Sentence with the word newspaper

Sentences with the word Newspaper?



  • «the newspaper published charges that Jones was guilty of drunken driving»
  • «their announced intentions»; «the newspaper‘s proclaimed adherence to the government’s policy»
  • «the announcement appeared in the local newspaper«; «the promulgation was written in English»
  • «boxed sections of the report»; «boxed announcements in the newspaper«
  • «The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold»; «The actress won’t reveal how old she is»; «bring out the truth»; «he broke the news to her»; «unwrap the evidence in the murder case»; «The newspaper uncovered the President’s illegal dealings»
  • «publish a magazine or newspaper«
  • «a broad political stance»; «generous and broad sympathies»; «a liberal newspaper«; «tolerant of his opponent’s opinions»
  • «by increasing its circulation the newspaper hoped to increase its advertising»
  • «the newspaper devoted several columns to the subject»; «the bookkeeper used pages that were divided into columns»
  • «a suppression of the newspaper«
  • «Cut out the extra text»; «cut out the newspaper article»
  • «things happen in the earth and sky with no discernible cause»; «the newspaper reports no discernible progress in the negotiations»; «the skyline is easily discernible even at a distance of several miles»
  • «This newspaper story discredits the politicians»
  • «The same family has been editing the influential newspaper for almost 100 years»
  • «all the reporters were expected to adopt the style of the newspaper«
  • «Unfold the newspaper«; «stretch out that piece of cloth»; «extend the TV antenna»
  • «it is their flagship newspaper«
  • «flip me the beachball»; «toss me newspaper«
  • «fold up the newspaper«; «turn up your collar»
  • «She scanned the newspaper headlines while waiting for the taxi»
  • «an influential newspaper«; «influential leadership for peace»
  • «The newspaper was accused of libeling him»
  • «a small business»; «a newspaper with a modest circulation»; «small-scale plans»; «a pocket-size country»
  • «they used bales of newspaper every day»
  • «he read his newspaper at breakfast»
  • «when it began to rain he covered his head with a newspaper«
  • «every newspaper editor is criticized by the newsroom»
  • «The newspaper posted him in Timbuktu»
  • «The newspaper published the news of the royal couple’s divorce»; «These news should not be printed»
  • «Today is beautiful»; «did you see today’s newspaper

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


The newspaper application also includes interesting exclusive offers, for example, the opportunity to download a movie once a week.

Приложение газеты также включает в себя интересные эксклюзивные предложения, например, возможность раз в неделю скачать фильм.

The newspaper also reports that the aircraft could have been more people and authorities are searching for survivors.

Издание также сообщает, что в воздушных судах могло находиться больше людей, и власти ведут поиск выживших.

The newspaper writes that several officials were returned to the republic from Stavropol, through which they tried to leave for Azerbaijan.

Издание пишет, что нескольких чиновников вернули в республику из Ставрополя, через который они пытались выехать в Азербайджан.

The newspaper suggests that the sanctions had unexpected results, benefiting export-oriented companies.

Газета же предлагает, что санкции имели неожиданные результаты, то есть принесли пользу компаниям, ориентированным на экспорт.

The newspaper recently resumed publication pending an appeal against a conviction.

Выпуск газеты недавно возобновился в ожидании решения суда в связи с обжалованием обвинительного приговора.

The newspaper grows to 24 pages.

The newspaper would ruin her and her family.

The newspaper had only 4 pages and cost a halfpenny.

Газета была объемом в четыре страницы, а стоила она 50 сен.

The newspaper quoted anonymous sources who said…

The newspaper was known for its investigative reports on crime and government corruption.

Газета, в которой он работал, была известна своими расследованиями преступлений и случаев коррупции среди властей.

The newspaper and magazine industry will decline in the next decade.

The newspaper has nonetheless been closed.

Газета, тем не менее, была закрыта.

The newspaper printed the wrong phone number.

Как выяснилось позже, местная газета неправильно напечатала номер телефона.

The newspaper stressed that neither patients nor doctors were informed about it.

Газета уточняет, что пациенты и врачи не были поставлены об этом в известность.

The newspaper example is just one of many.

The newspaper was confiscated and its publisher prosecuted.

The newspaper grows to 24 pages.

The newspaper was founded in 1993.

The newspaper articles give much more information about events.

Статьи же в газетах предоставляют на много больше информации о событиях.

The newspaper is one such media information channel.

Министр подчеркнул, что одним из таких каналов коммуникации остается СМИ.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат The newspaper

Результатов: 11248. Точных совпадений: 11248. Затраченное время: 323 мс


Корпоративные решения




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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: newspaper publisher, newsprint, paper. Similar words: paper, news, space, spate, spark, rape, tape, Spanish. Meaning: [‘nuːzpeɪpə(r) /’njuːs-]  n. 1. a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets; contains news and articles and advertisements 2. a business firm that publishes newspapers 3. the physical object that is the product of a newspaper publisher 4. cheap paper made from wood pulp and used for printing newspapers. 

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1. The article was misleading, and the newspaper has apologized.

2. The newspaper editorial defamed the politician.

3. An article in the newspaper caught my attention.

4. The newspaper reporters interviewed the minister.

5. The newspaper had commenced as a duplicated broadsheet.

6. I put an advert in the local newspaper.

7. Which newspaper do you read regularly?

8. Use fairly thick wads of newspaper.

9. He bonked me on the head with his newspaper.

10. I wish to insert an advertisement in your newspaper.

11. The newspaper toned down its attack.

12. The newspaper printed a denial of the untrue story.

13. He issued a writ against the newspaper.

14. This newspaper has a large number of subscribers.

15. She wrote dull[], respectable articles for the local newspaper.

16. He reports for a local newspaper.

17. Chuck me the newspaper, would you?

18. The floor was protected with overlapping sheets of newspaper.

19. The message in the newspaper is unabridged.

20. Have you got a copy of yesterday’s newspaper?

21. She bent forward to pick up the newspaper.

22. Fold this glass bowl in newspaper.

23. Tom wraps a book in a newspaper.

24. I read about it in the newspaper.

25. She quoted from a newspaper article.

26. The newspaper alleged the mayor’s corrupt practices.

27. The newspaper reprinted the facts, without fear or favour.

28. The newspaper devotes two pages to comics.

29. The newspaper edits letters before printing them.

30. The newspaper is the mouthpiece of the government.

More similar words: paper, news, space, spate, spark, rape, tape, Spanish, Hispanic, grape, agape, landscape, in the shape of. 

a past editor of the newspaper — бывший редактор этой газеты  
the inside pages of the newspaper — внутренние страницы газеты  
newspaper / office boy — курьер  
newspaper chains — газетные тресты, объединения  
evangelical newspaper — евангелическая газета, газета евангельских христиан  
newspaper advertisement — рекламное объявление в газете  
to insert an advertisement in a newspaper — поместить рекламное объявление в газету  
to print a newspaper — печатать газету  
to publish a newspaper — выпускать газету  
a newspaper comes out, is published — газета выходит  
regular reader (of a newspaper) — постоянный читатель (газеты)  
newspaper vending machine — автомат для продажи газет  

It was in some newspaper.

Это было в какой-то газете.

Did you see today’s newspaper?

Ты видел сегодняшнюю газету?

He likes reading the newspaper.

Он любит читать эту газету.

Murdoch owns many newspapers

Мердок владеет многими газетными изданиями.

Hand me the newspaper, please.

Подай мне, пожалуйста, газету.

The newspaper lay on the table.

Газета лежала на столе.

He works for a local newspaper.

Он работает в местной газете.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

The newspaper posted him in Timbuktu

She wrote for the now-defunct newspaper.

He got an editorial job at the newspaper.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.


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