Sentence with the word owed

I owed him a favour so I couldn’t say no.

Я был перед ним в долгу, поэтому не мог отказать.

He owed his wealth to his father.

Он был обязан своим состоянием отцу.

I got an awful fright when I realised how much money I owed.

Я ужасно испугался, когда я понял, сколько денег я должен.

The $1 I owed him and the $1 he owes me cancel out.

Я должен ему доллар, и он мне — значит, мы в расчете.

I’m glad I’ve cleared off the money I owed my mother.

Я рад, что вернул матери все долги.

Jim’s father was sold up because he owed so much money.

Имущество отца Джима пошло с молотка, так как у него было много долгов.

He asked for help from a colleague who owed him a favour.

Он попросил помощи у коллеги, который был ему обязан.

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…the invoice stated that we owed $1500…

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1. Don’t say love, a promise is a debt owed.

2. I’m still owed three days’ leave.

3. I’d completely forgotten about the money he owed me.

4. He paid me the ten dollars he owed me.

5. I owed £5,000 — part of this was accrued interest.

6. All serfs owed allegiance to a lord.

7. He totted up what I owed him.

8. He owed Vince money for drugs, so he scarpered.

9. I think we’re owed an apology.

10. All clergy owed obedience to their superior.

11. Her popularity owed much to her thespian talents.

11. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

12. She reckoned the money we owed her.

13. I knew that I owed the surgeon my life.

14. I owed them for milk and potatoes.

15. He owed three months’ back rent.

16. The peasants owed service and obedience to their overlord.

17. He owed $20 000 in tax to Uncle Sam.

18. Steve finally coughed up the money he owed us.

19. He owed his fame to good fortune.

20. He owed me a bias.

21. An apology is owed to us.

22. Twenty yuan is owed to him.

23. His appointment as prime minister owed much to the wily manoeuvring of the President.

24. He owed his friend a large sum of money and had to leave his house as gage.

25. He owed his popular support to the potency of his propaganda machine.

26. The money I owed him and that he owes me cancel each other out.

27. I got an awful fright when I realised how much money I owed.

28. He came round and started getting heavy about the money I owed him.

29. We drew up a schedule of payments for the rest of the monies owed.

30. It took him several years to work off the loan he owed us.

More similar words: bowed, cowed, crowed, avowed, widowed, hallowed, endowed, borrowed, narrowed, furrowed, bestowed, mellowed, swallowed, wed, awed, wedge, flawed, wedged, renewed, skewed, outlawed, wedding, newlywed, wedlock, screwed, wednesday, wedding gown, home-brewed, out of wedlock, ash wednesday. 

owed — перевод на русский

— When you go to town, can you give the saddler the money I owe him?

— Когда пойдешь в поселок, не отдашь ли шорнику деньги, которые я ему должен ?

If you don’t mind, we’ll add that to what I owe you.

Если ты не против, мы добавим их к тому, что я тебе уже должен.

I don’t owe you nothing.

Я тебе ничего не должен.

Well, how much do I owe you?

Итак, сколько я тебе должен?


Я же не могу просто выйти и сказать своим друзьям, что дом описан, потому что я должен пару франков?

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The hours I owe that adorable creature!

Восхитительное создание! Как я обязан ей!

And again, this blood is only a drop, flowing by in the eternal stream of the life of your people, whom you owe everything, and whose source of origin therefore is the deepest and highest you can subserviently bow to in childlike awe.

А кровь эта — лишь малая капля в вечном потоке жизни нашего народа. Народу этому, ты обязан всем! Из него ты произошел, перед его силой и мудростью ты можешь лишь склониться в сыновнем благоговении.

You owe Brian a lot.

Ты обязан Брайану.

I owe everything to George Bailey.

Я всем обязан Джорджу Бейли.

He owes me his first conviction.

Он мне обязан своим первым сроком.

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«You owe me a kiss, Mitzi.»

«Вы должны мне поцелуй, Митци.»

Maybe we owe Uncle Ezra a vote of thanks.

Мы должны быть признательны за это дяде Эзре.

— You owe me after that.

— Вы должны после всего этого.

There’s nearly £40 owing to the butcher, £35 to the baker.

– А надо ли? – Мы должны 40 фунтов мяснику 35 – булочнику. Вот:

That means you can’t write off the money that you owe your company.

Это означает, что вы не можете списать деньги, которые вы должны своей компании.

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Just what you owe me.

Как раз то, что ты мне должна.

No, you don’t owe me anything.

Ты ничего мне не должна.

Listen, I don’t owe you a thing.

Послушай, я тебе ничего не должна.

— I owe you an explanation. — Don’t bother about me.

— Я должна все объяснить.

I don’t owe any payments on it.

Никому ничего не должна.

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I’ll owe you one.

Я в долгу не останусь.

I owe her something.

Мне кажется, что я у нее в долгу.

I’m afraid I’m three shillings short, sir, I shall have to owe it to you.

Ѕоюсь, у мен€ три шиллинга, сэр, € буду перед вами в долгу.

— I owe you a big one.

— Буду в большом долгу.

I owe you a great deal, Lord Borusa, especially apologies for the indignities and insults I threw at you.

Я у вас в долгу, Лорд Боруза, и простите за неуважение и оскорбительные слова, которые я говорил в ваш адрес.

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Miss Rumfort, it is my great displeasure to inform you… that your father owes us.

Фройлен Румфорт, к моему сожалению должен сообщить Вам … Ваш отец нам задолжал.

That grifter owed me two months’ rent.

Этот мошенник задолжал мне за два месяца.

That makes 50,000 I owe myself.

Из-за вас я задолжал себе 50000.

Well, you don’t expect me to let a woman die because I owe you 187 dollars, do you?

Вы же не думаете, что я позволю женщине умереть только потому, что я задолжал вам 187 долларов?

Say, Dutch, by jimminy, I don’t mind waiting on myself and figuring out how much I owe, but would it be too much trouble for you to take my money?

Датч. Черт побери, я не против подождать и и узнать, сколько я задолжал, но, может быть, тебя не затруднит взять мои деньги?

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I owe you.

Я твой должник.

Tony I owe you for this.

Тони… я твой должник.

I owe you one. Of all the cheap gin joints in the world…

Я твой должник… ..один из самых дешёвых притонов во всем мире…

I owe you one.

Я — твой должник.

I owe you one, my friend.

— Я твой должник, мой друг.

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Got that dough you owe me?

Не забыл про должок?

There’s the bill for the stabilizer you owe us.

И за стабилизатор. С тебя должок.

— That’s the least you owe me.

— За тобой должок.

And before I put you in the brig, there’s a little something I owe you.

И прежде чем отправить вас на гауптвахту, я верну вам должок.

Lupin, you owe me for today.

Люпен, теперь за тобой должок.

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I owe you.

Я твоя Должница.

— I’ll owe you for the rest of my life.

— Спасибо! Я твоя должница до конца жизни.

— OK. I owe you.

Я твоя должница.

I really owe you one.

Я твоя должница.

You saved me from Carlton. I owe you.

Ты спас меня от Карлтона. Я твоя должница.

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I’ve left you the money in the kitchen including the money owed for the electricity.

До свидания, синьора. Деньги я оставил на кухне, включая деньги за электричество.

And you still owe me for the last week.

Приготовь деньги за прошлую неделю.

You owe me money.

Мне нужны мои деньги.

Did we stop so you can ask me how much I owe Olof?

Ведь это за его деньги ты купил лошадь?

All I know is Article 27, Section 150 of the Annotated Code says Wade owes the public

Мне были нужны деньги.

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The fee is owed to the owner of the Project Gutenbergtm trademark, but he has agreed to donate royalties under this paragraph to the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation.

The fee is owed to the owner of the Project Gutenbergtm trademark, but he has agreed to donate royalties under this paragraph to the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation.

The disastrous folly of it had been clear to him at once, and this he owed not only to his own penetrating mind, but to that inspiring angel who, from his earliest infancy, had woven the soul of her son from her own pure spirit.

It published «Cleramboche,« a collection of sanguinary articles, like those which succeeded so well against Jaurés; it roused people by declaring that the traitor owed his safety to occult influences, and that he would make his escape, if he were not carefully watched; and finally it appealed to popular justice.

She owed him one, but she never worried about her debts.

At last, in 1824, when he was seventyfive years old, he came back once more to his Faust, the completion of which had long floated before his mind as a duty that he owed to himself and to the world.

It was conceived and the first prose version written early in 1779; it received its final metrical form December, 1786in Rome indeed, but it owed to Italy only a higher artistic finish.

Better than any one else he knew how much of his present happiness he owed to that good friend and fine man Philip Holiday.

Before the term closed, however, Mr. Allan went up to investigate some stories of Poe‘s wildness that had reached him, and found that besides other debts, Poe owed two thousand dollars in «debts of honor»that is, gambling debts.

It is by her own talents, virtues, and courage that she is made to attain the summit of human happiness, and, as far as Jane Eyre‘s own statement is concerned, no one would think that she owed anything either to God above or to man below.

] Confederations among states have generally owed their origin, in the first instance, to military necessities.

The fee is owed to the owner of the Project Gutenbergtm trademark, but he has agreed to donate royalties under this paragraph to the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation.

Edward should act as a man, he said; he should remember what he owed to himself as a man.

The fee is owed to the owner of the Project Gutenbergtm trademark, but he has agreed to donate royalties under this paragraph to the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation.

The fee is owed to the owner of the Project Gutenbergtm trademark, but he has agreed to donate royalties under this paragraph to the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation.

Passionate love, indeed, I gave to my darling, but I never knew all I owed her till I passed out of her tender guardianship, till I left my mother‘s home.

When he got off the ship, where he owed everybody, includin the smokin’-room, he came to see me with some crazy papers for me to sign.

As if the public owed nothing to them!

The fee is owed to the owner of the Project Gutenbergtm trademark, but he has agreed to donate royalties under this paragraph to the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation.

That iswhat is due, or owed.

Perhaps, therefore, of all English poets of equal culture, Cowper owed the least impulse to books and the most to the need of uttering his inmost thoughts and feelings.

But even in very early societies the recognition of artificial political entities must generally have owed its power of stimulating impulse to associations acquired during life.

This use may have owed its origin to a deliberate intellectual effort of abstraction applied by some Christian philosopher to the common qualities of all Christian congregations, though it more likely resulted from a half conscious process of adaptation in the employment of a current term.

But when it was established the word owed its tremendous power over most men to the emotions automatically stimulated by the personification, and not to those which would follow on a full analysis of the meaning.

The fee is owed to the owner of the Project Gutenbergtm trademark, but he has agreed to donate royalties under this paragraph to the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation.

Another round of profiling type questions fol owed:

Luke: 7:41: There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other

She felt snippy, she owed Kulai and he deserved better than what she was serving him

Half of the debt collection agents owed him money themselves

My son knew about him as well but neither of us owed the fucker any money

“Lady Chimaera owed her extraordinary vampiric powers precisely to that pact

Joris Lilwin was one of our best agents – we owed him that much

How much would they care? Desa seemed to be a genuine friend, though he couldn’t really understand why, but she hardly owed him her life

‘Stud-boy,’ Ish slurred, standing up, ‘This business and its profit is all owed to

She owed her afterlife to the Warlord, but that didn’t mean she was his vassal, far from it

24And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten

28But the same servant went out, and found one of his fellow servants, which owed him

When their life is al owed to unfold unrestricted, they wil love you

In all of this, who did he think he really owed? He didn’t owe Tdeshi anything, he’d been her last fling in Sinbara

In fact she owed him because without the letter he had kept, she wouldn’t have this address to chase down

If he owed anyone it was Leand

Yes … he owed it to Chas to see this little game through to the end

“The main reason I wooed you is what I owed Tdeshi

pay the full amount that I owed in

He still owed the loan sharks $15,000 plus interest

They protect their greenery so much, you are not al owed to remove flowers from the mountains

He owed her everything, including his life

He owed them all more than he could ever give

Maybe he owed the man some respect after all

It was yet another debt she owed him, and – not for the

should not be al owed

Empire, fol owed by the fal into barbarity

The Ottoman occupation fol owed, which

The landscape has al owed the

for this reason, when technique al owed the

during the breaks, to do what is not al owed

headed toward death — the first death, fol owed by the Second

But that when it imported to a greater value than it exported, a contrary balance became due to foreign nations, which was necessarily paid to them in the same manner, and thereby diminished that quantity : that in this case, to prohibit the exportation of those metals, could not prevent it, but only, by making it more dangerous, render it more expensive: that the exchange was thereby turned more against the country which owed the balance, than it otherwise might have been; the merchant who purchased a bill upon the foreign country being obliged to pay the banker who sold it, not only for the natural risk, trouble, and expense of sending the money thither, but for the extraordinary risk arising from the prohibition; but that the more the exchange was against any country, the more the balance of trade became necessarily against it; the money of that country becoming necessarily of so much less value, in comparison with that of the country to which the balance was due

And to give back what he believed, what he felt was owed

Otherwise, please forward us the amount owed in full by March 1st, 20—

The distance could not much weaken the dependency of the representative upon the constituent, and the former would still feel that he owed his seat in parliament, and all the consequence which he derived from it, to the good-will of the latter

’ ‘They owed me that much

They also owed this chance to see you

He found it convenient, accordingly to give up the business of merchant, the business to which his family had originally owed their fortune, and, in the latter part of his life, to employ both what remained of that fortune, and the revenue of the state, of which he had the disposal, in projects and expenses more suitable to his station

John told him yes, but he was allowed to take in taxes of the amount owed, not any extra for himself

were of Janice again, how she really owed her not one but two

She felt she owed him a personal explanation

She thought how much she owed him

However I was dreading going to see him after the last time we were together but Elijah was a best mate and also a comrade in arms so I owed it to him to see if he was alright

I dreaded going but I was with him when he was killed and he was a good mate so I knew that I owed him this at least

It was deeply in debt before the end of the sixteenth century, about a hundred years before England owed a shilling

The republic was, in this manner, enabled to pay the great debts which it had contracted with the sixth part of what it really owed

The law which reduced the coin of all denominations to a sixth part of its former value, as it enabled them to pay their debts with a sixth part of what they really owed, was equivalent to the most advantageous new tables

“No I’m only joking I did it because I owed you for the number of times I volunteered you

I owed it to them to stay with them and sort something out that would get all three of us safely back home to our trenches and that’s what I was going to do

I thought this shower of shit must be joking bloody hell it was me and Ted Wallace that allowed the last of our lot to escape instead of being slaughtered there and when these idiots recognised that I recon I will be owed an apology

She had saved his life, and now he owed her the same, whatever her reasons had been

He owed it to Alexia to watch, to be there with her until the end

He owed him that after everything they had been through together

her, but I owed people money, and Roy had sent her, so I was in

guess I owed Soot, as they obviously hadn’t seen my note on the floor amongst the socks

I had no idea what was going on, but I owed Roy, and we’d figure out what this was about later

She owed Sicarius

This sociological phenomenon owed more to circumstance rather than bias

“Thank you,” she breathed, awed by the depth of what she owed him

Now, with this information that Islandia had just uncovered, I figured I might someday again be free to return to my former life, but when I got there, I might find that my credit was completely shot because I had defaulted on a lease, and I now owed the apartment complex several thousand dollars

France also invaded in 1838-39, blockading nearly all Mexican ports and extracting a ransom over money allegedly owed to a French pastry shop owner, the Pastry War

GW Bush owed all he had in life to family connections, was one of the most ideologically blind and inflexible presidents, had been appointed to office by a partisan part of the Supreme Court after losing the election, and was in office less than eight months before the attacks

At that time, believe it or not, empires routinely went to war to collect money owed to businesses in their countries

A thickset, ugly looking man, who informed him, that if he didn’t pay back what he owed to the bookmaker by the end of the month, he wouldn’t have a business, a house, or legs that worked

He owed it to her

be a real treat, not just something that’s owed them

Michael closely reviewed each statement and determined what the insurance had paid and what we owed

He then said that he had asked his club manager to deliver that message because this Frazer individual (whose name he hadn’t recalled earlier and he had seen only once before) had turned up as a person who owed the club money, so yes, he had stopped in, but he had been there to pay off a debt and left immediately afterwards

The man owed him a favor, a big one, and it was time to collect

He owed his newly found happiness to his meeting with you and Mia Doulton

Beth found his loyalty to drug smugglers more than slightly questionable, but he owed them that, he insisted, and without hearing from him, they would soon call Gordon

Amonas was his top priority right now, he felt he owed him as much

He of the lowest underclass, but whom she owed her very life to, stirred conflicting feelings within her

He was nothing like what she had feared or even imagined in her vulnerability and now she began to feel a certain safety in him, even while she realized that she owed him more than she could ever repay

money owed by his forefathers to the spirit on feeding Brahmins, which

child support owed by welfare – class fathers is uncollectible

pay more than $1 billion in taxes owed through September 2005

At the end of February 2006, the government owed $1

A Harvard study revealed that approximately one-third of families who filed for bankruptcy owed an

it al owed me to learn how people feel while on the

I owed another fifteen thousand, so I paid that

It sold, but I owed the commission in rent, and I had to move again

What I was sure of now was I owed Saddie Moran two thousand and

We had only owed $50,000,

This coffeehouse was a new experience for me, and it al owed me to

I gave her a manicure and joked that she owed me $80 because I was the best and she got the best

I took over my father’s office, aware that I now owed it to him to work long hours and take responsibility for everything during his absence

Okay? The idea that I owed you something made me sick

I owed her a date

She wasn’t the best help in the world, but she owed Amelia more than one favor

He remembered how she’d go on about money and what Carl owed her

owed the Vice President that much, even if it meant they were

She could curse as much as she wanted to and he felt her hatred still radiating from meeting with Elizabeth, but she owed this to him

Lot certainly owed the men all the protection that he could give them as his guests,

the Devil, a price that the Lord owed to His sense of justice and righteousness

owed this gift to the poorer Jews at Jerusalem as the Jews there had given, or shared with them, a

He even al owed writers (directors?) to use

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