Sentence with the word of concise

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Being concise means respecting people enough to value their time more than yours.

Быть кратким — значит уважать людей настолько, чтобы ценить их время больше, чем свое.

It was concise, candid and constructive.

Он был кратким, откровенным и носил конструктивный характер.

The Rio Group favoured a more concise plan covering shorter periods.

Группа Рио выступает за более лаконичный план, который охватывал бы более короткие периоды.

To view all the data, the company has created a concise and understandable interface that allows the user to quickly navigate the program.

Для просмотра всех данных компанией был создан лаконичный и понятный интерфейс, позволяющий пользователю быстро сориентироваться в программе.

One of the things I plan on doing is making a much more concise portfolio.

Один из шагов, который я намерен предпринять — сделать намного более сжатый портфель.

I’ve tried my best to summarize lot of information in a concise manner.

Я постарался дать максимум информации в сжатой форме.

Everyone you work with will appreciate your ability to be concise.

Все с кем вы работаете, по достоинству оценят вашу способность быть лаконичным.

Reports should be clear, concise and issue-oriented.

Доклады должны быть четкими, краткими и ориентированными на конкретные вопросы.

Several delegations commended the secretariat for its concise and clear document and presentation.

Ряд делегаций высоко оценили как форму представления, так и содержание подготовленного секретариатом краткого и четкого документа.

Clear, concise and action-oriented results of these deliberations could be produced and shared.

Можно было бы готовить и распространять четкую краткую и сориентированную на практические меры информацию о результатах этих обсуждений.

Announcements including advertisements are clear, concise and widely accessible.

Объявления, включая рекламные материалы, являются четкими, сжатыми и широко доступными.

Senior policymakers require concise briefs providing comparative benchmarks and straightforward conclusions on issues of direct concern.

Представителям директивных органов руководящего звена требуются сжатые справки с сопоставимыми показателями и четкими выводами по вопросам, относящимся к их непосредственному ведению.

Landing pages that are concise but memorable.

Целевые страницы, которые являются краткими, но запоминающимися.

His speech was never long-winded nor unnecessarily concise.

Его речь никогда не была излишне затянутой или без необходимости слишком краткой.

Written texts are merely concise memoranda requiring a commentary which is usually oral.

Письменные тексты представляют из себя лишь краткие записи, требующие комментариев, который обычно являются устными.

Landing pages often contain clear, concise action-oriented headlines.

Посадочные страницы часто содержат четкие, лаконичные ориентированные на действия заголовки.

The appearance of the new electric vehicle is clean and has a concise design, typical of concept cars.

Внешний вид нового электромобиля чист и имеет лаконичную конструкцию, характерную для концепт-каров.

Furnishings in the nursery should be more concise and user-friendly dynamic teenager.

Обстановка в детской должна быть более лаконичной и удобной для динамичного подростка.

The cover letter should be a concise summary of your competencies in relation to the position you are applying for.

Сопроводительное письмо должно быть кратким изложением вашей компетенции в отношении должности, на которую вы претендуете.

The hospital version should be concise and include the most important factors.

Резюме должно быть лаконичным, содержать самые важные данные.

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Definition of Concise

short; not lengthy

Examples of Concise in a sentence

The concise exam was greatly appreciated by the exhausted students who had studied all night for the test.


Since I get bored easily, I only read concise stories under fifty pages.


Someone should be smart enough to convert the twenty hospital admission forms into a concise two-page document.


If a concise answer can provide the information requested, there is no reason to bore a person with a long response.


Political slogans should be catchy and concise so voters can easily remember them.


Other words in the Measurement category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Concise is a municipality in the district of Jura-Nord Vaudois in the canton of Vaud in Switzerland. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Josef Albers’s (1888 — 1976) artwork, while concise in nature, allows complexity to reveal itself with prolonged looking.


More importantly, the students discussed how to word their responses in the future so that they would be correct, understandable, and concise.


• Focus on how you can benefit a potential employer — and not yourself • Do not be vague in what you write — be specific to the position that you are applying for • Keep your objective concise and targeted


If calls go to an answer machine or voicemail, keep the greeting concise and friendly, and avoid any lengthy messages.


Being concise is key, since every single word matters in your profile summary.


Were the cut-scenes a little more dramatic, pacy and concise, the plot could be Valkyria Revolution’s saving grace — but like a lot of aspects of this game, it ends up being a disappointment.


I wud lik to hav frnz wit lot of enthusiasm for life fun loving.I believe one can not hide his inner concise so its better to be the same from out what we are from..


Please try to be focused on topic and concise, thanks.


Make the cover brief and concise and should compliment your resume.


The writing is smooth, clear, and concise.


It should be formal in language and concise in nature.


Keep this concise, and you should score plenty of points on a tough question.


Although this article was published a few years before «The China Study,» it distills some of the book’s points in a concise, down-n» — dirty way.


Often, resumes provide information in bulleted lists; this helps make the document concise and allows recruiters to scan through it quickly.


As another permanent display venue for the Shanghai Museum of Glass, the Design Wing collects classic and pioneer works from numerous renowned designers home and abroad, in its nearly 2000-square-meter concise and fluent space, with a consistent aesthetic factors and display principles, as well as infinite passion towards glass.


You’ve pared your professional experience down to one concise, clear, perfectly formatted resume page, printed up a stack on resume-grade paper, prepared a digital copy, and you know exactly whom you want to submit your credentials to.


His timing and responses were always on point and concise.


Being concise is what is required here.


I looked up some tips for keeping homemade ice cream from freezing rock solid and found David Lebovitz’s post about this subject concise and immensely helpful.


It should be very precise, crisp, and concise.


Keep your request concise, polite, and professional.


Keep your presentation concise, factual, and to the point.


Absolutely excellent explanation in as concise a manner as I think possible about this complex financial tool.


Does the writing ramble or is it concise?


Instead of naming your book with extensive detail (Book 1/Part 1 / No. 1), you can specify your sequential number right in the metadata while keeping the book title concise.


One must try and keep the length of the resume objective concise.


When it comes to latest resume format 2018, the job application is all about to keep the information concise and brief.


The primary controls are otherwise relatively straightforward and the instrument panel concise.


Keep your identification bar concise, and limit your identifying information to your name, address, telephone number and email address, recruiters advise.


Clean, clear, and concise will always get you where you want to be.


A good rule of thumb to help keep your resume concise is to list the 5-8 most important responsibilities or skills gained at each job, depending on your tenure.


The profile that you create when you become a member of one of the free dating sites should be complete as well as concise.


Use bullet points to keep your list concise and memorable.


Instead, include concise and targeted bullet points — they can even be phrases and not complete sentences.


Keep your content concise, readable, and understandable.


The resume comes formatted, ATS-optimized, packed with keywords and concise.


Keep this section concise so recruiters can breeze over it quickly as demonstrated in the operations manager resume template for Word.


The limited time allowed makes it a great challenge for an advocate; the complex must be made clear, precise, and concise.


They obviously knew a lot about the sea life, history and geology of the area but they kept the information concise, going into more detail in response to questions.


Appropriate, clear, and concise written and verbal communication skills with strong listening skills.


It’s hard to be this concise when talking about a long career!


Characterized by concise, focused learning deliverables, microlearning is particularly suited to address single, performance-based learning objectives which ideally tie into a larger overall learning strategy.


Content is delivered in the same concise, peer-reviewed format as Clinician’s Brief and can be accessed anytime, anywhere — on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device.


Please provide in an attachment concise (several paragraphs to one page unless more needed), neatly written with spell-check… all copy to be written in the submitter’s own words.


Using the suggestions above, set out to create an engaging professional summary section that is easy to read (with bullets and headers) and concise.


To make a first impression that you’re qualified and stay in consideration, you’ve got to be clear, superior, consistent, and concise.


Create a concise written plan that establishes your goals, budget, campaigns, and agreed-upon tracking reports.


At a networking event, you may only have a short amount of time to make an impression, so you want to have your pitch concise.


Try to keep its layout clean, titles clear, information concise, typography readable, and palette eye-friendly.


Careful editing will keep it focused and concise.


краткий, сжатый, четкий, выразительный, сокращенный, немногословный


- краткий, сжатый, сокращённый; чёткий, выразительный (о слоге)

concise dictionary — краткий словарь
he is concise — он точен, краток и немногословен

Мои примеры


a clear and concise account of the accident — ясный и краткий отчёт об аварии  
the Concise Dictionary of Spoken Chinese — краткий словарь разговорного китайского языка  
The explanation was concise, even elliptical to the verge of obscurity. — Объяснение было немногословным, даже слишком кратким, на грани неясности.  
concise form — краткая форма  
concise concession — немногословный; краткий; сжатый  
clear and concise claim — ясная и точная формула  
concise description — краткое описание  
concise display — нечёткая индикация; чёткая индикация  
concise draft resolution — краткий проект резолюции; сжатый проект резолюции  
concise edition — сокращённое издание  
concise information — краткое сообщение  
concise manual — краткое руководство  
concise report — краткий доклад; сжатый доклад; краткий отчёт  

Примеры с переводом

Your summary should be as clear and concise as possible.

Ваше резюме должно быть максимально ясным и краткими.

“I am glad, Mrs. Butler,» was the neighbour’s concise answer.

— Я рад, миссис Батлер, — лаконично ответил сосед.

He impressed the jury with his concise, pertinent answers to the attorney’s questions.

Он произвёл впечатление на присяжных своими краткими и уместными ответами на вопросы адвоката.

Frye’s wit was concise and dry, his erudition compendious.

Остроумие Фрая было лаконичным и сухим, его эрудиция — исчерпывающей.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

That is as clean and concise a summation of a profound and complicated truth as I have come across …

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

conciseness  — краткость, сжатость, выразительность
concision  — краткость, сжатость, выразительность
concisely  — кратко, сжато, лаконично, выразительно

  • Meanings of words and phrases

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The meaning of «Concise» in various phrases and sentences

Что значит concise?

To say things clearly and with as few words as necessary to get your point across.

Что значит concise ?

It means brief or short. :)

Что значит concise writing ?

Short writing. Writing that skips all of the unimportant details.

Что значит spoken in less than concise words?

Concise means «brief but comprehensive».

«Spoken in less than concise words» is a longer (and sometimes sarcastic) way of saying, «you took many words/sentences to say something you could have said with less words!»

For example…

A: I’m feeling kind of uncomfortable. I might have a tummy ache or something. Do you mind if I leave the room for a while so I can deal with it?
B (rolls eyes): Spoken in less than concise words…you could have just said ‘I need the restroom!’

Что значит concise?

giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.

Example sentences using «Concise»

Покажите мне примеры предложений с concise .

Please keep the speech concise.

If your essay is not concise, then it will be long and boring.

The sentence was kept concise because of the good vocabulary used.

Their argument was concise and clear.

The book was very concise and kept my interest.

Покажите мне примеры предложений с concise.

When writing an email, it is preferable to write a text that is short and concise rather than a lengthy paragraph.

Покажите мне примеры предложений с concise.

Hi! I have heard this word before, but it is quite formal
It means giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.
«a concise account of the country’s history»

Покажите мне примеры предложений с extremely concise .

The newspaper headlines should be extremely concise.

Покажите мне примеры предложений с concise.

Concise- clear, well written, short but very effective, clear and to the point.
Cook-books are short and concise.
Be very concise when giving instructions.

Synonyms of «Concise» and their differences

В чем разница между concise и brief ?

Brief is when a thing happens quickly.

Concise is when a thing happens quickly and all important information was able to be given.


Jim’s class was brief, but it did not give all the information that everyone needed. John’s class was much better. It may have been a little longer than Jim’s class, but it was still short, and all the important information that everyone needed was given. It was a very concise class.

В чем разница между concise и succinct ?

They both mean «brief» but

1) concise usually means to be brief in a few words as possible.

2) succinct means «concise + clear in meaning.»

В чем разница между concise и brief ?

Concise means more like «clearer» its like brief but more comprehensive
Brief means «short or a summary»

В чем разница между concise и succinct ?

Hi! Both are similar in that they mean «brief».

However, «concise» means brief and comprehensive; «succinct» means brief and clear.

A concise guide to calculus
A concise account of the incident
An efficient concise lecture

He spoke succinctly
A succinct review of the restaurant
A succinct summary of the chapter

If this helps, I remember «concise» and «comprehensive» as beginning and ending with the same letter :)

В чем разница между concise и brief ?

@ayaka3568: concise is well explained or gives lots of information in a few words (like a good, short summary) while brief means a short duration and doesn’t HAVE to be well explained (explanation can be brief but may lack lots of information)

Translations of «Concise»

Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? I keep it concise
I speak concise

💙What is natural?
(the context is when I order food or etc, I don’t say unnecessary things and only say what I want shortly. )

but what if I want to say about my personality??
Can I say «I keep things simple»??☺

Other questions about «Concise»

What’s a more concise way to write “in order to”? (The answer should be one two-letter word.)

I used concise English-Chinese dictionary and Oxford English-Chinese dictionary to translate those articles. это звучит нормально?

how about ‘the concise English-Chinese dictionary online’

Japanese prefer vague and concise expressions because their native language structure is specialized in them. When We speaking English or a foreign language, it is difficult to express it in short words without knowing the proper words or idioms. это звучит нормально?

Us Japanese people prefer vague and concise expressions because the structure of our native language is adapted to such. When we speak English or any other foreign language, it can be difficult for us to express their thoughts concisely without knowing the proper words or idioms.

There was a switch in pronouns in your sentence that made it confusing. You said «they» to refer to Japanese people at first, but then said «we». The first sentence sounded like it was said by someone who isn’t Japanese. I changed both sentences to sound like they were from the perspective of a Japanese person. Also, I used some slightly formal or literary language because it seemed like you were going for that in your original text.

Could you explain more concise? это звучит нормально?

Could you be more concise?
Could you explain in more detail?

Which is the most concise, lean, smart, natural sentence?

I want to express rejoicing resurgence and here placed in order of complexity.

1. I’ve never thought the time came again for us to be working on the same desk.
2. I’ve never thought it came again for us to be working on the same desk.
3. I’ve never thought the time for us to be working on the same desk came again.
4. I’ve never thought it’s coming for us to be working on the same desk came again.
5. I’ve never seen it coming for us to be working on the same desk came again.
6. I didn’t see it coming for us to be working on the same desk came again.

or your sentence may be the best.

change 1) to «I never thought the time come again for us to be working at the same desk.»

All your sentences need to change «came» to «come» to make sense. Even then, some errors remain.

Meanings and usages of similar words and phrases

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