Sentence with the word masterpiece

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1 The work was acclaimed as a masterpiece.

2 His book, I must add, is a masterpiece.

3 The book was hailed as a masterpiece/as masterly.

4 This is not just another disaster movie-it’s a masterpiece.

5 Her press conference was a masterpiece of media manipulation.

6 The whole thing was a masterpiece of crowd management.

7 This book is a real masterpiece.

8 The shark is a masterpiece of evolution.

9 The coach was a masterpiece of Teutonic engineering.

10 Her work is a masterpiece of simplicity.

11 Lang’s first film was immediately hailed as a masterpiece.

12 The report is a masterpiece of brevity.

13 The painting is a masterpiece in the truest sense of the word.

14 I know enough about art to recognize a masterpiece when I see one.

15 Technicallythe building is a masterpiece,[] but few people like it.

16 The play was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it very disappointing.

17 The film was hailed as a masterpiece in its day.

18 This movie is in every way a masterpiece of cinematography.

19 As a result, it’s a masterpiece.

20 Off you go to create your own masterpiece!

21 Many people regard this painting as Raphael’s masterpiece.

22 Troup produced his masterpiece in Dunedin in 1907.

23 Andrews snipped and sewed the masterpiece into one-piece garments.

24 ‘The Last Supper’ is widely regarded as Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece.

25 Mary Shelley was just 18 when she wrote the horror masterpiece ‘Frankenstein’.

26 The artistic zealot devoted his life to the completion of a great masterpiece.

27 She produced regular pot — boilers while also working on her masterpiece.

28 He played an early little sonata of Mozart’s, which he magicked into a masterpiece with his deft touch.

29 ‘Man’s Fate,’ translated into sixteen languages, is probably his masterpiece.

30 Within a week of publication, the novel was hailed as a masterpiece.

More similar words: master, piece, a piece of, go to pieces, piece together, plaster cast, eastern, plaster, asteroid, disaster, monastery, eastern europe, mast, interpret, interplay, haste, enterprise, taste, counterpart, fasten, interpersonal, counterpoint, taste of, roasted, lambaste, interpretation, free enterprise, toothpaste, stern, poster. 

Masterpiece, magnum opus (Latin, great work) or chef-d’œuvre (French, master of work, plural chefs-d’œuvre) in modern use is a creation that has been given much critical praise, especially one that is considered the greatest work of a person’s career or to a work of outstanding creativity, skill, profundity, or workmanship. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

One can hardly look back at games like Return to Castle Wolfenstien, Duke Nukem 3D or Doom and — with a straight face, mind — declare them masterpieces of storytelling.


The frustration, dissatisfaction, anger and a feeling of betrayal born back in 1942, when RKO started screening the period drama Welles believed could be his real masterpiece, was still very much there.


If anything, Blade Runner 2049 had even more to live up to than The Force Awakens did, following on as it was from a masterpiece of an original, whereas JJ Abrams» film only needed to dispel the memory of the much-maligned Star Wars prequel trilogy.


I love seeing what people do with random pieces that look like junk and turn them into beautiful masterpieces!!


Frank Lloyd Wright’s masterpiece, Fallingwater, was designed for the Kaufmann family in 1935.


The Courtauld Gallery has announced the most significant addition to its modern collections in over a decade — two masterpieces by Frank Auerbach; «Rebuilding the Empire Cinema, Leicester Square», 1962, and «Summer, Tretire», 1975.


Extraordinary in its gameplay, the title still remains a masterpiece.


Only «Eternal Sunshine» of her nominated perfs this decade will be seen as a masterpiece.


ANOTHER ONE At Gavin Brown’s Enterprise in Harlem, Rirkrit Tiravanija continued his Johnsian devotion to inventing nothing with a masterpiece: a loving and infinitely touching frame-by-frame re-creation of Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s 1974 film «Ali: Fear Eats the Soul.»


Pinning passages of messy sfumato upon stray advertising layouts, Albert Oehlen deposes the medium, sneaks up on grand painting before it can be frozen as a mere masterpiece.


by Walter Chaw A cacophonous mess of misguided revisionism and misplaced emphasis, Simon Wells’s (and an uncredited Gore Verbinski’s) updating of H.G. Wells’s poli-sci-fi schlock masterpiece The Time Machine is a miasmic disaster, a sinkhole of shrug-worthy special effects, matte paintings, relentless music, and dangling plotlines and motivations.


Official Premise: World-renowned Kojima Productions showcases the latest masterpiece in the Metal Gear Solid franchise with Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes.


Welcome to MinDrenchTM, our monthly spotlight section that features some of the best, timeless, masterpieces out there.


The first «Terminator» is a masterpiece in low budget filmmaking.


I can’t stand the idea of tossing an Easter masterpiece — and trust me, you’ll want to keep these around, so I highly recommend purchasing durable plastic decorating eggs for this project!


Recently, we not only added 50 high-resolution images to our collection page on the site, but we also included a virtual museum tour and published a GIGAPIXEL image of PH-129, 1949, a classic Still masterpiece.


As we looked at the masterpieces in the Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon — Ultra Prism expansion, we noticed some clear themes.


A long-unavailable underground hit that anticipated The Hunger Games novels by eight years, veteran director Fukasaku’s epically violent, still-controversial and deeply influential genre masterpiece takes place in a dystopian alternate universe.


Scott Youngbauer reviews the Paolo Sorrentino masterpiece.


I want them to be unable or unwilling to sell these masterpieces for under nosebleed pricing, and I want them to continue to make the hurdles higher for those who choose to go the trad route, while simultaneously convincing the majority of authors there is no other «real» way to be an author than that approach.


Nowhere near the masterpiece that is From Software’s game, of course, but worthy of respect.


Joe Donnelly: Don’t let appearances fool you: beneath the modest veneer lies a deep and engaging versus mode masterpiece.


Get ready to delight to another RPG masterpiece in Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom.


It seems he may have known he was doing something a bit wrong when he started creating this masterpiece.


[This book is] a masterpiece of internal organization, making it very easy to use for reference and containing an overwhelming range of strategies to support pupils in developing the ability to be self-assessing, proactive, independent learners….


Bearcats — South Asian raccoon-like mammals described as «bear-weasels» — have some fight in them, but if you’ve seen Ryan Coogler’s recent masterpiece, panthers are as lethal as they are cool.


This stunning desert masterpiece has every amenity possible and only the highest quality finishes.


to create another masterpiece from Fleischer.


Fresh off of his masterpiece, the assured and surprisingly chaste Code Unknown, Haneke takes another step in the wild side, returning to sadistic cinema that made him a name with Funny Games and 1992’s Benny’s Video.


As with Alien and Blade Runner, Scott has fashioned a science fiction film that will leave fans arguing, with some dismissing it out of hand and others declaring it a modern masterpiece.


You will never discover your masterpiece creating one piece or one product or delivering one presentation.


She also gave Spike Jonze the freedom to make the masterpiece that was Her and David O. Russell the support to go wild with American Hustle.


You can swim, snorkel, dive and sail this living masterpiece.


This museum is made by Vasari and the building itself is a true masterpiece.


Copenhagen has many architectural masterpieces, and Kim Høltermand tries to extract the will of its designer from each building she photographs.


I don’t think it’s the masterpiece that Inglourious Bastards is, but it’s a whole lot of fun, and there’s no arguing that.


I think the main of gist of this suggestion is: Don’t tell yourself, «I can’t write a masterpiece UNTIL I have a Cartier pen or a brand new laptop.»


It seems that the romantic notion of the writer toiling away at his desk in spurts of inspiration for years only to emerge from the cocoon of his desk with a literary masterpiece has been traded out with another, more macabre.


Collaboration with Weng Contemporary has graced Widewalls booth at the Berliner Liste with one of the masterpieces by none other than Robert Longo, as a curiosity dedicated to collectors of blue chip art.


Breath of the Wild is a masterpiece of modern game design.


Don’t forget to pay a visit to the extremely colourful La Boqueria Market, the beautifully atmospheric Catalan Gothic masterpiece Santa Maria del Mar basilica, the delightful old fisherman’s quarter and stunning sandy beach of Barceloneta.


It was to be a dramatic masterpiece featuring Johnny, a true American hero.


Hadn’t we waited long enough for a sequel to the 2010 masterpiece?


Alex Garland has constructed another magnificent and mind-bending science fiction masterpiece.


This is no masterpiece, but it is the kind of material director Francis Lawrence (no relation) manages well.


Outlast, by the developers over at Red Barrel Games, is a masterpiece in the survival horror genre and for us left a great impact.


Give it a look and tell us that you weren’t floored by this visual masterpiece.


In the same way that Anne and Georges are yet another Anne and Georges (or Ann and Georg or George) in a long besieged line of Haneke protagonists, so Huppert is once again a woman for whom the masterpieces of the Western canon do nothing to strengthen her ties to her amours.


There’s also a trio of comedy masterpieces: Airplane!


One of the most famous movies ever made, Alfred Hitchcock’s experimental masterpiece immortalizes messed-up man-boy Norman Bates, chillingly played by Anthony Perkins.


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These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

шедевр m

произведение искусства n















Yet he continued to write one masterpiece after another.

Он не прекращал заниматься живописью и писал один шедевр за другим.

His unfinished yet perhaps most famous masterpiece is an absolute must visit.

Его незаконченный, но, пожалуй, самый знаменитый шедевр, который обязательно нужно посетить.

Hoping to finish my masterpiece by then.

Надеюсь, что закончу свой шедевр, к тому времени.

Fredward began what was to be his masterpiece.

Фредвард начал то, что должно было быть его шедевром.

You know that this masterpiece came into top ten ugliest monuments.

Вы знаете, что этот шедевр вошел в мировую десятку самых уродливых памятников.

Yet out of this emerged his masterpiece.

Тем не менее, из-за этого появился его шедевр.

This masterpiece stands proudly in this place since 1782.

Этот шедевр гордо возвышается на своем месте еще с далекого 1782 года.

Technically, it was a masterpiece.

Зато с технической точки зрения это был шедевр.

No artist can repeat his masterpiece.

Ни один художник не сможет повторить эти шедевры.

Overall, this book is a masterpiece.

В общем и целом — эта книга — шедевр.

What creates a masterpiece is the artist.

То, что создает шедевр, — это сам художник.

No work without aggressive character can be a masterpiece.

Никакое произведение, лишенное агрессивного характера, не может быть шедевром».

Here anyone can create their own musical masterpiece.

В этой игре любой сможет придумать свой собственный музыкальный шедевр.

Hokusai created this world famous masterpiece when he was about seventy.

Хокусай создал этот всемирно известный шедевр, когда ему было около 70 лет.

This band created at least one masterpiece in every genre they tried.

Эта группа создала по крайней мере один шедевр в каждом жанре, который они пробовали.

Construction started in 1421 with builders working on this masterpiece over successive generations.

Строительство здания началось в 1421 году и несколько последующих поколений строителей принимали участие в работе над этим шедевром.

Today it is rightly regarded as an early film masterpiece.

На сегодняшний день фильм по праву считается одним из шедевров раннего кинематографа.

Technically speaking it was a masterpiece.

Зато с технической точки зрения это был шедевр.

Even so, he writes his masterpiece.

Несмотря ни на что, он все также продолжает писать свои шедевры.

There is not a single tourist who will not admire this architectural masterpiece.

Наверное, нет такого туриста, который не хотел бы познакомиться с этим удивительным архитектурным шедевром.

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It was an absolute masterpiece.
Это безусловный шедевр.

This symphony is a real masterpiece.
Эта симфония — настоящий шедевр.

«The Goldfinch» is a literary masterpiece.
«Щегол» — это литературный шедевр.

40 Year Old Virgin is a masterpiece.
40 летний девственник Это шедевр.

This painting by Rembrandt is a masterpiece.
Эта картина Рембрандта — шедевр.

Miss Siddal will be modelling for my masterpiece.
Мисс Сиддал будет натурщицей для моего шедевра.

A masterpiece of quattrocento portraiture, one of a kind.
Шедевр портретной живописи кватроченто, единственный в своём роде.

Begin with Nikolai Gogol’s 1842 masterpiece, Dead Souls.
Начните с шедевра Николая Гоголя «Мертвые души», написанного в 1842 году.

It’s a pity your masterpiece will remain unknown.
Жаль, что ваш шедевр останется неоцененным.

All they see is this rubbish, not the masterpiece underneath.
Все что они увидят — эту мазню, а не шедевр под ним.

This is eerily similar to my spec script for Masterpiece Theater.
Это до жути похоже На мой независимый сценарий для театра «Шедевр».

The Treasury Department’s new sanctions announcement is a masterpiece of ingenuity.
Заявление Министерства финансов США о новых санкциях — в своем роде шедевр изобретательности.

You can see what I said about it. It’s a flawed masterpiece.
Вы сами видите, что я говорю о нем. Это шедевр с изъянами.

“The Satanic Verses” by Salman Rushdie is a real masterpiece of modern literature.
«Сатанинские стихи» Салмана Рушди — настоящий шедевр современной литературы.

Oh, it turns out Amy’s beloved Pride and Prejudice is a flawless masterpiece.
Оказывается, Гордость и Предубеждение — безупречный шедевр литературы.

They just quite happily show their masterpiece to whoever wants to look at it.
Они абсолютно счастливы показать их шедевр любому, кто захочет посмотреть.

The Maastricht Treaty of 1992 was probably the last masterpiece of Franco-German creativity.
Маастрихтский договор 1992 года был, наверное, последним шедевром франко-германского творчества.

My masterpiece, Doctor, a living TARDIS, strong enough to hold the paradox in place.
Мой шедевр, Доктор, живой ТАРДИС, который достаточно силен, чтобы сдержать парадокс.

I like this picture, not because it is a masterpiece, but because it has charm.
Я бы хотел эту картину не потому, что это шедевр, но потому, что в ней есть очарование.

Putin’s letter is a masterpiece for Russia and a disaster for the U.S.
«Письмо Путина — это шедевр для России и бедствие для США.


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Definition of Masterpiece

an outstanding work or skill

Examples of Masterpiece in a sentence

Staring at the blank canvas, the artist pondered how he could turn this slate into a world-renowned masterpiece.


The flawless Rembrandt masterpiece was sold for several million dollars.


Sitting down at his piano, Mozart pieced together his latest masterpiece.


An outstanding work of art, the poem was a first-class masterpiece.


The world-class chef used unique ingredients to create a delectable masterpiece.


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