Sentence with the word plasma

Similar words: as many, plastic, as much, as much as, small, dismal, enthusiasm, charisma. Meaning: [‘plæzmə]  n. 1. colorless watery fluid of blood and lymph containing no cells and in which erythrocytes and leukocytes and platelets are suspended 2. a green slightly translucent variety of chalcedony used as a gemstone 3. (physical chemistry) a fourth state of matter distinct from solid or liquid or gas and present in stars and fusion reactors; a gas becomes a plasma when it is heated until the atoms lose all their electrons, leaving a highly electrified collection of nuclei and free electrons. 

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1. He is very interested in plasma physics.

2. Keep some blood plasma back for the serious cases.

3. They give you new blood plasma.

4. Once it is absorbed, calcium is added to plasma.

5. Plasma nicotine concentrations with Nicostop were somewhat higher.

6. Plasma magnesium concentration in humans is very tightly regulated.

7. Sweat is derived from blood plasma and blood salts.

8. Plasma was extracted with ethanol as previously described.

9. Plasma consists of positive ions and unbound electrons.

10. These include continuous insulin infusion or plasma exchange.

11. Superficial plasma cells infiltrated underlying lymphoid cells.

12. So spectroscopy can yield information on plasma temperatures.

13. Low plasma octreotide concentration and increased fasting volume may explain improved gall bladder contraction.

14. The importance of the plasma triglyceride concentration as a risk factor for coronary heart disease in the general population is still uncertain.

15. Plasma lipid concentrations and death rates from ischaemic heart disease vary according to the method of infant feeding.

16. One removes the red blood cells,[] leaving the plasma; the second removes the fatty cholesterol.

17. Reduced numbers of intestinal mucosal plasma cells have been reported, with a return to normal values after antibiotic treatment.

18. Yeremi’s stream of plasma ceased abruptly as his hand cramped within that fervid womb.

19. Measuring plasma osmolality using freezing point depression or vapor pressure will immediately indicate that plasma osmolality and tonicity are normal.

20. I am in charge of sustaining the first-aid centre with blood plasma.

21. Spectroscopic measurements in 1960 indicated that small-scale motion of the plasma was producing the doppler broadening of the spectral lines.

22. Under normal circumstances, about one-quarter of the extracellular fluid is present in the plasma space and about three-quarters in the interstitium.

23. This yellow coloration is also visible in serum and plasma specimens in vitro.

24. Thereupon Miss T. received a transfusion of blood or plasma, it matters not which.

25. Carbachol, gastrin, and histamine all bind to specific receptors on parietal cell plasma membranes.

26. In Bence Jones proteinuria there is an oVerproduction of one type of light chain by a single clone of plasma cells.

27. The oedematous patients had similar lung function, smoking histories, and plasma protein concentrations to the patients without oedema.

28. These compounds are lipid soluble and therefore highly protein bound in the plasma.

29. It acts by inhibiting bone resorption of calcium thereby preventing significant variations in plasma calcium concentrations.

30. Perinatal islet function in gestational diabetes: Assessment by cord plasma C-peptide and amniotic fluid insulin.

More similar words: as many, plastic, as much, as much as, small, dismal, enthusiasm, charisma, spokesman, businessman, last, blast, flash, blase, class, clash, glass, laser, a class, at last, classic, as well as, classify, fall asleep, blasphemy, last month, classical, classroom, play, plan. 

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These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Now you know what is PLASMA.

Сейчас вы увидите, что такое плазма.

The word «PLASMA» was first applied to ionized gas in 1929 by American chemist and physicist, Dr. Irving Langmuir.

Термин «плазма» впервые был применен к ионизированному газу в 1929 году Ирвингом Лэнгмюром, американским химиком и физиком.

Then ZENCO PLASMA‘s specialists carry out a full range of works on installation, connection and testing of equipment for compliance with technological and technical requirements.

Затем специалисты «ЗЭНКО ПЛАЗМА» выполняют полный комплекс работ по монтажу, подключению и проверке оборудования на соответствие технологическим и техническим требованиям.

During the joint work, ZENCO PLASMA has established itself as a reliable and qualified partner, which allows us to confidently offer our sophisticated high-tech equipment to Russian customers.

За время совместной работы компания «ЗЭНКО ПЛАЗМА» зарекомендовала себя как надежный и квалифицированный партнер, что позволяет нам с уверенностью предлагать наше сложное высокотехнологичное оборудование российским заказчикам.

No less important is the fact that in Russia we are represented by a reliable partner — the ZENCO PLASMA company.

Не менее важно и то, что в России нас представляет надежный партнер — компания «ЗЭНКО ПЛАЗМА«.

In turn, TV screens are divided into the following types: PLASMA, LED, OLED, LCD, QLED, IPS and others.

В свою очередь, экраны телевизоров подразделяются на следующие типы: ПЛАЗМА, LED, OLED, ЖК, QLED, IPS и другие.

How is the joint work with ZENCO PLASMA LLC on the supply of equipment on the Russian market conducted?

Как ведется совместная работа с ООО «ЗЭНКО ПЛАЗМА» по поставкам оборудования на российском рынке?

When we say Keep Life Flowing, the agent of that commitment is PLASMA, the very fluid of life.

Когда мы говорим «Сохраняем течение жизни», объектом приверженности этой идее является плазма, которая и есть само течение жизни, живительная жидкость.

PLASMA in magnetic field.

плазмы и магнитного поля.

The state of the structure is HIGHLY ORGANIZED PLASMA.

Состояние структуры — высокоорганизованная плазма.













Studies include also borderline disciplines such as plasma chemistry, plasma interaction with solid surface and complex plasma.

Исследования включают также пограничные дисциплины, такие как химия плазмы, взаимодействие плазмы с твердой поверхностью и сложная плазма.

Other technologies used for surface treatment include in-line atmospheric (air) plasma, flame plasma, and chemical plasma systems.

Другие технологии для обработки поверхности включают в себя воздушную плазму (плазма атмосферного давления), плазму от пламени, системы химической плазмы.

Plasma proteins do not penetrate capillary walls, so that their content in the plasma is significantly higher than in the interstitial fluid.

Белки плазмы не попадают через стены капилляров, исходя из этого содержание их в плазме существенно выше, чем в тканевой жидкости.

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plasma — перевод на русский


Some form of high-energy plasma.

Чем-то вроде высокоэнергетической плазмы.

The lab theorizes an enveloping energy plasma, forcing an implosion.

Лаборатория теоретизирует обволакивающую энергию плазмы, создавая имплозию.

There isn’t enough Vulcan blood and plasma onboard to even begin an operation of this type.

У нас не хватит вулканской крови и плазмы, чтобы даже начать такую операцию.

We can’t risk a patrol detecting plasma radiation from sustained thrust.

Если двигатель будет работать так долго, патруль сможет обнаружить радиоактивный след от плазмы! Это слишком большой риск!

At the time of the Federation’s collapse, the Doctor was developing a new space drive system that used light to exert thrust instead of plasma.

Во время ослабления Федерации доктор разрабатывала новую модель двигателя, который использовал бы энергию света вместо плазмы для получения мощности.

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That’s a plasma fire.

Это — плазменный огонь.

Well, a plasma shock will definitely overload his neural net.

Плазменный шок определенно перегрузит его нервную сеть.

Firing plasma charge.

Выпускаю плазменный заряд.

Plasma storms are rare.

Плазменный шторм — явление редкое.

A plasma storm might not leave any debris.

Плазменный шторм мог и не оставить обломков.

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Let me throw it up on the plasma here.

Сейчас выведу на экран.

We need a new plasma.

Нам нужен новый экран.

Put it up on the plasma.

Выведи на экран.

And then you put them on the plasma.

И потом ты вывел фотографии на экран.

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Toothless, plasma blast.

Беззубик, заряд плазмы.


Беззубик, заряд плазмы.

Toothless, plasma blast!

Беззубик, заряд плазмы!

— Toothless, plasma blast.

— Беззубик, заряд плазмы.

I think one more plasma blast should do the trick, bud.

Думаю, еще один заряд плазмы завершит дело, приятель.

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Bandages, plasma, whatever you can beg, you beg.

И мы возьмём там бинты, капельницы, всё, что сможем выпросить, выпросим.

–Doesn’t your surgeon have plasma?

— У вашего хирурга нет капельницы? — Да у нас хирурга то нет.

–You got plasma?

Капельницы есть у Вас?

–Go back to Bastogne for plasma.

— За капельницей идите в Бастонь. — Бастонь?

Tell Spina I went in for plasma.

Доложи Спинне, что я за капельницей уехал.

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Yeah, then we can kick back and watch Marlins highlights on this 65″ plasma.

А потом посмотрим бейсбол на твоей плазменной панели. — Только прежде пошарим тут.

We had a few drinks and some weed And played «drummer god» on this giant plasma tv.

Выпили немного, травки покурили и сыграли в «Короля ударных» на здоровенной плазменной панели.

What is your feeling about that plasma screen?

Что вы думаете по поводу плазменной панели?

I finally broke down and bought myself a plasma TV.

Я наконец-то не выдержал и купил себе плазменную панель.

The PTA wants to put a plasma screen at the school entrance to replace the announcement board.

Родительский комитет хочет повесить плазменную панель у входа в школу и заменить ею доску объявлений.

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There’s serious damage to the secondary plasma conduit but I think we’ve got it under control.

Вторичный плазмопровод получил серьезные повреждения, но я думаю, что мы справимся.

He was pulling out the primary plasma conduit.

Он отсоединял главный плазмопровод.

You were rerouting a phase inducer when one of the plasma conduits blew out. Oh.

Вы занимались перетрассировкой фазового индуктора, когда плазмопровод лопнул.

He took a real beating when that plasma conduit blew out.

Он получил сильные повреждения, когда разорвался плазмопровод.

Why don’t you get started on the ruptured plasma conduits on Deck 10?

Почему бы вам не взяться за прорванный плазмопровод на десятой палубе?

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Logan could use a little canine plasma to loosen him up.

Может собачья кровь поможет Логану немного взбодриться.

You look like you donate plasma for a living.

А ты похож на нищего, который, чтобы выжить, сдаёт кровь.

Or you could donate plasma.

Можешь пожертвовать кровь.

— Then he’s selling plasma.

— Значит кровь продает.

Decades ago, it was discovered that their plasma contained limulus amebocyte lysate, which can be used to detect bacterial endotoxins.

В прошлом веке, было обнаружено, что из их крови можно получить лизат амебоцитов Лимулус, используемый для обнаружения бактериальных эндотоксинов.

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Definition of Plasma

the liquid element of blood that transports blood cells

Examples of Plasma in a sentence

Although we bleed red when we are hurt, the plasma that transports the blood is actually yellow.


Ryan is an assistant in a laboratory that evaluates the texture of plasma as it carries blood cells.


As a starving student, Clint often sold his plasma to a blood bank on the college campus.


Did you know liquid plasma is the largest component of blood?


What is the simplest way to retrieve red blood cells from plasma?


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Use ‘plasma’ in a sentence | ‘plasma’ example sentences

1- The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma in an emergency.

2- During the war, it was discovered that the liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma in an emergency.

3- The laser will cause the rock to emit plasma, a glowing, ionized gas.

4- A high voltage on the electrodes ionizes the gas, converting it into a plasma.

5- The process CPR uses for plasma donation typically takes one to one and a half hours.

6- For example, a neon light is nothing but a tube filled with neon gas in a plasma state.

7- The rover will then analyze the plasma to determine the chemical composition of the rock.

8- The magnetic field accelerates the plasma to speeds of up to 35,000 mph, generating thrust.

9- 861840To achieve fusion, you have to bottle up that super-hot plasma so it’s really dense.

10- In Glassmeier’s analogy, the hose is the magnetic field and the water is the stream of plasma.

11- The implosion compresses and ignites the plasma and burns the fuel, causing a fusion reaction.

12- If the plasma can be held in place long enough, the heat and pressure will create a fusion reaction.

13- A plasma cutter, welding tools and a custom jig allow him to cut and forge the steel as he sees fit.

14- A final common characteristic of plasma polymers is the adhesion ability.

15- “plasma sheet thickness during a bursty bulk flow reversal”.

16- However, a plasma storm soon destroys much of the equipment she would need.

17- Wu Z, Liu Z, Detels R. HIV-1 infection in commercial plasma donors in China.

18- Vaporizing plasma weapons and certain “meme-toxins” have been observed to be effective.

19- Saline replacement – Replace plasma with same amount of Saline to exclude interference eg.

20- By using a reactive gas or vapor in the plasma, films of compound materials can be deposited.

21- Figueroa-Viñas is the first Puerto Rican astrophysicist at NASA working in solar plasma physics.

22- The hallmark of sitosterolemia is diagnostically elevated levels of plant sterols in the plasma.

23- A maximum 32% increase in plasma antioxidant status measured by ORAC was also noted in this study.

24- “Increased expression of cSHMT, Tbx3 and utrophin in plasma of ovarian and breast cancer patients.

25- In humans, xenin circulates in the blood plasma Feurle GE, Hamscher G, Kusiek R, Meyer HE, Metzger JW.

26- Albumin is the main protein in plasma, and it functions to regulate the colloidal osmotic pressure of blood.

27- “Loss of activity of plasma platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase due to a novel Gln281–>Arg mutation”.

28- In an unmagnetized plasma, the current-collecting area is usually taken to be the exposed surface area of the electrode.

29- “Expression of a constitutively activated plasma membrane H+-ATPase alters plant development and increases salt tolerance”.

30- Hibbitts, 2000, p. 1 plasma may also be responsible for darkening the moons’ trailing hemispheres (again, except Callisto’s).

31- In 1965, Goncz showed that the plasma resistivity in flashtubes is inversely proportional to the square root of current density.

32- “A novel motor, KIF13A, transports mannose-6-phosphate receptor to plasma membrane through direct interaction with AP-1 complex”.

33- In humans, M1 is detected in plasma from 7 hours after the intake of ppd-type ginsenosides and in urine from 12 hours after the intake.

34- She can cut a Dragon Slave in half with a normal (non-magically enchanted) sword, and once defeated a plasma dragon with a kitchen knife.

35- MTF uses “plasma guns” (i.e. electromagnetic acceleration techniques) instead of powerful lasers, leading to low cost and low weight compact reactors.

36- Mirrors leaked plasma at a furious rate, although designers believe they could address this problem by operating the machines at very high temperatures.

37- “Oat (Avena sativa L.) and amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) meals positively affect plasma lipid profile in rats fed cholesterol-containing diets”.

38- Moclobemide has good pentration across the blood brain barrier with peak plasma levels within the central nervous system occuring 2 hours after administration.

39- If certain coordinate systems are used, for instance, polar-toroidal coordinates (common in plasma physics) using the notation ∇ F will yield an incorrect result.

40- In a medical context, half-life may also describe the time it takes for the blood plasma concentration of a substance to halve (“plasma half-life”) its steady-state.

41- While no food has been found to elevate plasma melatonin levels in humans, when other animals consume melatonin-containing food, blood levels of melatonin do increase.

42- The plasma emission microscopy obtained during each experiment suggests that the atomic oxygen produced by the microplasma is responsible for the inactivation of bacteria.

43- R Rachelis – Enterprise-D transports plasma plague samples to the Rachelis system.

44- Pheochromocytoma patients often have plasma adrenaline levels of 1000-10,000 ng/L.

45- plasma lamps are a type of electrodeless lamp energized by radio frequency (RF) power.

46- The liquid plasma carries solid elements such as red blood cells and white blood cells.

47- “PKC-dependent activation of sphingosine kinase 1 and translocation to the plasma membrane.

48- The process utilization of the chemicals applied in plasma processes is typically below 20 %.

49- Mauk, 2009, pp. 290-293 The three moons mentioned above add new plasma into the magnetosphere.

50- plasma is a yellowish fluid that carries the suspended erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets.

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