Sentence with the word poor

Synonym: destitute, impoverished, miserable, needy, penniless, pitiful, unfortunate, wretched. Antonym: fat, good, rich. Similar words: pool, spoon, teaspoon, door, tablespoon, floor, doorway, outdoor. Meaning: [pʊr /pʊə]  n. people without possessions or wealth (considered as a group). adj. 1. deserving or inciting pity 2. having little money or few possessions 3. characterized by or indicating poverty 4. lacking in specific resources, qualities or substances 5. not sufficient to meet a need 6. unsatisfactory. 

(1) The poor man wants much, the miser everything. 

(2) Be considerate towards the poor.

(3) Poor without debt is better than a prince. 

(4) It’s a poor mouse that has only on hole. 

(5) It is a poor heart that never rejoices. 

(6) Poor men’s words have little weight. 

(7) It’s a poor heart that never rejoices. 

(8) He alone is poor who does not possess knowledge. 

(9) Poor folk [men] are fain of little. 

(10) Better poor with honour than rich with shame. 

(11) It’s a poor [sad] heart that never rejoices. 

(12) Poor and liberal, rich and covetous. 

(13) The poor are rich when they are satisfied. 

(14) In the grave the rich and poor lie equal. 

(15) A poor workman always blames his tools. 

(16) Be considerate toward the poor.

(17) Lord help my poor soul.

(18) Poor and content is rich and rich enough. 

(19) A lamb is as dear to a poor man as an ox to the rich. 

(20) Economy is the poor man’ s mint; and extravagance the rich man ‘ s pitfall. 

(21) Poor but honest.

(22) Economy the poor man’s mints; extravagance the rich man’s pitfall. 

(23) Learning is wealth to the poor, an honour to the rich, an aid to the young(, and a support and comfort to the aged. 

(24) I would rather be a poor man in a garret with plenty of good books to read than a king who did not love reading. 

(25) Economy the poor man’s mints; extravagancethe rich man’s pitfall.Martin Tupper. Americaneconomist. 

(26) Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as «foolish». 

(27) The dainties of the great are the tears of the poor

(28) Thinking is, or ought to be, a coolness and a calmness; and our poor hearts throb, and our poor brains beat too much for that. 

(29) He that has a full purse never lacks a friend. Even in a busy market, nobody cares to know a poor person. 

(30) One law for the rich, and another for the poor

Only the Poor Die Young
Только бедные умирают молодыми

Miss Braga, poor Miss Braga.
Мисс Брага, бедная мисс Брага.

False triumphalism breeds poor discipline.
Ложный триумфализм порождает плохую дисциплину.

Poor education also affects health.
Низкий уровень образования также влияет на здоровье.

Poor men have no leisure.
Бедняк не знает отдыха.

His knowledge of English is poor.
Его знания английского языка слабые.

As a result, poor women in particular experience increased vulnerability without access to adequate safety nets.
В результате неимущие женщины все чаще попадают в особо уязвимое положение, не имея доступа к надлежащим сетям безопасности.

Now Chávez lacks majority backing even among the poor.
Сейчас Чавез лишился большинства голосов поддержки даже среди бедноты.

But that is a poor rationale.
Но это недостаточно обосновано.

He’s unhappy, the poor thing.
Он в этом нуждается, он так несчастен.

His parents were dirt poor farmers from North Dakota.
Его родители были нищими фермерами из Северной Дакоты.

Alternatively, some Governments have instituted cash payment programmes targeted to a small number of poor older persons.
В альтернативном порядке некоторые правительства разработали программы выплат наличными, охватывающие небольшое число неимущих престарелых.

Yeah, poor messed-up sod.
Ага, жалкий двинутый гомик.

But years of low funding and poor career opportunities have thinned out the Russia expert community.
Однако скудное финансирование и неважные перспективы карьерного роста с течением лет сократили сообщество экспертов по России.

Oh, you poor little things.
Ох, вы убогие маленькие вещички.

But we should not rush to abandon bio-fuels, despite some undoubtedly poor policies in recent years.
Однако нам не следует торопиться с отказом от биотоплива, несмотря на несовершенное планирование за последние годы.

where you give the guaranteed price for investment in renewable energy, but you can subsidize electricity to poor people.
когда дается гарантированная цена на инвестиции в возобновляемую энергию, но при этом можно субсидировать электричество необеспеченным людям.

Think of my poor bambinos!
Подумайте о моих бедных бамбини!

He is poor, but happy.
Он беден, но счастлив.


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poor — перевод на русский


The poor soul is my cousin.

Это мой бедный кузен!

«My poor little boy…»

«Мой бедный маленький мальчик…»

You poor kid…what’s he done to you?

Бедный ребенок! Что он с тобой сделал ?

Poor little fella.

Бедный малый.

My poor, dear, suffering love, be quiet.

Мой бедный, милый, любимый, молчи.

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Of course you do, you poor unmarried thing.

Конечно ты плакала, незамужняя бедняжка.

Poor girl, she will become our boss.

Бедняжка, она станет нашим боссом.



Poor child.

Бедняжка, бедняжка.

You’ve got old, you poor thing.

Ты стареешь, бедняжка.

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And he laughed, poor devil.

И смеялся, бедняга.

Poor guy’s too scared to lie.

Бедняга был слишком напуган, чтобы врать.

Poor Hugo is quite harmless.

Бедняга Хьюго совсем безобиден.

He’s become a waiter in the café now, poor chap.

Он теперь официант в кафе, бедняга.

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Except that you’re young and beautiful and smart, and you’ve got two dashing young men in love with you. At least, poor bart would dash if that old harridan would let go of his coattails long enough to let him dash. And you’d be very rich if you use some sense.

За исключением того, что ты молода умна, красива и у тебя имеются два молодых поклонника чего стоит, несчастный Барт, которого старая ведьма держит за фалду пиджака а ты могла бы быть очень богата если б проявила здравый смысл

Withal, what I have been, and what I am. Poor Clarence did forsake his father-in-law, Warwick— Aye, and forswore himself— which Jesu pardon — to fight on Edward’s party for the crown.

Несчастный Кларенс Уорика оставил, нарушил клятву и перешёл на сторону Эдварда, венец ему он добыл, и за это бедняга заключён.

When my father died… some ruthless relatives robbed my mother… of what little property she had, leaving us very poor.

И когда отец умер, родственники наложили руку на этот несчастный кусок земли, который достался моей матери.

Poor old dad.

Мой отец, несчастный старик.

But that poor fool never noticed anything.

Этот несчастный Дирак никогда ничего не знает.

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Give me 30 marks for the poor and the rest you may keep.

Дайте мне 30 марок для бедняков, а половину оставьте себе.

Nobody poor was ever called democratic for marrying somebody rich.

Бедняков никогда не называют демократами, когда они сочетаются законным браком с богачами.

That’s not for poor people.

Это товар не для бедняков!

It’s always a pleasure to watch the rich enjoying the comforts of the poor.

Всегда приятно наблюдать за богачами, Наслаждающимися удобствами бедняков.

You think they know we are just two poor people?

Наверное, они понимают, что мы всего лишь двое бедняков?

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The Councillor’s daughter dressed so poorly?

Дочь советника одета так плохо?

Mr. André shot poorly.

Господин Андре плохо стреляет.

Do you feel poorly, Mr. Keenan?

Плохо себя чувствуете, мистер Кинан?

It must be a very poorly balanced applecart to upset so easily.

Она должно быть очень плохо сбалансированна тележка с яблоками раз ее так легко апрокинуть.

Her poor grandmother’s sick.

Ее бабушка плохо себя чувствует.

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Who among you is poor in spirit?

≈сть ли среди вас нищие духом?

Because our folks our poor.

Потому что наши родители нищие.

We’re poor, get it?

Мы нищие.

Really? It must make you happy to see how poor people like us get by.

Вам доставляет удовольствие смотреть, как живут нищие вроде нас.

We’re very poor.

Мы — нищие.

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After all, I’m just a poor bourgeois.

Ведь я всего лишь жалкий буржуа.

My poor boy…

Жалкий ты мой…

Even just a poor plot of land.

Хоть жалкий клочок земли.

You think I talk like this cause I’m some poor fool?

Вы думаете, что я говорю так, потому что я просто жалкий дурак?

You’re a poor, wretched group of people who have taken the wrong turning.

Вы жалкая, ничтожная группа людей, выбравших неправильный путь.

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Oh, poor darling.


Poor Little baby.


Oh, poor thing…


Poor darling!


Poor thing, you’ll never learn to pack a valise.

Бедненький, ты так и не научился собирать вещи.

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A poor man’s kid can’t get a break.

Бедолага. Не удержался от соблазна.

Poor little bloke.


Oh that poor man!

О, бедолага!

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Sentences with the word Poor?



  • «felt abashed at the extravagant praise»; «chagrined at the poor sales of his book»; «was embarrassed by her child’s tantrums»
  • «his ad-lib comments showed poor judgment»; «an extemporaneous piano recital»; «an extemporary lecture»; «an extempore skit»; «an impromptu speech»; «offhand excuses»; «trying to sound offhanded and reassuring»; «an off-the-cuff toast»; «a few unrehearsed comments»
  • «my poor ailing grandmother»; «feeling a bit indisposed today»; «you look a little peaked»; «feeling poorly»; «a sickly child»; «is unwell and can’t come to work»
  • «harassed working mothers»; «a harried expression»; «her poor pestered father had to endure her constant interruptions»; «the vexed parents of an unruly teenager»
  • «it was an apology for a meal»; «a poor excuse for an automobile»
  • «he gave out money to the poor«; «gave away the tickets»
  • «the wino’s poor befuddled mind»; «a mind befogged with drink»
  • «His campaign bid for the attention of the poor population»
  • «the biramous appendages of an arthropod»; «long branched hairs on its legson which pollen collects»; «a forked river»; «a forked tail»; «forked lightning»; «horseradish grown in poor soil may develop prongy roots»
  • «a nice guy»; «the guy’s only doing it for some doll»; «the poor sod couldn’t even buy a drink»
  • «a bumbling mechanic»; «a bungling performance»; «ham-handed governmental interference»; «could scarcely empty a scuttle of ashes, so handless was the poor creature»- Mary H. Vorse
  • «charitable to the poor«; «a charitable trust»
  • «poor damned souls»
  • «cut flowers»; «a severed head»; «an old tale of Anne Bolyn walking the castle walls with her poor cut-off head under her arm»
  • «deformed thalidomide babies»; «his poor distorted limbs»; «an ill-shapen vase»; «a limp caused by a malformed foot»; «misshapen old fingers»
  • «an idea worth considering»; «the deserving poor«; «a deserving cause»
  • «large sums devoted to the care of the poor«; «a life devoted to poetry»
  • «a class evenly divided between girls and boys»; «they split their winnings equally»; «deal equally with rich and poor«
  • «We will plump out that poor starving child»
  • «The ostentatious way of living of the rich ignites the hatred of the poor«; «The refugees’ fate stirred up compassion around the world»; «Wake old feelings of hatred»
  • «a hapless victim»; «miserable victims of war»; «the shabby room struck her as extraordinarily pathetic»- Galsworthy; «piteous appeals for help»; «pitiable homeless children»; «a pitiful fate»; «Oh, you poor thing»; «his poor distorted limbs»; «a wretched life»
  • «his delicate health»; «in poor health»
  • «an inadequate income»; «a poor salary»; «money is short»; «on short rations»; «food is in short supply»; «short on experience»; «the jejune diets of the very poor«
  • «the growing inequality between rich and poor«
  • «procedural inexperience created difficulties»; «their poor behavior was due to the rawness of the troops»
  • «a topsy-turvy society of lowborn rich and blue-blooded poor«
  • «oblations for aid to the poor«
  • «peripatetic country preachers»; «a poor wayfaring stranger»
  • «deplored the gap between rich and poor countries»; «the proverbial poor artist living in a garret»
  • «the country had a poor economy»; «they lived in the poor section of town»
  • «a poor land»; «the area was poor in timber and coal»; «food poor in nutritive value»; «the food in the cafeteria was of poor quality»
  • «the urban poor need assistance»
  • «they were disappointed by the poor returns on their stock portfolio»
  • «is only professedly poor«
  • «tangible evidence»; «his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor«
  • «my retrieval of people’s names is very poor«
  • «the poor child was his mother’s shadow»
  • «he is a crack shot»; «a poor shooter»
  • «a good sport»; «a poor sport»
  • «laid the poor fellow senseless with one stunning blow»; «a stunning detonation with volumes of black smoke»
  • «unbind the feet of this poor woman»
  • «migrants are likely to be poor and underemployed»; «able people are kept underemployed»
  • «the undeserving poor«
  • «except in the pulmonary vein venous blood is rich in carbon dioxide and poor in oxygen»
  • «the poor face with the same awful waxen pallor»- Bram Stoker; «the soldier turned his waxlike features toward him»; «a thin face with a waxy paleness»
  • «I will work hard to improve my grades»; «she worked hard for better living conditions for the poor«
  • «it is wrong for the rich to take advantage of the poor«; «cheating is wrong»; «it is wrong to lie»

Sentences with Poor, 18 Sentences about Poor in English

1.He is not only poor but also unemployed.

2.I used to be poor like you.

3.My father is wealthy whereas we are poor.

4.In spite of the fact that Mark helps to the poor, he isn’t rich.

5.Poor you, I do sympathize you.

6.They are as poor as can be.

7.I’m too poor to buy a new suit.

8.Though she is poor, she is happy.

9.Today, the poor keep getting poorer, while the rich are getting richer.

10.He always remained poor.

11.He didn’t like being poor.

12.He’s rich rather than poor.

13.Language is a poor enough means of communication as it is. So we should use all the words we have.

14.Are there many poor people in France?

15.He is not poor that has little, but he that desires much.

16.The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning and inhibit clarity.

17.The measure of a country’s prosperity should not be how many poor people drive cars, but how many affluent people use public transportation.

18.If you live in harmony with nature you will never be poor; if you live according what others think, you will never be rich.

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