Sentence with the word overlapping

Facility agreements cannot have overlapping dates.
Соглашения о предоставлении кредита не могут иметь перекрывающиеся даты.

Repeat for each picture for which you want to enable overlapping.
Повторите это действие для каждого рисунка, для которого требуется разрешить перекрытие.

My target audiences are overlapping
Мои целевые аудитории накладываются друг на друга.

There reportedly exits a level of confusion and overlapping of jurisdiction between the respective roles of the Presidential Commission on Human Rights and the Ombudsman, particularly in the area of human rights monitoring.
Как представляется, существует параллелизм и дублирование в полномочиях, предоставленных соответственно Комиссии по правам человека при Президенте и омбудсмену, в первую очередь в области контроля за соблюдением прав человека.

This often resulted in duplication and the overlapping of activities or fragmented efforts.
Это часто приводит к дублированию и перехлестыванию отдельных направлений деятельности или разрозненности усилий.

You can use finite capacity to make sure that there are no overlapping times.
Чтобы исключить время перекрывания, воспользуйтесь ограничением по мощности.

Calculations therefore use the hourly maximums for large and small consumers; for domestic consumers who use gas for heating, the coefficient of simultaneity is taken to be equal to 1, since the probability of overlapping gas consumption maximums (during periods of intense cold) is very high.
По этой причине в вычислениях используются часовые максимумы по крупным и мелким потребителям; для домохозяйств, использующих газ для отопления, коэффициент одновременности принимается равным 1, поскольку вероятность наложения максимумов потребления газа (в период сильных холодов) чрезвычайно высока.

What we see, however, are two overlapping triangles.
Однако, мы тут же видим два перекрывающихся треугольника.

We have no overlapping areas of interest I’m aware of.
Насколько я знаю, у нас нету зон перекрытия интересов.

Consolidate some of your overlapping ad sets.
Объедините несколько накладывающихся друг на друга групп объявлений.

We believe that the emphasis should be on greater coordination, avoiding duplication and overlapping, and checking the tendency of special procedures mandate holders to exceed their mandates, which seems to be happening rather too frequently.
По нашему мнению, более пристальное внимание следует уделить повышению уровня координации, преодолению параллелизма и дублирования, а также положить конец тенденции, при которой обладатели мандатов на основании специальных процедур превышают свои полномочия, что, как представляется, происходит довольно часто.

This complexity, and the frequent overlapping of mandates, requires a high degree of expertise in various areas: from holding democratic elections and developing judicial systems to establishing police and military forces that meet international standards and basic international legal regulations.
Эта сложность и частое перехлестывание мандатов требуют высокой степени экспертных знаний в различных областях начиная с проведения демократических выборов и развития правовых систем и заканчивая созданием полиции и военных сил, которые соответствуют международным стандартам и основным положениям международного права.

The Union’s members should form a series of overlapping circles:
Страны Союза должны образовать ряд перекрывающихся кругов:

Such policies and systems have to take into account numerous overlapping, interconnected policy areas such as human rights, demography, trade practices, employment policies, security-related issues and development cooperation.
Такая политика и системы должны строиться с учетом многочисленных, перекрывающих друг друга и взаимосвязанных областей политики, таких, как права человека, демография, торговая практика, политика в области занятости, проблемы безопасности и сотрудничество в области развития.

Franklin Roosevelt, for instance, ran an inefficient organization with overlapping jurisdictions and responsibilities.
Франклин Рузвельт, например, управлял неэффективной организацией с накладываемой на нее юрисдикцией и обязанностями.

Noting that the proposals under section 21 indicated only major areas of activity and relevant secretariat units to be responsible for their implementation, he expressed regret at the lack of precision and transparency, which made it difficult to identify potential duplication of work and overlapping between activities carried out under section 21 and similar activities conducted under other budget sections.
Отмечая, что в предложениях по разделу 21 указаны лишь основные области деятельности и соответствующие подразделения Секретариата, которые будут нести ответственность за их осуществление, оратор выражает сожаление в связи с отсутствием точной и транспарентной информации, что затрудняет выявление потенциального дублирования и параллелизма мероприятий, осуществляемых по разделу 21, и аналогичных мероприятий, осуществляемых по другим разделам бюджета.

Success will hinge on developing many overlapping policies to achieve the goals.
Успех будет зависеть от развития многих перекрывающихся стратегий для достижения поставленных целей.

While Cambodia exercises maximum restraint to avoid armed confrontation, we cannot ignore that this Thai military provocation is aimed at creating a de facto “overlapping area” that legally does not exist on Cambodia soil.
Хотя Камбоджа проявляет максимальную сдержанность, стремясь избежать вооруженной конфронтации, мы не можем игнорировать тот факт, что данная военная провокация Таиланда направлена на создание де-факто «района перекрывающих друг друга территорий», которого юридически на камбоджийской территории не существует.

Lumbering, hard-to-deploy armies are being replaced with overlapping ballistic missile ranges that demonstrate the delivery capabilities of weapons of mass destruction.
На смену громоздким и сложным в развертывании армиям приходит система накладывающихся друг на друга зон досягаемости баллистических ракет, демонстрирующих способности к доставке оружия массового поражения.

Encourage States parties to continue to include a gender perspective in their reports to the treaty bodies; also encourage these bodies to continue to take into account a gender perspective in the implementation of their mandates, taking into account the need to avoid unnecessary duplication and overlapping of their work; and further encourage human rights mechanisms to continue to take into account a gender perspective in their work;
для поощрения государств-участников к тому, чтобы они продолжали отражать гендерную перспективу в своих докладах договорным органам; также для поощрения этих органов к тому, чтобы они продолжали учитывать гендерную перспективу при осуществлении своих мандатов с учетом необходимости избегать ненужного дублирования и параллелизма в своей работе; и для дальнейшего поощрения механизмов по правам человека к тому, чтобы они продолжали учитывать гендерную перспективу в своей работе;

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


It would also prevent overlapping and inadequate spending of resources.

Кроме того, такой подход поможет избежать дублирования и неправильного расходования ресурсов.

Scheduling of activities could be strengthened to avoid overlapping and ensure coherence.

Можно было бы укрепить работу по составлению графика мероприятий в целях недопущения дублирования и обеспечения согласованности.

There were several ways of overlapping: flat beam, dome on sails and a cylindrical arch.

Существовало несколько способов перекрытия: плоское балочное, купола на парусах и цилиндрический свод.

Here we must work on the real overlapping of financial flows, overlapping of the opportunity to feed on human resources.

Здесь должна идти работа над реальным перекрытием финансовых потоков, перекрытием возможности подпитываться людскими ресурсами.

Both the Russian and the global economies are confronting two overlapping types of crisis.

Сейчас и в российской, и в глобальной экономике мы имеем дело с наложением двух типов кризиса.

Knowing who’s responsible for what increases productivity and avoids confusion and overlapping efforts.

Знание того, кто и за что несет ответственность, повышает производительность и помогает избежать путаницы и дублирования усилий.

Donors were encouraged to avoid insufficiently coordinated and overlapping assistance.

Донорам рекомендуется избегать оказания помощи в тех случаях, когда она недостаточно эффективно координируется, а проекты дублируют друг друга.

Repetitive and overlapping mandates could be avoided.

The accounts might have overlapping audience.

Может быть, она скрывает аккаунты от публики.

Another overlapping concept is «perspective-taking».

Одним из исследуемых феноменов является «perspective taking».

We are condemned to live an overlapping consensus.

Мы просто обречены на то, чтобы жить в условиях перекрывающего консенсуса.

We strongly urge consolidation of these overlapping initiatives.

Improved coordination would help avoid duplication and overlapping.

Two organs should not have overlapping powers in that area.

She had overlapping pregnancies five months apart.

У нее было две параллельные беременности с разницей в пять месяцев.

James understood mysticism and religious experience as overlapping but not coextensive.

Джеймс считал мистицизм и религиозный опыт перекрещивающимися, но не равными по объему понятиями.

In addition, the various agencies themselves enjoy very close interaction often sharing overlapping jurisdictions.

Кроме того, различные учреждения самостоятельно поддерживают весьма тесное взаимодействие друг с другом, часто в вопросах, где их полномочия пересекаются.

This often results in overlapping inspections and confusing results.

Из-за этого часто наблюдается частичное дублирование инспекционной деятельности и путаница в результатах.

Article 15 covered some complex and overlapping issues.

Fragmented institutional structures with overlapping mandates and inadequate legislative and policy frameworks are important impediments to integrated water resources management.

Раздробленные институциональные структуры с мандатами, которые дублируют друг друга, и неадекватные законодательные и политические механизмы — это факторы, серьезно препятствующие комплексному управлению водными ресурсами.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат overlapping

Результатов: 5043. Точных совпадений: 5043. Затраченное время: 79 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Unclear and Overlapping Responsibilities — Public and private organizations that would oversee recovery of the Internet have unclear or overlapping responsibilities, resulting in too many institutions with too little interaction and coordination.


Ghost House is installed in the temporary exhibition galleries where, rather than following chronological criteria, it creates environments that the artist describes as «built on memory», in which works from different periods are placed in dialogue with one another and with the museum context in the conviction that meaning can be found not only in the individual works but in their relationships, considered collectively and through time, like the narrative overlappings of a story.


He’s a better overlapping left back than Kola, gets round the back of defenders with little one two’s and makes plenty of chances for the forwards, he’s like a winger, whereas this idiot of a manager want’s square passes and waits for a hole and go through the middle.


Inspired by the history and aesthetic of the Alhambra fortress in Granada, Spain, the paintings source their color palette and content from the medieval palace, depicting historical clashes and overlappings of world cultures.


CPCP participants engaged in varied and overlapping types of partnerships.


The National Prayer Breakfast, now in its fiftieth year, has been mainly a Protestant affair, with more recent overlappings into the interreligious and generalized civil religion.


Known for his hard-edge, geometric abstractions in primary colors, Diller’s work evolved in his four years (1929-1933) at the League from semi-abstractions to pure abstractions — from situating things in recognizable spatial situations to eliminating perspectival devices for simple overlappings and the optical phenomena of color.


Studies to date have demonstrated that phytochemicals in common fruit and vegetables can have complementary and overlapping mechanisms of action, including modulation of detoxification enzymes, scavenging of oxidative agents, stimulation of the immune system, regulation of gene expression in cell proliferation and apoptosis, hormone metabolism, and antibacterial and antiviral effects (15, 16).


Contours, overlappings, movements and attitudes are put to paper ever so quickly, with observation given top priority.


But it’s a device that Grabner adopts less out of a concern to interrogate the material support of painting (the pieces are on wood, not canvas, after all) than an interest in the kinds of play such formal and referential overlappings make possible; games of repetition, variation, and invention.


I will show that AnkB and βII-spectrin are key elements in independent and overlapping pathways responsible for the transport of synaptic cargo and other organelles, and are essential for establishing proper brain structural and functional connectivity.


The world is rather «a continuous stream of occurrences which we can discriminate into finite events forming by their overlappings and containings of each other and separations a spatio — temporal structure» (CN 172f.


The front v-neckline sports an overlapping edge, finished with a row of narrow stitches for dimension and texture.


women – to gain a role somewhere in the overlapping organisations

We are truly fields of energy overlapping one another

Our physical world and the non-physical dimensions are overlapping and thus both worlds are actually linked but in a manner which is far too complex for our mind to comprehend

Nevertheless both our physical world and the unseen dimensions are overlapping and are interrelated

They wear dark racinthen armour of overlapping plates with hooded cloaks of shadows

The echoes of his coughing bounced back at him, overlapping with such complexity that he was disorientated by the sounds

…an overlapping of first, second and perhaps third generations that have yet to properly assimilate within the (greater) community…

Pushing these thoughts to the back of my mind I looked out over the gently waving cereal heads, my breath faltering when I spotted two overlapping circles of flattened wheat

Multi-Culturalism should not be confused with Inter-Culturalism that otherwise suggests a mutual exchanging and/or assimilating of the higher (Arts & Sciences, Music, Literature and Architecture) and lower (Cuisine, Fashions and Sports) cultures whose synthesis finds its ultimate expression within an overlapping culture that oftentimes acquires its own unique standing over time

Buchanan may have a point however by arguing that Globalization is likely to undermine loyalty to national culture once ―natural‖ boundaries begin overlapping and new frontiers are formed

The four tumen were spread out in a line across most of the width of the valley somewhat overlapping the enemy lines

the overlapping circles of dimensional realities served by

the Burmese natives they had abused during the same, overlapping time period

The ribbon was artfully wound around Talia’s torso from her armpits down to her hips and back up again, where the two ends were tied in a bow over the center of her collarbone, so that when she stood still the overlapping strips of gauze covered her from just below her shoulders to halfway down her thighs

The melody was complex, yet sweet and soothing, and soon multiple harmonies were added; softly swelling, then fading back into the volume of the melody in overlapping waves of sound

» There had followed a long silence broken only by overlapping patches of conversations from other lines

After the skeleton of the ship was in place, it would be covered with overlapping layers of planks

The Coast Guard and Navy have overlapping interests in coastal (littoral) security and defense capabilities

interrupting each other, overlapping one another

When it was in place, the tribesmen moved in and their overlapping shields form

Using long-lasting silica boards overlapping to fan out replaced brick and every other assortment – even the flowing mortar style, and following patterns

The brain does not store a literal reproduction of an object’s image but an abstract holographic code of wave-phase relationships like the overlapping patterns of light and shade on a holographic plate

phase relationships like the overlapping patterns of light and shade on a

store a pattern of up to 1,000 overlapping beams They could also hold

The two offices have been bitter rivals for years because of sometimes overlapping jurisdictions

The overlapping tides stroked mercilessly against the

tides were overlapping and tumbling down at the

comparing overlapping descriptions of this situation from the perspectives of the

But the bolts fell short or rattled harmlessly from the overlapping shields of the Gundermen

Even with these accomplishments, and overlapping “coincidences,” I spurned the idea that Spirit had never let me go until I began reordering the topics I had not used in the first two volumes

As I watched, the leaves continued to appear, slightly overlapping each other, each a different colour and each accompanied with its own musical note

“Sitting in the storeroom we noticed a gradual increase in the noise at the festivities across the road and we decided it was time to interrupt the party, having previously agreed on each other’s arc of overlapping fire we automatically went to our designated positions

various tribulation events don’t neatly fit into segments, and that events may have overlapping

The hoplites joined in tightly packed formations called phalanxes with their bronze shields overlapping and long spears

In the bush, a roll of waterproof adhesive tape is handy for repairs and can also be used to form temporary eyelets by overlapping the tape across the edge of the tarp, and spiking or cutting a neat hole through the double thickness of the tape

Ethan arrived for his shift, their times overlapping for two hours a day

Both are talking about overlapping events but the men in blue are unable to connect the dots

The two determined Skyracos trail in the overlapping action of its movement

The AWACS has an average detection range of about 250 miles at a flight altitude of 30,000 feet and 3 such aircraft flying overlapping coverage routes could protect all of Central Europe

Losira, I want you to project a holographic image of our ship, semi overlapping our ship so that the forward section of holograph is twenty meters forwards of the cone section

overlapping, I bring us out of warp, and suspect we’ll be fairly close, close being within one to ten light years from him

Hence these arbitrary states that contain overlapping stages between them could be organized out into these quadrant frames as explained over here;-

Your business should consist of three overlapping parts, with your primary product or service coming last instead of first

Phil was already scouting the area for the extra mic for his overlapping plan

The distribution and overlapping of these activities has been agreed in advance with the building contractor

When concrete is set they continue with making the steel structure and overlapping cladding wall and roof panels

As I already mentioned, since the 2 new small presses are already functioning, this overlapping is again converted into 50%, i

5 more working days of production are lost in the Machine Shop (not counting the overlapping days)

IN GENERAL – the lost production time (not counting overlapping periods) is: 3 + 5 = 8 working days of production < 10 working days (2 weeks) The existing production volume is not affected by more than the equivalent of two full weeks’ production, during the alterations

Hundreds of these massive explosions lit up the night sky, overlapping into the cries and howls of weeping children

Ears continued to weave them, a small chapter of the Newstory GIFT, through the overlapping mazes of TripEars and TrapEyes to the Hall of Vireality that they had come to virtually vandalize, though many called it consci-slaughter, but which was worse – recoding an algorithm so it couldn’t achieve self-awareness or allowing The Singularity to come into being – none of the opinion harvesters were able to concur

formed by three overlapping loops of each of the flanking

It meant that with the overlapping foliage above the way ahead was dank and dark

The sound of overlapping screams from a dozen children echoes toward them like a physical force in the confined space

He could only witness the occasional overlapping with his own realms of experience and try to imagine the rest

The images weren’t ghostly and overlapping

He explained that the final version of the Bible was a collection of texts put together in a sometimes almost haphazard way, and he showed how a person with some historical background and a lot of patience could work his way to the sources and look for overlapping accounts of what really happened two thousand years ago and what Jesus had really said, while filtering out inconsistencies which had undoubtedly been added later

overlapping each other and then add a few slices to the middle of pan

Policy makers must restrain financial supermarkets with confused and overlapping objectives and shrink institutions that are too big to fail

They hefted their shields and formed two lines, three men wide, with shields overlapping

integrally related to her own, overlapping and

In the first chapter of this book, I explained in detail that a biological “human being” appearing in front of us is a specific manifestation (which is duvuyllerrtly combined at a definite frequency of vibrations — 328 Shifts per second) of the Creative Activity of a great number of interacting Forms of Energies (wave Configurations of Stereo-Types of one Stereo-Form), whose very similar wave Configurations may have frequency overlapping in this structure of the space-time Continuum (like laser rays)

Then came the filaments, wound perfectly with not one thread overlapping

to overlapping loops, loops within loops, or loops with shared symptoms that

Though this process is by no means a pure example of harmonic balance, due to so many other energy levels and forces overlapping each other; the basic process of Fusion is harmonic

You start overlapping each others being

A tall European woman approached me in a long gray coat and a kerchief covering her head and overlapping the top of her face

The overlapping of Europe over the old Roman Empire exists in part; only because Rome paid for its mistakes and learned from those mistakes enough to become as educated as the rest of Europe

but only in small, selfless, ego-less, self-contained communities… or in a series of small, overlapping communities that all share the same, basic ethical and moral values

If only the most basic human knowledge itself were collated enough to nullify some of the monopolist areas of needless, wasteful, conflicting, overlapping expertise; so everyone was equally well-informed: then the rest of this structure would come crashing down along with the pyramidalization of knowledge

They are basically the same; except that they exist on different energy levels: two super-imposed, overlapping energy fields: each existing within the other: each connected differently to different levels of energy

Nine overlapping triangles, whose base angle is 51 degrees, which is also, incidentally, the angle of the Pyramids

Why? Because a BIRD AURA is merging with your aura: the fucking undead has OVELAPPED ITSELF over your human aura: the aura of the undead bird’s feet are NUMB: your human senses are overlapped by a BIRD’S SENSES: you hands go NUMB: you can’t USE YOUR HANDS OR YOUR ARMS OR YOUR LEGS OR YOUR FEET for normal human purposes anymore because undead BIRD auras have entered your dying body as it gets weaker and now the ACcUMULATED overlapping of shit knows how many undead fucking BIRDS and undead fucking shit HALF-HUMA auras MIZED with bird auras: are keeping your entire WILL and HUMAN AURA energy TRAPPED inside their COMPOSITE unfair advantage of knowing how to over power ONE SINGKLE INNOCENT DYING HUMAN BEING: in order to twist and brainwash you into BELIEVING that you are now suddenly a fucking angel with fucking wings and that you can fly! And that you have magical powers! And that being is a STATE of PERMANENT reptilian INSANITY is a GOOD THING! And that it is GOOD to laugh at poor innocent mortal humans who don’t KNOW what will happen to them when they die and are attacked from ALL SIDES as the feeding frenzy of undead reptile SHIT go about their business of trying to destroy the human aura that is not entering their realm and threatening to KILL THEM DEAD if they don’t DO something about it FAST

It is a rotting Hades of dying faint souls… overpopulated, spilling out into the physical world because of their over-packed, overcrowded conditions, their stupid habit al all congregating in the same small space…as more than one undead species merge and overlap into the next… as more than one undead genetic set of abominations, poisoning each other with their overlapping auras

series of interconnected and overlapping endless loops and is much like being caught in a multi-

twelve stars have multiple and overlapping meanings

symbolic, overlapping, multi-dimensional, and redundant structure of The Apocalypse and related

themes and overlapping patterns made it very difficult to effectively hide changes made by those who

four overlapping years on the four major calendar systems in which all years’ digits add up to 11 or

the starting point that leads to all 4 overlapping calendar systems’ years being marked by the number

The buttons of this were hanging on for dear life, going far beyond the call of duty, and the material, moulded to the flesh as it strained to contain the trembling rolls of jelly, was stretched to tear-point and was decorated with an overlapping profusion of stains: huge patches of reeking sweat, shiny slides of grease and discrete blobs of some nameless matter, dried and cracked like desert mud

In the Michael Angelo the silhouette is only the result of the overlapping of rich forms considered in the round

Note the desire to express form as a felt solid thing, the contours resulting from the overlapping forms

Notice the overlapping of the con

It is usually more convenient to paint down where the colours can be laid in overlapping bands of shadow, half tone and light, &c

Among these exhibits I’ll mention, just for the record: an elegant royal hammer shell from the Indian Ocean, whose evenly spaced white spots stood out sharply against a base of red and brown; an imperial spiny oyster, brightly colored, bristling with thorns, a specimen rare to European museums, whose value I estimated at ₣20,000; a common hammer shell from the seas near Queensland, very hard to come by; exotic cockles from Senegal, fragile white bivalve shells that a single breath could pop like a soap bubble; several varieties of watering–pot shell from Java, a sort of limestone tube fringed with leafy folds and much fought over by collectors; a whole series of top–shell snails—greenish yellow ones fished up from American seas, others colored reddish brown that patronize the waters off Queensland, the former coming from the Gulf of Mexico and notable for their overlapping shells, the latter some sun–carrier shells found in the southernmost seas, finally and rarest of all, the magnificent spurred–star shell from New Zealand; then some wonderful peppery–furrow shells; several valuable species of cythera clams and venus clams; the trellis wentletrap snail from Tranquebar on India’s eastern shore; a marbled turban snail gleaming with mother–of–pearl; green

Chatter broke out, questions overlapping each other

Dancer says, “Mi contra fa est diabolus in musica—where the mi and fa don’t refer to the third and fourth notes of the musical scale but to the medieval principle of overlapping hexachords

There will be no unemployed and no overlapping of labour, which will be organized and concentrated for the accomplishment of the only rational object — the creation of the things we require

It was one huge, overlapping sea of craters, without a single one of the scores of targets which had filled it

He saw a single intact axle from one of the freight wagons; but for that, there were only splinters, overlapping craters, and the still-drifting clouds of smoke

I obviously had to abandon all the meticulously arranged, overlapping vocal arrangements and return to singing the songs just as they were when newly written

  • Use the word OVERLAPPING in a sentences

Sentence Examples

[overlapping Arguments] Quiet!

[overlapping Chatter] — Why, Connie’s folks here are from Cherokee County.

There are so many overlapping and uncoordinated research organizations… it was felt that science should speak with one authoritative voice.

With these overlapping targets, I intend to fire all tubes cause so much excitement that we can make a break for it.

I couldn’t avoid a certain overlapping.

Irritation of the sciatic nerve, plus overlapping thoracic nerves… causing spinal disturbances from the base of the sacral plexus… which rise towards the brain… causing zygomatic imbalance, both on the right and the left.

With that 80-20 mind of yours, I want to keep an overlapping grip on my 20.

overlapping Voices] Personality synthesis.

[overlapping conversation]

Did they cause his death, Father? — [overlapping Questions]

(overlapping voices) I am all-seeing. I am everywhere and nowhere.

Well, anyway, there is an overlapping, there is a confusion about sex and violence.

There’s an overlapping, there’s a gray area, there’s some folks don’t understand.

There’s some sort of an overlapping, there’s some sort of a gray area between sex and violence that some people really are confused about.

overlapping circles. What does it mean?

I think I know what those circles meant. — The overlapping ones meant an eclipse.

Yes. You see, the master detonator here triggers six explosive charges placed in a pattern of two overlapping, equilateral triangles on the dome wall.

Dentist says he has an overlapping bite or something.

overlapping distress calls and a message from the Federation.

It was pretty messy and overlapping, but I measured the stroke depth and … I managed to isolate the layers.

Life and death are like scales overlapping each other. My child, do you know why I was separated from Soma, my twin brother?

[ Paul] These tests were conducted over a six-month period… using a double-blind format ofeight overlapping demographic groups.

When driving through fog or rain, it is advisable… ( overlapping questions )

You’d know about overlapping with whores.

[overlapping chatter] Well, hello.

There’s two overlapping‘ patrols about three minutes apart.

There are approximately 1,000 voices overlapping.

So we rationalised it into three overlapping circles.

with every day- — [Voices Continue overlapping] [Nixon On Tape] If Hunt goes public, it’ll be a fiasco forthe C.I.A.

Most of them. — (overlapping oohs and aahs)

[overlapping Agreement] Oh, I bet he’s the one.

My Dreamscape Passage and your dream must be overlapping.

Get out of here! [Voices overlapping] Our first guest tonight is the afternoon drive-time disc jockey at WNBC radio here in New York City.

[ overlapping arguments ]

He’s the best overlapping player» «on the Japanese national team.»

[overlapping] I┬┤m Jay Bulworth.

Of course we should help families who truly need it… but too often, welfare is a permanent subsidy… for able-bodied people who could and should… [overlapping] Hello, I┬┤m Jay Bulworth.

«[ overlapping Shouts ]» — Don’t go nowhere.

(overlapping) it’ll be several hours,

Come on, (overlapping chatter) (hair dryers blowing)

The memory transference with your link it froze. Started overlapping!

(reporters’ voices overlapping)

[ Voices Continue, overlapping ]

The color and shine come from a series of overlapping plates, scales placed one over the other, like roof tiles.

I wanna see ’em! — [ Voices overlapping ]

And even the ones who renounce it, and who hate its strength and want to cut it out of their hearts… ( voices overlapping )

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