Sentence with the word psychologist

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word psychologist, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use psychologist in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «psychologist». In addition, we also show how different variations of psychologist can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are psychologists and psychologists—including. If you click on the variation of psychologist that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Psychologist in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word psychologist in a sentence.

  1. Sprigle and psychologist Thomas D.

  2. Donlan, North, Gamble and psychologist Robert B.

  3. Writing from a different perspective, psychologist Anna C.

  4. Other members of the medical staff include the psychologist Dr.

  5. At age nine, a psychologist noted that she exhibited signs of autism.

  6. Koechlin aspired to study psychiatry and become a criminal psychologist.

  7. It relates the story of psychologist Norman Johnson, who is required by the U.S.

  8. Amaker is married to Stephanie Pinder-Amaker, who is a licensed clinical psychologist.

  9. In a letter to the psychologist Peter McKellar, Blyton describes her writing technique:.

  10. When he stopped taking the drug in the mid-1970s, he began to see a psychologist weekly.

  11. Ferguson, a psychologist, has criticised these and other national guidelines for not being evidence-based.

  12. She has stated that she would have become either an English teacher or psychologist if she were not acting.

  13. Robert Zajonc, a social psychologist, published research in 1968 into preferences between pairs of words (e.g.

  14. German psychologist Wilhelm Stekel spoke of «Die Verpflichtung des Namens» (The obligation of the name) in 1911.

  15. The spatial theory was originally championed by O’Keefe and Nadel, who were influenced by American psychologist E.C.

  16. Green was formally sentenced on May 30, 1996, following testimony by the psychologist who had adjudged her competency.

  17. In his book, Metalheads, psychologist Jeffrey Arnett refers to heavy metal concerts as «the sensory equivalent of war».

  18. In 1943 psychologist Henry Murray used two images from the work in his Thematic Apperception Test of personality traits.

  19. During Herbert’s military career, he earned a doctorate in psychology, and later become a police and clinical psychologist.

  20. A number of events explored the interface between science and the arts; for instance, a panel including psychologist Nancy C.

  21. In 1943 psychologist Henry Murray used two images from Madman’s Drum in his Thematic Apperception Test of personality traits.

  22. British psychologist Jeffrey Gray developed this line of thought into a full-fledged theory of the role of the hippocampus in anxiety.

  23. During Green’s sentencing hearing, Marilyn Hutchinson, a psychologist hired by the defense, testified about Green’s mental state and capabilities.

  24. He confides his situation to Rita, who directs him to a neurologist, who in turn directs him to a psychologist; neither can explain his experiences.

  25. Her mother, Anne (née Love), was a Scottish psychologist and social worker from Greenock, who immigrated to the United States in 1951 with her family.

  26. In 1985, Belgian psychologist Nuttin reported the unexpected finding that people tend to disproportionately prefer, unknowingly, the letters of their own name.

  27. In The Slave Community, Blassingame uses psychologist Harry Stack Sullivan’s interpersonal theory to interpret the behavior of slaves on antebellum plantations.

  28. Humanistic psychologist John Amodeo says Satin is one of the few political theorists to grasp the connection between personal growth and constructive political change.

  29. The De Vries broadcast was discussed in a seminar by Dutch legal psychologist Willem Albert Wagenaar, who indicated that the statements did not constitute a confession.

  30. Raymond Nickerson, a psychologist, blames confirmation bias for the ineffective medical procedures that were used for centuries before the arrival of scientific medicine.

  31. Social psychologist Ziva Kunda combines the cognitive and motivational theories, arguing that motivation creates the bias, but cognitive factors determine the size of the effect.

  32. Several of Chaplin’s films incorporate autobiographical elements, and the psychologist Sigmund Freud believed that Chaplin «always plays only himself as he was in his dismal youth».

  33. A psychologist at the University of Florida later testified in state hearings that the survivors of Rosewood showed signs of posttraumatic stress disorder, made worse by the secrecy.

  34. McCain consented to a January 1970 interview outside Hỏa Lò with Spanish-born, Cuban psychologist Fernando Barral [es], that was published in the official Cuban newspaper Granma.

  35. Getting It: The Psychology of est, a non-fiction book by American clinical psychologist Sheridan Fenwick first published in 1976, analyzes Werner Erhard’s Erhard Seminars Training or est.

  36. Around 1977, Belgian experimental psychologist Jozef Nuttin was driving on a highway looking at license plates when he noticed that he preferred plates containing letters from his own name.

  37. In his second year at Harvard, Kaczynski participated in a study described by author Alston Chase as a «purposely brutalizing psychological experiment» led by Harvard psychologist Henry Murray.

  38. The only versions of events accepted for consideration were those recounted by Kulesza and Blaut; those of all the players and of the team physiotherapist and sport psychologist were dismissed.

  39. The idea that people are drawn to professions that fit their name was suggested by psychologist Carl Jung, citing as an example Sigmund Freud who studied pleasure and whose surname means ‘joy’.

  40. Discovered in 1985 by the Belgian psychologist Jozef Nuttin, the name-letter effect has been replicated in dozens of studies, involving subjects from over 15 countries, using four different alphabets.

  41. In 1956, however, the psychologist Evelyn Hooker performed a study that compared the happiness and well-adjusted nature of self-identified homosexual men with heterosexual men and found no difference.

  42. According to psychologist Ruth Linn, Pestek may have helped Lederer in an attempt to distance himself from Nazi crimes because his home in Bukovina had been recently occupied by the advancing Red Army.

  43. Other witnesses were a clinical psychologist from the University of Florida, who testified that survivors had suffered post-traumatic stress, and experts who offered testimony about the scale of property damages.

  44. Some Heathens, such as the psychologist Brian Bates, have adopted an approach to this cosmology rooted in analytical psychology, thereby interpreting the nine worlds and their inhabitants as maps of the human mind.

  45. In 1975 psychologist Lawrence Casler called for empirical research into the relative frequencies of career-appropriate names to establish if there is an effect at work or whether we are being «seduced by Lady Luck».

  46. Confirmation bias, a phrase coined by English psychologist Peter Wason, is the tendency of people to favor information that confirms or strengthens their beliefs or values, and is difficult to dislodge once affirmed.

  47. The game’s design is based on Chen’s research into dynamic difficulty adjustment at the University of Southern California, and on psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s theoretical concept of mental immersion or flow.

  48. According to a 2021 study, Kaczynski’s manifesto «is a synthesis of ideas from three well known academics: French philosopher Jacques Ellul, British zoologist Desmond Morris, and American psychologist Martin Seligman.».

Psychologists in a sentence

Psychologists is a variation of psychologist, below you can find example sentences for psychologists.

  1. In February 2019, experimental psychologists Amy Orben and Andrew K.

  2. Some pioneering psychologists, such as Americans William James and John B.

  3. Instead, Knoll and Annas cite research by social psychologists Jean Twenge and W.

  4. For example, psychologists Stuart Sutherland and Thomas Kida have each argued that U.S.

  5. Many psychologists and sociologists in the Soviet bloc tried to investigate this man Abu Nidal.

  6. There, psychologists diagnosed her condition as schizophrenia and started appropriate treatments.

  7. During Glenn’s training, NASA psychologists determined that he was the astronaut best suited for public life.

  8. Green was judged by court-appointed psychologists to be competent to stand trial and denied a reduction in bail.

  9. Social psychologists have identified two tendencies in the way people seek or interpret information about themselves.

  10. These psychologists spent time with a cult whose members were convinced that the world would end on December 21, 1954.

  11. They convened a group of psychologists, religious leaders, and other experts in the field of grief, loss, and separation.

  12. He wrote to Laura: «Everything I say or think or read is read aloud by the group of psychologists whom I met in the ship ..

  13. The first scientists to discuss the concept that names had a determining effect were early 20th-century German psychologists.

  14. The search for «true» confirmation bias led psychologists to look at a wider range of effects in how people process information.

  15. Services should be carried out by behavior analysts, special education teachers, speech pathologists, and licensed psychologists.

  16. Comparative psychologists are interested in the origins, differences, and commonalities in psychological capacities across animal species.

  17. Research by various psychologists, starting with Armando Simon, has concluded that no harmful effects are related to the playing of D&D.

  18. Some critics believe that these works were innovative in exploring theories of Sigmund Freud and other emerging psychiatrists and psychologists.

  19. In The Psychology of Joss Whedon, two academic psychologists identify the source of Buffy’s strength as her mother, paired with Giles’ mentorship.

  20. In February 2020, Frontiers in Psychology published a commentary on Orben and Przybylski’s May 2019 study from psychologists Jean Twenge, Andrew B.

Psychologists—including in a sentence

Psychologists—including is a variation of psychologist, below you can find example sentences for psychologists—including.

  1. Jung listed striking instances among psychologists—including himself: «Herr Freud (Joy) champions the pleasure principle, Herr Adler (Eagle) the will to power, Herr Jung (Young) the idea of rebirth …».

General information about «psychologist» example sentences

The example sentences for the word psychologist that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «psychologist» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «psychologist».

1. He passed himself off as a senior psychologist.

2. An assessment by an independent educational psychologist was essential.

3. He practises as a clinical psychologist.

4. He has enlisted the help of a sports psychologist for the team.

5. He is now a consultant psychologist with a major London hospital.

6. I think you ought to see a psychologist.

7. Her psychologist turned out to be a fake.

8. Skinner was the psychologist who popularized behavior modification.

9. He’s a psychologist — or rather, a psychoanalyst.

10. Last night a top criminal psychologist cast doubt on the theory.

11. They called in a psychologist to give an independent opinion.

12. She spent 15 years as a clinical psychologist with the Northumberland Health Authority.

13. Peter Miller was an independent psychologist.

14. Psychologist Donald Norman told delegates about his recurring nightmare.

15. The educational psychologist would prepare notes on Balbinder.

16. Every psychologist is an object of psychological discourse(, as well as an agent of it.

17. UC-Berkeley psychologist Robert MacCoun may be the only person on earth as clear-eyed on this subject as I am.

18. Of this argument Max Hammerton, an experimental psychologist, is a good recent example.

19. Mr Yanase is a football coach, a psychologist, and a college president.

20. But the psychologist was never confident that he had obtained the best possible scores from Nelson.

20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!

21. Social psychologist Rowland S.. Miller, however, has corralled eight reasons by drawing on years of research in psychology.

22. Judy Dunn, a Cambridge psychologist, recommends the preparation of your child for the new arrival.

23. Nicholas Humphrey, a Cambridge psychologist, was the first to see clearly the solution to this puzzle.

24. It consisted of the advisory teacher, an educational psychologist and sixteen of the teachers who had been at the course.

25. Seitz asks readers if they could imagine Ben Hogan or Arnold Palmer ever going to a sports psychologist.

26. Ninety percent of all applicants are interviewed by a clinical psychologist.

27. The evaluation I am looking at was prepared by a licensed psychologist, based on a referral from his school.

28. Nelson was engaging, pleasant, and nicely conversant with the psychologist.

29. One turns here to child guidance and the role of the educational psychologist.

30. There are, however, many situations in which you may find a hospital psychiatrist or psychologist very useful.

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Renowned psychologist carl rogers emphasized how childhood experiences.

Известный психолог Карл Роджерс пишет о том, как он скрывал свое детское увлечение.

But the psychologist knows it not.

Но она, психолог, этого не понимает.

Furthermore, only one psychologist is available.

При этом у нас, к сожалению, всего один психиатр.

Jesper saw a psychologist to deal with such thoughts.

Йеспер специально ходил к психиатру, чтобы избавиться от таких мыслей.

Maybe everyone who has ever seen a psychologist.

Этим вопросом, наверное, задается каждый кто хоть раз посещал психолога.

A psychologist primarily aids the depressed patient through counseling and psychotherapy.

Разница между ними заключается в том, что психолог в первую очередь помогает депрессивному пациенту путем консультирования и психотерапии.

So should nowadays every psychologist talk to his colleagues.

Так следовало бы нынче и каждому психологу обратиться к своим коллегам…

No scientifically-minded psychologist believes in telepathy.

Ни один научно подготовленный психолог не верит в телепатию.

Any good plastic surgeon is and must be a psychologist.

Любой врач, тем более, пластический хирург должен быть хорошим психологом.

The psychologist says, our guy probably was not male.

Психолог говорит, что наш парень, вероятно, не был мужчина.

Michaela, maybe you should visit your psychologist.

Михаэла, может быть, тебе действительно надо пойти к психиатру.

What a psychologist tries to do is improve people’s decision-making skills.

То, что пытается сделать психолог — это улучшить навык принятия решений того или иного человека.

He told me he was a psychologist.

Он сказал о том, что он является психологом.

The psychologist tells us we should look within.

Однако, психологи утверждают, что нам нужно смотреть вглубь.

This was particularly upsetting to me as a future psychologist.

Так же это было довольно интересно для меня как для будущего психолога.

Short skirts and loud cries: psychologist, designe…

Короткие юбки и громкие крики: психолог, дизайнер и психиатр о том,…

I might have been a psychologist.

I saw a psychologist who gave an anorexia diagnosis.

«Я пошла к психологу, который поставил мне диагноз анорексия.

Sadly, it is hard to find a good psychologist.

К счастью, в наше время не составляет труда найти хорошего психолога.

He said he was a psychologist.

Он сказал о том, что он является психологом.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат psychologist

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A psychologist studies normal and abnormal mental states from cognitive, emotional, and social processes and behavior by observing, interpreting, and recording how individuals relate to one another and to their environments. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Individual Therapy: Individual therapy is a psychotherapy implemented by a trained professional, usually a therapist or psychologist, which helps a client work through a problem.


A lot of our members are in the police force or work in the medical field as doctors, psychologists and dentists, so they take privacy seriously.


I am a licensed psychologist specializing in the assessment and treatment of eating disorders.


Her father was a lawyer; her mother, a psychologist.


No «helper», be he or she a physician, psychologist, or teacher, can be without compassionate love in their tool kit.


He received his doctorate in counseling from the University of Southern California and is a licensed psychologist, as well as a nationally certified counselor.


When they do so, they give less attention to the value of justice, which concerns political theorists, the value of community, which concerns sociologists, the value of human fulfillment, which concerns psychologists, and the value of ecosystems, which concerns ecologists.


Based on the life of Stanley Milgram, Experimenter pokes and prods at the mind as the late social psychologist did in his controversial obedience experiments conducted at Yale in the 1960s.


Adam B. Cordover is an international leader in collaborative practice and teaches attorneys, psychologists, licensed mental health counselors, social workers, financial planners, and accountants how to offer collaborative services.


She’s accompanied by Leigh’s Dr. Ventress, a psychologist whose job overseeing all prior expeditions seems to have left her shattered, to put it mildly; also Anya, a medic (Gina Rodriguez); Josie, a physicist (Tessa Thompson); and Cass, an anthropologist (Tuva Novotny).


Posttraumatic stress disorder, like most mental disorders, is best diagnosed by a specialist in mental health — such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or clinical social worker.


Brad Sachs, PhD is a psychologist, educator, consultant, lecturer, and best-selling author specializing in clinical work with children, adolescents, couples, and families.


Eleanor (Taylor), Theo (Zeta-Jones), and Luke (Owen Wilson) agree to stay in the large, isolated old New England mansion named Hill House for an insomnia study conducted by psychologist Dr. David Marrow (Neeson).


The husband and his non-practising psychologist wife split in 2005 after more than a decade of marriage but took no further steps until late 2007.


That’s according to psychologist Dr. Jason Richardson, who preaches that trying out a new habit for 30, 60, or 90 days brings huge benefits.


Professor Tim Carey is a clinical psychologist and Director of the Centre for Remote Health.


GPs can also refer you to a psychologist for counselling through a Mental Health Plan, which is funded by Medicare.


But unlike those personality traits, which psychologists have shown to be mostly stable over time, a student’s academic perseverance, according to Farrington, is highly dependent on context.


A Christian psychologist has said we’re making people struggling with gender identity even worse by the… More


Personality and social psychologists also work in government and nonprofit organizations, designing and evaluating policy and programs in education, conflict resolution, environmental protection, and the like.


Gordon is a very experienced occupational psychologist (Chartered and Registered) and works on a freelance basis (GT Work Psychology).


Bringing together psychologists, students, and affiliates dedicated to promoting education and training, scientific investigation, practice, diversity and public interest in professional psychology.


«Created by three educational psychologists, this terrific series gives parents the tools they need to create a home environment that fosters learning and academic success.


Yet, one of the oldest topics psychologists, sociologists, dating coaches and us everyday people have argued for years is, «Who pays on a date?»


In Helping Children Succeed, I write about a new generation of researchers — neuroscientists, psychologists, and economists — who are questioning the idea that character strengths should be thought of as skills at all.


In the pages of the Times of Trenton on January 20, a psychologist named Ronald J. Coughlin published an op-ed titled «Fundamental Changes Would Better American Society.»


Traditionally, cognitive behavioral therapists have helped people process unresolved trauma, but more recently psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers — many working with US military veterans — acknowledge that embodiment practices such as yoga enriched with mindfulness practices can have more impact in alleviating the symptoms that lead to both reactive behaviors and stress related disease.


If you have an interest in groups you may wish to consider joining us and becoming a group psychologist or group psychotherapist.


School psychologists work proactively and responsively within the principles of a Promotion, Prevention and Early Intervention framework.


Lauren Slater, the psychologist and writer, notes in the introduction to «Opening Skinner’s Box,» «We are far from explaining why… we hold some memories and discard others, what those memories mean to us and how they shape a life.»


This is what health psychologists at the universities of Luxembourg, Mainz and San Francisco found in a study conducted under the direction of Dr Heike Spaderna, University of Wuppertal, and Prof. Dr. Gerdi Weidner, San Francisco State University, in collaboration with the Eurotransplant International Foundation of Leiden.


In particular, cultural psychologists have identified two primary styles of self-construal across cultures: individualism and collectivism (Markus & Kitayama 1991; Triandis 1995; Nisbett et al. 2001)(figure 1a).


There is something appealing about the simplicity of the IQ score (as a measure of general intelligence, also called g by psychologists).


A team of professionals, including psychologists, works intensively with a school over a period of time to help identify the school’s problems and improve student behaviour.


The treatment team for your child will require involvement from doctors, psychologists, teachers, therapists, and you.


Fees paid directly to doctors, dentists, chiropractors, psychologists and practitioners of Christian Science


Some counsellors have formal qualifications in counselling, and some might be registered psychologists.


But the study is part of a six-year probe by Harvard psychologist Richard McNally and his colleagues into the minds of apparently sane people who believe they have memories of long-repressed events, including sexual abuse, alien abduction, and past lives.


Described by many a critic as ««Michael Clayton» on acid,» a description that makes it sound a good deal more glib and less beautiful than it really is, it’s a Haneke-cool deconstruction of office ethics and politics centered on the mental unraveling of a business in-house psychologist — yet another star turn from the extraordinary Mathieu Amalric.


People are prone to what psychologists called «motivated reasoning»; we instinctively bend available data to support our preexisting beliefs.


With clinical psychologist Sarah Spinner, Psy.D., Otis is currently writing a book for women about positive body image, seeing your body as your home, sexual intimacy, and cultivating wellness.


Through an affiliated psychologist named Alexander Kogan, Cambridge Analytica convinced 270,000 users to download an app that they thought was a personality quiz.


When their daughter was born, they renegotiated their contract again to include childcare, which the wife, psychologist Barbara Koltuv, admits was a struggle — one that I’ll bet most women can relate to:


At the beginning of the second year, says Paul McGhee, a developmental psychologist in Wilmington, Delaware, and author of Understanding and Promoting the Development of Children’s Humor, your toddler understands the humor in, for example, «using a pillow as a hat, or running it across her teeth like a toothbrush.»


Members of the coordinated school health teams include an administrator, guidance counselor, school psychologist, social worker, physical education teacher, school nurse, school engineer, food service manager/director, health teacher or other health services provider, student (where age-appropriate), community partner representative, parent/guardian, student support staff, and those who are involved in other Wellness and Prevention Office programs.


Mental Health Counseling students from Sparks schools who go on to become psychologists, therapists, psychiatrists, counselors, etc. have a good chance at finding employment.


But developmental psychologists know that it doesnâ $ ™ t really work this way.


In fact, you should just get over yourself, psychologists Jennifer Crocker and Jessica J. Carnevale advise in this issue’s cover story, «Self-Esteem Can Be an Ego Trap».


ls, one a psychologist and the other a psyc.hia.trist, found that of the 156 couples studied, only seven had maintained fidelity.


Jeremy P. Shapiro, Ph.D. is a clinical child psychologist, as are the other two co-authors.




- психолог

Мои примеры


a psychologist who eschews the traditional methods of psychotherapy — психолог, который избегает традиционных методов психотерапии  
a psychologist who employs hypnotism to treat his patients — психолог, который использует гипноз для лечения своих пациентов  
clinical psychologist — клинический психолог; психолог-клиницист  
consulting psychologist — психолог-консультант  
consumer psychologist — психолог-специалист по потребительскому поведению  
analytical psychologist — специалист по психоанализу; аналитический психолог; психоаналитик  
aviation psychologist — специалист по авиационной психологии; авиационный психолог  
behavior psychologist — психолог, изучающий поведение; психолог-бихевиорист; бихевиорист  
counseling psychologist — консультирующий психолог; консультант-психолог  
engineering psychologist — специалист по инженерной психологии  
experimental psychologist — психолог-экспериментатор  
human performance psychologist — специалист по психологии труда  

Примеры с переводом

She has a consultation with the psychologist at 3.00 pm today.

Сегодня в три часа дня она будет на приеме у психолога.

His goal is to return to his work as a psychologist.

Его цель — вернуться к работе в качестве психолога.

She studied psychology in college.

Она изучала психологию в колледже.

The psychologist put her into a hypnotic state.

Психолог ввёл её в состояние гипноза.

The psychologist raced the rats through a long maze.

Психолог гонял этих крыс по длинному лабиринту.

He has enlisted the help of a sports psychologist for the team.

Ради команды он обратился за помощью к спортивному психологу.

We need to understand the psychologies of the two people involved in the incident.

Нам нужно понять психологию двух людей, замешанных в этой аварии.

They forearmed themselves for the championship game with the help of a sports psychologist.

Они заранее настроились на финал чемпионата с помощью спортивного психолога.

The only thing more pathetic than the pop psychologist who gushed such drool was the public that lapped it up.

Как ни жалок был этот горе-психолог, который нёс такую ахинею, но ещё хуже была публика, которая всё это доверчиво глотала.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Her psychologist turned out to be a fake.

Skinner was the psychologist who popularized behavior modification.

He claimed he was a licensed psychologist, but he turned out to be a fraud.

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): psychologist
мн. ч.(plural): psychologists

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