Sentence with the word nut

Synonym: Nut, addict, ball, ballock, bollock, crackpot, crank, egg, en, freak, fruitcake, junkie, junky, nut case, nutcase, orchis, screwball, testicle, testis. Similar words: minute, peanut, nutrient, diminutive. Meaning: [nʌt]  n. 1. usually large hard-shelled seed 2. Egyptian goddess of the sky 3. a small (usually square or hexagonal) metal block with internal screw thread to be fitted onto a bolt 4. half the width of an em 5. a whimsically eccentric person 6. someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction 7. one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens. v. gather nuts. 

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1 He that will eat the nut must first crack the shell. 

2 He cracked his nut on the ceiling.

3 Take your spanner, and tighten the nut.

4 What a nut he is!

5 It is a tough nut for him to crack.

6 It is a hard nut for him to crack.

7 You must be off your nut, going out in the weather like this.

8 The nut isn’t tight enough yet: give it another screw.

9 The nut has worked off.

10 He’s a tough nut to crack.

11 My dad is such a nut.

12 She’ll do her nut when she sees the mess.

13 We heard your sister doing her nut.

14 Ian’s a tennis nut — he plays every day.

15 You must be off your nut!

16 The bird picked the nut out of the shell.

17 The nut has been worked on the spindle.

18 Oh come on, use your nut !

19 He’s a complete nut, if you ask me.

20 There’s some nut out there with a gun.

21 It doesn’t matter; only a nut started.

22 He’s a hard nut to crack.

23 Spread the nut mixture evenly over the bottom.

24 You can’t do that! Are you off your nut?

25 What are you,( some kind of nut?

26 Use a wrench to loosen the nut.

27 The final exam was a tough nut.

28 She’ll do her nut when she finds out!

29 He that would eat the kernel must crack the nut

30 I told him what she had said about him and he did his nut.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word nut, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use nut in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «nut».

Nut in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word nut in a sentence.

  1. Prayer nut (CA 17.190.328), Flemish, c.

  2. These flayed and polished two parallel sides of the nut.

  3. Prayer nut case with tracery, attributed to Adam Dircksz, c.

  4. Sometimes Ali would stroll into the audience during his nut swallowing trick.

  5. They are also known to damage nut and fruit crops, and have learnt to exploit canola crops.

  6. The jackal is implicated in the destruction of grape, watermelon, muskmelon, and nut crops.

  7. Martin’s pit crew dropped a lug nut which resulted in him remaining stationary for 21.7 seconds.

  8. Agouti species are one of the few animal groups that can break open the large capsules of the Brazil nut fruit.

  9. The evergreen hardwood tanoak produces a nut similar to the acorns produced by the related genus Quercus (oak).

  10. The winds destroyed tender tropical plants like bananas and papayas and uprooted or damaged fruit and nut trees.

  11. Pah Wongso is a nut seller, social worker, and schoolmaster who lives in Batavia and takes care of the local poor.

  12. The high winds stripped much of Kauai from its vegetation, wrecking sugar cane fields, as well as fruit and nut trees.

  13. The marks left by the lower mandible on the marri’s nut distinguish it from those fed on by other parrots and cockatoos.

  14. The English term Prayer nut comes from the equivalent Dutch word gebedsnoot, and took on common usage in the 18th century.

  15. Räikkönen made a pit stop this lap, which went wrong as his mechanics struggled to install a right-front wheel nut correctly.

  16. It certainly has a lot of Mughal influence which can be seen in the process of cooking that uses a lot of cream and cashew nut.

  17. When feeding, they generally hold food items in their left feet and extract edible parts or break and discard nut shells with their beaks.

  18. On purchasing Sissinghurst, Sackville-West and Nicolson inherited little more than some oak and nut trees, a quince, and a single old rose.

  19. Made with boneless chicken, it is cooked by marinating chunks of meat in curd, cream, cashew nut paste, spices and then grilled in tandoor.

  20. According to the art historian Dora Thornton, when the prayer nut was opened out, it «revealed the representation of the divine hidden inside.

  21. A poison was extracted from the nut of the native tangena (Cerbera manghas) shrub and ingested, with the outcome determining innocence or guilt.

  22. The soldiers began referring to their commander as «Hickory,» after a hickory nut, because of his toughness, and Jackson became known as «Old Hickory».

  23. The whitebark pine provides a high fat pine cone seed, commonly known as the pine nut, that is a favorite food of red squirrels and Clark’s nutcracker.

  24. The guitar peripheral has five different-colored fret buttons near the nut of the guitar neck, and a strum bar and a whammy bar on the body of the guitar.

  25. His best-known feats included water spouting, smoke swallowing, and nut and handkerchief swallowing followed by disgorgement in an order chosen by the audience.

  26. In areas where common hazel is the prevalent tree species, there is a similar pattern of adult survival and loss of juvenile birds in years with poor nut production.

  27. Damage covered by the report included not only that to cereal crops, fruit and nut orchards and some kinds of vegetable crops but also to houses and communications equipment.

  28. The leaders, including Johnson, made pit stops; Johnson’s pit crew dropped a left-rear lug nut, costing him time while his mechanics searched for it, falling to tenth position.

  29. The shape of a prayer nut likely carried deep significance; with the outer sheath representing Christ’s human flesh; the bead stand, his cross; and the interior reliefs, his divinity.

  30. The large and powerful bills of these birds can quickly and easily open a Brazil nut (normally requiring crushing in a vise or pounding with a hammer), shearing it as neatly as a laser.

  31. The writer-producers have said that Frank «never takes anything at face value [and is] a true conspiracy nut [who] has probably seen every episode of The X-Files, [which will] pay off for him».

  32. The musical centerpiece of «Lucky» is its three-piece guitar arrangement, which grew out of the high-pitched chiming sound played by O’Brien in the song’s introduction, achieved by strumming above the guitar nut.

Synonyms for nut

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word nut has the following synonyms: addict, freak, junkie, junky, crackpot, crank, nut case, nutcase, fruitcake, screwball, en, testis, testicle, orchis, ball, ballock, bollock and egg.

General information about «nut» example sentences

The example sentences for the word nut that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «nut» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «nut».

nut — перевод на русский


This gang has got me nuts.

Эта шайка сводит меня с ума.

— Him and his old lady’s driving me nuts.

— Он и его старуха сводят меня с ума

— lf I hear that story again, I’ll go nuts.

— Если я услышу это еще раз, я сойду с ума.

How does a fella keep from going absolutely and incurably nuts around here?

Как можно жить здесь, и при этом не сойти с ума от скуки?

You were gonna drive Eddie nuts.

Собираетесь свести Эдди с ума.

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— You don’t like men who eat nuts?

— Вам не нравятся мужчины, жующие орехи?

Where did you find those nuts?

Ах! Где ты нашел орехи?

Nuts to you!

Вот вам на орехи!

Everybody’s nuts around here.

Накидали кругом орехи.

Don’t you recognize your father, forest nuts?

Ну что, не узнаете папань -то, орехи лесные?

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— You are nuts

— Да ты тоже псих… — Эй!

He’s a right nut, he is. Isn’t he?

Ну и псих же он, да?

-Is that man a complete nut?

-Этот человек полный псих?

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— I hate to tell you, but you’re nuts.

— Неловко Вам говорить, но Вы чокнутый.

I suppose you think I’m nuts?

Полагаю, вы думаете, я чокнутый?

— You know, I think you’re nuts.

— Знаете, по-моему вы чокнутый.

— Are you nuts?

— Ты чокнутый?

He’s just a nut.

Он просто чокнутый

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Oh, I don’t know. Either I’m off my nut or he is or you are.

Или я спятил, или он.

Can’t you see the old man’s nuts?

Не видишь, что старик спятил?

You think I’m a nut too, do you?

Вы тоже думаете, что я спятил, не так ли?

Anyway, when the guy had gone completely nuts over me, I left without a word with a magnificent 19-year-old English boy.

Короче, когда этот тип окончательно спятил от любви ко мне, я ушла, не сказав ни слова, с прелестным 19-летним англичанином.

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Get off me nuts!

Не трожь яйца!

— What? You’re squashing my nuts.

— Слышь, ты мне щас яйца раздавишь.

Drop that stereo before I blow your goddamn nuts off, asshole!

Брось магнитофон, пока я не отстрелил тебе яйца, ублюдок!

Lady, those are my husband’s nuts.

Г-жа, это яйца для моего мужа.

Getting caught in the gears of a combine. Having your nuts bitten off by a Laplander.

Быть затянутым в механизм сельского комбайна или потерять свои яйца в пасти северного оленя…

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And I brought you some nuts.

А я принес тебе орешки.

You’d probably have to ride in the backseat… because his nuts would ride shotgun.

Но тебе пришлось бы ездить на заднем сидении… Потому что его орешки занимали бы всё переднее.

I’ll put out nuts, but not beer.

Я поставлю на стол орешки, но не пиво.

Chocolate with milk, with fruit with nuts or with rum?

Какао, фрукты орешки или ром?

Go buy me some cigarettes and some nuts.

Вудь добр, сходи и купи мне сигареты и орешки.

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Are you nuts?

Надо ехать. — С ума сошел?

You’re nuts!

Ты с ума сошёл!

Good man, you’re nuts.

Ты что, с ума сошёл, юноша?

Are ya nuts?

Ты с ума сошел?

What are you, fucking nuts?

Совсем забыл. — С ума сошел?

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I’m a nut from Brazil.

Я — сумасшедший из Бразилии.

— I do. You’re nuts!

Ты сумасшедший!

— Doctor, I’m not nuts!

— Д-р я не сумасшедший!

Are you totally nuts?

Вы сумасшедший.

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Any guy’s nuts enough, let him.

Если кто-то настолько свихнулся — пусть прыгает.

He must be nuts.

Он свихнулся!

I was that close to getting the killer’s real name… and, boom, he went nuts again.

Я был так близок заполучить настоящее имя убийцы… и, бум, и он снова свихнулся.

Everybody thinks your father’s going nuts.

Все считают, что твой отец свихнулся.

You know, you’re nuts.

Знаешь, ты свихнулся.

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гайка, орех, муфта, псих, гаечный, шевелить мозгами


- орех

shelled nuts — очищенные орехи, орехи без скорлупы

- бот. семянка
- крепкий орешек

a tough nut — человек, с которым трудно справиться (преим. о хулигане)
a hard nut to crack — а) трудная задача; неразрешимая проблема; б) крепкий орешек (о человеке)

- сл. голова, башка; «котелок»

you get this in your nut! — ≅ заруби себе на носу!
to be off one’s nut — спятить, рехнуться
to work one’s nut — шевелить мозгами

- псих, чокнутый

a prodigiously talented nut — талантливейший /необычайно талантливый/, но неуравновешенный человек

- помешавшийся (на чём-л.)

a golf nut — человек, помешавшийся на гольфе

- сл. франт, щёголь; молодец

to be a nut at smth. — ≅ отлично играть, грести и т. п.

- pl. (the nuts) сл. прелесть, чудо; ≅ «что надо»
- амер. пончик
- тех. гайка; муфта

cap nut — колпачковая /глухая/ гайка
nut runner — гайковёрт
nut wrench — гаечный ключ

- pl. мелкий уголь
- сердцевина, ядро

the nut of smb.’s argument — самая суть чьих-л. доводов

- полигр. полукруглая шпация (тж. nut quad)

nut dash, nut rule — тире на полукруглую

- сл. взятка полицейскому (из-за мелкого правонарушения); откуп (от штрафа и т. п.)

for nuts — нисколько
to do one’s nut(s) — сл. беситься (от злости, нетерпения и т. п.)
she cannot sew for nuts — она совсем не умеет шить
time to leave our nuts aside — ≅ время юношеских забав прошло, пора стать взрослыми
he who would eat the nut must first crack the shell — посл. ≅ без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда


- собирать орехи

to go nutting — пойти по орехи

- сл. шевелить мозгами

to nut out smth. — обмозговывать что-л.

Мои примеры


walnuts, almonds, peanuts, and other nuts — грецкие орехи, миндаль, арахис и другие орехи  
a bowl of nuts and raisins — миска с орехами и изюмом  
to crush a nut — сминать грани гайки  
to draw up nut tight — подтягивать гайку  
fastening nut — крепёжная гайка  
adjusting nut — регулировочная гайка  
to draw up a nut tight — подтягивать гайку  
bush nut — макадамия трилистниковая; австралийский орех  
nut butter — ореховая паста  
cadmium plated nut — кадмированная гайка  
nut cake — ореховый торт; ореховый кекс  
nut oil cake — ореховый жмых  

Примеры с переводом

My dad is such a nut.

Мой папа такой псих /чудак/.

That guy is a real nut.

Этот парень — настоящий псих /чудак/.

Oh come on, use your nut!

Ну давай же, пошевели мозгами!

Are you allergic to nuts?

У вас есть аллергия на орехи? / У тебя что, аллергия на орехи?

She’s a real baseball nut.

Она настоящая бейсбольная фанатка.

The squirrel sat and ate the nut.

Белка села и съела этот орех.

I asked him how he nutted up the idea.

Я спросил его, как он это придумал.

What are you, some kind of nut?

Ты что, псих какой-то?

The squirrel cracked the nut and ate the meat inside.

Белка расколола орех и съела ядро.

Use a wrench to loosen the nut.

Чтобы ослабить гайку, воспользуйтесь ключом.

He just turned round and nutted me!

Он просто повернулся и врезал мне головой!

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We were sitting round the fire cracking nuts (=opening them).

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

nutate  — колебаться, кивать, качаться
nutting  — сбор орехов
nutty  — рехнувшийся, вкусный, пикантный, увлекающийся, щегольской, нарядный, интересный
nutter  — псих, ореховая паста, сборщик орехов
nutant  — склоненный, висячий, нависший

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: nut
he/she/it: nuts
ing ф. (present participle): nutting
2-я ф. (past tense): nutted
3-я ф. (past participle): nutted

ед. ч.(singular): nut
мн. ч.(plural): nuts

What’s in a Nut?

and meditation, but during the day I could dream neither nut nor bolt

Ra was the sun god; swallowed every night by the sky goddess Nut, and reborn every morning

Add a handful to a vegetarian stir-fry or use as a nut butter on crackers or bread

in the nut bake and sealed the opening

in the nut bake

Why not try one of the dark honeys, brown as a nut, with the strong and heady sweetness of sunshine? Why not try one of the mild, creamy white honeys, thick and subtle flavoured? There is such a bewildering variety of honeys from all over the world that I could not possibly name them all, but perhaps the most delectable of all, though it is a matter of personal preference, are the clover honeys, smooth and mellow as butterscotch, and with an unforgettable bouquet, and the dark-toned, exotic honeys of the Caribbean

It was clear that he wasn’t as physically attracted to her as he had been to Luray, she was a tough little brown nut, but well shaped and lively

«Sure enough», said the soldier to himself, «she’s escaped from the local nut house»

ginger nut biscuits between the four of them, Harry checked that

the local nut house»

Jameson or Harold, pinched a nut between his fingers and it flew towards the other’s face

Jason would’ve cut his left nut off and sat it on my desk, if he

In a nut shell he’s bad news,” Roman responded

Chian went back to her house and made lunch, just some mashed lorvs and nut crumbs with a few pinches of spice and some dried leshin to scoop it with

Perhaps, a nut or bolt in the train

She’s still thinking, “I’m stuck in this chair again with this nut

These chiefs were succeeded by the more important men and their followers, and finally Prempeh himself, with a large nut in his mouth, as a special fetish charm to guard against the wiles of the white man, was half dragged past between two attendants

Books says it’s made from soot and turpentine and nut oil

Mix together the peanuts, red and green candy-coated chocolate pieces, red and green candy-coated chocolate covered peanuts, chocolate covered peanuts and wheat germ nut snacks

«‘Ad ‘alf me nut shot off when I were fighting in the dessert

” Farris popped a pine nut into his mouth, chewing silently as Chandio clasped his hands on the desk and leant forward, “Perhaps he was just looking to find out why his daughter killed herself then, nothing more than that?”

Harper recognized the purr of a motorcycle just as the second nut loosened

He held out a hand without even looking at her, and Harper put a bolt in it, then the nut

” He held out his hand, and she put the last nut and bolt in it

His voice changed, it was steady and quieter: “Don’t you know that since crack cocaine showed up in the province, Gordy has been something of an anti-drug nut? He is the man responsible for those infernal roadblocks on the coastal highway

to her, he stopped howling like a nut when things didn’t go his way, and he started

What a nut

I ordered the short stack of Nut and Grain pancakes and a large glass of milk and sat quietly looking around at where I»d first met Mia

The doc said he could snip the muscle that pulls it up or replace the ball with a silicone nut

His experience told him that the grove was nut not fruit, which could be good for them, except others would have been attracted to it also

Once your products are sold and on display out of your control you are powerless unless you have patents or copyrights on every nut and bolt

Bruiser offered an apology to the drive thru attendant, “Don’t pay any attention to old boy about that “THEEZ NUTZ” business – he’s a nut job

She smiled at the little fellow and wished him good luck with the nut hunt

“I even told the nut, I said: Mary, it’s all good baby -I called her baby, she really got a kick out of that — but anywho kid, I told her not to worry because someone will be back here on that treadmill within the week

She dived under the table to find Municantir who played tag with a nut he had found on the floor

The king however survived the attempt on his life, nut without any injury

I watch him blend into the crowd and wonder if Chris is really a nut job

I sit at the table in the cafeteria and pick at a banana nut muffin and sip a carton of milk

Fry in a very little nut fat for 10 minutes

For those who prefer it, milk and dairy butter may be substituted for the water and nut fat

Proceed as for nut roast or rissoles, but use cold stewed lentils (see recipe) in the place of bread-crumbs

* Wash entire rest of body with Ginger Nut and Jaffa Cake body wash

Sprinkle half of the nut mixture over the batter and top with the blueberries, gently pressing them into the batter

Sprinkle the remaining nut mixture over the cake, pressing gently

Harvey also knew exactly where Madeline was, as he stopped watching Marilee down below in the restaurant, quietly with Tom, and focused on more clearly on Madeline wondering why she was telling Stuart she was removing her clothes, when she was sitting at her desk eating a dough nut and giggling into the microphone

company had been in the park and spread the word about the nut from Quagmeyer who tried drinking the sour water from one of the

remove the big nut and the flared tapered ring

collar and start the nut off and tighten to

with a spanner on the base hex nut of the tap

to prevent the loss of a nut inside the wall

damn nut standing on the other roof shooting at us

prison or a nut house

One nut actually asked me—in a whisper—if I really was the Lord

Two older boys took off after him, returned some minutes later with the juvenile nut rustler between them

assuming that you adjust the output to be 3-volt ing a nut and bolt after applying some heatsink paste and the load draws a current of 1

A beef stew from East Java that goes heavy on the keluak nut

of cottage cheese and a handful of walnuts or some other nut

The answer is of course I do, which is precisely why I will not adopt anything that appears to be demonstrably false, inaccurate, or the ranting of a nut or sociopath

“You invited every nut job in the city to send in their own ghost stories, so they did

Yet Jensen continued unaware… “Yes, I’m sure once the sales die down and this nut job can no longer spin this crap… well, we’ll find another freak

Suddenly I remembered the story of Nut and Geb, the sky and earth

If they have anything together in that nut house, it is fucking air tight, I don’t know what made DeeMc think she could get out, but hey, she made it work for her

You»ll get a really tough nut next who, for a substantial fee, will provide protection from the bastards who will bash you up unless you stock their paintings

The world’s full of nut cases, especially when the monsoons are approaching

Empty into a serving bowl, and garnish with nut crush

Nut Milk or Thandai

“Hold on, I think I just bust a nut!”

“You made me bust a nut in there

The facts were clear: Tommy was a nut and June was close to being a non-existent entity, which meant Angela would have to take the bull by the horns and cut her ties separately with each of them

Nut protein is missing at least one

Khauran is too strong a nut for us to crack now

“Master,” I said softly looking at him with the blade held over the nut

I tried a sip of the milk, found it refreshing with a light taste and offered him an opened nut

«The kid was a nut case, he had a child’s mind

«There was a security guy there, a tough nut

Walnuts are the healthiest nut of all because they contain the most disease-fighting and anti-ageing antioxidants, according to recent search from the ­University of Scranton, US

Chow down on a favorite nut for all the protein, fat, magnesium, and Vitamins B and E that the brain needs to function

«We always figured the nut was playing with bombs

Of course the nut job is back in his car quickly and on my tail again

In between this drop and my next destination I managed to lose the nut job and all was forgotten…

I look and yep it is the nut job!

“How much do you get paid at the nut house?» Josh questioned

“Twenty six-five, and don’t call it a nut house

“This makes my decision to leave the nut house so much easier to live with

“Don’t call it a nut house,» Josh said

I throw a nut from a distance into my mouth

“I could get someone to say that the sun is green, but then I’d have to return them to the nut house before curfew

May Ling is almost unrecognisable, her complexion has darkened from a light golden colour to nut brown, and her hair is beaded

They are an extremely tough nut to crack

“Little man, you are a nut case,” Lt

inmates are running the nut house

It would be a tough nut to crack

“That’s insane! You Outsiders are some backwards thinking nut jobs!” I shouted at Corey

His bow and arrows and bat, along with his stolen nut, the painting and a bag of old cocoa and the key were all he had

“So you are the moron that stole the squirrel’s nut?” said Lezura, adding a light laugh

“Do you see that nut over there? I can’t crack it open

A huge study that tracked thousands of nurses found that those who ate just an ounce of nuts or peanut butter five times a week lowered their risk of Type 2 diabetes by at least 20%

Nuts have more in common than not

Fortunately the high fat content of nuts makes them very filling, helping curb hunger

Selenium also supports immunity read as far as nuts are concerned

You only need three or four Brazil that not all nuts are created equal

Some have more fibre, fat nuts a day to get all the selenium you require

containing a bowl of assorted nuts and crackers

Then you have things like nuts and dates” said Joe

taken the nuts from the bowl, mixed them with cabbage, potatoes

Then horrible thrashing erupted in some nearby water, and a scream that turned Alan’s hair white and made his nuts crawl up inside his belly

The main sources of this mineral are nuts, whole wheat, unpolished rice, oatmeal, dried fruits, and leafy vegetables

All fruits and vegetables are good sources of sulphur but these should be well balanced with foods of a high phosphorus content such as milk, cheese and eggs, cereals and nuts

These guys are nuts

He only afforded himself a few mixed nuts and berries from his pack

It would make anyone nuts

He thinks about giving the guy a kick in the nuts but decides that it wouldn’t be professional

Poly could sit happily and count pegs or screws, or bolts and nuts until drowsy with sleep

The condom was driving me nuts

a seat at the table unknowingly begging to be kicked in the nuts

wouldn’t know love if it kicked you square in the nuts

And then the annoying biology department had to go raise a mortal in a lab, tease it with androids until it went nuts and then let it loose on the surface

In a minute or two Hipolyta and Titania noticed the display and each pinched, or flicked two nuts apiece towards the gentlemen, which were likewise caught and chewed

Before any time at all there was a cloud of nuts hurtling through the air above the table top

No one’s hands left the table in front of them, but everyone was munching on nuts

Miss Hill remained oblivious to the tiny cloud before her eyes, except to notice her table mates had become very interested in the bowls of nuts provided at each setting

When she reached for some nuts herself and raised them to her mouth, she looked across the table at her companions and she at last noticed the flying debris

Before Stenworth could respond, Heather kneed him in the nuts

remember you were nuts about this girl and when you have got

chocolates – without nuts, pastries, popcorns, bhutta… But the

The Nuts and Bolts of Creating Your Product

Galloping Gopher, on the other hand, was a devout omnivore, fully dedicated to and focused on her daily searching for a variety of grasses, seeds, nuts, berries, grains, and worms and insects (protein primers!) that might be found innocently and naively hanging out in her territorial domain

It was enough to drive you nuts!

accomplishes it! He would go nuts with that

He blew his nuts into her cunt immediately, and kept on blowing off in her for a very long time while she simply lay there and sighed and occasionally patted his bare ass

doll, while Harry sat in the sun cleaning himself and looking at us as if we were nuts

These fats are found naturally in foods like nuts and avocados

consider using nuts and seeds instead

 Selenium — a mineral that has been associated with having an upbeat mood (source: Brazil nuts, tuna, beef, seafood)

“No”, said Eileen, “You can call me chuff nuts” as she got up to follow Dave who’d left earlier

Longleaf’s first order of business was to fill his stomach with a large bowl of oatmeal, sprinkled with nuts and blueberries, and down as many cups of strong coffee as he could stand

Stopping for nothing except some mushrooms and a few nuts, they lacked water

The Nationalists went completely nuts after 1948, passing hundreds of laws collectively called the Apartheid laws

On the top of the tree he tied a basket of nuts; these

«But don’t you think, mamma,» said Willie eagerly, «that you could make some sort of a cake out of meal, and wouldn’t hickory nuts be good in

snow pudding, was voted very nice, and the hickory nuts as good as

When chocolate mixture is heated, pour melted mixture over marshmallows and nuts and mix all together

Add the nuts and stir well

Remove from heat, mix in the cereal, nuts (or coconut), and vanilla

Sprinkle the nuts over the chocolate, and press in slightly

«Everyone will love this homemade chocolate candy made with instant coffee and nuts!» Original recipe yield: 3 pounds

Sprinkle with nuts, gently pressing into the melted chocolate

Coatings (powdered sugar, cocoa, toasted coconut or chopped nuts)

Stir in nuts

Pour nuts and chocolate chips into a 9×13 inch dish

Pour hot mixture over the nuts and chocolate

Repeat with remaining nuts and caramels

Remove the melted chocolate from the heat and stir in the frosting and the nuts stirring until smooth

Remove from heat; stir in nuts if desired and the vanilla

Marshmallow Fudge: Omit nuts

Remove chocolate mixture from heat and add marshmallow and nuts

The one without nuts or creams

Stir in nuts and vanilla

Stir in pumpkin pie spice, vanilla, butter and nuts

Don’t skip the nuts with their crunchy touch

Add 1 cup chopped toasted nuts

Transfer to a large bowl and gradually beat in sugar; stir in nuts

Stir in the nuts, vanilla wafer crumbs and 1/2 of the coconut

Remember to leave all the fruits and nuts whole

The slices are beautiful because you slice into the whole fruit and nuts

Stir in cranberries and nuts

Spread the crushed nuts evenly in the greased pan

Pour the mixture into the pan over the nuts

Sprinkle additional ground nuts on top if you wish

Remove from heat, and quickly stir in coarse nuts

Top with nuts

Place nuts on a 10×15 inch jellyroll pan, and bake for 10 minutes

Remove nuts, and melt butter on pan

Fold toasted nuts into egg white mixture

Arrange the coated nuts in a single layer on the buttered pan

Bake for 30 minutes in the preheated oven, turning nuts with spatula every 10 minutes, until outside is crisp and golden

Add the nuts, and stir until well coated

Mix the sugar, salt, and cinnamon, and sprinkle over the nuts

Allow to cool, then store nuts in airtight containers

Stir in nuts and orange zest

Fold in nuts, and spread into the prepared pan

Fold in nuts and coat well with the egg white mixture

Evenly spread coated nuts over melted butter in pan

Spoon nuts onto waxed paper, and immediately separate nuts with a fork

We have to either totally believe your sister is nuts, or we have to find an explanation that would make sense

Grouse, pheasants, and wild turkeys eat insects, nuts, seeds, berries, vegetation

Standing hands on hips, shaking my head at Uncle Hobart, I told him, «You’re bloody nuts, do you know that?»

“That would just be nuts,” said Bru

“I had them by the nuts,” she boasted, “and don’t you know, they sold and at my price! That’s how I began my career in real estate

But he stepped forward, taking her place and loosening the last few lug nuts with quick, efficient motions

He spun the lug nuts and slid the bolts out one at a time, handing them to Harper without a comment

It was like being kicked in the nuts without the impact of a kick or blow

Who else would rent them big, ugly old houses? You must be nuts

Every time she mentioned Tweety to anyone, however, she had been looked at as though she was nuts

Exiting his room, Elohat saw Dymos sitting astride a metal vent pipe, struggling to undo the retaining nuts on an inspection cover

“Fuck no, I’d never tell a cop nutting

The hunter who told me this could remember one Sam Nutting, who used to hunt bears on Fair Haven Ledges, and exchange their skins for rum in Concord village; who told him, even, that he had seen a moose there

Nutting had a famous foxhound named Burgoyne—he pronounced it Bugine—which my informant used to borrow

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