
Costs, which include raw material and labor costs, rose 1.5%.
It was not raw material for the extraction of productivity.
To the average person, this raw material is undetectable noise.
And so we are just the source of raw material.
We provide the raw material and you do the rest!
Raw material costs make up 65% of the company’s total costs.
What preexists the vision is the raw material of the eye.
The Federal Reserve is putting more stress on gathering raw material.
Cost of sales fell 893 percent as raw material prices declined.
«We can’t keep growing only on raw material exports,» Guillier said.
Given such difficult raw material, the clinic has been remarkably successful.
Experts say China’s booming manufacturing industry was hungry for raw material.
But the process is easy and the raw material, lithium, abundant.
Crude oil is the raw material for refining fuels like gasoline.
We will make it with the raw material that we have.
In the past, when rawmaterial prices spiked, we raised prices.
Tumbling treatment charges reflect a tightening market for copper raw material.
In the 1990s there was coca, the raw material for cocaine.
All main sectors fell, with raw material shares leading the decline.
Soybean is the main raw material for biodiesel production in Brazil.
Consumer goods shares rose but IT and raw material stocks dropped.
Dissolving wood pulp is the key raw material for Lenzing’s fibres.
These arguments are what constitute the raw material of university life.
«The raw material for a democracy is still there,» he said.
The fall was mainly driven by weakness in raw material prices.
Kassen showed me a sampling of some of this raw material.
Altered Carbon took that raw material and stripped out anything complicated.
He was taking this raw material, and he wrote the show.
Levkovich also said rising raw material prices will further feed inflation.
Viewing children as raw material may grate on our moral sensibilities.
But there might be another chance for this book’s raw material.
Such people are now providing the raw material for a president’s tweets.
Sure, the raw material looks, and feels, like very orange Silly Putty.
The raw material costs increased by about 30% over the corresponding quarter.
Sensei’s tools let artists work with concepts, rather than the raw material.
In «raw material,» Bove was referring to capital brought in by banks.
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) — U.S. tariffs helped raise raw material costs at Electrolux (ELUXb.
Most sectors rose on Tuesday, with raw material shares leading the gain.
We continue to investigate how this substance entered our raw material supply.
Higher raw material prices had a negative impact of 1.14 billion crowns.
It expects raw material costs to rise by 0.5 billion Swedish crowns.
I mean, that’s the basis for a lot of raw material costs.
They are sort of the tail end of the raw material chain.
No money, no working capital, no raw material supplies, people on strike.
Its raw material is drawn from Landsat and other public satellite programmes.
A handmade sweater is a bit like a life: some raw material,
The raw material supply chain has teetered on the edge of collapse.
But as far as the raw material goes, it’s also distinctly Vietnamese.
Raw material costs make up around 65% of the company’s total costs.
«This is narrative as raw material,» Katie Kitamura writes in her review.
But the prize is the raw material that produced a seminal work.
The project involves the expansion of the group’s raw material processing capability.
«We have an alternative suggestion which is to still make hot metal but to make it from local raw material rather than imported raw material, so it’s a change of technology rather than ending liquid steel making,» he said.
It means that the bank has less raw material to manufacture and sell.
On Wednesday, most sectors ended lower, with raw material shares leading the decline.
Victory belongs to whoever spins a better story from the same raw material.
Ethane is the single largest feedstock (raw material) for petrochemicals used in plastics.
Increased competition for mined concentrates remains the driver of rising raw material imports.
Domestic output of PLA raw material would help reduce reliance on costlier imports.
The key question is when raw material tightness transitions to refined metal tightness.
There’s all sorts of stuff you can dig into that’s great raw material.
Rising rawmaterial costs and stagnant demand bode less well for big manufacturers.
The company also repeated its outlook for rising raw material costs this year.
The company will simply redirect raw material flows through its other refining operations.
So if I run out of raw material, I might go back (Laughs).
Regional factory surveys have shown an acceleration in raw material prices this year.
The power of his text is not just a matter of raw material.
Most sectors climbed, with property firms and raw material stocks leading the gains.
And if you want to study these accounts, you need the raw material.
«So the raw material in this region must have been imported», he added.
Agriculture equipment, though, could offset raw material headwinds with pricing of their own.
«I don’t want to constantly use my life as raw material,» she says.
Base oil is the raw material for lubricants used in machinery motor parts.
The company sources its raw material as a byproduct from the petrochemical industry.
«We had this fantastic raw material,» Ms. Scott said in a phone interview.
Rising raw material prices bolster the view that inflation will pick up in 23.5.
Raw material shares, which fell more than 2 percent on Wednesday, rebounded 0.6 percent.
Aluminum, however, rose after reports of reduced supply of raw material alumina from China.
Aluminium, however, rose after reports of reduced supply of raw material alumina from China.
«A lot of the raw material is actually still sourced from China,» he said.
The group’s profit took a 1.4 billion crown hit from higher raw material prices.
It will support raw material, intermediate goods, agriculture and machinery-manufacturing sectors, he said.
Cash shortages have also delayed raw material imports for some mines, farmers and manufacturers.
The document calculated raw material – parts harvested per body – to the decimal point: 4.9.
You’ve got to have some raw material or you won’t know what to do.
It buys the raw material mostly from Indian companies but imports sometimes as well.
The plants in Pernambuco produce PTA, raw material for PET resin, and polyester fiber.
Dabeinong also blamed high raw material prices for eroding margins in its feed business.
Rising raw material costs have pressured tiremakers who have countered it by hiking prices.
No other firm in the world has such ready access to its raw material.
The company did not comment on the potential impact of rising raw material prices.
As a result, the lead time for delivery of raw material is going up.
Raw material prices, as well as lending practices, don’t vary much across the country.
Like many first-timers, I pulled from the raw material of my own life.
Australia’s economy has been buoyed by raw material exports to China, especially iron ore.
At first, he’s more raw material than man, collapsing unless others prop him up.
Just another happy day in search of raw material for the old paragraph factory.
All main sectors fell, with real estate and raw material stocks leading the decline.
The fab’s raw material is the most common element in the Earth’s crust: silicon.
Nadler has said this hearing will provide the raw material for articles of impeachment.
The company’s alumina refineries and smelters, meanwhile, are dependent on external raw material supplies.
«We continue to investigate how this substance entered our raw material supply,» the company said.
When you&aposre driving up the cost of raw material like that, which is everywhere.
The materials subject to these tariffs to date do not impact our raw material costs.
Recycled materials compete with virgin ones, so recyclers are hostage to volatile rawmaterial prices.
Everything is made of Melissa’s key raw material: recyclable PVC in a python-embossed pattern.
Refiners typically see profits rise when crude oil, the raw material for many fuels, falls.
Prices of lithium carbonate and its raw material spodumene have slumped 38 percent this year.
A striking installation by acclaimed British artist Richard Long highlights the raw material of coal.
Robert, who owns Butcher Bob’s, said there’s plenty of raw material around his work place.
At small scale, HEFA can therefore rely on recycled waste products as its raw material.
Treatment charges are what miners pay smelters for transforming their raw material into refined metal.
» Zhou said the government «might introduce new policy measures to curb raw material price growth.
Changchun Shengda buys PLA raw material from NatureWorks, said the company’s general manager Zhang Guangjun.
The company has faced pressure amid rising raw material costs and rapidly changing consumer demands.
That corn provides low-cost raw material for the nascent ethanol industry there, Tomczyk says.
But growing capacity constraints amid labor shortages and more expensive raw material are slowing momentum.
Steel and industrial raw material prices fell on news of the potentially looser output cuts.
Prices of raw material alumina have plunged by as much as a third since September.
While the maze subordinates material to gravity-defying form, the slabs favor weighty raw material.
But we are not literally speechless; our talk is the raw material of politics itself.
Steel and aluminum tariffs have lifted raw material costs and caused disarray in supply chains.
The steelmaking raw material touched 398 yuan earlier, a level last seen on Sept. 22.
Most sectors fell in China, with real estate and raw material stocks, leading the decline.
It starts with raw material, adds value and sells what comes out the other end.
This accelerated flow of raw material hasn’t translated into reduced import appetite for refined copper.
Since I mostly write history, I have to wade through a lot of raw material.
At least some raw material exists, in other words, for a transformation of party conflict.
Think of them as raw material to be mined for billing transparency and patient rights.
Shipments through ports are slowing, raw material prices are rising and investments are being delayed.
Outokumpu said the raw materials-related profit boost included improved raw material efficiency and hedging.
The company attributed the fall in profit to increasing raw material prices and acquisition charges.
He plans to read all of the raw material that the Post has published online.
They confronted trauma not by externalizing it, but by turning their bodies into raw material.
Raw material prices fell by 1.6 percent from February on declines for crude energy products.
The steady decline in concentrate treatment charges attests to an increasing scarcity of raw material.
Declines in steel prices and steady raw material costs hurt US Steel’s margins in Europe.
Instead of mining the natural landscape, surveillance capitalists extract their raw material from human experience.
The raw material has risen about 170 percent this year, boosted by expectations of Chinese stimulus.
In the third quarter, it expects raw material costs to rise by 0.5 billion Swedish crowns.
But the aesthetic arrangement of unconventional raw material yields methodically rendered artworks with a conceptual core.
Colombia’s production of coca, the raw material for cocaine, has risen sharply, stirring concern in Washington.
In banking, the raw material is money in the form of bank capital and bank deposits.
The plant is Russia’s largest producer of alumina, a raw material which is smelted into aluminum.
China’s smelters are trapped between a crumbling price and lower supplies of raw material from Myanmar.
Aluminum saw the lightest losses after reports of reduced supply of raw material alumina from China.
Restaurants supply the raw material, and we come in to collect it with a smartphone lens.
As well as producing aluminium, the company produces alumina, a raw material needed to make aluminium.
Factories suffered the sharpest annual rise in prices since September 2008 as raw material costs jumped.
So, why not then take the renewable hydrocarbon as raw material for plastics and for chemicals?
The antibiotic pipeline may not have an infinite reserve of raw material on which to draw.
Colombia’s production of coca — the raw material for cocaine — has risen sharply, stirring concern in Washington.
Steelmaking raw material prices went up on the back of rising steel prices and tightened production.
Most sectors rose in Hong Kong, with energy and raw material shares among the biggest gainers.
Conagra says there could be salmonella in a raw material used in the chili-seasoning packets.
At present, raw material such as cement and paint come under the 28 percent tax slab.
While the maze subordinates material to gravity-defying form, the slab works favor weighty raw material.
«The whole thing of gender in a raw material is stereotyping that is Victorian,» he said.
As well as producing aluminum, the company produces alumina, a raw material needed to make aluminum.
Sector performance was mixed, with energy and raw material shares sliding and industrial and utilities gaining.
A rally in oil and other commodity prices have raised fears about higher raw material costs.
However, volatile and rising raw material prices continue to be challenging for the company, Sika said.
Wednesday’s rally mirrored a surge in crude oil, the raw material for gasoline and other fuels.
The committee dropped Alcoa because raw material companies weren’t as important as they used to be.
The people watching people is the raw material, much more than the concrete or the trees.
In several recent exhibitions, Strand has drawn on her archive as both raw material and inspiration.
Likewise, corporate earnings calls are littered with complaints about tariffs and spikes for raw material costs.
In Hong Kong, all main sectors fell, with raw material and energy shares leading the fall.
What were are is the free source of raw material for this whole economic logic. Right.
If you don’t trust their fact-checks, you have the raw material sources to work with.
Up to this point, scientists thought dopamine was nothing more than raw material for making noradrenaline.
Seven of these mills specified that they will be using mixed paper as a raw material.
One reason for this lies in the protons that the collider uses as its raw material.
I feel that puts more responsibility on our shoulders to improve the raw material for us.
Corn is the main raw material for ethanol production, he told an industry event in Shanghai.
Record-high profits could get dinged by rising borrowing costs, wages and prices for raw material.
Because it featured little choice, TV offered something else: the raw material for a shared culture.
But if you look at the raw material of Twitter, how many people are on it, commenting on different things, posting links, posting media, commenting on other things that are happening in the world, from that raw material, there are actually probably other things you could build.
Raw material prices climbed by 6.5 percent from November, boosted by higher prices for crude energy products.
Revenue at the smaller materials division rose 2 percent, as higher selling prices offset raw material inflation.
It mines raw material in Western Australia which is sent to a plant in Malaysia for processing.
In addition tariffs stemming from U.S-China trade tensions and higher raw material prices had increased costs.
In fact, surveillance capitalism looks at us as free sources of raw material for its production processes.
The expectation that China’s economy was weakening pushed rawmaterial prices to their lowest level since 2009.
The raw material is used in a wide variety of products from detergents to chocolates and cookies.
Next, the selected waste is recycled into reusable raw material that is used to produce the glasses.
Electro-deposited copper is a raw material widely used in the electrical equipment and machine manufacturing sectors.
In the work he does for his day job, Everett starts with grapes as his raw material.
We feel we have enough raw material to supply the demand in Mizoram and to export it.
We’re going to process all the raw material in our country to lower the price of fuel.
Shanghai hot rolled coil dropped 3.1 percent and Dalian coke, another steel raw material, fell 1.8 percent.
Spring barley, planted early in the year, is the favored raw material for malt and beer production.
The strike comes as the global market for the aluminum-making raw material is suffering a shortfall.
Raw material prices dropped by 2.0 percent from October, pulled down by declines for crude energy products.
The Baltic Dry Freight index, a leading indicator for rawmaterial demand, is also down this year.
Shanghai hot rolled coil dropped 1.7 percent and Dalian coke, another steel raw material, fell 1.5 percent.
Raw material prices fell for a second straight month in February after nearly three years of increases.
The company expects a $50 million increase in raw material costs this year, compared with last year.
«We will look at the market, the raw material, logistics… but also the incentive systems,» Lievonen said.
It also said raw material costs were expected to increase by approximately 900 million crowns in 2017.
But that may not matter when the raw material of real life is redone as mass entertainment.
«Raw material and propellants are very small percentage points of the cost» of each rocket, Ellis said.
If emotions are fodder for art, then our periods could certainly provide a lot of raw material.
But the «clean lab» is where the raw material for all their work — ancient DNA — is recovered.
The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art’s new Raw Material podcast is off to a promising start.
It’s a lack of the raw material — workers — that generates revenues and profits in the first place.
Then, remember the useful adage that «writing is rewriting» and take this raw material and edit it.
China’s imports of the raw material topped 1 billion tonnes last year for the first time ever.
The raw material of banking, by and large, is the money you and I deposit in banks.
Raw material pricing should remain stable, though local currency volatility versus the U.S. dollar could pressure profitability.
It’s also needed to make electric car batteries, sending automakers on the hunt for the raw material.
A short supply of homes, rising labor and raw material costs have forced builders to raise prices.
China imported 684.9 million tonnes of the steelmaking raw material in the first eight months of 2019.
Gains in raw material prices slowed to 5.1 percent in March from 5.9 percent the month before.
New recipes produce fewer unpleasant side effects and generate more economic value per unit of raw material.
We expect the EBITDA margin to approach 11% in 3683 after a scenario of depressed raw material prices.
Profitability has also been squeezed by lower steel prices and higher raw material costs, particularly for iron ore.
They call us users, but, in fact, they are using us as raw material for their production processes.
Russia’s manufacturing sector contracted for the third successive month, on higher rawmaterial costs and weakening foreign demand.
Cost of goods sold normally covers raw material and labor expenses, but also other, less clear-cut expenses.
We also produce the renewable hydrocarbon that can be used as the raw material for polymers and chemicals.
When we’re talking about mined cobalt, the raw material supply largely comes from the [Democratic Republic of] Congo.
Recent manufacturing surveys continue to show increases in raw material prices amid growing strains on the supply chain.
Zachert said the company would for now manage to pass along higher petrochemical raw material costs to customers.
The idea is to help the weavers cut transport costs by bringing their raw material closer to them.
A tightening labor market and rising raw material costs are expected to push up inflation through next year.
Trump’s steel tariffs, for instance, could raise prices for the raw material used in factories supporting union jobs.
At the moment, demand for carbon dioxide as a raw material is a trifling 80m tonnes a year.
Workers are «human resources» in the strictest sense of the term, a resource like raw material or infrastructure.
I need niche, non-important-seeming raw material in my media diet, and RSS is perfect for that.
Raw material prices climbed by 1.7 percent from December, boosted by higher prices for animals and animal products.
Most sectors in Hong Kong gained ground, with services , financial and raw material shares among the best performers.
The internal document projected the yield on raw material to the decimal point and earnings to the dollar.
The U.S. is the world’s biggest importer of steel, purchasing 35 million tonnes of raw material in 2017.
Most sectors in Hong Kong gained ground, with energy, financial and raw material shares among the best performers.
In Indonesia, recruitment in the commodities sector was «tough» in 2015 as global raw material prices dropped dramatically.
Could we find enough stuff to make a story based on the raw material that is out there?
CropEnergies reiterated its outlook on Thursday, saying that lower raw material costs were compensating for weaker bioethanol prices.
Higher raw material costs and slowing demand in the foods sector have hurt small manufacturers, the report added.
The outage was caused by disruptions at an external supplier of carbon monoxide, a raw material for TDI.
Shares fell across the board, with raw material shares among the worst casualties as commodity prices fell sharply.
Sulphuric acid, a corrosive byproduct of smelting, is used by fertilizer and chemical companies as a raw material.
Most sectors rose in China and Hong Kong, with energy and raw material shares among the biggest gainers.
The company said the prepared meats business, its biggest, witnessed margin compression due to high raw material costs.
Steelmaking raw material iron ore only shifted to transparent spot pricing after four decades of yearly-set contracts.
Shares fell across the board, with raw material shares among the worst hit as commodity prices fell sharply.
An index tracking raw material shares rose over 2 percent and an index tracking infrastructure added 1.5 percent.
Strength in raw material shares — bolstered by advancing commodity prices — offset a correction in energy and utility stocks.
The world’s largest known reserves of this raw material are found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Since 2014, Maduro’s government has directly imported and distributed raw material for industries like food processing and construction.
Traditional farming of cotton, the second-biggest raw material for textile, makes heavy use of pesticides and water.
Suppliers are taking longer to deliver materials, order backlogs are building up and raw material prices are rising.
«Very quickly, the question of the meaning and the use of this raw material was imposed,» says Pétillon.
The retailer said it is witnessing inflationary pressures in the form of rising raw material and transportation costs.
It was there that she helped put in place the raw material for a black American literary canon.
And the novel, like a city, somehow coheres, as Rich never loses control of the riotous raw material.
Ryan has the raw material to put together some heavy-hitting bars; he just doesn’t capitalize on it.
Wang said his labor and raw material expenses are up as much as 15 percent from last year.
The company said it expects to increase prices to offset higher raw material and tariff costs in 2019.
Egypt relies heavily on imports of everything from food and medicine, to electronics and raw material for exports.
In time Mr. Vaadia became so prolific that he needed to buy a lot of his raw material.
Out of the raw material of these unpromising nuggets, he has assembled, ingeniously, an entire book of poems.
The CMRA said earlier this month that it expected the Chinese government to reclassify high-grade copper and aluminium scrap from a waste to a raw material by the second quarter of next year, although it remains unclear what percentage of metal content will allow it to qualify as raw material.
Imports of raw material and capital goods were all down, the bureau said, but imports of consumer goods rose.
The ability of banks to acquire raw material and make loans based on free market considerations will be enhanced.
A sharp rise in raw material costs could also restrict Japfa’s ability to pass through costs, impacting credit metrics.
Hong Kong shares gained over 1 percent, as a jump in financials offset a tumble in raw material stocks.
While finished goods inventory to sales ratio is showing no improvement, raw material inventory to sales ratio has worsened.
The company said lower raw material costs would have «a moderately favourable impact» for the first half of 2020.
I lost all my lab equipment, though fortunately I had my raw material because it wasn’t in the lab.
It also confirmed that increased raw material prices were expected to result in 1.4 billion crowns of higher costs.
«In an environment marked by deflation and low raw material prices, we continued to privilege volume growth,» Bulcke said.
Its North America business fell short of forecasts, with Electrolux citing price pressure, lower volumes and raw material costs.
They spent a year researching a possible alternative that could serve as a viable raw material for making paper.
While rising raw material prices have helped some SOEs, companies have also faced sharp rises in debt-servicing costs.
The raw material—banknotes in denominations of two, five and even 100 bolívares—are still legal tender in Venezuela.
«Recycled nylon is a harder to find because the raw material isn’t as prevalent as water bottles,» Dinh says.
It has also lowered its coffee prices to pass on the benefit of lower raw material costs to consumers.
Petroleum is a key raw material for many chemicals, most of which are produced using energy from natural gas.
Cobalt is an important raw material for lithium-ion batteries, found mostly in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
That way, losses from higher raw material costs can be mitigated by gains made in the European crude futures.
Kraft’s results underscore the challenges of an industry that is already struggling with rising raw material and operational costs.
While raw material costs have fallen over the past year, demand hasn’t kept pace, and households have been squeezed.
Alternatively, companies may extract raw material from an asteroid and then bring this material back to sell on Earth.
Mills in Xinjiang suffered more than most, with its remote location leading to higher raw material and transportation costs.
The raw material for EpiDerm is actual human skin cells retrieved from surgical waste following cosmetic surgeries and circumcisions.
China, the world’s largest aluminum maker, rarely exports large volumes of alumina, a raw material for making the metal.
«We view changes in raw material costs as something that is manageable,» a GM spokesman said in an email.
Nokian said raw material costs would rise 25 percent in the full year, mainly due to increased oil prices.
Pets, for Pierce, are agents of capitalism and control, the raw material of advocacy work, friendship, menace and family.
Supply chains have been disrupted, raw material costs are on the rise and businesses may be delaying investment decisions.
Strength in raw material shares — bolstered by advancing commodity prices — is offset a correction in energy and utility stocks.
Production of coke, a key raw material for steelmaking, rose 5.9% in July on year to 39.61 million tonnes.
The speech was at Alumisource, a raw material producer for the aluminum and steel industries in Pennsylvania, CNN reported.
But the existence of two more books shows how much raw material has been unavailable and unknown for study.
China is the world’s largest buyer of this raw material for steel, and mining companies soared on the news.
The outcome, win or lose, is the raw material for a climax that takes shape in an editing bay.
Anything going into an airplane has to be carefully certified beforehand, restricting Banner’s options when raw material is delayed.
The morals of the story, forced from the raw material of human lives, quickly overshadow the action and characters.
In interviews, he said he had enough raw material to make 10 million masks in two or three months.
This caused a loss in overall genetic diversity, which meant less raw material for adapting to human-induced change.
All of this activity stirs the pot of mutation and variation that is the raw material for natural selection.
What other industry on the face of the earth gets its raw material for free, or nearly for free?
Photography could not exist without the labor, presence, and consent of people, who are made its organic raw material.
The raw material price index fell 2.2% in January as crude prices posted a 6.2% drop on coronavirus fears.
He knew that his photographs would be «raw material,» as Mr. Wride called it, rather than the finished product.
But operating costs hit a one-year high because of an increase in labour, fuel and raw material expenses.
And most of the workers in the dairies that supply that raw material are foreign-born, mostly from Mexico.
They are the raw material of our collective memory, the seeds of the stories we’ll tell in the future.
Prices were also subdued as heavy-pollution alerts in China’s northern province disrupted demand for the steelmaking raw material.
The company said higher raw material costs and tariffs resulted in softer demand in North America, its biggest segment.
As Farhad writes: «Because it featured little choice, TV offered something else: the raw material for a shared culture.»
In theory such elevated raw material imports should mean more domestic production, reducing the need for refined metal imports.
Securing access to a raw material like rubber mattered less when you could manufacture a synthetic version of it.
EC: Any idea that makes me smile or laugh becomes raw material for a painting or a print project.
The projects were meant to ensure former fighters did not return to cultivating coca, the raw material for cocaine.
The shortage is reportedly due to a failure at a plant that supplies the raw material to make the anesthetic.
Raw material prices rose 2.03 percent in August from a year earlier, compared with a 9.0 percent increase in July.
«The ones that produce in the U.S. are definitively complaining about rising raw material prices,» said Metzler analyst Juergen Pieper.
But it’s not clear that the U.S. steel industry can supply that much raw material, at least not anytime soon.
Relativity says these updated printers could eventually create a Terran 1 rocket in less than 60 days from raw material.
She constantly presents the album as a deeply personal statement, as if it’s literally the raw material of her life.
«We have been able to increase our prices in response to rawmaterial costs,» Chief Financial Officer Marc Henry said.
He kept his raw material in three-ring notebooks, 80 percent of them devoted to descriptions of female body parts.
A Xiamen-based trader said the measures could also disrupt trade in commodities such as steelmaking raw material iron ore.
So, hydrocarbons are made out of oil or the raw material for lots of plastics and a lot of chemicals.
Aluminum is a key raw material for cars, airplanes and bicycles and in packaging items such as cans and foil.
In 0003 coca, the raw material for cocaine, grew on 146,000 hectares, three times the area it covered in 2012.
It’s possible that falling scrap imports are also forcing more smelters to turn to the concentrates market for raw material.
It is also close to many of the fields that produce crude oil, the raw material for much petrochemical production.
The raw material subindex slumped more than 2 percent, offsetting a jump in energy shares triggered by firm oil prices.
Last year that flow of raw material amounted to 472,803 tonnes, containing what ITRI estimates was 57,000 tonnes of tin.
Raw material prices increased 6.7 percent in October from a year earlier, down from a 7.3 percent gain in September.
«They see Indonesia has big potential to develop electric-based products due to the availability of raw material,» he said.
The plastics maker reported a 22 percent gain in quarterly core profit, helped by a decline in rawmaterial prices.
This includes a neutral net effect from pricing and raw material price developments and the increasing gains from cost savings.
The raw material sector firmed 0.9 percent as global commodity prices rose on the back of a weaker U.S. dollar.
Their presentation used social media as a raw material rather than presenting a thesis about how we live with it.
«Various costs, including raw material and personnel costs, have risen and we expect this trend to continue,» the company said.
China has historically been a net importer of alumina, taking in 2.87 million tonnes of the raw material last year.
With the raw material available throughout Scotland, Tangney estimates it could eventually produce 50 million liters of biofuel each year.
«If needed, we will produce maize in char lands of the country as raw material for our plant,» Aftabuddin said.
Seara Alimentos, JBS’ processed foods unit, will use fat and scraps from pork and poultry as raw material for biodiesel.
The world’s largest zinc converter drew in 32 percent less raw material in the first seven months of this year.
However, 22014-D printing uses 2014 percent of the raw material used to make the final product in some methods.
This has reduced its rawmaterial sourcing flexibility and increased costs due to higher local corn prices given increased demand.
Hall’s method entailed applying a strong electrical current to aluminum oxide, or alumina, the raw material required for producing aluminum.
She also began contacting raw material suppliers and met with technical experts to help refine her list of candy ingredients.
The company said prices of steel, a key raw material used in appliances, are expected to drop slightly in 2019.
Much of the aluminium that is «Made in the U.S.A» actually uses as raw material metal from a Canadian smelter.
Output charges edged up into expansionary territory and outpaced growth in input prices, reflecting reduced pressure from raw material costs.
The tie-up will expand their product portfolio, increase purchasing power and reduce raw material costs, boosting competitiveness and sustainability.
During experiments he began to perceive that the balloons, according to their assemblages, could become a type of raw material.
But the pound’s fall also pushed up costs for energy and raw material at the fastest pace in five years.
The company said in its fourth-quarter report that its results were hurt by higher labor and raw material costs.
In addition, over time we plan to have 95 percent of our raw material inputs from 100 percent recycled material.
China responded with its own 57 percent duties against U.S. producers of polycrystalline silicon, the raw material for photovoltaic cells.
In this speculative environment, talented young athletes — some of them children — are bought and sold like any other raw material.
Goodyear has now fallen more than 26 percent this year amid weak demand for tires and higher raw material costs.
«Headwinds are intensifying, including rising raw material costs, a strong U.S. dollar, and softening market conditions in China,» Kramer said.
Compared with March 2016, raw material prices advanced by 16.6 percent, largely due to higher prices for conventional crude oil.
Raw material prices jumped 9.0 percent in July from a year earlier, compared with an 2.23 percent increase in June.
It’s pushing oil prices lower because it reduces refinery demand for crude oil, the raw material used to make gasoline.
Battle Creek, Michigan-based Kellogg’s freight and raw material costs are expected to continue to rise this year, Cahillane said.
The reason is elementary: Education is a process that takes «raw material» and gradually shapes it into the desired outcome.
Video and graphics editors Drew Jordan, Chris Cirillo and Nicole Fineman layered visuals over raw material to explain the evidence.
Meanwhile, U.S. crude oil prices fell, reflecting lower demand for the raw material at shuttered refineries in the coming days.
«It’s very important to be able to present raw material and let people make up their own minds,» Anderson said.
After all, video games would seem to offer plenty of raw material for great — or at least enjoyably entertaining — movies.
Transportation equipment manufacturers said higher raw material prices caused by the import duties would be passed on to domestic customers.
The steelmaking raw material has recovered more than 40 percent from December’s low of $37, its weakest since at least 2008.
CEO Ted Doheny said in a statement that higher raw material and freight costs, along with foreign exchange pressures, impacted profitability.
Lithium is a key raw material for batteries in electric vehicles, which are enjoying a massive rise in popularity in China.
You gather things that have to do with life outside the studio, which become raw material to shape in the studio.
It is no less a crisis if the raw material is money, not oil, and the industry is banking, not energy.
I preferred to get hold of the raw material directly—if I was doing it, I wanted to do it right.
Grains-trader ADM will be responsible for supplying the main raw material used in the development of the plant-based products.
Colombia’s production of coca, the raw material for cocaine, has reached record levels, according to a report by the White House.
On Tuesday PPI, a measure of pipeline inflation heavily influenced by raw material costs, is seen rising 230% year-on-year.
But it remains a strange choice for someone who clearly wants raw material for the next steps in his ongoing experiment.
And Google, among others, had the idea that you could use these unseen pictures as raw material for an HDR shot.
On Tuesday PPI, a measure of pipeline inflation heavily influenced by raw material costs, is seen rising 23% year-on-year.
Goodyear said it expects flat segment operating income in 2017 compared with 2016, partly as raw material costs continue to rise.
It isn’t so much a direct comment on the political situation, even though you are using it as the raw material.
Whirlpool (WHR) said in January that tariffs and higher raw material prices could result in a $300 million hit in 2019.
Hong Kong shares were also sluggish, as a second day of weakness in energy and raw material shares curbed risk appetite.
Months later, the Trump administration announced steel and aluminum tariffs, sending prices for the raw material needed to make appliances higher.
In justifying its decision, Ikea pointed to raw material prices, which it said are higher in the United States than Europe.
The studio objects become part of the raw material for a vocabulary of forms that mingles and accumulates in his paintings.
In fact, many are also unwittingly contributing to commerce, their bodies traded as raw material in a largely unregulated national market.
Imports of the steelmaking raw material for January to September reached 763 million tonnes, up 9.1 percent from a year ago.
The world’s top iron ore exporter also said that quarterly sales of the raw material fell 15.5% to 61.945 million tonnes.
She also said the rising raw material costs would lead to a financial hit of about 60 million euros this year.
And a weak yen is not without costs, such as cooling consumer spending by driving up grocery and raw material costs.
It reported US$321m Ebitda, well below US$360m-$380m guidance because of higher costs, foreign exchange and raw material inflation.
Rio Tinto produces about 50 million tonnes of the aluminum raw material globally, accounting for around 15 percent of world supply.
I don’t see that as a big problem or you have a good amount of raw material and commodities and etc.
«It is also reassuring that Assa has now offset previous raw material cost inflation,» Credit Suisse analysts said in a note.
The broader trend in China’s nickel raw material imports, however, is one of diversification in terms of both geography and materials.
«A lot of raw material it uses, like ABS, is plastics made from petroleum, which is a nonrenewable resource,» he said.
The executive said the new situation posed a challenge for the company regarding securing raw material for feed at reasonable cost.
While Sakae didn’t give a detailed outlook on coking coal prices, he said raw material prices will likely become less volatile.
It takes foreign adventures as raw material from which to generate events that stoke domestic passions and reinforce the government narrative.
The ratings are tempered by the exposure to the volatility in prices of its main raw material (corn) and currency fluctuations.
The result: halving the time needed to manufacture parts and therefore halving the costs (minus the raw material costs, of course).
The British required India to be a producer of raw material and a market for cheap finished goods, not a competitor.
Other steelmaking raw material futures also fell on Monday, with metallurgical coke slumping 6.9 percent and coking coal down 4.3 percent.
He said Jinchuan was also pursuing a project in Indonesia to make nickel pig iron, a raw material for stainless steel.
Raw material stocks steadied after Monday’s sharp declines, as Beijing punished officials and two steel market for breaking capacity-cutting rules.
Whirlpool Chief Executive Marc Bitzer has cited rising raw material costs and «unfavorable price/mix» as weighing on the company’s margins.
La-Z-Boy said it saw a negative impact from the quarter’s hurricanes, the California wildfires, and higher raw material costs.
Most sectors rose in China, led by financials and raw material shares, with big players in the sector all state-owned.
And only from the third harvesting on — or 27 years later — the raw material called amadia cork is ready for processing.
The very firearms that make revolution possible are birthed from a womb of slip, the raw material used to make ceramics.
«I was just blown away to see how much raw material we used to make five gallons of beer,» Kurzrock said.
All imports from what had been the country’s four-largest supplier of raw material ground to a halt in October 2017.
On paper at least, production of the raw material alumina could be more vulnerable to winter heating restrictions this time around.
Surveillance capitalism begins at a prior stage, with the unilateral claiming of private human experience as free raw material for datafication.
They’re both made with the same fava bean raw material, ingredient, and they really constitute the everyday meal of every Egyptian.
He does it by using techniques from artificial intelligence, specifically machine learning algorithms, to filter or expand on his raw material.
Alternative raw material suppliers are being explored in Thailand, Indonesia, Pakistan and India but then costs will go up, he said.
The firm also said quarterly sales of the key raw material fell 3.2%from a year ago to 77.907 million tonnes.
But right at the beginning of «Country Music» is an acknowledgment that slave songs formed part of early country’s raw material.
Cash is an unusually special raw material because you can transform it into anything (cash is basically like a stem cell).
The packaging company fell 6.5 percent after cutting its full-year profit outlook due to higher raw material and freight costs.
Having recently discovered mezcal, Cox feels fiercely protective of its future; given the shortage of raw material, its popularity scares him.
Raw material prices fell 0.6% last month while price gains in upstream sectors such as oil and natural gas extraction eased.
A metallurgist commissioned by Motherboard editor-at-large Brian Merchant estimated that roughly 75 pounds worth of raw material have to be mined to make the average iPhone, and that’s before considering other environmental byproducts of Apple’s global supply chain, which include, of course, shipping the raw material as well as the finished product all over the world.
To make matters worse input prices rose on the back of higher raw material costs, suggesting a renewed pressure on operating margins.
«Raw material markets remain well bid, while continued outflows from LME warehouses should see metal prices supported,» ANZ said in the note.
For the first time, an aspiring identity thief could source all the raw material for a crime wave on a single site.
Deere fell 1.8 percent after the tractor maker’s third-quarter profit missed analysts’ expectations due to higher raw material and freight costs.
The tankan indices showed more companies felt prices of goods and services were rising, in line with increases in raw material costs.
A robotic arm can replace the raw material when needed, allowing for the machine to operate unattended for several days, Ford said.
Weaker pricing reduced last year’s earnings by 438 million euros, almost absorbing a 545 million-euro gain from lower raw material costs.
Chief Financial Officer Adrian Hennah said overall, the company’s raw material costs were going up, as hedges and existing stocks run out.
Some are holding down costs or even raising prices, like Whirlpool said it did to counter higher freight and raw material costs.
What it essentially means is that no chemicals are used in the crop production of any raw material that goes into it.
Unica also said there were reports of mills having to stop cane crushing operations due to insufficient raw material at the plants.
For more on how IFF is approaching the merger and handling rising raw material costs, click here to watch Fibig’s full interview.
Raw material inventories eased just slightly in July, according to the survey, while imports were almost steady and suggested stable domestic demand.
America is leading a worldwide petrochemical buildout, because its plentiful oil and gas supplies have produced cheap petrochemical feedstocks, or raw material.
Current account for the first quarter, producer prices and raw material prices data for April are due at 21.31:30 a.m. EDT.
It takes seven years before a rubber plant produces the raw material, known as either India Rubber or caoutchouc, can be tapped.
It also said additional US tariffs on China imports would likely force it to raise prices because of higher raw material costs.
And there’s little chance artisans will run out of raw material any time soon as long as our flip flop habit remains.
By the 1700s many American colonies legally required settlers to produce hemp as a raw material to build warships and trading vessels.
Deere Chairman and CEO Samuel Allen said higher raw material costs and concerns over tariffs and trade policies hurt the company’s results.
We are the only animal capable of such rich conceptualization, taking the raw material of reality and turning it into something more.
Outokumpu’s shares jumped after the European benchmark price for ferrochrome, a crucial raw material for steel production, was set lower than expected. .
But raw material costs, and lower margins from recently acquired Naturex, cut its gross margins to 41.2% from 44.2% a year earlier.
Raw material stocks led Monday’s sell-offs, with an index tracking the sector down more than 2.1 percent at the lunch break.
Since this is a key raw material pipeline for China’s giant nickel pig iron (NPI) sector, the price reaction might seem rational.
WARREN BUFFETT: Well, we just— as I get the reports from the companies they say, ‘These raw material costs are going up.
I liked having him around because he cut my raw material gathering time in half, and he’s very solid in a scrap.
Most of China’s major steel makers logged smaller earnings in the first quarter due to higher raw material prices and weak demand.
Corning, the company that made the glass for Edison’s first light bulb, started life producing the raw material for bottles and windows.
Michelin said it expects raw material costs to reduce full-year earnings by 900 million euros, reiterating a forecast given in February.
This all gives China a disproportionate advantage when it comes to the raw material for the brainpower that drives this digital age.
Firstly, greater scrap supply means higher production of refined copper by those refineries capable of handling it as a raw material feed.
The area’s manufacturing and construction industries were convenient for both the raw material and skilled tradesmanship necessary to make art at scale.
A separate PMI for the steel industry showed raw material purchase prices fell sharply in October after strong gains in recent months.
His raw material is rockets and mortar shells fired into Israel by Palestinian militants from Gaza, just 4 km (2.5 miles) away.
The company forecast its 2017 segment operating income to be flat compared with 2016, partly as raw material costs continue to rise.
Purchasing managers reported broad-based gains in new orders and production, as well as rising price pressures for their raw material inputs.
The jump has prompted a reworking of contracts to link raw material prices to battery prices, LG Chem and Samsung SDI said.
«A drop in raw material prices would increase ethanol output and imports would shrink,» said the official, who declined to be identified.
Many domestic industries and businesses seemed bewildered, and expressed concern that this would artificially inflate prices for such a key raw material.
Some exist in nature: for example, benzyl acetate, is a very important raw material in perfumery that’s also present in many flowers.
«We are talking about the unilateral claiming of private human experience as raw material for product development and market exchange,» she said.
The company is facing challenges including changing consumer behaviours, rising raw material costs, and fragmenting sales channels amid rapid e-commerce growth.
Aluminium prices reached their highest since 20.19, its raw material alumina touched an all-time peak, while iron ore leapt 289.669 percent.
Few farmers have received the technical assistance they need to switch from growing coca, the raw material for cocaine, to other crops.
«Stocks of raw material for manufacturing industry are thinning, so the president has asked to ease imports of materials,» Indrawati told reporters.
The concentration of equipment, expertise, and raw material has made for many hotspots of semi-DIY electronics manufacturing, most famously in Shenzhen.
The company, owned by Hong Kong-listed WH Group Ltd , did not comment on the potential impact of rising raw material prices.
» He added, «In most cases, the raw material was there, there was just not the business case to really invest in it.
Chinese operators have come to rely increasingly on imports of raw material from neighbouring Myanmar to compensate for falling domestic mine production.
Shipments of the steelmaking raw material in January climbed 19 percent from December to 100 million tonnes, customs data showed on Thursday.
Over the past century, we have developed a mutually profitable relationship: we provide you with abundant raw material and you process it.
It responded to the 2012 tariffs by imposing its own duties on U.S.-made polysilicon, the raw material used in solar cells.
Some of Noranda’s remaining crew of nine helped to cut electricity deals and lock in raw material prices for the new company.
Today’s example of this phenomenon involved the «Burger Bomb» from Raw Material in New York City and some Facebook commenters who ruined it.
Fear of higher costs, through higher interest rates, higher wages and higher raw material costs, has now become a major preoccupation for investors.
Japfa is exposed to rising raw material costs, but this is mitigated by a strong ability to pass through cost increases to customers.
Chinese steel futures similarly surged by their 26.7746 percent ceiling, and raw material iron ore jumped more than 5 percent at one point.
Minmetals, one of China’s biggest metals firms, mostly produces copper, zinc and nickel, but also holds reserves of steelmaking raw material iron ore.
Although encouragement and empowerment can go a long way, do yourself a favor and start with the right raw material if you can.
The curator, Koyo Kouoh, of Raw Material Company, has turned what might seem obvious, invisible, or banal into a quandary of infinite possibilities.
China dropped its support price for corn in 2016, slashing the cost of the grain which is a key raw material for ethanol.
Raw material for the fuels would be fats, oils and grease acquired mainly from surrounding communities, two people familiar with the meetings said.
The LME also plans to launch a contract for alumina, the raw material to make aluminum, which has seen sharp price swings recently.
More than 290bn tonnes of cement—the raw material for concrete and mortar—is produced each year, adding a further 218% of emissions.
We are dealing with higher interest rates, higher raw material costs, higher wages, weaker foreign currencies, tariffs and a potentially weaker Chinese economy.
Also, given that the raw material used by these women to make the baskets is not grown in Bolga, transportation is another challenge.
So that’s one of the problem — you have to see the raw material you’re taking, especially for the young people who come in.
Although the raw material can be produced more cheaply from brine in South America, political, business and legal risks are lower in Australia.
The extent by which food manufacturers, suppliers and consumers will share the burden of higher raw material costs will depend on several factors.
Gross margins increased to 16 percent from 13 percent a year earlier as raw material costs fell, and meat prices rose, it said.
PPG Industries tumbled 10.1 percent after the specialty chemical maker said its current-quarter profit would be hit by higher raw material costs.
Meanwhile, earnings for its starches and sweeteners business slumped as U.S. ethanol prices hit historic lows and raw material costs rose in Europe.
Rusal’s 90 percent owned Bauxite Company of Guyana produced 1.05 million tonnes of bauxite — the raw material used to make aluminum — last year.
It is hard to think of a book of recent vintage that has come as close to the raw material Eliot spoke of.
The raw material sector, which potentially benefits from the deeper reforms, rose 0.4 percent, while an index tracking coal shares jumped 0.6 percent.
The steel-making raw material had hit a record high of 657.5 yuan on Tuesday but ended lower after an eight-session rally.
Traders say there has been limited activity in the spot iron ore market amid plentiful stocks of the raw material at China’s ports.
CSN Mining is Brazil’s second largest iron ore exporter and produced nearly 30 million tonnes of the raw material for steel in 2017.
«The next drag on profits would likely come from upstream sectors where raw material prices have been sliding fast,» Hwabao Trust’s Nie said.
The LME also plans to launch a contract for alumina, the raw material to make aluminium, which has seen sharp price swings recently.
But raw material prices are going up, and Hindustan Unilever said it was now considering to pass on that cost — including price increases.
The desperation re the gorgeous raw material—earth—the sensation of last night, storms spilled, plumed, odor of looking for the various directions .
But «The Lifespan of a Fact» clearly wants to be more than that, even if its raw material isn’t strong enough for drama.
Ms. Collins spent nearly five hours reading all of the interview summaries and reams of raw material from the F.B.I.’s tip line.
If she could prove that, she’d have more evidence to suggest that subspecies are the «raw material» for a new species, she said.
Smelter profit margins have improved significantly with LME prices remaining firm despite global macro headwinds and sharp declines in key raw material inputs.
Meanwhile, earnings for its starches and sweeteners business slumped as U.S. ethanol prices hit historic lows and raw material costs rose in Europe.
Trump’s restrictive trade policies have inflated Harley’s raw material costs and put it in crosshairs of a trade skirmish with the European Union.
In its annual report, Coca-Cola indicated that it considered sucralose a «critical raw material» sourced from suppliers in the US and China.
The EU case was based on export duties both countries impose on the raw material, soybeans for Argentina and palm oil for Indonesia.
They are more like raw data, raw material, the stuff that shows how spiritual experiences would continue if every institutional faith disappeared tomorrow.
Toll’s results underscore strong demand in the housing market despite climbing interest rates and supply constraints including higher labor and raw material costs.
This concept represents the basis of resilience when considering how to insulate people, information, technology, facilities and rawmaterial assets from catastrophic failure.
These traits protect its credit profile from a potential increase in raw material prices in 33712015 as commodity prices rebound from low levels.
You can read a public domain book for free, and you can use it as raw material for your creativity without asking permission.
Scrap feeds into the supply chain in two ways, as a raw material for refining and as a direct melt input by fabricators.
In June, Aurubis also stopped its future Complex Metallurgy project to expand its raw material processing capability because of higher-than-expected costs.
The startup does not stock any inventory, so any raw material it procures, it processes and ships on the same or next day.
Once disassembled, the company will use each component to be processed further into a usable raw material in order to manufacture new products.
Nickel bulls are undeterred, keeping faith with the metal’s future prospects as a key raw material in the coming electric vehicle (EV) revolution.
In New England, much of the economy was based on smuggling—particularly [of] molasses, which was the key raw material for rum production.
Thanks to these people, I can never un-see the comparison, and a Burger Bomb will probably never be ordered from Raw Material again.
The public availability of the ledger would make it possible to trace back every product to the very origin of the raw material used.
Refined metal production started falling sharply in the fourth quarter of 2018 as smelters partly or completely closed capacity due to raw material shortages.
While supply shortage due to higher raw material costs and shortage of labor is fueling short-term demand for homes, it is hurting affordability.
Colgate, which makes Speed Stick deodorants and Softsoap hand-wash, said raw material inflation had hurt second-quarter gross margins by 320 basis points.
Bolivia’s president, Evo Morales, signed a law to expand the area on which the cultivation of coca, the raw material for cocaine, is allowed.
To cushion pains from surging raw material prices, Nippon Steel is aiming to use more cheaper low-grade coal and metal scrap, Tanimizu said.
Condensate is a byproduct of natural gas production and the oil is processed at refining units to produce mainly naphtha, a petrochemical raw material.
Slavery was now here to stay, exploding in the decades that followed, and provided enough enough raw material to support the North’s textile mills.
«We’re having a hard time securing raw material to supply the local roasting industry,» said Egidio Malanquini, president of the roasting industry association Sincafe.
Plans include strengthening security forces and helping farmers secure land titles and substitute coca — the raw material for cocaine — with licit crops like cacao.
But the downside of a weaker exchange rate is a steep rise in manufacturers’ raw material and component costs, due to higher import costs.
He added that profits of energy and raw material sectors including coal, steel and non-ferrous industries saw a resumption of growth in May.
And since consumer printers tend to use plastic as their raw material, precluding anything involving electrical components or circuits, they must keep things simple.
Volkswagen (VLKAF), for example, has just launched a pilot program that uses blockchain technology to trace raw material back to the point of origin.
In fact, on average foodstuffs commodities would outperform raw material commodities by about 16 percent a mere six months after the spread would appear.
That would be equal to just over a fifth of China’s total imports of the raw material, which reached 59 million tonnes in 2016.
Revenue also missed forecasts, with the adhesives and specialty chemicals maker’s results hurt by higher raw material costs, currency fluctuations, and difficult business conditions.
Nearly all sectors in the city lost ground, with financial , industrial, and raw material stocks leading the decline, all down more than 1 percent.
China has become heavily reliant on raw material from neighbouring Myanmar in recent years, a previously unexpected bonanza that may be about to disappear.
This SLS technique is used by companies like Shapeways to produce batches of products while preserving as much of the raw material as possible.
Steel profitability had been squeezed due to lower steel prices and higher raw material costs, this only partially offset by the company’s mining operations.
It’s the world’s primary source of the raw material needed to make the fused‑quartz crucibles in which computer‑chip‑grade polysilicon is melted.
Higher raw material and energy costs had a 2.1 percentage point negative impact on the adjusted EBITA margin which narrowed to 11.0% from 11.2%.
Private firm Planetary Resources has demonstrated 3D printing using raw material from a metal-rich asteroid sample found on Earth in an impact site.
The survey also showed South Korean manufacturers facing input cost pressure in September, led by rising raw material costs and an unfavorable exchange rate.
Underlining firm demand for iron ore in China, stocks of the raw material at China’s major ports stood at 141.65 million tons on Nov.
UBS analysts said sales had slowed to «near stagnation» and that Geberit’s margin is «not fully resilient to wage/raw material inflation and FX».
Damodaran also said the digital currency is not a commodity because it is not derived from a raw material to meet a fundamental need.
» Jung agrees: «The more raw material you have, the more time you devote to developing a skill set, the easier it is to improvise.
But raw material shares were in demand on Monday, up 0.6 percent, as steel futures jumped nearly 6 percent to their highest since March.
That would be equal to just over a fifth of China’s total imports of the raw material, which reached 59 million tons in 2016.
As a result, P&G has increased local production and has been exploring savings elsewhere to avoid passing higher raw material costs onto consumers.
The Akron, Ohio-based company has hiked tire prices twice this year, helping it partly offset higher raw material costs in the first quarter.
As a child, Mr. Vázquez worked in the fields, harvesting the poppies and bleeding them of their sap, the key raw material for heroin.
We could have avoided dropping $80 there on the raw material for a single meal if we had planned better, but we did not.
Anything that is inherently absurd but widely accepted serves as raw material for Solomon, who mocks our modern world without an ounce of cynicism.
For the past five years Chinese smelters have been feasting on the raw material coming over the border from the Wa region of Myanmar.
Steelmakers that use electric-arc furnaces and mini-mills that only use scrap steel as raw material will also be pardoned from output limits.
TechCrunch reported earlier this year that Zomato is quietly setting up its own supply chain to control the raw material its restaurant partners use.
Although Green provides much of the raw material for the film, it acknowledges that he is only one part of a more pervasive problem.
Since the pandemic began, global demand for every kind of raw material from industrial metals to staple crops like wheat and soybeans has dropped.
SV: In pigmentocracy, skin tones exist relationally and contextually: The social meaning of each «color» is shaped by human intervention on biological raw material.
Researchers even found particular rock pieces that may indicate the work of apprentices who were training to properly flake and grind the raw material.
When kids have faith that their feelings matter, they have the raw material they need to advocate for themselves and solve their own problems.
Chalco’s external aluminium sales fell 13% last year, while output of raw material alumina rose 2.1% to 13.8 million tonnes, according to the presentation.
It is also the raw material for a vibrant and thirsty resale ecosystem with prices that can rise exponentially on the internet’s gray markets.
Costs for imported raw material for the manufacturing sector fell 13 percent while those for petroleum products dropped 9 percent, central bank data showed.
That reduced raw material costs for processors like Shuanghui, but hurt big producers like Wen’s Foodstuff Group Co Ltd and Muyuan Foods Co Ltd.
In December, the recycling firm Pentatonic will melt those orphaned action figures, then turn the raw material into playground equipment and reusable tray tables.
With abundant energy and seemingly endless supplies of sand — the key raw material — Iran beckoned as the best place on earth to make glass.
You churn the raw material of life into something that can be understood, and when you fail, you marvel at the mystery of things.
China represents 6% of Croda’s core business sales, 2% of production and is a limited part of its raw material supply chain, it said.
As long as there’s something there to glom on to—almost any sociocultural raw material will do—the takes will begin to fly immediately.
Biodiversity is the raw material for developing new or improved crop varieties, such as plants that are resistant to disease, drought, or increasing temperatures.
The plan — meant to prevent North Korea from using raw material to make nuclear bombs — was rejected in favor of tougher United Nation sanctions.
In her photographs, Földes’ body becomes a raw material more like the paint of a painter than the socially-inflected body of a human.
And so in «Human Raw Material,» when Cosima infiltrates BrightBorn to see that unspeakable birth, its implications are personal and enormous, all at once.
Such firms also received support from China’s stronger-than-expected gross domestic product data, released on Monday, which boosted expectations of increasing raw material demand.
But it must treat artists as partners, not just some raw material they can burn through even if there’s always another act desperate for attention.
Analysts also see a risk that producer price pressures recede as the smog war curtails production, meaning cooling demand from factories for raw material inputs.
Whirlpool tumbled 9.5 percent, after reporting weak quarterly results and cutting full-year forecasts, blaming lower volumes and higher raw material costs, especially in EMEA.
Integrated oil companies such as Chevron have seen their refining margins shrink on the rising price of crude oil, the raw material for many fuels.
We found that more than half its environmental impact arises not from food processing but from the production of the raw material, the wheat grain.
Working within the Chinese market was an advantage too great to pass up: The perfect storm of raw material, government support, public will, and talent.
To lower the costs of producing nanoparticles, Advano sources its raw material from silicon wafer scrap from companies that make solar panels and other electronics.
The only division to still see raw material costs rise in the quarter was Personal Care, which uses oil-based products as well as pulp.
However, exceptions were made for coal-fired electricity, large-scale heat providers, and industries like steel and chemicals that use coal as a raw material.
The only division to still see raw material costs rise in the quarter was Personal Care, which uses oil-based products as well as pulp.
More than 80,000 growers of coca, the raw material of cocaine, have joined a crop-substitution programme; the FARC had controlled much of that trade.
Mothers may also sell their milk to companies like Prolacta Bioscience that use human milk as a raw material in the production of nutritional supplements.
PET, or polyethylene terephthalate, is used as a raw material for making packaging materials such as bottles and containers for packaging and other consumer goods.
Mr. Trump’s televised ubiquity has provided voters with an extraordinary amount of raw material from which to judge him — or to make a Trump diagnosis.
«In an environment marked by deflation and low raw material prices, we continued to privilege volume growth,» Chief Executive Paul Bulcke said in a statement.
A slew of downbeat corporate outlooks with warnings of higher raw material costs, damage from tariffs and waning Chinese demand underscored worries about corporate growth.
Demand for iron ore pellets, a raw material used in making steel, is rising due to lower Chinese exports, anti-dumping measures and higher demand.
FRANKFURT, Feb 23 (Reuters) — German plastics maker Covestro reported a 22 percent gain in quarterly core profit, helped by a decline in rawmaterial prices.
These last year accounted for 53 percent of its output of raw material ore bauxite and 64 percent of production of semi-processed sister alumina.
As chief competitive officer, Saikawa was tasked with reducing Nissan’s manufacturing costs by saving money in raw material procurement, regulatory expenses and planning and development.
Iron ore stocks at China’s ports hit a record high last week, suggesting mills may not be scooping up all the raw material that’s arriving.
On an annual basis, raw material prices jumped by 23.0 percent, the largest year-on-year gain since the 25.3 percent seen in July 2011.
The adjusted EBITA margin improved to 11.6% from 11.3% a year earlier, despite a 0.8 percentage point hit from higher raw material and energy costs.
Battery raw material lithium, for example, is not rare and there could be surplus supply after a rash of new mining projects come on stream.
But they pulled back from the highs on worries demand for the raw material would weaken in coming months as the steel output cuts deepen.
Electrolux said it still expected steeper costs for raw material to sting 2017 earnings to the tune of 1.4 billion crowns compared to last year.
That has caused a drop in treatment charges, the amount smelters charge miners for turning their raw material into metal, as processors compete for supply.
It helps companies such as McDonald’s and large commodities traders, for example, to avoid sourcing raw material from areas in Brazil that suffered recent deforestation.
Wallace’s appointment comes at a time the company has been struggling to boost profit amidst increasing costs of raw material and a stronger U.S. dollar.
«We have a long-term vision that we want to make plastic waste a raw material,» Alfred Stern said in a telephone interview on Wednesday.
The juxtaposition between the political reality of weed culture and internet lifestyle content—the raw material by which marketers disseminate ideology in 2017—is jarring.
GM said raw material costs were $200 million higher and it expects those costs to continue rising, which it will offset with cost cutting measures.
«The new raw material is not titanium or nickel but data,» said Cedric Goubet, head of civil programmes at engine maker Snecma, part of Safran.
If you order a fabric initially, you have no idea where the raw material would have come from, who processed it, where it was processed.
Arrivals of iron ore, a key steelmaking raw material, were at 92.86 million tonnes last month, according to data from the General Administration of Customs.
The wing is built using a fabrication method perfected in Belfast, which allows Bombardier to go from raw material to finished wing on one site.
On a quarterly basis, EBITDA fell 5.4 percent, as higher raw material prices and a stronger rouble drove up the cost of sales, MMK said.
The Michigan-based appliance maker cited higher raw material prices in its earnings report and warned that those costs are expected to rise through 2018.
While sales have slowed across the Indian market, Maruti Suzuki has been increasing its vehicle prices to mitigate the impact of rising raw material costs.
The world’s largest producer of the steel-making raw material also produced 82,700 tonnes of nickel and 1.59 million tonnes of coal in the period.
Despite Silicon Valley’s name — which derives from the raw material for computer chips — many venture investors prefer to stick to software, advertising and commerce companies.
«Our results are reflecting the challenging situation we face in Brazil and higher raw material costs,» Chief Executive Svein Richard Brandtzaeg said in a statement.
Cotton ginning factories are on the verge of closure because of the lack of raw material, said Atul Ganatra, president of Cotton Association of India.
Nickel raw material imports have also boomed this year, reducing net import demand for refined nickel by 61 percent, or 139,2225 tonnes, to 2000,269 tonnes.
The results follow those of rival Whirlpool, which on Monday beat estimates for quarterly profit as price increases offset higher raw material and freight costs.
The trade war has also driven up some raw material, freight and warehousing costs, raising the risks that some importers might default on payment obligations.
Those stories serve as raw material, distorted over time and replayed on an incessant loop as Ms. May drains and fills in her choreographic terrain.
Yelp is really useful in certain ways but it is useful as a collection of data points rather than raw material that hasn’t been synthesized.
Reduced U.S. corn and soybean plantings will likely cut available crop supplies in the United States, potentially driving up raw material costs and squeezing margins.
But if the raw material is so powerful and interesting, why did the writers need to add a white guy who «does the right thing»?
In that volume, we find the raw material of Plath’s only novel, » The Bell Jar ,» which features an incident based on her first suicide attempt.
Last week, the Western Australian miner cut its sales forecast and curbed spending plans amid a downturn in the market for the battery raw material.
Like many of Mr. McCraven’s shows, the night was recorded, providing raw material for «Universal Beings,» an album he released in October to wide acclaim.
NS: I think at this stage the impact shouldn’t, although there are some industries which used to have imports coming from, raw material, from China.
Chief Executive Magnus Groth in January warned of much higher raw material costs in the first quarter for the Professional Hygiene and Consumer Tissue divisions.
The world’s top iron ore exporter also said quarterly sales of the key raw material fell 11.8% from a year ago to 74.039 million tonnes.
He has talked about going from «seed to sew» in Cody — that means farming the raw material and doing the manufacturing all in one place.
«For them, data is the raw material that makes them money,» said Gerd Billen, secretary of state in Germany’s Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection.
The clothes are made from raw material that Kawakubo calls «nonfabrics»: what appeared to be cauterized rubber, rug pads, cotton batting, stuffing and duct tape.
There is a ban on the international sale of skeletal remains, but human hair is treated like any other raw material, say, hardwood or textiles.
«Given the alumina supply situation and higher raw material prices, aluminum prices should be much higher,» said Kash Kamal, an associate at BMO Capital Markets.
The replacement of high-quality ingredients with cheaper raw material, climate change, fishing regulations due to diminishing stock, and the automation of the canning process.
For many academics, there’s a downside to that: Private companies now create and control much of the raw material necessary to understand the modern world.
But that transition only becomes possible with accurate, reliable data as the raw material for measuring outcomes and discovering what works and what does not.
Campbell Soup and tractor maker Deere joined a list of companies that blamed higher raw material and freight costs for a drop in profit margins.
SMELTERS: China’s aluminium smelters are under pressure from current low prices, with the situation exacerbated by high costs of key raw material alumina, analysts say.
Orphan Black’s eagerness to do so is genuinely thrilling, especially when it results in an episode as challenging and thought-provoking as «Human Raw Material
Average input costs fell for the first time in six months amid reports of falling raw material prices, helping to ease pressures on profit margins.
This process cuts down on both raw material costs and energy usage compared to traditional forging and machining, says Norsk, making each jet cheaper to build.
The group also estimated Brazil will, in 2018, process an additional 1.5 million tonnes of soybeans, the main raw material used to produce the country’s biodiesel.
A trader said although the tariffs could lead to higher selling prices for Tenaris, the benefit could be offset by a rise in raw material costs.
The company said it paid $215 million more in raw material costs, including $4.573 million for pulp, a major ingredient in tissues, diapers and sanitary pads.
Afreximbank is a multilateral body set up to help African states — many of them reliant on raw material exports — overcome difficulties with financing and developing trade.
The latest survey also showed operating expenses rose to a three-month high in December, with firms citing rising raw material prices and higher salary costs.
China’s producer prices rose in December at their fastest pace since September 2011 on strong raw material prices, signalling stabilization in the world’s second largest economy.
Panic in this section of the supply chain was triggered when Rio Tinto said it was declaring force majeure on some of its raw material contracts.
Neste said that the division’s second-quarter sales volumes would be little changed, with utilization rates remaining high, but raw material prices are expected to increase.
China provides the raw material used in 13 percent of U.S. drugs, and the GAO estimates there are about 400 drug manufacturing facilities in that country.
From the beginning, lysergic acid — the raw material to make LSD — was already hard to get, and we believed that governments would be opposed to this.
The natural raw material suppliers for organic substances are anticipated to dominate the value chain to offer exclusive ingredients, along with creating new varieties for consumers.
The country has started shipping nickel ore and bauxite, the raw material used for aluminium, to China, but it is struggling to replicate its prior dominance.
«However, what is exceptional in this case is the choice of raw material — human bone — and the cannibalistic context in which it was produced,» she said.
The jeweler’s gross margin rose to 2.73 percent in the fourth quarter from 60.8 percent a year earlier as raw material, labor and marketing costs declined.
Our growth has been driven by volume and that in a deflationary environment with very low raw material prices and no need for pricing per say.
Geberit said its profits were helped by lower raw material prices, higher sales volumes and by selling more of its profitable products, which include shower toilets.
P&G, like other consumer goods companies, has been raising prices on its products to tackle soaring freight and raw material costs that have dented margins.
Like other packaged food companies, the Toblerone maker has been raising prices for its cookies, gum and chocolates to counter higher raw material and labor costs.
Solvay previously sold its PVC businesses across the globe and completed the divestment of its acetate tow business, a raw material for cigarette filters, this year.
A Book About Colab is best described as a rich resource of raw material and impressions as opposed to a comprehensive study of the group’s achievements.
Mr Castilla, for his part, would have rewritten the rules of international trade by bringing the raw material of biotechnology into an orderly pattern of ownership.
The furniture maker also said that additional U.S. tariffs on China imports would likely force the company to raise prices because of higher raw material costs.
China is the world’s top consumer of iron ore and accounts for about up to 80 percent of the global seaborne trade of the raw material.
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) — Higher raw material and energy costs took the shine off a rise in second-quarter adjusted profit for Swedish hygiene products maker Essity (ESSITYb.
Among other changes, it introduces flexibility in the price of contracts and compensations in the case of increases in raw material prices, custom duties and taxes.
Rio Tinto is a top exporter to China of the steel making raw material, which accounts for the lion’s share of profits for the mining house.
«We have all this raw material, and from the beginning of the year now even more, because China will not take our waste,» Katainen told reporters.
Cheaper oil has lowered the cost of naphtha, Braskem’s main raw material, opening a profitable spread for its principal business of turning petrochemicals into plastic resins.
Efficiency measures, lower raw material costs and currency hedging should allow Syngenta to keep its full-year EBITDA margin at around last year’s level, he said.
That underscored ample liquidity and a strong risk appetite in the world’s largest consumer of many raw material products, including key steel-making material iron ore.
The first is that steel mills have been using higher quality iron ore, therefore requiring less coking coal to produce the same amount of raw material.
Aluminum, a raw material used in producing beverage cans, is at depressed prices and feeling the effects of a supply glut and slowing demand from China.
At full capacity Alunorte can produce some 6.4 million tonnes of alumina — the raw material for aluminum — or 10 percent of the world’s capacity outside China.
Gasoline prices have remained relatively low in recent years amid a nearly three-year downturn in the cost of crude, the raw material for most fuels.
Caterpillar shares are down over 43 percent since late January as U.S.-China trade tensions intensified and raw material and freight costs soared for local manufacturers.
Higher raw material and other costs in China and oversupply in the U.S. hog market hurt overall profits, said the company, the world’s largest pork producer.
Yet the raw material behind the hit is most likely in the public domain — which has provided an opening for competitors to sell their own products.
It would continue to raise sales prices and introduce higher value products to offset high raw material prices that will continue into next year, he said.
Here, Algren lived for some 40 years, mostly alone, in one rat-trap apartment after another, embedded among the people who gave him his raw material.
SHANGHAI (Reuters) — Chinese iron ore miners have called for an anti-dumping investigation into imports of the steelmaking raw material from top suppliers Australia and Brazil.
At full capacity Alunorte can produce some 6.4 million tonnes of alumina — the raw material for aluminium — or 10 percent of the world’s capacity outside China.
Swedish appliances maker Electrolux sank 13.5 percent after it trimmed its market demand expectations and forecast higher costs due to increasing raw material prices and tariffs.
Raw material costs, that have risen, are expected to be «a significant year-over-year headwind in 23.78,» Chief Executive Richard Kramer said in a statement.
It understands the video art form as a starting point, not a conclusion, and has served as raw material for endless gifs, memes and cover versions.
Japan is experiencing near full employment, and wholesale prices rose in September at the fastest annual rate in almost nine years as raw material costs surged.
Colgate-Palmolive forecast a surprise drop in 2019 profit on Friday, blaming higher raw material costs and a stronger dollar, sending its shares down 3 percent.
Arrivals of iron ore, a key steelmaking raw material, came in at 22.9 million tonnes in July, according to data from the General Administration of Customs.
«There will be a problem when your due date comes for a loan or you would need to buy raw material with foreign currencies,» Fayat said.
Hydro makes products across the aluminum value chain, from the refinement of alumina raw material via metal ingots to bespoke components used in cars and construction.
We also had some sponsorship from a company that develops food technologies using insects as raw material, so we decided to keep up with our researches.
But when the price of basically every kind of raw material or basic commodity is falling, you are probably looking at a worldwide slowdown in spending.
She pointed out that the trade disputes have increased their raw material costs and hindered their ability to export to Europe, which is a growth market.
Further, the move could hurt American businesses that use these metals, including auto and construction companies, which will now pay more for a critical raw material.
Given less and poorer-quality grass, the cows made less milk, and that milk’s fat content also declined, making less raw material available for butter making.
India’s steel ministry has also sought cuts to import duties on coking coal, steel scrap and graphite electrodes to reduce raw material costs for making steel.
Such gains are individually small but, compounded again and again across an economy, they are the raw material of growth—potentially a great deal of it.
Meanwhile, the raw material price index jumped 2.8% in December following November’s revised 1.4% gain, largely on higher prices for crude energy products, which rose 5.4%.
Seaborne shipments of the steelmaking raw material rose to 93.7 million tonnes last month, according to data compiled by Thomson Reuters Supply Chain and Commodity Forecasts.
They have day jobs in the Democratic Republic of Congo as plantation workers who harvest raw material for international companies that manufacture chocolate and palm oil.
Brand owner Inter IKEA, which is in charge of supply, raised the prices it charges store owners during the year due to high raw material costs.
The company said its core profit in the second quarter slipped by 6 percent due to weak demand in various markets and higher raw material costs.
You consume this lumpy raw material and wonder how a pricklier historian and journalist, a Masha Gessen or an Anne Applebaum, might process and deploy it.
The company also said it will revise mid-term goals to reflect 2018 market and rawmaterial price trends as well as projections for this year.
The defensive consumer and healthcare stocks dragged the most, while commodity shares rose on the back of higher raw material prices triggered by recent dollar weakness.
Mumias — which also faced hurdles from raw material shortages and low sugar prices — said it was seeking an additional 2 billion shillings cash injection from the government.
«We have every raw material in this region to actually boom over the next couple of decades,» Vinik says of his slice of Eastern Gulf real estate.
«Capital imports and raw material growth are not expected to slow down in the near term as imports feed the burgeoning economy,» said ING economist Nicholas Mapa.
The strength in China’s steel market has boosted raw material iron ore, with spot prices up more than 4.93 percent this year, following three years of declines.
That shale oil provides a cheap raw material for Gulf Coast refineries, and it also yields more gasoline and less distillate than a barrel of heavier crude.
«And if you have young stars, it means they recently formed, it means there’s gas,» Kraan-Korteweg said, because gas is the raw material that makes stars.
Even if the needed skilled people, effective organisations and raw material can be found, the heroic effort to reduce emissions would leave fewer resources for consumption growth.
«For the full year 2018 we continue to plan to offset these raw material headwinds with our cost efficiency measures in combination with price increases,» he said.
I had all this raw material and no money because I had spent it bailing assistants out of jail and getting money to pay their legal fees.
Nigeria wants to cut prices, and the need for subsidies, by making more fertiliser domestically: it recently struck a deal with Morocco for phosphate, a raw material.
Raw material input prices fell for the second consecutive month to the lowest since July 2017, indicating cost pressure from price rises on manufacturing firms is easing.
«Our robust performance more than compensated for the headwinds from markedly higher rawmaterial prices and a stronger euro,» Chief Executive Rudolf Staudigl said in a statement.
Speaking to CNBC’s «Squawk Box Europe» on Wednesday, Akzo Nobel CEO Thierry Vanlancker said the company had now offset inflated raw material costs through its own pricing.
Upscale jeweler Tiffany reported an unexpected rise in second-quarter profit, driven by lower raw material costs, price hikes and the sale of more high-margin jewelry.
If Apple does end up buying cobalt directly, it will be in competition with car manufacturers and battery makers in locking up supplies of the raw material.
The FDA on Tuesday said it would investigate cosmetics manufacturers’ sources for talc and what steps they take to test the raw material or their finished products.
Analysts say the favorable macroeconomic and political winds could see the IPSA hit 6,500 points, a new record high, led by the banking and raw material sectors.
«The best option is to privatise so that private sector buyers inject capital to upgrade the plant and machinery, buy raw material and so on,» he said.
The European Union’s case was based on export duties both countries impose on the raw material, soybeans in the case of Argentina and palm oil for Indonesia.
Sealed Air Corp shares tumbled 22.5 percent after the packaging company lowered its full-year profit outlook due to higher-than-expected raw material and freight costs.
Kellogg still had three weeks worth of raw material on hand when it closed operations in May, according to a employee who asked not to be identified.
The world’s second-biggest supplier of the steel-making raw material shipped 23.5 million tonnes in 3.63 against guidance of 23.6 million-22016 million tonnes, it said.
This is a major headache for China’s domestic copper sector; both refiners who use scrap as raw material input and manufacturers who blend scrap into their products.
The company’s results reflect concerns of big U.S. manufacturers, which have warned of higher raw material costs amid a surge in commodity prices and rising interest rates.
The BCC said raw material costs were having the biggest influence on prices since late 2011, and called inflation «a key risk to the UK’s growth prospects».
The country’s top refiner on Friday said second-quarter profit fell 12.2 percent, missing estimates by a wide margin, as forex expenses and raw material costs weighed.
One of the many issues has been doubt over demand for iron ore because the steel market, the main user of the raw material, is chronically oversupplied.
The exchange said it was considering launching new cash-settled contracts next year in lithium, used in electric car batteries, and alumina, the raw material for aluminum.
China’s imports of tin concentrates from Myanmar, a major source of raw material in recent years, fell to a three-year low of 8,004 tonnes in March.
Well, my aim is to create clothing or fabric that is ultimately made in the UK, so that means from the raw material to the end product.
«Yara is the largest European nitrogen fertilizer producer and could see tailwinds as gas is its key raw material in the production process,» the investment bank said.
With the Beltrán Leyvas gone, and with U.S. demand for heroin rising, more than a dozen gangs began a fierce struggle for raw material and transport routes.
There can be little doubt that ample raw material for all-time great footballers can be found in a nation of 320m with the world’s largest economy.
Greenergy, Europe’s largest producer of biofuels made from waste, in September also acquired Singapore-based used cooking oil exporter Rexon Energy to help secure raw material supplies.
The additional supply could reduce the cost of the raw material for the world’s top roasters, many of whom are seeking to secure increased supply from Colombia.
China may not have a lot of coking coal in stock because quality of the raw material is affected if stored for a long period, he added.
Selling more high-margin products and improving efficiency more than balanced out the effects of increases in raw material costs, cost inflation and amortizations, the company said.
Research firm Antaike says China’s refined zinc output saw its steepest plunge since 2000 last year, partly due to tight raw material supply and longer maintenance periods.
In those countries, China could successfully push for policies that undermine manufacturing and promote raw material industries like agriculture, rendering the countries dependent on China for commodities.
His intentions are clear, but all we’re dealing with is raw material, footage we may have already seen set to a song we may have already heard.
From the raw material of memory he’s made something that nearly erases the difference between artifice and life, as well as the distance between past and present.
The raw material for her newest paintings is deconstructed apparel, yet this is no critique of the fashion industry — there isn’t a logo or label in sight.
Honeybees routinely fly two miles from their hives in their search for raw material for honey; it doesn’t require much extra energy to fly several stories up.
«One of the big unknowns is how many products are sole-sourced—in which literally only one place in the world makes that raw material,» she says.
Chinese mills have been pressured by weak downstream demand and environmental protection measures, while their profits were also squeezed by rising raw material prices, the report said.
Known as «Lejo,» he uses photos from old family albums as his raw material, cutting them up, combining them, and sometimes embellishing them with pencil-drawn designs.
«How can I tell a youth to go study, if they can make so much more scratching coca?» he said, using slang for harvesting cocaine’s raw material.
President Evo Morales has sought to keep the metal, used in the production of batteries for electric cars and laptops, from being exported merely as raw material.
Mr. Trump’s performance was part of the raw material — an essential part, but a part nonetheless — that Mr. Burnett and his team of editors turned into television.
It drew immediate complaints from a wide range of U.S. businesses, angered by the prospect of higher raw material costs and the potential for other trade skirmishes.
But now, four years later, «there is high demand for cassava in the market, as (it is) most Ugandan industries’ – like breweries’ – preferred raw material,» he said.
The industry has also had to cope with surging raw material and freight costs over the past year, and global political unrest that is impacting consumer sentiment.
That’s about 6%–7% of the entire amount of raw material the company uses each year, according to Thomas Casparie, executive vice president for chemicals at Shell.
«The market environment remains extremely challenging structurally, with continuing global overcapacities, risks from trade imbalances and highly volatile raw material prices,» Thyssenkrupp said in its quarterly report.
In the Netherlands, seaweed farms on the North Sea are being developed in hopes of supplying the raw material to produce alternatives to fossil-fuel-based polymers.
In terminating the lease, Imcopa gave Petrópolis 120 days to remove all raw material, inputs and equipment from the plants, located in the towns of Araucária and Cambé.
The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy published estimates for production of cocaine and cultivation of coca, the raw material for cocaine, in Colombia last year.
An index tracking major raw material firms has leapt nearly 5 percent this year, far outperforming the broader market, after they forecast surges for mid-year earnings growth.
ALUMINA: Prices of alumina, the raw material for making aluminium, have surged after Rio Tinto said it could not fulfil supply contracts because of the sanctions on Rusal.
Shanghai outperformed, rising over 1 percent as energy and raw material stocks jumped on indications that government measures to slash production capacity had shown signs of some success.
While sugar cane is usually cheaper as a raw material for refineries, white sugar from beets can be competitive in international trade when total costs are factored in.
From the statement:The organised crime group had been operating in Spain since 2012 and imported the raw material to make the psychoactive substances from Asian countries, mainly China.
It repeated its forecast of sales and profit growth of at least 10 percent in the full year 2017, and a 20 percent rise in raw material costs.
The charges for converting mined concentrates into refined metal are a sensitive gauge of raw material availability, falling during times of shortage and rising during times of plenty.
«Raw material costs have risen as well so there is a certain risk, but how big that is, I’m not too concerned at the minute,» he told CNBC.
This spodumene ore has to undergo significant processing before it is usable for making lithium-ion batteries, creating a log-jam of raw material in the domestic market.
Essity, which is also a big producer of baby diapers and feminine care products, had warned in July that raw material costs would rise significantly in the quarter.
From this raw material they create bold, playful, brightly colored masks, headpieces, or full-body outfits that they bring alive in spirited performances, often accompanied by noise soundtracks.
The Toblerone maker also raised prices in Latin America for its cookies, gum and chocolates, joining other packaged food companies to battle higher raw material and labor costs.
P&G, like other consumer goods companies, has been raising prices on many of its products to tackle soaring freight and raw material costs that have dented margins.
On the raw material markets, Aurubis expects good copper concentrate (ore) supply and «satisfactory» copper treatment and refining charges (TC/RCs) until the end of the fiscal year.
The iron in the blade had high percentages of nickel, and trace amounts of cobalt, phosphorus, and other material that suggest the raw material was of extraterrestrial origin.
The U.S. appliance giant on Monday reported third-quarter profit and sales below analysts’ estimates, hurt by higher raw material prices which are expected to rise through 2018.
Gross profit margin dropped to 15.8 percent from 16.9 percent a year earlier, due to an increase in raw material prices especially in salmon and shrimp, it said.
Higher raw material costs nonetheless weighed on net income, which fell 16.3 percent to 2.04 billion euros, also burdened by a restructuring charge of about 150 million euros.
CEO Fernando Musa said the company is reviewing the report and considering alternatives to the mining in the region, which supplies raw material for the production of PVC.
If Uniper engineers can show the technology is viable, they hope that Germany can lead the way in providing the renewables sector with an entirely new raw material.
BCPCL will fund 80 percent of the investment by a loan from Chinese banks and raw material coal will be imported from Indonesia, China and Australia, Alam said.
The tankan showed that rising raw material costs and a string of natural disasters that disrupted production sapped business confidence among Japan’s big manufacturers in the September quarter.
The gross margin achieved a 10-year high of 47.8% due to price declines in major raw material inputs, but several inputs have seen rising prices since 103H16.
But earnings per share rose 2 percent to 1.58 euros, missing average analyst forecasts for 1.61 euros, as it said headwinds increased from currencies and raw material prices.
While seasonal steel demand should underpin raw material prices, «there will be more short-term volatility» in spot rates amid swings in futures, said a Shanghai-based trader.
But higher prices have made a revival in domestic mining more likely, allowing Chinese steelmakers to reduce raw material import costs and generating profits again for the mines.
Raw material prices dropped by 1.8 percent, the largest month-on-month decline since July 2016, thanks to a 5.0 percent drop in prices for crude energy products.
Some steel mills located far from coal production bases, such as Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces, have been hit particularly hard by the tight raw material supplies, traders said.
These should offset unfavourable raw material prices, possible adverse foreign-exchange movements and cost inflation as well as higher depreciation and amortisation following the substantial increase in capex.
An index tracking major raw material firms has leapt nearly 5 percent this week, far outperforming the broader market, after they forecast surges for mid-year earnings growth.
While the 2016 total reflects strong Chinese demand for the steelmaking raw material, it also shows the increased availability of seaborne supply, displacing higher-cost production at home.
Lanxess, the world’s largest synthetic-rubber maker, on Thursday reported slightly better-than expected fourth-quarter core earnings helped by cost cuts and lower petrochemical raw material prices.
She was discussing art’s superior ability to rouse our sympathies for other people, to provide the «raw material of moral sentiment» that mere argument or scientific evidence cannot.
Vale, the world’s largest iron ore exporter, has seen its production of the steel-making raw material fall steeply after a dam holding mining waste collapsed in January.
Tit-for-tat tariffs have increased raw material costs for the global auto industry, which is already dealing with weak demand in both China and the United States.
Domestic Sourcing Raises Costs: The government has also introduced restrictions on the import of corn, a key raw material for animal feed, to encourage domestic sourcing of corn.
Colson Whitehead, craftsman of beauty from the raw material of American pain, has chosen to acknowledge the school’s century of agony in his new novel, The Nickel Boys.
«I was googling raw material suppliers, contacting them, and from there, engaging with their technical experts for feedback on overcoming various formulation challenges I was experiencing,» said Bosch.
«We will focus on reducing raw material costs and securing competitiveness in the market where memory demand uncertainty and hope for demand recovery co-exist,» SK Hynix said.
Gopnik’s title comes from her idea that modern parents too often approach their tasks like a carpenter, attempting to shape the raw material into a particular finished product.
Rio also flagged «significant raw material costs headwinds» to its aluminum business given its exposure to soaring alumina prices, which it expected to continue into the second half.
Splitters are oil refining units that break down the condensate into diesel fuel and naphtha that is mainly used as a raw material to make petrochemicals like plastics.
Maruti Suzuki, which said it would cut production on surging inventories in May, recorded a 20% drop in raw material costs, helping reduce its overall expenses by 6%.
Beneath the apparent chaos of U.S. trade policy lies a comprehensive rethink of the country’s industrial-military policy, specifically its raw material supply chains and its manufacturing sector.
Soybean and pork farmers, automakers and some manufacturers are profoundly worried about rising raw material costs, sinking sales in export markets abroad, broken supply chains and shipment delays.
The U.S. Commerce Department granted DS Containers an exemption from the import tax because it uses a raw material, plastic-laminated steel, that isn’t produced by U.S. steelmakers.
The raw material for plastic comes largely from refining substances like crude oil, which then undergoes a variety of chemical reactions to create the starting materials for plastic.
The Krefeld plant currently produces starches and sweeteners from the raw material corn for the food and technical industries including marmalades, jams, sweets, chewing gum and custard powder.
«The raw material was vast, and the chance to dig deep was a tremendous attraction, trying to work out what Agatha Christie thought about him,» Mr. Branagh said.
The trillions of images we are all snapping will become the raw material for algorithms that will curate memories and construct narratives about our most intimate human experiences.
For a T-shirt, raw material is fed into a circular knitting machine and a roll of fabric is cranked out and dyed red or blue or purple.
Terrorism becomes no different from climate change: just more raw material from which to fashion a well-worn narrative about political correctness, elites and the evils of diversity.
Until it gets an answer, the 500-year-old business is paying significantly higher prices for imports of the raw material and is putting off any major projects.
The recent production cuts that are part of the NRDC’s efforts to get rid of inefficient coal output have choked off supplies of raw material to domestic steelmakers.
Rising raw material costs also kept the company’s adjusted earnings before taxes for the year to June 30 at $193 million, 5 percent below Morgan Stanley analysts’ expectations.
Astral’s feed division however benefited from a rise in raw material prices, boosting revenues by 6.1% despite falling volumes and contributing to a 7.2% rise in operating profit.
Akzo said its core profit in the second quarter fell 6 percent to 461 million euros, due to weak demand in various markets and higher raw material costs.
Rio also flagged «significant raw material costs headwinds» to its aluminium business given its exposure to soaring alumina prices, which it expected to continue into the second half.
The oil producer said it made chemicals using raw material, or feedstock, manufactured from that kind of plastic waste, processed by another company, Atlanta-based Nexus Fuels LLC.
The Institute for Supply Management survey also showed a jump in raw material costs, with steel and other prices increasing due to tariffs imposed by the Trump administration.
Raw material prices edged down by 0.1 percent as the animal and animal products group fell by 7.0 percent, the largest month-on-month decrease since July 2003.
The episode of the week for May 7 through May 14, 2016, is «Human Raw Material,» the fifth episode of the fourth season of BBC America’s Orphan Black.
International textiles buyers are increasingly switching away from China, and back to Western suppliers, as rising labour, raw material and energy costs make the world’s dominant producer more expensive.
Manufacturers’ raw material costs rose at a slower rate than January’s 11-month high, and the pace at which firms passed higher costs on to their customers also slowed.
This means that obsidian was delivered to Olorgesailie as a raw material, and not imported as a finished product; the humans who lived at Olorgesailie knapped the obsidian themselves.
But fashwave taps into still another lineage in the history of modern music—that of vaporwave’s raw material, muzak, which in turn is haunted by the specter of fascism.
Integrated oil companies such as Exxon have seen their refining margins shrink as the price of crude oil, the raw material for many fuels, stabilizes above $50 a barrel.
Samuelson said that Electrolux, which sources it steel in the United States, still expected to be able to make up for the rise in raw material costs this year.
But a string of disappointing economic data for April and a sharp reversal in raw material prices in recent weeks suggest the outlook for China’s industrial sector remains challenging.
The combined effect of pricing efforts and higher rawmaterial costs had a negative 186 million earnings impact, although this was within a 100-200 million euro predicted range.
Whether you are going for a run, watching TV or even just sitting in traffic, virtually every activity creates a digital trace—more raw material for the data distilleries.
The rival of U.S. maker Whirlpool Corp said it expected a bigger negative impact from rising raw material costs this year, mainly as a result of higher steel prices.
«There was a bit more pressure on Climate margins during the quarter, which is likely attributable to raw material inflation,» Morgan Stanley analyst Nigel Coe wrote in a note.
PPG Industries tumbled 7.8 percent, the most on the S&P, after the specialty chemicals maker said its current-quarter profit would be hit by higher raw material costs.
BEIJING (Reuters) — Chinese steel and steel-making raw material retreated when market closed on Monday, despite positive market sentiment as Beijing and Washington moved closer to a trade deal.
The new directive will also impact raw material suppliers such as alumina refineries and carbon anode plants, sending shock waves down the length of the global aluminum supply chain.
BASF, meanwhile, had to shut one of its plants as low water levels in the Rhine prevented barges from delivering enough raw material, a factor also affecting steelmaker Thyssenkrupp.
Bohemian Rhapsody and Love and Mercy have a lot in common as far as raw material to work with, but Love and Mercy told its story much more artfully.
Harley says it is getting hit by tariffs twice: Once by the EU import duty and once by a rise in raw material prices resulting from U.S. steel tariffs.
China Iron and Steel Association Secretary General Liu Zhenjiang said the recovery in prices in 2016 had created a «vicious circle,» driving up raw material costs and also production.
Australia’s exports of spodumene, the raw material for lithium, are expected to rise to around $1.1 billion by 2020, from $780 million in 2017 and $117 million in 2012.
Costing $2.4 billion, JAC’s condensate splitter and petrochemical units started operations in Asia in 2014 to produce paraxylene, a raw material for textiles and bottles, to meet China’s demand.
The first time monthly imports of the raw material exceeded 2750 million tonnes (bulk weight) was in September 2162 and it was a fairly rare occurrence until last year.
Whirlpool tumbled 9.9 percent, in low volumes, after reporting weak quarterly results and cutting its full-year forecasts, blaming lower volumes and higher raw material costs, especially in EMEA.
In other words, as biology becoming a technology and life becomes a raw material to be engineered, ethical concerns would be seen as a roadblock to so-called innovation.
Raw material stocks gained slightly after Monday’s sharp declines, after Beijing punished officials and two steel market for breaking capacity-cutting rules, reinforcing government’s determination to cut excess capacity.
Chalco also said its alumina production rose by 5.5 percent in 2018 to 13.51 million tonnes, as it sought to capitalize on global shortages of the aluminum raw material.
Raw material from new and reopened mines should be boosting the country’s smelters as treatment charges have soared to over $200 per tonne for refining mined concentrate into metal.
Despite U.S. companies being on track to post their strongest quarterly profit growth in seven years, worries about inflation and rising raw material costs have weighed on investors’ minds.
Shinji’s particular trauma over the last new episode should be incredible raw material to do a set of episodes about his decline back into the depth of his depression.
Chinese iron ore inventories at ports surpassed 100 million tonnes on Thursday, according to industry data, fuelling expectations that prices of the raw material will come under renewed pressure.
Afghanistan, some reports say, even has the potential to become «the Saudi Arabia of lithium», thanks to deposits of the raw material used in phone and electric car batteries.
On the Dalian Commodity Exchange, steelmaking raw material iron ore traded at 385 yuan a ton on Wednesday, also 23 percent below its peak hit just two weeks ago.
«Our adjusted EBIT margin continued to be burdened by the price pressure seen earlier in China, combined with higher raw material prices,» CEO Henrik Ehrnrooth told a news conference.
McBride, which has struggled to cut raw material and logistics costs, also said it was talking to its UK-based EU colleagues about their professional status in the future.
CHINA NICKEL: A ban on nickel ore exports from Indonesia will sharply reduce top buyer China’s output of stainless steel and its raw material nickel pig iron, analysts said.
Given that zinc’s stellar run this year has been predicated on a tightness in raw material supply, does this amount to a rewrite of the galvanizing metal’s bull narrative?
«Despite increased raw material costs, all indications are that we will comfortably achieve the ambitious targets we set ourselves for 2017,» Chief Executive Elmar Degenhart said in the statement.
The first time monthly imports of the raw material exceeded 1623 million tonnes (bulk weight) was in September 2162 and it was a fairly rare occurrence until last year.
It sees sustained profits for the sector as spreads — the difference between steel prices and raw material costs — remain above levels seen in 2016 amidst a supportive operating environment.
The company’s bottom line was hurt by rising commodity costs and unfavorable currency exchange rates, and it expected more pain to come from higher raw material prices in 2018.
The promising results and earnings outlook from Japan’s No.2700 automaker stands in stark contrast to the dull forecasts from several major automakers hurt by rising raw material costs.
It could help businesses check rooftops for damage, see how much of a raw material was coming out of a mine, or build constantly-updated maps of construction sites.
However, the Institute for Supply Management survey also showed a jump in raw material costs, with steel and other prices increasing due to tariffs imposed by the Trump administration.
Raw material shares were among the top gainers on Monday with its subindex rising 1.0 percent at the close, supported by President Xi Jinping’s remarks at the G20 summit.
Rising raw material costs are also squeezing profit margins for Asian manufacturers, raising questions over future investment and reinforcing views that global economic growth is shifting into lower gear.
U.S. Steel said it will also idle one of its blast furnaces in Europe where increasing levels of imports and higher raw material costs are hurting the company’s operations.
Acting as chief competitive officer from 2013 to 2016, he was tasked with reducing manufacturing costs by saving money in raw material procurement, regulatory expenses and planning and development.
The government has been upgrading rural roads, as promised in the agreement, and continued a programme of offering poor farmers alternatives to growing coca, the raw material for cocaine.
Sometimes, says M. Lisandra Zepeda Mendoza, who works in bioinformatics and is an author of a recent paper drawing on this raw material, you don’t get what you need.
«It may be too early to see a roller-coaster ride in cobalt prices as tightness in raw material supply has not yet materialized,» Roskill analyst Ying Lu said.
Zomato has been working on «Project Kisan,» to procure raw material directly from farmers and fishermen in an attempt to assume control of the supply of items to restaurants.
Those years provide the raw material for her critically acclaimed new memoir Uncanny Valley, which paints a portrait of Silicon Valley in the boom period of 2013 through 2016.
Mining Industry Indonesia said in a statement that its stake in Vale Indonesia would give it strategic access to the raw material needed to expand Indonesia’s downstream nickel industry.
The company will offset all greenhouse gases produced by third-party rawmaterial suppliers and manufacturers that produce for the Gucci brand, as well as its own direct operations.
CISA said in document that steel mills are having production and operation issues including raw material shortages and high product inventories due to logistical constraints amid the coronavirus outbreak.
And time — the ways it can accelerate through years, freeze in moments and defy measurement altogether — is Mr. Lowery’s chief preoccupation here, his major theme and his raw material.
Some companies are raising prices at the cost of losing consumers, as they face rising raw material costs and a labor shortage that is pushing up temporary workers’ pay.


Автоматический перевод

сырье, сырьевой материал, сырой материал, вид сырья, сырьевая база, необработанный материал, первичный материал, сырьевой

Перевод по словам

raw  — сырой, необработанный, сырье, больное место, сдирать кожу
material  — материал, вещество, ткань, материя, данные, материальный, существенный


The cost of our raw materials has risen significantly.

Стоимость сырья значительно возросла.

His time here provided the raw material for his novel.

Время, проведённое здесь, послужило исходным материалом для его романа.

Collecting the raw materials proved a long and laborious task.

Сбор сырья оказался долгой и трудоёмкой задачей.

Profits were enhanced by a fortuitous drop in the cost of raw materials.

Доходы увеличились благодаря удачному падению цен на сырьё.

He developed an efficient system for movement of raw materials to the factory.

Он разработал эффективную систему перемещения сырья на завод.

Of the top 50 commodity chemicals, 30 are created directly by catalysis and another 6 are made from raw materials that are catalytically produced.

Из пятидесяти самых распространённых химических товаров, тридцать производятся непосредственно путём катализа, а ещё шесть изготовлены из сырья, произведённого каталитически.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Britain is heavily dependent on imports for its raw materials.  

The good harvest that year cheapened the costs of some raw materials.  

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