Sentence with the word process

Sentences with the word Process?



  • «abort the mission»; «abort the process running on my computer»
  • «The voting process doesn’t work as well as people thought»; «How does your idea work in practice?»; «This method doesn’t work»; «The breaks of my new car act quickly»; «The medicine works only if you take it with a lot of water»
  • «He was warned that the district attorney would process him»; «She actioned the company for discrimination»
  • «an additive process«
  • «it was a sore trial to him»; «the painful process of growing up»
  • «you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge»
  • «a bony process«
  • «Block his election»; «Halt the process«
  • «the process of thinking»; «the cognitive operation of remembering»
  • «Energy is conserved in this process«
  • «the particles disintegrated during the nuclear fission process«
  • «a derivative process«; «a highly derivative prose style»
  • «perspiration is a homeostatic process«
  • «This event disrupted the orderly process«
  • «electoral process«
  • «photosynthesis is an endergonic process«
  • «a beauty somehow exempt from the aging process«; «exempt from jury duty»; «only the very poorest citizens should be exempt from income taxes»
  • «This should expedite the process«
  • «they hijacked the judicial process«
  • «an inflammatory process«; «an inflammatory response»
  • «going from sitting to standing without intermediate pushes with the hands»; «intermediate stages in a process«; «intermediate stops on the route»; «an intermediate range plane»
  • «judicially controlled process«
  • «The Secretary of State intends to jumpstart the Middle East Peace process«
  • «launch a career»; «Her actions set in motion a complicated judicial process«
  • «a mechanical process«; «his smile was very mechanical»; «a mechanical toy»
  • «the modernization of Nigeria will be a long process«
  • «events now in process«; «the process of calcification begins later for boys than for girls»
  • «probation is part of the sentencing process«
  • «the procedure of obtaining a driver’s license»; «it was a process of trial and error»
  • «the process of denial»
  • «I’ll handle that one»; «process a loan»; «process the applicants»
  • «process cheese»; «process hair»; «treat the water so it can be drunk»; «treat the lawn with chemicals»; «treat an oil spill»
  • «work stone into tools»; «process iron»; «work the metal»
  • «rational behavior»; «a process of rational inference»; «rational thought»
  • «the process of repressing gene transcription»;
  • «psychopharmacologists discovered that amine reuptake is a process that inactivates monoamine neurotransmitters»
  • «run a subject»; «run a process«
  • «the bottleneck in mail delivery is the process of sorting»
  • «short streamlined meetings»; «a streamlined hiring process«
  • «supreme folly»; «the supreme confidence of youth»; «the sublime absurdity of the creative process«; «His face assumed an expression of sublime conceit»
  • «the judicial system suffered from too much technicality and formality»; «It is a tribute to the tribunals that the technicality at the heart of the appellate process in these tribunals can and does coexist with the relative informality in atmosphere and with procedural flexibility.»
  • «we time the process to manufacture our cars very precisely»
  • «trichromatic vision»; «a trichromatic printing process«; «trichromatic staining is the staining of tissue samples differentially in three colors»; «tricolor plumage»; «a tricolor process in photography»
  • «a tubercular process for the attachment of a ligament or muscle»
  • «a clumsy and wasteful process«; «wasteful duplication of effort»; «uneconomical ebb and flow of power»
  • «accomplished by some unexplained process«

Synonym: act, course, manner, means, mode, operation, procedure, step, way. Similar words: processor, processing, proceed, procedure, grocery, access, proclaim, recession. Meaning: [‘prɑses /’prəʊses]  n. 1. a particular course of action intended to achieve a result 2. (psychology) the performance of some composite cognitive activity; an operation that affects mental contents 3. a writ issued by authority of law; usually compels the defendant’s attendance in a civil suit; failure to appear results in a default judgment against the defendant 4. a mental process that you are not directly aware of 5. a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant 6. a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states. v. 1. deal with in a routine way 2. subject to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition 3. perform mathematical and logical operations on (data) according to programmed instructions in order to obtain the required information 4. institute legal proceedings against; file a suit against 5. shape, form, or improve a material 6. deliver a warrant or summons to someone 7. march in a procession. 

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(1) Something needs to be done to expedite the process.

(2) Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.

(3) We’re in the process of selling our house.

(4) The rehearsal process also irked him increasingly.

(5) He regards the political process with disdain.

(6) Learning is a cumulative process.

(7) We are now in the process of…

(8) This process of centralization further weakens accountability.

(9) Collecting data is a painfully slow process.

(10) Unloading the cargo was a slow process.

(11) The process was distributed into four stages.

(12) We are in the process of reviewing your suggestion.

(13) The process has three distinct stages.

(14) Repetition can help the learning process.

(15) Photosynthesis is a highly complex process.

(16) The political process is at an impasse.

(17) This enables the healing process to continue uninterrupted.

(18) They were in the process of forming a plan.

(19) He wanted to use computers to automate the process.

(20) Her job is to superintend the production process.

(21) The mechanics of the process are quite complex.

(22) Losing weight is a slow(, gradual process.

(23) Our former process was too costly.

(24) What follows is a brief summary of the process.

(25) The process results in a much fruitier wine.

(26) The whole process has now been greatly simplified.

(27) The writer described the creative process.

(28) There is an unconscious heeling process within the mind which mends up in spite of our desperate determination never to forget.

(29) This is a cheap and simple process. However there are dangers.

(30) The interplay between the new politics and the modern media will unbalance the political process and inhibit its workings.

More similar words: processor, processing, proceed, procedure, grocery, access, proclaim, recession, excessive, accessible, in excess of, successfully, profession, progressive, professional, rocket, ancestor, go to pieces, social services, pro, essay, mess, less, press, bless, vessel, Messrs, stress, assess, dress up. 

процесс, способ, ход, обрабатывать, подвергать


- процесс; ход развития

natural [psychological] process — естественный [психологический] процесс
the evolutionary process — эволюционный процесс
the process of development [of decay] — процесс развития [упадка]
the process of water becoming ice — процесс превращения воды в лёд

- течение, движение, ход

in process of time — с течением времени
in process of construction — в процессе /в ходе/ строительства
changes are in process — происходят изменения
we’re in the process of redecorating the flat — мы кое-что переделываем в квартире

- вызов в суд; судебное предписание

a process will be served on him — его вызовут в суд; он получит повестку в суд

- судопроизводство
- судебный процесс

ещё 5 вариантов


- юр. возбуждать дело, начинать процесс
- присылать кому-л. повестку в суд
- подвергать обработке, обрабатывать

to process leather — обрабатывать кожу

- обрабатывать (документацию, книги, поступающие в библиотеку и т. п.)

to process data — обрабатывать данные

- полигр. воспроизводить фотомеханическим способом
- оформлять (визу, документы и т. п.)
- рассматривать (заявление, проект, кандидатуру и т. п.)
- участвовать в процессии


- обработанный, переработанный

process tankage — с.-х. корм или удобрение из отходов

Мои примеры


a bony process on the foot — костный нарост на ноге  
the end product of a process — конечный продукт процесса  
defect in process — процессуальное нарушение  
to destroy a process — уничтожить процесс  
document-gathering process — процесс сбора документов  
process steam extraction — технологический отбор пара  
to fit a process adequately — быть адекватным процессу  
inflammatory process — воспалительный процесс  
process of perfection — процесс завершения, окончания  
the process of growth — процесс роста, рост  
to process a case — вести дело  
in-process control — активный контроль  

Примеры с переводом

Computers process data.

Компьютеры обрабатывают данные.

Your request is in process.

Ваш запрос находится на рассмотрении.

Education is a gradual process.

Образование — это постепенный процесс.

She has a basic understanding of the process.

Она имеет общее представление об этом процессе.

Corruption is a two-way process.

Коррупция — это процесс, в котором участвуют две стороны.

The process is quite involved.

Этот процесс весьма запутан. / Этот процесс довольно сложный.

He was processed by the sheriff

Шериф возбудил против него дело.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the elongation of artificial fibers in the manufacturing process…

The chief executive will set in train the process of finding a successor.

They have used the same process for almost 50 years with only minor modifications.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

processing  — обработка, переработка продуктов
procession  — процессия, вереница, караван, участвовать в процессии
reprocess  — подвергать переработке
processor  — процессор
processed  — проявленный
processive  — поступательный, развивающийся

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: process
he/she/it: processes
ing ф. (present participle): processing
2-я ф. (past tense): processed
3-я ф. (past participle): processed

ед. ч.(singular): process
мн. ч.(plural): processes

It’s a hiring process that ensures the leader of the organization has followers, and therefore, power

This summarising process did however result in the generation of some

With some trepidation therefore, I repeated this process with A

If you’re using it to better your life and you’re making the lives of those around you better in the process, that’s not selfish

The natural process of healing has to be supplemented with medical intervention when the ailment starts causing more pain than bearable or more serious physical or mental ailments develop

~ Studies have also shown that the nutrients missed by skipping breakfast cannot be compensated for in other meals, as the body is unable to process the vital nutrients optimally if consumed all at once

The brain is less able to process that information because of loss of neurons in the brain

In this chapter, I will cover some basic methods of making your own organic fertilizers while showing you how we can help the earth (soil) reestablish the balance and restore the natural process by harness-

However, studies around the world have shown that such a process is not the one used by most of the world’s sewer treatment plants

Underling’s back that he was just in the process of doing that very thing when he realized at the last moment that it might look like he was being sarcastic

Personal knowledge about the patient can help in key diagnostic findings; but that does not take away the other aspects of the process of consultation

While he grows physically as per the natural process, to grow emotionally he has to decide through self-will

Tenth Month to Twelfth Month: Repeat the process

It is the fermentation process that converts energy to the plants as readily available sugars, and minerals

The third stage covers the actual process of counseling

Human nature is such that he always tries to benefit at the cost of others and in the process if palms have to be greased, it is accepted and in some cases even encouraged to take undue advantage of the loopholes

After following this process you may observe that the targeted rate of return is not feasible

A gardener’s compost heap is a process that is going on eternally in nature

The creation process as enunciated in our religious scriptures matches to a great extent with the evolving scientific hypothesis of Big Bang and expanding and contracting universe

It breaks down the various organic matter, converting it into compost while giving off heat and steam in the process

Different types of bacterial composition will occur throughout the composting process

The time of year also determines the rate at which the composting process occurs

Start the process over again in bin #1

This first step is one of the most difficult stages in the meditation process and involves constant unremitting ability to keep bringing the mind back to that «object» upon which the aspirant has chosen to concentrate

This process gradually steps up the consciousness and enables the aspirant to arrive at the life side of manifestation instead of the form side

The process is known as remineralization through rock dust application

The amount of minerals and the quality rock used to produce rock dust depends on the location of the for quarry, and the mining process

The increased bacteria stimulates the composting process

• Due to its high mineral content, rock dust helps in all aspects of the plants biological process

Negative thoughts are also part of the aging process

Yoga can work independently of medicines but can supplement it by preparing the body to respond faster through the natural process

Once out of the confines of the body, your thought process becomes capable of unlimited access in space

Tahlmute’s certificates and incantations performed correctly this week and they were admitted to the storage facility after quite a lengthy process of looking up records and cross checking thieves files

suggestive, conscious and programmed process until then

You have yet to walk this path, experience the process of getting to

Tahlmute got his foot under the tongue in the process and could have broken a bone if he had any less luck

He joined the army during the war and very quickly rose through the ranks – nothing particularly splendid — but in the process, he became very close friends with a guy who lived in Dorset

And it is a process as well

‘Hello?’ I squeaked, having knocked the breath out of myself in the process

The process was irreversible, they said

» I couldn’t process it

in the process, but finally he managed to fall back onto the relative safety of his bed

It was a long process, repairing everything that had to be repaired to get life support working so the hard-wired interlocks would let the main controls be operated

All part of the process and worthy of respect

It is a process which last our

This is the process

And that is a process

Seems she hit the bridge slightly at an angle and it stoved in the roof of her car a bit, not enough to stop the door opening, thank God, but her head got coshed in the process

effected a process of change and evolution

It is a process that starts from the inside

For women to seek to be part of the decision making process is

This left the links to the control of the Linshere Paundrocop personification in his process, where he was able to see it was nothing but a standard houri with its pleasure controls hidden

There is another catch involved in this process

The current monitoring logs of all the logic all his programs ran in had to be edited, then he had to edit out the current traces that process took manually, before he could close

On the way out of the room he glanced at the remote process that watched over the few signals still coming down from the dusty old starship hanging up there in front of the inner moon

The morning after we received Aban’s note and we had left our agreement by way of reply, Menachem began the process of wheedling and joking with our guards to try and effect the desired meeting with our fellow prisoners

They finished exchanging pleasantries, Herndon showing off how well he could still mangle the old tongue in the process

In doing this, in leaving the cameras on constant surveillance, Smith also effected a process of change and evolution

process a lot harder than it has to be

The Universe is always handling 90% of the process

the process of playing with the Universe while you

deliberate creative process that will EMPOWER you move

Still, in the beginning of any organic process it is the

Yet Jesus didn’t send the water through the purification process

process and suddenly stopped

He put weight on the foot in trying and suffered agony in the process

Does a tree strain to bear fruit? Does a plant have to wake up in the morning and remind itself that it needs to make seed? It is a natural process that the tree and plant were made to do

Someone stumbling about would accidentally start the process again

One of the benefits of Dragon & Rider is that the aging process slows

these masters of the process of living

It’s important in the process of achieving your goal to do a reality check from time to time, to give yourself the opportunity to consider the goal realistically and honestly

Why has this particular process of chemical interaction been walking around so long, centuries past any usefulness

So back they went, repeating the process with more trouble with the pack since the spit of land was so narrow

They willingly accepted the task that was asked of them,» he explained to them, “understand this, they could all die in the process

creams are best for the skin’s regeneration process

silence, the world hushed between us, locked in the process

order to help in this process

stunting the chain reaction of the process

it is our intention to ensure that a process of mind change

Before the process will begin, the surgeon explains to the patient what he can expect from

skil s in the execution of the process

the number of, process,

This process is called enhancement

What can one do to avoid complete social ostracism? That is a problem which you can work out for yourselves, according to your individual circumstances but to all of you I would say this, avoid these foods wherever possible but do not, in the process, offend anyone

I was part of a natural process and as long as there is nature we don’t die

Over the next month, each of the students found their egg and the process began

So when a new process was discovered of refining sugar cheaply and in large quantities honey began to lose its popularity as a sweetening agent and became increasingly less available as sugar became more so

The sweets that 1 have mentioned are manufactured by a process which destroys all their nutritive elements

Gilla has lent me some boots while mine are ‘softened’ by some process I have been told I don’t want to know about

I walked out of the room breathless and passed the red head girl in the process

Now, make yourself comfortable and be prepared to lie still throughout the entire process

He insists on binding my thighs with soft bandages before we move on – a process which is embarrassing and at the same time bond-building

I strip off my shirt and put my boots on – feeling a total fool in the process

So his hack of the expedition’s data system lead to the war that was close to wiping out Angel civilization and most mortal civilization in the process

’ He said, his temper flaring as he picks up the tent and soaks his hosen in the process

‘So the Gottestones aid that process

‘Not only is that far too complex for this time of day, but parts of the process are beyond explanation

In the process, my shirt gapes slightly and my travel stone falls forward on its gold chain

The truth be told, the flirting process starts long before you utter a word

It was a long laborious process and it took him half the night

What about processed foods and especially fast food? The amount of

P…Caffeine, Refined sugar, Alcohol, and Processed foods

· Avoid all canned and processed foods in favour of fresh or home-preserved foods

Once it has processed the information, the brain sends the commands to the muscles

Sewer sludge can be processed correctly with an end result of good, clean, safe compost7

Sammy ground his teeth while his thoughts processed

that they didn’t have to take the film to be processed at a

They have been whittled at, processed,

What, then, are these unnatural foods to be avoided? These are the refined, processed, tinned and packaged foods, the worst offenders being white sugar, white flour, white rice and any other food from which the vitality has been refined out

dealt with and processed

broken down and processed by the liver, and too much

to be processed by her physical body, and as a result,

Some of these feelings were never fully processed, and

It is processed in ages of development that man survives

The body has not yet been processed and is still on a trolley wrapped in a blue blanket

The entire wait staff led by Mandy and White Feathers processed from the kitchens bearing trays and singing

While the transaction is processed Davina wonders why they are staying here

The careful attention to practical construction development, phased and processed as seen here, is inspired

«So this processed data spot remains, and can be addressed with the right position context once I translate it to the round-about way you people have of addressing

By replacing highly processed grains for nutritious whole grains you will find that you are

Processed foods contain more Trans fats

processed by the universe and exists — even if the existence is currently in

Silence echoed off the walls, while I processed her prejudiced comment

They processed their memories differently and relied heavily on senses rather than emotions

The training and practice of the peaceful warrior is to see the blessing in all events and things and how the information is processed

seven days he figured out that processed

Beets are high in carbohydrates which means they are a great instant energy source, but unlike processed foods which are high in carbohydrates, beets will energize your body

Their food was a mix of fish, processed algae protein and regular imports from Callisto

processed, and stowed away by the next noon

whales were captured and processed, and there was a lot of

with one or more of the many whaleships in the vicinity, but that would happen after the current whale was completely processed

foods are best, and my rule of thumb is to offer the best quality, least processed food

Once processed and in a federal prison, my life would end abruptly at the hands of one of Falconi’s men

“Based upon my minimal knowledge of human physiology, and assuming the water, the most dangerous thing in there, was properly processed, it seems unlikely

Dorian mentally processed his schedule for the day with the speed of an I-Phone and replied,

Therefore, all this is processed and totally consumed in the tentative of solving determined social problem

Susan is being processed

His behavior certainly seemed odd at the time, but I let it go thinking he was stressed with getting Susan processed

In fact common sense, accurate historical data well processed, is weak in the liberal and very weak in the leftist

Occipital Lobe: Most of our sight signals are processed here

When it is processed, the useful nutrients become part of you and the rest is discarded

One by one, processing tons of events in a really short time, releasing loads of unprocessed material—what a rush! The funny feeling is that when each processed experience is archived, it loses form and shape and all the ties with it are gone

I guess that from now on, each time that I look at my past, I will only find processed memories with no negative attachment to them

“The simulations stimulate the amygdala, which is responsible for processing fear, induce a hallucination based on that fear, and then transmit the data to a computer to be processed and observed

Payments are processed twice a week on Monday and Friday afternoons

in his processed tray with not a care in the world

Once he processed it, he decided

Do choose whole grains over processed whenever you can

There was a long pause, as Lucky processed the information, a flurry of emotions played across her eyes

Otherwise your order will not get processed

for why that is not possible it will not be processed for re-imbursement”

is being processed, everything that transpires is

Is being processed by God

I have processed a lot of images and smells and feelings and

 Say proteins from dogs may have been used in some processed food

the carcasses may even have been used in some processed human food

processed them to create protein and fats that could be sold on

They were dutifully processed by bookkeeping and the tally for the Scranton manager kept growing

I squashed the man up like processed cheese

As soon as the picture was processed, Shawn sold it to a wire service from where it was picked up in all its glossy 8×10 glory by most major newspapers in the U

The nearest raven used his wing to make him kneel, so swiftly that his eyes had hardly processed the action

Only the desires which remain are processed further

Nevertheless, when a laser beam is bounced-off these holes and processed, music is heard

«They’ll be processed here at HQ

Far enough away that a rogue prisoner couldn’t slip off and steal a fighter, but close enough that new prisoners could be processed and locked up without much opportunity to escape or see ship operations

Responding to my earlier suggestion that she might also want to come to Canada, she had replied that her application had already been processed and she was waiting for an answer from the Canadian Embassy

Investing some money into bores he found that there was sufficient water to set up an agricultural project growing exotic plants which were processed and used in many legitimate drugs

 Avoid meats that have been processed, cured, or smoked

The group stared at me while they processed this

Once the harvest is processed, it will be too late

The crop must be processed for distribution

Even though he couldn’t remember the last time he had frozen hamburger and that he hated processed food it somehow didn’t matter

One can see some of these branches covered with double, triple, and yes, quadruple layers of eggs which are then collected, processed, and frozen for later consumption

The herring is then processed and shipped to Japan and Korea

facts are gathered, processed, and interpreted is as important as the semantic content of those

identify or status that needs to be verified or processed? When asking such questions,

I hadn’t real y processed that idea before, but as I spoke the words,

The impact of the news delayed a few minutes in being processed by our naive and incredulous brains

Zoroastro has personally signed the order of your capture and expects you to be the first to be processed with this new law

The guard then processed the paperwork and a huge train came out of the clouds with a loud “choo-choo

Products are designed, risk is assessed, prices are determined (underwriting) based on the actuarially determined likelihood of a claim being submitted, insurance products are assembled, approved by various state and federal agencies, marketed, sold, administered and claims are processed when submitted

• Hair that is over processed

Consists of the prices of 18 industrial materials and supplies processed in the initial stages of manufacturing, building, and energy production

Bleached, processed, and enriched with vitamins and minerals to replenish what was lost in the processing process

I instructed the Ritz Camera store to rush my order since I wanted my film processed as quickly as possible and I’d gladly pay extra for the privilege

A couple of visas he later processed for Bob confirmed his suspicions

I said moo, bitch, moo! Shove your processed all beef patty cunt in my face and make me eat you out between the sheets of two powder milk biscuits as the bacon gravy cum wet-spot dries on my chin in the ambiance of Garth Brooks and GPC second hand nicotine

That’s because so many of the processed foods

These products, along with many other processed and pre-packaged foods, contain high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)

· Processed Foods (most foods that come in a box, can, or package)

couldn’t be processed in her near feral state

As he turned, his mind processed something that was out of place, that didn’t conform to the pattern

their card to be processed, local shops, etc, etc

The administrator had to type in the name Lucas Slaughter and the information had to be processed

If you ate a lot of sugar and processed

that says “minimally processed” since protein that is heated to very high

What sets green tea apart is the way it is processed

should be processed immediately

“It was really more of an inevitability; if one knows the proper angles of attack and thought processes of his opponent, there really is only one outcome to ultimately destroy them

The Inspector is looking as inscrutable as ever, his thought processes obviously working overtime

Some apprehension of cosmic processes is achieved and universe is clearly understood as a play of the cosmic forces

processes in body so that it becomes healthy; blesses a man with

processes, but as long as you believe, it is happening

We were shown all the production processes of their exclusive lamps:

Now Michael worked for a local company that processes credit card transactions

‘Nothing wrong with your thought processes

processes every hour, most of them appearing to be

He turned over slowly and opened one eye, feeling that slight dullness around the edge of his thought processes that suggested that maybe he had supped one glass too many the night before

‘I didn’t have any wine with the meal because I thought it’d interfere with my thought processes – one kiss from you and I can’t think straight at all!’

A hack this big would take a lot of maintenance, Thom was recording libraries of signals every day and running tons of processes on them looking for patterns

As the mindbody processes the emotion that has been

dullness around the edge of his thought processes that suggested

It has you in isolated processes, one for each planet the souls came from, instead of one for each soul as on Gordon’s Lamp

shut off your normal thought processes, and just translate the intent of

Our instinctive brain, or center, regulates the internal processes of our body

Jameson spent more time in the kitchens during the restaurant’s off-season learning the arts, processes and techniques of becoming a chef

Miss Backhouse gulped as Harry, the unfamiliar young man, stood up and presented the salient points of the processes and purposed organization of the plans before them

naturally and as a consequence of natural bodily processes

creates with the universe, processes, and achieves success

Adjectives, conjunctions, and prepositions: some sort Of bionomic central force in the monkey seemed to Express itself through the de-centered processes of Rolling grammatical progression and spreading activation That converged around the impulses flowing between The brain-machine interface, with the monkey’s intentions Refined by the computers rationalizing

This is why sales flows (also known as sales funnels or sales processes) are so

Be aware of the payment processes you use

My one and only appointed mission is to help those who are lost try to clear their minds of the old grease that has clogged up their thought processes so that they can someday finally stop suffering a fate which plagues the majority of our species

I am Wendy the Way, and as I said, my one and only appointed mission is to help those who are lost to clear their minds of that thick, layered, stubborn grease that has clogged their thought processes

In tune with their own feelings, beliefs, and thinking processes and seemingly less interested in others

So say the proponents of chaos theory, who use ‘the butterfly effect’ to describe how simple and apparently straightforward processes can combine and set in motion a chain of events with far-reaching and unpredictable consequences

Physical and mechanical properties of slag-alkaline concrete can vary with wide range by selecting raw materials, varying concrete mix composition and applying different technological processes

Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes are processes initiated by Gaia (the Mother Earth Energy) to help clear and uplift the vibrations of the planet

programming to dominate their thought processes

without knowing exactly what processes enable a fire to

your thought processes are mostly about and how you

with the scientific processes that the universe uses to

Thought processes can project into other dimensions causing corruption

If you can interfere with its thinking processes you might distract it into not measuring its replies so precisely

This opposes undirected processes such as natural selection, which is held by Evolutionists

However, the evidence that we do find, has to conform to processes that we understand today

We know now that the structure of DNA and processes in a single cell are extremely complicated and that it cannot be ascribed to mere chance, even if the Universe was 100 times older than scientists postulate

Even if we do not understand all the mechanics and processes that God used to perform his creative work, we know, based on the provable accuracy of the Bible, that the sequence of events as recorded in the Bible, has to be accurate

Today we would expect to hear something like: “Since the Big Bang happened, all processes have gradually occurred over billions of years and therefore we do not believe that the Earth is only about 6,000 years old or that a global flood occurred, as it is written in the Bible

Discovering the processes by which the Creator placed the water layer above the atmosphere in the first place or how a water layer ended up between rock-layers beneath the earth may be a futile exercise

Further, the Athenians were in the habit of banishing people who had gained the disfavor of the Assembly, and neither tyranny nor oligarchy were possibilities far removed from their traditional political processes, the rhetoric of Pericles notwithstanding

The typical male adult processes 2 grams of creatine per day, and replaces that amount through dietary intake and

Can we avoid the old mind-body dichotomy of Descartes? Are thoughts and memories no more than the electro-chemical interactions between cytoplasmic extrusions of the individual neurons of the cerebrum? And what are the physical processes in the brain that result from deciding to think about one subject rather than another? This entire subject remains something to think about, does it not?

We’ve wondered if that was one of the positive effects of the modified immersion, having to utilise your higher thought processes to a greater extent

It will be easier for her to get turned on because her biological processes are more efficient

You have to remember that the process of going from not being in the mood to being sexually aroused is based on a series of biological processes

In other words, without the right vitamins and minerals, these processes do not operate efficiently

And yet they may have only been a product of his imagination, such was the collapse of partitions between the conscious and underlying mental processes

The former provides operating guidelines to orderly processes while the latter assigns some level of authority to those processes

The former employs the legal system and democratic processes to achieve its stated objectives; the superseding of traditional customs and norms with ―universal‖ standards, whereas the latter disregards such pretenses of limited authority altogether in its efforts to reduce a society to its basic components

(intellectual) level we are operating at, most of us have the ability to think and to reason clearly and to give proper pause to the consequences of our decisions; unless such processes have been either undermined by mental illness or moral corruption; that is to say, a nature that has either been or corrupted itself

‖ That adult might be said to have ―rationalized‖ his or her decision-making processes ………

One thing that all operating systems have in common is that they rely on hundreds of processes to run correctly

Basically, there are three main types of processes that can be running on your system – a) essential and non-essential system processes; b) processes run by applications installed on your computer; c) viruses and malware

Ideally, you’d like to have as little of the non-essential processes as possible because having too many running processes reduces your PCs speed

You will then be taken to the Processes tab and the process related to the application will be highlighted

In this manner, contemporary events aligned with historical processes have oftentimes ―conspired‖ in overriding the feckless apathy or uncertain character of political leaders who must be properly guided toward ―destiny‘s‖ chartered course

To this purpose, God must be expunged from the public consciousness lest His presence confound the prescribed arrangements of mechanical processes where two plus two may not necessarily add up to four nor does it have to provided such dubious calculations preserve the implausible standards of an unthinking individual who has been summarily reduced to rote

After all, our planet has witnessed the extinction of a variety of species over the centuries whether insect, reptile or mammal replaced by others through the processes of Biological Evolution and Natural Selection

Unfortunately, because of the manufacturing processes and difficulty of preparing

center of the brain that processes envy is the same center that

that processes rewards, lights up

Even with the help from the Arch-minister that had indeed expedited some processes, Tyrpledge was experiencing significant delays in most of his petitions and requisitions

Everything had to sift through the gargantuan train of Ministry processes, officials and hearings to disappear in its labyrinth offices, clerk pits and then back up again through the same path, in order to probably but not always most likely, make something useful and tangible in the end

Worldwide sea-level rises have been seen to be relatively slow processes, so what could have been the cause of a rise rapid enough to be seen in the Persian Gulf as a flood coming in from the sea?

My mother, by the time of my arrival, already burdened with my older brother and sister, and still bereft of any clear understanding of the physical processes that produced us, seemed to oscillate uncertainly between self and the servant-hood thrust upon her by circumstances beyond her ability to comprehend or knowingly accept

But is the mind trapped in some manner within the cellular processes of the individual brain, disappearing when its host fails?

Rather, there is a collection of diverse processes, with critics that interrupt each other and compete for control

“[He] acknowledges that we have very little introspective insight into the thought processes we were born with…as for the larger mysteries—like the nature of meaning and the origins of consciousness—it is not clear that Minsky has much to say beyond identifying the solutions that he thinks are bad

during the unfolding processes of how He will meet our provisional

And Berlinski continues the quote, “For those who are studying aspects of the origin of life, the question no longer seems to be whether life could have originated by chemical processes involving non-biological components but, rather, what pathway might have been followed

“The book’s title refers to the idea that our emotional states are themselves examples of what Minsky dubs ‘ways to think,’” Shapiro offers, as he continues quoting Minsky: “‘…general methods of problem-solving that our brains use to tackle the tasks of everyday life…Rather than being impediments to reasoning,’ Minsky argues, ‘emotions can actually help us to focus our attention in ways that are relevant to our immediate goals…They do this by changing the “resources,” or processes, that our brains use at any given moment

These range from basic instinctive and learned reactions…all the way up to self-conscious thinking and reflection…In the middle are the processes of deliberative and reflective thinking…which mediate between the conflicting goals of the top and bottom levels

The critic, in turn, activates ‘selectors,’ which in turn activate resources corresponding to ways to think… ‘Naturally, our thought processes are not limited to emotions’

They described God as acting through laws or processes

[Laws?] In about the year AD 400, Augustine described a view of Creation in which ‘seeds of potentiality’ were established by God, which then unfolded through time in an incomprehensibly complicated set of processes

In the part of “science” called Psychology there is the duality of the physical body (the Id) and then the mental processes called the Ego

I’m still hooked into your Captain’s thought processes

It integrates processes, products and services in complete partnership among the agreed organizations, without they lose autonomies or without ruining competitively

The Project with its actuation form avoids that 80% of the resources get lost in the means (processes) and it guarantees that these resources are utilized fully in its ends (result)

o) Elimination of the million of labor processes that involve questions of payments of wages or labor laws because the new systematics generates income the all the people without the need of the vinculum to the employment, consequently the employers are liberated of the need of this payment

c) Usuarist Projects build realities inside of the virtuality, that is, all activities occur in a dynamical way with its processes and properly registered results for preservation of the knowledge

with its processes, products and services in the

The NGO Brazil and the NGO Haiti only validates its processes in the new Coordenational Structure, because they receive resources for this

v Success evidence, because other innovative processes already utilized diverse cities with all its population to practice a new technology

validates the processes of the organizations that

d) Presentation of report of the processes and obtained

Our brain constantly collects and processes millions of data derived from three typical sources: (1) the external data captured by our senses: eyes, ears, smell, taste, touch, psychic, etc

b) Orientation of processes that conduce the objectives

systems and processes that conduce the actions of

It eliminates the fixed cost and the redundancies of tasks, it turns the most efficient organizations, without waste and bureaucracy, since its processes act through Usuarist Projects

That is possible because the Project has all the registered tasks with its processes and results in the Knowledge Database: PROJECTUAL

You will be great at this, as long as you apply the processes that you will learn, without getting too excited about life coaching and posthypnotic suggestions

The numbers came into view when processing of the images against the database brought enough confidence to render them in the image

A year or so after the event on the street corner the government proposed the setting up an immigration processing centre in the borough where Miss Jones lived

Most of what was installed was actually in the instrumentation buses and signal processing, so it was unlikely anything else would be noticed

Our mutual friend is opening a fish processing factory just down the road in St Austell, which might come in handy now that we’ve run out of cash”

Usually it was notices of more processing nodes smashed to rubble and additional delays in getting souls into smaller targets

of the processing power of our brain

If no one from any other universe disturbed her, she could be totally convinced she was in the heaven she believed in while she was really in a processing node back in the League

will finish processing, and they will become testable

is furiously turning over, processing what you have

released, symptoms of this processing can arise

one emotion after another, and do the processing for

Be Aware of Processing Ups and Downs

emotional ups and downs from processing the release

processing the release of a trapped emotion without

Is it unsafe, or are they already processing

He has already been informed of your request and has begun processing it

“I have met with each of your professors personally, and have received their every assurance that while you still have a few weeks and final examinations to undergo, it will not be to the detriment of this College to allow you the right of processing with the Leavers during this Commemoration’s ceremonies

Planning and allowing for auto-responders, automated sign-ups, credit card processing, automated cancellations, etc is all part of a

you a good deal on the credit card processing fee, but expect to pay a

was processing the reality of the encounter

time processing his behaviors, as I have done

After processing results more than 50 thousand tests, Abrams offered a formula:

After producing concrete’s constructions, decrease in its permeability can be reached by processing of concrete surface by waterproof substances and the substances chemically reacting with minerals of cement stone with formation of insoluble compounds or covering surface by protective materials

— the specific costs connected with additional processing of the a

handles all the payment processing

At least as an artificial sentient intelligence there were distinct advantages: the utility of logic – decisions made that were unquestionably right, borne from a multitude of processing units, a network of connected intelligences

I have been processing this whole debate for months, years, so you got both barrels

” said Phil, “With what’s left it’s difficult to be certain but I’d say that this is designed to intercept data from the external sensors and then relay it to the processor system after processing it in some way

She decided that there just was not a good position to record them from, and her dad had forbidden her from using the thin steel walkways from the edge of the tank to the large water heating and processing unit mounted on a shaft above the centre of the swirling water

first was that every computer in the place, from the central processing computer down to the

The danger of a semi-automated system was the sophistication of processing required

everybody used for the robots that carried trays of microchips from one processing machine to

certainly inside the central processing computer that gave them their instructions, and inside the rest of the amazing machinery in this room, the

whales and the processing of the blubber

time in processing the whale harvest on board the ship

alongside the ship for processing

In the blue-white glow of the bridge, the Captain placed his hands over a dark glass panel as he used his mind-link for high speed processing

At this critical moment a scanning beam recorded every atom of the crew members into a quantum computer (interchanged with the processing in over a trillion parallel dimensions)

Here are a list of key vitamins and minerals that are essential for mood and sharp brain processing

It was odd to be confronted with such an antiquated processing unit, like an original super computer from the mid twenty-first century: stacked breezeblocks with flashing LED lights

Roidon suggested a connection to a remote network, one that already had a huge amount of processing power, one with a governing AI that could communicate and mediate the co-option of its own systems

The code meant very little to him beyond the fact that this was very low level processing language

He meekly followed her to the Police Station for processing

Tara jerked her eyes to the front, processing what Dr

Therefore, she couldn’t imagine a property less likely to be of interest than the fish processing plant he insisted she see

Mike would then travel with Richard and Pepé to Bocas del Toro, return after sunset to the fish processing plant and hide the cocaine

She was processing what I had just suggested and suddenly seemed a little distracted

“Yes, our processing plant is on the waterfront

It was properly re-circulating back to the holding tank for processing

Think of it as chopping my own arms off trying to avoid a disease spreading to my heart and killing me, okay? Now, in that processing I seem to have irreversibly placed as much of my conscience and intelligent functions in this scrap of metal, the avatar, the Prosops

The processing of the

They just aren’t processing what they see and hear the same way,” says Eric

After a great organic lunch at Whole Foods, I drive home, processing, doubting, and hoping

(It is at the back of the head) Temporal Lobe: Handles the sense of smell and sound and processing complex vision

Depression is lack of processing capability in the brain to accomplish the daily tasks, since virtually all of your brain’s resources are being used to fight or flight false threats

Autism is an impairment in the processing of information

One by one, processing tons of events in a really short time, releasing loads of unprocessed material—what a rush! The funny feeling is that when each processed experience is archived, it loses form and shape and all the ties with it are gone

You just want to move on by processing all the unhealthy memories of your past, capitalizing on the experiences and releasing all the negative feelings connected to them

“The simulations stimulate the amygdala, which is responsible for processing fear, induce a hallucination based on that fear, and then transmit the data to a computer to be processed and observed

Her mind was working on overtime, it was no longer processing what she was speaking, there was no brain to mouth filter

This could distort the normal processing of information that came to the brain from the five senses

It was clear that Throckmorten was processing one part of the story at a time

processing documents but the functions are in different places, the bankruptcy software

attention, people with high IQ processing better

With the processing of procedures and

—, this kind of defect is perfect, can development in social learning and cognitive theory, when does not involve the sentiment, sentiment question is prominent, processing a variety of

If the received data is valid then we do the further processing with the data

scum created by the processing of Mako energy; an irony in

processing them one by one to establish the cause of his

separated the harbor and fish processing factory from the town

The water hit the fish processing plant and tore it from its foundations

At first my brain had trouble processing what I was seeing

Chandelle said she understood that and everyone else nodded in agreement he then went on to say that cells called neurons are responsible for receiving and processing every piece of information the brain sends the rest of the body

The screen flickered into life and began processing the contents in that ridiculously slow way that makes you think that only the

The service Requests are typically information request based and they can be with processing or without processing

Clause 1: Scope specifies the application of this standard to Information processing organizations and details it

assisted living, food processing, and aviation

Courses included accounting, secretarial, and data processing

» I don’t want you to think that the field of data processing isn’t a good field to be in, because I really like the things going on and the way technology is moving, the field will be more interesting in the future

A systems manager, as the name implies, would be in charge of systems analysts, and an MIS director, the MIS standing for Management Information Systems, is a person responsible for overall data processing, including operations, programming and systems

involved in telling you what I think about sales people in the data processing field

«I really don’t know, Rose, but the course should turn out to be pretty interesting as the instructor seems to want to teach everything he knows about data processing

A CPU or Central Processing Unit, handles all the instructions and interface with the other units, which make up a computer system

Tape and disk storage units are used to record information for use in data processing applications

Included are the locations of the materials used in data processing

pressure, electrical sensitivity, and altered thought processing

«I understand that Jim is supposed to be one of the best qualified people in the data processing field, and if you ask him, I think he will tell you the same thing

«Harry did tell me that Jim was one of the best persons capable of instructing others in the field of data processing, and he had helped me very much to learn a lot of the principles one doesn’t necessarily learn in school

«Was she good in the field of data processing, Jim?»

«These notes don’t really tell me too much, Monica, especially about how to enter the required information and how processing will occur

«We both agree, I hope, that Monica does have the ability for data processing work,» said Harry

Does it have anything to do with data processing

«That is some of the lingo of the date processing world

Nowadays, sugar processing is limited to the few ranches that still remain in the area

card processing company investigate me for fraud

cal example of a space-time tradeoff, using more computer processing time at the cost of

less storage when calculating a hash on every attempt, or less processing time and more

processing and fuelling our emotional responses

Outsource Payrol : Use ADP, Paychex or others to do your payroll processing

For a few seconds, I stand still, my brain processing what I’m about to do

Examples of how to use the word “process” in a sentence. How to connect “process” with other words to make correct English sentences.

process (n, v): a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result; to deal with documents in an official way

Use “process” in a sentence

It’s a very simple process.
We’re in the process of selling our house.
He explained the process of building a boat.
There is no way to reverse the aging process.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


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