Sentence with the word nursery

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Living room, kitchen, nursery and bedroom — an ordinary, like, house.

Гостиная, кухня, детская и спальня — обычный, вроде, дом.

It does not matter if the nursery over the years less and less corresponds to your original plan.

Не беда, если детская с годами все меньше соответствует вашему первоначальному замыслу.

A botanical nursery set up to aid the restoration of local species and ecosystems will eventually become a visitor and education centre.

Ботанический питомник, созданный для помощи в восстановлении местных видов и экосистем, со временем станет центром для посетителей и образования.

Near the college has been a botanical nursery, a whole park, we, the children, walked here.

Возле колледжа был ботанический питомник, целый парк, мы, дети, здесь гуляли.

Children should not attend school or nursery until they are no longer contagious.

Дети не должны посещать детский сад или школу, пока они полностью не перестанут быть заразными.

Now the nursery is ready to accept 80 students — for them, they have bought new furniture and toys.

Теперь детский сад готов принять 80 воспитанников — для них закупили новую мебель и игрушки.

And there’s practical you paint the nursery.

И есть практически моменты… в какой цвет красить детскую.

This also eliminates adjustment difficulties between nursery and primary school.

Это также позволяет устранить трудности адаптации при переходе из детского сада в начальную школу.

But DNA evidence has been inconclusive and nursery staff dispute it was him.

Но доказательства ДНК не были доведены до конца и детской спор персонал, это был он.

Furnishings in the nursery should be more concise and user-friendly dynamic teenager.

Обстановка в детской должна быть более лаконичной и удобной для динамичного подростка.

And the fact that our children enter the nursery in the «second critical period immunogenesis».

И то, что наши дети входят в детский сад в «второй критический период иммуногенеза».

Organising a home nursery as a business is a good idea to start in a small town or even a village.

Организация домашнего питомника как бизнеса это хорошая идея для старта в маленьком городе или даже селе (деревне).

Colors in the nursery can be absolutely any, because children love brightness.

Цвета в детской могут быть абсолютно любые, ведь дети любят яркость.

In the nursery should be as convenient as possible, and each of the three children.

В детской должно быть максимально удобно, причём каждому из троих детей.

Retriever can play the role of nursery nurses for all small family members.

Ретривер может играть роль детской няньки для всех маленьких членов семьи.

For example, this applies to the nursery and the garage, which should not be contiguous.

Например, это касается детской и гаража, которые не должны быть смежными.

The culture of political struggle and debate is their nursery.

Культура политической борьбы и дискуссии является их питомником.

This plant is able to purify the air, so it is simply necessary in the nursery.

Это растение способно очищать воздух, поэтому он в детской просто необходимо.

Believe me, they surely know of all born-promising kittens, even if they were not born in a competing nursery.

Поверьте, они наверняка в курсе всех рожденных перспективных котят, даже если они родились не в конкурирующем питомнике.

Your local nursery (or possibly a university) is going to be your best resource.

Ваш местный питомник (или, возможно, в университете) будет вашим лучшим ресурсом.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word nursery, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use nursery in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «nursery».

Nursery in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word nursery in a sentence.

  1. Horror has crept into the British nursery.

  2. The fawn then joins a nursery group within its mother’s herd.

  3. Education was free, as was a nursery school for working mothers.

  4. The largest collection of nursery and seed trade catalogs in the U.S.

  5. Barbauld[‘s] stuff has banished all the old classics of the nursery ..

  6. Mothers with calves will gather in nursery herds, moving or browsing together.

  7. King’s provides education to pupils of nursery age through to international study.

  8. In 1865, they began to collaborate on toy books of nursery rhymes and fairy tales.

  9. The majority of the population consisted of men working at the brickworks and nursery.

  10. Among other things, she taught him and his sisters the nursery rhyme «Good, Better, Best.

  11. Harem and nursery herds are much smaller, typically including no more than 10 individuals.

  12. Nevertheless, in 1972 the congregation established a nursery school and prozdor (high school).

  13. Andrews also described some plants which he had grown from seed in a nursery in Hammersmith as P.

  14. In 1788, seed was sent from Botany Bay to the Lee and Kennedy’s nursery in Hammersmith, west London.

  15. Its range has contracted to the waters around the Italian Peninsula, where a nursery area may exist.

  16. Although Olga and her siblings lived in a palace, conditions in the nursery were modest, even Spartan.

  17. Conakrya is a monotypic genus of Guinean nursery web spiders containing the single species, Conakrya wolffi.

  18. They then may be transferred to transitional, nursery beds before being moved to their final rearing quarters.

  19. The family was reputed to be descendants of «Little Jack Horner», the subject of an 18th-century nursery rhyme.

  20. Suggested solutions included nursery education, a minimum wage, child allowances and a national health service.

  21. Gestation takes between 21 and 28 days after copulation, during which time the female constructs a nursery burrow.

  22. There are ten nursery schools, sixteen primary schools, and two secondary schools in Ashton-under-Lyne as of 2019.

  23. This project has seen the number of plants being propagated in the Sissinghurst nursery rise from 400 to over 530.

  24. Named the John Locke Academy, the school will have 630 primary places and 90 nursery places when fully subscribed.

  25. James appointed as head of the nursery his former nurse Helen Little, who installed Henry in James’ own oak cradle.

  26. Altrincham is home to one of the longest established, family-owned nursery schools in the UK, Oakfield Nursery School.

  27. Since then, The Clear View School has run a day treatment program for 83 students from nursery school age to 21 there.

  28. While the female is transporting some to the nursery area, others are picked off by predators that lurk near the nest.

  29. The Mediterranean Sea is a nursery for juveniles, as well as a common place for adults in the spring and summer months.

  30. On arrival, Heywood and Christian were assigned to a shore camp which would act as a nursery for the breadfruit plants.

  31. In Kurtistown, a bonsai nursery suffered $3–5 million in lost inventory, including 100 trees described as «world-class».

  32. German horticulturist Herren Ebritsch obtained material and developed it at his nursery in Arnstadt near Erfurt in Germany.

  33. Arnison described the recording process by saying that Talbot «hadn’t sung nursery rhymes; she’d always sung classic tracks.

  34. In 1983 in Lawrence, Kansas, Mary Winchester (Samantha Smith) investigates a sound coming from her infant son Sam’s nursery.

  35. Live plants, including poinsettias and vegetable seedlings, died in conjunction with the destruction of nursery greenhouses.

  36. In 1813 a flowering specimen from the nursery of Malcolm and Sweet was featured as Plate 1581 in Curtis’s Botanical Magazine.

  37. The White Hart Lane site, actually located behind Tottenham High Road, was a nursery owned by the brewery chain Charringtons.

  38. The music they chose to write and perform was influenced by nursery rhymes, folk music, and rock songs of the 1950s and 1960s.

  39. The female visits the nursery sites regularly and deposits unfertilised eggs in the water and these are consumed by the tadpoles.

  40. The shoreline swamps of the mainland and island margins provide a nursery for larval and juvenile fish, molluscs and crustaceans.

  41. A variety of ornamental shrubs, including rhododendrons, were grown in a nursery and used in the parks and gardens of Manchester.

  42. Their youngest daughter was displeased with her nursery school, and the family soon learned that her frustration involved language.

  43. That summer, to relieve the pressure on what was becoming an overcrowded nursery, Nancy attended the nearby Francis Holland School.

  44. Azazel had come into Sam’s nursery and fed him his blood, with Mary Winchester (Samantha Smith) walking in and recognizing the demon.

  45. Shoreline and island mangrove swamps, together with the bay, represent a significant nursery for the marine life of southeast Florida.

  46. In the autumn of 1907, Olga’s aunt Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna of Russia was escorted to the nursery by the Tsar to meet Rasputin.

  47. Tyutcheva said the children had been taught not to discuss Rasputin with her and were careful to hide his visits from the nursery staff.

  48. In the autumn of 1907, Anastasia’s aunt Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna of Russia was escorted to the nursery by the Tsar to meet Rasputin.

  49. After a few months (or by the first winter in the Gulf of Mexico), the now-subadult sharks migrate out from the nursery into the open ocean.

  50. The state established a tree nursery in the Moshannon State Forest in 1911, which became the largest in Pennsylvania before it closed in 1980.

Synonyms for nursery

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word nursery has the following synonyms: baby’s room, greenhouse and glasshouse.

General information about «nursery» example sentences

The example sentences for the word nursery that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «nursery» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «nursery».

nursery — перевод на русский


Mr. Bernstein is apt to pay a visit to the nursery now and then.

Он намерен посетить детскую.

Get her out through the nursery, quick! What is it, the cold?

Выведите её через детскую, быстро!

Perhaps you would like to see my nursery.

Вероятно, вы бы хотели посмотреть на мою детскую.

I want to tidy up the nursery again.

Я хочу опять убирать детскую.

She had no objection to sharing this planet with you till you broke into her nursery and started destroying her eggs.

Она была не против делить с вами планету, пока вы не вторглись в детскую и не начали уничтожать яйца.

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They’ve got the best nursery ever.

Прекрасные ясли.

This is not a nursery!

Это не ясли.

We have a mortuary chamber, strict nannies and a nursery.

У нас есть погребальная комната, строгие кормилицы и ясли.

He’s at nursery school, half-days.

Он ходит в ясли на полдня.

The morning of his baptism, my mother went to his nursery… found him in his crib, he had stopped breathing.

В утро его крещения, моя мать ушла в ясли и увидела его в его кроватке. Он перестал дышать.

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— You running a nursery, lieutenant?

— У вас тут детский сад, лейтенант? — Ох, капитан.

And we needed a nursery school We started building it.

Нужен был детский сад — начали строить.

My beloved little Susan will go to nursery school.

Моя любимая малышка Сюзан пойдет в детский сад.

What are we running here a nursery?

Здесь вам не детский сад!

Today, I delivered a package to a nursery school, and I threw up in a little water fountain.

Я сегодня доставлял посылку в детский сад, и меня вырвало в фонтанчик для питья.

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The nursery doors are alarmed.

Двери в детскую комнату под сигнализацией.

The harlot stealing into the nursery…

Развратницу, пробравшаяся в детскую комнату…

He really needs to go to the nursery to be monitored And get his newborn checkup.

Ему действительно нужно в детскую комнату, чтобы прослушать и пройти свой первый осмотр

— They have him in the nursery. — Oh. Oh.

— Они унесли его в детскую комнату.

The nurses just took him to the nursery.

Медсестры забрали его в детскую комнату.

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— You still have the nursery, Mr. Kirby? — Oh, yes.

— У Вас по-прежнему питомник, м-р Кирби?

A sunken nursery!

Затонувший питомник!

My mum and dad, they run a garden nursery, and….

Папа с мамой, у них садовый питомник, и…. Я люблю их.

but err,i don’t get it, if the nursery causes you such problems why do you keep it?

Я не понимаю, если питомник доставляет столько забот, почему вы сохраняете его?

-to nature’s disbalance must be a big workload,your nursery, your research, -laurent told us for your father.

— Скорее — дисбаланса Это же большая нагрузка — Ваш питомник, Ваши исследования

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You know, we had to take our little brothers to nursery school… if that’s okay with you.

Мы братьев в садик отвозили, тебе это мешает?

Max is doing brilliantly, Isla’s loving nursery.

У Макса всё отлично, Айле нравится садик.

Well, I think I could manage keeping John here, so he can go to his same nursery and not have any changes, and you could fly in every other weekend or something?

Ну, я думаю, что я смогу смотреть за Джоном, он будет ходить в тот же садик и он не почувствует никаких изменений, а ты прилетала бы сюда на любые свободные выходные?

No, I need you to take John to the nursery.

Нет, надо чтобы ты взяла Джона и отвезла в садик.

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The Pillars of Creation are a stellar nursery.

Столбы созидания — это звездный инкубатор.

There are people who want to be saved by people like him though… people who leave all these comments, people like Nursery.

Есть люди, которые хотят, чтобы их спас кто-то типа него… люди, которые оставляют все эти комментарии, люди типа Инкубатор.

Jarnia reburies the eggs in her turtle nursery.

Джарния закапывает яйца в собственный черепаший инкубатор.

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did st.Ambrose institute nap time,or do I still have a staff? Then why don’t you show us the records for the other babies that were in the nursery the time that emily was there?

Тогда почему вы не покажете нам записи о других детях, которые были в отделении в то же время, когда там была Эмили?

There was only one other african-american girl in the nursery at that time.

Была только одна афро-американская девочка в отделении в то время.

Well,something happened in that nursery.

Что-то случилось в отделении.

You were in the nursery 24/7.

Вы были в отделении 24/7.

I-— she’s saying that the next time you were in the nursery alone is when those babies were switched.

.. Когда вы были в отделении, эти дети поменялись местами.

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There are the Pleiades a group of young stars astronomers recognize as leaving their stellar nurseries of gas and dust.

Это — Плеяды, группа молодых звезд, как считают астрономы, покинувших свою звездную колыбель из газа и пыли.

Later, they wander out of their nursery to pursue their destiny in the Milky Way.

Позже они покидают свою колыбель и отправляются навстречу судьбе в Млечном Пути.

It’s a star nursery.

Это колыбель звезд.

But tucked away in a calmer part of Orion’s nursery… Hubble has found confirmation… that planets are forming around other stars.

Внедрившись в звездную колыбель, Хаббл нашел подтверждение тому, что формирование планет проходит вокруг звезд.

The vast interstellar clouds of gas and dust are stellar nurseries.

Огромные межзвездные облака газа и пыли — это звездные колыбели.

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The new nursery maid should have been here at noon.

Помощница няни должна была явиться в полдень.

I’m Beryl, the new nursery maid.

Я – Берилл, новая помощница няни.

Like a nursery or…

Вроде няни или…

How can I tell him I’m married to a Frenchwoman who was a nursery maid?

Как я скажу ему, что женат на француженке, которая была няней?

She’s not going back to that nursery.

Она больше не пойдет к этой няне.

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питомник, детская, ясли, детская комната, рассадник, инкубатор, садок


- детская (комната)

to peer into the nursery-room — заглянуть в детскую
night nursery — детская спальня
day nursery — комната (в богатых домах), где дети играют и едят

- (детские) ясли; детский сад, особ. малышовые группы (тж. day nursery)

nursery class — класс в школе для обучения детей в возрасте от трех до пяти лет
nursery school — детский сад на неполный день; указатель «детский сад»; детский сад

- детская комната (в магазине и т. п.)
- с.-х. питомник, рассадник; школка

permanent nursery — постоянный питомник
temporary nursery — временный питомник; полевой питомник
nursery transplant — саженец

- (of, for) питомник; рассадник, очаг

nursery of /for/ artists — художественное училище
the nurseries of mismanagement — рассадники бесхозяйственности

- гренарня, червоводня
- инкубатор

nursery tray — брудерный лоток (в инкубаторе)

- садок (для рыб)
- забег двухлеток (на конных состязаниях)

nursery slope — сл. «спуск для малышей» (спуск для начинающих лыжников)


- детский

nursery word or phrase — детское слово или выражение
nursery bottle — бутылочка с питательной смесью; детский рожок
nursery rhyme — детский стишок или песенка; прибаутка

Мои примеры

Примеры с переводом

We put a baby monitor in the nursery.

Мы поставим радионяню в детскую.

We’ve already put his name down for nursery school.

Мы уже записали его в детский сад.

We bought a small tree at the nursery.

Мы купили небольшое дерево в питомнике.

We get our flowers from a local nursery.

Мы получаем цветы из местного питомника.

Nursery places for children are scarce in some parts of the country.

В некоторых районах страны мест в яслях на детей не хватает.

Instead of a verbal description, we will give a rough sketch of the nursery.

Вместо словесных описаний мы предоставим приблизительный эскиз детской.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She still needs to decorate the nursery before the baby comes.

…the nursery full of crying toddlers made a most unvocal din…

Someone had gone into the nursery and swapped all the babies around.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

nurse  — медсестра, няня, медицинская сестра, кормить, нянчить, ухаживать
nursemaid  — няня
nurseryman  — владелец питомника, лесовод, садовник в питомнике
nursing  — уход, кормящая грудью

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): nursery
мн. ч.(plural): nurseries

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