Sentence with the word objective

Antonym: subjective. Similar words: objection, detective, protective, perspective, collective, effectively, respectively, effectiveness. Meaning: [əb’dʒektɪv]  n. 1. the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable) 2. the lens or system of lenses in a telescope or microscope that is nearest the object being viewed. adj. 1. undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena 2. serving as or indicating the object of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposes 3. emphasizing or expressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings, insertion of fictional matter, or interpretation 4. belonging to immediate experience of actual things or events. 

1, Our objective must be to secure a peace settlement.

2, It is impossible to be completely objective.

3, His objective was to finish by October.

4, Winning is not the prime objective in this sport.

5, We should make an objective appraisal of his job.

6, Try to be objective if you want to spend your money wisely.

7, Our main objective was the recovery of the child safe and well.

8, The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste.

9, The main objective of this meeting is to give more information on our plans.

10, Her main/prime objective now is simply to stay in power.

11, My sole objective is to make the information more widely available.

12, The objective of the research is to gain a better insight into labour market processes.

13, We must hold by the objective laws to do anything.

14, A clear objective was set and adhered to.

15, Her principal objective was international fame as a scientist.

16, Their primary objective is to make money.

17, The cultivation in good taste is our main objective.

18, An objective test can be quite comprehensive.

19, He kept on towards his objective.

20, Everest is the climber’s next objective.

21, She gives an objective report of what has happened.

22, Our main aim/objective is to improve the company’s productivity.

23, We thought it was a worthy enough objective.

24, His objective was to play golf and win.

25, Our objective is a free,( open and pluralistic society.

26, His objective was to tire out the climbers.

27, We need to establish a clear objective.

28, I believe that a journalist should be completely objective.

29, We will use every possible means to achieve our objective.

30, A jury’s decision in a court case must be absolutely objective.

In optical engineering, the objective is the optical element that gathers light from the object being observed and focuses the light rays to produce a real image. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

I think this is the situation, if tolerance is the objective, the solution shall be a discussion center where we discuss with all freedom our opinion and discuss freely our ideas.


The teacherâ $ ™ s guide offers objectives, keyword vocabulary, standards, a description of the activity and additional resources for each of the five modules: Getting and Using a Credit Card, Buying a Car, Budget Odyssey, Saving and Investing Blitz, and Youâ $ ™ re Going to College.


When it comes to making choices, Crellin teachers try to keep it relevant and make the best use of their time by tying in as many learning objectives as they can.


Rubrics offer explicit criteria to help students meet learning objectives.


MalariaGEN has established a community project with two main objectives: to enable malaria researchers to analyse P. falciparum genome variation in clinical samples that they have collected, and to provide the malaria research community with a web atlas of parasite polymorphism by aggregating genome variation data from multiple studies.


Kate participates in the research process and in strategy discussions, communicates investment policy, strategy and positioning, customizes portfolios to client objectives and guidelines and manages daily cash flows.


Choose charities or organizations whose objectives align with your company’s culture or corporate mission.


Anyone looking for logic to any of it will stay hungry, as it’s never really clear what the ultimate objective of the ghosts in the fog are, save for the revenge angle.


This resource is aimed at Year 2 Expected and has been designed to give children the opportunity to practise their reasoning and problem solving skills across a variety of National Curriculum objectives.


a) if there is life after death in the way I used to envision it, b) whether God exists in an objective, verifiable sense (don’t know how I’d ever prove such an ephemeral, numinous ideal in words anyway) c) whether I or anyone else is «saved.»


Claiming to be the worlds largest online matrimonial site — it was founded with one simple objective.


And here we need to ask ourselves a very republican question: why, when democratic politics is based on the important but simple idea that there are a variety of ways to organise the polity and governance structures etc., would we accept that there is only one way (capitalism) or one public policy objective (economic growth) to organize and judge the economy?


Today’s FT (#) argues that «imagination is needed to get the UK economy moving» and that there might be better ways of allocating taxes and spending to achieve this objective.


A Department for Education spokesman said on Thursday: «The overriding objective of this government’s reforms is to increase the supply of good school places so parents have real choice.


BSEE could proactively work with the oil and gas industry to construct a comprehensive road map of key objectives and priorities to be implemented by the industry, the report says.


Her personal passions informed her political objectives.


Hence, the new objective of increasing yield became the focus of the current research to include other versions of GR2 such as GR2-E and others.


The University is in the top 1 % of universities worldwide and the Union has recently released a 2020 Vision Plan, with the ultimate objective of becoming one of the top ranked unions in the UK within the next five years.


Should these objectives see some cut through, its effect on the UK’s economy would stand tall.


The great news is, once your objectives are written, selecting the best eLearning treatment can be a rapid process.


The current state of flux they find themselves in coupled with their avowed objective of using lies and violent rhetoric to impose their will on Ghanaians will simply not wash.


The warm water will achieve two objectives: It will relax you as well as artificially raise your body temperature so it will fall quickly and trigger a rapid sleep onset if you go to bed afterward.


Indeed a striker’s primary objective is to score goals not hold up play like Giroud, we need Giroud on the bench against Chelsea to increase our chances of winning


You don’t need to tell anyone about this — there are still, regrettably, social stigmas attached to any form of psychotherapy — but I think that talking to someone objective and nonjudgmental will help you put your feelings about this period to rest.


Our objective is to identify trends and invest in residential and multi-family property.


Over the course of the game, Frank’s main objective is to survive the next 72 hours and solve the mystery.


Given that the availability of credit affects pace of economic growth, central banks such as the Federal Reserve would try to manage borrowing cost by «toggling» its short-term funding rate (via interest rate on excess reserve and overnight reverse repurchase agreements, or ON RRP) or use its balance sheet to cool growth or accelerate borrowing and lending to help meet its Congressional mandated objectives.


The primary ECS objective will involve hands-on instruction on conducting deep-submergence vehicle-based field research.


With vast experience in legislative service, practicing and teaching law, military leadership and media relations, Thom Goolsby stands ready to help his clients achieve their public policy objectives.


Brian Martin is a Partner at Vance Street responsible for originating and executing transactions, working with management teams to reach objectives, and ultimately realizing investments.


We understand the significant demands that small business owners face, and strive to be a trusted partner in helping our customers satisfy their objectives and grow their businesses.


The choice of your website must be dependant on your interests, preferences, and end objective.


I believe VDW was pretty decent in his first two starts — he took care of the ball defensively which is the primary objective at RB.


For example, if your objective is to increase email opt-ins for a follow-up email marketing campaign, figure out how many emails you need to send to generate one sale.


Offering a field of view 100 times larger than that of the iconic Hubble Space Telescope, WFIRST is meant to study dark energy — the mysterious force driving the universe’s accelerating expansion — as well as large numbers of planets orbiting other stars, among many other scientific objectives.


Intervention sessions should be brief (< 30 mins), regular and sustained, with clear objectives and expectations.


Franchise ownership was never my main objective.


Improve the productivity of your assets, workplaces and people by aligning your real estate strategy and business objectives.


Get students excited and primed for the coming lesson objective or topic.


The new North is that the critical objective of parenthood is that for you to stay so awakened that you will buck naturally, allow your children to stay in deepest connection with who they authentically are.


Prevailing attitudes toward work are reflected in educational programs and objectives, and educational ideals and practices have an influence on vocational life.


Missions do include a number of different objectives, such as going after specific targets or escorting allies, but almost all of it comes down to taking out titans.


You have to remember there are various types of recumbent bikes, that can adapt to your workout objectives.


Funds can be customised to investors» targeted objectives and may include multi-asset, alternative or tactical allocation strategies.


Specific mechanistic study objectives include:


They are rooted in traditional Labour values and objectives shaped to meet the challenges of the 21st century.


By: Tasneem Bulbulia 23rd March 2018 Amid a range of land contamination issues in South Africa, mining houses are increasingly adapting their operations to be more holistic to curb environmental risks and create meaningful value for local stakeholders while achieving their objectives.


They do their job, but Rubi can’t jump on many ledges, you’ll often find that you can’t jump to somewhere easy to reach, but you CAN jump to somewhere hard to reach, which can confuse people who just want to run through the game and complete all the objectives.


The compensation committee is also responsible for approving the compensation and benefits of the Chief Executive Officer and the other named executive officers, including annually reviewing and assessing performance goals and objectives for our executives and evaluating short-term and long-term incentive compensation.


The primary objective of the ongoing ICO is to create a cryptocurrency mining farm and a photovoltaic plant of solar panels to generate electricity.


Sentences with the word Objective?



  • «objective case»; «accusative endings»
  • «it is necessarily so»; «we must needs by objective«
  • «an objective appraisal»; «objective evidence»
  • «objective art»
  • «objective benefits»; «an objective example»; «there is no objective evidence of anything of the kind»
  • «the government’s objective is to insure a genuinely level playing field for American industry and commerce in Europe»
  • «being uninvolved he remained objective«

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Our objective: no work-related accidents whatsoever.

Наша цель — полное отсутствие несчастных случаев на производстве.

As we enter the new millennium, our collective objective should be to maximize economic growth leading towards the ultimate objective of human development.

Сейчас на пороге нового тысячелетия наша коллективная цель должна состоять в том, чтобы в максимальной степени содействовать экономическому росту, что обеспечит конечную цель развития всего человечества.

The objective should not be peacekeeping cost-cutting.

И задача при этом не должна заключаться в сокращении затрат на поддержание мира.

Establishing the new party may be a tactical objective rather than a strategic objective.

Возможно, что создание новой партии — не стратегическая, а тактическая задача.

And we will do whatever it takes to achieve that objective.

И мы будем делать то, что должны, чтобы достичь этой цели.

And the government is slowly but surely achieving this objective.

Но, кажется, правительство медленно и уверенно подбирается к своей цели.

When you add an objective, they will be inserted behind the currently selected objective.

Когда вы добавляете цели, они будут вставлены за выбранной цели.

The objective is to promote, also in collaboration with volunteer associations and by supporting international cooperation, any useful initiative to affirm and safeguard that important objective.

Задача состоит в том, чтобы способствовать, также в сотрудничестве с различными объединениями добровольцев и за счет содействия международному сотрудничеству, реализации любой полезной инициативы по закреплению и достижению этой важной цели.

The overall objective for adult learning includes a gender equality objective.

Комплексная задача обеспечения образования для взрослых включает цель достижения гендерного равенства.

The present objective — the major objective — of the international community remains the effective struggle against terrorism.

Сегодня перед международным сообществом стоит цель и важнейшая цель — это эффективная борьба с терроризмом.

In defining your objective, you must be concerned only with the objective itself.

В мыслях о своей цели вы должны быть сосредоточены только на самой цели.

A failure to achieve an objective after repeated tries should be viewed as an indication that the objective is wrong or at least defined wrongly.

Неудачу в достижении цели нужно рассматривать как показатель того, что поставлена неверная цель либо она неверно сформулирована.

How we achieve this objective is as important as the objective itself.

Каким образом мы достигаем своей цели столь же важно для нас, как и сама цель.

Choose the high level project goals and objectives which support the organisation’s strategic objective and identify them with that objective.

Выбирайте высокоуровневые задачи и цели проекта, соответствующие стратегической цели организации, и укажите им эту цель.

The specific objective has to contribute to the overall objective of the project.

Конкретная цель должна вносить вклад в достижение общей цели проекта.

The objective is expressed as a contract which specifies how the objective can be met.

Цель формулируется в виде контракта, который задает, как цель может быть достигнута.

Important: a military objective remains a military objective even if civilian persons are present therein.

Военный объект остается военным объектом даже в случае присутствия на нем гражданских лиц.

It’s a lot easier to work towards an objective, when that objective is precisely defined.

Намного легче работать над достижением цели, если эта цель нас по-настоящему привлекает.

The objective of avoiding total destruction must have priority over any other objective.

Цель избежать всеобщего уничтожения должна иметь приоритет перед любой другой целью.

It affirmed that its ultimate objective was the complete elimination of nuclear weapons and outlined concrete steps to achieve that objective.

В нем Ассамблея подтвердила, что ее конечной целью является полная ликвидация ядерного оружия, и определила конкретные шаги для достижения этой цели.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат objective

Результатов: 91212. Точных совпадений: 91212. Затраченное время: 152 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Definition of Objective

that which is sought; a particular task or goal

Examples of Objective in a sentence

The objective of my resume is to obtain a position in the company’s quality assurance department.


Obviously the objective of the maximum-security prison is to keep all inmates imprisoned.


The objective of the video game is to eliminate the witch’s henchmen and rescue the princess.


If Matt passes five out of six classes, he will have met the objective for promotion to the seventh grade.


The objective of the triage unit is to assess an individual’s need for emergency treatment.


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