Sentence with the word of destroy

They destroy stars around them.
Они уничтожают окружающие их звезды,

Try to destroy my neg?
Хочешь разрушить мой бизнес?

(And activists frequently destroy conventional plants inadvertently, because they are difficult to distinguish from genetically engineered varieties.)
Данная практика способствует вандализму (причем активистами часто случайно уничтожаются и обычные растения, потому что их трудно отличить от генетически модифицированных сортов).

But the question that lingered in my mind was, what causes people to destroy fire trucks headed to their own homes?
Но меня беспокоил вопрос, что же заставляло людей крушить пожарные машины, направлявшиеся к их же домам?

Wherefore did they not that hour destroy us?
Но почему же нас не умертвили?

Destroy the Sith we must.
Уничтожить Ситхов должны мы.

You’ll destroy the Ziggurat!
Ты разрушишь Зиккурат!

In many places, the location of field trials now must be identified, even including GPS coordinates – a practice that facilitates vandalism. (And activists frequently destroy conventional plants inadvertently, because they are difficult to distinguish from genetically engineered varieties.)
Во многих регионах теперь необходимо сообщать о местоположении испытательных полей, включая координаты GPS. Данная практика способствует вандализму (причем активистами часто случайно уничтожаются и обычные растения, потому что их трудно отличить от генетически модифицированных сортов).

Fires sometimes destroy known exemplars.
Но огонь зачастую уничтожает образцы.

They destroy our self-delusions.
Они разрушают наш самообман.

Red October was also fitted with a quiet-running pumpjet drive that, according to the novel, would theoretically allow it to sneak up on the East Coast of the United States and launch a devastating “decapitation strike” that would destroy Washington, DC.
Он был также оснащен малошумным водометным движителем, теоретически позволявшим, как пишет автор, незаметно подходить к восточному побережью США и наносить сокрушительный «обезглавливающий удар», которым уничтожался Вашингтон.

Without guardian fail-safe destroy itself.
Без хранителя надежного уничтожит себя.

Did you destroy that convent?
Ты разрушил тот женский монастырь?

They can destroy but not create.
Они могут уничтожать, но не создавать.

He would destroy our democracy without hesitation.
Дай ему возможность, он бы разрушил нашу демократию без всяких колебаний.

You’re here to destroy Neverland?
Вы хотите уничтожить Неверленд?

The urge to destroy can be contagious.
Стремление к разрушению может быть заразным.

It will divide and destroy Ukraine.’
Он приведет к расколу и уничтожению Украины“.

That is why terrorists want to destroy them.
Именно по этой причине террористы стремятся их разрушить.

This will destroy Weldon, you know?
Это уничтожит Велдона, ты знаешь?


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This because one missile could destroy several.

Это означает, что теперь вместо одной цели ракета может уничтожить сразу несколько.

Capitalism will destroy the earth unless we destroy it first.

Капитал готовиться уничтожить наш мир, если мы раньше не успеем уничтожить капитал.

Don’t let unexpected events destroy everything you have accomplished.

Не позволяйте минутным слабостям разрушить все то, что было сделано ранее.

You can destroy: you can destroy others, you can destroy yourself.

It said that it’ll destroy humans.

Д.: Вы сказали, что он будет уничтожать людей.

No foreign aggressor can destroy capitalist civilization if it does not destroy itself.

Ни один внешний агрессор не сможет разрушить капиталистическую цивилизацию, если она не разрушит себя сама.

We must destroy these weapons before they destroy us.

Communism does not destroy and can not in principle destroy social differences among the people.

Коммунизм не уничтожает и не может в принципе уничтожить социальных различий людей.

It can destroy information stored on the computer and, in extreme cases, destroy operability.

Он может уничтожить информацию, хранящуюся на компьютере, а в крайних случаях может разрушить работоспособность.

Hundreds of earthquakes will destroy dozens of countries and destroy billions.

He will destroy her so he can destroy me.

And it not only destroy you, but can destroy whole wisdom of humanity.

И это разрушит не только вас, но может разрушить всю мудрость человечества.

The humans will destroy this planet unless we destroy them first.

Either we destroy their invasion forces or they destroy us.

If you do not destroy itself, you necessarily destroy someone else.

Either we will destroy capitalism or capitalism will destroy us.

If they destroy nature, they will eventually destroy themselves.

Если люди не перестанут уничтожать природу, то, в конечном счете, они уничтожат сами себя.

To definitively destroy the fascist threat, we must destroy the capitalist system.

Чтобы окончательно уничтожить угрозу фашизма, мы должны разрушить капитализм как систему.

A man cannot live in this state; he must either destroy contradictions or destroy conscience.

Damage and effects that say «destroy» don’t destroy them.

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Grammar Check

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: devastate, exterminate, finish, kill, ruin, slay, spoil, wreck. Antonym: construct, establish. Similar words: destruction, modest, strong, stroke, clandestine, astronomer, restrict, restriction. Meaning: [dɪ’strɔɪ]  v. 1. do away with, cause the destruction or undoing of 2. destroy completely; damage irreparably 3. defeat soundly 4. put to death. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Force can never destroy right.

2. Whom the gods destroy, they first make mad. 

3. Rules and modesty destroy genius and art. 

4. Destroy the lion while he is yet but a whelp. 

5. Whom the gods wish to destroy, they first made mad. 

6. Who the gods wish to destroy they first call promising. 

7. The antibodies glom onto the virus and destroy it.

8. Any reform will destroy and pervert our constitution.

9. And when you are gone, I will destroy everything you ever loved.

10. Destroy the torture you.

11. If we continue to destroy the countryside many more animals will become extinct.

12. He said army officers had threatened to destroy the town.

13. If she does that,she’ll destroy herself.

14. The beast in her wanted to destroy his house.

15. To destroy 121 enemy aircraft is no mean record.

16. It is proverbially easier to destroy than to construct.

17. His association with such criminals can only destroy him.

18. The missile is aimed specifically to destroy military targets.

19. He started to destroy documents to cover his tracks.

20. Hatred is a poison that will destroy your life.

20. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

21. He had to destroy the injured animal.

22. Frogs eat pests which destroy crops and carry diseases.

23. We had no choice but to destroy the animal.

24. One of these days, humankind will destroy the world.

25. These guns will destroy or disable any incoming missile.

26. They can’t destroy truth without destroying each and every one of us.

27. Criticizing will only destroy a relationship and create feelings of failure.

28. To hedge around a partnership of love with control by law would be to destroy its base of trust in one another.

29. To hedge about a partnership of love with control by law would be to destroy its base of trust in one another.

30. Waves are beautiful to look at, but they can destroy ships at sea, as well as houses and buildings near the shore.

More similar words: destruction, modest, strong, stroke, clandestine, astronomer, restrict, restriction, royal, design, desert, dessert, besides, despite, descend, designs, design for, designer, desperate, describe, troop, desperately, widespread, patron, patrol, description, control, trouble, courtroom, tropical. 

уничтожать, разрушать, истреблять, губить, крушить, ломать, громить, подрывать


- разрушать; разбивать

to destroy a building — разрушить /снести/ здание
to destroy an army — разбить армию

- разбивать, расстраивать

to destroy smb.’s hopes — разбить чьи-л. надежды
to destroy smb.’s plans — расстроить чьи-л. планы

- ломать, портить

to destroy a dress — разорвать /испортить/ платье
excesses destroy our powers of resistance to disease — излишества подрывают нашу способность сопротивляться болезням

- уничтожать; истреблять

to destroy a document [the rights] — уничтожить документ [права]
to destroy smb.’s love — убить чью-л. любовь
to destroy a reputation — погубить репутацию

- убивать

to destroy an injured horse — убить раненую лошадь
to destroy oneself — кончить жизнь самоубийством

Мои примеры


to destroy by bombing — разбомбить  
to destroy by fire — сжечь  
to destroy a presumption — опровергнуть презумпцию  
to destroy refuse — сжигать мусор  
to destroy a process — уничтожить процесс  
to break up / destroy a friendship — порвать дружбу  
to destroy records — уничтожить записи  
to compromise / destroy / ruin / tarnish one’s reputation — подмочить, испортить свою репутацию  
destroy reputation — погубить репутацию  
destroy signal — сигнал на ликвидацию; сигнал на подрыв  

Примеры с переводом

The fire destroyed the house

Огонь уничтожил дом.

The building was destroyed by fire.

Здание было разрушено огнём.

Nothing can destroy the instinct to survive.

Ничто не может разрушить инстинкт выживания.

He started to destroy documents to cover his tracks.

Он начал уничтожать документы, чтобы замести свои следы.

One of the bulls had to be destroyed.

Одного из быков пришлось уничтожить.

Frogs eat pests which destroy crops and carry diseases.

Лягушки едят насекомых-вредителей, которые уничтожают урожай и разносят болезни.

To wait would destroy the little chance we appeared to have.

Ожидание уничтожило бы тот ничтожный шанс, который, казалось, мы имели.

ещё 18 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the murderer seemed possessed by a demoniac wish to destroy life…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

bomb-destroy  — бомбить, уничтожать бомбами
destroyer  — разрушитель, эсминец, истребитель, миноносец, эскадренный миноносец
destroyed  — разрушенный
destroying  — разрушающий, уничтожающий, разрушительный
destroyable  — могущий быть разрушенным, поддающийся разрушению, непрочный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: destroy
he/she/it: destroys
ing ф. (present participle): destroying
2-я ф. (past tense): destroyed
3-я ф. (past participle): destroyed

How to use destroy in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «destroy» and check conjugation/comparative form for «destroy«. Mastering all the usages of «destroy» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Destroy the Abu Sayyaf, destroy the (communist insurgent group New People’s Army), and destroy the drug organizations.
When they destroy the public spaces, they destroy the city.
You won’t destroy me, and you won’t destroy my family.
If they can destroy Roy Moore, they can destroy you.
And I don’t want to destroy a man, you know, if you let him go, you would destroy a man, destroy a family.
He would destroy American civil society; destroy our hopes of containing climate change; destroy U.S. influence by trying to bully everyone in sight.
You can’t destroy my rape kit anymore – you can’t destroy anybody’s.
But if we destroy it, we can only destroy it once.
It will destroy our politics, it will destroy our society, it will destroy our economy — because concentration of wealth goes with concentration of power.
You write, and destroy your work, then rewrite, and destroy it again.
You destroy a piece of property, you destroy it for a lifetime.
Destroy this architecture of environmental sanity, and you destroy our conservation heritage.
You can’t destroy the environment anymore; otherwise, that will eventually destroy you.
«If you destroy culture, you destroy people — you destroy the heart of people,» said Sissay, who was the official poet of the 2012 London Olympics.
«We’re gonna destroy you, we’re gonna destroy your business,» if it’s a publisher.
He wants to destroy the universe because he wants to destroy the universe.
I don’t think we’ll destroy ourselves, but I’m terrified we’ll destroy our society.
«You can destroy this marker, but you cannot destroy history,» one member wrote.
» She adds, «If we destroy nature, we destroy an elemental part of ourselves.
And when they do that, they destroy your identity, they destroy your soul.
It will destroy your skin and has the potential to completely destroy your health.
You’re trying to destroy this fantastic business you … I’m not trying to destroy it.
«Then there is bombardment to destroy the house, to destroy the sniper position,» he said.
To destroy their crops is to destroy the countryside on which the general population depended.
They can destroy what they can, but they’ll never destroy the legend of the man.
One way to respond to all this is deterrence: you destroy my satellite, I destroy yours.
They want to destroy you and they want to destroy our country as we know it.
They want to destroy you, and they want to destroy our country as we know it.
The first is to destroy the subject utterly, to destroy them psychologically as well as physically.
To destroy these structures is not only to destroy irreplaceable masterworks, but a way of life.
Destroy their economies, burn their corporations, destroy their businesses, sink their ships and bring down their airplanes.
Awesomenauts is a 3v3 game with a single objective: destroy your enemies’ base before they destroy yours.
It takes three Molotovs or frag grenades to destroy any vehicle, and two will destroy a bike.
They are seeking to destroy me, and beyond me to destroy the Right and steal an election.
«They want to destroy you and they want to destroy our country as we know it,» he thundered.
Chronic stress will destroy your body like doing burnouts will destroy a rental car that someone else is paying for.
Your coordinated and well-funded effort to destroy my good name and destroy my family will not drive me out.
The minute you fire him, the FBI as an institution, they have to destroy you and they will destroy you.
Your coordinated and well-funded efforts to destroy my good name and destroy my family will not drag me out.
Those can only destroy, and they destroy those who wield them as surely as those against whom they are employed.
If Walmart’s move does help destroy some pills before they can destroy lives, it’s a step in the right direction.
But your coordinated and well-funded effort to destroy my good name and destroy my family, will not drive me out.
It will cause unnatural disasters like hurricanes, typhoons, wildfires, and flash floods that destroy city infrastructure, destroy people’s homes and property.
«Believing that Israel had the power to destroy them, he writes, «they one by one abandoned their ambitions to destroy us.
Now, Putin should be very concerned about that possibility, as it would literally destroy Russia&aposs economy and probably destroy him politically.
To destroy your enemy, you need to destroy their spirits, their icons, the images of themselves that help them stand against adversity.
«We train to shoot a bullet at a bullet, and destroy it so it doesn’t destroy us,» the National Guard major said.
Now if you want to destroy a man or if you want to destroy a family, place one addict in that family.
Earhardt also said that she believes «the left wants to destroy Fox News,» but that she doesn’t want to destroy the left.
Who would destroy such a pretty thing, the guests wonder — just as they later wonder who would destroy one of their number.
The Israelis used an Apache helicopter to intercept and destroy the drone, then sent eight fighter jets to destroy the Iranian command center.
«I implore you, do not let these monuments be destroyed, because if you destroy the past you will destroy the future,» he declared.
» «If you want to destroy an organization, any organization, you destroy it from within, you destroy it from without and then what you do is you convince everybody that you’re doing the right thing,» McRaven told CNN’s Jake Tapper on «The Lead.
Overall we want to destroy norms, and we want others to destroy and re-invent these genres and play whatever makes them feel empowered.
God would never destroy love, and so would never destroy the loving relationships God has with us or that we have with each other.
One problem is that a strike cannot destroy what cannot be located and cannot always destroy what can be, if it is well protected.
I knew at that moment that if I didn’t destroy her, Jew that she was, she would destroy me, yet the danger was bittersweet.
The military called these operations «search and destroy» missions, but it became clear to me that although we could destroy, we could not win.
Cruz’s programmatic agenda, to the extent that it exists in his speeches, is to destroy things: destroy the I.R.S., crush the «jackals» of the E.P.A., end funding for Planned Parenthood, reverse Obama’s executive orders, make the desert glow in Syria, destroy the Iran nuclear accord.
We must never accept terrorists being successful, we must never accept that terrorists can destroy our life or destroy the way we lead our lives.
These avatars must team up in order to destroy the woman in white, a primordial, multidimensional evil that seeks to destroy cities as they’re born.
The MOP is designed to destroy hardened tunnels and bunkers, whereas the MOAB is designed to destroy buildings and things just below the surface, like caves.
You have two choices: You can let rejection make you a stronger person by not letting it destroy you, or you can let it destroy you.
» Reporting on allegations that Moore had sexually abused teenage girls decades ago — or efforts to «destroy» him, as Bannon put it — meant «they can destroy you.
Populists may play the system to gain power, but if they continue to undermine it, they will either destroy their nation, or it will destroy them.
In short, it appears like the only way to totally destroy Wikipedia would be to destroy the world, or at least all the humans on it.
«There are those who want to destroy the republic and destroy democracy, and I think that they want to destroy the European union and it’s principles and values and ideals,» said Roi Antonopolou who, with Constantine Kalentis, was visiting the European Parliament when the attacks took place.
No one can question your effort, but your coordinated and well-funded effort to destroy my good name, and destroy my family, will not drive me out.
«Do not allow those which destroy the earth, which destroy the environment and the ecological balance, and which end up destroying the wisdom of peoples,» he said.
We don&apost know whether they&aposre going to destroy or when they&aposre going to destroy all these facilities, that all has to be hammered out.
The heavy weight of the implication that I have the power to singlehandedly destroy a person I actually have no wish to totally destroy has silenced me.
No one can question your efforts and your coordinated and well-funded effort to destroy my good name and destroy my family will not drive me out.
In many ways, the two big debates about AI—whether it will destroy jobs, and whether it might destroy humanity—are really arguments about the rate of change.
» Instead, O’Donnell said, she’s witnessed Trump «do the ‘Destroy Rosie O’Donnell’ charade in the same way that he’s been trying to destroy the character of everyone, from Rep.
Instead of cultivating a good relationship with your colleagues across the aisle, you need to destroy them, because you need to convince the voters to destroy them, too.
FUTURISTIC MINI-SUB COULD BE A VALUABLE WEAPON FOR NAVY SEALS Not only can these missiles destroy tanks, they can destroy heavy tanks with reactive armor firing these MMPs.
«I believe that if we do not destroy white supremacy in our lifetime, it could well destroy the American project in our lifetime,» Mr. Buttigieg said in his address.
Now you know them, you know what they stand for, and it’s up to you and me to fight them — fight them and destroy them before they destroy us.
UK universities are worried that Brexit will destroy diversity UK universities are worried that Brexit will destroy diversity Foreign students in the UK may soon feel the Brexit burn.
They know that if they destroy Israel, not only do they destroy the Jewish state, but they also wipe out the most holy sites of both Judaism and Christianity.
The debates about whether AI will destroy jobs, and whether it might destroy humanity, are really arguments about the rate of change What does all this tell us today?
«And frankly, if we can’t destroy them through the internet, we should destroy them with kinetic power, using various weapons starting with Predators and just — frankly, just killing them.»
» Mr. Ho’s lawyer, Mr. Kim, argued that «to flee would be a disgrace,» and said, «It would destroy everything he’s worked for and it would destroy his international reputation.
«Our radical Democrat opponents are driven by hatred, prejudice, and rage and want to destroy you, and they want to destroy our country as we know it,» Trump said.
They fear that if they pass nothing, their base will destroy them, and they fear that if they pass the desultory quarter-measure they’ve concocted, the country will destroy them.
He now fears that Dorian’s wind could destroy his cotton, which isn’t ready for harvest until October, and bring the ocean’s saltwater to destroy his soybeans out in the fields.
It’s America first,» Trump said, adding: «I’m not going to destroy the world economy and I’m not going to destroy the economy for our country by being foolish with Saudi Arabia.
At first, unless patients had an identical twin with matching tissue types, their immune system would destroy the transplanted cells as foreign, or the transplanted cells would destroy the patient’s organs.
Trump vows to ‘destroy‘ law limiting political activity by churches: President Trump on Thursday vowed to «destroy» the Johnson Amendment, which prevents religious groups and churches from engaging in political activities.
The authors of the report argue that while Salafi-jihadist groups cannot militarily destroy the U.S., they can destroy the idea of the United States and the values it stands for.
» In fact, he says, «It might completely destroy it.
» As for extremist ideas, «we will destroy them today.
» «I did everything I could to destroy the image!
» Nunes claimed Democrats tried to «destroy this Russia investigation.
» He said, «You can’t destroy a young person’s future.
To destroy Boeing — the crown jewel of American manufacturing.
«You try to castigate Gina Lopez for being strict, and yet you destroy the land, destroy the soil, and then you get rich,» Duterte said, again referring to miners without giving names.
«Our garden, our libraries, our huts… You can destroy all that but you cannot destroy our dreams,» a tweet from the ‏movement said, showing a picture of the square being cleared out.
» And of course Mr. Bannon himself kept repeating variations of the demagogic charge that «the globalists in Washington, D.C.,» eagerly anticipate that «if they can destroy Roy Moore, they can destroy you.
You’ve given it your all, no one can question your effort, but your coordinated and well-funded effort to destroy my good name and destroy my family will not drive me out.
«We need strong programs for people who love our country,» Trump said, adding he did not want to allow «people who want to destroy us and destroy our country» into the United States.
To destroy oneself is different when there is no self to destroy, and, practically speaking, the risk to passengers, equipped with airbags and seat belts, is far less than the risk to pedestrians.
But those power structures try to destroy her and grind her down, sometimes in more subtle ways than they tried to destroy and grind down her grandfather, and sometimes in more brutal ways.
So naturally, there’s a startup that wants to destroy them.
Canikli said Ankara was determined to destroy the Kurdish group.
It requires owners to turn in or destroy the attachments.
«We will not allow them to destroy families,» she said.
He came here for one reason: To destroy Donald Trump.
They can destroy their territories or kill their own babies.
Its teachings continue to destroy the lives of LGBTQ people.
You’re probably going to destroy American jobs in the end.
But I will destroy whoever remakes Back to the Future.
The war to destroy ISIS, however, is far from over.
Even if pressing that button could destroy the Republican Party.
He’s about to press a button and reluctantly destroy something.
«Their greed and recklessness helped destroy our economy,» he said.
First, the tariffs destroy thousands more jobs than they save.
This boils down to the desire to destroy them all.
«I’m now trying to destroy the white,» growls the artist.
Or they are not … and we will just destroy them.
There is no reason it should destroy itself as well.
It’s an evil entity, and it wants to destroy humanity.
The movie will absolutely destroy any hope for my book.
Destroy this algorithm that separates our country from our media.
You cannot destroy ISIS with a military that’s being diminished.
The transparency that’s inherent in technology will eventually destroy privacy.
Are we willing to destroy nature for a good pic?
I was trying to destroy him every chance I got.
Go deeper: No, Bitcoin won’t destroy our climate by 2033
Their enemies want to destroy their people and their faith.
Only hurt people go around trying to destroy other people.
They argued that strikes would destroy Mr Kim’s nuclear ambitions.
You destroy a city with the material it conveniently provides.
Switchblades unleash powerful warheads that destroy threats with decisive precision.
Do you think I’m stupid enough to destroy the economy?
The Malteser bullets destroy a watermelon and a soda can.
Decertifying the nuclear programme need not destroy the deal immediately.
It’s up to us to destroy and rebuild the system.
He could damage, but probably not destroy, the peace deal.
«They destroy people, these are really evil people,» Trump said.
But its lawyers don’t want to destroy their investment completely.
Instead, the creatures have humans destroy themselves with surprising efficiency.
If Q does not succeed we will destroy this database.
The mission to destroy the reactor started at 10.30 p.m.
It became like, well, either save it or destroy it.
«Well, then you destroy our free society,» Mr. Koch said.
Russia had enough missiles to completely destroy the United States.
She tells me to destroy the patriarchy and then commiserates.
The hole is made to destroy everything every single time.
They’re almost antiques and we don’t want to destroy them.
To preserve their world, they must destroy every other world.
»  «We are going to destroy the retail environment in Australia.
This shows that black holes can create, not just destroy.
This shows that black holes can create, not just destroy.
Do not destroy my country because I will kill you.
Actually, as we saw, it will eventually destroy our world.
«We will never let socialism destroy American healthcare,» Trump said.
It’s those surprise emergency repairs that can destroy your budget.
Why is Kylie trying to destroy our skin omfg pic.twitter.
He’s tired, he’s wasted, and he wants to destroy Gotham.
Trump wants to «destroy ISIS,» and I am for that.
The fact is we are in Syria to destroy ISIS.
Their main challenge is not to destroy any major nerves.
They need to be stopped before they destroy our country.
Cantwell warned against policies she said could «destroy» the refuge.
Fuches can’t kill him but he can destroy their relationship.
Culturespaces’s morphing animations destroy the still quality of painted images.
TC: We’ll destroy ourselves long before anything like that happens.
If I said who did this, I would destroy him.
S. brokered deal to destroy Syria’s chemical weapons in 2013.
I will try to destroy us, over and over again.
«I didn’t set out to destroy the world,» he says.
He said Hon Hai was not out to destroy Sharp.
Pyongyang regularly threatens to destroy Japan and the United States.
But they would not be enough to destroy the nation.
» Becky Hughes, Intern: «DESTROY IT. Wish it into the cornfield.
Promising to ‘totally destroy‘ a country of 25 million people.
» The man said, «Now you want to destroy my car?
Alexandra Desanctis: The Kavanaugh circus could destroy the #MeToo movement.
In Sepultura’s case, the call is to destroy colonialist control.
Dark forces beyond your control will destroy everything you love.
I think I’m a create and destroy kind of person.
«This man in office will destroy this country,» Fonda said.
I won’t sit back and watch them destroy our country.
But the first House bill would destroy its essential value.
What they shared was a desire to destroy each other.
The efforts to weaken and destroy unions ensure everyone loses.
It’s the sort of thing that could destroy a party.
The Democrats in the House want to destroy the president.
It’s fun to watch someone destroy a world you hate.
Rep. Paul Ryan supports Charter’s plan to destroy net neutrality.
Why are words today only used to damage and destroy?
At any point, the Duke could destroy Claire’s cover story.
For years, his own people had tried to destroy him.
The megaconstellation is too numerous to destroy or jam effectively.
They sabotage us and try to destroy the economic system.
Citizens must not let political debasement destroy our constitutional system.
We’re here to save the Union, not to destroy it.
These are false and they’re trying to destroy a man.
It’s an intentional effort to destroy the U.S. refugee program.
The institutional left must destroy these to achieve their goals.
Life inside The Zone, however, doesn’t have to destroy us.
We are going to innovate, and destroy, and disrupt ourselves.
I’ll destroy those Vek, one red tag at a time.
We try to make sure that storytelling doesn’t destroy it.
Read: What Would It Take to Destroy the Islamic State?
So, apparently, if you destroy it, they will still come.
Getting punched won’t destroy me, but fear would, I learned.
If we destroy the oceans, what happens to our culture?
Cultures persist when the losses do not destroy them completely.
Despite their best efforts to destroy Donald Trump, they couldn’t.
Trade deficits destroy jobs, on net, and slow the economy.
She would go after these women and destroy their lives.
You are trying to destroy my reputation and my image!
And that rage may destroy America as we know it.
And it really has the potential to destroy our world.
That’s something the president should encourage, not seek to destroy.
Donald Trump didn’t just destroy himself in the presidential debates.
And how much will he destroy himself along the way?
The fungus could seriously damage — if not destroy — her art.
That wouldn’t destroy party loyalty, but it would dampen it.
That’s what Silicon Valley says, even as they destroy jobs.
Politics must support the spirit of sports not destroy it.
Ultimately, it would kill 85 people and destroy 18,63 structures.
Trump has the capacity to damage or even destroy it.
But they could absolutely destroy all life on the Earth.
But arrest them all and destroy the organization of drugs.
Give us what we want, or we’ll destroy Social Security.
The court’s decision will weaken but not destroy government unions.
Something that comes out of a learned desire to destroy.
At one point he threatened to totally destroy North Korea.
It’s really for spite that they will destroy the town.
You have to let us destroy this beautiful thing ourselves.
Agribusinesses create monocultures that destroy habitat and eliminate historic varieties.
But you can’t destroy a moral vision with a process.
We’re not going to go in and destroy the militias.
I have the power to destroy any country on earth.
They destroy old proteins inside tiny housekeeping machines called lysosomes.
He has the ability to destroy people in 140 characters.
Washington will either preserve the world order or destroy it.
But let’s have a conversation about how we destroy ISIS.
Could two very bad sessions suddenly destroy this persistent advance?
In return Brazil must protect, rather than destroy, the rainforest.
You seem to be forgetting that interfering can destroy relationships.
She’s there to build something better, not just destroy everything.
That begins by forswearing forever their attempts to destroy it.
And this may destroy our civilization and even our species.
«They want to destroy our country,» Trump said of Democrats.
His mission is to destroy the agency he now leads.
In August, Duterte ordered the military to destroy Abu Sayyaf.
It is much more difficult for cyberattacks to destroy people.
Her words shocked me: «I will destroy you,» she said.
The U.S. shouldn’t try to destroy Huawei over something trivial.
As soon as it enters their tissues, they destroy it.
«This is going to destroy arts in West Virginia,» Del.
The deal would destroy capital value at Sunrise, Axxion said.
Lance could only guess at what he’d helped to destroy.
By 2014, each side was trying to destroy the other.
One way to destroy a country is to make lists.
Obama’s speech spoke of how would «degrade and destroy» them.
» Below that: » ‘Now, Sisters, Destroy These Tools of Our Oppression!
He also can’t seek to destroy evidence in the case.
Demonize and marginalize your opposition in order to destroy them.
» If he didn’t act, he said, cities would «destroy themselves.
The administration is clearly trying to destroy the asylum program.
You’re probably going to destroy American jobs in the end.
But we have the capacity to destroy our democracy ourselves.
Trump’s outrageous claims have a purpose: to destroy rational thought.
It could destroy 100,000 buildings and take hundreds of lives.
He will apparently «crush and destroy ISIS» like it’s NBD.
Also, DNC collusion w/ Ukraine to destroy candidate Trump. pic.twitter.
Orbán has openly said he wants to destroy the project.
»  «Donald Trump was promising to destroy a vile criminal cartel.
In the end, this won’t destroy the U.S. solar industry.
But if we destroy ourselves, they’re going to as well.
Which is how video games helped destroy my first marriage.
The lab was a wonderland of weapons primed to destroy.
» They’re saying, «Your fake news won’t destroy a good man.
They destroy peat that takes thousands of years to develop.
And destroy this painting, as one of the artists suggests?
He’ll clearly destroy all other babies in the maternity ward.
Did the baby boomer generation destroy the economy for millennials?
Perhaps I feared that such questions would destroy our relationship.
He could destroy us in between four and six seconds.
Destroy, in your company, everything that is related to ego.
Ultron wanted to destroy it in Avengers: Age of Ultron.
They will do anything in their power to destroy it.
They said they were going to destroy data, they didn’t.
The Empire were quick to fire back with a fairly dominant 6-1 Search and Destroy performance on Arklov Peak with an impressive sniping performance from Search and Destroy mastermind Anthony «Shotzzy» Cuevas-Castro.
The Empire were quick to fire back with a fairly dominant 6-1 Search and Destroy performance on Arklov Peak with an impressive sniping performance from Search and Destroy mastermind Anthony «Shotzzy» Cuevas-Castro.
«If you drill in this sacred place it will destroy the caribou and therefore destroy the Gwich’in,» Dana Tizya-Tramm, chief of the Vuntut Gwitch’in First Nation in Canada’s Yukon Territory, told the House committee.
When protesters stormed the Legislative Council building on July 1st, the first move was to destroy its cameras, followed by a rush to the security room to destroy the system where the footage was stored.
If you drill in this sacred place it will destroy the caribou and therefore destroy the Gwichin, Dana Tizya-Tramm, chief of the Vuntut Gwitch’in First Nation in Canadas Yukon Territory, told the House committee.
The N.B.A. argued that the influx of young players would destroy the league, that the siphoning of talent from college basketball teams would destroy college basketball and would ruin the N.B.A.’s pool of talent.
«The consequences to this doctor if I make her plea to the counts of indictment would be exceptional circumstances that could destroy her career and destroy her life with no redeeming value,» Justice Weinberg said.
For instance, Wickr lets you thoroughly destroy old messages and make encrypted video calls and voice memos, and Signal offers simple group messaging and lets you set a time limit on when to destroy messages.
The spies from foreign governments hacking into American companies aren’t trying to destroy you, me or any specific individuals living in the United States — they are trying to destroy the country that we live in.
Terrified that Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn would tear them out root and branch, they connived and colluded, anonymously of course, to leak highly-sensitive intelligence information to destroy Flynn before he could destroy them.
This Peruvian man is suing an energy company because climate change might destroy his house This Peruvian man is suing an energy company because climate change might destroy his house This segment originally aired Mar.
Just like agriculture, logging can either nurture or destroy an ecosystem.
It would destroy what little credibility it still has with voters.
Sussman used paint brushes to destroy her work this past Sunday.
They will seek to destroy everything about you, including your reputation.
They will destroy your planet one climate agreement at a time!
Do they really think deal making is how you destroy America?
Electric vehicles, all charging at once, could destroy the electric grid.
Our tax system should encourage, not destroy, free exchange and trade.
It’s part of a wider neoliberal move to destroy our communities.
They really think he’s behind the scenes working to destroy America.
Their aim: to destroy the European Order as it exists today.
And, in this case at least, he’s earned his «Destroy» headline.
A superfluity of cancers and genetic diseases can destroy women’s ovaries.
We will not allow you to destroy the progress we’ve made!
Israeli forces, unwilling to destroy the holy site, besieged it instead.
Rico NastyThe way she yells «WOAH KENNYYYYYY» can destroy entire villages.
The actual blast would likely destroy one or two city blocks.
And everything that was meant to destroy us brought us closer.
It’s not that these folks set out to destroy journalism, right?
No one should ever have the power to destroy the world.
We will destroy ourselves: 4, perhaps out of fear of technology.
Last year, Loeb claimed that Vergara wanted to destroy the embryos.
That in turn could destroy crops and even alter the climate.
Or is he trying to destroy it from the inside out?
The sun’s rays burn and destroy, but also illuminate and comfort.
Fascism is evil, and mankind’s noblest work is to destroy fascism.
It would all but destroy the $220 billion international-tourism industry.
«The Mad King’s daughter will destroy the realm,» the queen says.
Watching the Ice Dragon destroy the Wall was seriously gut-wrenching.
We want to destroy museums, libraries and academies of all kinds.
«The urge to destroy is also a creative urge,» Banksy wrote.
«You need to destroy everything that attracts polar bears,» he says.
His daughters, who are beautiful incredible young kids — they destroy people.
Flawed prosecutions destroy lives and degrade trust in already shaky governments.
She’s going to destroy everything you work your entire life for!
«She could be perfect, but you can destroy perfect,» Burra says.
Russian jets had begun to bomb rebel targets and destroy hospitals.
And a rebuilt U.S. military is going to destroy these terrorists.
Better to destroy your stash than get busted with it, right?
He is instrumental in the plan to destroy Rikki Carter, though.
China and America have enough of these to destroy the world.
They merge even though much research shows that mergers destroy value.
OK, I will destroy his life if you pay me enough.
They don’t mean to destroy lives; they were really just scared!
To destroy it, but also to take home a little souvenir.
We only have enough to destroy the world 120 times over.
In the physical world you can destroy something and it’s gone.
For extreme anxiety sufferers, they have the ability to destroy lives.
There was also pizza for the human party-goers to destroy.
Certainly many Sunnis see a deliberate Shia plot to destroy them.
«[He] could destroy it, because of what we’re saying,» Bono asserted.
«Either we bring them freedom, or they destroy us,» he said.
And at the same time, going after ISIL to destroy it.
It must also destroy any illegally obtained data, the court said.
That is why many people fear that they will destroy jobs.
Instead, a giggling pink figure shows up to destroy the planet.
You might destroy it, or you might end up somewhere else.
Perhaps you’ve tried to destroy one of their famously unbreakable bottles.
They are indistinguishable from me, and it would destroy my art.
He’s campaigning on the idea that Democrats want to «destroy» America.
Communists (including Karl Marx) really did want to destroy slavery, but
We are not and never will be the destroy-Trump media.
It will destroy one of my favorite things about Twitter: serendipity.
So he needs to negatively define, and then destroy his opponent.
Jonas told us that Todd wanted to destroy his sensate-ness.
Our goal should be to destroy these «bubbles» not each other.
Our goal should be to destroy these ‘bubbles’ not each other.
Do you think these kinds of differences can destroy a relationship?
It was surprisingly hard to destroy, so I kept changing weapons.
But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.
Is ransomware still ransomware if its goal is purely to destroy?
If you don’t WIN in Philadelphia, the fans will DESTROY you.
Its motivation is to destroy unbelievers and impose a worldwide caliphate.
«Republicans are again maliciously trying to destroy health care,» Pelosi said.
It has called for an international coalition to destroy them. 4.
«To destroy them would be a violation of law,» Schumer said.
He reminds the crowd that he’ll destroy ISIS, and people cheer.
And she has a new weapon to destroy her enemies with.
And betraying them over Scalia’s seat could destroy the party entirely.
The tribe maintains it would destroy some of its sacred sites.
This clip from Oak Harbor, Washington, however, will destroy that notion.
And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm her
«We cannot allow continued divisiveness to destroy our country,» she said.
They want to destroy a state, and they say this openly.
Lost cause «historians» also set out to destroy Longstreet’s military record.
Will we let it destroy the most holy sites on earth?
The other danger of a UBI is what it would destroy.
But you have replaced advise and consent, with search and destroy.
Some residents even took to social media to destroy their mailers.
«I don’t want to let terrorists destroy the city,» he said.
They could have been sworn enemies promising to destroy one another.
And they would be political dynamite that would destroy Trump’s presidency.
But Miller disagrees with hedging as the cost can destroy returns.
«And then we destroy Vanity Fair, right?» asks Baldwin as Trump.
She warned them that they were about to destroy the program.
Kim Wehle: Sessions replacement could destroy Mueller probe without firing anyone.
He wrote me many beautiful letters that I had to destroy.
Fine by me if you destroy yourselves as a national party.
Cars were a great idea until they started to destroy civilization.
What Trump can do, though, is destroy allies’ faith in America.
Now the Fed would also destroy them in the same manner.
Cooper later admitted to helping to destroy Clinton’s old mobile devices.
As a result, Giuliani has set out to destroy Mueller’s reputation.
Economic and political isolation threatened to destroy the newly Protestant country.
I really curse the Americans and want to destroy their land.
The left wing, unlike Republicans, doesn’t want to destroy the press.
Russia’s tactical weapons would destroy much of Europe, the simulation posits.
The House Democratic majority has a sole cause: destroy the President.
They will seek to destroy everything about you including your reputation.
Donoghue has written, with crackling intensity, about its power to destroy.
«He wanted to destroy anybody connected with that effort,» Kent testified.
«Let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it.»
«Today, there is a global war to destroy marriage,» he said.
He drinks too much and feels an urge to destroy things.
The suspect is accused of trying to destroy evidence, police said.
We will never destroy them without a full-blown war declaration.
AI is not about to take over or destroy the world.
OK so now we’re doing Guantanamo tactics to destroy Daryl’s mind.
The ocean will destroy my home no matter what I do.
But he carried through on his promise to destroy the deal.
«In what way can we destroy this business model?» he asked.
An accident that messes up the coast could destroy her future.
Election targeting is now a global phenomenon engineered to destroy democracy.
But concealing is going to destroy the institutions that I love.
«He has killed and destroy many girls in Europe,» it said.
They destroy green fields and there is nothing, just bare ground.
«It surprised me how difficult it was to destroy,» Michaud said.
«They would destroy one type of furniture: lacquered desks,» he said.
He plans to immediately destroy it—by covering it in advertising.
They are wrong, and their wrongness and their loudness destroy America.
They destroy some paper and come back to slap some more.
One thing it didn’t do, however, was destroy the film industry.
You’re not here to destroy my business or rule the world.
So why exactly do sharks want to destroy our Internet access?
Instead, the company paid the hackers $100,000 to destroy the data.
They are anti-«corporatists» who want to methodically destroy conventional conservatism.
Leaked e-mails of DNC show plans to destroy Bernie Sanders.
» On the contrary, he insisted: «We don’t want to destroy democracy.
He promises to destroy terrorists with a wave of his hand.
«GOP going nuclear over Gorsuch might destroy filibuster forever» https://t.
We don’t have to destroy communities just because Trump said so.
Taiwan must not let China destroy its democratic values, she added.
They grow into strong women who return to destroy your world.
Saudi Arabia already tried — and failed — to destroy shale oil once.
Alcohol, the main ingredient in hand sanitizer, can destroy viruses, too.
There are weird people in the world out to destroy you.
After photographing every detail of their sets the artists destroy them.
It would destroy any chance of negotiation for a new deal.
The Nazis wanted to destroy their state and enslave the Poles.
Who cares, then, how many women they destroy along the way?
Now science shows that, in the end, it can destroy genius.
The government will also expel illegal farmers and destroy their plantations.
It is not enough to defeat or destroy the Islamic State.
But if they all maximized use, they could destroy the grass.
Ideas are like technology: They can fuel a city or destroy.
Anakin had to destroy the Jedi so Luke could redeem them.
The ban requires owners to turn in or destroy the attachments.
It wasn’t divide and conquer so much as divide and destroy.
And he said, I will not destroy it for ten’s sake.
Instead, you can destroy your foes all at once through scandal.
Overall, the tariffs will likely destroy more jobs than they create.
He’s not looking to destroy the government and disregard the Constitution.
Men could ruin reputations, undermine or destroy women’s careers, act impulsively.
Destroy work and, in the end, working-class life cannot survive.
Meantime, the ayatollahs have pledged to destroy Israel and, ultimately, America.
Jeb Bush tried to outlast Trump, and let him destroy himself.
Where is the hero who will destroy that heart of evil?
At one point, the written word was going to destroy civilization.
«A polar bear will destroy anything that is weak,» she said.
There will be great fires, fires that will destroy the planet.
To make more shields, it first was necessary to destroy one.
For $5 million in Bitcoin, Komrade offered to destroy the lot.
Or have gangsters taken over the place that can destroy me?
Televisions are extremely hard to destroy, even with a metal bat.
BIG CITY Will the proliferation of mobile ordering destroy civic life?
Friday because of a fear he might flee or destroy evidence.
Edward’s novel shocks her back to life, only to destroy her.
They destroy songbirds and raptors, all of whom are federally protected.
«If they belong to ISIS,» he said, «we will destroy them.»
I would extremely fucking destroy his ass in Mario Kart 64.
They wanted to destroy you, but you are still a woman.
«I figured the vibration would destroy the airframe,» Carter told CNN.
He didn’t have to destroy his cellphone during the Deflategate investigation.
But we shouldn’t let his worst mistake destroy his best initiative.
It helped destroy his business, sending his family deeply into debt.
She provided a video of police working to destroy surveillance cameras.
But they might destroy, or at least radically remake, the system.
The more it grows, the more they want to destroy it.
The impulse to destroy troubling historical artifacts is usually best resisted.
We cannot expect that killing Soleimani will destroy Iran’s Quds Force.
There is concern that Yoko Taro might destroy Final Fantasy XIV.
«You know that this war will destroy all that you possess.»
If they go somewhere else, then we’ll continue to destroy them.
«I never thought a quake would destroy so much,» she said.
Researchers are harnessing reprogrammed bacteria to destroy cancer cells in mice.
The strike threatened to destroy the economy and Mr. Chávez’s presidency.
On ISIS, Obama promised to «degrade and destroy» the terrorist organization.
Who can destroy cultural historical places but a uncultured little boy!
Antifa then has two goals: Destroy political opposition, and silence dissenters.
The intelligent animals also destroy golf courses and property around homes.
It doesn’t destroy the city and the country that you’re attacking.
But you have replaced advise and consent with search and destroy.
They grow into strong women that return to destroy your world.
Simple: it will do its level best to destroy itself first.
«He cannot destroy who I am, and I won,» she said.
She claims he threatened to destroy her if she told anyone.
You know that this war will destroy all that you possess.
«I told him they were coming to destroy houses,» Salim said.
For example, is the United States attempting to destroy the Taliban?
I think that will really dumb down and destroy the country.
He instructed his wife to destroy the letter after reading it.
When I finish a painting, I have to destroy 100 others.
This project will destroy ecosystems and local communities in northern Mozambique.
«You are sent from hell to destroy me,» the king says.
His daughters, who are beautiful, incredible young kids — they destroy people.
In his quest he uncovers secrets that could destroy the universe.
And damn, does it feel good to destroy all of it.
Indeed, pacification required improved security — a task search and destroy achieved.
Commercial extraction could throw off, or destroy, its delicate ecological balance.
Why they should comply with that request to destroy them, i.e.
What about when we destroy our planet with landfills and pollution?
One doll would go crazy — turn «toxic» — and destroy the house.
Just like Roman could only destroy something in his backyard once.
If we’re going to destroy ISIS, NATO needs to step in.
Building a wall there, critics warn, would essentially destroy the area.
They’re all hopped up on Fortnite moves and will destroy you.
The psychedelic-punk band Destroy All Monsters is a clear example.
Make a new one, maybe one hidden or hard to destroy.
Russia has rejected the U.S. demand to destroy the new missile.
What he’s done to destroy the environment, which is a lot.
Sampha is determined to destroy all of us emotionally isn’t he?
And almost a quarter would rather a meteor destroy the earth.
I summoned the owner to destroy the sign in my presence.
Israel warns it will destroy Syria’s air defense if they dare to attack Israeli jets again Israel warns it will destroy Syria’s air defense if they dare to attack Israeli jets again Israel’s hawkish defense minister Avigdor Lieberman has blasted the Syrian regime, warning that Israel will destroy their air defense system if they dare to attack Israeli fighter jets again.
«They might need to destroy Britain in order to secure its independenceOn the right, anti-EU Leavers are becoming comfortable with the idea that they might need to destroy Britain in order to secure its «independence.
«From the very first minute Brett Kavanaugh was nominated, radical Democrats were on a mission to resist, delay, demolish and destroy — they wanted to destroy that man,» Trump said at a rally in Iowa Tuesday night.
He wants to know if she advocated the destruction of tapes, if she asked to destroy «other material containing potential evidence of the torture» and if she directed anyone else to destroy tapes or other evidence.
«They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and your family; they will seek to destroy everything about you, including your reputation,» Trump said later in the same speech.
The plan was to drive the enemy against the opposite legs of the horseshoe in such a way as to destroy the opposing forces through attrition — to destroy units, rather than just drive them from villages.
And from that moment on to this very day, their mission has been to destroy him, everybody around him, discredit his presidency, destroy his voters, smear them as well, because he must not be allowed to succeed.
«Our radical Democrat opponents are driven by hatred, prejudice, and rage and want to destroy you, and they want to destroy our country as we know it,» Trump said early on in his nearly 80-minute speech.
Environmentalists, they argued, were conspiring to destroy America, starting with rural communities.
The new series, entitled Search and Destroy, will be made for Hulu.
I have seen how illegal drugs destroy individuals and ruin families’ relationships.
When we destroy them by not including them in the human race.
» — Ted Cruz «You cannot destroy ISIS with a military that’s been diminished.
We will not be silent & allow a bigot to destroy our country.
He’s out to destroy people’s careers, and he ought to be fired.
In short: By burning fossil fuels, people were helping destroy this village.
He said if threatened, the United States would «totally destroy» North Korea.
«The men who tried to destroy her were never persecuted,» Winfrey said.
Donald Trump has somehow convinced the Democratic Party to completely destroy itself.
We&aposll always be fair, balance, not to destroy — there she is.
Nobody knows that, but — (laughter) — I don’t want to destroy her reputation.
An equivalent program in the US would destroy about 40 million guns.
Trump gets laughs when he offers to ‘destroy‘ Texas state senator’s career
The most popular word among people who are about to destroy you.
To destroy your peace of mind and means of making a living.
Bernie Sanders is a Russian agent sent to destroy the Democratic Party.
We will destroy ourselves: 3, because Bing accepts the TV show offer.
It also features a Sarah McLachlan song that will destroy you, guaranteed.
Humans simply don’t have the firepower to destroy the Earth itself. Technically.
I challenge — AMANPOUR: But they say your policy is to destroy Israel.
ZARIF: They make statements every day that they want to destroy Iran.
They should either destroy Daesh themselves or allow us to do it.
Pence viewed Dachau’s crematoriums, used to destroy the evidence of Nazi cruelty.
He painted Democrats as hateful socialists who want to «destroy» the country.
The North routinely threatens to destroy South Korea and the United States.
But Nick isn’t going to destroy his own game to save Christian’s.
This time, Lego Duplo invaders from space will try to destroy Bricksburg.
Yet the extraordinarily intricate web of clans can lethally «divide and destroy«.
A whistleblower with direct knowledge of the call would completely destroy it.
It also threatens to destroy a unique experiment in feminist social transformation.
Missy Elliott doesn’t really have to do much to destroy the competition.
I feel like he’s going to destroy this country bit by bit.
We thought about using artificial light, but it would destroy the ambiance.
Don’t let them do anything that will destroy them and their careers.
An old-fashioned arm bar would destroy one of these joint handily.
She wants it enough to destroy her existing relationship to possess it.
Second, they built a bulk brewing process that doesn’t destroy the beans.
«Hillary’s massive taxation, regulation, and open borders will destroy jobs,» he said.
Is Thiel really a free speech bully out to destroy the media?
There aren’t any buttons; you duck and destroy by moving your head.
It isn’t just another «tool» that someone could use to destroy civilization.
She doesn’t go out and just see if she can destroy somebody.
Each has writhing tentacles, which will produce zombies until you destroy them.
Pelosi, Shifty Schiff, Schumer — these people are trying to destroy the country.
Even if data is encrypted, it’s trivial to destroy or steal it.
Then he’s ordered to destroy all possible evidence, including that unknown child.
In the teaser, Patty uses a sledgehammer to destroy a snack aisle.
They will outspend you and destroy you by any and all means.
I destroy my dinner – breastfeeding makes me monstrously hungry all the time.
Podsnaps see the EU as a plot to destroy «le constitution Britannique».
We are not the left-wing bias anti-Trump, destroy Trump media.
That radiation creates powerful oxidants that would likely destroy any living cells.
«Westminster council have decided to systematically destroy the area’s attractions,» says Sullivan.
»  «Trust takes a lifetime to build, but only a moment to destroy.
It will destroy the lives of innocent people if it goes unchecked.
I think it’s built inside every person – the need to destroy something.
Is there anything else that people will destroy an entire life over?
It would be cool if Verizon did not destroy it in 2018.
NEW IN FOX NEWS OPINION Progressive pitchforks are  out to destroy Halloween .
It can destroy any player-built surface and boost through the air.
They need to destroy the regime, before the regime destroys their country.
They want to destroy the very image of God upon the planet.
Thats all it takes to destroy a family, is one bad decision.
An evil sorcerer named Walter (Matthew McConaughey) is attempting to destroy it.
This would explain how undead Viserion was able to destroy the Wall.
Many fret that AI could destroy jobs faster than it creates them.
It was difficult to imagine how humans could destroy something so vast.
That’s because most analytic methods would damage or destroy these precious artifacts.
For example, autophagy can destroy invading bacteria and viruses that infiltrate cells.
Related: Saturn’s rings, moons may be younger than dinosaurs Why destroy Cassini?
It can totally destroy one kidney while the individual remains blissfully unaware.
You also help out the farmers because the hogs destroy their fields.
The issue then also becomes do you destroy someone in the process?
There’s the anti-PC brigade, ever prepared to destroy their latest target.
These apps also destroy photos after they’ve been received and block screenshots.
Hate and anger are emotional parasites that destroy your joy in life.
Do you think something as small as death would destroy that relationship?
«Harboring hatred or revenge will only will only destroy you,» she said.
«Exterminate, annihilate, destroy,» the unicorn-shaped pet toy says in the video.
Russia has also rejected a U.S. demand to destroy the new missile.
Otherwise it may lock onto, and destroy, something else in the body.
When someone gets market dominance, how then they start to destroy competition.
He wants damages and an injunction, ordering authorities to destroy all videotapes.
We’ll get through this together, if these wankers don’t destroy our countries.
It just goes to show, you never destroy the ones you love.
It is the realization that words can heal and words can destroy.
The day we destroy the weapons is full of very different emotions.
It’s intended to destroy careers, both in politics and among business people.
This party, which has done its level best to destroy Roe v.
And that is the affair that Mordred eventually uses to destroy Arthur.
The Resistance Mom exists for one reason only: to destroy Donald Trump.
Draco Malfoy has mellowed since his days trying to destroy Harry Potter.
Cunning, baffling, powerful poison, ready, willing and able to destroy my life?
So it’s on you if you want to destroy my children further.
Better yet, he argues, this digital explosion didn’t destroy the industry’s economics.
So for Border Patrol to destroy the aid they leave is unacceptable.
He wants to purify Islam and destroy Israel and come after us.
The only hope at stopping Trump is to distort, distract, and destroy.
That has not allayed fears that the project would destroy salmon fisheries.
Sound has the capability to destroy flavours as well as enhance them.
Similarly, Francis Bacon used to destroy works that did not satisfy him.
Humans want to destroy it because they want to be the leaders.
Ukraine’s prime minister called it a Russian plot to destroy the country.
Now Tommy feels humiliated — and is attempting to destroy his own son.
While you wait for the match to begin, you can destroy things.
C.J. can’t stop turning the world into a conspiracy to destroy him.
Some are determined to destroy ISIS, others are there to back Assad.
As for the Cygnus capsule, NASA will destroy it on June 22nd.
It speaks 1,000 phrases, all adorably designed to destroy your soul probably.
Are the aliens trying to destroy us or merely cause occasional disruptions?
He sees a paradox in salt’s capacity both to preserve and destroy.
Hoover hated communists because he thought they were trying to destroy America.
The U.S. has demanded that Russia destroy a disputed missile by Feb.
Spills or maritime accidents, the tribe said, could permanently destroy fishing beds.
In July, police said a man used a pickaxe to destroy it.
If you run into a protester embankment, they simply destroy your float.
One man and one man alone has the power to destroy Brady.
He accused Washington of «working with one terrorist organization to destroy another».
But he allegedly threatened to destroy her career and take her children.
«Trump would destroy much of what is great about America,» he said.
«We come not to save journalism but to destroy it,» he said.
People destroy their lives over what we all kind of deal with.
They destroy legal commitments to protect public health, safety, and the environment.
Now they’re even trying to destroy statues of Christopher Columbus, what’s next?
Farmers claim the hogs tear up their land and destroy their crops.
If we could get into their network, we could destroy their computers.
But a determined enemy of artistic excellence wants to destroy her voice.
He starts to destroy a wiretap that was hidden under his shirt.
We destroy our dinner and are both rocking serious food babies afterwards.
Turkey considers the Kurds terrorists and has long vowed to destroy them.
If they don’t, Trump won’t have to destroy the American news media.
» At their meeting, Mr. Ghasemi said, «Elliott is going to destroy you.
It is also a moral issue because we should not destroy nature.
They represent the essence of the system he has come to destroy.
This levy has the potential to destroy those businesses the storms didn’t.
«We didn’t let it destroy us,» one of the plaintiffs told us.
«Egos will destroy a team like this,» Armstrong, the general manager, said.
Why try to destroy the man who is about to exonerate you?
No jury would convict a man and destroy his life over that.
Now, choose a method to destroy your debts — once and for all.
And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?
A Wizard Chess set that won’t destroy itself every time you play
«Either Trump is going to totally destroy the Republican Party,» Coburn said.
In this scene, we clearly see Thanos destroy Captain America&aposs shield.
They are good when they destroy the trash in search of scraps.
«This will destroy the stock market,» he recalled the official telling him.
The only defense is to shore up public health, not destroy it.
The project could destroy hundreds of settlements and thousands of neolithic caves. 
They will destroy you because you are trying to sell a product.
«We came here to build, not to destroy,» he told his congregation.
The rule will destroy networks of trusted providers built up over decades.
The cure is neither to destroy the machines, nor to love them.
«We will be duty-bound to destroy Mr. Shkreli’s credibility,» Brodsky said.
«We’re really there to help, and not destroy, their family,» she said.
How could a video uploading service like YouTube destroy the media industry?
We have to like, knock shit around and destroy stuff to become.
With these burly tools in your arsenal, you can destroy entire worlds.
The player kidnaps them and uses magic to destroy their free will.
Why are we booing a guy saying not to destroy the planet?
There’s a lot of discussion about these guys wanting to destroy media.
Jacqueline sics Buckley on the store, and together, they destroy the displays.
«What they are trying to do is destroy Uighur identity,» he said.
The Rohingya allege that the government helped the Rakhine destroy their property.
And by assertive, I mean you don’t try to destroy the person.
Oath also agreed to destroy personal information it has collected from children.
«Destroy all preconceptions about everyone—that’s what it stands for,» Brooks said.
«It would destroy not only the town but the ecosystem,» Oh said.
These are policies that silence queer people and literally destroy our history.
Protesters also worry ongoing construction would destroy the surrounding sacred burial sites.
Instead, they prefer «arrebentar», «detonar» or «escancarar» («smash», «blow-up» and «destroy«).
The North regularly threatens to destroy the South and the United States.
Jerry Bruckheimer may have convinced producers to destroy Chicago with flying robots.
«Civilization requires energy but energy use must not destroy civilization,» Francis said.
The court also ordered prosecutors to destroy the documents they had gathered.
«We have to destroy her story,» she said, according to Mr. Stephanopoulos.
Pinpoint strikes to destroy ships and planes of the Venezuelan armed forces?
Such a massive dismantling of coal power could destroy 28500,6900 U.S. jobs.
And the Democrats would rather destroy American communities than defend America’s borders.
Francis’ thought was infected by the same cancer that may destroy Trumpism.
She was successful, and the British sent planes to destroy the station.
DESTROY ALL MONSTERS The Last Rock Novel By Jeff Jackson 359 pp.
This effort to destroy my good name will not drive me out.
Villagers fear the canal will destroy what remains of their agricultural land.
Whom the gods will destroy, Cyril Connolly said, they first call promising.
O.P., what are you doing, this is going to destroy the country.
Now he must effectively destroy his work in order to save it.
On Mars, sunlight and other chemical reactions should quickly destroy the molecule.
«The opposition uses the media to destroy people with lies,» she said.
CBD stores and face-mask pushers are going to destroy us all.
It will also destroy personal information that it has collected from children.
Scientists say that lurking on social media probably won’t destroy your brain.
Scientists say that lurking on social media probably won’t destroy your brain.
Owners have 90 days to destroy the devices or turn them over.
My life is here, but Brexit is likely to destroy that life.
Samson pleaded with God to grant him strength to destroy his captors.
Rather, they sought to destroy his reputation and his place in history.
We don’t let our dogs wander unsupervised or destroy whatever they want.
But most worryingly for the giants, it could destroy their customer base.
South of the border, I’d watched soldiers torch drugs to destroy them.
These were enough to destroy life on Earth thousands of times over.
The Taliban set out to destroy cultural artifacts as un-Islamic; Mrs.
And he’s out to take down Riva, and maybe destroy Desna’s dream.
If officials did not comply, they said, they would destroy the buildings.
If you look at what they’re doing, they’re going to destroy Medicare.
That amount of radiation might be enough to destroy the planet’s atmosphere.
The prions stick to stainless steel and are notoriously hard to destroy.
This is why Janis wanted Cady to help her destroy Regina’s reputation.
» Explanation: Humor, obviously — note the wry use of the redundant «totally destroy.
«They will destroy so much of what we have done,» Trump said.
That can destroy residential neighborhoods and decimate the supply of affordable housing.
God had sent a lightning bolt to destroy everything she cared about.
They were also more likely to argue, destroy things and have tantrums.
The immune system can recognize cancer cells as foreign and destroy them.
«If people like it so much, they won’t want to destroy it.»
He appeared in the documentary «Intent to Destroy: Death, Denial & Depiction» (2017).
Trump had threatened to «destroy Turkey’s economy» if the Kurds were attacked.
Why would we want to destroy a pretty darn good prosperity cycle?
«Cuomo always tries to destroy what he can’t control,» Mr. Lipton said.
That told me: OK, this culture is trying to destroy this person.
«They tried to destroy evidence by burning up the body,» he says.
His backstory is something something wants to destroy the world something something.
«He said he was going to destroy the church,» the archbishop said.
The dog managed to climb the gate and destroy an expensive carpet.
That ballot is scanned and they destroy [the ballots] after the election.
Chawinga said the soldiers also destroy charcoal kilns discovered in the forests.
«There is a mob that wants to destroy only Fox,» Hannity said.
She also accused Stern and Lithwick of «trying to destroy» her husband.
Oath will also have to destroy the information that it improperly collected.
When you find yourself at a crime scene, you don’t destroy evidence.
Using the feather, he summons the Firebird, who helps him destroy Kaschei.
Walter wants to destroy the dark tower; Roland intends to protect it.
«It was like he was trying to destroy our relationship,» she said.
«If I said who did this I would destroy him,» she added.
«Either we bring them freedom, or they destroy us,» Mr. Lewis wrote.
Truthful answers could destroy relationships, expose illegal behaviors, unloose cascades of shame.
Culture is more important than talent because jerks can destroy a company.
Defeats did not destroy this movement and victories will not end it.
Organic chloride in crude oil can cause corrosion and destroy refining units.
So the Obama administration searched for a better way to destroy missiles.
The Kremlin said its air force would destroy «terrorist» groups in Syria.
And anyway, isn’t clear that Jimmy did plan to destroy that tape?
The idiot, by way of his actions, can destroy the social body.
However, he suggested that Trump would «destroy» Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren.
I’m doing something for me in the place you tried to destroy.
Mr. Trump has not explained how he would destroy the terrorist danger.
Don’t let anyone destroy that legacy for a poisoned dream of purity.
In response to an attack, the U.S. can destroy any Iranian target.
«Our goal is to completely destroy the ISIS terrorist organization,» he says.
Print something that can destroy a man, you’d better have him cold.
But elsewhere, Bannon has been busy trying to destroy the existing order.
He’d also frequently destroy works that displeased him, usually by burning them.
Behind the chaos, he once more reveals a central will to destroy.
Donald J. Trump promised to destroy the pact if he became president.
President Trump earlier this year vowed to «totally destroy» the Johnson amendment.
That onslaught of water can destroy houses, flood cities and kill indiscriminately.
He accuses them of trying to destroy Kavanaugh’s life for political gain.
The oil industry disagrees with the claim that the waivers destroy demand.
The use of the plane will help destroy Taliban opium production facilities.
But I do think that it’s going to continue to destroy work.
This is the beauty of government, something he clearly wants to destroy.
National Asteroid Day functions to warn people that asteroids might destroy civilization.
That same percentage said they saw the army destroy huts and villages.
In the meantime, no action to destroy the guns would be taken.
If approved, this application would destroy this neighborhood without any public review.
And we need to execute a coherent campaign to utterly destroy ISIS.
Russia doesn’t want to destroy the United States as the Soviets did.
We should not mob people in public spaces or destroy public property.
What they want to destroy are men like Shakespeare, Chopin and Edison.
I loved this guy, but he has tried to destroy my name.
Are you gonna destroy your devices with those non-MFi-approved products?
CS: Speaking generally, there can be an ethical call to destroy something.
» Green then reiterated his point, saying: «I want to completely destroy them.
«It can destroy another company just by thinking about it,» he said.
«If you want to destroy and eliminate Daesh, then even if you destroy my home we won’t complain, because they are not human beings, they are savages,» said Mir Alam Shinwari, using an Arabic term for Islamic State.
We could push it out of the way, essentially using celestial mechanics to ensure it won’t get pulled in by Earth’s gravity, or we could try to destroy the asteroid before it has a chance to destroy us.
Sri Lanka is the first South Asian nation to publicly destroy ivory obtained through elephant poaching and the 16th country in the world to destroy confiscated elephant tusks so that they cannot be traded in the black market.
Reno, Nevada (CNN)Former Vice President Joe Biden addressed President Donald Trump directly Wednesday, saying, «you’re not going to destroy me and not going to destroy my family,» in his strongest remarks on the Ukraine controversy to date.
Related: The 4 Best Ways To Create Stunning Art By Destroying Film Negatives Feel Free to Destroy this Art Gallery How To Creatively Destroy Your Old Plasma TV Nine Inch Nails Fans Get a Hand-Burned Art Book
Therefore, whoever attempts to destroy that unity of the socialist state, whoever seeks the separation of any of its parts or nationalities — that man is an enemy, a sworn enemy of the state and of the peoples of the U.S.S.R. And we will destroy each and every such enemy, even if he was an old Bolshevik; we will destroy all his kin, his family.
«If you want to destroy and eliminate Daesh, then even if you destroy my home we won’t complain, because they are not human beings, they are savages,» said resident Mir Alam Shinwari, using an Arabic term for Islamic State.
«It’s one thing to destroy a building with a bomb or inflict damage, but if you destroy the fundamentals of a free and open society, which is what democracy is all about, you inflict incredibly heavier damage,» he said.
Trump doesn’t get the contradiction of bringing Bill’s accusers to the second debate and saying Hillary should be blamed for «viciously» trying to destroy their credibility, even as he viciously tries to destroy the credibility of his own accusers.
Drop it off in your local branchIf you live near a local bank branch that carries the metal credit card you need to destroy, you can also pop in and ask your banker to destroy it on your behalf.
Surprised that Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad are willing to destroy the lives of 2 million Palestinians in their quest to destroy the State of Israel, and even more surprised at their belief that one day they will prevail.
But the attack on the First Armored Unit shows that the DPICMs not only failed to destroy Bradley Fighting Vehicles; they also failed to destroy the troop’s unarmored Chevrolet S.U.V.s — even those that took more than one direct hit.
As Business Insider reported, lying about your debt can potentially destroy your relationship.
Just like 60 years ago, there are naysayers trying to destroy this vision.
You’re trying to toy with your pals’ minds not destroy your friendships. 214.
«This is not an organization that can destroy the United States,» he said.
And— and it’s shocking how they were able to destroy my husband’s image.
Sceptics retort that it will destroy jobs, too, by increasing costs to businesses.
Lady Doritos are not likely to destroy our bottom line — or Nooyi’s career.
A rainstorm can destroy a small pond, but it cannot harm the sea.
Step two: Destroy the infestation at every life stage, from egg to queen.
More specifically, how beef threatens to destroy the very existence of human civilization.
It’s because millennials want to destroy every traditional value held by this country.
I’ve only ever tried to destroy someone’s career once in my entire life.
If you want to make health care more efficient, you usually destroy it.
But they agreed that the function of progress was to destroy the past.
«Destroy R. Kelly,» a woman separated from the rest of the cluster shouted.
Here are the seven characteristics of people who expertly destroy trust barriers:  1.
Now I’m watching Trump destroy the industry President Obama and I helped save.
However, the two parties do coordinate military efforts to destroy common enemy ISIS.
He said nothing about the way the consulate was scrubbed to destroy evidence.
Your goal should be to interrupt enemies before they can destroy the Teleporter.
At the time, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said, «Drugs destroy lives and communities.»
«It is possible to destroy the world in a given area,» Rohrer said.
This is not a story crafted to earn sympathy or destroy someone’s character.
And why does the Man in Black want to destroy The Dark Tower?
Their bodies are also extremely durable and they are nearly impossible to destroy.
He will face a stark choice — expand on those efforts or destroy them.
PIRRO: — to leak your e-mails, destroy the evidence in case — HANNITY: Right.
More like we’ll destroy it if it doesn’t work the way we want.
It said construction would destroy burial sites, prayer sites and culturally significant artifacts.
«He sees that they are trying to destroy him and his family,» Sen.
When they snag on rocks or coral, they can destroy entire underwater habitats.
If you completely destroy your device, a replacement will cost an additional $100.
It could destroy red blood cells, it could set off an autoimmune disorder.
Hurricane Maria did more than destroy Puerto Rico’s electric grid and water supply.
«I need to do this, or it’s going to destroy me,» Newman said.
The UN encourages member states to destroy any materials suspected of breaching violations.
A thriller about how AI is going to destroy the world — sounds stressful!
Only the Democrats will destroy them by destroying our Country’s greatest ever Economy!
If a volcano decides to invade a territory, it would inexorably destroy it.
I’m afraid they’ll destroy Muay Thai, point it in the wrong direction abroad.
The Standing Rock Sioux say the pipeline’s construction would destroy tribal burial sites.
They burned tires, threw rocks, and threatened to destroy Martínez’s house in Cenoví.
Currently, US soldiers have uniforms that absorb nerve agents, but don’t destroy them.
Extremists on both sides set out to destroy the deal with unprecedented violence.
It’s very, very hard to destroy interesting, and that’s what we’re banking on.
Working together as a phage cocktail, lytic phages can target and destroy superbugs.
Authorities allege Hanson helped Von Bergen destroy some of the cameras’ memory cards.
So, when it comes to the Valley Beyond, William aims to destroy it.
Or maybe Toshiba’s QLC tech will show up soon and destroy them all.
» And the other one’s like, «Holy crap, it’s going to destroy my house.
When Dwayne Bacon replaces Kidd-Gilchrist in the starting lineup they destroy people.
Only the Democrats will destroy them by destroying our Country’s greatest ever Economy!
Afterward, Turkey’s defense minister vowed to destroy the SDF after US forces leave.
Wealth may ineluctably concentrate itself over time; the ability to destroy does not.
Russian and Syrian aircraft had begun to bomb rebel targets and destroy hospitals.
Applying its acidic pulp directly to your skin might destroy your moisture barrier.
We tried to either destroy them or take them back from the enemy.
«We will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea,» he said.
GOP leaders in the 1990s, Clinton said, «were trying to destroy» her husband.
WHAT does a president have to do to destroy the trust of Turks?
This betrayal lands Jane on the list of those who Claire must destroy.
But here’s something I’ve learned; normal people don’t try to destroy each other.
On the other side are priggish «wankers», who would destroy it by sterilisation.
It will then swiftly activate a high-powered laser to destroy those cells.
Plunging Labour into civil war—again—could destroy any chance of winning power.
Defeating the militant group there would destroy its self-proclaimed caliphate in Iraq.
There is nothing inside her characters that Gilead cannot destroy, given enough time.
In season 1, Hiram paid the Southside Serpents to destroy the drive-in.
They believe it could destroy the tribe’s land and limit their water supply.
But I knew I never wanted [my transition] to destroy a partner’s life.
Facebook Messenger about to destroy the inbox of a random women from Kentucky?
«You have replaced advise and consent with search and destroy,» he said. Sen.
» L.H.: [Laughs] «What I mean is…I think my conscious would destroy me.
You let it affect your whole life, you let it destroy your life.
Some thirteen years ago, we went abroad in search of monsters to destroy.
Because this is going to be about an election to destroy this president.
Opponents say it will destroy sacred Native American sites and wreak environmental havoc.
There’s no way to predict what unexpected circumstance can suddenly destroy your holdings.
Except, because everything we humans love we somehow destroy, giraffes are now dying.
I do not think she’d be difficult at all, she’d destroy our country.
He swears he will destroy ISIS but calls for a smaller global footprint.
They want to destroy the Republican Party from within and take it over.
Take him to a dark place and Nigel Benn could destroy almost anything.
All that’s really needed to destroy the tanker is a difference in pressure.
This new technology is going to destroy how time passes while you’re playing.
If something goes wrong but goes undetected, the robots can physically destroy themselves.
And this might shock and amaze ya, but I will destroy Joe Frazier.
I’m an unrepentant slut who wants to destroy Western civilization with my vagina.
In January a female fighter blew herself up to destroy a Turkish tank.
It regularly threatens to destroy the United States and its «puppet», South Korea.
«Political correctness will destroy us if we don’t wake up,» he said Sunday.
Maybe you want to destroy some cartoon ghosts as a jovial cat wizard.
He also removed the camera’s memory card and chewed it to destroy it.
There are reactors designed to destroy isotopes that could be made into weapons.
Absolutely. What is driving these creatures to destroy public property with reckless abandon?
First of all, they’re not all out to destroy you and your family.
And she had aides destroy her mobile devices with hammers also a fact.
The problem is, rich people help destroy the world with our collective overconsumption.
Other characters DPR2 met didn’t just help build the site, but destroy others.
After all, how can you try to destroy something you don’t believe exists?
Now that they’ve left her in the dust, she’s determined to destroy them.
She phoned the proprietors, who told her they intended to destroy the monument.
They are in oil what they are attempting to destroy in iron ore.
It was genuinely believed that countercultural rebellion would undermine and destroy ‘the system.
The trailer promises dark portents and a flood that will destroy the planet.
But we’re also learning that in fact MOOCs did not destroy the university.
«One man cannot destroy our progress,» he said in a video for Attn.
Why are we all giggling at these two men who CAN destroy us?
Bannon talked of wanting to destroy the Speaker when he headed Breitbart News.
The seal order instructed anyone in possession of the reports to destroy them.
Yes, that means taking military action to destroy ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
It intends to destroy Israel, the West and everything for which they stand.
In response, Prince Hans created an avalanche that would destroy the whole city.
I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.

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