Sentence with the word obtained

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(1) Knowledge may be obtained through study.

(2) Further information can be obtained from head office.

(3) A fine view of Ottawa can be obtained here.

(4) Additional information can be obtained from the centre.

(5) Only the intervention of powerful friends obtained her release.

(6) Heroin is obtained from morphine and is extremely addictive.

(7) We obtained a loan from the government.

(8) Jack has obtained a medical qualification.

(9) The confessions were obtained by what amounts to torture.

(10) Admission is obtained by written application.

(11) I obtained the drugs with alarming ease.

(12) They have obtained an injunction restraining the company from selling the product.

(13) He obtained his position more by favour than by merit or ability.

(14) I obtained a visa after hours of waiting at the embassy.

(15) The majority obtained their positions through the old boy network.

(16) And the fear in the heart with obtained after the betrayal.

(17) The money was dishonestly obtained.

(18) The compound is finally obtained by precipitation.

(19) I have obtained a written permission from the chairman.

(20) She derived/obtained great satisfaction from/out of helping other people.

(21) The restaurant finally obtained a liquor licence.

(22) An American network says it has obtained the recordings.

(23) The plaintiffs obtained an injunction in the High Court.

(24) We’ve obtained secret intelligence about enemy plans.

(25) I obtained this record for you with difficulty.

(26) He obtained his first job through the milk round.

(27) Lydia obtained the services of a qualified nurse.

(28) They obtained information about the rock by drilling boreholes.

(29) Real knowledge, like everything else of value, is not to be obtained easily, it must be worked for, studied for, thought for, and more than all[Sentence dictionary], must be prayed for. 

(30) It’s difficult to interpret these statistics without knowing how they were obtained.

More similar words: obtain, obtaining, maintained, bobtail, contained, sustained, entertained, pained, grained, drained, trained, retainer, strained, ordained, container, unchained, ingrained, restrained, foreordained, unrestrained, unconstrained, constrainedly, mountaineering, scatterbrained, maintain, stain, taint, detain, retain, attain. 

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4.7 Report the average value obtained from the four determinations.

4.7 Выводят средний показатель, полученный на основе анализа четырех пробных порций.

Private documents obtained in violation of this provision have no legal effect.

Частные документы, полученные с нарушением настоящего положения, не должны иметь никакой юридической силы.

An additional 110 acres were obtained through various grant programs.

Также 1 млн. леев был получен с помощью различных грантовых программ.

In basic research it obtained results of global significance.

В ряде фундаментальных исследований были получены результаты, имеющие мировое значение.

Information about medication use between 2002 and 2003 was obtained from pharmacy records.

Информация о применении каких-либо лекарственных средств между 2002 и 2003 годами была получена из записей аптек.

Requirements and obtained a quality management system certificate.

Вимоги» и был получен сертификат на систему управления качеством.

Such spontaneous sensations cannot be imitated or obtained through human will alone.

Такие спонтанные ощущения не могут быть скопированы или получены с помощью человеческой воли в одиночку.

It combines the safest and most powerful ingredients that are naturally obtained.

Он сочетает в себе самые безопасные и самые мощные ингредиенты, которые естественно получены.

Besides, the estimates obtained reflected so-called selective mortality.

Кроме того, полученные оценки отражали, так называемую, селективную смертность.

Copyright was obtained in 1958, eight years later.

Авторское право было получено в 1958 году, восемь лет спустя.

In 2009, the obtained seismic data were processed.

В течение 2009 г. была проведена обработка полученных сейсмических данных.

All three allegedly stated that their confessions had been obtained under torture.

Все трое, по утверждениям, заявили о том, что их признания были получены с помощью пыток.

It also distributes by facsimile the cloud images obtained.

Кроме того, полученные изображения облачного покрова распространяются с помощью этого спутника по факсимильной связи.

Confessions obtained under duress could never be used in criminal proceedings.

Признания, полученные под принуждением, никогда не могут использоваться в ходе уголовного судопроизводства.

Among other problems, confessions obtained under torture were accepted as evidence.

В числе других проблем было названо признание как доказательство сведений, полученных с помощью пыток.

This prohibition naturally also applies to any statements possibly obtained under torture.

Этот запрет, естественно, применяется также и в отношении любых заявлений, которые, возможно, были получены под пыткой.

Statements obtained by means of violence are invalid.

Показания, полученные с помощью насилия, не признаются имеющими юридической силы.

In no case could confessions obtained under torture be deemed admissible.

Ни при каких обстоятельствах признания, полученные в результате применения пыток, не могут рассматриваться в качестве приемлемых для целей судопроизводства.

Though promising, these results were obtained from animal and test-tube studies.

Хотя эти результаты были многообещающими, они были получены из исследований на животных и в пробирках.

In 1947, a building permit was finally obtained.

В апреле 1947 году было, наконец, получено формальное разрешение на строительные работы.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат obtained

Результатов: 51358. Точных совпадений: 51358. Затраченное время: 144 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

полученный, приобретенный, достигнутый, достигший


- получать; добывать; приобретать; доставать
- существовать; применяться; иметь место; быть признанным
- уст. достигать (какого-л. предела, границы), доходить (до чего-л.)
- добиваться
- быть распространенным, встречаться
- доставлять
- действовать, иметь силу (о норме права)

Мои примеры


obtained counsel — адвокат по соглашению  
document obtained by process — документ, полученный по приказу суда  
obtained through this calculus — полученный путём такого вычисления  
it can be obtained at once by differentiation — может быть получено непосредственно дифференцированием  
the evidence obtained is relevant to the case — полученные данные непосредственно относятся к делу  
legally obtained evidence — доказательства, полученные законным способом; доказательства  
obtained by method — полученные методом  
obtained data — полученные данные  
obtained evidence — полученные доказательства; отобранные показания; взятые показания  
obtained independently — результат, полученный независимо  

Примеры с переводом

An agreement is void if obtained by force.

Согласие является ничтожным, если оно получено силой.

He obtained a degree, but was not classed.

Он получил диплом, но без отличия.

We obtained a copy of the original letter.

Мы раздобыли копию оригинала этого письма.

The solution is obtained by iteration.

Решение получено методом итерации.

They obtained the documents by subterfuge.

Они хитростью раздобыли эти документы.

A promise obtained by coercion is never binding.

Обещание, полученное силой, никогда ни к чему не обязывает.

Simon has obtained early release from prison.

Саймон получил право на досрочное освобождение из тюрьмы.

ещё 14 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

These ingredients are easily obtained.

…the indentured servant obtained a quittance from his master stating he was free to leave and was no longer required to work…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

obtain  — получать, приобретать, добиваться, достигать, добывать, применяться, существовать
obtainable  — доступный, достижимый
obtaining  — получение, приобретение

Examples of how to use the word “obtain” in a sentence. How to connect “obtain” with other words to make correct English sentences.

obtain (v): to get something, especially by asking for it, buying it, working for it, or producing it from something else

Use “obtain” in a sentence

These items are hard to obtain.
You must obtain approval before you can go.
Knowledge can be obtained through practice.

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Use the word obtained in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use obtained in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for obtained.

  • Say that I obtained it from my friends. (10)
  • And thus we obtained a moderate reinforcement of our arms. (10)
  • By an apparent sacrifice, the lady thus obtained what she wanted. (10)
  • She must have obtained absolution, or else it was oblivion, below. (10)
  • Among her own profession she had obtained the nickname of crazy Kuni. (5)
  • Since the traders obtained power we have been a country on all fours. (10)
  • Within it the one he had thought of forthwith obtained her lodgement. (10)
  • Countess Ammiani obtained her consent that she would not quit her side. (10)
  • I obtained some praise for my style and bearing among his acquaintances. (10)
  • In Music much the same conditions obtained as in Literature and Painting. (3)
  • By dint of reiterating dreads and speculation he at length obtained some rest. (8)
  • When he obtained a new orchestral work, he would go into the fields to study it. (3)
  • Relief of so concrete a kind is not to be obtained in crowded London assemblies. (10)
  • How they obtained her address was a puzzle; they stole in to comfort her slightly. (10)
  • With difficulty Vittoria obtained leave to drive him on to their commanding officer. (10)
  • When they had obtained a decree to that effect they must wait to see if it was obeyed. (8)
  • Glimpses of the river are obtained occasionally as a traveller reaches some vantage-point. (18)
  • There, after some trouble, he obtained information directing him to the neighbouring mews. (10)
  • In this instance, when the need of a worshipper was sharply felt, he obtained no signs at all. (10)
  • A pupil of the Paris Conservatory, he obtained first prizes in piano playing, organ and harmony. (3)
  • The reason for this quick restoration is that duplicates of almost every necessity can be obtained. (21)
  • My master, as the elder of the two, obtained the old house; yours built this new and elegant mansion. (5)
  • To his joy he obtained an appointment on shore, and after that Everard heard of him from other channels. (10)
  • My astonishment at how he obtained admission to the Salon was even less than my fear of his recognising me. (6)
  • As Sir Charles de la Tour he obtained audience of the Lord Protector and stated his case fully and frankly. (19)
  • Excellent results will be obtained by having pupils prepare charts which are filled up from lesson to lesson. (3)
  • I behaved to him like a gentleman, as we phrase it, and obtained once an encouraging nod from the margravine. (10)
  • A conjurer had obtained admittance, and was showing his laughing audience the tricks of his trained cocks and hens. (5)
  • Beauchamp obtained the information that his cousin Cecil had read out the letter of Dr. Shrapnel at Mount Laurels. (10)
  • Nowhere, it is believed, but in Ganegwag has so vile a creature as the dog obtained general recognition as a deity. (7)
  • Before Mr. Fitzpatrick obtained the benefit of the act, we were ordered abroad, and I have never since heard of him. (6)
  • But she forced back her tears; not one wet her cheeks, yet it seemed as if her poor heart had obtained eyes to shed them. (5)
  • General Schoneck had obtained the privilege for him from the Marshal, General Pierson refusing to lift a finger on his behalf. (10)
  • Having obtained this prize we were determined to manage it with eoconomy and not to spend it either with folly or Extravagance. (4)
  • I winced when I contemplated its artistic and mechanical excellence, for I knew at what a price that quality had been obtained. (7)
  • As to the actual results thus accomplished, other than the publicity obtained, the general public is not in a position to judge. (16)
  • Of old, Edinburgh University was the scene of heroic snowballing; and one riot obtained the epic honours of military intervention. (2)
  • Accurate tidings could not be obtained, though the whole course of the vale was full of stories of escapes, conflicts, and captures. (10)
  • She had obtained private intelligence that Mr. Darcy did not wish for cards; and Mr. Hurst soon found even his open petition rejected. (4)
  • The apparently medicinal articles of attire were obtained from Aunt Anne, without a word of speech on the part of that pale spinster. (10)
  • The apparently medicinal articles of attire were obtained from Aunt Anne, without a word of speech on the part of that pale spinster. (22)
  • Ammiani presently descended and obtained a guard from the barricade; word was sent on to the barricades in advance toward the citadel. (10)
  • He grew discouraged; he seemed no nearer to anything, had not obtained from his inspection any of the knowledge he had vaguely hoped for. (8)
  • He would not even choose officers from his own command, but by some jugglery at department headquarters obtained them from other brigades. (1)
  • After a few conservatory lessons at Vienna, he was forced to make his own way, and live on the small salary obtained in theatre orchestras. (3)
  • And how soon would that very liberty, once obtained, turn into licentiousness, if it be not under the safeguards of a great European power? (18)
  • This preservative she had now obtained; and at the age of twenty-seven, without having ever been handsome, she felt all the good luck of it. (4)
  • When a man has obtained his desire he becomes careless and self-satisfied; I was watchful, however, for I knew that I was naturally a selfish man. (8)
  • Now that there was revealed to him the uncertain means by which this outward success had been obtained, he reverted easily to his earlier judgment. (13)
  • Why had he not pushed the thing through and obtained divorce when that wretched Bosinney was run over, and there was evidence galore for the asking! (8)
  • She obtained permission to keep the letter, with the intention of transmitting it per post to an advertising interpreter of character in caligraphy. (10)
  • A small quantity of seed wheat, obtained at Fort Alexander, yielded them handsome returns at harvest time, and the lot of the settlers seemed {278} brighter. (19)
  • The requirements of the circus built the boards and the results obtained forced the business to become a permanent and recognized factor in active commercial life. (21)

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