Sentence with the word nutrition

Synonym: food, nourishment. Similar words: nutrient, diminution, tuition, edition, fruition, volition, ambition, addition. Meaning: [nuː’trɪʃn /nju-]  n. 1. (physiology) the organic process of nourishing or being nourished; the processes by which an organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and maintenance 2. a source of materials to nourish the body 3. the scientific study of food and drink (especially in humans). 

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1 A balanced diet provides nutrition for your body.

2 Nutrition and exercise are essential to fitness and health.

3 Plants get the nutrition from the soil in which they grow.

4 Good nutrition is essential if patients are to make a quick recovery.

5 This food provides nutrition for you.

6 Poor nutrition can cause heart disease in later life.

7 There are alternative sources of nutrition to animal meat.

8 This food provides all the nutrition your dog needs.

9 The turnip provides nutrition for you.

10 Their scientists lead the world in nutrition research.

11 She’s a professor of nutrition at Columbia University.

12 The nutrition plays a role in the prevention of nearsightedness.

13 Nutrition information is now provided on the back of most food products.

14 Good nutrition is very important to a developing child.

15 Private industry uses them to dispense nutrition information.

16 How much do you know about nutrition?

17 Diet,[] nutrition and chronic disease: lessons from contrasting worlds.

18 All patients received total parenteral nutrition treatment.

19 Women tend to be more conscious of good nutrition.

20 Maternal nutrition may have an important influence on programming.

21 Total parenteral nutrition and drugs were given.

22 Maternal nutrition may be an important influence on programming.

23 The guidelines are the cornerstone of federal nutrition policy.

24 Nutrition program plan provides the framework for nutrition services.

25 Without Gerber, nutrition sales rose 7 percent, Sandoz said.

26 We have so much to learn about female nutrition.

27 I’m not a cook myself but I am interested in nutrition and that.

28 How does the food here measure up according to your nutrition standards?

29 Many children at the school were found to be suffering from inadequate nutrition.

30 The subjects covered in this chapter are exercise and nutrition.

More similar words: nutrient, diminution, tuition, edition, fruition, volition, ambition, addition, sedition, position, condition, coalition, abolition, munitions, intuition, rendition, tradition, ammunition, supposition, exhibition, in addition, imposition, competition, additional, conditions, litigation, mitigation, opposition, definition, inhibition. 

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Health and energy require good nutrition.

И, как известно, для здоровья и энергии необходимо правильное питание.

Inadequate nutrition can impair both the physical and cognitive development of children.

Недостаточное питание как в качественном, так и в количественном отношении может задержать физическое развитие ребенка.

When acne appears, special attention should be paid to nutrition.

Если гастрит уже присутствует, то в этом случае на питание стоит обратить особенное внимание.

The focus this time is on nutrition.

На сей раз в фокусе внимания было — питание.

Antioxidant are among the most controversial topic in nutrition and health.

В связи с этим фитоэстрогены — одна из самых противоречивых тем в питании и здоровье.

Both mother and baby need proper nutrition.

И мама, и младенец нуждаются в рациональном питании.

There are many opinions about what constitutes good nutrition.

О том, что такое правильное питание, существует очень много мнений.

The majority of medical schools have no requirements for nutrition coursework.

Очень прискорбно, что большинство медицинских институтов не требует прохождения курса по питанию.

I wish people would watch their nutrition more.

Я хотел бы, чтобы все французы больше следили за своим питанием.

Many rank sleep as less important compared with exercise and nutrition.

О важности сна говорят гораздо меньше, чем о тренировках или о питании.

Good nutrition is vital for treating anemia and fatigue.

Правильное питание является жизненно важным для лечения анемии и борьбы с чрезмерной утомляемостью.

Unbalanced nutrition and reduced intake of foods containing ascorbic acid.

Несбалансированное питание и снижение поступления в организм продуктов, содержащих в своём составе аскорбиновую кислоту.

A School nutrition programme is established and ongoing.

В школе разработана и реализуется программа «Школьное питание».

Pre-pregnancy nutrition is as important as nutrition during pregnancy.

Питание в период грудного вскармливания так же важно, как питание во время беременности.

Since proper nutrition plays a crucial role in the development of the child’s body, the nutrition consultations are also held here.

Поскольку правильное питание играет решающую роль в развитии детского организма, здесь также проводятся консультации по питанию.

Artificial or clinical nutrition is divided into parenteral and enteral nutrition.

Искусственное или клиническое питание, подразделяется на парентеральное и энтеральное питание.

We call them biological nutrition and technical nutrition.

Мы можем назвать их «биологическое питание» и «техническое питание«.

Assist countries in developing capacities to evaluate and monitor nutrition situations, analyse options, and implement agricultural programmes and policies that improve nutrition.

Оказание помощи странам в развитии потенциала для оценки и мониторинга питания в кризисных ситуациях, анализ вариантов, а также осуществление сельскохозяйственных программ и стратегий, которые улучшают питание.

His passion for nutrition was born when he saw the drastic performance advantages of proper nutrition in high school and on into university.

Его страсть к питанию родилась, когда он увидел радикальные преимущества в правильном питании в старших классах и в университете.

Proper nutrition accounts for more in the metabolic process than exercise does, so more emphasis should be placed on balanced nutrition.

Правильное питание больше необходимо для процесса метаболизма, чем тренировки, поэтому больше внимания следует уделять сбалансированному питанию.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат nutrition

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питание, пища, корм


- питание

science of nutrition — диететика
hair nutrition — питание волос
child nutrition — детское питание
mineral nutrition — минеральное питание

- пища

artificial nutrition — искусственная пища

- с.-х. обеспечение растений питательными веществами

Мои примеры

Примеры с переводом

Good nutrition is important for proper muscle development.

Хорошее питание является важным условием для правильного развития мышц.

Poor nutrition can cause heart disease in later life.

Плохое питание может стать причиной заболеваний сердца в более поздние годы жизни.

The speaker discussed diet and nutrition with the class.

Выступающий обсудил с классом рацион и питание.

Nutrition and exercise are essential to fitness and health.

Правильное питание и занятия спортом необходимы для хорошей физической формы и здоровья.

Poor nutrition may have been an indirect cause of the disease.

Возможно, косвенной причиной заболевания стало плохое питание.

His health has been jeopardized by poor nutrition.

Его здоровье находится под угрозой из-за плохого питания.

The conversion of the aliment into fat is not properly nutrition.

Превращение питательного вещества в жир не является питанием в собственном смысле слова.

Recent research shows that the disease is caused in part by bad nutrition.

Как показывают последние исследования, данное заболевание частично обусловлено плохим питанием.

The subjects covered in this chapter are exercise and nutrition.

Темами, которые рассматриваются в этой главе, являются занятия спортом и правильное питание.

Возможные однокоренные слова

innutrition  — недостаток питания
nutritionist  — диетолог, диетврач, диетсестра
nutritional  — диетологический, диетный
overnutrition  — переедание, перекорм
undernutrition  — недостаточное или неправильное питание, плохое усвоение питательных веществ

Definition of Nutrition

the intake of food needed to sustain a healthy balance within the body

Examples of Nutrition in a sentence

Good nutrition combined with adequate rest will help the ailing woman return to her once vibrant self.


Although the girl wanted to improve her nutrition, the abundance of fast food around her work place made it difficult.


The man’s poor diet and nutrition contributed to several health problems including diabetes.


Balancing nutrition with a workout routine helped the struggling dieter meet his ultimate weight loss goal.


Looking at the nutrition information on the back of packages has helped me to make healthier food choices.


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April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

The secreting cells never show this change, although they may become atrophied or destroyed by the pressure and the disturbance of nutrition brought about by the swollen condition of the capillary walls.

They are thus induced to be out the whole day, and to take food with an appetite which greatly improves their nutrition and aids their restoration to health.

But the proper nutrition of the conducting substance is indissolubly dependent on the cell branches being in continuity with the cell body and nucleus it contains.

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Our starting-point in this, as in all departments of biological study, must be the biological unit, and it is to the alterations to which this is subject, under varying conditions of nutrition and stimulation, that the science of pathology must apply itself.

Dietaries are everywhere the same; they are calculated with great nicety according to the time of durance, and afford variety and ample nutrition without running into excess.

The building up and nutrition of the living substance by the foods manufactured or absorbed is properly spoken of as the assimilation of such food.

When the bud is nearly complete, the body-wall of the parent immediately below it becomes perforated, placing the coelenteric cavity of the parent in secondary communication with that of the bud (H), doubtless for the better nutrition of the latter.

It is supposed that these remarkable phenomena have gradually been evoked by difference in the nutrition of the alternating generations.

The subtle interplay of everything involved in nutrition is vastly more complex than our minds are able to handle.

In order to keep the blood in a satisfactory condition it must be well supplied with fresh nutriment, and the products Nutrition of waste freely eliminated.

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